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大型深远海养殖网箱是一种新型的养殖装备,网箱在波浪场作用下的水动力特性是考量其安全性的重要因素。网箱系统结构复杂,其水动力问题采用完全理论解析或数值模拟研究存在困难。本研究通过1∶100的网箱模型,试验研究了网箱的水动力特性。分析了不同波浪参数和吃水对网箱水动力的影响;引入当量直径分析了无量纲力与KC数之间的变化关系;使用网衣孔隙率对有网衣网箱受力结果进行修正,得到了考虑网衣的网箱框架波浪力无量纲经验公式。同时以莫里森(Morison)方程为基础对网箱框架和网衣进行数值计算并与试验结果进行对比。研究表明,网衣对网箱波浪力的影响可以使用网衣孔隙率来模化;该计算方法可以有效地计算网衣和网箱框架的波浪力。  相似文献   

根据有限单元法建立了波浪作用下双层网底网箱的受力运动模型,通过数值计算求解双层网底的位移与倾角。先将上层网底与下层网底的计算值进行比较,然后,将双层网底网箱中下层网底与单层网底网箱开展对比分析。计算结果显示,在波浪周期内,双层网底网箱的2层网底能保持相对平行的状态。2层网底的位移与最大倾角随着波高与周期的增大而增加,并且2层网底的倾斜方向一致。在相同波浪条件作用下,下层网底的水平位移大于上层网底,二者垂直位移差异较小,下层网底最大倾角值大于上层网底。研究发现,当波高为15 cm、周期为1.4 s时,双层网底网箱的2层网底的倾角相差最大,但并未发生接触碰撞,网底可以保持相对稳定。此外,双层网底网箱的下层网底的最大位移值小于单层网底网箱,最大倾角值大于单层网底网箱。研究表明,当波浪一定时,双层网底网箱的最大锚绳力均大于单层网底网箱。  相似文献   

波浪作用下筏式养殖结构的动力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对筏式养殖设施结构的特点,基于有限元商业软件ANSYS对其进行数学建模,通过数值计算,对不同位置浮标与吊笼的位移和最大锚绳力进行分析。数值模拟研究表明,筏式养殖设施整体结构在波浪作用下呈现周期性的运动趋势,但并未发生浮标或吊笼相互缠绕的现象,说明此筏式结构在波浪作用下能够安全使用。不同位置的浮标与吊笼,由于受到锚绳与筏绳相互牵引的作用,其位移随时间变化的趋势有所不同。两侧锚绳受力变化周期与波浪周期基本一致,迎浪侧锚绳受力明显大于背浪侧,锚绳力最大值约为1000 N。研究结果表明,通过对比不同的波浪工况条件,发现各个浮标和吊笼在水平与垂直方向的位移幅度均随着波高的增加而增大,且垂直方向位移幅度大于水平方向。  相似文献   

波浪作用下一种鲆鲽类方形网箱水动力特性数值模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对鲆鲽类方形重力式网箱在纯波浪条件下的水动力特性,采用数值模拟的方法对鲆鲽类方形深水重力式网箱的主要部件——浮架系统、配重系统、锚碇系统进行了模拟。将模拟结果与实验结果进行分析比较表明,数模与物模各量值吻合良好,平均相对误差均不超过9%,表明数值模拟的方法能较好地模拟鲆鲽类方形深水重力式网箱的水动力特性。在此基础上,用数值模拟的方法,进一步研究了底框质量和网衣高度的改变对网箱各参数的影响,模拟结果显示,底框质量改变主要影响锚绳受力和底框倾角,底框质量从80 g升至100 g再升至140 g的过程中,锚绳受力平均增幅分别为13%和19%,同时增大底框质量有助于减小底框运动倾角,其平均降幅分别为8.8%和9.3%;网衣高度由20 cm增至30 cm后,锚绳受力平均增加15%,同时网衣的增高导致对浮架和底框的牵制作用加大,使得浮架和底框的运动幅度有所减小,降幅不超过10%。在以上研究结果的基础上,为鲆鲽类网箱的设计与优化提供了参考建议。  相似文献   

