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A sterile white fungus was isolated from the healthy looking roots of buffalo grass (Stenotaphrum secundatum) grown on cleared bush land in Perth, Western Australia. The fungal strain was pathogenic on 12 plant species screened under the greenhouse conditions. The clamp connections and dolipore septa indicated that the isolate was a Basidiomycete. Mycelial features, growth rate at different temperatures, as well as pathogenicity patterns of this sterile white basidiomycete (SWB) were distinctly different from those of a strain with a similar morphology, ATCC 28344, previously described as a pathogen in Florida and Georgia (USA). All attempts to induce sporulation failed. The isolates were also compared using the nucleotide sequence analysis of the ribosomal DNA array. Approximately 1 kbp of the 5 end of the large subunit ribosomal RNA gene, complete sequences of the small subunit ribosomal RNA gene and the entire ITS region (including ITS1, ITS2 and 5.8S gene) were sequenced for the purpose. The obtained sequences were compared with the homologous regions of other genera of Agaricales available in GenBank. Relatively low sequence similarities between the American and Australian strains, as well as the phylogenetic analysis of the studied regions has suggested that these two fungi belong to different genera. Interesting results were achieved in the case of the large subunit ribosomal DNA since this region has been widely studied for taxonomy of Basidiomycetes. The Australian strain 3034 appeared to be closely related to the genus Campanella and the American SWB was identified as belonging to the genus Marasmius, possibly to M. graminum. Our data suggest that the Australian strain is a novel pathogen, and is different from the American SWB isolates described to date.  相似文献   

为明确广东地区传播木尔坦棉花曲叶病毒(Cotton leaf curl Multan virus,CLCu Mu V)的烟粉虱隐种,采用分子鉴定、烟粉虱传毒试验与分子检测的方法,对传播CLCu Mu V的烟粉虱隐种进行了鉴定。结果表明:在广东棉花、红麻和黄秋葵曲叶病发生的田间,2014年采集的30头烟粉虱mt COI与Asia II 7隐种序列同源性为98.3%~99.6%,2015年采集的10头烟粉虱中,8头烟粉虱mt COI与MEAM1隐种序列同源性为99.2%~99.5%,2头烟粉虱mt COI与Asia II 7隐种序列同源性为99.8%~99.9%,说明烟粉虱种群包括入侵隐种MEAM1和土著隐种Asia II 7。在利用烟粉虱人工传毒试验中,MEAM1、Asia II 7和Asia II 1这3个隐种均可在棉花曲叶病株上饲毒获得CLCu Mu V及β卫星分子;除MEAM1隐种外,Asia II 7、Asia II 1隐种可传播CLCu Mu V,侵染红麻及黄秋葵植株引起曲叶病,前者传毒效率分别为50%和100%;而后者为33%和100%。以上3个烟粉虱隐种传毒接种棉花未见成功。  相似文献   

A virus was isolated fromStreptocarpus plants that showed colour breaking of the flowers. Initial diagnostic tests indicated that this virus was a member of the Tobamovirus genus. The virus could be transmitted mechanically to several test plants. Its stability in plant sap was in line with that of other tobamoviruses, i.e. infectivity was lost after 10 min incubation at 90 °C and after dilution to 10–8. In addition, the morphology of the virus was typical for tobamoviruses. The particles had a length of about 304 nm. On test plants, the virus fromStreptocarpus could be distinguished from 7 well-defined tobamoviruses.Nicotiana glutinosa showed the most characteristic symptoms. In agar double-diffusion tests and/or double antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays, no cross reactivity was observed in heterologous combinations with these 7 and 3 other tobamoviruses. Mechanical inoculation of the virus to virus-freeStreptocarpus plants resulted in the appearance of flower breaking in about 50% of the plants. On the basis of these findings, it is concluded that the virus that causes flower breaking inStreptocarpus is a distinct member of the Tobamovirus genus, and the nameStreptocarpus flower-break virus is proposed.  相似文献   

为明确不同杂草对草甘膦的敏感性,以稗 Echinochloa crusgalli 、马唐 Digitaria sanguinalis 、藜 Chenopodium album 为供试材料,采用生物测定法和吸光光度法分别测定了草甘膦对3种杂草的抑制中浓度(GR50),以及不同剂量处理后杂草体内莽草酸积累量的变化。经410 g/hm2(有效成分)的草甘膦处理后,稗体内莽草酸积累量呈上升-下降-上升趋势,而马唐和藜则表现为缓慢上升,根据此剂量处理下莽草酸积累趋势得出,3种杂草对草甘膦的敏感性由高到低依次为稗、藜和马唐,与生测法的结果一致。经820~3 280 g/hm2(有效成分)的草甘膦处理后,3种杂草体内莽草酸积累量从第2 d开始急剧升高,增长速率随着草甘膦处理剂量的增加而加大;处理后稗、马唐和藜体内莽草酸积累量最高值差异显著,分别为1 137.9、4 989.7和2 084.2 μ g/g,为各自对照水平的16.7、23.7和82.9倍。该研究结果可为系统检测杂草对草甘膦的敏感性提供依据。  相似文献   

