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温室白粉虱发生规律与综合防治   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
温室的白粉虱在阿城市花卉生产基地温室花卉上普遍发生,危害的花卉品种有菊花、一品红、茶花、福建茶、常春藤等,靠近花卉生产基地的蔬菜生产棚室,危害面积也逐年增加,主要危害黄瓜、菜豆、番茄等作物,且危害有加重趋势.  相似文献   

河北省“十三五”期间,建设重点包括建设花卉种苗繁育基地4个,名优特色花卉生产基地50个,建设花卉产业园区3-4个,打造资源圃5个,花卉重点实验室2个.全省花卉种植面积将达到80万亩,总产值达到10亿元.  相似文献   

<正> 我村苗木、花卉育苗面积126.4hm~2,人口有1765人,是集科研实验、生产、推广、售后技术服务为一体的现代大型苗木、花卉基地,多年来以品种纯,数量大,质量好,价格合理,经营和技术服务周到,待人真诚受到用户的好评。本基地2003年冬至2004年春可向用户提供以下苗木。  相似文献   

海南消息:截至2010年底,海南省花卉种植面积达到9.1万亩,年销售额达到8.1亿元。海南鲜切叶生产占到全国市场份额的80%以上,东方市成为全国最大的菊花出口基地。海南的花卉产品广泛出口到日、韩、俄、美、加拿大等国家。预计到“十二五”耒期,海南全省花卉种植面积将达到20万亩,其中设施栽培面积10万亩,实现花卉产业年总产值50亿元,从业人员达到12万~15万人。  相似文献   

平泉市花卉产业自2002年开始发展较快,但是2013年受国外色素万寿菊销售市场影响,平泉花卉基地面积大幅度减少。作者从平泉花卉发展现状入手,分析平泉花卉产业发展中存在问题,有针对性地提出花卉产业发展具体对策。本文对指导平泉花卉产业发展具有一定生产指导意义。  相似文献   

花卉是赣州市农业着力建设的四大主导产业之一,近几年有较快的发展,2 0 0 0年花卉种植面积为40 0多hm2 ,总产2 1 0 0万盆(株) ,产值2 5亿元,是“八五”期末的4倍;至2 0 0 3年底,面积达1 1万hm2 ,产值超过3 5亿元,种植面积平均年递增5 0 %以上。初步形成了以大余、寻乌、全南、祟义为主的盆花(金边瑞香、虎舌红、富贵籽、兰花、瑚蝶兰、竹盆景等)生产基地;以龙南、章贡区为主的盆景、根雕生产基地;以南康、章贡区及各县(市)近郊为主的绿化苗木生产基地。越来越多的外资企业和民间资本投入其中,规模和档次也有较大提升,并促进了花卉苗木销售…  相似文献   

王意成 《花木盆景》2009,(12):32-34
[一月花事栽培指南] 一年生草花需春季播种的做好播种前的;隹备;秋播的二年生花卉,由营养生长向生殖生长转变,注意防寒保护:仍处休眠期的大部分宿根花卉、露地的木本花卉和秋植的球根花卉加强培土和排水;常绿草本花卉遇严寒时应加覆盖保护;室内盆栽的球根花卉、木本花卉、观叶植物、多浆植物和观果植物注意控水、停肥和防寒.  相似文献   

正武汉林业集团有限公司武湖花卉产业化示范基地占地520亩,位于武汉市黄陂国家级台湾农民创业园内,是"湖北现代林业武汉花卉科技产业园"的核心项目,先后被评为"武汉市青少年生态环保教育基地"、"全国花卉生产示范基地"、"湖北省生念文明教育基地"。基地立足华中、面向全国,主要从事珍稀彩叶植物新品种、新技术的引进和推广,高档盆  相似文献   

5月17日,华北最大的绿色蔬菜花卉种植基地清荃农庄,在天津武清区黄庄街道开始建设。清荃农庄是农业部指定的国家绿色蔬菜种植中心,一期开发面积超过200hm^2,主要用于绿色蔬菜花卉的种植。园区通过发展“研、种、产、购、销一体化”的绿色蔬菜鲜花产业链模式,缩短种植周期、提高园区整体效益,加快和促进农民持续增收。  相似文献   

