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生长肥育猪最佳生长模式的营养需要   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

生长肥育猪瘦肉生长率和采食量的估测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
前  言生长肥育猪的管理是现代养猪生产中的一项重大挑战。生产一头肉猪,其生长肥育期内消耗的饲料,占其出生到屠宰整个期间所需饲料总量的80%左右。降低这一阶段生产成本的关键是要最大限度地改善饲料转化为活体重的效率。影响商品猪场饲料利用率的主要因素是所用猪种的遗传潜力,猪的饲养环境,以及所采用的营养方案。这些因素相互间是密切关联的;在任何一种特定情况下所用的营养方案,都取决于所饲养的猪对养分的需要量,而这一需要量又决定于猪的遗传潜力和其所处饲养环境之间的相互作用。决定猪对蛋白质和氨基酸需要量的主要因素是猪体蛋…  相似文献   

唐先桂  郭卓元 《养猪》1993,(4):26-26
为了探索不同能量水平对瘦肉型猪育肥后期的饲养效果,寻求瘦肉型猪育肥后期理想的饲养方式,1992年6月至9月在湖南天心饲料开发总公司长沙种猪场进行了本试验。一、材料与方法 (一)试验猪选择和分组从天心公司长沙种猪场商品部育肥舍选择生长发育正常,体重相近的“杜×大”猪108头,分两个处理,每个处理三个重复。预试前  相似文献   

一、品种因素在商品肉猪生长肥育过程中,猪的品种与经济类型对肥育的效果(日增重、饲料利用率、胴体品质)影响较大,由于形成不同品种与经济类型的猪的自然条件与培育条件不同,  相似文献   

所谓的理想蛋白质 ,是指日粮中各必需氨基酸的组成和比例与动物的需要相吻合 ;理想的氨基酸模式 ,意指理想蛋白质各必需氨基酸的组成相对于Lys的比例。在 1 998年 ,NRC根据以往的研究 ,总结并出版了各种状况下的肥育猪理想的氨基酸比例 (表 1 )。NRC(1 998)虽然首次系统给出了不同体重和生产水平的可消化氨基酸的需要量 ,但不是实测值 ,而是根据动物的生长模型 ,按照理想蛋白质的原理 ,运用维持加体蛋白沉积的析因法推算而得。在猪的实用日粮中 ,Lys是必需氨基酸中的第一限制性氨基酸 ,模型首先对其需要量进行了估测。每日Ly…  相似文献   

酱油糟是制取酱油后的下脚料。据资料介绍,酱糟中含干物质达42.9%、粗蛋白质9.6%、粗脂肪7.2%、粗纤维20.7%、无氮浸出物0.6%、灰分4.8%、钙0.08%、磷0.04%,所含营养较丰富。但由于酱糟中所含盐分较高(一般7%左右),因此,广大农户怕喂后导致食盐中毒,所以对这一饲源至今尚未得到较好  相似文献   

仔猪和生长肥育猪微量元素营养需要量的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
微量元素在动物体内主要以酶的必需组分或激活剂参与一系列生理生化反应,进而影响体内的物质代谢和动物的生长发育。动物对微量元素的需要量相对很微小,但作用大,其它养分无法替代。我国是世界第一养猪大国,猪肉在我国人民的肉食结构中约占80%。因此,研究和满足仔猪及生长肥育猪对微量元素的营养需要量,以发挥其最大的产肉潜力,满足我国人民日益增长的对动物性蛋白的需求,具有十分重要的意义。1仔猪和生长肥育猪微量元素需要量的研究方法研究仔猪和生长肥育猪微量元素需要量的方法,从本质上讲可分为剂量反应法与析因法。1.l剂量…  相似文献   

酒糟饲喂生长肥育猪试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为使酒糟在猪饲粮中正确合理地应用,我们于1998年4月23日至6月2日在大庆采油一厂养猪厂进行了酒糟替代不同比例基础日粮的对比试验。1材料与方法1.1试验原料本试验酒糟源于大庆采油一厂酒厂。系用玉米、小麦、稻壳加酒曲作为酿酒原料,经酿造后所得的残渣物...  相似文献   

