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2016-2017年,以河南省平顶山和南阳市3~5 a生甜柿‘阳丰’、‘次郎’为调查材料,调查不同品种甜柿柿果顶腐病发生情况,包括发生时期,病害症状,发病程度,进展速度等及发生情况与温度、水分、树龄、树势等因素的关系。结果表明:顶腐病发生在柿果转色期,‘阳丰’发病较早且发病较重,病情表现差异不大;顶腐病发生情况与树龄、树势、温度、水分有一定的关系。  相似文献   

板栗膏药病对树皮电阻值的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为给板栗膏药病的防治和进一步研究提供参考,对安徽省舒城县河棚板栗产区板栗膏药病与树皮电阻值的相关性进行了研究,结果表明:树皮电阻值与病情呈显著的正相关,即感病程度越重树皮电阻值越大,感病越轻电阻值越小;同一植株上同一病斑的不同位置,树皮电阻值差异极显著,即病斑中央树皮电阻值最大,高于病斑上方、病斑下方、病斑侧面和健康处。  相似文献   

本文对20种欧美杨杂种无性系苗期叶锈病进行了调查,结果表明:L-BI和L-B2等6个品种苗期叶锈病危害较重,感病指数都超过20%,其中L-BI感病指数高达78.7%;采用70%甲基托布津防治叶锈病防治效果达50%以上,其中70%甲基托布津1:806防治L-B1叶锈病最好,效果高达83.2%。  相似文献   

菊花叶枯线虫病Aphelenchoides ritzemabosi(Schwartz)Steiner是菊花的重要病害。通过对带有菊花线虫泥土的盆栽菊花连续观察,证实不同品种菊花感病性不同,大叶型菊花感病较轻,中、小型菊花感病较重,经方差分析,差异极显著。此外,有菊花褐斑病与叶枯线虫病同株发生现象。  相似文献   

板栗品种的膏药病感病性差异调查初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
板栗品种的膏药病感病性差异调查初报赵本忠,翟田骏(安徽省舒城县森防站,舒城,331300)板栗是舒城县经济林的主要树种,现有品种22个,其中蜜蜂球、叶里藏、粘底板为舒城特有,是国内推广的优良品种。至1996年底,全县板栗面积增加到1.87万hm2,年...  相似文献   

为降低油茶林软腐病感病率并提高产量,以7年生油茶的4个品种为对象开展冬季修剪,研究冬季修剪对油茶软腐病发生的影响。结果表明:修剪能有效降低油茶软腐病的感病率,修剪后的病情指数为3.75,而未修剪的病情指数高达30.63,是修剪后的8.2倍;4个品种的抗软腐病能力从高到低依次为G、92A、1B、1A,其中品种G修剪后株感病率为0;修剪能降低油茶的感病程度,修剪后的枝和叶的感病率分别比未修剪低18.5个百分点和18.2个百分点;修剪能显著降低因软腐病而引起的落叶,比未修剪的落叶率低18.4个百分点;当油茶叶面的感病程度达1/4以上时,叶片掉落;油茶软腐病主要发生在树冠中下部,修剪能显著降低树冠中下部的感染率。  相似文献   

广西桉树焦枯病的流行规律研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
桉树焦枯病是广西近年来较严重的桉树病害之一。经常规组织分离鉴定确定广西桉树焦枯病病原菌主要有5种:Cylindrocladium quinqueseptatum,Cy.floridanum,Cy.scoparium,Calonectria sulawesiensis,Ca.hongkongensis。其中Ca.sulawesiensis和Ca.hongkongensis是国内新发现的2种焦枯病菌。在广西,桉树焦枯病4月下旬开始发病,12月初结束,高峰期在7—8月。病害的发展与当地气候条件关系密切,尤其是降雨量、相对湿度和温度直接影响病害的发生程度。该病的发生程度与桉树的树龄、品种、所处地理位置、坡向、坡位有关。一年生以下桉林或桉苗、北坡和山脚洼地的树林发病较重;广西的两大主栽无性系中,广林9号抗病性较强,而DH 32-29相对较感病。  相似文献   

据调查,近几年,紫纹羽病在山东发生蔓延较快,潍坊市所辖十二个县、区均有不同程度的发生.尤以诸城、五莲、临朐等地发生较重.危害树种有杨树、柳树、刺槐、椿树、紫穗槐等。经对河滩500亩十七年生的杨树、刺槐混交林的详细调查发现,发生面积190亩,其中轻的70亩,发病率11%,感病指数6.4,严重的120亩,发病率77%,感病指数60。  相似文献   

