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The development to the veliger stage of fertilised ova of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, was compared in raw natural sea water and in sea water pre-treated with various substances. Significantly higher veliger yields were obtained when the water was pre-treated with 1 mg l?1 EDTA. Combinations of EDTA and 20 mg l?1 sodium metasilicate, or 20 mg l?1 alumina, or 50 mg l?1 magnesium trisilicate or 150 mg l?1 Fuller's earth also enhanced development.  相似文献   

水环境病原菌对人类和水生动物的健康以及水产品生物安全带来了重大威胁,是公共卫生、水产养殖、食品安全等行业的重点监测对象。然而水环境病原菌数据库建设相对滞后,相关数据库分散在临床医学和水产动物病害等领域,且缺乏信息交流与融合,完整性仅限于各自独立的学科,不能满足区域尺度或生态学视角下,大规模水源性病原鉴定及生物安全评价等高通量监测的需求。因此,本研究通过整理人类介水传染病、水生动物、哺乳动物、植物和跨宿主疾病等7大类细菌病原信息,构建多线程可调度通讯模型和全局序列匹配算法,开发了水环境细菌病原数据库(DPiWE,dayuz.com)。DPiWE收集了14门、27纲、54目、116科、221属、1 097种、9 070株细菌病原的物种分类、16S rRNA基因、宿主(195种)和感染类型(21种)信息。并在Web端实现信息检索、序列比对和注释结果可视化等功能。案例分析显示,DPiWE构建的系统发育网络,清晰地将养殖环境菌株DS10-D19划分为鳆发光杆菌;用DPiWE对海水混养系统细菌高通量测序结果进行注释,揭示3种养殖动物病原分布具有明显差异,患病组水体有传播人体和鱼类共患病病原的风险。DPiWE及配套分析流程可为水环境生物安全高通量评价、渔业生态健康维护和水产动物病害个性化防治提供新的思路和数据基础。  相似文献   

本研究制备了鳗弧菌Vibrio anguillarum、杀鲑气单胞菌Aeromonas salmonicida、副溶血弧菌V. parahaemolyticus、哈维氏弧菌V. harveyi和腐败希瓦氏菌Shewanella putrefaciens 5株鲆鲽鱼类病原菌的兔抗血清,建立了5种菌的间接ELISA检测方法,并将该检测方法用于鱼类细菌分离物病原检测。人工感染结果显示,5株菌对大菱鲆的半数致死量(LD50)在102~107CFU/fish;制备的兔抗血清效价分别为1∶2 048 000、1∶16 000、1∶16 000、1∶1 024 000、1∶128 000;交叉反应结果显示,鳗弧菌、副溶血弧菌、哈维氏弧菌3株弧菌与抗血清相互之间存在交叉反应;抗血清特异检测灵敏度分别为104、108、107、105、106cell/ml;对13株海水鱼类细菌分离物进行检测,有1株腐败希瓦氏菌阳性,两株哈维氏弧菌阳性;1株副溶血弧菌和哈维氏弧菌均为阳性,该结果与16S rDNA序列的分子分析方法一致。  相似文献   

Triploid oysters are favoured by the aquaculture industry because of their sterility, which results in two advantages: a faster growth than natural oysters and a constant quality throughout all the year, which is attractive for consumers. In France, these oysters are mainly produced by mating natural and tetraploid oysters whose production poses a risk for marine environmental biodiversity if biological material is released into the environment. Therefore, effluents from farms which could produce those kinds of oysters must be treated. The objective of this work was to treat shellfish hatchery effluents by ultrafiltration. The retention of gametes by the membrane, was validated for different scenario, 5 log removals were obtained, and their viability was evaluated after treatment highlighting a destruction of these species after air-backwash. The sustainability of the process facing this organic pollution on the duration of each test but also on the period of the study was demonstrated. A protection of the marine environment biodiversity is obtained with ultrafiltration processes.  相似文献   

卢敬让 《水产学报》1997,21(2):158-164
于1995年6-9月间在施肥鱼贝混养生态系中,实验研究了搭配养殖菲律宾蛤仔对浮游生物的效应和浮游生物对菲律宾蛤仔养殖的影响。在浮游生物群落构成方面,菲律宾蛤仔使蓝藻、甲藻和浮游桡足类显著减少。对生物量和初级生产力的影响程度与养殖密度有关,而浮游生物丰度和初级生产力在时间上的变化又与营养盐有关。  相似文献   

为确定适宜贝类的养殖环境,促进贝类养殖业健康可持续发展,于2019年5-11月对山东养马岛贝类养殖海域的细菌及相关理化指标进行检测与分析,并运用异养细菌总数等级评价和内梅罗指数法对该海域进行评价.研究显示,养马岛贝类养殖海域弧菌数量总体较低,异养细菌数量受人为因素影响较大,但整体无明显污染迹象;水温、盐度和透明度均处于...  相似文献   

