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The orientation of the local interstellar magnetic field introduces asymmetries in the heliosphere that affect the location of heliospheric radio emissions and the streaming direction of ions from the termination shock of the solar wind. We combined observations of radio emissions and energetic particle streaming with extensive three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic computer simulations of magnetic field draping over the heliopause to show that the plane of the local interstellar field is approximately 60 degrees to 90 degrees from the galactic plane. This finding suggests that the field orientation in the Local Interstellar Cloud differs from that of a larger-scale interstellar magnetic field thought to parallel the galactic plane.  相似文献   

The intrinsic magnetic field of Saturn measured by the high-field fluxgate magnetometer is much weaker than expected. An analysis of preliminary data combined with the preliminary trajectory yield a model for the main planetary field which is a simple centered dipole of moment 0.20 +/- 0.01 gauss-Rs(3) = 4.3 +/- 0.2 x 10(28) gauss-cm(3) (1 Rs = 1 Saturn radius = 60,000 km). The polarity is opposite that of Earth, and, surprisingly, the tilt is small, within 2 degrees +/- 1 degrees of the rotation axis. The equatorial field intensity at the cloud tops is 0.2 gauss, and the polar intensity is 0.56 gauss. The unique moon Titan is expected to be located within the magnetosheath of Saturn or the interplanetary medium about 50 percent of the time because the average subsolar point distance to the magnetosphere is estimated to be 20 Rs, the orbital distance to Titan.  相似文献   

Magnetometer data acquired by the MESSENGER spacecraft in orbit about Mercury permit the separation of internal and external magnetic field contributions. The global planetary field is represented as a southward-directed, spin-aligned, offset dipole centered on the spin axis. Positions where the cylindrical radial magnetic field component vanishes were used to map the magnetic equator and reveal an offset of 484 ± 11 kilometers northward of the geographic equator. The magnetic axis is tilted by less than 3° from the rotation axis. A magnetopause and tail-current model was defined by using 332 magnetopause crossing locations. Residuals of the net external and offset-dipole fields from observations north of 30°N yield a best-fit planetary moment of 195 ± 10 nanotesla-R(M)(3), where R(M) is Mercury's mean radius.  相似文献   

During its first flyby of Mercury, the MESSENGER spacecraft measured the planet's near-equatorial magnetic field. The field strength is consistent to within an estimated uncertainty of 10% with that observed near the equator by Mariner 10. Centered dipole solutions yield a southward planetary moment of 230 to 290 nanotesla RM3 (where RM is Mercury's mean radius) tilted between 5 degrees and 12 degrees from the rotation axis. Multipole solutions yield non-dipolar contributions of 22% to 52% of the dipole field magnitude. Magnetopause and tail currents account for part of the high-order field, and plasma pressure effects may explain the remainder, so that a pure centered dipole cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

Stars with individual luminosities more than a million times that of the sun are now being studied in a variety of contexts. Observational and theoretical ideas about the most luminous stars have changed greatly in the past few years. They can be observed spectroscopically even in nearby galaxies. They are not very stable; some have had violent outbursts in which large amounts of mass were lost. Because of their instabilities, these stars do not evolve to become red superglants as less luminous stars do. Theoretical scenarios for the evolution of these most massive stars depend on the effects of turbulence and mixing combined with high radition densities.  相似文献   

在经典电动力学的基础上,讨论了辐射阻尼影响下非相对论性带电粒子在均匀磁场中的经典运动.导出了辐射带电粒子的运动方程(阿伯拉罕-洛仑兹方程),利用微扰法求解该运动方程的初值,得到了带电粒子的轨道方程,得出带电粒子辐射功率随时间的变化规律,并讨论了所得结果的适用性.  相似文献   

Kron RG 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1982,216(4543):265-269
Ever since the proposal of the idea of an expanding universe more than 50 years ago, each generation of investigators has found that some current theory could be (marginally) tested by the properties of the most distant known galaxies. There has consequently been a continuing effort to identify very remote objects, especially to confront theories of the evolution of galaxies (since galaxies are seen as they were at prior epochs) and to confront cosmological theories (which make predictions about the overall dynamics of the expansion of the universe). These theories have yet to be definitively tested, but a new generation of optical telescopes and detectors provides hope for significant progress during this decade.  相似文献   

