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Two common porpoises (Phocoena phocoena), one found stranded on the Isle of Sheppey, Kent, and the other in the Moray Firth, Scotland, in late 1990, were examined post mortem. Lesions of diffuse bronchointerstitial pneumonia were present in both animals; they were characterised by the infiltration of alveoli with leucocytes, macrophages and multinucleate syncytia, the necrosis of bronchial and bronchiolar epithelium, focal proliferation of type II pneumocytes and occasional acidophilic cytoplasmic inclusions in alveolar macrophages and syncytia. Lymphoid depletion was apparent in the spleen, thymus and lymph nodes of both porpoises. Other changes in the Isle of Sheppey porpoise included severe dacryoadenitis. Marked pharyngitis, oesophagitis and balanoposthitis were present in the Moray Firth porpoise. Immunoperoxidase staining revealed the presence of morbillivirus antigen in a range of epithelia from both porpoises. This is the first report of morbillivirus infection in cetaceans from the coast of Great Britain.  相似文献   

The procedure used for the cultural isolation of morbillivirus from seals as well as some growth characteristics of isolates is described briefly. Emphasis was laid upon cytopathic changes typical for morbillivirus and observed in seal kidney cell culture subsequent to inoculation of organ tissue suspensions or buffy coat leucocytes. The modalities which resulted in the identification of 21 morbillivirus isolates from 16 seals by using direct fluorescent antibody (FA) or peroxidase linked antibody (PLA) techniques are outlined and illustrated.  相似文献   

From 16 (14%) out of 112 dead or euthanized seals originating from wildlife and seal orphanages phocine morbillivirus was isolated. The majority of viral isolates in cell cultures was obtained from lung homogenates of 15 out of 71 free-ranging seals (21%). The virus was isolated by longterm cultivation in roller cultures of seal kidney cells. The phocine morbillivirus was detected by typical cytopathogenic alteration and by peroxidase-linked antibody (PLA) assay, respectively. A neutralization test based on PLA was used for antibody detection in seals using a canine distemper virus (CDV) strain and in parallel one of the phocine morbillivirus isolates. All sera tested were proven to contain neutralizing antibodies of higher titres against the latter virus than against the CDV strain. Several seals furnished morbillivirus isolates and at the same time exhibited neutralizing antibodies of low to medium titres. No viral isolates were obtained from the majority of sick animals with moderate to high neutralizing titres (greater than 1/1,000). The significance of these findings is discussed in relation to the cause of the mass mortality amongst seals observed in 1988 in the Bay of Heligoland.  相似文献   

Eight harbour seals (Phoca vitulina), two of them seronegative, six seropositive against PDV and a seronegative grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) were exposed to a low doses of a cell culture-propagated phocine distemper virus isolate (PDV 2558/Han 88). An intranasal route of inoculation was chosen. Clinical signs, resembling those of 1988's seal disease and seroconversion were observed in both seronegative harbour seals. One of them succumbed to the infection. The virus was not transmitted to another susceptible harbour seal which served as in-contact animal. Virus could be recovered from leucocytes of the diseased seals. Viremia was also present in a seropositive harbour seal that developed mild clinical signs; other seropositive seals were protected from clinical disease. The grey seal showed seroconversion upon inoculation, but did not develop any signs of disease. The humoral immune response of the seals plainly discriminated between homologous (PDV) and heterologous (canine distemper virus, CDV) virus as shown by virus neutralization tests and an antibody-binding assay (PLA).  相似文献   

Of 57 seals hospitalized in the Norddeich Orphanage, 37 (65%) had died until 22nd of August, 1988, when the first collection of blood samples from the survivors commenced. All the sera including those obtained at a later date from the remaining animals had invariably higher neutralizing antibody titres against a phocine distemper virus (PDV) isolate than against canine distemper virus (CDV). The difference of mean titres was calculated to be more than 1.5 x log10 serum dilution. Peak titres demonstrated by a direct neutralization peroxidase-linked antibody (NPLA) assay reached 1/90,000. Attempts to isolate PDV in seal kidney cell cultures from heparinized blood samples collected from convalescent animals were not successful. From the increase in antibody titre following the last fatal case it was concluded that the devastating epidemic sweeping through the Norddeich Orphanage was primarily due to phocine distemper.  相似文献   