Five invasive species of longhorn beetles, all known as pests and originating from different geographical areas, are recorded from Israel for the first time:Phoracantha recurva (Newman) andXystrocera globosa (Olivier) were collected in nature;Chlorophorus annularis (Fabricius),Neoplocaederus basalis (Gahan) andRhagium inquisitor (Linnaeus) were reared from imported timber. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting May 29, 2008.  相似文献   

A new viroid was detected in hops cultivated in Akita Prefecture, Japan where it is prevalent in many hops fields. In a survey of hop samples collected during the 1986–2002 growing seasons, the new viroid was present in the major Japanese hop-cultivating areas as early as the 1980s. A single-stranded circular RNA of 368–372 nucleotides that assume a highly basepaired, stable, rod-like secondary structure, shares 93%–98% sequence homology with Apple fruit crinkle viroid (AFCVd) isolated from apple and 85%–87% with Australian grapevine viroid (AGVd) isolated from grapevine. Taking into account the present concept of viroid species, we conclude that the viroid is AFCVd. Circumstantial evidence suggests that AFCVd from apples and hops were endemic in Japan only where cultivation of the two host plants overlapped, thereby strongly supporting the possibility that AFCVd (or an ancestral viroid) was transmitted across the species barrier from apples to hops or hops to apples somewhere in the region. Phylogenetic analysis of AFCVd from hops, AFCVd from apples, and AGVd together with the other members of the genus Apscaviroid revealed that the Akita isolates of AFCVd from hops (AFCVd-hop) formed a cluster that is distinct from AFCVd-apple and AGVd. Accumulation of host-specific sequence variation following their isolation in different host species may be leading to the formation of two viroid species from a common ancestor.  相似文献   

A new genus of soft scales,Kenima, is described forKenima galilit, a new species off oaks in Israel.  相似文献   

We identified Broad bean wilt virus 2 (BBWV-2) in yams based on particle morphology, test plant symptoms, protein features, aphid transmission, and molecular classification using nucleotide sequences of coat protein genes.  相似文献   

为寻求白腹皮蠹和赤毛皮蠹幼虫简便科学的鉴定方法,利用形态学结合分子生物学对其做了鉴定研究,首先对其触角、上内唇、臀突和胸足胫节的特征进行了形态描述;再分别提取白腹皮蠹、赤毛皮蠹和外群黑毛皮蠹幼虫的虫体DNA进行PCR扩增,通过测序比对构建了系统进化树。结果表明:白腹皮蠹幼虫上内唇的中间2根缘刚毛呈蘑菇状,粗短,而赤毛皮蠹幼虫的则呈矛状,细长,二者上内唇的形态特征差异非常明显,可用于二者形态上的鉴定;对3种皮蠹幼虫的序列进行比对,白腹皮蠹与赤毛皮蠹的碱基相似率为89.97%,黑毛皮蠹与白腹皮蠹和赤毛皮蠹的碱基相似率分别为77.54%和77.05%,差异均明显,可用于3种皮蠹幼虫种间鉴定的线粒体COⅠ基因标记序列。  相似文献   

Three evolutionary lineages of the tomato wilt pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici were found among a worldwide sample of isolates based on phylogenetic analysis of the ribosomal DNA intergenic spacer region. Each lineage consisted of isolates mainly belonging to a single or closely related vegetative compatibility group (VCG) and a single mating type (MAT). The first lineage (A1) was composed of isolates VCG 0031 and MAT1-1; the second (A2) included VCG 0030 and/or 0032 and MAT1-1; and the third (A3) included VCG 0033 and MAT1-2. Race 1 and race 2 isolates belonged to the A1 or A2 lineages, and race 3 belonged to A2 or A3 lineages, suggesting that there is no correlation between race and lineage. However, for the isolates from Japan, race 1 (with one exception), race 2, and race 3 isolates belonged to A2, A1, and A3 lineages, respectively. These results suggest that the races could have evolved independently in each lineage; and in Japan the present races were likely to have been introduced independently after they had evolved in other locations.  相似文献   

