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上海嘉定区表土磁性强度的空间分异及环境指示意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在上海嘉定区,按土地利用方式的多样性和空间分布的均匀性,采集31个表土(0~5 cm)样品,分析表土磁化率(χlf)和重金属元素(Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd、Cr、Mn)含量。结果表明:表土χlf普遍增强,且空间分异很大,变幅在35.1×10-8~1 676.9×10-8m3kg-1,平均值为177.9×10-8m3kg-1。表土磁化率随土地利用方式的不同呈现出显著差异,总体看:工业土壤>马路绿地>农耕土壤>林地土壤。表土磁性的增强与重金属元素的累积有密切联系:表土χlf与Zn、Cr、Cd的含量呈极显著正相关(p<0.01);表土χlf与重金属综合污染指数呈显著正相关(p<0.05)。嘉定表土磁性特征的研究进一步表明,磁学方法可作为监测和评估上海土壤重金属污染的有效手段。  相似文献   

薛勇  胡雪峰  叶荣 《土壤通报》2016,(5):1245-1252
以上海宝山区为例,开展表土磁化率与其重金属含量相关性研究。根据研究区域土地功能特征,选取工业区表土、公路边表土、居民区表土和农田表土(0~5 cm)作为研究对象,共采集80个样品,进行磁化率和重金属元素(Fe、Zn、Cr、Ni、Mn、Cu、Pb和Cd)含量分析。结果表明,宝山各功能区表土多数重金属含量和磁化率,均不同程度地超出上海土壤背景值。其中,工业区表土重金属Zn、Cr、Pb元素含量以及公路边表土Zn、Pb、Cd元素含量均超出上海土壤背景值的4倍以上,且空间分异性较大。工业区和公路边表土磁性增强显著,且空间变异性大。工业区表土磁化率与Zn、Mn、Pb和Cd含量呈极显著正相关(P0.01);公路边表土磁化率与Zn、Cr、Mn、Cu、Fe2O_3含量呈极显著正相关(P0.01)。表明受工业和交通影响的表土,其磁化率对重金属污染有很好的指标作用。居民区和农田表土的磁化率,只与个别重金属元素呈显著相关,表明以土壤磁化率来指示重金属污染会受到土地利用方式及周边环境等因素的限制。  相似文献   

上海宝山和青浦区表土磁性特征的差异及环境指示意义   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
姜琪  胡雪峰  李珊  李洋 《土壤通报》2012,(4):774-780
分别在上海宝山区和青浦区设置49和36个监测点,对表土磁化率(χl)f和主要重金属污染元素含量进行比较研究。结果表明:宝山表土Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd、Cr、Mn和Ni的平均含量分别为31.2、194.1、140.8、0.55、85.5、805.7和36.5 mg kg-1;青浦区表土平均含量分别为39.7、128.8、38.5、0.36、62.4、567.2和34.7 mg kg-1。宝山表土重金属污染程度普遍高于青浦,尤其是Pb、Cd、Zn含量显著高于青浦。宝山表土χlf显著增强,平均为180.1×10-8 m3 kg-1,且区域分异性较大,变异系数达110.4%;青浦表土χlf平均为32.7×10-8 m3 kg-1,变幅为10.4×10-8~117.5×10-8 m3 kg-1,变异系数为75.5%。宝山表土χlf与Cu、Zn、Pb、Cr、Mn、Ni、Fe含量存在极显著正相关关系(P<0.01);但青浦表土χlf仅与Zn、Mn(P<0.01)、Cu(P<0.05)显著相关。两区表土磁性特征、重金属累积以及两者相关性的差异,与不同的土地利用方式有关。尤其是青浦稻田土壤磁性弱,是该区χlf与重金属含量相关程度较低的重要原因。  相似文献   

