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Epidemiology of ovine brucellosis in Awassi sheep in Northern Jordan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We used a combined cross-sectional and longitudinal design to estimate seroprevalence of Brucella antibodies in Awassi sheep and the incidence of abortion due to brucellosis during one lambing season, and to test risk factors. The Brucella organisms isolated from aborted fetuses and vaginal swabs were characterized as Brucella melitensis biotype 3. Seventy Awassi sheep flocks were selected randomly from Northern Jordan. Sixty two of the 70 flocks were used in the cross-sectional study and 8 flocks were monitored for three consecutive months to estimate the incidence of abortion. Questionnaire data and 602 serum samples were collected and analyzed. Thirty five flocks (56%) were brucellosis-seropositive by the Rose Bengal plate-agglutination test (RBT) and 28 (45%) by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The crude seroprevalence of brucellosis at the individual-animal level was 14.3% by RBT, 7.2% by ELISA and 2.2% using both tests in series. The flock-specific, animal-level abortion risk ranged between 2.5 and 50% (median=22.6%). The flock brucellosis-status was used as the outcome variable in a multivariable logistic regression. Grazing at communal pasture increased odds, but usage of disinfectants, previous vaccination for brucellosis, and tap water were protective. The animal-level incidence of abortion was 20% and the specific incidence risk of abortion due to brucellosis was 13%.  相似文献   

In a field investigation of 10 flocks in Southern Greece, 3367 dairy ewes were examined twice, in order to estimate the incidence risk and the aetiology of mammary abnormalities during the dry-period. Abnormal secretion, lumps, nodules, diffuse hardness, abscesses and cysts were the abnormalities detected. The cumulative incidence of mammary abnormalities during the dry-period was 5.1% (95% confidence interval: 4.4–5.8%); 47% of the cases detected developed during the first three weeks after cessation of lactation. Despite variation in the flock size, there was no between-flock variation in the risk of a ewe developing mammary abnormalities. Staphylococci (Staphylococcus aureus and coagulase-negative isolates) were the most frequently isolated bacteria from mammary samples; Actinomyces pyogenes, Clostridium perfringens, streptococci and Escherichia coli were also isolated. Resistance was encountered among the staphylococcal isolates.  相似文献   

We conducted a prospective observational study on clinical and subclinical mastitis in 30 commercial meat-producing sheep flocks from 2 regions of the province of Quebec, Canada. A total of 2792 ewes selected in late gestation were followed from lambing to weaning of lambs. The incidence of clinical mastitis for the total lactation period (average of 58 days) ranged among flocks from 0 to 6.6%, with a median of 1.2%. The most frequently isolated bacteria from the cases of clinical mastitis, in pure or mixed culture, were Mannheimia haemolytica (26%), Staphylococcus aureus (23%), and coagulase-negative staphylococci (17%). Incidence of clinical mastitis was higher in ewes that gave birth to 3 or more lambs and from the Estrie region, and was associated with an increase in ewe mortality, an increase in lamb mortality at the litter level, and a decrease in lamb's weaning weight for lambs born in multiple litter size or from ewes ≥4 years old.Among 354 selected ewes with clinically normal udder at the end of lactation, 28.8% had potentially pathogenic bacteria isolated from milk. The most prevalent bacteria were S. aureus (9.3%) and coagulase-negative staphylococci (9.3%). The risk of having a positive culture in at least one half was different between the two regions. Prevalence of ewes (n = 261) with California Mastitis Test (CMT) positive result in at least one half was 24.1 and 14.9% using a cut-off of ≥1+ and ≥2+, respectively. Prevalence of culture-positive udder halves was 11.7% for CMT-negative compared with 53.6% for CMT 3+ halves. CMT status was positively associated with the isolation of coagulase-negative staphylococci, M. haemolytica, S. aureus, and various Streptococcus species, but not with other isolated bacteria. Additionally, prevalence of CMT-positive halves was higher in ewes from the Estrie region, aged of ≥4 years versus 1 year, having clinical mastitis previously detected in the lactation and/or with low body condition score. Lamb weaning weight was associated with CMT status of ewes, while weaning weight was not associated with milk culture results. More research is needed to understand the dynamic of milk SCC and IMI in ewes from meat-producing flocks, its economical impact and best ways to control it.  相似文献   

