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以贺州市枫木坪珍稀植物园规划设计为例,通过对珍稀植物园的特点和发展现状的分析,从功能定位、规划原则、规划构思、景观结构、植物选择等方面探讨了珍稀植物园的规划设计方法。  相似文献   

阐述植物园建设的必要性和我国植物园的建立和发展现状;分析我国植物固建设中存在的问题;提出我国植物园进一步建设思路,即:园区规划要进一步突出"保护和展示植物为主"的特点,进一步丰富植物园植物种类特别是野生植物和珍稀濒危植物种类,推进植物园网络化建设,重视科研人才和科学研究,多途径筹集建设发展经费,在建园内容、建园风格、科普及文化方面形成自己的个性和特色.  相似文献   

在研究珍稀植物园的特点及发展现状的基础上,以寻龙河珍稀植物园规划设计为例,从整体定位、景观功能布局、特色景点营造、珍稀植物引种与配植等方面探讨了乡镇珍稀植物园规划设计方法;提出了乡镇珍稀植物园规划设计应充分了解建设基地自然条件和场所气候特点,深入挖掘场所的特性,以构建规划适宜、特色凸显的园景效果.  相似文献   

广西全区植物约有6000余种,其中主要珍稀植物有43种,保护好这些植物资源意义重大,常见的植物保护方法有就地保护、迁地保护和离体保存3种,目前广西区也建立了众多自然保护区和植物园来保护植物资源,对区内植物资源的有效保护起到了重要作用。  相似文献   

置身于硕果累累香蕉树间,满目是高大挺拔的椰子树和枝繁叶茂、生机盎然的荔枝、芒果,您一定会以为这是海南岛或是西双版纳吧?其实不然,这是记者日前在郑州市珍奇植物园的亲眼所见。 位于郑州市北郊的珍奇植物园,占地6公顷,种植有热带、亚热带珍奇植物5000多种,是目前亚洲面积最大、收集植物种类最多的室内观赏植物园。园内包括国家濒危植物和国家一级保护植物。珙桐、红豆杉、银杏、古榕、红豆、面包树、象脚树、腊肉树、芒果、菩提、桫椤等珍贵树种在院内安家落户,勾画出一派南国风光。珍稀植物园采用荷兰智能化控制系统和以色列灌溉技…  相似文献   

金钱松树属于国家的二级保护植物,在熊岳植物园有40年的栽培历史,金钱松正常生长和种子繁育苗木等都具有强劲的增长能力,完全可以抵御严寒,成为北部花园的珍稀物种。  相似文献   

朱红 《花木盆景》2004,(9):38-39
悉尼以西105公里处的蒙特托玛(Mount Tomah)植物园位于新南威尔士的蓝岭山脉以北,海拔超过100米,是悉尼皇家植物园的冷气候植物园。在这里安家的5000余种植物中,许多是皇家植物园的员工们从野外采集来的。植物园的参观区包括南美、东南亚、中国、非洲、巴布亚、新几内亚、新西兰和澳大利亚的高山植物,特别注重于南半球植物的收集。  相似文献   

南非开普敦国家植物园位于南非桌山东麓,始建于1913年,占地583 hm2,现栽培区开放36 hm2.它与英国丘园、美国纽约植物园、美国密苏里植物园、澳大利亚皇家植物园、俄罗斯圣彼得堡植物园、苏格兰爱丁堡植物园等齐名.园内植物品种达一万余种,95%是本地野生品种,终年花开不断.南非第一任总统曼德拉评价这座植物园是"南非人民献给地球的礼物",2004年被联合国教科文组织列为世界自然遗产.  相似文献   

王慧 《现代园艺》2022,(22):131-133
通过分析近年来植物园文创产品的开发现状及产品,从赏花月历、年历;植物及风景徽章、冰箱贴;合肥植物园手绘地图等实物型和非实物型文创产品的开发分析,讨论当前植物园文创开发过程中的一些思路和问题,以期为创造更好的文创产品、更好地传播植物的外在美及文化内涵提供理论依据。  相似文献   

介绍石家庄植物园的总体规划布局和植物景观特点,重点阐述植物园中3个专类园的植物配置方式,肯定了石家庄植物园植物配置的合理性和植物景观的艺术性。  相似文献   

阐述园林花卉植物的涵义、分类,分析该类植物应用的主要形式有花坛、花境、花丛与花群、花台及花池等,并对园林花卉植物在庐山风景区的应用现状进行探讨。  相似文献   

金塔地区外来植物调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过样方法和样线法对金塔地区外来植物进行了实地调查。结果表明:该地区共有外来植物41科116属152种,其中食用、观赏和绿化种类分别占38%、26%和22%。金塔地区的外来植物集中分布在人口密集的城镇及人类活动频繁的绿洲及其周边地区,外来植物的引入丰富了金塔地区的物种多样性,促进了地方经济发展和生态环境建设,但少数杂草类入侵物种的生态危害也很明显。  相似文献   

西安地区的野生植物十分丰富,其中分布在城市区的草本植物种类繁多,对城市的环境及生物多样性保护具有重要的价值,同时也是城市景观的组成部分。一些科属植物具有较高的观赏价值和生态改善的作用。以西安城市区的野生草本花卉为研究对象,调查其植物种类及分布特点、形态特征,并分析了它们在城市园林景观中的应用价值。  相似文献   

