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Jiongxin Xu 《CATENA》2006,65(3):279-284
The occurrence of sand-dust storms induced by wind erosion is a process that accelerates land degradation and can also be considered as an indicator of desertification. Thus, it is of significance both in theory and in practice to reveal the interaction between these two phenomena. Based on data from the Ordos Plateau and its surrounding areas, a study has been made of the effect of land degradation and land use changes on sand-dust storms. In this study, we report a non-linear relationship between sand-dust storm frequency and the index of land degradation (Id), which is defined as the percentage of the area of total land that is desertified. Using this non-linear relationship, a threshold at Id = 30% is established such that, when Id < 30% sand-dust storm frequency does not change with increasing Id but when Id > 30%, sand-dust storm frequency increases rapidly. This existence of such a threshold means that sand-dust storm frequency would increase abruptly when the human-induced Id exceeds 30%. The time series of annual number of sand-dust storm days in the neighbouring area has been compared to the time series in the annual number of strong wind days and the time series in the area of cultivated land in Yikezhao Meng, and a multi-regression equation has been established. Based on the equation, the relative contributions of the variations in land use and in annual number of strong wind days to the variation in annual number of sand-dust storm days have been estimated as 59.7% and 40.3%, respectively, indicating that the frequency of sand-dust storms may be effectively decreased by reducing the area of cultivated land and restoring the natural steppe vegetation in ecologically fragile areas in arid and semi-arid climates.  相似文献   

河北省生态系统服务价值变化研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本研究分析了1993~2000年河北省土地利用和生态系统服务价值变化。结果表明,河北省耕地、水域、湿地和未利用土地面积在减少,而园地、林地、牧草地和建设用地面积在增加,因水域和湿地单位面积生态系统服务价值较高,7年间河北省区域生态系统服务价值显著减少,河北省生态系统服务价值从1993年的157.3116亿美元减少到2000年的152.3503亿美元,减少率为3.15%,净减少值4.9613亿美元。  相似文献   

Here we report on the frequency of melanized fungal hyphae in 323 soils, covering different land use types. The proportion of total hyphae that was melanized averaged 61%. Arable fields with loamy sand, heathlands and city parks on sandy soils had the highest percentage of melanized hyphae. In addition to the frequency determinations, a microcosm study was performed on the role of melanized hyphae in two different ecosystems: an ex-arable field and a forest. Melanized hyphae appeared to be part of the active hyphae in the forest soil but not in the ex-arable soil. In conclusion, our results indicate that (1) melanized hyphae represent a large proportion of the total fungal biomass in soils and that (2) their function might differ between ecosystems.  相似文献   

Bird species’ community responses to land use in the suburbanizing Twin Cities, Minnesota, USA, were contrasted among reserves, rural lands, and suburbs. For each land use type, bird composition, diversity, and abundance were recorded for 2 years in ≈99 plots in three sampling units (each ≈4500 ha). A habitat gradient defined by canopy structure (grasslands to savannas to forests) was influenced by land use, so ≈300 plots were used to characterize simultaneous variation in bird communities along land use and habitat gradients. At broad scales (aggregate of 33 plots covering ≈4500 ha) suburbs supported the lowest bird richness and diversity and rural landscapes the most, with reserves slightly below rural. Although reserves were like rural lands in diversity of bird communities, they supported more species of conservation concern, particularly of grasslands and savannas. Differences among land use types varied with habitat structure. Suburbs, rural lands, and reserves had similar forest bird communities, but differed in grassland and savanna bird communities. The extensive rural forests are important for the region’s forest birds. Suburban grasslands and savannas had low shrub abundance, low native bird richness and high non-native bird richness and abundance. However, total bird richness and diversity were as high in suburban as in rural and reserve plots because high native richness in suburban forests and high non-native species richness in suburban grasslands and savannas compensated for lower native richness in suburban grasslands and savannas. Bird conservation here and in the Midwest USA should protect rural forests, expand grasslands and savannas in reserves, and improve habitat quality overall.  相似文献   

