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In this paper, we report on predicting the strength of polyester/viscose spun yarns made on ring, rotor and air-jet spinning systems. A system has been developed to measure the weavability of yarns. Hamburger’s fibre bundle theory is modified to predict the strength of blended yarns from the strengths of single-fibre component yarns. The modified model predicts blended yarn strength more accurately than the original Hamburger’s model emphasizing the importance of yarn structure on blended yarn strength. The weavability of blended yarns is measured on a CTT instrument incorporating a shedding device which addresses the stresses viz., cycle extension, flex abrasion and beat up occur during weaving. The measured weavability compared well with that obtained on a commercial Sulzer Ruti Reutlingen Webtester. Yarn structure and strength and cohesion of fibres affect the strength and weavability of yarns.  相似文献   

The dynamic testing conditions simulate actual manufacturing conditions more closely than static testing. In most cases, as results from dynamic tests differ significantly from static tests, dynamic tests are more relevant from the point of view of processing of yarn. The yarns are in motion when they are running on different machines during the production process viz. weaving; knitting etc. Compact ring spun yarns have created a fundamental change how the industry views the ring spinning. The new technology compact yarns such as EliTe® yarns need to be compared with the normal doubled yarns in a dynamic way. This study involves dynamic testing of the EliTe® compact yarns and normal ring spun doubled yarns using CTT (Constant Tension Transport) machine, a versatile test instrument to measure the yarn properties such as dynamic breaking strength, elongation, abrasion, lint, yarn faults (thick, thin places, neps), hairiness etc. EliTe® compact yarns showed higher breaking strength, more elongation, with lesser yarn faults and hairiness, less abrasiveness and less lint generating tendencies during the dynamic testing as compared to the normal ring spun doubled yarns.  相似文献   

The intrinsic torque of freshly spun wool yarns is affected by ageing of wool roving prior to spinning as well as the storage time of the yarn after spinning. The effect of physical ageing of roving on yarn torque properties has not been observed before and this study shows that the yarn intrinsic torque increases with ageing of the roving and decreases or relaxes with the yarn storage time. The dependency of the intrinsic torque on the roving ageing time and the yarn storage time after spinning show a simple double-logarithmic shift factor of 0.42 compared with the value of 1 found generally for amorphous polymeric materials. The self-plying twist of the yarns used in this study shows a close link to the intrinsic torque and both are affected by the history of the roving prior to spinning. Significant reductions in the self-plying twist were obtained when deaged rovings were used in spinning. When self-plying twist is used as a predictor of fabric spirality the roving and yarn history needs to be considered. This study shows that low intrinsic torque yarns can be produced by deageing of the roving prior to spinning.  相似文献   

The tensile properties of spun yarns decisively influence its performance in various mechanical processing stages. This study is primarily aimed at simultaneous analysis of two tensile properties of spun yarns namely tenacity and breaking strain, which play crucial role in determining the frequency of warping breaks. The threshold values of yarn tenacity and breaking strain required for 20’s Ne carded cotton yarn to sustain the imposed stresses and strains during warping process have been determined using a bivariate normal distribution model. This study opens up the possibility of minimizing end breakage rate in various manufacturing processes of textile industry by engineering of spun yarns devoid of potential weak spots which are responsible for breaks.  相似文献   

A methodology and apparatus have been proposed to indirectly evaluate twist liveliness of spun yarns by measuring the number of snarl turns formed of a yarn submerged in a water bath. A comparative study was carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of water in the measurement of yarn snarls. T tests showed that water has a significant effect in the snarl forming and testing results. Systematic studies were then carried out in the intra and inter laboratories to evaluate the feasibility and accuracy of the proposed measurement system. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) for the studies showed that there is no significant difference in measuring twist liveliness between the operators in the same laboratory and between the operators from different laboratories, respectively. The largest variance in the tests is attributed to the expected variation in the level of snarl turns in different yarn specimens. The experimental results showed that the developed yarn snarling apparatus has made accurate and repeatable measurements of twist liveliness over a range of 100 % cotton ring spun yarn counts.  相似文献   

In this study, an artificial neural network (ANN) and a statistical model are developed to predict the unevenness of polyester/viscose blended open-end rotor spun yarns. Seven different blend ratios of polyester/viscose slivers are produced and these slivers are manufactured with four different rotor speed and four different yarn counts in rotor spinning machine. A back propagation multi layer perceptron (MLP) network and a mixture process crossed regression model (simplex lattice design) with two mixture components (polyester and viscose blend ratios) and two process variables (yarn count and rotor speed) are developed to predict the unevenness of polyester/viscose blended open-end rotor spun yarns. Both ANN and simplex lattice design have given satisfactory predictions, however, the predictions of statistical models gave more reliable results than ANN.  相似文献   

