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对海南省热带牧草种子生产的分布地区,种植面积及总产量,主要栽培品种的产量与质量,栽培管理技术等进行了总结,并提出了热带牧草种子生产存在的问题及建议。  相似文献   

臂形草属牧草种子生产试验   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用L25(5^6)正交表,进行了提高臂形草牧草种子产量的试验研究。以臂形草品种、施尿素、抽穗期施硼砂,初花期施硼砂为影响因子,各因子5个水平,作正交试验和统计分析。结果表明:通过2a试验,杂交臂形草种子产量最高。第1年为868.6kg/hm,第2年为303.1kg/hm,第1年氮肥不同处理水平间的种子产量差异不显著,但第2年种子产量随着尿素施肥量的增加而提高。抽穗期施硼砂不论在第1年,还是在第2年均可提高种子产量。抽穗期喷施质量分数1.0%硼砂,产量最高第1年为385.3kg/hm,第2年为208.1kg/hm。初花期施硼砂对种子产量效果不显著。  相似文献   

落粒性是野生稻适应自然环境和保持群体繁衍的重要性状,落粒性的丧失是水稻驯化过程中的一个关键事件。落粒程度既直接影响水稻的产量,也影响其对现代化机械收割方式的适应性。本文综述了近年来水稻落粒性的研究进展,包括水稻落粒的生理基础、落粒性基因的定位与克隆,以及调控落粒性的分子机理。  相似文献   

水稻落粒性的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
落粒性是野生稻适应自然环境和保持群体繁衍的重要性状,落粒性的丧失是水稻驯化过程中的一个关键事件。落粒程度既直接影响水稻的产量,也影响其对现代化机械收割方式的适应性。本文综述了近年来水稻落粒性的研究进展,包括水稻落粒的生理基础、落粒性基因的定位与克隆,以及调控落粒性的分子机理。  相似文献   

利用爪哇稻NS2098与籼稻桂农占杂交并自交获得的F2群体,对水稻落粒性进行了遗传分析和基因定位。结果表明,难落粒性状受1对显性基因Sh(t)控制。利用分子标记将sh(t)定位在第1号染色体的SSR标记RM11869、RM3825、RM11875、RM8278、RM315、RM11893和RM1387附近,与它们之间的遗传距离分别是1.65,1.59,1.46,1.65,1.72,1.72和4.13 cM,与落粒性基因qSH1的1个SNP临近。序列分析表明,NS2098在该SNP位点为碱基T,而桂农占为碱基G,与qSH1基因的报道结果一致,推测Sh(t)与qSH1可能是同一基因。  相似文献   

利用油菜半粒种子进行快速繁育成无性系的试验结果表明:在消毒剂为0.1%、0.2%HgCl2和8%~15%NaOCl的13个处理中,以8%NaOCl处理10min效果最好,能杀死细菌,对胚苗的发育生长抑制作用小。在芽扩增试验中,每升培养基中附加2.0mgBA和0.1mgNAA的处理产生的芽最多,PP333的作用则不明显。  相似文献   

超级杂交稻协优9308恢复系落粒性的诱变改良   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过γ射线诱变恢复系T9308干种子筛选到了难落粒突变体M9308。除落粒性外,突变体及其与不育系协青早A配制的杂种F1的主要农艺性状、稻米品质和抗病性无显著变化。遗传研究表明,M9308的难落粒性受单隐性基因控制  相似文献   

Dov.  R 王瑞 《麦类作物》1997,17(1):11-11
用PCR(聚合酶链反应)法扩增来源地几个硬粒小麦单粒萌发种子DNA提以液中的LMW(低分子量)谷蛋白基因序列,PCR反应的电泳分析表明,品质优劣不同的硬粒小麦品种具有不同的扩增产品,这种建立在PCR基础上的方法,比标准方法筛选优异品质基因型更有效,更安全。  相似文献   

