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再生稻头季不同施氮水平的双季氮素吸收及产量效应研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对再生稻头季不同施N水平的双季N素吸收及产量效应研究结果表明 ,双季稻株吸N量与头季稻施N量呈抛物线形相关 ,以头季稻穗发育阶段吸N速率最高 ,头季稻分蘖末期、结实期和头季稻收割~再生季稻齐穗期次之。稻株总吸N量中土壤N吸收量所占比率随施N水平的提高而降低 ,化肥N吸收量则与施N量呈抛物线形关系 ,结实期营养器官转移N是籽粒N素积累的主要来源。双季稻株干物质积累量与头季稻施N量也呈抛物线形相关 ,超过施N限额后净同化率显著降低 ,群体生长率下降 ,干物质净积累量减少。稻谷产量与干物质总积累量呈极显著正相关 ,尤其与水稻生长中后期干物质净积累量极密切相关 ,再生季稻产量与头季稻中后期干物质净积累量极密切相关。头季稻施N 2 2 5~ 30 0kg hm2 并加施适量芽肥处理 ,头季稻和再生季稻中后期干物质净积累量及稻谷产量均最高 ,头季稻产量达 1 0 91 3~ 1 1 30 0万kg hm2 ,再生季稻产量达 75 6 5~ 7878kg hm2 。  相似文献   

为探讨头季稻不同肥料运筹方式对再生稻产量和氮素利用率的影响,以杂交稻组合"Ⅱ优航2号"为材料,在头季施氮量225.00kg·hm-2的基础上,研究了不同基蘖穗肥氮素配比[3种基蘖肥与穗肥配比分别为8:2(N1)、7:3(N2)、6:4(N3)]头季稻-再生季稻氮素累积量、干物质生产、产量及氮素利用率的特性。结果表明:与N1、N2相比,头季成熟期N3处理氮素累积量分别增加9.26%、3.54%,头季齐穗期~头季成熟期N3处理氮素转移量分别增加21.47%、6.76%,整个生育期N3处理干物质净积累总量分别增加5.10%、4.78%。N3处理头季产量最高,达12431kg·hm-2,极显著高于N1、N2处理;氮肥利用率达46.44%,比N1、N2处理提高14.81%、5.43%;氮肥农学利用率达20.66kg·kg-1,比N1、N2处理提高14.97%、12.34%。研究结果还表明,头季不同基蘖穗肥氮素配比对再生稻再生季的影响不显著。  相似文献   

Increased paddy yields due to algal inoculation were earlier reported in controlled pot and field experiments (1–8). The present communication deals with a field trial conducted in a cultivator's field at Vasudevanallur in Madras State, during November 1966 to March 1967, with ASD 5 paddy variety. The paddy cultivation in the field followed a groundnut crop.  相似文献   

水稻产量构成因素与植株特性的典型相关分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文通过6个水稻品种7个性状指标的典型相关分析,结果表明:水稻产量构成因素与植株特性的第一和第二典型相关系数达极显著水平,分别为0.834466和0.590734,占总相关的98.99%;单株产量与植株特性和产量构成因素的典型相关系数也达极显著水平,分别为0.975675和0.843063。从分析结果可得出在这些性状中起主要作用的性状指标有株穗数(X7)和干物重(X3)。  相似文献   

水稻是中国的重要粮食作物,水稻生产成本的高低既是决定产地竞争力的关键因素,又影响农民收入。该文对中国水稻生产成本地区性差异的原因进行了分析,并提出相关的政策建议,以期为降低中国水稻生产成本,促进水稻主产区农民增收,提高中国水稻生产的国际竞争力提供参考。  相似文献   

水稻是中国的重要粮食作物,水稻生产成本的高低既是决定产地竞争力的关键因素,又影响农民收入.该文对中国水稻生产成本地区性差异的原因进行了分析,并提出相关的政策建议,以期为降低中国水稻生产成本,促进水稻主产区农民增收,提高中国水稻生产的国际竞争力提供参考.  相似文献   