Four strawberry families which segregated for pistillate and hermaphrodite flowers were assessed for their susceptibility to Botrytis cinerea (grey mould). Clonally propagated plants were grown in a glasshouse and the flowers sprayed with a conidial suspension of the fungus. In extreme cases the disease resulted in necrosis of the flowers and pedicels before fruit development had begun. This occurred in a significantly higher proportion of hermaphrodite than pistillate flowers. Necrosis due to B. cinerea in unripe and ripe berries was also significantly greater in plants with hermaphrodite flowers. Differences in susceptibility between families were also observed, but there was no interaction with flower sex. It is proposed that the reduced incidence of necrosis on the flowers and fruit of pistillate plants is due primarily to the absence of anthers, which in hermaphrodite flowers.provide a major route for B. cinerea to enter the developing receptable.  相似文献   

长沙市烈士公园花境植物调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
花境是模拟各种野生花卉自然交错生长的状态,经过艺术提炼,巧妙灵活地运用各种露地宿根花卉、球根花卉、1年生或2年生草本花卉及花灌木等园林植物,设计成宽窄不一的曲线式、直线式或自然式花带。作者通过对烈士公园的调查,了解到园内花境植物的种类、应用形式,并拍摄实地照片,发现一些问题,并提出相应的解决对策。  相似文献   

陈银  刘艳 《北方园艺》2007,(11):97-101
通过对济南市花卉市场类型及竞争格局、2007年年宵期间花卉产品结构、花卉消费情况、济南市花卉业存在的主要问题及对策几方面进行调查分析,发现2007年宵期间济南花卉市场总体形势走高,济南花卉市场已成为华东地区较大的花卉集散地并进一步扩大.但同时也存在一些问题;如品种老化、专业化水平低;由此提出一些分析和建议,以期使人们对济南花卉市场有深层次的了解.  相似文献   

通过问卷和实地调查,对长沙市3个居住小区宅间绿地中园艺的应用现状进行总结和分析。结果表明,居民具有参与园艺栽培休闲活动的意愿;宅间园艺种植区域缺乏科学的规划;家庭投入宅间园艺活动资金有限,50~200元资金是较为合适的标准;宅间园艺植物种类繁杂;居民喜爱种植花卉;市区和郊区居民对园艺种类的喜好差异较大。  相似文献   

Pollinator-friendly plants are often a necessary component of the management of urban ecosystem that aim to reduce the impact of the artificial urban matrix on natural pollinator populations. Nectarivorous bats are neglected components of the urban pollinator community and there is a paucity of assessments on pollinator-friendly plants that may provide urban bats with reliable, year-long resources. Crescentia cujete is a bat-pollinated Bignoniaceae with very distinctive chiropterophilous features that is often used as an ornamental species in tropical urban areas worldwide. Its flowers are large and produce copious amounts of nectar, which accumulates in the flower’s storage-shaped flowers. Thus, the species is a potential bat-friendly urban plant. We assessed the species’ year-round flower emission and nightly nectar production dynamics in a green area in northeastern Brazil, and described the behavior of its floral visitors. C. cujete showed a steady, year-round flowering pattern, with no significant seasonality. Its flowers secreted copious amounts of diluted nectar and were visited exclusively by the Pallas long-tongued bat Glossophaga soricina throughout the night at high visiting frequencies, delivering successive visits to individual flowers spaced by short intervals. Our results suggest overexploitation of floral resources from C. cujete by urban bats. Moreover, its continuous flowering and copious nectar production may become a reliable resource in an artificial environment generally lacking bat-pollinated plants, thus mitigating the effects of food shortage for urban nectar bats.  相似文献   

通过对巴尔鲁克山的野生观赏植物资源进行调查研究,采用野外调查、标本采集和文献查阅统计分析,按生活型把观赏植物分为常绿和落叶观赏乔木、常绿和落叶观赏灌木、观赏藤本、宿根花卉、球根花卉、观赏草本和盆景花卉七大类,并对巴尔鲁克山野生观赏植物资源开发利用提出建议。  相似文献   

Ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) is a noxious plant that not only is a troublesome agronomic weed that causes economic damage to agricultural crops but also − and even more importantly − causes severe health problems due to its severe allergenicity. The pollen of invasive ragweed has become a major allergenic risk factor in urban areas in newly occupied regions. Many urban areas prohibit herbicide application; thus, mowing is the most widely used control measure. Counting pollen is labour intensive; therefore, pollen production data are mainly based on estimations. Field experiments were conducted to determine the effects of different mowing scenarios, plant density and cutting height on the biomass, pollen production and seed production of common ragweed plants. Ragweed plants were mown twice: just before the flowering of terminal racemes (BBCH 59) and when the flowers of the re-sprouting lateral shoots reached BBCH 59. A 1- to 3-cm cutting height produced the greatest pollen reduction compared to that of intact control plants (94%) based on a season-long pollen collection. The number of female flowers also significantly decreased (97%). Compared to the control, the onset of pollen discharge was delayed by 5 weeks and the length of the pollen discharge period decreased from 9 to 4 weeks. The season-long unique and reproducible pollen production data can be integrated with airborne pollen modelling and population management strategies.  相似文献   

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