随着国内外花卉消费的日益增加,预示着花卉产业发展的市场前景越来越广阔[1]。通过调研承德市花卉产业发展状况,挖掘其发展潜力,为承德市花卉产业进一步优化发展提出了相应建议。  相似文献   

根据花魔芋生长发育的基本要求,对照雷公山区的气候资料和土质报道,指出雷公山区海拔600~1 500 m区域的生态环境适合花魔芋种植,其中600~900 m、900~1 300 m、1 300~1 500 m依次为次适层、最适层和可适层;深入研究抗耐酸土魔芋种质发现,就近选择凉爽场地扩繁、轮繁种子,能更好适应基地建设就地供种要求;只有应对好酸土锈田、缺磷少钾、春秋低温、凝冻霜害、连作障碍的不利影响,拓展间作、套作,魔芋基地才能有望稳步扩大并实现高产优质。  相似文献   

Vegetation control with herbicides is a common practice in pecan [Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) K. Koch] orchards that benefits both non-bearing and bearing trees. However, the appropriate size for the vegetation-free area surrounding bearing trees had not been resolved. Vegetation-free circles centered on the Tree 0, 0.9, 1.8, 3.7, and 7.3 m in diameter were established at planting and tree performance evaluated. This study reports the first six years of production that began in the sixth growing season. Yield was not affected by treatment in the first two years of production while yield was low and some trees had not begun to produce. The next four years were characterized by a strong positive relationship between vegetation-free diameter with annual yield and with cumulative yield. Weight per nut and kernel percentage were rarely affected by treatment. Leaf elemental concentrations of selected essential nutrients were not affected by treatment. Trunk diameter was similar among treatments each year. This indicates that yield was improved by the vegetation-free area impacting pistillate flower induction or flower and fruit retention rather than improved tree growth increasing the bearing surface.  相似文献   

通过对河北省野生花卉翠雀资源的调查和引种试验,选育出了适合石家庄地区栽培的五大品系,为丰富当地园林植物种类提供了依据。  相似文献   

以中国长江流域圆柱形莲子资源‘中间湖野莲’为母本,泰国圆球形莲子资源‘清迈野莲’为父本,构建了含86个单株的F2遗传群体。2017和2018年对亲本及群体黑子期莲子长、莲子宽、单粒质量、开花数、心皮数、饱粒数等6个莲子产量相关性状进行了表型鉴定,利用197个SSR标记对亲本及F2单株进行基因分型,结合表型和基因型数据对相关性状进行了QTL定位和分析。结果表明:莲子产量相关性状在F2群体中均呈近正态连续分布,表明均为多基因控制的数量性状。6个莲子产量相关性状共检测到28个QTL位点,分布在7条连锁群上,LOD值变幅为2.55 ~ 12.34,可解释5.5% ~ 27.4%表型变异率。贡献率 ≥ 10的QTL位点有25个,占QTL总数的89.29%。黑子期莲子长(bsl1),莲子宽(bsw6)、开花数(fn4.1,fn5)可在两年被稳定检测到,贡献率变幅为7.33% ~ 17.6%。  相似文献   


‘Elstar’ is the latest-maturing commercial apple cultivar grown in Norway, with high fruit quality when properly managed. In May 2006, an experiment with four different crop loads [2, 4 ,6, or 8 flowers or fruitlets cm–2 trunk cross-sectional area (TCSA), respectively] was established at two different stages [first bloom (FB), or 20-mm diameter fruitlets] and compared to unthinned control trees. Fruit growth was measured on individual fruit for each treatment throughout the season at weekly intervals. Thinning at FB gave a significantly lower final percentage fruit set than thinning to the same cropping level at the 20-mm fruitlet stage. However, fruit weights and soluble solids contents (SSC) were significantly higher, and the background fruit colour improved when trees were thinned at FB. The final number of fruit at harvest was less than the amount established at FB, or at the 20-mm fruitlet stage. There were significant differences between treatments in final fruit numbers per TCSA, which reflected the different crop loads. Fruit weights and SSC values were highest with the lowest crop load, and decreased with increasing crop loads. There was also a strong crop-load effect on the extent of return bloom per tree in the subsequent year. Trees thinned at FB had significantly more flower clusters than those thinned at the 20-mm fruitlet stage of. Untreated control trees had the lowest number of flower clusters. The amount of return bloom declined with increasing crop load. Second year crop loads and fruit weights were highest when trees were thinned at FB to two or four apples cm?2 TCSA in the previous year. Trees with the highest crop load had the lowest crop load in the following year. Fruit quality was generally high for all treatments.  相似文献   