建立基于土壤磁化率的重金属污染等级标准可为土壤重金属污染评价提供更为简便的磁学方法。采集开封市城市土壤表层样品99个,测定As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Ni、Pb和Zn含量以及低频磁化率(χLF)和高频磁化率(χHF)。采用普通Kriging插值法探讨χLF的空间分布,污染负荷指数(PLI)评价土壤重金属污染程度,并在PLI与χLF相关分析的基础上建立了基于χLF的土壤重金属污染等级标准。结果表明,开封市城市土壤各样点7种重金属的平均PLI为2.53,呈中度污染,Cd是最主要的污染因子。土壤χLF平均值为125.7×10-8m3kg-1,总体上由东南向西北递减,高值区出现在东南部、老城区北部和陇海铁路沿线附近。各样点土壤重金属PLI与其χLF的回归方程为PLI=0.011χLF+0.320(r=0.663),呈极显著正相关(p0.01)。用土壤χLF可以评价开封市城市土壤重金属污染程度:当土壤χLF≤62×10-8m3kg-1时,为无污染;当62×10-8χLF≤153×10-8m3kg-1时,为轻度污染;当153×10-8χLF≤244×10-8m3kg-1时,为中度污染;当χLF244×10-8m3kg-1时,为强度污染。  相似文献   

上海市区街道灰尘重金属污染研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
对上海市区街道灰尘重金属的分布特征、赋存形态及其生物有效性进行了研究,结果表明,市区街道灰尘中Pb、Cu、Ni和Zn的平均含量分别为264、182、86和673 mg kg-1,远高于上海市土壤环境背景值;重金属含量空间分布差异较大,Cu、Pb和Zn污染中心区主要位于商业区和内环线附近,Ni污染中心区主要位于外环线附近;市区街道灰尘中Pb主要以铁锰氧化物结合态存在,Cu主要以有机物结合态存在,Ni主要以残渣态和铁锰氧化物结合态存在,Zn主要以残渣态存在;其生物有效性表现为:Ni≈Pb>Zn>Cu。  相似文献   

磁性土壤中Cu和Zn污染的指示作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Concentrations of copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) and various magnetic parameters in contaminated urban roadside soils were investigated using chemical analysis and magnetic measurements. The results revealed highly elevated Cu and Zn concentrations as well as magnetic susceptibility in the roadside soils. The mean concentrations of Cu and Zn in these roadside soils were almost twice those in average Chinese soils, with the mean magnetic susceptibility of the roadside soils reaching about 179 ×10^-8 m^3 kg^-1. This enhanced magnetic susceptibility was attributed to the presence of anthropogenic soft ferrimagnetic particles. A low frequency-dependent susceptibility (2.5%± 1.0%) observed in the roadside soils indicated the coarse multidomain (MD) ferrimagnetic grains to be the dominant contributor to magnetic susceptibility. The Cu and Zn concentration of the soils had highly significant linear correlations with magnetic susceptibility (P 〈 0.01), anhysteretic remanent magnetization (P 〈 0.01), and saturation isothermal remanent magnetization (P 〈 0.01). This suggested that heavy metals were associated with ferrimagnetic particles in soils, which were attributed to input of traffic emissions and industrial activities. Scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectra of magnetic extracts of the roadside soils further suggested the llnk between the magnetic signal and concentrations of heavy metals. Thus, the magnetic parameters could provide a proxy measure for the level of heavy metal contamination and could be a potential tool for the detection and mapping of contaminated soils.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effect of 1 N NH4OAc and sodium-citrate dithionite extractable forms of soil Fe, Al, and Mn on P-sorption of a flooded acid sulfate soil (Sulfic Tropaquepts) and a non-acid sulfate soil (Typic Tropaquepts) under different soil oxidation-reduction and pH conditions. We used Maha-Phot soil (Sulfic Tropaquepts) and Bangkok soil (Typic Tropaquepts) from the Bangkok Plain, Thailand, and incubated them with 0.2% rice straw under aerobic (O2 atmosphere) and anaerobic (N2 atmosphere) conditions at three different levels of pH (4.0, 5.0, and 6.0) for 6 weeks in stirred soil suspensions with a soil to 0.01 M CaCl2 solution ratio of 1:7. After the incubation period, the soil suspensions in the first treatment (control) were not washed or pretreated with any extractants. For the second treatment (II), the soil suspensions were treated with 1 N NH4OAc (buffered to pH 4.0) to remove Fe, Al, and Mn in exchangeable form. In the third treatment (III), the soils suspensions were treated with sodium citrate dithionite solution (20%) to remove Fe, Al, and Mn in the form of free oxides. The soil residues were then equilibrated with KH2PO4 ranging from 0 to 500 mg P kg-1 soil. Sorption isotherms were described by the classical Langmuir equation. The P-sorption parameters under study were standard P requirement (SPR), Langmuir maximum sorption capacity (X m), Langmuir sorption constant (k), and buffering index (BI). Treating soils with 1 N NH4OAc reduced X m by 32–55%, SPR by 68–84%, and also decreased the differences in P-sorption due to the effects of pH and oxidation-reduction conditions. Significant correlations between the P-sorption parameters and the amount of free iron oxides indicated the primary role of iron oxides in P-sorption of acid sulfate soils. Aluminium oxides seemed to play a secondary role in P-sorption of these soils. Manganese also showed an important effect on P-sorption, but the mechanism is ambiguous.This is a contribution from the Wetland Biogeochemistry Institute, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-7511  相似文献   