In this study, an analysis on the breaking elongation mechanism of the polyester/viscose blended open-end rotor spun yarns has been carried out. In addition, a back propagation multi layer perceptron (MLP) network and a mixture process crossed regression model with two mixture components (polyester and viscose blend ratios) and two process variables (yarn count and rotor speed) are developed to predict the breaking elongation of polyester/viscose blended open-end rotor spun yarns. Seven different blend ratios of polyester/viscose slivers are produced and these slivers are manufactured with four different rotor speed and four different yarn counts in rotor spinning machine. In conclusion, ANN and statistical model both have given satisfactory predictions; however, the predictions of ANN gave relatively more reliable results than those of statistical models. Since the prediction capacity of statistical models is also obtained as satisfactory, it can also be used for breaking elongation (%) prediction of yarns because of its simplicity and non-complex structure. In addition, it is also found in this study that yarn count, rotor speed and breaking elongation of polyester-viscose fibers and the blend ratios of these fibers in the yarn have major effects on yarn breaking elongation.  相似文献   

In this paper, the capillary rise method was applied to evaluate the wicking property of polyester filament yarns. Effects of twist, monofil cross sectional shape and texturing on the wicking height were discussed in details. The results indicated that with the increase of twist level, the wicking height ascends until reaching the maximum height, and then descends. It is also observed that under the same twist level, the wicking height of the five-leaf low-stretch yarn is the largest among all those three kinds of yarns, and then is that of the conventional low-stretch yarn. The wicking height of the parallel-drawn yarn is the smallest.  相似文献   

The present paper reports the impact of thermal treatment on the characteristics of core-sheath type hybrid technical yarns. The core-sheath type hybrid yarns are prepared using DREF-III technology. Polyester and glass multifilaments are used as core components whereas the cotton and polyester staple fibers are the sheath components wrapped around the core filament with different proportions to form a hybrid structure. The thermal treatment is carried out both in dry and in wet state under relaxed condition and the thermal shrinkage, sheath-slipping resistance and tensile and bending properties of hybrid yarns have been studied. Thermal treatment markedly increases the thermal shrinkage and sheath-slipping resistance of hybrid yarns with polyester multifilament in core, but insignificant effect for yarns with glass multifilament in core. Breaking elongation of hybrid yarns with polyester multifilament in core increases with treatment temperature. The hybrid yarns with glass multifilament in core are least affected by thermal treatment.  相似文献   

The present paper is concerned with the influence of opening roller speed, drum speed difference and suction air pressure on properties of polyester and acrylic open-end friction spun yarns. The results shows that the opening roller speed and the suction air pressure have considerable influence on the characteristics of polyester and acrylic open-end friction spun yarns. In case of polyester yarns the unevenness, imperfection and hairiness decreases and the yarn tenacity increases with the increase in opening roller speed and suction air pressure. However for acrylic yarns the unevenness and imperfections decreases and tenacity increases with the increase in opening roller speed and suction air pressure.  相似文献   

Fibres being the structural unit of a yarn, its nature, composition and arrangement can influence structure and properties. The performance of yarn changes with arrangement of its constituent fibres. Arrangement of fibres in a yarn being system specific, different spinning system results different arrangement of fibres causing variation in product performance. A change in the arrangement of fibres in an already formed yarn can be brought about by suitable physical and/or chemical treatment. A treatment to remove a component is expected to cause changes in final arrangement of fibres in a yarn. In the present study, polyester/PVA blended yarn was modified through dissolution of the later component. The resultant change in structural arrangement on dissolution was assessed by the change in radial packing distribution of fibres. Migration index, helped in identifying the location that was influenced more in the redistribution. In the parent yarn, PVA had a preferential tendency to predominate near the core. On dissolution of PVA, creation of open space was expected and collapsing of the structure led to a possible rearrangement of fibres and reduction in diameter of yarn. Fibre denier, blend ratio and twist factor were also found to influence packing density both in parent and modified yarn. Unlike published reports, interestingly, an increase in fibre packing density was observed on dissolution of PVA. Average packing density in parent yarn was found to lie at a yarn radius between 0.07 mm to 0.09 mm while for the modified yarn it was between 0.05 mm to 0.07 mm.  相似文献   

In the present study, effect of OPP (oxidized PP) fraction on the mechanical and structural properties of produced fibers is investigated. Polypropylene powder without antioxidant materials was oxidized at the suitable thermal condition. The various fractions of OPP were blended with PP in the chips shape, and employed as starting material in a melt spinning machine for production of filament yarn. Then as-spun filaments were drawn and finally textured. Structural properties including density, birefringence and FTIR and physical properties consisting of shrinkage, tensile properties and crimp properties were measured. Results show that blending of OPP with virgin PP reduces tacticity and crystallinity, but it hasn’t any effect on orientation. Physical properties of drawn yarns and textured yarns were reduced with increasing of OPP fraction. Moreover, increasing of OPP fraction in blend, reduce crimp properties of textured yarn.  相似文献   

