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根据广西光皮桦(Betula luminifera)10个无性系在湖南安化县4年的引种试验表明,广西河池种源的光皮桦能较好地适应引种区域的立地条件与气候,同时对比引种地实生苗有显著优势,前5个优良无性系对比引种地实生苗材积增益分别达52.9%~147.1%。鉴于光皮桦树种生长的长周期性与极端气候的影响,引种效果还有待进一步观测。不同无性系生长差异显著,无性系在推广利用前必须开展测定评价。光皮桦无性系引种的初步成功,能为我国木材基地的建设提供更多的树种选择与技术支撑。  相似文献   

以河套平原的磴口县作为光肩星天牛疫区试点,选用18个速生杨无性系试材,长期观测其对光肩星天牛的抗性并连年调查无性系生长情况。光肩星天牛适应性较强的5个无性系(转基因12、OP-367、新疆杨、美青3-69、北抗16-4),5-8a仍有未愈合的羽化孔,属感虫;7个无性系(Simplot、110、美青64、93美8-6、荷兰速生杨、306-45、DN-34),天牛的适应性适中;其余6个无性系(北抗16-8、北抗16-17、北抗16-18、北抗16-22、北抗16-27、银中杨)天牛适应性较差。  相似文献   

2000年,河北省邯郸市南环路(长8.5km)建成通车后,为营造环城绿带景观,从南方引种了五千余株叶形秀丽的栾树作行道树。栽种初期,生长良好,但几个月后,由于蛀干害虫危害,造成树势衰弱,长势差,严重的整株死亡。经过调查,发现主要是桃红颈天牛、苹小吉丁虫危害所致。遂  相似文献   

造林密度对杨树生长的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
该文对欧美杨107、雄性毛白杨1319、窄冠白杨3个无性系密度试验林连续6a的定位观测资料进行了分析研究。结果表明:3个无性系6a生时在树高生长、胸径生长、单株材积生长上存在显著差异。密度对3个无性系的胸径生长、单株材积生长影响极为显著。6a生时,单位面积上的林分蓄积量为2m×3m(1667株/hm2)2m×4m(1250株/hm2)4m×6m(417株/hm2)。通过对3个无性系在3个不同密度的生长进程、连年生长量分析,提出了初次间伐的合理年限。  相似文献   

杨树桑天牛的防治孙文康江苏省新沂市自70年代中期成功地引种杨树新无性系69、72杨以来,在生产上发挥了重要作用,现已成为农田林网、丰产林和四旁主要栽植树种。但同时,蛀干害虫桑天牛随之严重起来。该市从1986—1988年连续3年,不在林内防治虫株,采用...  相似文献   

18个杨树无性系抗光肩星天牛的对比研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以河套平原的磴口县作为光肩星天牛疫区试点,选用18个速生杨无性系为试验材料,长期观测光肩星天牛的生活史:产卵、孵化、发育、羽化,并连年调查无性系的生长情况。试验选出6个抗光肩星天牛无性系:北抗16-8、北抗16-17、北抗16-18、北抗16-22、北抗16-27、银中杨;荷兰速生杨、306-45、DN-34等无性系初期抗性较好,但试验年限较短,需要进一步验证;新疆杨对光肩星天牛抗性较弱,但受天牛幼虫破坏后仍能维持比较正常的生长状况。在参试的18个无性系中以北抗16-8综合表现最优。  相似文献   

通过对青海杨天然林内雌、雄株随机单采36株母树,开展田间选育试验。结果显示,36个单株高生长、地径生长差异极显著,群体平均成活率达76%,且初选了X10、C05、X13、C08 4个无性系为青海杨初选优良无性系,为青海杨复选优良无性系奠定基础。  相似文献   

廊坊地区黑杨派新无性系引种试验结果初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对Ti、Be、111、Ta、109、Me、Br、La、50、Por、36杨等11个杨树新品种引进栽培一年来的试验观测,进行方差分析和多重比较,结果表明:Por、36杨生长量超过了107杨、108杨,而且也大大超过了其他无性系,且干形通直,可以优先推广。Be、111生长量与107杨、108杨相当,这两个无性系也是优良无性系。Ta、Me、Br、La等4个无性系的生长量都远远低于107杨、108杨,暂作淘汰品种,留作后续观察。  相似文献   