将生态系统服务评估利用到区域生态保护决策中的重要途径之一是生态系统服务制图.本研究对衡阳市多期遥感影像进行解译,采用当量因子法估算其生态系统服务价值(ESV)及由土地利用格局转变而引起的价值损益;并在ArcGIS 10.0软件支持下,利用空间自相关、高低聚类及重心分析等空间统计方法,对衡阳市ESV的时空变化进行制图模拟,以期为衡阳市的生态保护规划与管理提供决策辅助.研究结果表明:1)2000—2013年衡阳市的ESV略有降低,由2000年的2410亿元降至2013年的2394亿元;转移矩阵分析发现林地及耕地转为建设用地,以及林地转为耕地是引起衡阳市ESV降低的最主要原因.2)衡阳市的ESV高值区对低值区呈包围态势;2000—2013年ESV损失区主要分布于市区及其东部区域,而增值区主要分布于市区西部区域.3)衡阳市ESV的空间自相关与高低值聚集现象明显,其程度趋于增强;ESV重心向西偏北9°方向迁移了245.73 m.可考虑通过限制林地及耕地向建设用地的转变、实施"存量"或"减量"用地政策、维护和强化区域整体生态系统格局的连续性等措施来提高研究区的生态系统服务价值.  相似文献   

Population growth and human development result in biodiversity loss and biological homogenization not only in developed countries, but increasingly in the less developed countries as well. In those countries, where urbanization and agricultural intensification occur at a faster rate than in developed countries, habitat degradation appears to be the leading cause of wildlife loss. During the breeding seasons of 2002–2005 we conducted road surveys across five biomes of Argentina to detect variations in raptor community attributes as potential indicators of broad scale habitat degradation. Abundance of individuals, richness and diversity of species were calculated to assess the effects of habitat transformation and patch size on these community attributes. Raptor communities strongly varied in relation to habitat transformations, with lower abundance of individuals, richness and diversity of species in more transformed landscapes. Small patches of natural vegetation and locations in which natural and cultivated lands where interspersed showed lower richness and diversity of raptors than large patches. Fragmentation was the main cause of reductions in abundance of individuals. Although the relative contribution of our two estimates of habitat degradation to abundance, richness and diversity of raptors varied among biomes, these community attributes proved useful as predictors of habitat degradation. This was especially true in habitats where raptor communities are more complex although overall patterns remained constant across biomes, from forests to deserts. Taking into account current trends of habitat transformation (drastic increments in monocultures, urban areas, and habitat patchiness), the conservation of raptor communities in these biomes could be seriously compromised. In terms of species-specific responses of raptors to habitat degradation, a rapid process of homogenization can be expected, resulting in only a few winner species within a general scenario of losers.  相似文献   

生态系统服务功能价值理论可定量估算各类生态系统为人类提供服务的经济价值。阐述了生态系统服务功能价值理论定量评价土地资源的作用 ,并应用和修正生态系统服务单价方法估算内蒙古自治区伊金霍洛旗1990~ 2 0 0 0年土地利用的生态效益 ,结果表明 10年内该旗生态系统服务价值减少 2 2 6 96亿元 ,证明人类经济发展对生态环境的影响巨大 ,且一旦生态环境遭到破坏则很难恢复。  相似文献   

 We hypothesized that the integration of trees and shrubs in agricultural landscapes can reduce NO3 leaching and increase utilization of subsoil N. A field survey was conducted on 14 farms on acid soils in the subhumid highlands of Kenya, where there is little use of fertilizers, to determine the effect of vegetation types (VT) on soil NH4 + and NO3 to 4 m depth. The VT included maize (Zea mays) with poor growth and good growth, Markhamia lutea trees scattered in maize, natural weed fallow, banana (Musa spp.), hedgerow, and eucalyptus woodlot. The effect of VT on NH4 + was small (<1 mg N kg–1). NO3 within a VT was about constant with depth below 0.25 m, but subsoil NO3 varied greatly among VT. Mean NO3 -N concentrations at 0.5–4 m depth were low beneath hedgerow and woodlot (<0.2 mg kg–1), intermediate beneath weed fallow (0.2–0.7 mg kg–1), banana (0.5–1.0 mg kg–1) and markhamia (0.5–1.6 mg kg–1), and high beneath both poor (1.0–2.1 mg kg–1) and good (1.9–3.1 mg kg–1) maize. Subsoil NO3 (0.5–4 m) was agronomically significant after maize harvest with 37 kg N ha–1 m–1 depth of subsoil beneath good maize and 27 kg N ha–1 m–1 depth beneath poor maize. In contrast, subsoil NO3 was only 2 kg N ha–1 m–1 depth beneath woodlot and hedgerow. These results demonstrate that the integration of perennial vegetation and the rotation of annual and perennial crops can tighten N cycling in agricultural landscapes. Received: 8 July 1999  相似文献   

