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沙漠化过程对植物凋落物分解的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用分解袋法测定分析了沙漠化过程对凋落物分解及碳氮释放的影响。结果表明,潜在、轻度、中度、重度和严重沙漠化沙地土壤中的凋落物经过110d的分解后,干物质残留率分别为38.5%,40.8%,45.2%,55.6%和58.8%,C残留率分别为37.1%,36.6%,41.4%,53.6%和51.1%,N残留率分别为43.8%,47.6%,54.2%,59.4%和58.9%。说明随着沙漠化程度的增加,凋落物的干物质失重率降低,分解速率减小,C、N释放速率减缓。分解过程中,凋落物在各生境土壤中C的释放速率明显快于N;C含量变化趋势为先下降后略有上升,但总体低于初始C含量;N含量总体表现为上升的趋势。  相似文献   

植物凋落物分解对土壤有机碳稳定性影响的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
凋落物是植物向土壤输入有机碳的主要途径,源于凋落物的碳一部分以CO2的形式散失到大气,另一部分以有机碳的形式输入到土壤中,在土壤微生物的作用下经过一系列的周转参与稳定有机质的形成。但土壤作为“黑箱”,凋落物向土壤有机碳转移的过程和作用机理仍不明确。结合国内外该研究领域的主要成果,简要介绍了植物凋落物分解的研究方法、土壤有机碳组分及土壤有机碳稳定性,并从植物凋落物分解对土壤有机碳及其组分、土壤呼吸和激发效应、土壤微生物群落结构及酶活性的影响以及植物-土壤-微生物相互作用过程对有机碳稳定性的影响等方面进行概述,厘清植物凋落物分解与土壤稳定有机碳形成的关系,并提出了未来该领域亟待关注的研究方向和研究内容。  相似文献   

闽粤栲群落凋落物持水量及其与群落结构的相关性研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
研究不同封育期闽粤栲群落优势度、物种数及凋落物持水量特征等结果表明 ,闽粤栲群落乔木层和草本层优势度近熟期均大于幼龄期 ,而灌木层则相反 ,其差异均达显著水平 ;每公顷凋落物干物质量和持水量近熟期均大于幼龄期 ,其差异均达显著水平 ;每公顷凋落物持水量和干物质量与乔木层优势度呈极显著正相关关系 ,而与灌木层优势度呈极显著负相关关系 ,在 90 %可靠性下每公顷凋落物持水量与草本层优势度、每吨干物质持水量和乔木层物种数均呈显著正相关关系 ;灌木层优势度与乔木层优势度呈极显著负相关关系 ,草本层优势度与乔木层优势度、每公顷凋落物持水量与每公顷凋落物干物质量均呈极显著正相关关系。  相似文献   

Bamboos are one of the fast-growing and multiple use species in the world, and thus bamboo forests/plantations play an important role in C sequestration at regional and global levels. We studied aboveground litterfall, litter decomposition and nutrient dynamics for two years in two subtropical bamboo ecosystems in Southwest China so as to test the hypothesis that litter quality determine the rate and nutrient dynamics during decomposition of different litter fractions. Mean annual total aboveground litter production ranged from 494 to 434 g m-2 in two bamboo stands (P stand, dominated by Pleioblastus amarus and H stand, hybrid bamboo dominated by Bambusa pervariabilis x Dendrocalamopsis daii). Bulk (-80%) of litter production was contributed by leaf litter in two stands followed by twigs and sheathes. Different litter fractions represented considerable variations in the rates of mass loss and nutrient release. Variation of the mass remaining after 2 years of decomposition was significantly explained by initial C/N ratio and initial P concentration. Initial concentrations of N, P, Ca, and Mg explained 57.9%, 95.0%, 99.8% and 98.1%, respectively, of the variations of these elements mass remaining after 2 years of decomposition. The patterns of nutrient dynamics and the final amount remaining were mainly determined by their initial litter substrate quality in tl~ese two subtropical bamboo plantations.  相似文献   