Land use change and grassland degradation are two of the most critical problems ubiquitously found in arid and semi-arid areas in Northern China. Energy fluxes, including net radiation (Rn), latent heat flux (LE), sensible heat flux (H) and soil heat flux (G), were examined over an entire year (December 2005 to November 2006) in different steppe ecosystems – the steppe and cropland in Duolun and the fenced and grazed steppe in Xilinhot – in Inner Mongolia based on direct measurements from four eddy-covariance flux towers. The seasonal changes in Rn, LE, H and G of the four sites were similar, with very low values during the period of snow cover from December to February, followed by a gradual increase in the growing season. The opposite seasonal patterns of the LE and H fraction resulted in significant seasonal changes in Bowen ratio (β). Human activity in cropland ecosystems not only resulted in a rapidly shift between LE and H, but also triggered a decrease in latent heat fraction because of a shortened growing season of crop plants. The significantly positive relationships between canopy surface conductance (gc) and LE/LEeq of all of the study sites suggested that a lack of precipitation coupled with high VPD conduced remarkable decreases of stomatal conductance. This could impede the latent heat partitioning of available energy (Rn − G) in semi-arid ecosystems, Inner Mongolia. The obvious decrease in the values of gc and the decoupling factor (Ω) in both the cropland and the degraded steppe suggested that land use change could depress latent flux fraction and increase its sensitivity to air and soil drought.  相似文献   

We studied three cores from a well-dated sediment archive from an oxbow lake of the River Morava, Czech Republic, using a high-resolution (1 cm) multiproxy stratigraphic analysis and a concentration of selected heavy metals. The objective was to investigate how the vertical distribution of pollutants could be affected by episodic flood sedimentation in archives with high sedimentation rates. Stratigraphic proxies (magnetic susceptibility/MS/, X-ray densitometry and visible-light diffuse reflectance spectrometry), supported by grain-size analyses, enabled us to identify relatively coarse-grained flood layers and correlate them in the proximal-to-distal direction in the oxbow-lake delta. A correlation of the flood layers with the time series of the river discharge was used to improve the age model based primarily on 137Cs dating. The refined age model is nonlinear and shows periods of lower and higher sediment accumulation rates, which coincided with periods of lower and higher frequency of floods in the river, respectively. Concentrations of most heavy metals, normalized to lithogenic aluminium, revealed vigorous short-term variation related to floods, whose magnitude exceeds that of long-term trends. There is a substantial risk that temporal contamination trends, even if normalized to lithogenic elements, can be strongly influenced by facies, which may lead to potential misinterpretations. Element normalizing to MS, which proved to be a good proxy of grain size, provided smoother long-term trends whose interpretation was less affected by short-term variations. The long-term trends exhibit decreasing concentrations of most heavy metals for the last ~ 25 years, most notably between ~ 1987 and ~ 1992. These historical patterns correspond well to the significant improvement in environmental pollution reported elsewhere in Central Europe. In contrast, concentrations of Na have systematically increased up until the present, partly being driven by the widespread use of de-icing salt for winter road treatment.  相似文献   

