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浅谈河蟹生产   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前河蟹生产和市场疲软的状况.阐述了河蟹消费有面向大众的趋势,前景广阔。概述了河蟹生产情况,提倡大水面放养河蟹,鼓励稻蟹双收。指出了河蟹生产中存在着商品规格小、成活率低、单产不高等主要问题。提出只有狠下气力选培技术人才.按着河蟹生活习性创建良好的生态条件,加强科学管理,结合天时地利,河蟹生产才能获得理想效果。  相似文献   

为合理有效利用土地、灌溉水、温光等资源,提高水稻、河蟹的产量及品质,减少化肥农药对稻谷、河蟹及周边环境的污染,按照绿色食品生产的相关规定,结合辽宁滨海稻区稻田养蟹的现状,在深入调研及专家组评审的基础上,制定了《稻田养蟹绿色生产技术规程》。从前期准备、工程建设、水稻生产技术、河蟹养殖技术等方面提出了稻田养蟹的相关要求。  相似文献   

阐述了盘山县推广稻萍立体种养综合配套技术的经济效益和社会效益,并介绍了河蟹养殖技术及水稻栽培技术,指出了当前河蟹生产中存在的问题。  相似文献   

阐述了盘山县推广稻萍立体种养综合配套技术的经济效益和社会效益,并介绍了河蟹养殖技术及水稻栽培技术,指出了当前河蟹生产中存在的问题。  相似文献   

近年来,河蟹人工育苗异军突起,生产势头十分惊人。人工育苗为河蟹养殖业提供了大量的苗种,取得了显著的经济效益和社会效益。但是,随着对虾繁、养殖暴发流行病害遍布亚太地区之后,河蟹人工育苗也相继发生病害,严重影响育苗生产效益,导致一些养殖户因成本过大,产量低而出现亏损。河蟹育苗多因水质严重污染,幼体基质下降,病毒乘虚侵入,引起弧菌及其它细菌等继发感染,酿成河蟹幼体暴发型流行性病害发生。三养虾导!来了清源用年代初,亚太地区对虾养殖业发展兴旺,随着人工养殖热潮的高涨,一些地区片面追求高投入高产出,盲目提高…  相似文献   

李绪美 《中国稻米》2005,11(1):36-36
稻田养蟹是一种高效立体生态农业,是根据水稻生态特征、生物学特性与河蟹的生活特点设计出的一种立体种养模式。稻田水质清新,水温适宜,能促进浮游生物生长,为河蟹提供部分饵料资源;茂盛稻株又为河蟹提供栖息、隐蔽的场所。稻田养蟹具有改土、培肥、减少污染、生产绿色产品等作用。经检测表明,稻蟹双作一年,喂蟹剩余的残饵、河蟹粪便,可增加土壤0.05%~0.26%的有机质含量。  相似文献   

稻田综合种养殖是一种新型的农业生产技术模式,稻蟹共养在辽宁省盘锦市已推广了近20年,不仅能生产优质稻米,还出产肥美河蟹,经济效益显著增加.本文以稻蟹共养田生物多样性对稻田有害生物防控效果为切入点,通过对比稻蟹田和常规田优势天敌群落的组成情况,考察河蟹、天敌生物对水稻主要病虫草害的影响程度,结果表明,蜘蛛作为稻田捕食性天...  相似文献   

运用水稻、河蟹、泥鳅的生物学和生态学原理,进行稻田河蟹与泥鳅混养试验研究,在水稻、河蟹不减产的情况下,取得了"稻田泥鳅产量44 kg/667 m2,增收384元/667 m2"的成果,提出了稻田河蟹与泥鳅混养工程设施的建设方法,蟹苗、鱼苗的选择标准及各自的放养规格、放养密度,并提出了饵料投喂、病害防治等技术要点。  相似文献   