对广西水牛研究所共84头奶水牛的体型线性性状与其第一胎305 d产奶量进行相关与通径分析。结果显示:奶水牛体型线性性状中,尻长与摩拉水牛、尼里-拉菲水牛、三品杂水牛等三个品种奶水牛的第一胎305 d产奶量均有较强的相关,分别是0.3141、0.3343和-0.2184;此外,摩拉水牛的体高(-0.3410),尼里-拉菲水牛的后房高(0.3847)、后房宽(0.4750),三品杂水牛的后房高(-0.2852)、乳房深(0.2662)与其对应的第一胎305 d产奶量有较强的相关。结果表明:奶水牛体型线性性状与其第一胎305 d产奶量存在一定的相关,但其影响在不同品种间有很大的差异;结果也可能表明对奶水牛体型线性性状的选择标准和要求不同于普通奶牛。  相似文献   

土壤水分和养分时空变异性与作物产量的关系   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
精确农业使得农田土壤水分和养分的时空变异与产量关系的研究显得尤为重要,这就要求在其研究方法上取得新的进展,以加快精确农业的进程。该文运用传统统计理论和地质统计学理论结合分析了冬小麦苗期、灌浆期的土壤水分和养分变异与产量变异之间的关系。提出用“综合指示率”综合评价土壤的水分和养分状况,并分析了综合指示率的变异与作物产量变异之间的关系。结果表明在67.8 m范围内综合指示率与产量之间存在很强的空间相关性,综合指示率越大,产量越高。Kriging估计的空间分布图也表明综合指示率与产量有较好的对应关系,综合指示率能解释产量变异的58.4%,比多元回归结果提高17.4%。多元逐步回归分析和综合指示率与产量的两变量回归分析结果都表明,同时考虑土壤水分和养分的变异能解释产量变异的33.3%~58.4%,比只考虑土壤养分变异时提高0~5.2%,同时考虑苗期和灌浆期土壤水分和养分变异能解释产量变异的41.0%~58.4%,比只考虑其中1个时期提高4.3%~16.5%。综合指示率为表达农田土壤水分和养分时空变异性及其与作物产量的关系提供了一种思路和方法,其分布图不仅是管理者综合评价土壤水分和养分状况的有利工具,而且把它与产量分布图对比,可以为精确农业的实施提供一定参考。  相似文献   

试验采用HEDTA螯合缓冲营养液培养法,选用子粒含锌量有明显差异的两个水稻基因型(碧玉早糯和浙农921),采用4种锌离子活度(pZn2+9.7,10.3,11.0,11.4),研究了锌离子活度对水稻产量和子粒锌积累、分配与子粒品质的影响及基因型差异。结果表明,锌离子活度通过对水稻有效穗数、每穗颖花数、结实率和千粒重的影响而显著影响水稻单株产量,其中影响最大的是单株有效穗数,其次是每穗颖花数,而对结实率的影响相对较小,但均存在明显的基因型差异。锌离子活度显著影响水稻子粒锌含量,随锌离子活度下降,水稻子粒含锌量降低,当锌离子活度低于pZn2+10.3时,两基因型水稻的含锌量均显著降低,但基因型间存在明显差异。不论在何种锌离子活度下,碧玉早糯的子粒含锌量均显著高于浙农921。从子粒锌分配看,颖壳、糙米、精米锌含量均随着锌离子活度提高而提高,当pZn2+从10.3升高到9.7时,碧玉早糯的糙米和精米锌含量开始降低,颖壳锌含量则开始超过糙米的锌含量继续升高;而浙农921糙米和精米锌含量的升高幅度较颖壳锌含量小。不同锌离子活度下,糙米和精米锌含量的比值在0.790~.90之间变化,并以pZn2+为9.7时为最小。因此,通过筛选子粒富锌水稻品种来提高稻米锌含量经济可行;通过增加环境锌离子活度,改善水稻的锌营养能显著提高水稻子粒的锌含量。  相似文献   