Aim of this study was to determine effects of heavy metals on litter consumption by the earthworm Lumbricus rubellus in National Park the “Brabantsche Biesbosch”, the Netherlands. Adult L. rubellus were collected from 12 polluted and from one unpolluted field site. Earthworms collected at the unpolluted site were kept in their native soil and in soil from each of the 12 Biesbosch sites. Earthworms collected in the Biesbosch were kept in their native soils. Non-polluted poplar (Populus sp.) litter was offered as a food source and litter consumption and earthworm biomass were determined after 54 days. Cd, Cu and Zn concentrations were determined in soil, pore water and 0.01 M CaCl2 extracts of the soil and in earthworms. In spite of low available metal concentrations in the polluted soils, Cd, Cu and Zn concentrations in L. rubellus were increased. The litter consumption rate per biomass was positively related to internal Cd and Zn concentrations of earthworms collected from the Biesbosch and kept in native soil. A possible explanation is an increased demand for energy, needed for the regulation and detoxification of heavy metals. Litter consumption per biomass of earthworms from the reference site and kept in the polluted Biesbosch soils, was not related to any of the determined soil characteristics and metal concentrations.  相似文献   

土壤中汞的化学形态及其影响因素   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
An investigation and on 13-year-old(1984-1996) Chinese fir and Tsoong‘s tree mixed forests in Jianou City,Fujian Province,China was carried out to compare the influences of different interplanting types of individual tree-tree,row-row,row-strip(three rows)and pure Chinese fir stands on soil properties.Compared with the pure stands of Chinese fir ,the mixed stands exerted a posivtive effect on soil fertility,with increases in soil organic matter,total N,available P and available K.Moreover,improvements were also observed in soil enzymatic activities ,aggregate structure,structure,stability,status of soil porosity,soil aeration and penetrability in miexd stands.The row-row interplanted stands had the best effect on tree growth and soil properties among these mixed forests.In the southern subtropical region,the spreading of the row-row mixing model of the two tree species would be helpful to preventin ghe soil from fertility deterioratio caused by successive plantation of Chineses fir.  相似文献   

Microbial communities in floodplain soils are exposed to periodical flooding. A long-term submerged Eutric Gleysol (GLe), an intermediate flooded Eutric Fluvisol (FLe), and a short-time flooded Mollic Fluvisol (FLm) at the Elbe River (Germany) with similar organic carbon contents (Corg) between 8.1% and 8.9% were selected to test the quality of phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA), soil microbial carbon (Cmic), basal respiration (BR), metabolic quotient (qCO2), and Cmic/Corg ratio to characterize and discriminate these soils with microbial parameters.The three floodplain soils can be differentiated by Cmic and by total PLFA-biomass. Due to the different flooding durations and the time since the soils were last flooded Cmic and PLFA-biomass increase in the order GLe<FLe<FLm. Both parameters correlate significantly (r=0.999;p<0.05). The Cmic/Corg ratios are low in comparison to terrestrial soils and revealed the same ranking over the three soils like Cmic. Contrary, qCO2 and BR are highest in GLe and lowest in FLm according to inundation regime. The diminished Cmic, high BR, and high qCO2 values in GLe seem to be an unspecific response of aerobic soil microorganisms on the long flooding period and the resulting short time for developing after last flooding as well as the low pH value. Different plant communities and their residues may influence the microbial diversity additionally.The PLFA profiles were dominated by the group of saturated fatty acids that together constituted almost 62-72% of the total fatty acids identified in the soils. In GLe all groups of PLFA, inclusive monounsaturated fatty acids, are lowest and in FLm highest, while in FLe the PLFA fractions show an intermediary amount of the three soils. The FLm had most of the time aerobic conditions and revealed therefore the highest Cmic, PLFA-biomass, especially monounsaturated fatty acids, Cmic/Corg ratio as well as relatively low BR and qCO2 value. These indicate that microorganisms in FLm are more efficiently in using carbon sources than those in GLe and FLe.All 26 identified PLFA were found in FLe and FLm, while the polyunsaturated fungi biomarker 18:2ω6,9c could not be detected in GLe. In this long-time submerged soil the environmental conditions which microorganisms are exposed might be disadvantageous for fungi.  相似文献   