连续年龄序列桉树人工林凋落物分解的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过野外定位监测和取样分析,研究了连续年龄序列(3 a,4 a,5 a,6 a)桉树人工林的叶凋落物分解及养分释放动态。结果表明,经过390 d分解后,不同龄级桉树人工林凋落物的残留率分别为31.11%,28.37%,36.70%和46.99%,年平均分解系数分别为0.962 0,0.956 8,0.793 0和0.628 6,周转期分别为3.03,3.07,3.54,4.66 a,说明随着林木龄级的增加凋落物的分解速度逐渐下降。在凋落物分解过程中,N、P、K、Ca、Mg、Mn、Zn和Fe元素,均体现出比较明显的淋溶-富集-释放模式。各年龄段桉树林凋落物N元素的周转期分别为1.65,1.95,2.39,2.96 a,P为1.82,1.48,2.35,3.05 a,K为0.95,1.31,3.27,2.80a,Ca为3.39,2.74,3.49,3.29 a,Mg为1.27,2.03,3.66,2.33 a,Mn为1.98,1.01,2.67,3.38 a,Zn为2.74,1.83,2.92,4.03 a,Fe为2.96,1.07,2.84,3.19 a。从各元素的周转时间可以看出,N、P、K元素的周转速度较快,说明这些元素易淋溶,能更快地归还林地以供应林木生长的需要。  相似文献   

杉木与阔叶树叶凋落物混合分解对土壤性质的影响   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
通过盆钵模拟试验对杉木与楠木、杉木与木荷叶凋落物混合分解后土壤性质进行研究,结果表明:土壤微生物区系中,细菌占微生物总数的98.18%~99.80%,真菌、放线菌在微生物总量中的比例差异不显著(P>0.05),分别为0.12%~1.01%和0.12%~1.08%;7月份土壤微生物中放线菌数量显著高于3月份土壤微生物中放线菌数量(P<0.05),而细菌数量相对较少;杉木、楠木以及木荷叶凋落物三者单独分解时,阔叶树林地细菌数量较大,杉木林地的真菌、放线菌数量较多。当杉木与楠木叶凋落物混合分解时,土壤三大微生物数量以及微生物总量都明显增加;与木荷叶凋落物混合分解时,仅细菌和微生物总量有所增加。混合分解后,林内土壤养分大体呈低~高~低的变化模式;pH值均有不同程度的,其中增加最多的是杉楠X1+3X2的处理。  相似文献   

松、栎纯林及混交林凋落物分解特性研究   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
松树(Pinus massoniana Lamb.)和栎树(Quescus variabilis BL.)都是我国广为栽培的树种.长期以来,由于松树林地树种单一,群落结构简单和重复连栽的管理方式,林地环境质量已逐渐退化,存在着明显的地力衰退现象[1,2].  相似文献   

土壤微生物群落结构对凋落物组成变化的响应   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
凋落物分解是陆地生态系统养分循环的关键过程,明确凋落物多样性如何影响土壤微生物群落构成和多度,继而潜在地改变凋落物分解的微生物学机制有助于认识生物多样性和森林生态系统功能的关系。通过小盆模拟试验,应用磷脂脂肪酸谱图的方法研究了我国南方红壤丘陵区典型物种马尾松和湿地松的凋落物分别与白栎和青冈的凋落物混合,与单一针叶凋落物分解时相比,针阔混合凋落物分解过程中土壤微生物群落结构的变化,结果显示:(1)针阔混合凋落物分解时土壤微生物群落磷脂脂肪酸(Phospholipidfatty acids,PLFA)总量低于单一针叶处理,细菌和放线菌的相对多度高于单一针叶处理,真菌则相反,群落真菌/细菌低于单一针叶处理,土壤微生物生物量的差异主要来自于真菌;(2)主成分分析表明:针阔混合凋落物分解与单一针叶凋落物分解的土壤微生物群落结构差异显著,两个时期(分解9个月和18个月)主成分一分别可以解释65.74%和89.63%的变异,第一主成分主要包括18∶2ω6,9、18∶1ω9c、17∶0和10Me18∶0等磷脂脂肪酸;(3)土壤微生物群落结构受凋落物初始C/N和木质素/N调控,土壤微生物群落细菌的相对多度与凋落物初始C/N和木质素/N显著负相关,真菌则与凋落物初始C/N和木质素/N显著正相关,群落真菌/细菌与凋落物初始C/N和木质素/N显著正相关。针阔凋落物混合分解通过改变凋落物C/N和木质素/N,提供了对分解者更为有利的微环境。  相似文献   

