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Sound generated by a payao, an anchored bamboo fish aggregating device, is believed to be attractive to fish; but until now, there is no available record of payao-generated sound. This study presents payao-generated sound recorded by a hydrophone at water depths of 5, 10 and 15 m from a fixed distance of 3 m relative to the payao, and compares the sound with the auditory sensitivity of jack mackerel Trachurus japonicus measured at discrete frequencies from 100 to 2000 Hz using the auditory brainstem response protocol. A consistent peak appeared in the sound spectrum at 49 Hz and showed an increasing sound pressure level with depth, which suggests that payao sound may come from the anchor rope. However, the contribution of the bamboo raft can not yet be discounted. The hearing threshold curve indicated that the most sensitive frequency range in jack mackerel is from 92.1 dB at 800 Hz to 111.0 dB at 200 Hz. These results show that the dominant frequency range of payao sound does not correspond with the high sensitivity frequency range of fish hearing.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The vertical distribution of jack mackerel Trachurus japonicus larvae was described based on discrete depth sampling using a MTD net system from the surface down to 100 m depth at 13 stations in the southern East China Sea between 27 February and 10 March 2002. Of the 20 782 fish larvae collected, T. japonicus larvae were most abundant, accounting for 37.0% of the total catch. The average abundance of the larvae was 419.0 individuals/10 m2, with the average (± standard deviation [SD]) body length of 2.6 ± 0.3 mm (range 1.8–7.5 mm). The larvae were concentrated in the mixed layer, with peak densities in the 10–30 m layer. The average (±SD) weighted mean depth was 21.5 ± 7.8 m. There was no evidence of either diel or ontogenetic vertical migration for the early larvae of <5 mm. More than 90% of the T. japonicus larvae were collected in the water temperature ranging from 21 to 23°C. Vertical profiles of the larval densities and chlorophyll a coincided with each other, which might reflect the abundance of their main prey organisms, copepod nauplii and copepodites, since copepod production is known to be closely related with the chlorophyll a concentration.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Recent surveys showed substantial aggregation of larvae of jack mackerel in the southern East China Sea, indicating intensive spawning grounds near Taiwan. A numerical model was applied to investigate transport and survival processes of eggs and larvae of jack mackerel from the spawning area to the nurseries. The results show that: (i) the distributions of larvae simulated by the model agreed well with those obtained by field survey; (ii) the stock of jack mackerel in the Sea of Japan is composed of both groups from north of Taiwan and from the western coast of Kyushu. It takes more than two months for the former to reach the Sea of Japan, while it is within 40 days for the latter; and (iii) large proportions of the eggs and larvae spawned off the north of Taiwan are transported rapidly to the Pacific side of Kyushu by the Kuroshio Current, and the rest slowly to the east or north-east along the continental slope in the East China Sea. In contrast to the larval flux, survivors are more abundant in the northern East China Sea than in the Pacific Ocean, indicating that survival in the northern East China Sea would determine the jack mackerel stock in Japan.  相似文献   

In the southern part of the East China Sea (ECS), a large spawning ground of jack mackerel Trachurus japonicus has recently been found: Larval survival during the period of transport from the spawning ground along the shelf break is potentially a critical stage prior to recruitment. As such, the distribution of copepod nauplii in this region was investigated during the main spawning period in 2003–2006. The average naupliar density in 2003 was significantly higher than the other years along the shelf break, which is a major transport pathway for jack mackerel larvae (sea-surface temperature 20–23°C). Estimated egg production rates for Paracalanus spp., one of the most dominant genera of copepods in the southern ECS, based on temperature and chlorophyll-a concentration could not fully explain the spatial and annual variation in naupliar distribution and abundance. Although naupliar densities showed significant positive correlations with chlorophyll-a concentration for all years, an analysis of covariance revealed that naupliar density in 2003 was high even if the effect of chlorophyll-a concentration was excluded. This suggests that apart from copepod production, adult female distribution plays an important role in variability of the naupliar distribution and abundance in the southern ECS.  相似文献   

Sequence variation of a fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome b (cyt b) and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene was examined using polymerase chain reaction and direct sequencing among three populations of Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonicus from the Yellow Sea and East China Sea. A total of 24 and 47 nucleotide sites were detected variable defining 29 and 32 haplotypes in cyt b and COI data, respectively. All variable sites except one in COI were silent in the two sets of sequences. The Ewens-Watterson test indicated that the observed allelic configurations in both data sets were in full agreement with neutral expectations. The variation level was high, with h=0.957±0.018, π=0.644±0.387 (%) in cyt b data set and h=0.958±0.021, π=0.640±0.386 (%) in COI data set, respectively. However, at the population level, Fst values between pairs of populations were not significantly different from zero (P>0.05) in both data sets. The analysis of haplotype frequency distribution showed no significant differences among populations. Similarly, the analysis of the partitioning of molecular variance indicated that all or almost all of the genetic variation was distributed within populations. Based on the data from this study, the existence of separate genetic stocks in this area were not detected. Mixing of stocks to some extent in migration cycle and dispersal capacity of anchovy’s planktonic larvae could be the reasons for genetic homogeneity in this species in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea.  相似文献   

