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A stem and fruit rot of sweet peppers ( Capsicum annuum ) occurred in 1992 in West Sussex affecting a large proportion of plants of cv. Tasty and to a lesser extent cv. Mazurka. Fusarium solani was isolated from the stem lesions and also from a short distance above and below them. The disease was largely nodal. Distinctive fruit symptoms also occurred. Symptoms were reproduced by inoculation of wounds on the stem. On agar and in a small in vivo test the pathogen was sensitise to benomyl at 2 μg ml. The disinfectants, commercial sodium hypochlorite, Purogene and Tego 51 effectively killed macrospores following exposure for 15 min.  相似文献   

Holb IJ  Scherm H 《Phytopathology》2007,97(9):1104-1111
ABSTRACT Epidemic development of brown rot, caused by Monilinia fructigena, was monitored in integrated and organic apple orchards at two locations in eastern Hungary between 2002 and 2005 on three cultivars with early, midseason, and late ripening periods. Disease incidence and severity measures were affected significantly (P < 0.05) by management system (organic versus integrated) and cultivar, but there was no significant management system-cultivar interaction. Epidemics started 2 to 4 weeks earlier in organic orchards and on the early cv. Prima compared with integrated orchards and the late cv. Mutsu. Disease intensity increased markedly in the final 3 to 5 weeks before harvest and was considerably lower in integrated than in organic orchards. Final brown rot incidence on fruit in the tree was correlated with incidence on dropped fruit on the orchard floor (r > 0.75, P < 0.05), whereby the lag period from the appearance of the first symptomatic fruit on the ground to the occurrence of the first symptomatic fruit in the tree ranged from 2 weeks to 2 months, depending on the cultivar. The inflection point of the disease progress curve was attained first by fruit on the ground, followed successively by fruit in the lower, middle, and upper thirds of the tree canopy. This may indicate that dropped fruit that became infected early provided a source of inoculum for subsequent epidemics by serving as a bridge between sporulation from overwintered fruit mummies in the spring and the first fruit with sporulating lesions in the tree in midsummer. Removal of dropped fruit from the orchard floor resulted in a significantly lower disease incidence on fruit in the tree on all cultivars; thus, drop-removal may be useful as a brown rot management practice in apple orchards.  相似文献   

The influence of transition from night to day temperature 3 h before, 1 h before, 1h after and 3 h after sunrise on the incidence ofDidymella bryoniae was studied both on inoculated and on uninoculated glasshouse-grown cucumber plants. The effect of inoculation on plant growth and fruit production was studied as well.The later the transition to day temperature took place, the longer were the periods with a high relative air humidity and of condensation of water on fruits.The time of transition had no effect on plant growth, yield, disease incidence on growing tips, number of lesions on the main stems of uninoculated plants and external fruit rot. The later the transition to day temperature took place, the more lesions on the main stem of inoculated plants appeared and the higher was the incidence of internal fruit rot.Inoculation of plants increased the number of lesions on the main stem, the disease incidence on growing tips, the production of misshapen fruits and the internal and external fruit rot. The number of secondary side shoots was incrreased but the total number of their internodes was reduced by inoculation.Inoculation caused an 18% reduction in number of internodes over a period of four weeks and a 10% reduction in number of fruits in the corresponding harvest period.The consequences of a more humid glasshouse climate and of a high infection pressure ofD. bryoniae for the grower are briefly discussed.Samenvatting De invloed van het 3 uur vóór, 1 urr vóór, 1 uur na en 3 uur na zonsopgang overgaan van de nacht-naar de dagtemperatuur op het optreden vanDidymella bryoniae werd zowel op geïnoculleerde als op niet-geïnocullerde planten van kaskomkommers onderzocht. De invloed van inoculatie op de groei van de planten en de produktie van vruchten werd eveneens nagegaan.Hoe later naar de dagtemperatuur werd overgegaan, hoe langer de perioden met een hoge relatieve luchtvochtigheid waren en hoe langer de perioden waarin condensatie van water op vruchten optrad.Het tijdstip van overgang had geen effect op de groei van de planten, de opbrengst, de aantasting van groeipunten, het aantal lesies op de hoofdstengel van niet geïnoculeerde planten en uitwendig vruchtrot. Hoe later naar de dagtemperatuur werd overgegaan, hoe meer lesies na vier weken op de hoofdstengel van geïnoculeerde planten en hoe meer vruchten met inwendig rot voorkwamen.Door inoculatie van de planten nam het aantal lesies op de hoofdstengel, de aantasting van groeipunten, de produktie van stekvruchten en het aantal vruchten met inen uitwendig rot toe. Het aantal zijscheuten van de tweede orde nam toe, maar het totaal aantal internodiën ervan nam door inoculatie af. Inoculatie reduceerde het aantal internodiën met 18% over een periode van vier weken en die van het aantal vruchten met 10% in de overeenkomstige oogstperiode. De praktische consequenties van eenSeconded to the Glashouse Crops Research and Experiment Station, Zuidweg 38, 2671 MN Naaldwijk, the Netherlands  相似文献   