We have measured the Faraday rotation toward a large sample of polarized radio sources behind the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) to determine the structure of this galaxy's magnetic field. The magnetic field of the LMC consists of a coherent axisymmetric spiral of field strength approximately 1 microgauss. Strong fluctuations in the magnetic field are also seen on small (<0.5 parsec) and large (approximately 100 parsecs) scales. The large bursts of recent star formation and supernova activity in the LMC argue against standard dynamo theory, adding to the growing evidence for rapid field amplification in galaxies.  相似文献   

Magnetic field measurements from the Ulysses space mission overthe south polar regions of the sun showed that the structure and properties of the three-dimensional heliosphere were determined by the fast solar wind flow and magnetic fields from the large coronal holes in the polar regions of the sun. This conclusion applies at the current, minimum phase of the 11-year solar activity cycle. Unexpectedly, the radial component of the magnetic field was independent of latitude. The high-latitude magnetic field deviated significantly from the expected Parker geometry, probably because of large amplitude transverse fluctuations. Low-frequency fluctuations had a high level of variance. The rate of occurrence of discontinuities also increased significantly at high latitudes.  相似文献   

Earth's magnetic field has decayed by about 5% per century since measurements began in 1840. Directional measurements predate those of intensity by more than 250 years, and we combined the global model of directions with paleomagnetic intensity measurements to estimate the fall in strength for this earlier period (1590 to 1840 A.D.). We found that magnetic field strength was nearly constant throughout this time, in contrast to the later period. Extrapolating to the core surface showed that the fall in strength originated in patches of reverse magnetic flux in the Southern Hemisphere. These patches were detectable by directional data alone; the pre-1840 model showed little or no evidence of them, supporting the conclusion of a steady dipole up to 1840.  相似文献   

The measurement of magnetic fields in the femtotesla (fT, 10(-15) tesla) range is important for applications such as magnetometry, quantum computing, solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance, and magnetoencephalography. The only sensors capable of detecting these very small fields have been based on low-temperature superconducting quantum interference devices operating at 4.2 kelvin. We present a magnetic field sensor that combines a superconducting flux-to-field transformer with a low-noise giant magnetoresistive sensor. The sensor can be operated up to 77 kelvin. Our small-size prototype provides the capability of measuring 32 fT.  相似文献   

Fluidization of magnetizable particles by a gas stream in the presence of a uniform applied magnetic field oriented parallel to the flow prevents the hydrodynamic instability that otherwise leads to bubbles and turbulent motion within the medium. The fluidized emulsion expands uniformly in response to gas flow speeds in excess of that at the incipient fluidization point, with transition from the quiescent stable state to bubbling occurring suddenly at a characteristic increased rate of flow. Experimental data demonstrate the dependence of this transition velocity on the intensity of the applied magnetic field, length of the bed, and type of magnetic solids. Data illustrate the pressure distribution through the bed medium, the bedflow characteristics, and other phenomena.  相似文献   

Palin JM 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2002,298(5595):961-2; author reply 961-2

Initial observations by the Pioneer Venus magnetometer on the nightside of Venus frequently reveal moderately strong fields from 20 to 30 nanoteslas. However, there is little evidence that thesefields arise from an internal dynamo since they are mainly horizontal and vary from orbit to orbit. Determining a precise upper limit to the intrinsic moment awaits further processing. This limit is expected to be much less than 10(22) gauss-cubic centimeters.  相似文献   

采用5 T以上高强度脉冲磁场处理鲜腐乳,研究了脉冲强磁场对腐乳中微生物的影响,结果表明:高强度脉冲磁场对腐乳的杀菌效果显著,随着磁场强度的增大或脉冲数的的增加,菌落总数和霉菌酵母存活率基本呈下降趋势,但出现谷值后,两者的存活率随着磁场强度和脉冲数的进一步增大有所回升.其中在磁场强度为16.02T、脉冲数为6个时对腐乳中菌落总数的杀菌效果最好,而在磁场强度为16.02 T、脉冲数为8个时对霉菌酵母的杀菌效果最好,与菌落总数相比,霉菌酵母对脉冲磁场有较强的抵抗力.  相似文献   

The magnetic field signature obtained by Cassini during its first close encounter with Titan on 26 October 2004 is presented and explained in terms of an advanced model. Titan was inside the saturnian magnetosphere. A magnetic field minimum before closest approach marked Cassini's entry into the magnetic ionopause layer. Cassini then left the northern and entered the southern magnetic tail lobe. The magnetic field before and after the encounter was approximately constant for approximately 20 Titan radii, but the field orientation changed exactly at the location of Titan's orbit. No evidence of an internal magnetic field at Titan was detected.  相似文献   

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