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采集了8头分娩驴的羊水,对其沉渣和上清液分别进行了染色镜检和生化指标测定。结果表明:①分娩驴羊水中含有2种上皮样细胞,一种占绝大多数,明显较大,不规则,核小或无核;另一种罕见,明显较小,也不规则,有核。②分娩驴羊水比重和pH值平均分别为1.005±0.006(1.000~1.015)和8.0±0.0(8.0~8.0)。③与新生驴血清相比,分娩驴羊水中的肌酐和尿素氮显著增加,分别高达410.28μmol/L±54.83μmol/L(350.30~475.20μmol/L)和52.96 mg/dL±11.80 mg/dL(38.72~72.48 mg/dL)。④分娩驴羊水不含胆红素,但含有较新生驴血清显著降低的白蛋白、胆固醇、葡萄糖、钙、无机磷以及谷丙转氨酶、碱性磷酸酶、淀粉酶和肌酸激酶,其含量分别为1.81 g/L±0.97 g/L(0.03~2.75 g/L)、0.13 mmol/L±0.17 mmol/L(0.01~0.47 mmol/L)、0.56 mmol/L±0.12 mmol/L(0.44~0.72 mmol/L)、1.98 mmol/L±0.37 mmol/L(1.44~2.43 mmol/L)、0.93 mmol/L±0.32 mmol/L(0.46~1.44 mmol/L)、0.98 U/L±0.99 U/L(0.00~2.66 U/L)、61.92 U/L±17.40 U/L(42.32~81.80 U/L)、0.69 U/L±0.58 U/L(0.00~1.29 U/L)和3.66 U/L±1.27 U/L(2.33~5.88 U/L)。说明分娩驴羊水是一种含有较低营养物和酶类、较高代谢产物以及一定数量细胞成分的偏碱性液体。  相似文献   

Twenty-four healthy cats underwent bronchoscopy and bronchoalveolar lavage to determine the normal cytologic environment of the lower respiratory tract of cats. Initial screening to ensure the health of the study population included complete histories, physical examinations, thoracic radiography, CBC, serologic tests for feline leukemia virus, feline immunodeficiency virus, and occult heartworm, and sugar and Baermann fecal flotation. In 18 cats, protected catheter brush samples of airway secretions from the lavaged lung segment were taken for culture of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria and mycoplasma. Bronchial lavage fluid (5 sequential 10-ml aliquots of normal saline solution) was pooled and filtered with cotton gauze. The unspun sample was used for determination of a total nucleated cell count. Lavage fluid was cytocentrifuged and 500 cells/slide were scored for determination of the cellular differential. Activity of lactate dehydrogenase and concentrations of total protein and IgG within the supernatant were measured, and assays were performed to detect the presence of IgA and IgM. Complete histologic evaluation of the lavaged lung of each of 6 random-source cats was performed after differential cell counting revealed 18% eosinophils within bronchoalveolar lavage fluid recovered from this group. Alveolar macrophages were the predominant cells encountered; however, a quarter of all cells recovered were eosinophils. A significant relationship was not found between the abundance of eosinophils in the lavage fluid, and either isolation of aerobic bacteria, high total nucleated cell counts, total protein concentrations, or activity of lactate dehydrogenase. Histologic evaluation of the lungs of 5 of 6 random-source cats revealed normal lungs in 2 cats, and minimal abnormal change in 3 others. Evaluation of the lungs from 1 random source cat revealed acute, mild eosinophilic bronchiolitis. We conclude that large numbers of eosinophils may be retrieved from the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of healthy cats.  相似文献   

Intratracheal instillation of 20 ml of room temperature (21 to 24 C) fluid in anesthetized neonatal calves resulted in rapid onset of reversible pulmonary dysfunction. Arterial O2 tension and dynamic compliance decreased, whereas pulmonary arterial pressure, pulmonary vascular resistance, alveolar arterial O2 difference, and total pulmonary resistance increased from base-line values. Abnormalities of gas exchange and pulmonary mechanics were induced by intratracheal fluid instillation whether or not Pasteurella haemolytica was in the inoculum. Physical manipulation of the calf without intratracheal fluid instillation (sham inoculation) did not influence pulmonary function. Bilateral vagotomy eliminated the increase in pulmonary resistance and the decrease in dynamic compliance, but did not eliminate hypoxemia, increased alveolar arterial O2 difference, or pulmonary hypertension recorded after intratracheal fluid instillation. Seemingly, changes in pulmonary mechanics are mediated via the vagus nerve. However, one or more additional mechanisms must be responsible for the hypoxemia and pulmonary hypertension.  相似文献   

Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli inoculation of neonatal calves   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Three groups of neonatal calves were inoculated orally with pathogenic strains of Campylobacter jejuni or C coli. The calves developed a mild, self-limiting enteritis characterized by thick mucoid feces. Bacteremia and fecal shedding of Campylobacter were sporadic in all inoculated calves. Two groups of calves were killed 1 to 3 weeks after inoculation to study the pathogenesis of infection. Postmortem culture of tissues revealed C jejuni or C coli most frequently in the ileum, cecum, colon, and blood. Clinical or pathologic differences between C jejuni-inoculated and C coli-inoculated calves were minimal.  相似文献   