Conservation agriculture (CA) has the potential to sustain soil productivity and benefit agroecosystems, yet it is not fully understood how yield responses of different cropping systems are affected by inherent soil characteristics, for example, texture and dynamic soil properties, such as aggregation, nutrients and erosion. In this study, we conducted a systematic review to compare crop yield from cropland with conventional management versus different CA practices, specifically reduced- or no-tillage, agroforestry, organic farming and cover crops. The data were first analysed for different climatic regions, soil textures and cash crop types. We then quantified how yield responses correlated with soil properties change under different CA practices. The results showed that CA practices were associated with an overall mean crop yield increase of 12%. This response was primarily driven by corn, which had a mean yield increase of almost 41% after CA implementation, whereas other cash crops did not have significant yield responses or showed slight decreases, as rotation with mixtures of multiple cash crops had a mean decrease of 6% when using CA. The increase in corn yield after CA may be related to the enhanced ability of that crop to absorb nutrient elements (e.g. nitrogen) and reduce nutrient leaching. Agroforestry increased crop yield by 66% and cover cropping increased yield by 11%, likely due to increases in soil water content and nutrient availability and decreases in erosion and surface runoff. However, other agricultural systems showed no significant increase after CA compared with conventional row cropping practices. Using CA practices had the greatest yield benefit in tropical climates and when farming in coarse-textured soils. In addition, legumes and grass-legume mixtures resulted in significant cash crop yield increases, possibly because legumes promoted the increase of soil nitrogen and depleted soil moisture less compared with other cover crops. The results provide new insight into how interactions between soil properties and CA practices affect crop yield and at the same time can help guide the development of practical, evidence-based guidelines for using conservation practices to improve yield in corn and other cash crops.  相似文献   

  【目的】  推荐施肥是提高作物产量和肥料利用率的有效措施。基于产量反应的养分专家系统 (Nutrient Expert for Rice,NE) 易于操作,便于推广。通过大量田间试验,验证了其在东北一季稻上的应用效果。  【方法】  于2013—2018年在东北水稻主产区黑龙江省和吉林省共开展了115个田间试验,每个试验包括6个处理:1) 基于水稻养分专家系统推荐施肥处理 (NE);2) 农民习惯施肥措施处理 (FP);3) 基于测土配方施肥或当地农技部门推荐施肥的处理 (ST);4)~6) 分别为基于NE的不施氮 (N)、不施磷 (P) 和不施钾 (K) 处理,用于计算养分利用率。水稻收获期调查产量,依据肥料成本,计算净效益和肥料利用率。  【结果】  NE、FP和ST处理间的水稻产量无显著差异 (P = 0.185),但以NE处理的产量较高,平均为9068 kg/hm2,与FP和ST处理相比,分别增加了344和196 kg/hm2,其产量差随着NE系统不断优化趋于稳定。虽然NE处理的肥料成本 (TFC) 最高,但其净效益 (GRF) 比FP和ST处理分别高1043和537元/hm2,这部分效益都来自于产量的增量。养分回收率 (RE) 均以NE处理最高,与FP和ST处理相比,氮素回收率分别提高了3.3和2.3个百分点,磷素回收率分别提高了3.5和3.6个百分点,钾素回收率分别提高了7.3和4.6个百分点。与FP处理相比,NE处理的氮和磷的农学效率 (AE) 分别显著提高2.7 kg/kg (P = 0.022) 和4.1 kg/kg(P = 0.030),3个处理的钾素农学效率无显著差异。肥料偏生产力 (PFP) 的大小与施肥量呈显著负相关,NE和ST处理N的偏生产力显著高于FP处理 (P = 0.004),ST处理磷素偏生产力显著高于NE和FP处理 (P = 0.001),但FP处理钾素偏生产力高于NE和ST处理,并与NE处理差异达到了显著水平 (P = 0.028)。  【结论】  与以常规测土施肥为基础的推荐施肥相比,基于产量反应的养分专家系统 (NE系统) 的推荐施肥量和比例更符合作物对养分的需求,在吉林和黑龙江两个省份的大田试验中均获得了相同或更高的水稻产量。由于NE系统无论是否进行土壤测试都可用来进行推荐施肥,因而是更加方便和可行的一季稻施肥推荐方法。  相似文献   