We examined whether PWT4, an avirulence gene of Avena isolates of Magnaporthe oryzae toward wheat, corresponded to Rwt4, a resistance gene identified in wheat cultivar Norin 4, in a one-to-one manner. Twelve wheat cultivars were inoculated with 65X1, an F1 culture with PWT4 derived from a cross between an Avena isolate (Br58) and a Triticum isolate (Br48). Three wheat cultivars (Norin 26, Shin-chunaga, Cheyenne) were resistant and therefore selected as possible carriers of Rwt4. The three cultivars were then inoculated with a population derived from a backcross of 61M2 carrying PWT4 with Br48 carrying pwt4. Segregation analyses revealed that PWT4 operates against the three cultivars. If PWT4 corresponds to Rwt4 in a one-to-one manner, all three cultivars should carry Rwt4. To test if this is the case, the three cultivars were crossed with Chinese Spring (a noncarrier of Rwt4) and Norin 4. When F2 seedlings from Chinese Spring × Norin 26, Chinese Spring × Shin-chunaga, and Chinese Spring × Cheyenne were inoculated with 61M2, resistant and susceptible seedlings segregated in a 3 : 1 ratio. On the other hand, crosses between the three cultivars and Norin 4 yielded no susceptible F2 seedlings. These results indicate that all three cultivars carry Rwt4. Considering all results, we concluded that PWT4 corresponds to Rwt4 in a one-to-one manner. An inoculation test with Chinese Spring–Cheyenne chromosome substitution lines indicated that Rwt4 is located on chromosome 1D.  相似文献   

为明确田间常用农药对伊米果蝇Drosophila immigrans和海德氏果蝇D. hydei的毒力和解毒机制,采用药膜法在室内测定6种田间常用农药原药对2种果蝇实验种群成虫的LC_(10)、LC_(20)和LC_(50),并研究其中3种农药的亚致死剂量(LC_(10)、LC_(20))对果蝇谷胱甘肽S-转移酶(GST)、羧酸酯酶(CarE)、乙酰胆碱酯酶(AchE)3种主要解毒酶活性的影响。结果表明,乙基多杀菌素对伊米果蝇的毒力最大,LC_(10)、LC_(20)和LC_(50)分别为0.29、0.51和1.51 mg/L;甲维盐对海德氏果蝇的毒力最大,LC_(10)、LC_(20)和LC_(50)分别为0.14、0.36和2.09 mg/L;吡虫啉对2种果蝇的毒力均最低。不同亚致死浓度的乙基多杀菌素处理伊米果蝇24 h后,CarE和AchE活性均显著高于对照,而GST活性在低浓度时显著高于对照;高浓度甲维盐仅对海德氏果蝇AchE活性有显著抑制作用;吡虫啉可抑制伊米果蝇AchE和海德氏果蝇CarE活性。表明伊米果蝇和海德氏果蝇可通过改变3种解毒酶的活性来防御杀虫剂对其造成的影响。  相似文献   

New mite-borne virus isolates from rakkyo,shallot and wild leek species   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Flexuous viruses were transmitted from rakkyo (Allium chinense) and wild leek species (especiallyA. commutatum) to plants of crow garlic (A. vineale), by transfer of dry bulb mites. By electron microscope decoration tests using three antisera and by inoculations onto test plants, it was concluded that from each of the two natural host species at least two viruses were isolated. The viruses from wild leeks are both pathogenic onAllium spp. and may be of economic importance. Decoration tests on a virus mixture from shallot obtained earlier, revealed another new mite-borne virus in this species. The mite-borne viruses ofAllium spp. appear to be very common; they are largely diverse and their identification remains difficult.  相似文献   

A previously undescribed viras disease of lettuce, sugarbeets, other crop and weed hosts was found in the southwest desert regions of U.S.A. Affected lettuce and sugarbeet hosts exhibited interveinal yellowing, stunting, rolling, and brittleness of affected leaves. Since 1990, yellowing symptoms on desert lettuce and sugarbeet were shown to be induced by a mixture of lettuce infectious yellows viras (LIYV) and this previously undescribed viras termed lettuce chlorosis viras (LCV). LCV is a closterovirus with flexuous, filamentous particles 800–850 nm long. The viras is transmitted efficiently by bothBemisia biotypes. LCV differs significantly from LIYV and other previously described viruses in host range (LCV does not infect the Cucurbitaceae), insect transmission, and serology.  相似文献   

Rice yellow mottle virus (RYMV) accumulation in protoplasts and whole plants was investigated in two highly resistant cultivars, Tog5681 (Oryza glaberrima) and Gigante (Oryza sativa). Three susceptible cultivars, i.e. one O. glaberrima Tog5673 and two O. sativa (IR64, Ac. 2428), and a partially resistant cultivar (Azucena) were used as control. After inoculation, accumulation of coat protein (CP) and viral RNA were monitored on protoplasts, inoculated leaves, sheaths of inoculated leaves and newly infected leaves by serological and Northern blot analysis. Viral RNA accumulated to a similar extent in protoplasts from all cultivars studied. In contrast, three distinct in planta behaviors were noted. In susceptible plants (IR64, Tog5673 and Ac. 2428), there was high CP and RNA accumulation at 5 d.p.i. in whole plants, suggesting that cell to cell and vascular movements occurred before 5 d.p.i. in inoculated leaves. The second behavior concerned Azucena, which showed a delay (around 7 d.p.i.) of viral accumulation in inoculated leaves. The third behavior involved the highly resistant cultivars Tog5681 and Gigante. CP and viral RNA were not detected in these cultivars. The comparison of viral accumulation in protoplasts and plants suggested that resistance of the highly resistant cultivars Tog5681 (O. glaberrima) and Gigante (O. sativa) was not due to the inhibition of virus replication but rather to the failure of cell to cell movement.  相似文献   