金叶复叶槭苗期生长规律及育苗技术试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金叶复叶槭是北方绿化主要彩叶树种,通过不同种源的引种观测,重点进行了金叶复叶槭的苗期生长规律及育苗技术研究。结果显示:与常规育苗方法比较,运用越冬层积处理、冷棚育苗,具有促进金叶复叶槭种子萌动早、出芽快、出苗率高的优点。播种实生苗平均发芽率为91.40%,出苗整齐,年平均株高生长量为125.4cm。金叶复叶槭在宽甸地区苗期抗寒性较强,但要注意预防美国白蛾和天牛的危害。  相似文献   

【目的】基于BLUP和GGE双标图分析法综合评价多试验点区域化试验黑杨派无性系(品种)的速生性、稳定性和各试验地点的区分力、代表性,可为黑杨派引种无性系的选择和应用提供理论依据。【方法】对位于北京、河北和山东的9个试验地点15个黑杨派引种无性系(品种)进行生长性状测定,使用ASReml-R程序包拟合误差异质的线性混合效应模型,通过最佳线性无偏预测(BLUP)法获得各无性系在各试验点6年生胸径和树高BLUP数据,进行GGE双标图分析,对无性系和试验地点进行评价。【结果】基于胸径和树高BLUP数据GGE双标图分析的前2个主成分(PC1和PC2)的方差解释百分比为84.69%和69.83%。基于胸径BLUP数据GGE双标图显示,9个试验点之间均存在正相关关系,被分为2组:河北永清和山东金乡为一组,胸径最大的无性系为50;其余7个试验点为另一组,胸径最大的无性系为Por。区分力最好的地点为北京昌平和河北永清,代表性最好的地点为山东宁阳(高桥)和河北魏县。对于无性系高产性和稳产性,Por胸径最大,Pa、36、108、50、111和107的胸径均大于均值,而Og的胸径接近总体均值,La胸径最小; 107、Me、108、Br、Og和36稳定性较好。【结论】胸径与树高BLUP-GGE双标图存在差异,胸径BLUP-GGE双标图较树高的可靠;无性系Por速生性突出,其次是Pa、36、108、50、111和107,稳定性较好的无性系为107、Me、108、Br、Og和36,速生性和稳定性均较强的无性系为Por、Pa、36、108和107。  相似文献   

黑木相思无性系早期选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用“五株优势木”法评选黑木相思(Acacia melanoxylon)优树,采集优树根蘖萌芽条进行扦插和组织培养繁殖无性系试验苗。采用随机区组试验设计,在广东省紫金县苏区镇进行无性系测定,利用黑木相思4 a生的树高、胸径等观测数据进行无性系早期评价,结果表明,18个参试无性系中有12个无性系的树高生长或胸径生长显著优于对照(P<0.05),可作为与试验点类似条件地区中试推广的无性系。  相似文献   

用9个黑杨派新无性系在泰安市进行造林试验,其中I107,中林46,W1-13,I108等4个无性系的生长量较大,造林成活率较高。  相似文献   

柳树纤维性状遗传变异的研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
柳树的纤维长与纤维素含量在苗期即有显著差异,其纤维长的遗传变异,无论是在杂种(家系)间,还是在杂种(家系)内无性系间都是显著的。纤维直径和长径比尽管在苗期的差异不显著,但在林期与纤维长一样,无性系间的差异是极显著的。通过杂交组合和无性系选择改良柳树的纤维性状是可行的。无性系内不同年龄间纤维性状的差异是显著的,这为确定纸浆林的轮伐期提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