A semifield assay was conducted from 2009 to 2011 to distinguish between different preventive methods of reducing Verticillium spp. in spinach seed production. The seed treatments for controlling seed infection levels included Thiram, Signum, Trichoderma harzianum, Gliocladium roseum and Natural II, and these were tested in naturally infested and uninfested soil. Even though seed treatment by Thiram and Signum in all cases reduced the incidence of Verticillium spp. on the harvested seed, the soil type had a large influence on the subsequent disease pressure as a significant effect of soil was seen in 2010 and 2011 and a non-significant effect of seed treatment on Verticillium spp. was observed in all experimental years. As no interaction between soil and seed treatment was observed, the seed treatment had no effect on the disease pressure on the seeds subsequently harvested from the infested soil.  相似文献   

黄淮流域主栽大豆品种炸荚性研究初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对黄淮流域32个大豆品种进行的32d跟踪调查,初步明确了大豆炸荚规律,表明品种之间总炸荚率、成熟后10d炸荚率存在明显差异,根据总炸荚率分为5级,其中0级(不炸荚)占6.25%,Ⅰ级(0%~1%)占12.5%,Ⅱ级(1%~5%)占25.0%;Ⅲ级(5%~10%)占18.75%;Ⅳ级(10%~30%)占18.75%:Ⅴ级(大于30%)占18.75%。通过对成熟后32d的日平均气温、日熙时数、空气相对湿度与日平均炸荚率进行相关分析表明:平均炸荚率与日平均气温的相关系数为0.34,与平均日照的相关系数为0.35,均未迭显著水平,与空气相对湿度的相关系数为-0.73,迭极显著水平。说明大豆炸荚主要受品种特性影响,同时与成熟后空气相对湿度有关。  相似文献   

种子大小是影响农作物产量的主要因素之一,研究控制种子大小的重要基因,并寻找高产相关的功能基因,对作物高产育种具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。目前,通过基因失活或超量表达分析,已经发现了一些控制种子大小的功能基因。这些功能基因参与胚、胚乳、珠被的发育过程,通过调控细胞的增殖和伸长程度控制种子的大小。本文主要综述现已鉴定的控制种子大小的一些重要基因。  相似文献   

杂交大豆育种方法和制种技术的实践与研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文详细阐述了杂交大豆“三系”选育、杂交种选育、制种技术等内容,“三系”的选育采用已育成的品种或品系与RN型稳定的大豆不育系进行测交和回交转育进行选育,大豆杂交种是利用不育系和恢复系进行大规模配制杂交组合,经过F1产量鉴定,筛选出强优势组合,而制种要求选择干旱少雨、日照充足、有灌溉条件、野生昆虫种类多、群体大的地区。  相似文献   

在网室内用3种昆虫为大豆不育传粉,试验结果表明蜜蜂传效效果最好,不育系单株异交结荚率,结实率和单株产量分别是开放条件下自然传粉不育系的10.5,12.8和11.8倍;不育系产量(按小区面积折算)2:1行比处理平均为488.4kg/hm^2,比1:1行比产量提高23.5%;喷糖,吹风,放彩带与对照间没有显著差异。蚂蚁和苍蝇传粉效果差,无利用价值。  相似文献   

We evaluated the effect of row spacing on seed and forage yields in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) using combined seed and forage production plots, in an irrigated Mediterranean agricultural environment. We compared three row distances (20, 40 and 60 cm) in two cultivars at a seed rate of 25 kg ha?1 over a period of 4 years. We measured the seed yield and yield components as well as forage production. The 4‐year average revealed an overall clean seed yield of 367 kg ha?1 declining over time, without significant differences in row distances. The number of shoots per square metre differed significantly as a function of row spacing, with averages of 357, 226 and 172 shoots m?2 for row widths of 20, 40 and 60 cm respectively. The row spacing did not affect the number of racemes per shoot (23·1), the number of pods per raceme (7·2), the number of seeds per pod (6·5) or the thousand seed weight (1·667 g). The average forage production was 20·1, 18·5 and 17·9 Mg DM ha?1 for row distances of 20, 40 and 60 cm, respectively, with higher yields associated with smaller row distances. Our data demonstrate that row spacing >20 cm does not confer any advantage to the production of alfalfa seed under irrigated Mediterranean agricultural conditions and that close spacing can significantly increase forage yields in the same environment.  相似文献   