菜籽粕替代豆粕饲养生长肥育猪的效果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

饲料桑粉对生长育肥猪的营养价值评定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取健康、胎次一致的杜长大三元杂交去势公猪6头,采用全收粪法进行消化试验,测定生长育肥猪对饲料桑粉的各常规营养成分的表观消化率和消化能,确定饲料桑粉对生长育肥猪的营养价值。结果表明,饲料桑粉的总能、总能表观消化率和表观消化能分别为15.70MJ/kg、68.04%和10.66MJ/kg;粗蛋白质含量、表观消化率和可消化粗蛋白质分别为20.04%,76.49%,15.33%;粗脂肪含量、表观消化率和可消化粗脂肪分别为3.55%,29.77%,1.06%;粗纤维含量、表观消化率和可消化粗纤维分别为17.18%,31.52%,5.41%;无氮浸出物含量、表观消化率和可消化无氮浸出物分别为36.64%,81.91%,33.08%。结果提示,饲料桑粉是一种营养价值较高的饲料资源。  相似文献   

Feeding experiments with growing-finishing pigs were carried out to study the effect of different dietary salinomycin concentrations upon animal performance. Besides a dietary treatment without antibiotic, three treatments consisted of 20/10 mg/kg, 40/20 mg/kg and 60/30 mg/kg salinomycin (the first and second number refer to the salinomycin content in grower and finisher diet, respectively). Compared to the control group, feeding diets with 20 or 40 mg/kg salinomycin resulted in significantly higher weight gain in the grower period (25-45 kg body weight), while also feed conversion was lower (although not statistically significant). In the finisher period (45-100 kg body weight) salinomycin had no significant effect upon weight gain or feed conversion efficiency, but the 20 and 30 mg/kg treatments yielded the best results. Considering the grower and finisher period together the dietary treatments 40/20 mg/kg and 60/30 mg/kg showed highest growth rate and most favourable feed conversion, although not statistically significant. Carcass characteristics (dressing percentage, carcass length, backfat thickness, percent meat) were not affected by dietary salinomycin supplementation.  相似文献   

The performance and the physiological and metabolic consequences of three dietary levels of Na (.03, .09 and .18%) and of Cl (.08, .17 and .32%) arranged factorially were determined in growing-finishing pigs (36 to 89 kg). Average daily gain and feed efficiency of pigs fed .03% Na were lower than pigs fed .09 or .18% Na. Gain:feed ratio of pigs fed .32 or .17% Cl was greater than that of pigs fed .08% Cl during the finishing phase (58 to 89 kg) but not during the growing phase. Increasing dietary Cl levels increased average daily feed intake and gain:feed ratio of pigs fed .03% Na, but had no effect at the higher levels of Na. Plasma Na and Cl were lower (P less than .05) while plasma K (P less than .01), total protein, (P less than .04), albumin (P less than .07) and urea N (P less than .03) were higher in pigs fed .03% Na compared with those fed .09 or .18% Na. Increasing the dietary levels of Cl decreased urea N (P less than .05). Plasma lysine:arginine ratio increased as dietary Cl increased in pigs fed .18% Na diets, but not in pigs fed .03 or .09% Na. The urea cycle intermediate ornithine was highest in the plasma of pigs fed .18% Na. Dietary Na and Cl seem to interact to affect both plasma electrolytes and basic amino acid metabolism.  相似文献   

王文杰 《猪业科学》2020,37(9):54-56
良好的猪舍环境是维持动物健康的基础,实现养猪生产节本增效的重要途径。文章结合生长肥育猪饲养的特点,解析生长肥育猪舍环境管理的意义和作用,系统综述了猪舍地面的清洁、猪舍空气清洁度及温度和湿度的调节、适宜的光照条件、有害生物防治和其他应激源的控制等方面的技术和应用情况,对如何深化改善猪舍环境管理提出了建议。  相似文献   