Severe outbreaks of Alternaria leaf blotch and fruit spot were recently observed in cv. Pink Lady apples in northern Israel, especially on fruit. Such severe outbreaks have not been reported from other countries. Symptoms involved cracks and rot around the calyx and external rot of the fruit body. Up to 80 % of the fruit in some orchards were affected by the disease. Microscopic examinations, fulfillment of Koch’s postulates and molecular (genetic) analyses confirmed the causal agent as Alternaria alternata f. sp. mali. The incidence of Alternaria increased as the degree of calyx cracking increased, or if fruit were both cracked and rotted. Injecting spore suspensions into the fruit produced typical rot symptoms. Injection assays of detached fruit of eight apple cultivars showed that cvs. Pink Lady and Golden Delicious were susceptible whereas cv. Jonathan was resistant. Pink Lady and Golden Delicious produced more fruit rot as the inoculum concentration increased. Rot in all three cultivars was moderate close to the skin but more severe close to the seed locule. Aqueous extracts taken from Jonathan fruit peel inhibited germ tube elongation of A. alternata f. sp. mali in vitro. This is the first report on heavy infection of Pink Lady fruit in Israel caused by A. alternata f. sp. mali.  相似文献   

Several factors influencing the incidence of internal fruit rot of cucumber caused byDidymella bryoniae were studied.Internal infection of fruits is achieved via the flower. However, in most cases the majority of the fruits escaped infection after flower inoculation. It took more than two days for the fungus to reach the fruit after infection of the style. A mechanical barrier was not detected in the fruit tip within three days after inoculation of the open flower.Inoculation of wilted flowers resulted in 60% less infection than inoculation of fresh flowers. Blossom excision reduced fruit infection with ca 75%. Growing plants under drought stress markedly increased the incidence of internal fruit rot.Neither the method of inoculation, nor the composition of the inoculum, nor the relative humidity influenced the incidence of internal fruit rot. Fruit thinning, duration of fruit growth, flowering period and the removal of parts of the flower had no effect either on fruit infection.Cultivars resistant to powdery mildew were also resistant to internal fruit infection. The resistance was associated with a long style and a short flowering period.Growing cultivars in which the flowers quickly fall away from the fruitlets or in which the flowers have no style may solve the problem of internal fruit rot in cucumber.Samenvatting Factoren die van invloed kunnen zijn op het ontstaan van inwendig vruchtrot van komkommer, veroorzaakt doorDidymella bryoniae, werden onderzocht.Inwendige vruchtinfectie vindt plaats via het bloempje. Bijna altijd ontsnapte echter het grootste deel van de vruchten aan een aantasting als de bloem werd geïnoculeerd. Het duurde meer dan twee dagen voordat de schimmel via de stijl de vrucht had geïnfecteerd. In de punt van de vrucht werd binnen drie dagen na inoculatie van de open bloem geen mechanische barrière gevonden.Na inoculatie van verwelkte bloemen kwam 60% minder aantasting voor dan na inoculatie van bloemen die pas open waren. Het verwijderen van het bloempje reduceerde de aantasting met ca. 75%. Het optreden van inwendig vruchtrot nam aanzienlijk toe door de planten onder droge omstandigheden te telen.Noch de methode van inoculatie, noch de samenstelling van het inoculum, noch de relatieve luchtvochtigheid beïnvloedden het optreden van inwendig vruchtrot. Vruchtdunning, duur van de vruchtgroei, bloeiduur en het verwijderen van delen van de bloem hadden ook geen effect op de aantasting.Cultivars die resistent waren tegen echte meeldauw vertoonden ook resistentie tegen inwendige vruchtaantasting. De resistentie was gecorreleerd met een lange stijl en met een korte bloeiduur.De teelt van cultivars waarvan de bloemdelen snel van de vruchtbeginsels afvallen, of waarvan de bloempjes geen stijl hebben, zou het probleem van inwendig vruchtrot bij komkommer kunnen oplossen.  相似文献   