Awassi sheep and mountain goats slaughtered in northern and central Jordan were examined for Sarcocystis cysts by post-mortem examination, trichinoscopy of muscle samples taken from esophagi and diaphragms and serologically by indirect hemagglutination (IHA) during the period June 1986–May 1988. Macrosarcocysts were found in 11.3% (70/620) of sheep and 11.7% (46/393) of goats aged over 1 year old. Microsarcocysts were found in 50.1% (1185/2693) of the sheep diaphragm samples and 56.4% (711/1261) of the same organs of goats. The prevalences were lower in the esophageal muscles (26.4%, 348 of 1319 and 25.1%, 97 of 386) than the diaphragmal muscles (29.0%, 383 of 1319 and 34.2%, 132 of 386) in the younger age groups (less than 7 months) of sheep and goats, respectively. The prevalences in both the esophagus and the diaphragm increased with age. The seroprevalences of anti-Sarcocystis antibodies in sheep and goats were significantly higher (P < 0.05) than the prevalence of Sarcocystis cysts detected by trichinoscopy. The seroprevalence of sarcocystosis increased with age in sheep and goats.  相似文献   

Relationships between clinical mastitis and milk yield and composition in dairy cows were reviewed. Requirements for inclusion were: data had to be collected after 1975; dependent variables for milk yield and milk composition had to be defined at the cow level; mastitis cases had to be defined by clinical signs, and at least 250 lactations had to be considered. Twenty studies dealing with milk-yield loss and, for four of them, also with related composition changes were selected. Study populations, design of data collection, and analysis methods differed widely between studies. As expected from these differences – but also due to structural-variation factors such as type of pathogen, animal and production level – estimates for milk-yield losses differed in average magnitude and pattern. Literature data regarding changes in milk-fat % and total-protein % changes were contradictory. Critiques of materials and methods allowed us to propose some final recommendations for values to be used as basic inputs in economic calculations of losses caused by mastitis.  相似文献   

A study was performed in 1997 to estimate the prevalence and to investigate the etiology of subclinical mastitis in Swiss dairy herds managed under guidelines of controlled organic farming. It was planned as a longitudinal study over a period of 1 year and included a stratified random sample of 152 certified organic farms and 1907 cows. Two farm visits (the first from June to October when cows were on pasture, the second from January to March when cows were confined to barns) were performed on each farm. At each visit, farm management and individual-cow data (with emphasis on milking procedures and udder sanitation) were recorded. California mastitis tests (CMTs) were performed on each udder quarter of all cows in lactation. Milk samples with CMT >1+ were submitted for somatic cell counting (SCC), bacteriological examination and to test for antibiotic susceptibility. The SCC and germ-cell counts of monthly bulk-tank milk samples were available through Dairy Inspection and Advisory Services and milk production data of 567 herd-book cows were available from breeding associations. Possible individual and environmental predictors of subclinical mastitis were identified using logistic models adjusted for clustering of the data at herd and cow levels. Data were analyzed separately for cows from 7 to 100 and from 101 to 305 days post partum. Prevalences of subclinical mastitis at the quarter level were 21.2% for lactation period 7–100 days and 34.5% for 101–305 days post partum. The geometric mean SCC in bulk-tank milk samples was 85.6×103 cells/ml. Samples at 7–100 and 101–305 days post partum were positive for Staphylococcus aureus in 16.0 and 7.4%, for coagulase-negative Staphylococci in 51.5 and 50.6%, for Streptococcus agalactiae in 0.0 and 0.8%, for other Streptococci in 19.4 and 15.6%, for E. coli in 1.0 and 0.4%, and for Corynebacterium bovis in 25.7 and 45.1%, respectively. Risks of subclinical mastitis increased significantly with increasing days post partum and advancing age of cow. Cows that were sampled when staying in alpine dairies had considerably higher risks of subclinical mastitis than cows staying in home barns. Significantly lower risks of subclinical mastitis were observed in farms where CMT was performed regularly as a control measure. Bacteria in milk from cows with mastitis exhibited antibiotic resistance at a comparable frequency as found previously in conventional farms.  相似文献   

Aim. To compare the bacteriological and clinical cure rates for clinical and subclinical mastitis in New Zealand dairy cows following treatment with either an intramammary penicillin-dihydrosptreptomycin preparation or a subcutaneous injection of penethamate hydriodide.

Methods. Milk samples were collected from clinical and subclinical cases of mastitis before and 14 and 21 days after initiation of treatment for bacteriological culture, somatic cell count determination and conductivity testing.

Results. No significant differences in the bacteriological cure rate of major Gram-positive pathogens, clinical cure rate, somatic cell count or conductivity were found between treatments. However, the bacteriological cure ralte of coagulase-negative staphylococcus infections and the overall bacteriological cure rate was lower for quarters treated with penethamate than with penicillin-dihydrosptreptomycin.