罗田板栗主要品种开花结果习性观察   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文调查了罗田板栗主要品种雌雄花序形成状况,雌花序着生部位、不同品种雄花序长度及其上的花簇数,观察了开花和落果物候期及其结果习性。发现:罗田板栗一些栽培品种雌雄花开放时间主要集中在5月下旬至6月上旬,并且存在雌花较雄花早开1-2天的现象;落果主要发生在7月上、中旬以前的一段时间,7月中旬以后落果较轻;板栗雌花不经授粉受精,同异花授粉或自花授粉一样可以“座果”,但所结果球全为空苞。  相似文献   

树皮结构与山核桃溃疡病抗性关系的研究   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3  
对树皮结构与山核桃溃疡病之间关系的研究表明,随着树龄的增大,周皮呈现出较厚的胞壁特征,病害较轻或不发病,感病指数与周皮厚度存在一定的负相关,其中,木栓层的厚度对植株抗病性的影响最大,木栓形成层区的宽度与感病指数之间呈一定的正相关,栓内层与之呈微弱的负相关。皮层的机械性能在一定程度上影响着树皮对溃疡病抗性。韧皮纤维比量在30%~50%之间,与感病指数则呈较强的负相关。次生韧皮部里的含晶纤维束占韧皮纤维总量的50%~55%,不同龄级之间差异不明显,与抗病性的相关性不明显。筛管活动能力与病害程度之间有着较强的负相关性,随着病害程度的加重,直径逐渐减小。韧皮射线组织比量与感病指数之间也呈负相关。  相似文献   

油桐抗枯萎病株系的选鉴研究*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

海南省尖峰岭地区营造的5-6年生海南红豆行道树,严重发生了由红锈藻引起的红锈病,在500株幼树中,发病株率高达97.5%,Ⅲ-Ⅳ级病株率80%,病情指数75.5,导致部分叶片干枯或脱落,嫩枝枯死,树势衰弱,生长严重受阻。文章对该病的症状、病原、危害及发生规律进行了报道。  相似文献   

Domec JC  Gartner BL 《Tree physiology》2002,22(2-3):91-104
We do not know why trees exhibit changes in wood characteristics as a function of cambial age. In part, the answer may lie in the existence of a tradeoff between hydraulic properties and mechanical support. In conifers, longitudinal tracheids represent 92% of the cells comprising the wood and are involved in both water transport and mechanical support. We used three hydraulic parameters to estimate hydraulic safety factors at several vertical and radial locations in the trunk and branches: vulnerability to cavitation; variation in xylem water potential (psi); and xylem relative water content. The hydraulic safety factors for 12 and 88 percent loss of conductivity (S(H12) and S(H88), representing the hydraulic safety factors for the air entry point and full embolism point, respectively) were determined. We also estimated the mechanical safety factor for maximum tree height and for buckling. We estimated the dimensionless hydraulic and mechanical safety factors for six seedlings (4 years old), six saplings (10 years old) and six mature trees (> 110 years old) of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco). Over the natural range of psi, S(H12) decreased linearly from treetop to a minimum of 0.95 at the tree base. Young and mature trees had S(H12) values 1.4 and 1.3 times higher, respectively, at their tips (juvenile wood) than at their bases (mature wood). Modeling analyses indicated that if trees were made entirely of mature wood, S(H12) at the stem base would be only 0.7. The mechanical safety factor was 1.2 times higher for the base of the tree than for the rest of the tree. The minimum mechanical safety factor-1.6 for the critical buckling height and 2.2 for the critical buckling load-occurred at the base of the live crown. Modeling analysis indicated that if trees were made only of mature wood, these values would increase to 1.7 and 2.3, respectively. Hydraulic safety factors had values that were less than half those for mechanical safety factors, suggesting that wood structure in Douglas-fir has evolved primarily as a result of selection for hydraulic safety rather than mechanical safety. The results suggest that forest managers must consider the role of juvenile wood in tree physiology to avoid producing plantations vulnerable to drought.  相似文献   

Two Norway spruce stands with heavy infections of Heterobasidion annosum were clear‐cut in 1957 and 1959 in Sweden. The stumps were extracted, the soil sifted to remove most of the roots, and young Norway spruce were planted. After 25 and 28 years, H. annosum had infected 1 % and 2% of trees on plots where stumps had been removed and 17 % and 12% of the trees on control plots, respectively. Several of the H. annosum clones fruiting on old‐growth stumps were also detected in decayed, standing trees. The same fungal clone was found to be infecting adjacent trees from several old‐growth stumps. In addition to old stumps, stumps from recent thinnings and diseased living trees were traced as infection sources. Their relative importance in spreading disease was estimated. Disease risk predictions based on the distance of a tree from various infection sources correlated well with observed frequencies of rot.  相似文献   