<正> 1 盘锦市河蟹养殖现状及有关问题 盘锦市是河蟹人工养殖发祥地。自1982年盘山县水产局技术工作者张跃双在盘山县渔场(现市湖滨公园)人工养殖河蟹试验成功,1986年河蟹育苗成功,开辟了河蟹人工养殖的历史。至今河蟹养殖不仅成为盘锦市农村的支柱产业,而且成为大江南北  相似文献   

张兵 《北方水稻》2008,38(3):117-118
根据水稻、河蟹生物学和生态学原理,在盘山县坝墙子镇进行了稻田生态养殖大规格河蟹技术研究,在河蟹养殖上注重饲料选用、水质管理、病害防治等环节,同时兼顾水稻栽培管理过程中的测土施肥、病害防治等技术环节,取得了河蟹产量20kg/667m2以上,水稻产量600kg/667m2以上,稻蟹综合效益1000/667m2元,实现了稻蟹双赢.  相似文献   

分别从稻田选择、田间工程、蟹田管理、饲养管理等六个方面对稻田成蟹养殖技术进行系统研究。针对蟹田水质、病害防治、暂养管理等各方面问题提出了具体的解决办法。在成蟹科学养殖的基础上兼顾水稻种植,积累了稻田养蟹的生产经验。  相似文献   

本研究在投放相同数量河蟹的基础上设置了“6比空”“12比空”和“18比空”3种水稻栽植方式,通过综合分析水稻产量、稻米品质和河蟹产量等数据,明确适宜稻蟹生态种养模式下机械化操作的最优水稻栽植方式。结果表明,与普通稻蟹种养模式下的水稻产量相比,比空栽植方式通过边行效应增加了单位面积有效穗数,补充了一部分由于空行引起的水稻产量缺失,同时降低了稻米蛋白质含量,提高了整精米率和河蟹的回捕率。综合水稻和河蟹收入,以“12比空”栽植模式的产投比最高,达到2.83,比水稻单一种植模式增收13 575元/hm2,比普通稻蟹种养模式增收3 120元/hm2,是稻蟹生态种养经济效益较优的水稻栽植方式之一。  相似文献   

Toxic crabs of the family Xanthidae contain saxitoxins (STXs) and/or tetrodotoxin (TTX), but the toxin ratio differs depending on their habitat. In the present study, to clarify within reef variations in the toxin profile of xanthid crabs, we collected specimens of the toxic xanthid crab Zosimus aeneus and their sampling location within a single reef (Yoshihara reef) on Ishigaki Island, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan, in 2018 and 2019. The STXs/TTX content within the appendages and viscera or stomach contents of each specimen was determined by instrumental analyses. Our findings revealed the existence of three zones in Yoshihara reef; one in which many individuals accumulate extremely high concentrations of STXs (northwestern part of the reef; NW zone), another in which individuals generally have small amounts of TTX but little STXs (central part of the reef; CTR zone), and a third in which individuals generally exhibit intermediate characteristics (southeastern part of the reef; SE zone). Furthermore, light microscopic observations of the stomach contents of crab specimens collected from the NW and CTR zones revealed that ascidian spicules of the genus Lissoclinum were dominant in the NW zone, whereas those of the genus Trididemnum were dominant in the CTR zone. Although the toxicity of these ascidians is unknown, Lissoclinum ascidians are considered good candidate source organisms of STXs harbored by toxic xanthid crabs.  相似文献   

我国稻蟹共作技术研究的现状与前景展望   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
从生物学、农业生态学和农作学等角度,分析了目前我国稻蟹共作技术的研究现状,立足生产需要,提出了今后研究的重点,包括稻、蟹种的培育及选用,水稻栽植方式与配套农机具的研发,施肥与病虫草害防治技术研究,稻田生态效应的发挥与高效种养模式的建立以及多学科合作与技术体系的逐步完善等。  相似文献   

阐述了楚州区水稻生产现状和直播稻技术生产特点,并介绍了直播稻技术发展成因。针对直播稻在生产应用中存在的增产潜力不大、用工成本不低,晚茬迟播,难以保证安全齐穗,田管要求高,措施不到位,杂草难防除等问题,提出正确引导,做好技术服务工作,解决技术环节的重难点,采取有效措施,加快机插秧发展等解决对策。  相似文献   