Phytophthora branch canker, caused by Phytophthora citrophthora, has been an increasing problem in clementine (Citrus reticulata) production in Spain during last years. The disease was particularly severe in the new citrus-growing areas of the southwestern coastal areas in Huelva Province. Recent studies revealed that disease emergence was not related to either genetic drift or host specificity changes in P. citrophthora population. Therefore, the possible association of agronomic factors with the disease was investigated. A total of 110 orchards were selected arbitrarily from the main citrus-growing areas in Huelva Province. The presence of branch cankers together with agronomic factors including soils, cultivars, rootstocks, irrigation, pruning, techniques to improve fruit production, fungicide treatments, presence of brown rot of fruit and frost damage were recorded. Logistic regression analysis was used to detect correlations between the agronomic factors studied and disease prevalence. Phytophthora branch canker was significantly associated with mature clementine orchards. Sweet orange and hybrid cultivars as well as young clementine orchards were less affected by the disease. Although disease was less frequent in Salorthid soils, alternative high resolution procedures are required to draw conclusions about the effect of soil properties on disease prevalence. As in other Phytophthora-induced diseases, soil flooding during the rainy season was correlated positively with the prevalence of branch cankers. Improving fruit production by branch scoring showed a strong positive correlation with Phytophthora branch canker. This is the first time that girdling has been associated with Phytophthora disease epidemics on a fruit tree crop, but further research is needed to determine the cause of this relationship. Cultural practices including pruning, regulated deficit irrigation, additional phosphonate sprays, and abiotic and disease factors such as frost damage and presence of brown rot of fruit were not significantly correlated with disease prevalence.  相似文献   

Brown rot is the main disease of stone fruits in Brazil, but the susceptibility of peaches to brown rot at different stages of development in the field has not been studied under subtropical conditions. This information is relevant to guide the management of the disease. The objective of this research was to determine the influence of inoculating peaches with Monilinia fructicola at different stages of development on the infection and progress of brown rot at postharvest. Two experiments were carried out: one ex vivo with two cultivars and the other in the field for two seasons. Peaches were inoculated at different sizes for both experiments. In the field, peaches were bagged to avoid natural infection, and M. fructicola inoculum was monitored. The ex vivo incidence of the disease was lower at pit hardening than at other fruit stages for both cultivars. The incidence of brown rot for peaches attached to the trees increased with fruit ripening. Conversely, the time for symptom expression was reduced according to peach diameter. Peaches inoculated with a diameter smaller than 2 cm showed a lower incidence of brown rot and longer periods for disease expression than fruit inoculated near harvest. In conclusion, in areas with high inoculum in the orchard, a common condition in the subtropics, the grower must prevent infection at all stages of fruit development, thus avoiding losses during marketing.  相似文献   

Sphaeropsis rot, caused by Sphaeropsis pyriputrescens, is an important postharvest disease of apple in the United States. The objectives of this study were to determine the timing of apple fruit infection in the orchard in relation to development of Sphaeropsis rot in storage and to identify infection courts and mode of penetration by S. pyriputrescens on apple fruit. Fruit of apple cvs Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, and Fuji were inoculated in the orchard from 3 weeks after petal fall to 2 weeks before harvest at 5 to 6-week intervals in three consecutive seasons. All fruit were harvested and stored at 0?ºC to monitor decay development. Light and scanning electron microscopy were used to examine the infection courts and mode of penetration of the fungus on/in the host tissues. At harvest, the fungus was re-isolated from the stem (pedicel), sepal, anther, or filament of the inoculated fruit, but decay did not develop on fruit. Sphaeropsis rot developed on inoculated fruit during cold storage beginning 1–3 months after harvest. Stem-end rot was prevalent on cv. Golden Delicious, whereas calyx-end rot was prevalent on cv. Fuji. Both stem- and calyx-end rots were common on cv. Red Delicious. Infection also occurred at lenticels on fruit skin, particularly on cv. Golden Delicious, but at low incidence. Relationships between the incidence of Sphaeropsis rot in stored apple fruit and the timing of inoculation in the orchard varied with cultivar and year. On cv. Red Delicious apples, the incidence of Sphaeropsis rot generally increased as the timing of infection approached harvest. Histological studies indicated that infection took place through natural openings of plant organs such as stomata on stems and sepals and lenticels on fruit skin. Fungal penetration also was observed at micro-cracks on the stem and sepal and at trichome sockets where mechanical damage occurred in sepals. Direct penetration was observed on the stem and sepal of fruit, but most invasions were restricted between the cuticle and the epidermis. Our results indicate that wounding is not required for infection of apple fruit by S. pyriputrescens, though it may facilitate infections.  相似文献   