Infection with pantropic canine coronavirus was detected during outbreaks in France and Belgium. This was concurrent in most cases with canine parvovirus 2c. One outbreak was a deadly acute systemic disease with a single pantropic canine coronavirus infection. This is the first report of a fatality associated with pantropic canine coronavirus alone outside Italy.  相似文献   

An epidemiological study on summer eczema (SE) was performed in 490 Icelandic horses from 24 stud farms located in Lower Saxony and Westphalia. The study revealed a prevalence of summer eczema of 29.8 %. Horses imported from Iceland were affected with a frequency of 71.9 %, whereas horses born in Germany and other countries had a prevalence of 15.6 % and 27.3 %. Mares (33.1 %) and geldings (29.1 %) were more often affected by summer eczema than stallions with 15.5 %. The most common sites of summer eczema were mane and tail. Five to eight years old horses were more severely affected by SE than younger or older horses. Piebald horses showed higher degrees of SE than grey horses. The high prevalence of SE in Icelandic horses kept in Germany was due to imported horses from Iceland particularly horses imported at an age of seven to 15 years were at an extremely high risk to SE (96.4 %). The prevalence of SE significantly increased with higher age. Chestnut and grey horses born in Germany were prone to a lower risk to SE than bay, black or piebald horses. In horses imported from Iceland, a higher inbreeding coefficient was significantly related to a lower prevalence of SE. The most efficient measure recommended for reduction of SE in Germany would be to abandon imports of Icelandic horse from Iceland.  相似文献   

Spotted seals (Phoca largha) and related crossbreeds maintained at Kamogawa Sea World breed seasonally from the end of January to middle of March. For contraception in these animals, the effect of a single administration of a contraceptive synthetic luteal hormone for dogs, proligestone (PRG), was investigated. The animals tested were 10 seals aged 4-24 years old, and a total of 35 trials were performed over five years. PRG was administered in 23 trials during January, which was one month before the estimated estrus, and in 12 trials during December of the previous year, which was two months before the estimated estrus. The dose of PRG was 5 mg/kg in 32 trials and 10 mg/kg in 3 trials. The effect of the contraception was judged by the presence or absence of delivery. Among 23 animals treated in January, 2 animals treated with 5 mg/kg PRG became pregnant, but the contraception was successful in the other 21 animals. Contraception was successful in all 12 trials treated with 5 mg/kg PRG in December. Overall, contraception was successful in 94.3% (33/35). Therefore, a single administration of 5 mg/kg PRG in December may be an effective method of contraception for seals.  相似文献   

祁连山北坡3个季节性牧场夏季的土壤呼吸   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以祁连山北坡高寒灌丛化草甸和高寒草原为对象,测定比较夏季、冬季和春秋季牧场的夏季土壤呼吸特征及与其影响因素之间的关系,为牧场碳汇管理提供依据。以高山灌丛化草甸为主的夏季牧场日均土壤呼吸速率(Rs)为0.26μmol·(m~2·s)~(-1),以高寒草原为主的冬季和春秋季牧场日均Rs分别为0.24和0.19μmol·(m~2·s)~(-1)。随放牧增强,冬季牧场Rs减小,春秋季和夏季牧场Rs增加。冬季牧场Rs与土壤含水量(soil mosture,SM)显著正相关(P0.05),Rs与放牧率(stocking rate,SR)和土壤温度(soil temperature,Ts)显著负相关(P0.05);春秋季牧场Rs与SR、光合有效辐射(photosynthetically awailable radiation,PAR)、Ts显著正相关(P0.05);春秋季牧场Rs与SM和群落盖度(community coverage,C)显著负相关(P0.05)。结构模型方程表明,冬季牧场放牧率通过Ts对Rs的负向间接作用最强,SM对Rs正向的直接作用次之;春秋季牧场群落盖度对Rs负向直接作用最大,放牧率对Rs正向的直接作用次之。冬季牧场Rs可分别由Rs=0.436-0.012Ts+0.018SM(R2=0.911,P=0.038)和Rs=0.707+0.002SR-0.02Ts(R2=0.775,P=0.037)估测;春秋季牧场可由Rs=-0.239+0.003PAR-0.001C(R2=0.979,P=0.004)估测。  相似文献   