Abstract. There is an increasing potential for artificial incubation of tilapia eggs. Hatchability observed in artificial systems is less than 62%. Four chemicals generally used as disinfectants for the fish eggs were tested in a controlled experiment together with ultraviolet irradiation of the water. A range of dose levels was tested for each chemical and is compared and assessed in terms of improved hatching rates. Effective disinfection improved the hatchability of eggs above 90%.  相似文献   

研究了单过硫酸氢钾粉对5种水产常见致病菌的体内、外抑菌作用,测定了体外最小抑菌浓度(MIC)、最小杀菌浓度(MBC)及以保护率为指标的体内抑菌效果。结果表明,体外抑菌实验中,单过硫酸氢钾粉对爱德华氏菌Edwardsiella、温和气单胞菌Aeromonas sobria、嗜水气单胞菌Aeromonas hydrophila、迟钝爱德华氏菌Edwardsiella tard、荧光假单胞菌Psudomonas fluorescens均有明显的抑制作用,其对5种菌的MIC分别为1、0.25、0.125、0.25、0.5μg/ml;MBC与MIC相同。而体内抑菌实验中,随着单过硫酸氢钾粉浓度的增加,由5种致病菌引起鲫鱼的死亡率逐步降低。统计分析发现,使用0.25μg/ml单过硫酸氢钾粉药浴鲫鱼,即可对由5种致病菌引起的鲫鱼病害有治疗的作用。  相似文献   

Since formalin is widely used in prevention of Saprolegnia infections in salmonid fish hatcheries, there is a need for more environmentally safe treatment methods. Therefore, we screened 360 bacterial isolates against their ability to antagonize the growth of Saprolegnia parasitica hyphae in vitro, and best strains were selected according to their antagonistic properties and colonization capability on rainbow trout egg surface. Protective bacterial cultures of Pseudomonas sp. M162, Pseudomonas sp. M174 and Janthinobacterium M169 were tested for prevention of Saprolegnia sp. infections during incubation trials of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) eggs with UV irradiated (400 mWs cm?2) and non‐treated inlet water. UV irradiation of inlet water significantly decreased mortality during the incubation. Lowest mortalities were observed in protective culture treated groups incubated with UV‐irradiated inlet water. UV irradiation increased the dominance of the main bacterial colonizers and variation in the bacterial species diversity between the experimental units.  相似文献   

鱼塘的健康养殖受到多种因素的制约,如鱼的种类以及鱼塘的面积大小等,同时,鱼塘水体中的细菌对鱼类存活更是带来重大影响。本文对徐州北郊鲫鱼鱼塘水体中细菌多样性及致病菌对鲫鱼存活状况的影响进行了研究,为补充完善我国鱼塘养殖环境中微生物的物种资源及鱼塘健康养殖提供了重要参考依据,旨在进一步实现鱼塘的科学管理。水样采集于夏季6月份,为鱼病频发季节,气温与水温相对较高,鱼塘中细菌数量多。研究主要是通过对鲫鱼鱼塘水体中细菌的总DNA进行提取,经过PCR扩增并依据16S rRNA基因序列构建系统发育树,进行分子发育学研究,最后获得水体中细菌物种的组成。它们分别为崛越氏芽孢杆菌(Bacillus horikoshii)、Aeromonas punctata、Bacillus thaonhiensis、溶血葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus haemolyticus)、弗氏志贺菌(Shigella flexneri)、印度芽孢杆菌(Bacillus indicus)、Fictibacillus phosphorivorans、Enterobacter soli、Bacillus aryabhattai。经检测其中Aeromonas punctata、弗氏志贺菌(Shigella flexneri)及溶血性葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus haemolyticus)为致病菌。  相似文献   

Abstract. An investigation was undertaken to determine the bacterial species associated with the fish disease known as 'red spot' which affected wild fish stocks in south-eastern Queensland. Outbreaks of the disease in the Noosa River were examined with particular reference to the sea mullet, Mugil cephalus. The bacterial flora of the skin of healthy fish as well as those exhibiting early and advanced lesions was determined. In the lower Noosa River estuary, Vibrio anguillarum was the sole organism associated with very early lesions. It was later shown that V. alginolyticus was also associated with V. anguillarum in early lesions, but was considered to be a secondary invader. Aeromonas hydrophila was isolated from advanced lesions on fish taken in freshwater reaches of the river. This organism was also regarded as a secondary invader.  相似文献   