Fusarium crown and root rot of tomatoes in the UK   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fusarium crown and root rot caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. radicis-lycopersici was found in the UK in 1988 and 1989 mainly in rockwool-grown tomato crops. Up to 14% of plants were affected in individual crops. In experiments, leaf and stem symptoms did not appear until the time of first fruit harvest even when the plants were inoculated at planting, first flowers or fruit set. Conidial inoculum at 106 spores/plant applied at seed sowing killed 70–83% of tomato seedlings, whereas similar levels of inoculum applied to young plants caused root and basal stem decay, and eventually death but only after fruit harvest began. Disease incidence and symptom severity increased with inoculum concentration. Experimentally, the disease was more severe in peat- or compost-grown plants than in rockwool. Disease spread was only a few centimetres in 50 days in experimental rockwool-grown plants. All tomato cultivars tested were highly susceptible. Prochloraz-Mn was highly effective against the pathogen in vitro and controlled the disease in the glasshouse, but only when applied preventively. Non-pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum isolates and Trichoderma harzianum also reduced FCRR disease levels.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Experiments over two growing seasons clearly showed that Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) infection was associated with internal necrosis (sunken necrotic spots 5 to 10 mm in diameter) and Beet western yellows virus (BWYV) infection was associated with collapse of leaf tissue at the margins (tipburn) in heads of stored white cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata). Virtually no tipburn was seen in cv. Polinius, whereas cv. Impala was affected severely. Internal necrotic spots were seen in both cultivars. BWYV appeared to interact with TuMV. Plants infected with both viruses showed a lower incidence of external symptoms and had less internal necrosis than plants infected with TuMV alone. Cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) did not induce significant amounts of internal necrosis or tipburn, but did, in most cases, exacerbate symptoms caused by TuMV and BWYV. BWYV-induced tipburn worsened significantly during storage. Post-transplanting inoculation with TuMV induced more internal necrosis than pre-transplant inoculation. There was a significant association between detection of TuMV just prior to harvest and subsequent development of internal necrotic spots. Individually, all three viruses significantly reduced the yield of cv. Polinius, whereas only BWYV and CaMV treatments reduced the yield of cv. Impala.  相似文献   

Three peanut cultivars, Georgia Green, NC-V11, and ANorden, were grown using production practices that encouraged the development of Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV). The progression of TSWV infection was examined through the season using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) tests on different tissue types [roots, leaves, pegs (pod attachment stem structures) and pods] and the effect of TSWV infection on physiological functions was examined at three harvest dates. Plants were classed into three severity categories: (i) no TSWV symptoms or previous positive ELISA tests; (ii) less than 50% of leaf tissue exhibiting TSWV symptoms; and (iii) greater than 50% of leaf tissue affected. TSWV showed a slow rate of infection at the beginning of the season and a greater percentage of infection of the roots than in the leaves. Photosynthesis was reduced in virus-affected infected plants by an average of 30% at the mid-season harvest and 51% at the late season harvest compared with virus-free plants across all three cultivars. Leaf tissue with symptoms had lower photosynthetic rates than healthy leaves. There were small differences among cultivars, with cv. ANorden maintaining higher average photosynthetic levels than cv. Georgia Green and higher transpirational levels than cv. NC-V11. The ability to maintain high assimilation physiology in the presence of the virus may help cultivars withstand TSWV infection and maintain final yields.  相似文献   

Burkholderia cepacia (syn. Pseudomonas cepacia) strain PHQM100 applied as a seed coating was tested in growth chamber experiments for its ability to suppress preemergence damping-off, and postemergence damping-off in corn induced by Pythium and Fusarium spp. The symptoms observed in bioassays with soils naturally infested with the fungal pathogens were seed rot with Pythium spp. and mesocotyl and root tissue necrosis in the presence of Fusarium spp. Three corn cultivars that differed in their susceptibility to damping-off pathogens were used. Cultivar L was susceptible to pre- and postemergence damping-off, whereas cv. LPDP and cv. LG11 were moderately resistant and resistant to the damping-off diseases respectively. In the presence of Pythium spp., seed treatment with B. cepacia reduced seed rot, as compared to the untreated seeds, and this reduction was more consistent in the cv. LPDP than in the resistant cv. LG11 or the susceptible cv. L. In soils infested with Fusarium spp., seed treatment significantly reduced root and mesocotyl necrosis as compared to the untreated seeds, and this reduction was more consistent in the resistant cultivars LG11 and LPDP than in the susceptible cv. L. Root colonization levels by B. cepacia were similar in the three corn cultivars tested. Biocontrol efficiency of B. cepacia varied among cultivars mainly due to the differences in their susceptibility to the fungal pathogens. In spite of variability and also irrespective of the soil characteristics, B. cepacia increased seedling emergence and decreased mesocotyl and root necrosis when used as a seed coating.  相似文献   