On the island of Lanzarote, under extreme conditions of aridity and water scarcity, a certain amount of rainfed agriculture has been possible due to the use of tephra mulching, a system known locally as arenados, which is a very effective water and soil conservation system. The natural arenados are associated to already present tephra from recent volcanic eruptions. In artificial arenados a 5 to 20 cm layer of pyroclasts is placed over the soil. Over the last decade, the availability of urban reclaimed water (RW) has allowed irrigation networks to be established in artificial arenados with significant increases in crop yields. In this work, a preliminary evaluation of the sustainability of this new form of management was performed. Field plots irrigated with tertiary effluent for almost a decade were studied and compared with adjacent dry-farming fields, both cropped with sweet potatoes. In both cases, the soils had a covering of basaltic tephra mulch. The irrigation lines are placed on top of the mulch. Although this was not a controlled field experiment, since water and soil management was not exactly the same in the studied plots, some significant effects of RW irrigation on soil chemical properties were identified. Crop yields in the irrigated fields can be up to three times the yields obtained under rainfed conditions. The RW quality posed some restrictions for irrigation, particularly as regards salinity, sodicity and boron, although their buildup in soils appears to have been reduced by the mulch effect. In some field plots, crop critical threshold values of soil salinity and boron were reached with no harmful consequences. This developing soil degradation suggests that the sustainability of arenados systems under RW irrigation would appear to be under threat in the mid- to long-term based on current management practices. Further research is required on the salt and boron dynamics in this system, which is an example of conservation agriculture that also helps combat desertification.  相似文献   

The study was carried out to investigate whether 1 M NH4NO3 extraction is a useful alternative to 10 mM CaCl2 extraction for estimating soil microbial biomass S and whether the data of CHCl3-labile NH4NO3-extractable macronutrients and heavy metals are useful and in agreement with the available data on element concentrations in soil microorganisms. Microbial biomass C was followed by microbial biomass S after CaCl2 extraction with an average C/S ratio of 82, and by microbial biomass S after NH4NO3 extraction with an average C/S ratio of 57. The mean contribution of CHCl3-labile metals in relation to the NH4NO3-extractable fraction from non-fumigated soils ranged from 0.1 to 112% in the order potassium < magnesium < cadmium < sodium < zinc + nickel < manganese < copper. The mean contribution of CHCl3-labile metals in relation to the microbial biomass C ranged from 0.03 to 22‰ in the order cadmium < nickel < zinc < manganese < magnesium < copper < sodium < potassium. These relative contributions varied within the different metals from a 4-fold (Na+) to a more than 200-fold range (Cu2+). Significant positive correlations with microbial biomass C were observed for CHCl3-labile zinc, sodium and especially potassium. The concentration of all elements except copper in relation to microbial biomass C were in the range known from the limited literature on fungi grown on heavy metal contaminated soils.  相似文献   

Summary We studied the effect of a component (Fe3+) of a polluted atmosphere on the dynamic interactions among biotic and abiotic components of a simulated broad-leaved forest ecosystem in the district of Presila Cosentina. We reproduced, in laboratory trials, the environmental conditions and time sequences of most of the organic and inorganic parameters that affect the activities of microorganisms and of two invertebrates that inhabit broadleaved woods, Helix aspersa and Octolasion complanatum. We stressed this system by treatment with FeCl3 solution at 60 mg kg–1 to simulate environmental pollution. The results strongly suggest that heavy metal contamination, which essentially causes oxidative stress at cellular level, is detrimental to many of the parameters measured.  相似文献   