Conclusions. The bacteriological cure rate of mastitis caused by major Gram-positive pathogens, the clinical cure rate, somatic cell count and conductivity did not differ between the two antibiotic treatments.  相似文献   

The effect of residual calf suckling on sub-clinical (SM) and clinical mastitis (CM) in dual-purpose cows was assessed. Prevalence, incidence rate, and relative risk were determined from 30 cows allocated to two treatments: (i) residual calf suckling once after milking (RCS) and, (ii) no residual calf suckling (NRCS). The overall prevalence of SM and CM, at cow and at quarter levels was higher in NRCS cows (P < 0.05). The incidence rate of CM for NCRS and RCS cows was 53 cases per 10,000 animal-days at risk, and eight cases per 10,000 animal-days at risk, respectively. Cows that did not suckle their calves after milking were 6.59 (3.15–13.93) times more likely to develop CM than cows which did suckle after milking. In both experimental groups, coagulase-negative staphylococci were the most frequently isolated pathogens, followed by Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Eliminating the practice of residual calf suckling presents a high risk for development of mastitis in dual-purpose cows.  相似文献   

Objectives of the work presented herewith were to investigate association of prevalence of subclinical mastitis with environmental (climatic and topographic) factors and to identify factors potentially predisposing ewes to the disease. Milk samples were collected from 2198 sheep in 111 farms, in all 13 administrative regions of Greece, for bacteriological and cytological examination. Data on farm location were collected in the field using hand-held Global Positioning System Garmin units. The geo-references were resolved to specific farm level. Prevalence of subclinical mastitis was 0.260. Main aetiological agents were staphylococci (Staphylococcus aureus and coagulase-negative species), which accounted for 0.699 of all isolates recovered. In a multivariable mixed-effects analysis, the two environmental variables found to be associated with increased prevalence of subclinical mastitis were the minimum temperature of coldest month (coefficient: -0.084 ± 0.033, P = 0.014) and the mean temperature for 30 days prior to sampling date (coefficient: 0.031±0.014, P = 0.029).  相似文献   

A total of 876 sheep from five flocks in north Jordan were selected to study the effect of shearing on the incidence of caseous lymphadenitis (CLA). The animals were divided into two age groups, sheep aged 1-2 years and those aged > or = 3 years. Blood samples were collected from the animals at the time of shearing and again 6 months later. A toxin enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used to identify sheep that had been infected with Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis. The point prevalences of CLA were 6.59% and 21.06% in the 1-2-year and > or = 3-year age groups, respectively, and were significantly higher (P < 0.01) in the > or = 3-year age group. The overall prevalence among all ages was 15.3%. In the shorn sheep, the incidence of CLA was 22.46% and 9.47% in the 1-2-year and > or = 3-year age groups, respectively, and was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in the 1-2-year age group. In the control animals, the incidence was 8% and 5.26% in the 1-2-year and > or = 3-year age groups, respectively, and was different (P < 0.01) between the shorn (22.46%) and control (8%) animals of the 1-2-year age group. An epidemiological survey of 35 sheep farms revealed the prevalence of CLA, shearing wounds and unhygienic conditions during shearing in all farms. In conclusion, the prevalence of CLA increases with age and the incidence increases only in young sheep after shearing. Sheep are sheared under unhygienic conditions, which may be a contributing factor in increasing both the prevalence and the incidence of CLA.  相似文献   

Data from the Norwegian progeny testing program were used to examine the impact of milking characteristics and morphology of udder and teats on clinical mastitis in first- and second-lactation Norwegian cattle. The study was designed as a 1-1 matched case-control study with herd, parity, days in lactation and calving season as matching variables. Conditional maximum likelihood logistic regression was used to evaluate the effects of three primary (2 min milk, milk leakage and teat-end-to-floor distance) and six other study variables. Treatment records from the Norwegian health card system on acute and chronic clinical mastitis were used to define cases. The chosen model included 565 matched pairs. Significant risk factors of clinical mastitis were decreasing teat-end-to-floor distance (P = 0.02) and periparturient udder edema (P < 0.01).