吉林省花生生产现状及发展对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对吉林省花生生产、科研、推广、加工现状进行了回顾与分析,找出花生产业发展中存在的科研投入不足,优势利用不充分,产业化程度低等主要问题,提出了加强科研,健全社会化服务体系,加快示范基地建设,完善市场营销体系等发展对策。  相似文献   

辽宁省东港市是我国最适于优质水稻越光生长的生态地区.针对当地为水稻病虫草害常发和重发生地区,严重制约了优质水稻的高产,按有机产品生产国家标准的规定,制订了病虫草害的化学农药完全替代防控技术预案,并在2019年开展试验.对年度发生最重的3类病虫草害,放养河蟹的生物除草技术防除杂草,防除效果达93%,与化学除草剂的效果相当...  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(2):119-125

Three pot experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of soil amendment with crab shell on (1) soybean (Glycine max Merr., cv. Akishirome) yield after 120 days outdoors, (2) soybean nodulation after 6 weeks in the greenhouse, and (3) soil chemical properties after 10 weeks in the greenhouse. The experimental treatments were addition of crab shell at rates of 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, and 1% (w/w), standard fertilizer (NPK) treatment, and an untreated control with neither crab shell nor fertilizer application. The crab shell amendment treatment was applied either two months before seeding (incubated) or immediately before seeding (non-incubated). The soil used was a volcanic ash soil (Andosol) from Kakamigahara. Addition of crab shell just before seeding caused a significant increase in seed yield and 100-seed weight compared to the control, but similar yield to NPK treatment. However, seed yield and 100-seed weight did not differ with the crab shell application rate. Amendment by 0.1–0.3% crab shell without incubation lead to the formation of slightly more nodules than in the NPK and control treatments. Reduced numbers of nodules were observed in soil incubated at 0.5–1%, and in non-incubated soil with 1% crab shell application. Nodule fresh weight and N2-fixation plant?1 were decreased in all incubation treatments and 0.3-1% non-incubation treatments as compared to the NPK treatment and the control. Both nodule fresh weight and N2 fixation were lower in incubated soils than in non-incubated soils, at corresponding rates of crab shell treatment. Dry matter production of soybean plants in soil given the crab shell treatment, especially when incubation was used, was found to be reduced after 6 weeks of plant growth. EC, N, and P availability increased with the increasing rate of crab shell treatment. However, there was a gradual decrease of soil pH following the crab shell treatment. In conclusion, although soybean nodulation and N2 fixation were not improved by crab shell application, seed yields were similar to those obtained with the NPK fertilizer.  相似文献   

The Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus) processing wastes are massive and unutilized in the Murmansk region of Russia. The samples of skin-containing waste of Atlantic cod fillets production were hydrolyzed using enzyme preparations derived from red king crab hepatopancreases, porcine pancreases, and Bacillus subtilis bacteria. The activity of enzymes from crab hepatopancreases was significantly higher than the activity of enzymes derived from other sources. The optimal conditions of the hydrolysis process have been figured out. The samples of cod processing waste hydrolysate were analyzed for amino acid composition and molecular weight distribution. The samples of hydrolysate were used as core components for bacterial culture medium samples. The efficiency of the medium samples was tested for Escherichia coli growth rate; the most efficient sample had an efficiency of 95.3% of that of a commercially available medium based on fish meal. Substitution of medium components with those derived from industrial by-products is one of the ways to decrease a cost of a culture medium in biopharmaceutical drug production.  相似文献   

杂交水稻机械化制种辅助授粉技术研究现状与设想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了国内外杂交水稻制种辅助授粉技术和机械化授粉技术研究现状,概述了杂交水稻制种人工辅助授粉的几种方法及其不足之处。结合我国航空植保无人直升机发展现状,提出了利用小型农用无人直升机辅助制种授粉实现全程机械化制种的设想和研究思路。  相似文献   

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