The volatile anaesthetic sevoflurane is degraded to fluoride (F-) and a vinyl ether (Compound A), which have the potential to harm kidney and liver. Whether renal and hepatic injuries can occur in horses is unknown. Cardiopulmonary, biochemical and histopathological changes were studied in six healthy thoroughbred horses undergoing 18 h of low-flow sevoflurane anaesthesia. Serum F- concentrations were measured and clinical laboratory tests performed to assess hepatic and renal function before and during anaesthesia. Necropsy specimens of kidney and liver were harvested for microscopic examination and compared to pre-experimental needle biopsies. Cardiopulmonary parameters were maintained at clinically acceptable levels throughout anaesthesia. Immediately after initiation of sevoflurane inhalation, serum F- levels began to rise, reaching an ongoing 38-45 micromol 1(-1) plateau at 8 h of anaesthesia. Serum biochemical analysis revealed only mild increases in glucose and creatinine kinase and a decrease in total calcium. Beyond 10 h of anaesthesia mild, time-related changes in urine included increased volume, glucosuria and enzymuria. Histological examination revealed mild microscopic changes in the kidney involving mainly the distal tubule, but no remarkable alterations in liver tissue. These results indicate that horses can be maintained in a systemically healthy state during unusually prolonged sevoflurane anaesthesia with minimal risk of hepatocellular damage from this anaesthetic. Furthermore, changes in renal function and morphology observed after sevoflurane inhalation are judged minimal and appear to be clinically irrelevant; they may be the result of anaesthetic duration, physiological stressors, sevoflurane (or its degradation products) or other unkown factors associated with these animals and study conditions.  相似文献   

The potential toxicity to horses of 7.33 +/- 0.87 SD minimal alveolar concentration hours of isoflurane anesthesia was evaluated by sequential determination of blood cell counts, electrolyte concentrations, and certain blood chemical values. Minimal or no serious toxicosis was observed for up to 7 days after anesthesia was terminated.  相似文献   

"Meconium aspiration syndrome" is a condition resulting in respiratory distress and the occasional death of newborn human beings. A retrospective study was conducted on 52 calves that were submitted for postmortem examination to the Atlantic Veterinary College, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada. These calves died of infectious and noninfectious diseases within the first 2 weeks of life due to a variety of causes. The most common cause of death was infectious enteric disease. Histologic examination of lungs revealed that 42.5% of calves had evidence of meconium, squamous cells, or keratin in the lung. There was considerable variation in the magnitude of histologic changes in lungs containing aspirated material. Typically, affected lungs had only a few inconspicuous pieces of meconium, keratin, and squamous cells within bronchoalveolar spaces. Sporadically, the entire lumen of airways was obliterated by aspirated material. Lungs with aspirated material had a mild but diffuse alveolitis characterized by exudation of a few neutrophils, macrophages, and occasional multinucleated giant cells. Obstruction of small airways and focal atelectasis were also observed. Similar lesions have been reported in human meconium aspiration syndrome. It is concluded that histologic changes similar to those of human meconium aspiration syndrome occur commonly in calves that die within 2 weeks of birth. Further studies involving healthy age-matched calves are required to evaluate the clinicopathologic significance of meconium aspiration in this species.  相似文献   

Infectious arthritis was induced experimentally in one tarsocrural joint of six horses by intra-articular injection of 1 ml Staphylococcus-saline suspension containing 9 x 10(4) to 3 x 10(6) organisms. The corresponding contralateral joint was injected with 1 ml of saline and served as a control. The progression of the induced infectious arthritis was assessed over a nine-day period by clinical examination and sequential synovial fluid analysis with pH and lactate measurements. Changes in synovial fluid were present before clinical signs of infectious arthritis were manifested. The diagnostic value of different synovial fluid parameters at various stages of infection was determined. Cellular changes initially preceded the biochemical changes. Total leucocyte counts showed a significant increase within 24 h (up to 100 x 10(9)/litre) with great variability in subsequent measurements. Neutrophilia over 90 per cent and pH under 6.9 were the most consistent findings in the infected synovia. Increased total protein was also significant and was progressive throughout the experiment. Serum and synovial glucose difference and synovial lactate had more diagnostic value in the acute stages than in the chronic stages. The control joints elicited an inflammatory response manifested by increased leucocyte count, moderate neutrophilia, slightly increased total protein concentration, and slightly decreased pH, but all reactions were minor in comparison to those in the infected joints.  相似文献   