[目的]开展西南桦无性系早期生长变异及生长节律研究,揭示其生长规律及适应性,为西南桦无性系选育及速生丰产林营建提供参考。[方法]以滇西地区20个无性系参试的3年生西南桦无性系测定林为研究对象,每月定期测定其树高、胸径,探讨各无性系的生长变异,应用聚类分析划分生长类型,运用有序聚类分析进一步揭示各类型无性系的生长节律特征,通过相关性分析探明影响生长节律的主要气象因子。[结果]20个西南桦无性系间树高和胸径差异极显著(P0.01),根据生长表现,可将其划分为速生、中等和慢生3种类型,其中,B3、A10、Q3、Q4、Q2无性系属于速生型,其树高、胸径年均生长量大多超过2 m和2 cm;与中等和慢生型无性系相比,速生型无性系的生长优势并非完全表现在速生期,其在缓生期和滞生期的生长优势更大;各类型西南桦无性系的生长节律基本一致,其树高生长高峰在7—9月,低谷为4月和12月;其胸径生长高峰为5、10月,8月和12月为低谷,尤以8月生长最慢,这与该月的日照时数低有关。[结论]在滇西地区,B3、A10、Q3、Q4、Q2等5个无性系生长最迅速,颇具发展潜力。从经营措施看,宜在树高、胸径生长高峰之前,即5月和9月加强幼林抚育施肥,促进林木生长。  相似文献   

Ares  Adrian 《New Forests》2002,23(2):105-119
Growth, survival, stem characteristics, resistance to wind, and canker disease of 51 poplar clones were evaluated at age 9 and 10 years, and compared to measurements at age 3 in two trials on the Lower Valley of the Colorado River, Argentina. About 30% of the clones in both trials had large changes in growth rankings at age 9 and 10 compared to rankings at age 3. Canker incidence increased about 4-fold between age 3, and measurements at age 9 and 10. Stem form was in general satisfactory, and wind incidence was almost nil. In trial 1, clones 588–1, Conti 12, 582–41, and 582–5 occupied the upper positions in the growth rankings at age 3 and 10, and the clone 588–1 ranked first both in growth and canker incidence in 1998. Stem growth trajectories of clones with similar growth rates did not differ among clones with, and without canker disease. In trial 2, the range in growth among clones was narrower than in trial 1, and canker disease, although of minor incidence, was present in most clones at age 9. Some of the P. deltoides clones in the trials had similar growth, and less canker disease than the Euroamerican clones commonly grown in the region, but progressive canker incidence should be addressed with additional selection trials.  相似文献   

Teak(Tectona grandis Linn. f.), one of the mostvalued tree species in the world, is slow-growing with a long period until it can be harvested;therefore, ensuring that only high-quality seedlings or clones are selected for planting is critical. The main objective was to determine performance and repeatability of selected clones in terms of growth and survival rates in different micro-environments. A 2-year clonal trial using 41 clones and a local seedling of teak as a control were grown at 4 microsites differing in spacing, soil fertility and alley crops to assess tree height, diameter and survival rate that was evaluated in Purwakarta, West Java, Indonesia using a randomized complete block design with four replicates of each clone at each microsite. Teak growth was influenced by clone(p < 0.01), microsite(p < 0.05) and clone 9 micrositeinteraction(p<0.01). The interaction clone 9 microsite resulted in several potential superior clones that differed in terms of growth rates at each microsite. On the basis of diameter only, superior clones(nos. 14, 18, 24, 30 and 37)were identified. Repeatability estimated was Rc2= 0.84 for diameter and Rc2= 0.77 for height. Growth performance of teak trees varied among microsites. Repeatability values for diameter and height characters were high. The effect of variable growth on each clone was influenced by genetic factors, environmental factors and the interaction of genetics 9 environment. Microsite significantly affected growth of teak clones. Clone 9 microsite interaction significantly affected growth of clones and led to the growth of superior clones at each microsite.  相似文献   