The occurrence and distribution of culturable fungi in Taylor Valley, Antarctica was assessed in terms of soil habitat. Soil transects throughout the valley revealed differential habitat utilization between filamentous and non-filamentous (yeast and yeast-like) fungi. In addition, there were significant differences in species distribution patterns with respect to soil pH, moisture, distance from marine coastline, carbon, chlorophyll a, salinity, elevation and solar inputs. Filamentous fungal abundance is most closely associated with habitats having higher pH, and soil moistures. These close associations were not found with yeast and yeast-like fungi demonstrating that yeast and yeast-like fungi utilize a broader range of habitat. An intensive survey of the Victoria Land is necessary to gain a better understanding of their role in soil functioning and nutrient cycling processes.  相似文献   

Recent attempts to streamline the identification of areas requiring immediate conservation attention have resulted in the development of prioritisation procedures that identify areas of biodiversity importance facing large threats in the near future. This study incorporated biodiversity data on bird and vegetation distribution with an assessment of land use suitability for cultivation and afforestation for the Limpopo Province of South Africa. The low altitude savanna regions in the northeast contain high species diversity, but are unsuitable to alternative forms of land use and are well conserved (by e.g., the Kruger National Park). The central and eastern mountain ranges, sites of high biodiversity, are suitable to dryland cultivation and afforestation and are thus potential conservation priorities. Areas with high biodiversity values, e.g., irreplaceable areas that contain biodiversity features essential for meeting conservation targets, were then investigated for their potential land-use threats in order to prioritise those needing immediate conservation actions. We suggest how losses of biodiversity could be minimised by reaching such decisions more quickly.  相似文献   

Tropical mountain regions are affected by rapid land use/-cover change, which may threaten their (eco-)hydrological functions. Although there is a growing interest in evaluating the effect of land use/-cover change on mountain hydrology, quantitative assessments of the impact of land use/-cover on hydrological processes are hampered by the lack of field measurements characterizing runoff generation processes. In this paper, we present results from field experiments of rainfall runoff mechanisms in the southern Ecuadorian Andes. A rainfall simulator was used to quantify the hydrological response of distinct land use/-cover types to intense rainfall (about 40 mm/h). The rainfall runoff experiments indicate that degraded and abandoned land generate surface runoff within a few minutes after the start of the rainfall event. These lands have a very rapid and sharp hillslope hydrological response, as Hortonian overland flow is the dominant runoff generation mechanism. In contrast, surface runoff on arable and rangelands is rare, as their soils are characterized by a high infiltration capacity (i.e. > 29 mm/h). Our experiments provide evidence that runoff generation in degraded Andean ecosystems is mainly controlled by the surface vegetation cover and land management. When reducing the surface vegetation cover, the soil is increasingly affected by rapid hillslope runoff as the presence of large amounts of smectites in the outcropping soft rocks makes the material very prone to sealing and crusting, thereby enhancing runoff generation.  相似文献   

A total of 42 sampling sites were selected in the riverine network of the upper Han River basin (approximately 95, 200 km2) of China. Over the time period of 2005–2006, 252 water samples were collected and analyzed for physico-chemical variables in order to investigate their spatio-temporal variability in particular the relationship with land use and land cover. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) indicated significant spatial variability in pH, EC, TDS, turbidity, SPM, ORP and nitrogen across the basin. Meanwhile, nitrogen, ORP, IMn and turbidity generally displayed higher values in the rainy season. Correlation analysis and regression analysis indicated that water temperature, IMn, and nitrogen were significantly related to vegetated coverage, and subwatersheds with higher vegetation cover had relative lower turbidity, SPM, IMn, nutrients and TDS. Bare lands had significant influence on nitrogen concentration in the riverine network, implying its large geologic sources in the basin. Percentage of urban area was the predictor for pH and DP, while agricultural land for SPM and IMn. The research could provide critical information in sustainable land use practice for water resource conservation for the basin.  相似文献   