竹荚鱼(Trachurusjaponicus)是中国南海北部近海主要渔获物之一,其空间分布具有非均匀性。根据2014—2017年南海北部近海两个周期(2014—2015年为第1周期, 2016—2017年为第2周期)的底拖网调查数据,以单位捕捞努力量(catchperuniteffort,CPUE)表征资源密度,采用柯尔莫可洛夫-斯米洛夫检验(Kolmogorov-Smirnov,K-S test)探索了11种概率分布特征。结果表明,南海北部陆架区竹荚鱼不具明显的概率分布特征,而北部湾海域竹荚鱼资源密度服从对数正态分布型且第二周期较第一周期更为显著。同时,采用基于对数正态理论模型法(对数正态模型与Delta模型)与调查设计法(均值法)对该海域进行资源密度估值比较,发现基于对数正态理论模型更切合竹荚鱼资源密度结构分布特征,而在对数正态理论模型中Delta模型法更适用于该物种资源密度估值。  相似文献   

Female Japanese chub mackerel Scomber japonicus of the Tsushima Current subpopulation were collected during the spawning season from March to May 2001. A total of 137 adult females were caught between midnight and daybreak. A considerable number of fish displayed new postovulatory follicles (POF), whereas there was no evidence of germinal vesicle breakdown or hydrated oocytes in any of the fish collected. This suggests a daily spawning synchronicity toward midnight. To estimate the spawning frequency (S), the female reproductive state was classified into four criteria based on the degenerative stage of the POFs and the developmental stage of the oocytes. To stage the POFs according to age and determine the stage duration, ovaries from S. japonicus were induced to spawn in the laboratory and were sampled 0–72 h after ovulation at appropriate intervals. The average S, which is evaluated from four different indices, was 16.9%, corresponding to the average female chub mackerel spawned every 5.9 days (8.5 times) during the 50 days.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Juveniles of carangid fishes including jack mackerel Trachurus japonicus are known to associate with jellyfishes. The function of this association behavior was studied through rearing experiments and underwater visual observations. Association behavior of jack mackerel with moon jellyfish in experimental tanks was more frequent in the presence compared to the absence of predators (chub mackerel Scomber japonicus ). In the experimental tanks, the presence of jellyfish, however, did not mitigate predation by these predators. Although jack mackerel did not feed on the jellyfish itself, they frequently fed on the captured prey ( Artemia nauplii) whilst in the gut cavity of the jellyfish. Underwater observations of giant jellyfish Nemopilema nomurai off Kyoto and Fukui prefectures revealed that approximately 30% of these jellyfish were accompanied by jack mackerel juveniles with body sizes ranging 10–45 mm standard length (SL). Considering that jack mackerel juveniles found in subtidal rocky reefs ranged 40–120 mm SL, we considered that jack mackerel from 10 to 45 mm SL associate with jellyfish as a hiding place as well as a food collector, until they find a suitable reef habitat when they attain approximately 40 mm SL.  相似文献   

The effect of fatigue on swimming performance was examined by measuring the swimming endurance time and heart rate of the jack mackerel Trachurus japonicus [15.7 ± 0.8 cm fork length (FL), n = 15] during forced exercise in a flume tank at fixed swimming speeds of 4, 5 and 6 FL/s. Electrocardiographic (ECG) monitoring during the experimental process from control (0.8 FL/s) to exercise phase revealed a rapid cardiac response of T. japonicus to the elevation of swimming speed. The heart rate of T. japonicus significantly increased from the control level of 52.9 beats/min at a slow flow speed of 0.8 FL/s to 148.2 beats/min at 4 FL/s, 168.6 beats/min at 5 FL/s and 183.2 beats/min at 6 FL/s. During the fixed speed test, the heart rate of each individual fish was stabilized without any recognizable increase or decrease until the fish failed to swim because of fatigue. Fatigue analysis on endurance time demonstrated that prior swimming experience at prolonged speeds would impair the endurance performance during subsequent swimming exercise. Recovery time of the heart rate after the fish was fully exhausted by prolonged fast exercise increased with increasing swimming endurance time.  相似文献   

To examine the distribution pattern of adult Apostichopus japonicus, approximately monthly surveys were conducted during a 2-year period in the subtidal zone of a harbor area in Yoshimi Bay, western Yamaguchi Prefecture. Results showed a clear seasonal change in distribution pattern: many animals were distributed on the seabed and the lower part of a jetty during winter to spring, whereas most animals occurred on the upper part of a jetty during summer to autumn, namely, the aestivation season. Such change is considered to be due to the migration of animals within the present study site. Y. Yamana is a Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.  相似文献   