Organic amendments not only promote soil quality and plant performance directly but also facilitate the establishment of introduced microbial agents. A field experiment with a fully factorial design was conducted using three levels of vermicompost (without vermicompost, low dose of 15 Mg ha−1 and high dose of 30 Mg ha−1), with and without plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) to investigate their effects in a tomato – by spinach rotation system. Our results demonstrated that applying PGPR alone had no effect on soil properties and crop performance. Vermicompost enhanced the beneficial effects of PGPR on both soil and crop, with the extent of promotion depending on the dose of vermicompost and crop types. In the presence of vermicompost, PGPR significantly (P < 0.05) reduced soil carbon and nitrogen but increased soil microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen. PGPR also significantly increased the yield of tomato and spinach under the low dose of vermicompost, but only significantly increased tomato yield under the high dose of vermicompost. There were strongly synergistic effects between vermicompost and PGPR on crop quality, with crop nitrate concentration being significantly decreased, while the vitamin C in tomato and soluble protein in spinach was significantly increased. Our results revealed the high potential of integrating vermicompost and microbial agents to substitute for regular chemical fertilization practices.  相似文献   

试验研究超高产栽培模式和常规栽培模式对再生稻头季稻分蘖动态及生理生化特性影响的结果表明,与常规栽培模式相比,头季生育期间,超高产栽培模式稻株的根系活力、叶绿素含量、叶面积指数、硝酸还原酶活性、硝态氮含量、Ca^2+-ATPase和Mg^2+-ATPase活性从分蘖期到成熟期分别高出20.60%~38.65%、5.16%~23.26%、18.91%~63.29%、18.22%~76.76%、34.88%~48.35%、1.25%~17.94%和4.09%~17.87%,有效分蘖期缩短5d,低节位分蘖多51.61%;不同生育期超高产栽培模式氮素累积量是常规栽培模式的1.43~2.44倍,磷素累积量是常规栽培模式的1.21~1.48倍,孕穗期后的钾素累积量是常规栽培模式的1.55—2.21倍,为优化群体质量,提高后期群体光合效率,实现高产奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Nitrate nitrogen losses through subsurface drainage and crop yield are determined by multiple climatic and management variables. The combined and interactive effects of these variables, however, are poorly understood. Our objective is to predict crop yield, nitrate concentration, drainage volume, and nitrate loss in subsurface drainage from a corn (Zea mays L.) and soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) rotation as a function of rainfall amount, soybean yield for the year before the corn-soybean sequence being evaluated, N source, N rate, and timing of N application in northeastern Iowa, U.S.A. Ten years of data (1994-2003) from a long-term study near Nashua, Iowa were used to develop multivariate polynomial regression equations describing these variables. The regression equations described over 87, 85, 94, 76, and 95% of variation in soybean yield, corn yield, subsurface drainage, nitrate concentration, and nitrate loss in subsurface drainage, respectively. A two-year rotation under average soil, average climatic conditions, and 125 kg N/ha application was predicted to loose 29, 37, 36, and 30 kg N/ha in subsurface drainage for early-spring swine manure, fall-applied swine manure, early-spring UAN fertilizer, and late-spring split UAN fertilizer (urea ammonium nitrate), respectively. Predicted corn yields were 10.0 and 9.7 Mg/ha for the swine manure and UAN sources applied at 125 kg N/ha. Timing of application (i.e., fall or spring) did not significantly affect corn yield. These results confirm other research suggesting that manure application can result in less nitrate leaching than UAN (e.g., 29 vs. 36 kg N/ha), and that spring application reduces nitrate leaching compared to fall application (e.g., 29 vs. 37 kg N/ha). The regression equations improve our understanding of nitrate leaching; offer a simple method to quantify potential N losses from Midwestern corn-soybean rotations under the climate, soil, and management conditions of the Nashua field experiment; and are a step toward development of easy to use N management tools.  相似文献   