In studying the basal respiration, microbial biomass (substrate-induced respiration, SIR), and metabolic quotient (qCO2) in western red cedar (Thuja plicata Donn ex D. Don)-western hemlock [(Tsuga heterophylla Raf.) Sarg.] ecosystems (old-growth forests, 3- and 10-year-old plantations) on northern Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, we predicted that (1) soil basal respiration would be reduced by harvesting and burning, reflecting the reduction in microbial biomass and activities; (2) the microbial biomass would be reduced by harvesting and slash-burning, due to the excessive heat of the burning or due to reduced substrate availability; (3) microbial biomass in the plantations would tend to recover to the preharvesting levels with growth of the trees and increased substrate availability; and (4) microbial biomass measured by the SIR method would compare well with that measured by the fumigation-extraction (FE) method. Decaying litter layer (F), woody F (Fw) and humus layer (H) materials were sampled four times in the summer of 1992. The results obtained supported the four predictions. Microbial biomass was reduced in the harvested and slash-burned plots. Both SIR and FE methods provided equally good estimates of microbial biomass in the samples [SIR microbial C (mg g-1)=0.227+0.458 FE microbial C (mg g-1), r=0.63, P=0.0001] and proved suitable for microbial biomass measurements in this strongly acidic soil. Basal respiration was significantly greater in the old-growth forests than in the young plantations (P<0.05) in both F and H layers, but not in the Fw layer. For the 3- and 10-year-old plantations, there was no difference in basal respiration in F, Fw, and H layers. Basal respiration was related to changes in air temperature, precipitation, and the soil moisture contant at the time of sampling. The qCO2 values were higher in the old-growth stands than in the plantations. Clear-cutting followed by prescribed burning did not increase soil microbial respiration, but CO2 released from slash-burning and that contributed from other sources may be of concern to increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations.  相似文献   

上海市老港垃圾填埋场潮滩重金属污染及评价研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以上海市老港垃圾填埋场潮滩为例,研究了沉积物中重金属的分布特征,并采用化学法和潜在生态危害指数法评价了潮滩重金属的污染状况及其潜在生态危害,以期为保护潮滩环境以及利用潮滩进行垃圾渗滤液的净化提供科学依据。结果表明,受垃圾渗滤液排放和生物活动影响,老港潮滩表层沉积物中重金属(除Cu外)的含量在向海向上均表现为:高潮滩>低潮滩>中潮滩;Cr和Zn的含量在氧化池排污口处明显高于其它排污口,而Pb的含量在自然排污口处最高;老港潮滩沉积物受到一定程度的重金属污染,以Zn的污染最为严重,由这4种元素造成的潜在生态危害是中等的,其中,Cu和Pb的毒性贡献最大。  相似文献   


A technique was developed to eliminate chloride interference using antimony (III) in the determination of nitrates in soils by phenoldisulphonic acid method. This method was found effective upto nearly 300 ppm Cl in soils ranging in pH from 5.6 to 8.3. By avoiding repeated filtrations of chloride precipitates, this method allowas quick analysis of soils for nitrates in single soil extracts containing other mineral nitrogen fractions.  相似文献   

The presence of soils with andic properties on German territory has been suspected for decades and there are numerous reports of sites where they may potentially occur. Andic properties, however, are not adequately represented by the German soil‐classification system. The German taxonomic category “Lockerbraunerde” has not been revised or reconciled with international taxonomic categories since the year 1957, when it was initially proposed. With this review, we show that there are true Andosols of both the silandic (allophane‐containing) and the aluandic (Al‐Humus‐dominated) type in Germany and that their properties differ substantially from other soils which merely exhibit low bulk density. By (1) comparing soil carbon storage between some German Andosols, Chernozems, and nonandic Cambisols with particularly low bulk density and (2) elucidation of the differential pedogenetic pathways leading to Andosol formation, we further demonstrate that Andosols are important objects of study in research issues of contemporary interest. We propose that appropriate measures be taken to lay the foundations for the protection and conservation of these soils, because they are valuable as archives of natural history and provide opportunities to study unique soil processes.  相似文献   

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