人工鱼礁可分为沉鱼礁和浮鱼礁,人工鱼礁投放是海洋牧场建设的重要工程基础。浮鱼礁主要用于诱集和保护中上层鱼类,投放受底质条件限制较小,尤其在淤泥底质的海域具有良好的适应性。浮鱼礁主体结构处于中上层位置,受波浪等动力环境影响较大,鱼礁的结构安全性和稳定性是设计和投放中需要重点关注的问题。本研究集合鱼礁集鱼、护鱼和养殖的功能,提出了一种多功能箱网式浮鱼礁结构设计,并建立了水动力数值模型,分析探讨了波高和入水深度对两种锚定形式(单锚绳和多锚绳)的浮鱼礁安全性和稳定性的影响。研究结果表明,相同条件下,单根锚绳固定形式下的锚绳受力总体约为四根锚绳固定时的锚绳受力总和,但网衣网线受力较四根锚绳固定时小。波高对单根锚绳固定的浮鱼礁最大偏转角度影响较大,但四根锚绳固定时,可以显著地降低浮鱼礁最大偏转角度,有效地提高浮鱼礁的稳定性,而且波高越大,效果越明显。波高不变的情况下,随着入水深度的增加,浮鱼礁水平最大偏移迅速减小。当浮鱼礁入水深度为波高的2倍以上时,两种固定方式下的浮鱼礁运动差别可以忽略。  相似文献   

发展深水网箱养殖是保障我国粮食及食品安全的长远战略,也是缓解近海网箱养殖环境胁迫力、拓展食物生产空间的必然选择。发展深水网箱养殖首先需要面对的突出挑战是养殖设施在外海恶劣海况下的安全性问题。网衣是深水网箱的主体结构,由于其自身具有高柔性、小尺度的特点,在波浪和水流作用下易出现大位移和大变形的极端响应。当前,网衣结构分析技术已成为我国深水网箱养殖工程技术的薄弱环节,一定程度上制约当前海上养殖网箱向大型化和深水化发展。因此,网衣水动力特性研究对于深远海网箱养殖的发展具有重要意义。本研究系统介绍了计算网衣水动力荷载的主要方法及其适用范围。同时,对网衣动态响应数值计算中的主流建模技术进行了总结和分析。最后,根据目前网衣水动力特性研究中存在的热点问题,提出了网衣流固耦合分析、生物污损分析、数字孪生技术等前沿发展方向,为网衣水动力学分析向数字化、精准化发展提供参考。  相似文献   

我国深远海网箱养殖工程与装备技术研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在远离大陆的深远海水域发展大型网箱养殖,已成为缓解近海养殖环境压力、突破资源受限和空间制约问题的重要举措。深远海网箱养殖产业的蓬勃发展,加速促进了养殖方式转型升级和海洋养殖空间大幅拓展,形成了海洋设施养殖新发展格局。本文立足我国网箱养殖产业发展现状,分析深远海网箱养殖产业发展需求、发展前景以及设施装备科技需求,详细介绍国内外深远海网箱养殖工程与有关装备技术的研究应用情况,分析我国深远海网箱养殖工程与装备发展面临的主要问题,并从科学规划、科技引领、规范建设和创新模式等方面,对深远海网箱养殖产业发展提出相关建议。  相似文献   

兼具网箱养殖功能的浮式防波堤结构,为深水浮式防波堤和深海网箱养殖提出了一条新的研究思路,不仅解决了海洋工程与海水养殖争地的矛盾,基于防波堤开展养殖的模式更较大降低海水养殖的成本。通过对浮式防波堤兼做网箱的结构进行物理模型试验,得到该结构在不规则波作用下,不同吃水深度、网箱深度以及周期对其水动力特性的影响,结果表明,在短周期波浪作用下,网箱深度为0.1~0.15 m时结构的水动力特性最好。该结构具有良好的工程应用前景。  相似文献   