We assessed the Azospirillum inoculation and N-fertilization effect on grain yield and on the phyllosphere endophytic diversity of nitrogen-fixing bacteria in a rice rainfed crop. We used cultivation-based techniques and cultivation-independent methods involving PCR-16S rRNA and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). In general, we observed that grain yield was improved when inoculated with Azospirillum (depending on the genotype) and/or fertilized with urea. A similar behavior was observed in total N-content in grain and the MPN determination, as the highest values occurred when seeds were inoculated with A. brasilense REC3 (S1) than with A brasilense 13-2C (S2). A positive nitrogenase activity and PCR-nifH amplification suggests that the bacteria associated to inner tissues of rice phyllosphere could have contributed to the different N-contents detected. The bacterial diversity, observed in the number and intensity of DGGE profiles, showed a higher number of bands when total DNA was obtained using only CTAB than with CTAB + PVP. The DGGE profiles revealed great stability in the dominating bands, which presumably represent numerically dominant species. Application of A. brasilense strains as inoculants did not influence the dominant members of the endophytic microbial communities in the phyllosphere, but improved N-content and production of rainfed rice crop.  相似文献   

作物产量差研究与展望   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
作物实际产量与潜在产量间存在较大差距,地区间甚至同一地区不同田块间作物产量也存在显著差异,这种现象在世界范围内的农业生产中广泛存在.缩小该差距对于提高粮食产量,确保粮食安全具有重要意义.本文在阐述开展作物产量差研究重要性和必要性的基础上,从产量差的内涵、研究尺度的扩展及分析方法等方面介绍了目前国内外有关作物产量差的研究进展,并综述了作物生长模拟模型在产量差研究中的应用,最后分析了目前作物产量差研究中存在的问题和不足之处,并探讨了未来作物产量差研究的发展方向.  相似文献   

通过田间试验,利用15N自然丰度法,研究了太湖地区水稻土冬季绿肥的固氮量,以及绿肥还田后配施氮肥对水稻产量、稻田土壤供氮能力及土壤氮素淋失特征的影响。试验结果表明,紫云英和蚕豆当季分别能固定氮约32.8和68.8 kg km-2进入稻田生态系统以培肥土壤和供下季水稻利用。蚕豆秸秆还田后基本能满足水稻生长所需的氮,紫云英和蚕豆还田施氮120 kg km-2时,既可保证水稻较高产量,又节约当季化学氮肥45%~55%。紫云英和蚕豆还田不施氮肥处理,整个生长期耕层土壤溶液NH+4-N、NO-3-N和TN浓度均低于配施氮肥的处理;蚕豆还田处理土壤溶液TN浓度高于紫云英还田处理。随氮肥用量增加,NH+4-N、NO-3-N和TN浓度有增加趋势,不同施氮量间差异不显著。绿肥-水稻轮作,紫云英和蚕豆还田土壤氮素淋溶显著降低。配施氮肥增加了土壤氮的淋失量,尤其施氮300 kg km-2处理,土壤淋溶液NH+4-N、TN浓度显著高于施氮0~240 kg km-2的处理。  相似文献   