Borderline effects were demonstrated by larger than herd-average teat diameter (P = 0.04), udder asymmetry (P = 0.05) and increasing 2 min milk (P = 0.08). Results were compared to a previous study on the same data with loge somatic cell count as the dependent variable. Inclusion of teat-end-to-floor distance in the genetic improvement scheme may increase the efficiency of genetic selection for mastitis resistance.  相似文献   

《Veterinary microbiology》2015,175(1):105-113
Bacterial infections causing mastitis in sheep can result in severe economic losses for farmers. A large survey of milk samples from ewes with mastitis in Sardinia, Italy, indicated an increasing prevalence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections. It has been shown previously that during chronic, biofilm-associated infections P. aeruginosa populations diversify. We report the phenotypic and genomic characterisation of two clonal P. aeruginosa isolates (PSE305 and PSE306) from a mastitis infection outbreak, representing distinct colony morphology variants. In addition to pigment production, PSE305 and PSE306 differed in phenotypic characteristics including biofilm formation, utilisation of various carbon and nitrogen sources, twitching motility. We found higher levels of expression of genes associated with biofilm formation (pelB) and twitching motility (flgD) in PSE305, compared to the biofilm and twitching-defective PSE306. Comparative genomics analysis revealed single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and minor insertion/deletion variations between PSE305 and PSE306, including a SNP mutation in the pilP gene of PSE306. By introducing a wild-type pilP gene we were able to partially complement the defective twitching motility of PSE306. There were also three larger regions of difference between the two genomes, indicating genomic instability. Hence, we have demonstrated that P. aeruginosa population divergence can occur during an outbreak of mastitis, leading to significant variations in phenotype and genotype, and resembling the behaviour of P. aeruginosa during chronic biofilm-associated infections.  相似文献   

A time-to-event study for mastitis at first-lactation in Valle del Belice ewes was conducted, using survival analysis with an animal model. The goals were to evaluate the effect of lambing season and level of milk production on the time from lambing to the day when a ewe experienced a test-day with a recorded SCC greater than or equal to 750,000 cells/ml, and to estimate, for this trait, its heritability and the percentage of variation explained by the flock-year of lambing effect. A dataset with 2468 first-lactation records, collected from 1998 to 2003 in Valle del Belice ewes allocated in 17 flocks, was used. The Cox model used included lambing season and total milk yield adjusted for lactation length as fixed effects and flock-year of lambing effect and individual additive genetic effect as random effects. In total 40.5% of the records were censored. Results indicated that ewes lambing from April to July were at a higher risk of mastitis than those lambing from August to November (conventional season), and that ewes in the highest class of milk production were at a higher risk of mastitis than those in the lowest level. The heritability for the time interval between lambing and first test-day with mastitis was 3% on the logarithmic scale and 4% on the real scale. The proportion of variation, in the time interval between lambing and first test-day with mastitis, explained by the flock-year of lambing effect was 19% on the logarithmic scale and 27% on the real scale; this seems to stress the importance of flock management.  相似文献   

This investigation evaluated the efficacy of a bacterin in reducing the prevalence of staphylococcal mastitis and somatic cell counts (SCC) in a dairy goat herd. Does were vaccinated or left as controls, and the levels of mastitis and SCC monitored over 18 months. Staphylococcus caprae (42.5%), S. xylosus (15.1%), and S. simulans (10.0%) were the predominant causes of intramammary infections (IMI). The infection rate was 1.64 IMI/doe among vaccinates, which tended to be lower (P < 0.12) than controls (2.67 IMI/doe). The spontaneous cure rate of IMI after immunization was 1.28 cures/doe in vaccinates, which was higher than controls (0.6 cures/doe; P < 0.043). Average SCC of milk samples from vaccinates tended to be lower than that of controls (1274 × 103/ml vs. 1529 × 103/ml, respectively) (P < 0.10). Results support the continued study of mastitis vaccines for use in managing staphylococcal mastitis and SCC in dairy goats.  相似文献   

A field investigation of subclinical mastitis in sheep in southern England   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The prevalence, aetiology and epidemiological features of subclinical mastitis were investigated in 358 lowland ewes in seven flocks in southern England. Milk samples (2092) were collected at 3-weekly intervals; those which were both bacteriologically and Whiteside test positive were deemed to have originated from glands with subclinical mastitis. The period prevalence of subclinical mastitis was 11.7% and the prevalence remained relatively constant over the course of lactation (5.5-7.0%). The predominant bacterial isolates from 48 glands with subclinical mastitis were streptococci (42%), coagulase-negative staphylococci (33%), Pasteurella haemolytica (17%) and Staphylococcus aureus (8%). Coagulase-negative staphylococci were the predominant isolates (53%) from samples which did not show a positive Whiteside test result. The prevalence of subclinical mastitis increased with age of ewe but was not influenced by the presence of teat lesions. There was a significant association between the development of clinical mastitis (26 glands) and antecedent subclinical mastitis caused by the same organism (10 glands).  相似文献   