内蒙古皇甫川流域凋落物分解过程中营养元素的变化特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在内蒙古皇甫川流域,利用凋落物样袋分解法对不同植被类型凋落物分解过程中营养元素的变化特征进行了研究。结果表明:在杨树叶、油松针叶和禾草3种植被凋落物分解过程中,营养元素随凋落物失重率的增高而降低,其中一部分营养元素回归土壤后,使凋落物样袋下相对应土层的营养元素含量提高;凋落物分解对恢复、补充和提高土壤肥力,防止水土流失,具有重要的实际意义。  相似文献   

在水土流失严重区域发展杨梅林生态园,可以比一般治理区更能改善林下土壤有机质含量,提高土壤肥力,各种生化强度均比一般治理区强,氨化作用、硝化作用、固氮作用和纤维素分解作用分别比一般治理区提高15.2%、60.1%、91.6%、53.8%;土壤中的根际微生物数量高于一般治理区,从而加快了林内凋落物的分解,也有利于植物本身的生长和养分的吸收。  相似文献   

We analyzed soil bacterial communities with terminal restriction fragment length polymorphisms (TRFLP) along a precipitation gradient on the Hawaiian island Maui where mean annual rainfall increases from 2200 to 5050 mm. Principal component and cluster analysis of TRFLP patterns indicated there were only small differences in bacterial communities in soils receiving 2200-2750 mm of rain annually but large changes in bacterial community structure occurred as annual precipitation exceeded 2750 mm. The change in bacterial community structure correlated with several ecosystem parameters including mean annual precipitation, aboveground net primary productivity, soil redox status, litter decomposition rates, net methane flux and soil respiration. We suggest the dominant change in bacterial community structure along the gradient reflects a shift from respiratory to fermentative metabolism.  相似文献   

Summary We studied the fungal communities associated with decomposing common leaf litter (Quercus leucotrichophora A. Camus) placed in five forests of Central Himalaya between the elevations of 330 and 2150 m. During the initial period of decay, conciding with the rainy season, a progressive increase in fungal counts and species diversity was observed in all forest sites. The sal forest site had a greater weight loss and supported the largest fungal densities, whereas the pine forest had a lower weight loss and the smallest fungal densities. Deuteromycetes were the dominant group in all the forest sites. Most of the species isolated during the annual cycle of the forest sites were of the accidental type. Species diversity and fungal counts on the common leaf litter were markedly affected by the environmental changes brought about by the native leaf litter. This effect was most obvious in the chir pine forest site where the leaf litter of the native dominant species was distinctly more resistant to decay than those of the other sites, making the soil environment of the site markedly different from that of other sites. The pattern of fungal-species changes with progressive decay of the substrate was similar to that suggested by the tolerance model of Connel and Slatyer.  相似文献   

In the litter of six deciduous tree species (Fagus sylvatica, Tilia spp., Fraxinus excelsior, Carpinus betulus, Acer pseudoplatanus and Acer platanoides) and in stand-specific litter mixtures, we compared mass loss and nutrient release across diversity levels along a gradient of decreasing proportion of Fagus in stands with similar environmental and physical soil conditions. The litterbag studies ran over 22 months. The decomposition rate constants (k) of the temperate forest species ranged from k = 0.5 for Fagus to k = 1.5-2 for all other tree species. In Fagus, k was closely negatively correlated with the thickness of the litter layer and positively correlated with soil pH and isopod abundance. k was significantly higher in the mixed species stands (except for Carpinus and Fraxinus) and was positively correlated with earthworm abundance. Over the whole incubation time, nutrient amount and release rates of N, P, K, Ca and Mg as well as C-related ratios showed significant differences between tree species but no consistent differences among the diversity levels. Initial C-related nutrient ratios of the leaf litter and abundance of mesofauna and macrofauna were correlated with the length of time lag before nutrient release. We conclude that the mere number of tree species is not the main driver of nutrient release and decomposition processes, but that key groups of the decomposer fauna as well as the characteristic traits of the individual tree species are decisive.  相似文献   