"大菱鲆事件"给工厂化大菱鲆养殖带来了沉重的打击,为此,山东省日照市东港区涛雒镇及时调整养殖品种结构,开展工厂化流水刺参养殖,有力地促进全镇工厂化养殖产业可持续发展.目前全镇已发展工厂化流水养殖刺参场家50家,2万余立方水体,养殖幼参1 0余万头.现将工厂化流水养殖刺参技术总结如下:  相似文献   

Abstract. The survival of Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida was investigated in sea water under a variety of conditions. Survival in different types of microcosms (glass or dialysis bags); of bacteria grown under both in vivo and in vitro (broth culture) conditions; and in sterile and non-sterile sea water were compared. In all cases, survival was found to be of short duration (<10 days) and did not conflict with the previously stated obligate nature of the pathogen. The spread of furunculosis may depend less on its ability to survive in the environment than on its rate of shedding from infected fish and prevailing hydrographic conditions. Survival was extended and growth occurred in sterile sea water to which nutrients (tryptone soya broth) had been added. However, sea water obtained from beneath a commercial salmon cage, which would have been expected to be nutrient rich, did not prolong the survival of the pathogen. In vivo infectivity studies provided no evidence for the existence of unculturable but infective forms of A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida which, therefore, validates the use of colony-forming units as a measure of survival.  相似文献   

Use of antibiotics for the control of bacterial diseases in shrimp culture has caused several adverse impacts to the industry. This has resulted in the search for alternative environment friendly approaches to overcome bacterial infections. This study was conducted to investigate the use of beneficial bacteria as an alternative to antibiotics. Ten pathogenic bacterial species isolated from shrimp, Penaeus monodon, and Artemia cysts were tested for susceptibility to indigenous marine Bacillus subtilis AB65, Bacillus pumilus AB58, Bacillus licheniformis AB69 and compared with oxytetracycline, chloramphenicol, gentamicin and bacitracin, which are common antibiotics used in Asian aquaculture. The Bacillus spp. were isolated from the local marine environment for bioremediation use in shrimp hatcheries and were proven to reduce total ammonium nitrogen. The pathogenic bacterial isolates were 90% susceptible to B. subtilis AB65, 70% susceptible to B. pumilus AB58 and B. licheniformis AB69 and 100% susceptible to oxytetracycline, chloramphenicol and gentamicin but only 40% to bacitracin. Two representative isolates of the vibrio group, Vibrio alginolyticus VaM11 and Vibrio parahaemolyticus VpM1, when tested for competitive exclusion by a common broth method using the marine Bacillus spp., showed decreased viable counts from 10(8) to 10(2) cfu mL(-1). The results suggest that the action of the marine bacteria appears to be significant in protecting the host shrimp against pathogenic bacteria. In addition to the alternative use of antibiotics, the selected marine bacteria had additional bioremediation properties of reducing ammonia.  相似文献   

V. harveyi is the cause of serious disease in the shrimp industry in Thailand during cultivation. In this study, the gyrB gene of V. harveyi NICA, isolated from shrimp in Thailand, was sequenced. A pair of specific primers (A2B3) was designed that allowed amplification of a 363 bp gene fragment of V. harveyi. No cross reaction was detected in 17 other Vibrio species tested except for V. carchariae which is a synonym for V. harveyi. The possibility of using A2B3 for confirmation and enumeration of V. harveyi by PCR was demonstrated. Of 40 possible V. harveyi strains isolated from seafood on the basis of their growth on TCBS plates and biochemical reactions, 36 gave a reaction with the specific primers. The primers could detect V. harveyi at a level of as few as 15 cells/ml. The Most Probable Number (MPN) technique was applied to enumerate V. harveyi. We have demonstrated that when PCR was applied directly to the enrichment broth of shrimp artificially inoculated with V. harveyi, the MPN value was no different from the MPN value obtained using the standard technique with selective agar. This technique was employed to enumerate V. harveyi in postlarvae and hatchery tank water. V. harveyi were detected in 18 out of 21 postlarval samples and in 14 out of 21 tank water samples. The numbers of V. harveyi detected in postlarvae and water were 150-1.1 × 108/g postlarvae and 7-4.6 × 104/ml of water samples, respectively. Screening of postlarvae to reduce the high risk of V. harveyi contamination in cultivation ponds is suggested as a measure to prevent the catastrophic losses caused by V. harveyi disease.  相似文献   