From March 1996 to February 1997, slaughtered-sheeps' heads were examined for the metacestode of Taenia multiceps. Out of 451 sheep heads, only 12 (3%) were infested. All cysts but one were in the age group 0.5-2.5 years old, with prevalence of 10% (11 of 108). Eleven of 12 infested heads were found during the spring and autumn seasons. Out of 95 flocks involved in questionnaire survey unrelated to the abattoir survey, all the farmers reported the existence of the clinical signs known for coenurosis and described it in locally known names and diseases. Twenty-five of them had recent cases that were diagnosed by the veterinarian as coenurosis cases. Each flock reported one or two cases at the time of survey. A variety of clinical signs were reported from these cases (n = 42). These included circling (86%), head pressing (52%), blindness (29%) and paresis (40%). Coenurosis is a sheep-health problem and an important cause of sheep culling in Jordan.  相似文献   

Six chicks (3–6 weeks of age) were taken randomly from each of 200 broiler farms in northern Jordan, these chicks were submitted for post-mortem and parasitological examinations. Seven Eimeria spp. were identified: E. acervulina, E. brunetti, E. maxima, E. necatrix, E. mivati, E. mitis, and E. tenella. Half (50%) of the farms surveyed had all six chicks infected, 23% of the farms were free of the infection. E. tenella was the most prevalent species (39%) followed by E. necatrix (12%), E. brunitti (12%), and E. maxima (10%). Prevalences did not vary by flock size. Also, neither the use of coccidiostat nor previous coccidiosis clinical outbreaks was associated with the prevalence of coccidiosis.  相似文献   

Survey was conducted in 9 Syrian provinces on clinically healthy Awassi sheep. Serum samples were collected from several districts (more than 47 localities--31 villages and 20 herds). Animals were 1-5 years old. 458 samples were collected in spring 1997 and 352 samples were collected from November 1998 through February 1999. The result indicated that seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii ranged between 0-100% in the herds and 13.8-74.5% between the provinces. And the mean of sero-prevalence was 44.56% in all provinces. The following prevalence were found in as indicated: Idleb 74.46%, Hama 72.16%, Deraa 63.35%, Al-Hssakeh 51.11%, Suweida 46.98%, Homs 40%, area of Damascus 23.48%, Aleppo 17.02% and Deir Ezzor 13.79%. The serological titer was 1:4 for 37.67% to 1:64 for 78.93% of the positive samples. Results showed that there are 29 (8%) of the positive samples with 1:1.000, and only 5 (1.38%) with 1:4.000. It is concluded that the Toxoplasma-infections may be one of the main causes of sheep abortions and as the source of human infection in Syria. Therefore, it is suggested that further epidemical studies are needed.  相似文献   

A prospective cohort study was conducted using 32 randomly selected Awassi sheep flocks to identify factors hypothesized to be associated with the occurrence of pregnancy, twinning and fetal loss between August 2005 and May 2006 in the region of Al-Safawi (northeast of Jordan). Vitamins A and E and selenium concentrations were determined on 448 blood samples. Using the forward selection procedure of the logistic regression module, models with statistically significant risk factors (P?<?0.05) were constructed for three outcomes; pregnancy, twinning and fetal loss. Serum vitamin A concentration levels were associated with pregnancy (OR?=?2.26, 2.48), twinning (OR?=?6.49, 17.74) and fetal loss (OR?=?0.13, 0.19). Primiparous ewes were 48% less likely to become pregnant than fourth or higher parity ewes. The likelihood of twinning increased significantly in ewes up to the third parity. Ewes that were fed 700-900 g barley, 250-300 g wheat-bran per head per day and grazed on vegetables residues were 4.15 times more likely to have twins than ewes that were fed 600 g barley and 200 g wheat-bran per head per day. Fetal loss in first and second parity ewes was about 3 times more likely than that in third or higher-parity ewes. Ewes pregnant with twins were about 14 times more likely to have fetal loss than ewes carrying single fetus. Pregnant ewes of the stationary flocks were 37% less likely to have fetal loss than ewes of the semi-nomadic flocks. These results demonstrate that stationary Awassi sheep flocks had higher pregnancy and twinning rates and less pregnancy loss. Supplementation of vitamin A, providing sufficient quantity of dry feed and increasing ram: ewe ratio for primiparous ewes of semi-nomadic flocks is essential to improve Awassi sheep reproductive performance.  相似文献   

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