Pasture and afforestation are land-use types of major importance in the tropics, yet, most flux tower studies have been conducted in mature tropical forests. As deforestation in the tropics is expected to continue, it is critical to improve our understanding of alternative land-use types, and the impact of interactions between land use and climate on ecosystem carbon dynamics. Thus, we measured net ecosystem CO2 fluxes of a pasture and an adjacent tropical afforestation (native tree species plantation) in Sardinilla, Panama from 2007 to 2009. The objectives of our paired site study were: (1) to assess seasonal and inter-annual variations in net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) of pasture and afforestation, (2) to identify the environmental controls of net ecosystem CO2 fluxes, and (3) to constrain eddy covariance derived total ecosystem respiration (TER) with chamber-based soil respiration (RSoil) measurements. We observed distinct seasonal variations in NEE that were more pronounced in the pasture compared to the afforestation, reflecting changes in plant and microbial activities. The land conversion from pasture to afforestation increased the potential for carbon uptake by trees vs. grasses throughout most of the year. RSoil contributed about 50% to TER, with only small differences between ecosystems or seasons. Radiation and soil moisture were the main environmental controls of CO2 fluxes while temperature had no effect on NEE. The pasture ecosystem was more strongly affected by soil water limitations during the dry season, probably due to the shallower root system of grasses compared to trees. Thus, it seems likely that predicted increases in precipitation variability will impact seasonal variations of CO2 fluxes in Central Panama, in particular of pasture ecosystems.  相似文献   

The emergence of land-use and land-cover change (LUCC) as one of the major themes within the global environmental change research community poses a series of difficult but not insurmountable problems. LUCC takes place incrementally through the operation of sets of human and biophysical forces largely specific to the locale in question, but cumulatively LUCC contributes significantly to global environmental change. Linking LUCC to global change requires the cooperation of the natural and social sciences to bridge the local to global dynamics involved. The International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme and the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Programme are undertaking the development of an international research project with such aims in mind. This project seeks to improve understanding of LUCC dynamics by balancing the need for a nuanced understanding at the local level with the need from improved regional and global LUCC models. The rudiments of this effort and some of problems confronting it are outlined here.  相似文献   

Abstract. Land evaluation is the prediction of land performance over time under specific uses, to guide strategic land use decisions. Modern land evaluation has a 30 year history, yet the results have often been disappointing. Land users and planners have been reported to ignore land evaluations, perhaps reflecting poor quality, low relevance, or poor communication. To test the success of a large land evaluation exercise undertaken as part of micro-catchment project in Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil, we queried agricultural extensionists, considered as the primary land evaluation clients. We used a questionnaire with both structured and open questions, to determine their experiences with, and attitudes to, the current land evaluation method. The soil resource inventory and associated land evaluation had some usefulness, but were not in general used for their intended purpose, namely farm planning. This was mainly because they did not contain crucial information necessary to such planning in the actual context of the farmer taking decisions. The primary deficiencies were identified as:
  • (1)

    no estimate of environmental degradation risk;


本研究以北京市平谷区白各庄村为例,详细分析了2002年土地利用生态系统的类型和特点,并进行生态系统服务价值核算,包括物质生产、吸收CO2、释放O2、水供给、废物处理和休闲娱乐,其总价值为1706.62万元,与农村经济总收入基本相等,其中吸收CO2的服务价值最大(72.57%),其次为释放O2价值(15.30%),物质生产服务价值仅占总价值的12.77%,水供给和休闲娱乐服务价值很小,而废物处理服务价值为负值。  相似文献   

Ninety per cent of the sediment load of the Yellow River, the world's muddiest river, comes from the loess plateau region in the middle course of the river. Control of this sediment supply is essential to avoid the danger of flooding in the lower reaches on the South China Plain. Since 1971, sediment loads entering the lower reaches have decreased, by 20 per cent as a result of lower precipitation, and by 27 per cent through soil conservation works and reservoir construction. Reductions in erosion can be obtained by restraining the formation of overland flow through promotion of an effective vegetation cover and elimination of the soil surface cover to encourage infiltration. Reservoir operation is a key to control of sediment movement through tributaries and along the main river. Water demands often conflict with sediment control, and, as a consequence, reservoir operation systems have changed several times in the past decade. The possibility of a further reduction in the sediment load of the Yellow River exists, but much depends on how rapidly control of grazing and deforestation leads to the establishment of plant cover on the loess plateau.  相似文献   