波浪作用下筏式养殖设施的数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于浙江海洋学院提出的新型筏式养殖模型,将浮标简化为质点,将梗绳简化为集中质量构件,建立浮标和梗绳构件受力模型和运动方程,采用4阶Runge-kutta法求解运动方程,对新型筏式养殖系统在波浪作用下的整体运动情况进行模拟,分析浮标在波浪下的运动响应和波浪入射角度对锚绳力的影响,考察梗绳材料对浮标水平位移幅度的影响。结果显示:筏式养殖系统上部浮标在风浪中的水平位移幅度很大,将系统主轴安排与波浪的入射方向一致时,锚绳受力最小,选用PA材料锚绳相对于PE材料锚绳能减小浮标的水平位移幅度。  相似文献   

Hydrodynamic characteristics are needed to optimize the design of kelp aquaculture systems. To support this need, the objective of this study was to resolve both the normal and tangential drag forces acting on a dense aggregate of kelp blades using full-scale physical model tests. The physical model was designed to match the exposed length, individual blade flexural rigidity, the number of blades per unit width, the mass/length of biomass, and the aggregate mass density of kelp cultured at the University of New England experimental aquaculture lease site in Saco Bay, Maine USA. Tow tests were conducted at the United States Naval Academy in a tank with the dimensions of 116m × 7.9m × 4.9 m. The large tank size enabled the use of the full-scale physical model, minimizing dynamic similarity issues. In a series of tests, the model was towed in orientations both aligned and perpendicular to the tow direction. Horizontal and vertical reaction forces were measured for five tow speeds, along with the deflection of the dense kelp aggregate. With these datasets and the wet weight biomass per length of the model, normal and tangential drag forces were calculated. Drag components were processed into corresponding normal and tangential drag-area values. The drag-area representation was chosen since reference areas were ambiguous for both the actual kelp and model. At the higher speeds, the total horizontal drag in the aligned configuration were slightly lower than for the perpendicular orientation. Normal drag-areas as a function of tow speed ranged from 2.36 m2/m to 1.39 m2/m for the aligned case and from 2.49 to 1.88 m2/m for the perpendicular case. Tangential drag-areas as a function of tow speed ranged from 0.264 m2/m to 0.0325 m2/m for the aligned case and from 0.213 to 0.0415 m2/m for the perpendicular case. A transition from a bluff body to a streamlined body occurred as the tow speeds increased. To investigate this transition, horizontal components of the normal and tangential drag forces were reconstructed with the results of the tow tests. The reconstructed forces were obtained using a force balance system of equations with drag-area values for tow speeds less than 0.25 m/s extrapolated from the experimental datasets. For both aligned and perpendicular orientations, the model-aggregate reconfigured at a threshold of 0.25 m/s. We defined the threshold for reconfiguration as the tow speed at which the horizontal component of tangential drag equaled or exceeded the horizontal component of the normal drag. The drag-area results from this study can be incorporated into a dynamic fluid-structure interaction model representing kelp aggregates as a finite element beam prescribed with in-situ values of length, volume, mass density and flexural-rigidity of kelp material.  相似文献   

To prevent occurrences of structure failure, it is essential to study the mooring line tension and motions of the longline aquaculture facilities with lantern nets. This study describes a physical model experiment that attempts to determine an optimal structure design. The experiment investigated effects of three facility design factors on the mooring line tension and movement of the lantern net and mainline: incident wave angles, lantern net layout depths, and lantern net layout forms (horizontal arrangement/staggered arrangement). The experimental results indicate that the mooring line tension decreases with increasing wave periods. The amplitude and variation of windward mooring line tension are much larger and more complex than that of leeward. The vertical movement amplitude and variation range of the lantern net and mainline are much larger than that of horizontal movement amplitude. Decreasing the incident wave angle, deepening the arrangement depth of lantern nets or adopting staggered arrangement can reduce the mooring line tension in the case of longer wave period. The analysis indicates that increasing the layout depths of the lantern nets and applying the staggered layout form are beneficial in reducing the vertical motion amplitude and elliptical excursion of the mainline. The incident wave angle has a relatively weak effect on the motion of the main and lantern net. Increasing the layout depths of lantern nets will reduce the horizontal and vertical movement amplitudes and elliptical excursion of the lantern nets. Changing the layout forms of the lantern nets from horizontal to staggered will increase the horizontal motion amplitude and decrease the vertical motion amplitude and elliptical excursion of the lantern nets.  相似文献   