Toxicosis associated with benzimidazole anthelmintics has been reported with increasing frequency in zoologic collections. Clinical signs, clinicopathologic abnormalities, and gross and histologic lesions are primarily the result of damage to the gastrointestinal and hematopoietic systems. Profound leukopenia, especially granulocytopenia, is the most common and severe clinicopathologic change associated with benzimidazole administration. Death usually occurs from overwhelming systemic bacterial and/or fungal infections secondary to severe immunosuppression. In this 125-day study, six male Hermann's tortoises (Testudo hermanni) were treated orally with two 5-day courses of fenbendazole 2 wk apart at a dosage of 50 mg/kg. Serial blood samples were used to assess hematologic and plasma biochemical changes before, during, and following the treatment period. Although the tortoises remained healthy, blood sampling indicated an extended heteropenia with transient hypoglycemia, hyperuricemia, hyperphosphatemia, and equivocal hyperproteinemia/hyperglobulinemia, which were considered to be in response to fenbendazole administration. Changes in several other clinicopathologic parameters appeared to correlate with fenbendazole administration. The hematologic and biochemical changes seen in the healthy animals in this study should be considered when treating compromised tortoises with fenbendazole. Hematologic and plasma biochemical status of tortoises/reptiles should be determined before treatment and monitored during the treatment period. The risk of mortality of an individual from nematode infection should be assessed relative to the potential for metabolic alteration and secondary septicemia following damage to hematopoietic and gastrointestinal systems by fenbendazole.  相似文献   

The parenteral administration of monosodium glutamate (MSG) to neonatal rats induces specific lesions in the central nervous system that lead to a well characterized neuroendocrinological dysfunction. Additionally, it has been shown that MSG-treated rats present a blunted blood pressure response to the injection of nitric oxide synthase inhibitors. Recently, a similar cardiovascular alteration has been reported after the electrolytic lesion of the anteroventral region of the third ventricle affecting the connections of the subfornical organ (SFO). We hypothesized that the treatment of neonatal rats with MSG could affect the nitrergic cells of the SFO. In the present work, we have looked for alterations in the NADPH-diaphorase activity (a commonly used marker for nitrergic neurons) in the SFO of MSG-treated rats of either sex and at two different ages. Our results shown that the treatment of neonatal rats with MSG induced a substantial reduction in the volume of the SFO and in the number of its nitrergic cells with regard to control animals. These findings suggest that the SFO could be implicated in some of the cardiovascular alterations observed in MSG-treated rats.  相似文献   

The immunopathological evaluation of the hepatic compartment associated with parasitism and biochemical findings are essential for understanding the genesis of hepatomegaly in canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL). Three clinical groups of dogs naturally infected with Leishmania chagasi [i.e., asymptomatic (AD, n=12), oligosymptomatic (OD, n=12) and symptomatic (SD, n=17)] were assessed and compared with a group of non-infected dogs (NID, n=11). Intense reaction of the Kupffer cells, capsule and portal inflammation, and the presence of intralobular granulomas, were observed in the different clinical groups. Dogs in the SD group presented a higher frequency of parasitism compared with the AD group. Inflammatory alterations were more intense in the SD group and were associated with parasitism. Our results indicated an association between histological liver changes and the progression of biochemical alterations according to progression of clinical forms of CVL, and the direct relationship between clinical symptoms and frequency of hepatic parasitism.  相似文献   

Two Holstein heifers and a steer fitted with ruminal and duodenal cannulas were used to determine acid-base and electrolyte changes associated with metabolic alkalosis induced by duodenal obstruction. Obstruction was induced distally to the pylorus, but proximally to the common bile duct entrance. Ruminal fluid, blood, and urine samples were obtained before and after obstruction was induced. Duodenal obstruction resulted in increased blood pH, bicarbonate concentration, and base-excess values. Severe hypochloremia and hypokalemia were evident in 48 hours. Serum sodium concentration decreased only slightly. Packed cell volume and serum concentrations of urea nitrogen, creatinine, glucose, and inorganic phosphate increased, whereas calcium concentration showed no change. Renal chloride excretion reached near zero in 24 hours, whereas sodium and potassium excretions decreased in the steer, but were unchanged in the heifers. Urine creatinine concentration increased markedly in the heifers and steers. Acid urine was not evident up to 96 hours. Ruminal fluid pH decreased and chloride concentration increased in the steer, but remained unaffected in the heifers. Duodenal obstruction had no effect on rumen sodium, calcium, and magnesium concentrations, but the potassium concentration increased in the heifers. The degrees of alkalosis and electrolyte changes were greater in the steer than in the heifers.  相似文献   

This paper describes the distinctive radiographic changes detected in the dorso-caudal lungfields of four racing thoroughbreds recently affected by exercise-induced epistaxis. A diffuse but localized increase in density was seen in all four cases, which demonstrated a variation from a predominantly alveolar density to an interstitial pattern and finally to increased bronchial markings. Evolution of the radiographic pattern of the pulmonary densities appeared to be related to the time that had elapsed since the bleeding incident. The implications of the changing pattern and site of the densities are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper describes the distinctive radiographic changes detected in the dorso-caudal lungfields of four racing thoroughbreds recently affected by exercise-induced epistaxis. A diffuse but localized increase in density was seen in all four cases, which demonstrated a variation from a predominantly alveolar density to an interstitial pattern and finally to increased bronchial markings. Evolution of the radiographic pattern of the pulmonary densities appeared to be related to the time that had elapsed since the bleeding incident. The implications of the changing pattern and site of the densities are discussed.  相似文献   

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