Spatial distribution of Heterobasidion genets over a period of ca 50 years in two successive generations of Norway spruce (Picea abies) was unravelled. The genets were first identified in 1993 in a naturally regenerated 43‐year‐old spruce stand that had been thinned the previous winter. Heterobasidion parviporum was found in 17.5% of the old stumps of the previous spruce generation. Nine genets were identified on the study plot; seven of them were present in old stumps of the previous tree generation and two only in the new spruce generation. Eighteen spruce trees of the new generation were infected, 15 of them by vegetative growth of genets originating from the old stumps. The study plot was investigated again in 2005. No new genets had been established after thinning, and three old genets had died out. The remaining genets had infected five new trees, most likely from the thinning stumps of diseased trees. At the age of 56 years, 16.1% of the residual spruces were infected by Heterobasidion. The results of this study suggest that if spore infection to stumps of spruce can be prevented, the decay frequency caused by H. parviporum will not necessarily increase in successive generations.  相似文献   

红河引种云油茶新品种的早期适应性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009~2010年从广南油茶研究所引种云油茶3号、4号、9号、13号、14号5个优良品种到金平和绿春两地进行田间试验,以广南油茶研究所苗圃地5个油茶新品种的生长情况为对照,分析了引种地其幼林早期的成活率、保存率、生长量及对干旱和低温适应性。研究结果表明:云油茶新品种早期在金平和绿春生长正常,当地的环境条件能满足其生长,金平试验地造林1年时的苗高、地径和春梢生长量分别为广南油茶研究所苗圃地同龄大苗的88.7%、95.3%和94.9%,绿春试验地造林2年时3项指标分别为广南的91.1%、92.7%和91.8%;并且在两地都表现出很强的抗寒和抗旱能力,但金平试验地虫害的发生较严重。  相似文献   

罗田垂枝杉不同材料扦插试验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为探索罗田垂枝杉的无性繁殖,以大树侧枝和基部萌条及采穗圃穗条为试验材料进行扦插,分析不同材料、不同系号及不同激素处理生根差异。结果表明:20 a以上的大树Ⅱ级侧枝的扦插生根率较低,为48.11%,而Ⅰ级侧枝的扦插生根率可达65%以上;萌条扦插生根率(88.86%)要远高于优树侧枝扦插生根率(48.01%),两者差异达到极显著水平(p0.01),黄化未木质化穗条扦插生根率仅为6.67%,远低于其他萌条86.94%~91.67%的生根水平,不同系号间萌条生根率从51.57%~98.77%不等;激素处理的采穗圃穗条生根率都在91.57%以上,粉剂1处理后生根数量最多,与其余三种处理差异达到显著水平。可见侧枝扦插要显著差于萌条扦插,而激素处理可以有效提高扦插生根率。  相似文献   

The occurrence of Heterobasidion annosum in stumps and growing trees was investigated on 15 forest sites in southern Finland where the previous tree stand had been Norway spruce (Picea abies) infected by H. annosum, and the present stand was either Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta), Siberian larch (Larix siberica), silver birch (Betula pendula) or Norway spruce 8–53 years old. Out of 712 spruce stumps investigated of the previous tree stand, 26.3% were infected by the S group and 0.3% by the P group of H. annosum. The fungus was alive and the fruit bodies were active even in stumps cut 46 years ago. In the subsequent stand, the proportion of trees with root rot increased in spruce stands and decreased in stands of other tree species. On average, one S type genet spreading from an old spruce stump had infected 3.0 trees in the following spruce stand, 0.5 trees in lodgepole pine, 0.3 trees in Siberian larch, 0.05 trees in Scots pine and 0.03 trees in silver birch stand. Although silver birch generally was highly resistant to the S type of H. annosum, infected trees were found on one site that was planted with birch of a very northern provenance.  相似文献   

梨叶枯病是在早酥梨上发现的一种新病害,病原菌为Mycovellosiella pyricola。通过调查早酥梨叶枯病在田间的消长动态,实测不同病情指数下1年生早酥梨苗的高、粗生长量、7-8年生结果树平均单果重、单株产量,建立了苗期生长量和结果树产量损失估计模型,推算出该病害防治指标病指苗期为12.74%,结果树为13.84%。  相似文献   

不同年龄构树皮的纤维、化学特性与制浆性能研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
对金沙江干热河谷不同年龄构树皮的化学、纤维特性与制浆性能进行研究.结果表明,构皮纤维长、木素含量低,纤维素含量高,纤维形态好,易于成浆.随着年龄的增大,低龄构皮化学组分稍有增大,但至6-7 a,灰分和木素含量增大,纤维素和硝酸-乙醇纤维素含量明显下降,不利于成浆;1%Na0H抽提物一直呈缓慢上升趋势,第6-7年达到最高;构皮纤维长度、长宽比及长纤维比例都随年龄的增长而增加,3-5 a增至最大,第6年后呈快速下降趋势.2-4年生构皮手抄片有较高的结合强度和耐折度,5-7 a后趋于稳定.因此,优质构皮纤维原料最佳收获期为2-5 a,综合经济效益考虑,纤维原料人工林培育最佳周期为2-3 a.  相似文献   

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