Three captive female common seals (Phoca vitulina vitulina) were monitored ultrasonographically during five pregnancies. Pregnancy was diagnosed in the third month and fetal monitoring was continued until parturition. The ultrasound measurements were made with the active collaboration of the animals by training them to cooperate with the procedure.  相似文献   

Starting August 2006, a major epidemic of bluetongue (BT) was identified in North-West Europe, affecting The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Luxemburg and the North of France. It was caused by BT virus serotype 8 (BTV-8), a serotype previously unknown to the European Union (EU). In this outbreak, the virus caused clinical disease in a few individual animals within cattle herds, whereas overt clinical disease was usually restricted to sheep. Investigations in Belgium suggested that the first clinical signs of BTV-8 appeared mid July 2006 in a cattle herd, while the first suspicion of a BT-outbreak in Belgium was reported on 17 August 2006. In the first 10 BTV-8 outbreaks in the Netherlands, the owners indicated that the first clinical signs started approximately 12-17 days before a suspicion was reported to the veterinary authorities via a veterinary practitioner. In BTV-8 affected sheep flocks, erosions of the oral mucosa, fever, salivation, facial and mandibular oedema, apathy and tiredness, mortality, oedema of the lips, lameness, and dysphagia were among the most frequent clinical signs recorded. The most prominent clinical signs in BTV-8 affected cattle herds were: crusts/lesions of the nasal mucosa, erosions of lips/crusts in or around the nostrils, erosions of the oral mucosa, salivation, fever, conjunctivitis, coronitis, muscle necrosis, and stiffness of the limbs. Crusts/lesions of nasal mucosa, conjunctivitis, hyperaemic/purple coloration and lesions of the teats, and redness/hypersensitivity of the skin were relatively more seen on outbreak farms with cattle compared to sheep. Mortality, oedema of the head and ears, coronitis, redness of the oral mucosa, erosions/ulceration of tongue mucosa, purple coloration of the tongue and tongue protrusion and dyspneu were relatively more seen on outbreak farms with sheep compared to cattle.  相似文献   

Northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus) have a distinct life history pattern comprising annual terrestrial breeding and oceanic migration, and the physiological changes associated with these patterns are of particular interest for understanding their environmental adaptations. However, owing to their oceanic distribution, limited information is available on the reproductive physiology of wild individuals during the immature stage and the winter migration period. This study aimed to determine the relationships among the seasonal hormone profiles, body growth, age, and pregnancy using monthly serum samples collected over 3–5 years from two male and two female captive individuals during pubescence and sexual maturation. Small increases in the serum testosterone signaled puberty in males aged 3 and 4 years. Thereafter, males showed considerable increases in testosterone during breeding seasons, indicating sexual maturity. Immature female serum progesterone was maintained at low levels, but after pubescence, females showed an increase in serum progesterone in August, the month next to the peak of delivery, followed by a decrease. In non-pregnant females, progesterone did not increase significantly until the next breeding season, but in pregnant females, they increased again from February to March and then gradually decreased. Immature males increased body mass constantly and reached puberty when their body mass exceeded 20 kg, and they showed seasonal weight fluctuations after puberty. These results provide fundamental information for determining sexual maturity and pregnancy in this species based on sex steroid hormones and body mass measurements.  相似文献   