  • ? The aim of this work was to study both the effects of genetic entry and competition by neighbouring trees on growth, yield, wood density traits and fibre properties of 20 Norway spruce clones grown in an experimental trial located in southern Finland. The material included 10 Finnish clones, 2 Russian clones and 8 provenance-hybrids clones, the latter ones representing crosses between Finnish and foreign parent trees.
  • ? We found that, compared to growth and yield, wood density traits and fibre properties showed, on average, lower phenotypic variations. Moreover, significant differences could be observed among the clones regardless of the trait (p < 0.05). Conversely, on average, no clear differences could be found between Finnish, Russian and provenance-hybrids clones in most of the studied traits.
  • ? The marked differences among the clones, and lack of clear differences among the provenances suggested that any ranking, regarding different traits, should be based on individual clones. The phenotypic correlations between different traits ranged from moderate to strong suggesting that selection based on one trait would affect other traits. Regardless of clone, the growth of trees (e.g. breast height diameter) decreased and the wood density increased with increasing competition by neighbouring trees, which was expressed by competition index.
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    不同杨树品系引种试验初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
    对不同杨树品系的生长量、物候期、抗虫性和抗寒性进行分析比较。结果表明:9年生不同杨树品系单株材积差异极显著,超过平均材积的有‘欧美杨014’、‘111’、‘108’、‘中阳9’、‘F6’和‘中林299’;各品系物候期差异较大,以落叶盛期物候期差异幅度最大,最早与最晚相差22天。‘白城杨’从芽开放期到落叶期的生长期最短,为184天;‘欧美杨108’生长期最长,为202天;各品系除‘中林299’和‘荷兰3930’属于高感虫品系外,其他均为抗虫品系。后期物候期出现较晚的‘欧美杨108’、‘F6’和‘014’均遭受不同程度的冻害,‘欧美杨108’冻害较重。‘欧美杨111’和‘中阳9’无冻害且抗虫性较强,在辽宁省适宜地区具有良好的推广前景。  相似文献   

    巨桉家系与无性系造林对比试验初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
    对2.5年生的巨桉家系实生苗与巨桉无性系造林对比试验林的调查分析表明:巨桉家系的生长量总体比无性系生长慢,各无性系间或家系间生长差异极为显著。巨桉最好无性系Eg6胸径是最差无性系Eg3的121%,最好家系SB2169胸径是最差家系BS10的126%,说明巨桉单株选育效果明显,转化成的无性系必须开展造林对比试验,才能真正选育出优良无性系。  相似文献   

    For 20 years, there has been 42,000 ha estate of clonal Eucalyptus plantations around Pointe-Noire in Congo on sandy soils that have very low reserves of available nutrients. These plantations have been based on a natural hybrid (E. PF1). This hybrid is being replaced by E. urophylla × E. grandis (UG), a more productive hybrid developed by the breeding program of UR2PI. A study of biogeochemical cycles showed that nutrient removal by harvesting is the main nutrient output in the E. PF1 ecosystem. It is therefore important to quantify the nutrient content (NC) in both hybrids to compare corresponding nutrient removal values.

    The work dealt with four UG clones and the most planted clone of E. PF1. Twelve trees per clone were sampled at the logging age (8 years) in a clonal test for UG clones and in a nearby stand for E. PF1. Tables were established to predict, from girth at breast height (C1.30 m), the biomass and nutrient content of stemwood, bark, dead and living branches, leaves, and were applied to the inventory of the different stands to evaluate corresponding biomass, NC and nutrient use efficiency (NUE) on a per-hectare basis.

    Total biomass differed between the two hybrids and among UG clones: 109 t ha−1 for E. PF1 and 108–155 t ha−1 for UG clones. In E. PF1 trees, total NC was globally lower for N, K, and Mg, but greater for P and Ca. In stemwood, nitrogen content was similar for both hybrids. By contrast, in UG clones, NC was much lower for P (−72%) and Ca (−40% to −55%). The same trends were observed for NUE: equivalent for both hybrids for N, but higher in UG clones for P (+72%) and Ca (+43% to +59%). A marked variability among clones was observed for K and Mg. UG clones allocated proportionally more nutrients in leaves than E. PF1.

    These results show that clones should not be selected only on growth traits but also on NUE and on the concentration of nutrients in tree components removed by harvesting. It will be then possible to limit the cost of fertilising needed to maintain stand growth and soil fertility.  相似文献   

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