Cod bite on aquaculture net cages has resulted in damages like frayed netting and holes, which in part can explain why cultured cod have escaped more frequently than salmon over the last years. We describe damages found on various netting materials subjected to cod bite through field experiments at commercial cod farms. Further, a method to test local cod bite resistance of traditional netting structures is suggested and initial results from a test jig prototype are given. Results from field experiments indicated that cod may have been attracted by types of netting that made it possible to draw filaments out of the twine, while stiff, coated netting structures and thick filaments showed no sign of bite damage during the test period. We concluded that netting materials for cod aquaculture must be resistant to cod bite or be repellent or uninteresting for cod. Based on the present findings, the better choice among the traditional netting materials seemed to be hard-laid netting materials, preferably with a primer that glues the filaments together.  相似文献   

以提升清洗设备喷嘴清洗清洁度为目的,采用k-kl-w三方程湍流模型及有限元理论方法分析3类喷嘴孔内压强分布特性、速度分布特性和空化程度情况。结果显示:1)与锥型截面喷嘴和圆弧型截面喷嘴相比,突变型截面喷嘴在结构缩颈处有单位时间最大速度变化量224.13 m/s,具有更大的概率发生空化效应;2)锥型截面喷嘴与圆弧型截面喷嘴的空化区域远小于突变型喷嘴,其最大气相体积分数约为同等条件下突变型截面喷嘴的37.5%;3)高压流体作用下突变型截面喷嘴的流体状态为湍流,与锥型截面喷嘴和圆弧型截面相比湍流动能和湍流强度最大;4)圆弧型截面喷嘴湍流动能和湍流强度均趋于零,流体状态为层流,与突变型和锥型截面喷嘴相比,圆弧型截面喷嘴对保持流体层流性有较好的稳定性。喷嘴优化分析结果显示,通过增加突变型截面的喷嘴结构能显著提升喷嘴的空化强度。  相似文献   

Deep-water fish cage floating collar also referred to as float, bears a load in the form of waves, fishing nets, and moorings, in which the longitudinal wave force is the main type of loading. The long-term continuous effects caused by wave force could cause reduction in strength, or vibration failure in the floating collar. In this study, the peak responses of a single-point mooring (SPM) cage floating collar, due to either static or vibration loadings, were calculated by the finite element method (FEM) based on an elastic model. In this model, the float exhibited macro-plastic deformation when the stress of 26.1 MPa, generated under 100 kN load, was greater than the yield limit (25 MPa). With the increase in order modes from 1 to 18 (1.2–7.9 Hz), the stress increased. Moreover, the harmonic stress corresponding to 8 and 0.1 Hz was clearly higher than that for 0 Hz under 100 kN loads, due to structural resonance. The range of stress values due to the random vibration was 16.0–63.7 MPa, when the angular velocities (k) were in the range of 0.01–16 rad s―1. Moreover, the transient response (34.4 MPa) was maximum when the angular velocity was 10 rad s―1 (range 1–100 rad s―1). The reliability rate of the entire body was 53.1% and 97.0% after 108 loading cycles for 100 kN and 10 kN loads, respectively. Furthermore, the fatigue modes of the key components were determined from the outer triangular tops and inner hexagonal intersections. In short, static analysis, vibration analysis, and fatigue analysis of FEM could be used as reliable ways to evaluate structural strength and failure for floating system. Finally, the floating parts could be strengthened with partially double pipes or optimized by increasing the stiffness, and appropriate damping could be widely used.  相似文献   