Whole crop rice (WCR) is expected to establish a cultivation method using manure produced from animal wastes. Meanwhile, application methods of fertilizer and manure in the WCR cultivation are affected by availability of manure, available time for its application, and field drainage, and low market price of WCR. This raises concerns about soil fertility deterioration and yield reduction in the WCR cultivation. The objectives of this study were to investigate how different application methods of fertilizer and manure affected soil chemical properties and yield in the WCR cultivation. Field surveys were conducted in 2013 and 2014 at 10 fields cultivated by five different farmers in the Itoshima region, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan. The surveyed fields included two application methods of manure (M) alone and chemical fertilizer (CF) alone. Clay plus silt content was significantly correlated with total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), and exchangeable potassium (Exch. K), which indicated that soil texture partly contributed to the variations of these soil chemical properties. Meanwhile, clear gaps of TN, TP, Exch. K, K saturation degree, and available N between CF and M at around 40% of clay plus silt content strongly suggested that manure application contributed to increases in the soil chemical properties. Yearly differences of available N had relatively large negative values in CF fields. This result suggested a possible decrease in mineralizable part of soil TN in the WCR cultivation with CF alone, which needs to be clarified through long-term study. Significant relationships between potential N supply and straw weight (= 0.698, p < 0.05 for 2013; r = 0.873, p < 0.01 for 2014) or yield of whole crop (= 0.852, p < 0.01 for 2014) indicated that N mineralized from soil, which was enhanced by manure application, increased straw weight, resulting in an increase in yield of whole crop. However, excessive amounts of manure applied in surveyed fields can cause groundwater and surface water pollution. Thus, nutrient balances in a paddy field need to be analyzed further to determine an appropriate application amount of manure.  相似文献   

In a long-term pot experiment with paddy rice, the effect of a wet or dry fallow on methanogenesis was studied during the ninth season. At times of CH4 measurement, the oxidation of CH4 was suppressed by C2H2. Methanogenesis started earlier in continuously flooded soil and was higher during the entire rice-growing period than in soil kept dry during the fallow and rewetted again before transplanting the rice seedlings. Increased CH4 emission from the wet fallow treatment was, in contrast to the dry fallow treatment, associated with constantly low redox potentials. The experiment shows that the water regime during the fallow period is important to methanogenesis during the growth of rice plants.  相似文献   

3种水稻趋势产量拟合方法的比较分析   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
<正>确评估气象条件对粮食产量的影响必须以准确的气象产量为前提,因此,探求长时间序列粮食趋势产量提取分离方法对于更好地指导未来作物生产有重要意义。本文应用辽宁省9个地区17个站点62年的水稻历史产量数据,以相近地区农业生产力技术发展水平应具有一致性、产量序列的趋势应反映国家惠农政策对粮食增产的促进作用、相近地区热量条件变化的一致性可引起气象产量具有同升同降的特点等为评判标准,分析评价了应用HP滤波法、指数平滑法以及Logistic方法分离水稻的趋势产量、气象产量序列的合理性。研究结果表明:1)Logistic方法、HP滤波法以及指数平滑法所拟合出的趋势产量序列与辽宁省平均趋势产量序列一致,3种方法均能较好地反映辽宁省生产力发展水平的区域一致性特点;其中,沈阳、铁岭、鞍山、辽阳、丹东和锦州6个地区的趋势产量序列与辽宁省平均趋势产量序列间的一致性相关系数达0.908以上,表现为一致性极好;2)HP滤波法拟合出的趋势产量序列能较真实地反映由于生产力和国家政策变化所带来的实际产量的变化趋势,指数平滑法次之,而Logistic方法提取的趋势产量变化趋势反映社会发展实际的能力最差;3)不同趋势产量分离方法得到的气象产量区域平均值序列具有相似的年际及年代际变化特征,三者之间无显著区别(P0.05);HP滤波法分离得到的气象产量吻合气候特征的能力最强,指数平滑法次之,Logistic方法最差。综合分析,辽宁省水稻趋势产量的提取以应用HP滤波法最优,指数平滑法次之,而Logistic方法不适合辽宁省水稻趋势产量的提取。研究结果可为作物趋势产量拟合提供方法借鉴。  相似文献   

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