Anthracnose, caused by Colletotrichum acutatum, is an important disease of almond and has caused significant economic losses in California, Israel and Australia. Anthracnose development was monitored for three growing seasons in an almond orchard in South Australia on two almond cultivars, Price and Nonpareil, with up to 80 % of fruit affected in 2004. Lesions, typical of anthracnose, formed on young developing fruit and symptoms continued to appear until the fruit were ca 20 mm long, after which no further lesions developed. Symptoms were observed on leaves, woody tissue showed signs of dieback, but blossom blight was not observed. Maximum disease incidenceperfor, man and Relative Area Under the Disease Progress Curve (RAUDPC) were significantly larger for Price than Nonpareil for each season, but differences in the apparent rates of infection for both cultivars were insignificant for the three growing seasons. The apparent rates of infection were correlated with rainfall and daily temperature for the three years combined but there was no correlation between maximum disease incidence or RAUDPC and these environmental parameters. Considerably more mummified fruit remained on the trees of cv. Price than Nonpareil each year; however, there was no correlation between the number of mummified fruit in one season and maximum disease incidence, RAUDPC or apparent rate of infection, in the following season. C. acutatum was recovered from mummified fruit, peduncles and bark, from both Price and Nonpareil, every month throughout a year-long sampling period. C. acutatum was also recovered from asymptomatic leaves, fruit, bark, buds and blossom, however, less frequently and at lower rates than from mummified fruit and peduncles. Recovery was consistently greater from Price than from Nonpareil for all tissues.  相似文献   

In a detailed study of the effect of weekly sprays with benzimidazole-derivative fungicides on strawberry plants, cv. Tioga, higher yields were recorded, as well as reduced fruit rot caused by the fungusBotrytis cinerea Pers. The two fungicides tested, benomyl and flowable and soluble formulations of TBZ, gave similar control of fruit rot. The residue level found in leaves and fruits was about the same throughout the yielding season. Residue levels of 300-433 ppm TBZ (flowable form) and 94-110 ppm benomyl were detected in the leaves, whereas the levels in the fruit were 6.4-8.2 ppm and 1.5-3.8 ppm for the two compounds, respectively. Two weeks after the last spray application, the residue level of TBZ in teaves was reduced by 50%, and of benomyl by only 20%.  相似文献   

Bitter rot, caused by the fungus Greeneria uvicola, is one of the most important fruit rot diseases that threaten the burgeoning winegrape (Vitis vinifera) industry in the southeastern United States. Epidemiological studies were conducted to examine the period of fruit susceptibility of V. vinifera to G. uvicola, influence of temperature and duration of wetness on infection, and relative susceptibility of cultivars to bitter rot. In field studies, susceptibility of Merlot, Chardonnay, and Cabernet Franc fruit increased from bloom until véraison in 2003 and from bloom until 2 weeks before véraison in 2004. When detached V. vinifera fruit were inoculated and incubated at 14, 22, 26, and 30 degrees C for 6, 12, 18 or 24 h of wetness, 22.4 to 24.6 degrees C and 6 or 12 h of wetness were the optimal conditions for infection of fruit by G. uvicola. The relative susceptibility of 38 cultivars and selections, including 23 V. vinifera cultivars and five French-American hybrids, was determined in a detached fruit inoculation assay. A wide range in susceptibility was observed among the cultivars and selections. Fruit of cultivars of V. vinifera were significantly more susceptible than French-American hybrids. Isolates of G. uvicola differed in aggressiveness when tested on cv. Chardonnay.  相似文献   