Fungal breakdown of plant material rich in lignin and cellulose (i.e. lignocellulose) is of central importance to terrestrial carbon (C) cycling due to the abundance of lignocellulose above and below-ground. Fungal growth on lignocellulose is particularly influential in tropical forests, as woody debris and plant litter contain between 50% and 75% lignocellulose by weight, and can account for 20% of the C stored in these ecosystems. In this study, we evaluated factors affecting fungal growth on a common wood substrate along a wet tropical elevation gradient in the Peruvian Andes. We had three objectives: 1) to determine the temperature sensitivity of fungal growth - i.e. Q10, the factor by which fungal biomass increases given a 10 °C temperature increase; 2) to assess the potential for above-ground fungal colonization and growth on lignocellulose in a wet tropical forest; and 3) to characterize the community composition of fungal wood decomposers across the elevation gradient. We found that fungal growth had a Q10 of 3.93 (95% CI of 2.76-5.61), indicating that fungal biomass accumulation on the wood substrate nearly quadrupled with a 10 °C increase in temperature. The Q10 for fungal growth on wood at our site is higher than Q10 values reported for litter decomposition in other tropical forests. Moreover, we found that above-ground fungal growth on the wood substrate ranged between 37% and 50% of that measured in the soil, suggesting above-ground breakdown of lignocellulose represents an unexplored component of the C cycle in wet tropical forests. Fungal community composition also changed significantly along the elevation gradient, and Ascomycota were the dominant wood decomposers at all elevations. Fungal richness did not change significantly with elevation, directly contrasting with diversity patterns observed for plant and animal taxa across this gradient. Significant variation in fungal community composition across the gradient suggests that the characteristics of fungal decomposer communities are, directly or indirectly, influenced by temperature.  相似文献   

 Analyses of phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) were used to assess variations in soil microbial biodiversity, community structure and biomass, and consequently, the soil microbial successions in time along the climate gradient of the Judean Desert. Principal component analysis of the PLFA data revealed that the degree of time- and space-related variations in PLFA composition and microbial community structure was high among the desert habitats. Significant shifts of specific groups of fatty acids caused by climatic variations were observed. The biomass represented by the total amounts of PLFAs indicated that the greater the average amount of precipitation, the higher the biomass. The results indicate that at least three different microorganism strategies were probably followed: (1) in soils with a high biomass during the rainy period, a significant biomass decrease occurred during the dry period, mainly due to an extraordinary decrease of Gram-negative bacteria as indicated by the decrease of typical monounsaturated fatty acids and hydroxy-substituted phospholipid fatty acids in semi-arid climates; (2) in soils with low biomass content during the rainy period, a significant increase of biomass during the dry period occurred, due mainly to the increase of eukaryotes, Gram-positive, and Gram-negative bacteria characterized by polyunsaturated, branched chain and some of the monounsaturated fatty acids, respectively; and (3) relatively low and constant biomass during the entire observation period in the more arid zones of the Judean Desert. Received: 12 January 1998  相似文献   

Carbon nanomaterials have been widely used in industry and inevitably enter the environment. However, there is little information about their influence on the abundance and diversity of soil nematode community. We evaluated the impact of three kinds of carbon nanomaterials (graphene, graphene oxide, and carbon nanotubes) on the abundance and diversity of soil nematodes after growing tall fescue for 130 d using a laboratory pot experiment. A total of 29 genera of nematodes were identified in all the treatments. Carbon nanomaterials significantly increased the abundance of total nematodes and plant parasites. The presence of graphene and graphene oxide increased the numbers of bacterivores, and graphene benefited fungivores. The total nematode abundance was 1.9-2.9 times greater in the carbon nanomaterial treatments than in the control with no carbon nanomaterial addition. However, graphene oxide and carbon nanotubes decreased the values of nematode community parameters, e.g., diversity, species richness, and structure index. Compared with the control, the addition of graphene resulted in a community with a higher plant-parasitic index (i.e., the maturity index of the plant-parasitic nematodes). Overall, our findings highlight that the addition of carbon nanomaterials has a negative influence on the composition and diversity of the nematode community, simplifying the community structure.  相似文献   

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