The present paper reports the detailed study on the splicing behavior of viscose staple fiber yarns made from ring, rotor, friction and air-jet spinning technologies. The linear density of all the yearns was kept constant at 29.5 tex. The splicing parameters like splicing pressure and duration of the splicing were taken as variables. Three levels of splicing pressure at constant splicing duration and three levels of splicing durations at constant splicing pressure were considered. Splices were introduced at all these levels for the four different technologies. These splices were tested for their tensile properties and the properties of splices were evaluated in terms of retained splice strength (RSS) and splice break ratio (SBR). The splice photographs were taken and splices were analyzed for their structure and for diameter profile along the length of the splice.  相似文献   

The paper reports the physical and mechanical properties of hand-woven carpets, which have been put under static force. Two groups of wool fibres, from two parts of Iran, were prepared to spin pile yarns for the carpets. Each group of the fibres included both conventional and tanned wool. Then two yarn counts, Nm=4/2 and 6/2, were spun for two different knot densities. After weaving the carpets, they were put under static force and their thickness variations were measured and plotted against time, in logarithm scale. The resiliency of the carpets piles after eliminating the static force, were measured and plotted against time, in logarithm scale, too. The results were compared to each other and analysed with respect to parameters such as the type and quality of the wool fibres as well as knot density of the carpets.  相似文献   

This paper reports the effects of bleaching of alpaca tops and dyeing of bleached alpaca tops/yarns on the quality of tops and yarns. A dark brown alpaca top was bleached with hydrogen peroxide. Two bleaching methods were tried for effectiveness of color removal. A portion of each bleached top was dyed after bleaching. Color parameters were examined for unbleached, bleached and bleached/dyed tops, these tops were then converted into yarns of different twist levels and counts using a worsted spinning system. Some of the bleached yarn from each bleaching method was dyed in a package dye vat to compare the difference of top dyeing versus yarn package dyeing on yarn quality. Fiber diameter, yarn strength, yarn evenness, yarn hairiness and fiber degradation were tested to examine the effects of bleaching and dyeing on these properties at top and yarn stages. A processing route for bleaching and dyeing alpaca fiber was recommended.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the influence of raw material and process parameters in spinning that affect the inter fiber cohesion in yarns. An instrument has been developed for measuring the minimum twist of cohesion. With regard to the raw material parameters, the influence of different cotton fiber mixings for a given count of yarn is investigated. Also the effect of spinning to varying counts for a given cotton variety is studied. With regard to the process parameters, studies have been carried out to investigate the influence of noil extraction in comber, number of draw frame passages, draft pressure in ring frame and direction of twist. Cohesion improved with increase in the noil extraction percentage in the comber. Increase in the number of draw frame passages also improved the cohesion. Draft pressure in ring frame improved the fiber cohesion in yarn up to a pressure of 2.1 kg/cm2. Direction of twist had no effect on the cohesion.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the inter fiber cohesion in man made and blended yarns. The fiber parameters such as fiber length and fineness influence the cohesion. Studies have been focused on polyester and viscose spun yarns. Though polyester and viscose yarns show similar trend in cohesion, viscose yarns exhibit better cohesion due to their serrated cross section. Studies on the effect of blend proportion of polyester cotton and polyester viscose yarns reveal that increase of polyester and viscose in the respective blends improve the inter fiber cohesion.  相似文献   

In this article, an attempt has been made to explain the failure mechanism of spun yarns. The mechanism includes the aspects of generation and distribution of forces on a fibre under the tensile loading of a yarn, the free body diagram of forces, the conditions for gripping and slipping of a fibre, and the initiation, propagation, and ultimate yarn rupture in its weakest link. A simple mathematical model for the tenacity of spun yarns has been proposed. The model is based on the translation of fibre bundle tenacity into the yarn tenacity.  相似文献   

The effects of opening, carding, and repeated drawings on single fiber and bundle cotton characteristics were studied by employing Mantis®, AFIS® and HVI Testers. Some of the significant changes in single fiber properties were found to be due to process parameters as well as the changes in the fiber crimps, parallelness of fibers within HVI beards, and the actual changes in the tensile properties of the fibers. The study showed that the HVI test data taken just prior to spinning had the highest correlation with the yarn tensile properties. Based on the study results, we point out the potential of HVI for future quality and process control in spinning by recommending a set of expanded HVI output that is more scientific and comprehensive for the future control needs.  相似文献   

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) fibers were melt-spun to prepare mono and multifilament yarns. To find optimum spinning and drawing conditions, various parameters such as spinning temperature, spinneret diameter, drawing temperature, and drawing ratio were examined. From the observation of the spinnability under various conditions, we found that the optimum conditions were as following: the extrusion temperature and die temperature were 175–180°C and 185–190°C, and the drawing temperature and drawing ratio were 85–95°C and 3.4, respectively. Under these conditions, the spinneret diameter could be reduced to the minimum value, 0.5 mm. Spun PVC filament yarns were subjected to the different yarn texturing process of stuffing box and pin false-twist method. The PVC yarn fabric was prepared by the knitting of textured yarns. Finally, the anion-emission and antibiotic properties of the knitted PVC fabrics were precisely evaluated.  相似文献   

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