Sclerotinia rot caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is one of the most important diseases of processing tomatoes in Central Brazil. Yield losses in tomato cultivars (cv.) IPA-5 were assessed in mature plants from 1995 to 1997, and related to different disease intensities, in a naturally infested area irrigated by centre pivot. Over the 3 years, there were no differences (Tukey at 5%) in fruit numbers between plants without symptoms (NS) and with intermediate symptoms (IS), which yielded higher numbers than plants with severe symptoms (SS). The greatest reduction in fruit number was 56.8% in 1997. Significant differences were observed in fruit weight and size among NS, IS and SS plants in 1995 and 1997. In 1996, NS and IS plants were similar, but different from SS, which yielded significantly less. Weight and size reductions in SS plants reached 84.3% and 62.0%, respectively, in 1997. In 1996 and 1997, yield losses related to time of symptom appearance and physiological age were also assessed. Significant correlations were found ( P  < 0.01), with nearly total losses observed when plants were infected from early to mid bloom, as opposed to plants infected near harvest, which had lower disease incidence and produced economically acceptable yields. Quadratic and exponential models best fitted the relationship between yield and time of symptom appearance, and yield vs physiological age could be explained by logistic and Gompertz functions.  相似文献   

Anthracnose fruit rot, caused by Colletotrichum acutatum, is among the most important diseases of blueberries. Most cultivars are susceptible but ‘Elliott’ is resistant. Our objective was to identify possible antifungal compounds that play a role in the resistance response. Chemical fractions from freeze-dried, ripe fruit of ‘Elliott’ and a susceptible cultivar (Jersey) were extracted with methanol and ethyl acetate. Extracts were screened on solid media for suppression of microconidiation of C. acutatum. The methanolic extract was fractionated and the soluble methanolic fraction from ‘Elliott’ was the most biologically active. This fraction was dried, dissolved in water, and screened in vivo by pre-treating ripe ‘Jersey’ fruit with 0.5, 1, 2, and 4% solutions (w/v) and subsequently inoculating the fruit with C. acutatum. An 88% reduction in infection incidence was observed after 12 days with the 4% solution. Anthocyanins and other flavonoids were then quantified in fruit of the two cultivars using HPLC-MS. ‘Elliott’ fruit contained more anthocyanins (4.87 mg/g of freeze-dried tissue) than ‘Jersey’ (3.27 mg/g of freeze-dried tissue); however, the same compounds were found in both cultivars. ‘Elliott’ fruit also contained more non-anthocyanin flavonoids (0.18 mg/g of freeze-dried tissue) than ‘Jersey’ (0.12 mg/g of freeze-dried tissue), including two distinctive compounds in ‘Elliott’. The non-anthocyanin flavonoid fractions of both ‘Elliott’ and ‘Jersey’ significantly decreased the growth of C. acutatum in a liquid bioassay but the effect was more pronounced in the ‘Elliott’ fraction. The two distinctive compounds in ‘Elliott’ were further characterized by MS/MS and were identified as quercetin 3-O-rhamnoside and, putatively, syringetin rhamnoside. Additionally, we evaluated ‘Elliott’ and ‘Jersey’ methanolic extracts for their ability to inhibit lipid peroxidation, and the extract obtained from ‘Elliott’ was almost twice as active at inhibiting peroxidation. These results provide new insights into the role of antifungal compounds in the resistance response of ripe ‘Elliott’ blueberries to infection by C. acutatum.  相似文献   

Chemical and biological agents were evaluated for their ability to suppress root rot, caused by Phytophthora cactorum , in field-grown radiata pine seedlings in New Zealand. Trials were conducted over two seasons in an area of a forest nursery with a natural infestation of P. cactorum , and a history of root rot. In each season, symptoms of root rot developed during April, one month after root pruning, when seedlings were approximately six months old. In trial one, root rot incidence by mid July 2007 was 9·1% in untreated plots and 8·4% in plots that had been treated with metalaxyl-M/mancozeb (14 kg ha−1) at seedling emergence. Disease incidence was lowest (2·1%) in plots that received seven monthly applications of phosphorous acid (6·5 L ha−1). Other treatments, including seed coating with thiram or Trichoderma spp., and foliar applications of methyl jasmonate, did not control disease. In trial two, effects of treatment timing relative to root pruning were investigated. By late June 2008, three months after root pruning, root rot incidence was 22·2% in the untreated plots. Phosphorous acid was the most effective treatment and almost completely suppressed disease (0·1% incidence) when applied fortnightly from February until May (seven applications). Metalaxyl-M/mancozeb (15 kg ha−1) was not effective (21·4% incidence) when applied five months before root pruning. However, disease incidence was reduced when the chemical was applied one week after root pruning (14·9% incidence) and greater control was achieved (8·2% incidence) when the application rate was increased to 50 kg ha−1.  相似文献   

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