微颗粒饲料的研究与应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
微颗粒配合饲料又名人工浮游生物,美国科学家自 20世纪 60年代率先进行这方面的研制和生产,一些水产研究发达国家如日本、美国、英国等已开始生产和销售微颗粒饲料。随着研究的深入,微颗粒配合饲料在营养和性状上越来越完善,其适口性、水中悬浮性和稳定性越来越好,特别是针对鱼、虾、蟹及贝类幼体的生长特性、营养需求,配制生产专用的微颗粒饲料,经过与轮虫、卤虫并用到完全替代轮虫和卤虫,微颗粒配合饲料的研究和应用取得了突破性进展。目前,微颗粒配合饲料可以单独使用,也可与浮游生物混合使用进行育苗生产,因此具有广阔的应用…  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to estimate the space occupied by a pig, calculated from direct measurements on the animal or from digital images. A total of 100 pigs with body weight (BW) ranging from 47 to 198 kg were individually weighed and measured for body length, back and shoulder height. The area of the rectangle into which each pig can be fitted was calculated, following the same method as Petherick and Baxter [Petherick, J.C., Baxter, S.H., 1981. Modelling the static spatial requirements of livestock. In: MacCormack, J.A.D. (Ed.), Proceedings of the CIGR Section II Seminar on Modelling, Design and Evaluation of Agricultural Buildings, Aberdeen, August 1981, Scottish Farm Buildings Investigation Unit, Bucksburn, Aberdeen, UK. pp 75–82]. In addition, pictures of the pigs were taken with a digital camera at the same distance and resolution to estimate the area of the geometrical shape of each animal by counting the number of pixels. Values of Petherick and Baxter's data space (A = 0.047 × BW0.67) are significantly higher (p < 0.0001) than those found with our linear measurements (A = 0.041 × BW0.67). The areas calculated from linear measurements support the EU Council Directive 2001/88/EC for pigs in the weight class of 115–150 kg, but not for growing pigs. This is because the area recommended for pigs of 110 kg corresponds only to our minimum space allowance, as estimated from digital image analysis (A = 0.028 × BW0.67).  相似文献   

Probably due to methodological problems the knowledge about the AA requirement for maintenance in pigs is rather scarce. In the present study an alternative experimental approach was applied and its underlying hypothesis was tested, whether protein retention decreases with body weight (BW), when daily lysine intake remains constant and acts as the limiting factor for protein retention, and whether this decrease reflects the increasing requirement of lysine for maintenance. If this hypothesis can be confirmed, lysine requirement for maintenance can be calculated when assuming a certain value for lysine concentration in body protein, since marginal efficiency of dietary lysine utilisation for protein retention is not affected by its level of intake (when being below the level necessary for maximum response), BW, protein retention capacity of the animal nor by energy intake. A series of N balances experiments using twelve castrated male pigs were performed at approximately 35, 55, 80, 110, and 140 kg of BW and body composition was determined by the D2O dilution technique. Two lysine intake levels were tested to prove that the animals on the lower level respond to additional lysine and, therefore, have received a lysine-limiting diet, the prerequisite for the alternative. Based on the extent of the decrease in protein retention with BW the following estimates for the maintenance lysine requirement were derived: 18 mg/kg BW, 71 mg/kg BW0.75, 29 mg/kg fat free substance, and 121 mg/kg body protein. These estimates are higher than values reported in the literature, which might be caused by methodological differences or by the higher feed intake of the animals in the present study.  相似文献   

Six hundred forty growing-finishing pigs (initial BW = 23.2 +/- 4.8 kg) were used in a 12-wk study (final BW = 95.5 +/- 10.2 kg) to quantify the effects of group size (10, 20, 40, and 80 pigs/pen) on performance, tail biting, and use of widely distributed feed resources. One single-space wet/dry feeder was provided for every 10 pigs, and floor allowance was 0.76 m2/pig in all treatment groups. Weight gain and feed intake were measured every 2 wk. At weighing, a tail-biting injury score was given to each pig. Blood samples were collected and analyzed for neutrophil:lymphocyte ratio before regrouping at the beginning of the experiment, 24 to 48 h after regrouping, and on the last day of each trial. The use of feeders by individual pigs was assessed by behavioral observations. Average daily gain for the entire 12-wk trial did not differ among group sizes (861, 873, 854, and 845 g/d for groups of 10, 20, 40, and 80, respectively; P > 0.10). During the first 2 wk, ADG was lower for pigs in groups of 40 (554 g/d) than pigs in groups of 10 (632 g/d; P < 0.05), but not pigs in groups of 20 or 80 (602 and 605 g/d, respectively). Average daily feed intake, feed efficiency, and variability in final BW within a pen also did not differ among group sizes. Tail-biting injury scores increased throughout the study, but did not differ among group sizes. Similar proportions of pigs were removed from the trial for health reasons, primarily due to tail biting, in all treatments. Individual pigs in each group size ate from most, if not all, of the feeders in the pen. There was no evidence of spatial subgrouping within the larger groups. The results suggest that housing growing-finishing pigs in groups of up to 80 pigs is not detrimental to productivity and health if space allowance is adequate and feed resources are evenly distributed.  相似文献   

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