The use of an indirect elisa for the detection of the sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax (L.), antibody to nodavirus is described. The sera of 110 adult sea bass (78 females and 32 males) maintained in captivity were analysed, and the females were individually classified in seropositive (16%) and seronegative (56%) groups, while some fish (28%) with low but detectable antibody levels were not classified. The proportion of seropositive males was smaller (3.1%) than the females. Repeated serological examination of 18 individually labelled females (spawners) revealed no changes over 5 months. The immunization of sea bass females with heat-killed nodavirus induced antibody titre as reflected by corresponding changes in elisa optical density readings. The antibody level increased 4 weeks post-immunization and was still detectable after 41 weeks. These preliminary results suggest the possibility of detecting virus-positive or virus-negative animals in attempts to reduce and prevent the vertical transmission of the virus in sea bass hatcheries.  相似文献   

Myxozoan parasites are known pathogens of cultured finfish. Kudoa neurophila n. comb. (Grossel, Dyková, Handlinger & Munday) has historically infected hatchery‐produced striped trumpeter, Latris lineata (Forster in Bloch and Schneider), a candidate species for seacage aquaculture in Australia. We examined the efficacy of four water treatment methods to prevent K. neurophila infection in post‐larval (paperfish) and juvenile striped trumpeter. Treatments included dose‐controlled ultraviolet irradiation [hydro‐optic disinfection (HOD)], ozone with conventional UV (ozone), mechanical filtration at 25 μm and then foam fractionation (primary filtration), and 50‐μm‐filtered sea water (control). In post‐larvae (initially 10.3 ± 2.7 g, mean ± SD, 259 days post‐hatching, dph), the infection prevalence (PCR test) after 51 days was 93 ± 12% in the control, 100 ± 0% in primary filtration and 0 ± 0% in both ozone and HOD. Likewise, in juveniles (initially 114 ± 18 g, 428 dph), prevalence was 100 ± 0% in the control and primary filtration treatments with no infection detected in ozone and HOD. Concurrently, there was a 50–100% reduction in heterotrophic bacteria and 100% reduction in presumptive Vibrio sp. in sea water HOD and ozone treatments. HOD with a dose of ≥44 mJ cm?2 UV was as effective as ozonation at >700 mV ORP for 10 min, in preventing K. neurophila infection.  相似文献   

In the present study a microtitre plate assay was used to evaluate antagonistic activity of 157 intestinal bacteria belonging to Carnobacterium isolated from Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus L.), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) and wolf fish (Anarhichas lupus L.) against fish pathogenic bacteria. One hundred and forty‐nine strains isolated from Arctic charr fed; (a) different lipid levels and (b) different fatty acids were screened for their ability to inhibit growth of the fish pathogen Aeromonas salmonicida ssp. salmonicida strain AL 2020 (the causative agent of furunculosis). Carnobacterium maltaromaticum and Carnobacterium mobile isolated from fish fed a low‐lipid diet inhibited growth of the pathogen, while none of the Carnobacterium divergens isolated from fish fed the high‐lipid diet had this ability. When Arctic charr was fed different fatty acids, was the frequency of antibacterial ability of C. maltaromaticum highest in strains isolated from fish fed 4%α‐linolenic acid (18:3 n‐3) and lowest in strains isolated from fish fed 4% linoleic acid (18:2 n‐6). Extracellular growth inhibitory compounds harvested in exponential and stationary growth phase from eight carnobacteria strains isolated from three fish species were tested for their ability to inhibit growth of six fish pathogens [A. salmonicida, Vibrio splendidus strain VS11, Vibrio salmonicida strain LFI 315, Vibrio anguillarum strain LFI 317, Moritella (Vibrio) viscosa strain LFI 5000 and C. maltaromaticum (piscicola) CCUG 34645]. The highest antibacterial activity was found when cellular extracts of the producer isolate were harvested in stationary growth phase. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) investigations of A. salmonicida showed that cell morphology was affected by the inhibitory substance produce by strain 8M851, a Carnobacterium inhibens‐like bacteria.  相似文献   

To provide a specific lighting system to aquaculture, a completely randomized design with five light treatments with three replicates was used to investigate effects of light intensity on juvenile Epinephelus coioides reared in artificial sea water. The weight gain rate (WG, %), specific growth rate (SGR % day?1), protein efficiency ratio (PER) and survival rate (S, %) were significantly higher at the 320–1150‐lx treatments (P ≤ 0.05) compared with the other treatments, but the highest food conversion ratio (FCR) was at the 0‐lx treatment and the lowest at 600–1150 lx. Total protease, amylase and lipase activities in liver, stomach and intestine were significantly higher at 320–1150‐lx conditions and significantly lower at 0 lx (P ≤ 0.05) than in the other treatments. The highest contents of crude protein and crude lipid were observed at 600–1150 lx and 320–550 lx respectively. However, both moisture and ash were highest at 0 lx and lowest at 600–1150 lx. The results indicated that light intensity could significantly affect husbandry parameters, digestive enzymes and whole‐body composition of juvenile E. coioides, with optimal light intensity being at 600–1150 lx.  相似文献   

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