The phytopathogens Xanthomonas oryzae pathovar (pv.) oryzae and Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri each contain several avrBs3/pthA family genes. Structural features of these genes important for avirulence and/or virulence functions include a central region of multiple direct repeats and three nuclear localization signals (NLSs) and an acidic activation domain (AAD) at the 3′ end. To identify other regions critical to function in the 3′ ends of these genes, we constructed several chimeras using apl1 and apl2 from X. axonopodis pv. citri and avrXa10 and avrXa7 from X. oryzae pv. oryzae and evaluated their functions by inoculation to citrus and rice. The apl1 and avrXa7 genes are major virulence determinants in citrus and rice, respectively, while the contributions of apl2 and avrXa10 to virulence are negligible or not measurable. Constructs that contained a 417 bp HincII-SphI fragment from the 3′ end of apl1 in combination with the repeats from avrXa7, avrXa10, and apl1 caused a canker phenotype on citrus. Interchange of the HincII-SphI fragment between avrXa7 and avrXa10 abolishes avrXa7 avirulence function and reduces its virulence but it does not affect avrXa10 avirulence function in rice. avrXa7 caused a hypersensitive response (HR) in citrus and replacement of it's 3′ end with that of apl1 resulted in loss of canker and induction of HR. Thus, the HincII-SphI fragment of the avrBs3/pthA gene family is important for avirulence and virulence functions in two different plant species, Oryza sativa and Citrus natsudaidai HAYATA.  相似文献   

湖南桔园主要天敌对柑桔全爪螨的捕食作用及其综合评定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1984-1988年调查了湖南桔园主要天敌——尼氏钝绥螨、深点食螨瓢虫、塔六点蓟马、中华草蛉、龟纹瓢虫的田间消长动态,测定了它们对柑桔全爪螨的捕食功能反应,均属于Holling Ⅱ型。5种主要天敌中,尼氏钝绥螨发生量最多,与柑桔全爪螨数量相关极为显著:中华草蛉的日捕食量最大,对柑桔全爪螨处置时间最短;深点食螨瓢虫食性较专一,对柑桔全爪螨瞬时攻击率最高。根据每种天敌的发生量、发生期、捕食能力及抗药性等4个因素,应用模糊分级方法综合评定对柑桔全爪螨控制作用大小依次为:尼氏钝绥螨、深点食螨瓢虫、塔六点蓟马、中华草蛉、龟纹瓢虫。这些天敌的综合作用可以控制正常年份柑桔全爪螨的为害。  相似文献   

The rDNA-ITS sequences of ten single-sporangium isolates of Olpidium virulentus (a noncrucifer strain of Olpidium brassicae), which transmits Mirafiori lettuce big-vein virus (MLBVV) and tobacco stunt virus (TStV), were compared with those of six single-sporangium isolates of O. brassicae. The sequence similarity within isolates of O. virulentus or O. brassicae was almost identical (98.5%–100.0%), but was low between the two species (79.7%–81.8%). In a phylogenetic analysis of the rDNA-ITS region, O. virulentus and O. brassicae fell into two distinct clusters, indicating that O. virulentus, a vector of MLBVV and TStV, is a distinct species rather than a strain of O. brassicae.  相似文献   

To investigate the susceptibility of hairy root lines of Brassica species to Plasmodiophora brassicae, hairy roots were induced in a number of Brassica species with Agrobacterium rhizogenes. Turnip hairy root was highly susceptible to P. brassicae; infection rates were high and large galls formed. In contrast, the rates of root hair infection and gall formation on intact Brassica plants did not differ significantly from the control. To induce resting spore formation, turnip hairy roots were incubated at 15°, 20°, or 25°C after 3 weeks of incubation at 25°C. The number and fresh mass of the galls per hairy root were higher and formation of resting spores was greatest after a 7-week incubation at 20°C. To subculture P. brassicae using turnip hairy root, turnip hairy roots were reinoculated with resting spores and gall with resting spores then formed on the hairy roots. In this way, P. brassicae using hairy roots could be subcultured in vitro two or three times on three single-spore isolates of P. brassicae. This is the first report of in vitro subculture of P. brassicae using hairy root.  相似文献   

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