This paper examines the implications of changes in precipitation and land use to soil erosion from 1955 to 2002 in Basilicata, a hilly portion of southern Italy. Analysis of daily precipitation records reveals statistically significant trends using both non-parametric and parametric approaches. The inter-annual variability of precipitation increases in intensity; primarily between October and January. From 1955 to 2000, the length of dry spells greatly increased, while wet days decreased. A land use change map was produced for the three study areas using aerial photos (1955) and orthophotos (1997 and 2002), integrated with field surveys. Results show that land use is highly dynamic in Basilicata, especially due to the application of the European Union's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) measures. The EU policies resulted in reclamation of badlands and degraded grasslands for agriculture, principally the cultivation of durum wheat. This farming practice and the abandonment of some of the remodeled areas have increased the risk of soil erosion and desertification processes, and is manifest in land degradation by rill networks and gullying.  相似文献   

The effects of land use on soil chemical properties were evaluated, and earthworm communities and the decomposition rate of three typical land use systems in tropical Mexico, namely banana plantations (B), agroforestry systems (AF) and a successional forest (S) were compared.The study was carried out from November 2005 to April 2006. A completely randomized sampling design was established in six sites (B1, B2, AF1, AF2, S1 and S2). Soil properties and chemical characteristics (texture, pH, organic carbon (Corg), nutrients, and available Zn and Mn), earthworm communities and the decomposition of Bravaisia integerrima and Musa acuminata litter were analyzed over a period of 8 weeks.All soils were loamy clays with a medium to high content of nutrients. Three principal clusters were generated with the soil chemical properties: a first cluster for forest soils with high Corg and Ntot and low available Zn content, a second cluster for AF1 and a third cluster for B1, B2 and A2.The decomposition of B. integerrima litter was significantly faster (half-life time: 1.8 (AF2)–3.1 (B1) weeks) than that of M. acuminata (4.1 (AF2)–5.8 (S2) weeks). However, the decomposition rates did not differ significantly among the different sites.The greatest earthworm diversities were observed in AF2 and B1. Native species were dominant in the forest soils, whereas exotic species dominated in AF and in the banana plantations. The abundance and biomass of certain earthworm species were correlated to physical and chemical soil parameters. However, litter decomposition rates were not correlated with any of the soil physical–chemical parameters.While none of the land use systems studied led to a decrease in nutrient status, earthworm biodiversity and abundance, or in litter decomposition rate, they did result in a change in earthworm species composition.  相似文献   

Field evolution of CH4 and CO2 from soils under four dominant land uses in the Mardi watershed, western Nepal, were monitored at 15-day intervals for 1 year using closed chamber techniques. The CH4 oxidation rate (mean±SE, g CH4 m–2 h–1) in the forest (22.8±6) was significantly higher than under grazing land (14±2) and an upland rainfed maize and millet system (Bari) (2.6±0.9). Irrigated rice fields (Khet) showed an oxidation rate of 6±0.8 g CH4 m–2 h–1 in the dry season (December–May) but emitted a mean rate of 131 g CH4 m–2 h–1 in the rainy season and autumn (June–October). The evolution of CO2 ranged from 10 mg CO2 m–2 h–1 in the Bari in January to 1,610 mg CO2 m–2 h–1 in the forest in July. Higher evolution of CO2 (mean±SE, mg CO2 m–2 h–1) was observed in the Bari (399±39) and forest (357±36) compared to Khet (246±25) and grazing (206±20) lands. The annual emission of CO2 evolution varied from 86.6 to 1,836 g CO2 m–2 year–1. The activation energy for CH4 and CO2 varied between 16–283 and 80–117 kJ mol–1, respectively. The estimated temperature coefficient for CO2 emission varied from 2.5 to 5.0. Temperature explained 46–51% of the variation in CO2 evolution, whereas it explained only 4–36% of the variation in CH4 evolution.  相似文献   

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