During 1998, 49 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico reported 7,961 cases of rabies in nonhuman animals and 1 case in a human being to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a decrease of 6.5% from 8,509 cases in nonhuman animals and 4 cases in human beings reported in 1997. More than 92% (7,358 cases) were in wild animals, whereas > 7.5% (603 cases) were in domestic species (compared with 93% in wild animals and 7% in domestic species in 1997). Decreases were evident in all of the major contributing species groups, with the exception of skunks and bats. The relative contributions of the major groups to the total reported for 1998 were reccoons (44.0%; 3,502 cases), skunks (28.5%; 2,272), bats (12.5%; 992), foxes (5.5%; 435), cats (3.5%; 282), cattle (1.5%; 116), and dogs (11.5%; 113). No further discernable westward extension of the epizootic of rabies in raccoons in Ohio was reported. Twelve of the 19 states enzootic for the raccoon variant of the rabies virus and the District of Columbia reported decreased numbers of cases of rabies during 1998, compared with 13 states and the District of Columbia that reported increases during 1997. Three states, Rhode Island (143.2%), Massachusetts (77.2%), and New Hampshire (69.4%), reported increases of > 50% during 1998, compared with totals reported for 1997. In Texas, the number of cases of rabies associated with enzootic canine variants of the rabies virus remained greatly diminished; however, overall totals of reported cases of rabies increased in Texas and 12 other states where skunks are the major terrestrial reservoir of rabies. At the national level, the total of 82 reported cases of rabies among horses and mules was greater than that reported for any year since 1981 (88 cases) and represented a 74.5% increase, compared with the total for 1997. The 992 cases of rabies reported in bats during 1998 were the greatest proportionate contribution by bats since 1990. Reported cases of rabies in cats (282), dogs (113), and cattle (116) decreased 6.0%, 10.3%, and 4.9%, respectively. One indigenously acquired case of rabies reported in a human being during 1998 was the result of infection with a rabies virus variant associated with silver-haired and eastern pipistrelle bats.  相似文献   

In August 2006, bluetongue virus (BTV) was detected in the Netherlands, Belgium, western Germany, Luxembourg and northern France for the first time. Consequently, a longitudinal entomological study was conducted in the affected region of northern France (Ardennes) throughout the autumn of 2006. Data on the spatio-temporal distribution of Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) associated with livestock were collected and an attempt was made to identify the vector(s) involved in BTV transmission by means of virus detection in wild-caught biting midges. Weekly sampling using standardized Onderstepoort-type blacklight traps were performed simultaneously both outdoors and indoors in one BTV-free and three BTV-affected farms between September and December 2006. Culicoides were sorted according to farm, location (outdoors vs. indoors), time point (in weeks), species and physiological stage. BTV detection was conducted by RT-PCR on monospecific pools of non-bloodfed parous female Culicoides. The principal results showed: (i) the absence of the Mediterranean vector, C. imicola, (ii) the relatively low abundance of C. dewulfi and C. pulicaris, (iii) the widespread occurrence and abundance of C. obsoletus/C. scoticus with longevity and behaviour compatible with BTV transmission, and (iv) all Culicoides pools tested for BTV were negative. In France, the very low levels of BTV-8 circulation were probably due to the limited introduction of the virus from affected neighbouring countries, and not due to the absence of local vector populations. A key finding has been the substantiation, for the first time, that Culicoides, and particularly the potential vectors C. obsoletus/C. scoticus and C. dewulfi, can be active at night inside livestock buildings and not only outside, as originally believed. The endophagic tendencies of members of the Obsoletus group are discussed in light of the prolonged period of BTV transmission during the autumn of 2006 and the risk of BTV overwintering and resurgence in the spring of 2007. Overall, there is an urgent need to improve our knowledge on the ecology of local Culicoides species before any clear, effective and reliable recommendations can be provided to the veterinary authorities in terms of prevention and control.  相似文献   

北方常用草坪草的蒸散量差异及耗水性评价   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
对不同供水条件下,草地早熟禾、高羊茅、多年生黑麦草、野牛草、结缕草和狗牙根整个生长季的蒸散量差异进行研究.结果表明,草坪蒸散主要与草坪本身的生物学特性有关,同时与水分条件也密切相关.另外,根据测定结果估测了理论补水量,并通过计算坪草系数Kc,与北方常用作物的耗水量进行了比较.  相似文献   

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