Despite several experiments on row spacings and seeding rates of grain soybeans, limited information is available on the most suitable row spacing and seeding rate for tall and robust forage type soybeans grown for seed. The objectives of this study were to investigate seed yield, oil and protein content, and several morphological traits as affected by row spacing (20, 40, 60 and 80 cm) and seeding rate (330,000, 660,000, 990,000 and 1,320,000 seeds ha−1) in tall and robust forage type soybeans in three irrigated Mediterranean environments in Turkey in a randomized split plot design with three replications in 2004 and 2005. Row spacings had no significant effect on plant height but tall and profusely branched plants developed in wide row spacing and light seeding conditions. Seed yield responded positively and linearly to row spacing up to 60 cm and then decreased slightly in all locations. Seed yield was the highest at 990,000 seeds ha−1 seeding rate in all three locations (3072.5 kg ha−1 in Bursa LSD = 214.7 kg ha−1, 3295.1 kg ha−1 in Mustafakemalpasa LSD = 298.6 kg ha−1 and 3311.3 kg ha−1 in Samsun LSD = 321.1 kg ha−1). Averaged across years, locations, row spacings, and seeding rates the mean seed yield was an impressive 3013.4 kg ha−1 compare with 3500.0 kg ha−1 average seed yield of grain types. Crude protein and oil content of forage type soybean were not significantly affected by row spacings and seeding rates. It was concluded that forage type soybeans can be grown for multiple purposes at the 990,000 seeds ha−1 seeding rate and 60 cm row spacings in Mediterranean environments.  相似文献   

种植方式、疏叶及昆虫对杂交大豆制种产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为提高杂交大豆的制种产量,本文研究繁种中杂交大豆父母本种植方式、人工疏叶和传粉昆虫对制种产量的影响。结果表明,父母本同穴混合种植,能够提高昆虫的异交传粉几率,显著提高不育系的单株结荚数量,比传统的父母本1:1成行种植提高20.40%(蜜蜂传粉)和30.52%(苜蓿切叶蜂传粉),其中苜蓿切叶蜂的传粉效率显著高于蜜蜂。在大豆开花期间疏父母本整株三出复叶中的两个小叶片,改变叶片的空间分布,可显著提高不育系的结荚率,使JLCMS9A和JLCMS4A两个不育系结荚率分别达到24.1%和65.3%,比对照提高了68.82%和54.01%。  相似文献   

Lolium multiflorum Lam. (annual ryegrass) is used extensively as a forage crop and seed is produced in several areas worldwide. Seed production has been shown to be commercially possible in Atlantic Canada but improved weed control is needed. Studies were conducted in two provinces (Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick) to determine the effects of the herbicides bentazon, bromoxynil/MCPA, dicamba/MCPA, thifensulfuron/tribenuron, 2,4-D and MCPA on weed control, L. multiflorum growth, seed yields and seed germination in 1998 and 1999. The herbicides MCPA, dicamba/MCPA and bromoxynil/MCPA as evaluated in these experiments provided acceptable control of the broad-leaved weeds present and had no effect on seed yield or seed germination. Although the thifensulfuron/tribenuron caused early foliar injury, the plants recovered and it provided excellent weed control. None of the herbicides affected seed germination. MCPA, dicamba/MCPA and bromoxynil/MCPA could be used to provide control of broad-leaved weeds and thifensulfuron/tribenuron could be used if growers were willing to accept some early injury and possible yield loss to obtain the improved weed control.  相似文献   

通过现有的寒地水稻育秧塑料大棚进行杂交粳稻繁殖制种技术研究,初步总结了大棚制种的栽培技术和需要注意的事项,为以后进行杂交粳稻制种相关研究做好技术储备工作。  相似文献   

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