While marine aquaculture has grown rapidly, so have concerns regarding the environmental impacts caused by the industry. In particular, increasing discharges of solid and dissolved fish excretions, nutrients and therapeutic chemicals have coincided with greater public awareness of the possibility of environmental damage. This has stimulated a number of criticisms, drawn from a wide spectrum of interests, ranging from the use of natural fish stocks to produce fish meal for aqua feeds to the effects of enhanced nutrient input on the coastal marine environment. The present study reviews available information on the environmental effects of feeding practices in salmonid aquaculture in Europe. Accumulation of waste food and fish faecal material results in changes in the sediment under fish cages, characterized by a low redox potential, high content of organic material and accumulation of nitrogenous and phosphorous compounds. Although significant environmental impacts have been reported in the literature at distances of up to 100 m from the cages, in general such impacts are reported to be localized to within 20–50 m around the cages. For farmed salmon and trout, mass balance models have been developed for nitrogen and phosphorus, indicating that 50% of the nitrogen and 28% of the phosphorus supplied with the food is wasted in dissolved form. The maximum nutrient release can be estimated from the hydrographic conditions in the immediate vicinity of the farm, such as water volume, tidal water exchange and currents. At present production levels, improvements in the feeding efficiency and feed quality of aquafeeds could reduce waste and consequent environmental impacts.  相似文献   

One of the key factors in determining the accumulation of sediment and soluble nutrients within a lease is water movement. Water masses entering and leaving the farm determine the finfish ecosystem interaction. Understanding the hydrodynamic interaction with the farm is therefore key to understanding the potential ecological effects of individual farms. In addition, finfish farms are now being proposed in exposed offshore environments and have caused concern regarding their potential down stream impacts on currents and wave climate. Seven current meters, oxygen probes and CTD were deployed to examine the hydrodynamic interactions inside and outside a 270 m long Salmon farm in Newfoundland, Canada. Current meter results indicate that the finfish farm cages have a clear shadowing effect on the currents. Currents upstream were found to be considerably faster than those recorded downstream during the sampling period. Current speeds inside the farm were also found to be considerably slower than those found outside of the farm especially during high flow events. In situ observations of currents were found to be similar to those predicted by previous CFD and hydrodynamic modelling studies. Modeling was also undertaken to calculate the energy lost as currents enter and leave a series of fish cages. In comparison to the observed flow the model compares relatively well. Flow recorded downstream of the farm was observed to be in the range predicted by the model as was the flow recorded inside and outside the cages. Current speed downstream of the farm is clearly affected by farm orientation which has important implications for the dispersal of farm debris. Average oxygen saturation within the cages over the 5 day sampling period was 80.2 %± SD 5.7 %, compared to nearly 100 %, 20 m and 50 m from the farm site. Orientation of the farm may play some part in determining the location and amount of oxygen depletion within the farm. The farm also acts to push water from deeper in the water column up into the cages which has implications for farms situated in heavily stratified environments.  相似文献   

深海网箱作为现代海洋渔业拓展外海养殖空间的重要养殖装备,其布设环境一般较近海更为复杂恶劣,对于保障其安全性和稳定性提出了更高的要求。本研究针对一种单点系泊潜浮式船型桁架网箱开展了模型比尺为1︰40的波浪流水池试验,重点围绕该网箱在不同吃水深度受波浪作用的系泊受力、升沉、纵摇和横摇等水动力学特性进行了比较分析。试验结果显示,波高为7.5~12.5 cm时(原型3~5 m),网箱漂浮状态即可以满足养殖需求,其系泊力及运动响应均较小,具备较高的安全性和稳定性;恶劣海况时,即本试验中波高为15.0和17.5 cm (原型6 m和7 m),通过整体下潜的方式网箱具有良好的避浪性能,其中,系泊力减幅达70%以上,升沉、纵摇和横摇等运动分量减幅也达20%~60%;波流试验中,海流对网箱避浪性能存在一定的影响,但总体上仍然具有较好的避浪效果。研究结果可为单点系泊潜浮式深海网箱的安全运行与日常管理提供理论依据和数据参考。  相似文献   

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