唐东芹  秦文英 《园艺学报》2012,39(10):2097-2098
 小苍兰新品种‘上农红台阁’是采用辐射诱变和单株选择法培育而成。花深红色,花蕊金黄色,具芳香,为半重瓣花。主花梗平均高54.1 cm,主花序小花数9 ~ 11,主花序基部第一朵花平均花径4.95 cm。  相似文献   

Rose plants that are flush harvested exhibit episodic growth patterns. During these crop cycles little biomass accumulation occurs immediately following harvest; and as new shoots emerge a period of rapid shoot growth and biomass accumulation occurs. The temporal changes in whole-plant nutrient and carbohydrate distribution during these crop cycles and the role of storage in new shoot growth are not well documented. The objective of this project was to quantify N, P, K, and total non-structural carbohydrates (TNC) distribution in roots, base stems, base leaves, and new shoots during crop cycles in response to light availability. Plants were grown in solution culture under high or low light (mean daily light integral 45.3 or 13.1 mol m−2 d−1, respectively) during 30–35 day crop cycles. Every five days destructive sampling was used to determine biomass and N, P, K, and TNC concentration of rose plant compartments. N and TNC accumulated in base plant compartments during the first ten days of the crop cycles. N, P, K, and TNC in base plant compartments declined during days 10–25 during a crop cycle concurrent with the rapid growth of flower shoots. N, P, and K storage in base plant parts represents 27, 22, and 24% of the potential N, P, and K required by flower shoots under high light; and 19, 21, and 22% of requirements under low light. TNC storage in base plant parts represents 4–10% of the final biomass of flower shoots. Mobilization of N, P, K, and TNC stored from base plant parts appears to be important during the stage of rapid flower shoot growth when absorption by roots or photosynthesis by shoots was insufficient to meet flower shoot demands. Plant carbohydrate status was improved under high light conditions; storage of N and TNC declined under low light.  相似文献   

 ‘瑞光39号’系‘华玉’ב顶香’杂交育成的晚熟油桃新品种。花蔷薇形,有花粉。果实近圆形,平均单果质量202 g,大果284 g;果面近全红;果肉白色,硬溶质,风味浓甜,可溶性固形物含量13%;粘核。果实发育期为132 d。丰产。  相似文献   

张叶  叶蓓蕾  刘乐  黎维诗  郝代成  凌鹏 《园艺学报》2020,47(Z2):3059-3060
文心兰新品种‘海博吉祥1号’(HaiBo Auspicious 1)是以宫美兰属‘老虎尾’(Gomesa‘Moon Shadow’)为母本,文心兰‘柠檬绿’(Oncidium‘Honey Angel’)为父本人工授粉杂交选育而成。花梗挺拔直立,属于中花型,主要花色为黄色,在基部伴有红褐色斑点,适合做盆花或切花,具有较强的适应性。  相似文献   

西瓜3种性型花器官性别分化的细胞形态学观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以西瓜3种性型(雌雄异花同株系、全雌系和完全花雄花系)的雄花、雌花和完全花3种花芽为材料,制成石蜡切片,进行西瓜花芽不同发育时期的细胞形态学观察。结果表明:西瓜3种性型之间性别分化起始及同种性别之间花器官发育过程并没有明显的形态学差异。雄花、雌花和完全花3种花芽分化首先要经过一个两性期,即雄蕊原基和雌蕊原基同时存在时期,在两性期之前三者不存在明显的形态学差异;当花芽长度为0.8~1.0mm时两性期结束,开始雄花、雌花和完全花的差异发育,此后雄花和完全花的雄蕊原基快速增大,雌花和完全花的雌蕊原基开始分化为柱头和子房。在3种花芽发育过程中,完全花的花芽在两性期后明显比同时期的雄花、雌花的花芽长度更长。全雌系中的"畸形雌花"出现在两性期后,雌蕊原基的凹陷发育过程受阻,而本该停止发育的雄蕊原基继续分化,最终发育成可产生少量成熟花粉粒的雄蕊。  相似文献   

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