We evaluated the mass production of competent larvae of the sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus cultured at three initial densities (0.25, 0.5, and 1 larvae per ml) and fed Chaetoceros muelleri. Survival, length, dry weight of larvae, and larval stage index (LSI) were estimated in each treatment as a function of the density. Density decreased during the experiment due to mortality, but the percentage was similar in all three treatments (68.5, 66.7, and 76.0%). The experiment was stopped at 13 days after fertilization, when most of the larvae were competent and had settled. There were no significant differences in survival (exceeded 65% in all treatments), length and larval stage index among treatments. However, larvae weight in the two low density treatments (1.1 ± 0.11 mg and 1.2 ± 0.05 mg, respectively) was greater than the high density treatment (0.59±0.376 mg). This study demonstrates that competent larvae of Lytechinus variegatus can be produced with less than 25% mortality in 13 days when cultures are started at densities of 0.25–1 larvae/ml. Culturing at higher densities (0.5–1 larvae/ml) had no apparent disadvantages and would reduce the cost of production.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the Japanese sea cucumber, Apostichopus japonicus, has three color types (red, green, and black), although the qualitative difference between the color types, particularly between the green and black types, is unclear because of continuous color variation among color types. This study elucidated the color variation between green and black types using image processing (RGB, red–green–blue system) and multivariate analysis to demonstrate whether or not the black and green types can be quantitatively classified. Moreover, spatial variation of the RGB value among various local sites was clarified to estimate potential environmental factors that may affect the color variation. The series of analyses revealed that a quantitative boundary between green and black types could be provisionally established, and also that spatial variability in the intermediate (continuous) color trait between green and black types was significant. Potential environmental factors (depth and industrial activity index) were correlated with the color traits in both color types. These results suggest that the green and black types cannot be regarded as independent color traits and that the color variation between green and black types may be influenced by local environmental factors.  相似文献   

We aimed to evaluate the effect of social interaction on learning in juvenile jack mackerel Trachurus japonicus. We first compared the learning process between single fish and groups of fish. Reward-conditioned learning was established in eight trials in both treatments, whereas individuals in the group treatment responded to stimuli more frequently in the feeding area than in the single fish. This implies that information about the feeding area was shared in the group and pursuing other individuals gave them a behavioral advantage for feeding. We then investigated whether information on the feeding area can be transmitted through observation of other individuals in aligned tanks. Fish in the control group required six trials to be conditioned to aeration stimuli and feeding location, whereas those in the observation treatment required only three trials for this learning. This result implies that information on the feeding area was transmitted through visual observations. The present research suggests that sharing and transmission of information occur in schools of jack mackerel. Schooling behavior would thus enable optimization of the foraging behavior in this species.  相似文献   

Japanese Spanish mackerel Scomberomorus niphonius is a commercially important species in the East China Sea and Yellow Sea, but there is limited knowledge of its genetic population structure. In order to detect its genetic structure, sequence variation of the first hypervariable segment of the control region was analyzed among eight populations of S. niphonius from the East China Sea and Yellow Sea. A total of 119 polymorphic sites were detected in the 505-bp segment of the control region among 134 individuals of S. niphonius, defining 112 haplotypes. Mean haplotype diversity and nucleotide diversity for the eight populations were 0.9963 ± 0.0017 and 0.0236 ± 0.0119, respectively. As expected, analysis of molecular variance detected no significant differences at all hierarchical levels, and most of the conventional population ΦST statistics were negative, indicating that no significant population genetic structure exists in the East China Sea and Yellow Sea. Moreover, the exact test of differentiation supported the null hypothesis that S. niphonius within the East China Sea and Yellow Sea constitutes a panmictic mtDNA gene pool. Neutrality tests and mismatch distribution revealed that S. niphonius underwent population expansion in the late Pleistocene. Strong dispersal capacity of larvae and adults, long-distance migrations, and ocean currents in the studied area could be the reasons for genetic homogeneity in this species in the East China Sea and Yellow Sea. Insufficient time to accumulate genetic variation might be another explanation for the lack of genetic structure in the East China Sea and Yellow Sea.  相似文献   

Melatonin production by the fish pineal is under the control of photoperiod. In addition, in some fish species pineal melatonin production is self-sustained by an intrapineal circadian pacemaker, not in salmonids, though. The aim of this research was to test melatonin release in vitro by the pineal of sea bass held under LD 12:12 and DD conditions to determine the endogenous nature of melatonin rhythm. Circadian rhythmicity ( = 28.3 h) was found since rhythmic melatonin release persisted on DD.  相似文献   

We monitored feeding behavior and survival of starved juvenile olive flounder experimentally infected with the gill monogenean Neoheterobothrium hirame. Infected flounder increased amount of the time spent in the water column by 117% when trying to capture live mysids, Neomysis sp. They also showed different feeding patterns from those of uninfected fish and made fewer attacks towards prey during one feeding attempt. Although the average numbers of mysids captured by individuals were similar between infected and uninfected fish, heavily infected fish tended to catch less prey. These results indicate that N. hirame reduces the feeding efficiency of the host for capturing live prey and possibly makes them more vulnerable to predation during feeding. We could not detect any obvious difference in survival rates between uninfected, lightly and heavily infected fish during 3 months of starvation. There was no evidence that starvation makes fish more susceptible to N. hirame. The present study provides first experimental evidence that N. hirame affects feeding behavior of juvenile olive flounder and supports the idea that this parasite indirectly reducing the host’s survival and may be responsible for the recent reduction of the flounder population in Japan.  相似文献   

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