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A nine-month-old golden retriever bitch was presented with exercise intolerance and recurrent nasal discharge. Based on clinical, radiographic and ultrasonographic examination, a diagnosis of rhinitis, situs inversus totalis and tricuspid valve insufficiency was established. The results of video- and electron microscopy studies of the respiratory epithelium were compatible with primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD). However, no evidence of a primary ultrastructural defect of the cilia was found. The dog was euthanased because of the poor prognosis. At necropsy, a hydrocephalus internus and a subaortic stenosis were additionally diagnosed. PCD, in combination with situs inversus, has been previously reported in golden retrievers, but without a concomitant hydrocephalus internus. Furthermore, concomitant occurrence of internal cardiac malformation and PCD has not previously been reported in the dog.  相似文献   

A 6-year-old mixed-breed dog was referred because of chronic diarrhea, which had begun after antibiotic treatment for pulmonary disease. Intestinal bacterial overgrowth was presumptively diagnosed on the basis of intestinal mucosal cytologic examination and low serum cobalamin concentration. When the diarrhea did not respond to treatment, contrast radiography was performed and a short small intestine was found. The diarrhea could not be managed by medical treatment, and the dog was euthanatized. Necropsy revealed 2 blind intestinal pouches attached to a 46-cm length of small intestine connecting the stomach and colon. The dog's deteriorating condition was attributable to necrosis and rupture of 1 of the pouches.  相似文献   

Rectal bleeding in a 7-month-old 13-kg sexually intact female mixed-breed dog was determined to be associated with vascular ectasia of the small intestine, descending colon, rectum, and anus. Microscopically, the telangiectasia was associated with lymphangiectasia and focal ulceration. Surgical intervention resulted in incomplete resection of the lesion and only temporary amelioration of clinical signs. The dog's age was compatible with a congenital origin for the defect, but an acquired cause could not be excluded.  相似文献   

An adult castrated male cat was evaluated because of a 4 day history of lethargy and partial anorexia. Physical examination revealed abdominal pain with a palpable fluid wave. Cytologic and biochemical analyses of peritoneal effusion were suggestive of septic peritonitis. On surgical exploration of the abdomen, the mesenteric vessels had no palpable pulses and they contained gross thromboses. The intestines were white with no visible peristalsis. Necropsy findings included disseminated, poorly differentiated hemangiosarcoma throughout the abdomen. Mesenteric arterioles contained fibrin thrombi. To the author's knowledge, no previous reports exist of complete mesenteric vascular thrombosis associated with disseminated abdominal visceral hemangiosarcoma in a cat.  相似文献   

An eight-year-old, sexually intact, male, 37 kg crossbred dog was referred for investigation of two acute episodes of intestinal bleeding and severe anaemia within a five-month period. There was no evidence of coagulopathy or underlying systemic disease. Technetium-labelled red blood cell scintigraphy suggested the colon as the site of bleeding. Colonoscopy identified a focal area of dilated and tortuous mucosal blood vessels. Histopathology of the resected colon revealed vascular ectasia (angiodysplasia). At nine months post-resection, the dog remained healthy and free of any overt intestinal haemorrhage.  相似文献   

A pregnant, miniature horse mare had clinical signs of hepatoencephalopathy and concurrent hypocalcemia. The signs included dullness, inappetence, blindness, head pressing, weakness, muscle fasiculations, uveitis, and urinary incontinence. Hepatic dysfunction and hypocalcemia were confirmed by serum biochemical analysis. The mare was treated successfully with a continuous infusion of Ringer solution, calcium gluconate, dextrose, B-complex vitamins, sodium ampicillin, and flunixin meglumine; topical administration of ophthalmic ointments; and decompression of the urinary bladder. Histologic examination of a liver biopsy specimen revealed acute hepatic necrosis, which likely was associated with administration of a vaccine of equine origin 2 months earlier.  相似文献   

Two adult horses with progressive neurologic signs were examined clinically and at necropsy. Both horses had signs of progressive ataxia and weakness, clinically diagnosed as spinal cord in origin. Differential diagnoses for cervical spinal ataxia in horses included cervical vertebral malformation, equine degenerative myeloencephalopathy, equine herpes-virus-I myeloencephalopathy, and equine protozoal myeloencephalopathy. Necropsy findings in both horses were similar and consisted of a large hematoma in the fourth ventricle, with upward compression of the cerebellum and downward compression of the pons and rostral portion of the medulla.  相似文献   

An 8-year-old male Irish Setter was admitted because of nonweight bearing lameness of the left forelimb. Radiography failed to reveal any bony lesions of the forelimb; however, extensive periosteal new bone formation over most rib surfaces and an atypical cardiac silhouette suggestive of a mediastinal mass with pleural effusion were observed. New bone formation was seen on the ilium and a filling defect in the urethra, distal to the prostate, was apparent with contrast urethrocystography. Necropsy revealed scirrhous mesothelioma of the thorax and abdomen, multifocal periosteal exostoses, paraprostatic cyst, and benign prostatic cystic hyperplasia. Tumor cells were associated with the periosteal exostotic costal bone. The specific cause of the lameness was not determined.  相似文献   

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