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The recognition of the rapid and ongoing biodiversity loss has been leading to increasing conservation efforts. To maximise conservation success it is important to evaluate when interventions are likely to be effective. In Portugal, previous research identified that lack of suitable nest-sites was limiting the populations of the endangered lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni). Consequently, a massive provisioning of artificial nest-sites and the implementation of a medium term monitoring scheme was established. Our study showed that artificial nest-site provisioning is an effective measure in mitigating the lack of traditional sites. The lesser kestrel population increased from 155–158 pairs in 1996 to 527–552 in 2007, with 52% breeding in artificial nests. We investigate the factors affecting colony growth and found that colony growth was positively affected by the provisioning of artificial nests but negatively affected by predation rate and human disturbance. Between 2003 and 2007, mean colony growth was estimated at 6.46 ± 1.86 pairs for colonies where artificial nests were provided and −0.69 ± 0.5 pairs in colonies without nest-site provisioning. Moreover, predation rate was significantly lower in artificial nests than in natural ones and, although the number of competitor pairs in lesser kestrel colonies increased, the proportion of nests occupied by competitor species decreased. High risk of collapse and restoration of rural abandoned farmhouses may jeopardize the future of the lesser kestrel in Portugal. Nest-site provisioning and the establishment of a protection status for buildings holding colonies are likely the most effective means to guarantee the long-term survival of this species in the area.  相似文献   

The ivory gull (Pagophila eburnea) is a seabird that inhabits Arctic oceans throughout the year, often in association with polar pack ice. It is rare (<14,000 breeding pairs globally) and remains one of the most poorly known seabird species in the world. Canada supports breeding populations of international significance, and residents of communities in the Canadian High Arctic currently observe fewer ivory gulls than they did in the 1980s. However, no population trend data existed for this species in Canada prior to this study. We initiated aerial surveys in July 2002 and 2003 of most known ivory gull colonies in Canada to assess current population levels. Forty two colonies were visited, 14 of which were new discoveries. We recorded an 80% decline in numbers of nesting ivory gulls. Several of the largest known colonies were completely extirpated and those that remained supported significantly fewer nesting birds than previously observed. Results were similar in both years despite some differences in local sea ice conditions, suggesting a numerical decline in the population and not simply annual fluctuations in colony occupation. Declines have occurred in all habitat types and across the known Canadian breeding range, suggesting that causes of the decline may be related to factors occurring during migration or on wintering grounds. We recommend that international efforts now be directed at assessing population status and trends of this species in other circumpolar countries.  相似文献   

Conservation diagnosis of ex situ techniques (e.g. releasing chicks by hacking) cannot be evaluated without quantitative assessment of the fate of individuals, mainly their survival and recruitment. Here we use a long-term monitoring at a large spatial scale of a hacking programme (i.e. chick translocations) for Audouin’s gulls in an uninhabited site so as to establish a new breeding patch and reinforce the metapopulation. The success of the programme relied on the assumption that birds tend to recruit to the site where they fledge (i.e. they were philopatric). Multi-state capture-recapture models applied to a large dataset (more than 43,500 resights at 30 colonies during 1999–2010) were used to evaluate the survival of released chicks and the probability of being philopatric. Adult survival was high, but juvenile survival was lower than that of wild gulls, suggesting that there was a cost associated with hacking only during their first year of life. As expected, most released birds returned to the hacking site, but very few (including immigrants from abroad) attempted to breed here. Dispersal was inversely correlated with distance from the hacking site and positively associated with the population size of the patch (i.e. conspecific attraction). Even though most hacking procedures met the ecological conditions to succeed, results clearly showed that the program failed to establish a new breeding site. The ability of prospecting and the attraction made by conspecifics at established sites may be a constraint for the success of hacking programs, particularly for social and nomadic species.  相似文献   

This study investigated the impact of stoat Mustela erminea predation on the endangered Hutton's shearwater Puffinus huttoni. Breeding success of Hutton' shearwaters was significantly lower in two seasons of stoat control than in eight seasons with no control: suggesting that natural environmental variation has a greater influence on breeding success than stoat predation. Monitoring Hutton's shearwaters and mainland colonies of sooty shearwaters Puffinus griseus indicated that small colonies suffered higher predation and lower breeding success than large colonies, demonstrating that predation in these two species is inversely density dependent and explaining the low predation rates observed in the very large Hutton's shearwater colonies. The presence of another introduced predator, feral pigs Sus scrofa, within six extinct colonies of Hutton's shearwaters and at the boundaries of the two extant colonies, strongly suggests that this species was responsible for the historic contraction in breeding range. Controlling stoats within the two remaining colonies is unlikely to assist in the conservation of Hutton's shearwater. Conservation efforts would be better spent protecting the two remaining colonies from pigs and in trying to establish new breeding sites.  相似文献   

Dispersal impacts on a range of population parameters making it a key piece of information in species conservation. Despite its importance, dispersal is poorly characterized for many species: pinnipeds are no exception. Understanding dispersal patterns of the New Zealand sea lion Phocarctos hookeri is crucial in the conservation management of the species as its recovery to a non-threatened status hinges on range recolonisation. In this study, we examined the movements of breeding adult male New Zealand sea lions within and following the breeding season of the 2002/03 austral summer using a novel multi colony approach. Based on resightings of 202 individually identifiable adult males, we found (1) a previously unappreciated, high level of dispersal by adult territorial males between breeding colonies during the pupping period and (2) that breeding males disperse to the extremes of the species’ range at the end of female oestrous. Our findings are contrary to the current paradigm of otariid breeding behaviour, which is believed to consist of prolonged, uninterrupted male territoriality based on intense male-male competition and sustained fasting. Adult male dispersal between colonies and across the species range has important implications for adult males as vectors of disease in three recent epizootics, species management and species recovery via recolonisation as males are apparently remaining part of a localized, vulnerable breeding population.  相似文献   

The dehesa (oak woodland) is an extensive agro-pastoral ecosystem characteristic of the Western Mediterranean countries which is suffering a great transformation process since 1950. Although its distribution largely overlaps with several endangered species, there is scarce information on how they use this human-transformed habitat. We studied the foraging habitat selection of one of them, the cinereous vulture Aegypius monachus. We radio-tracked 14 cinereous vultures in one of the largest European colonies from 1998 to 2000. Used and available habitats were compared at two scales using compositional analysis. Moreover, we developed a distance-based GLMM for assessing habitat selection in this central-place forager species, by taking into account the spatial distribution of habitat patches in relation to the location of the colony. Home ranges overlapped over a total surface of 592,527 ha around the colony, and both individual home ranges and travel foraging distances (mean 27.86 km, maximum 86 km) were larger during the breeding season. All cinereous vultures avoided agricultural lands within their home ranges throughout the year. Habitat use in relation to the distance to the colony pointed out that dehesas were positively selected in spite of being on average far away from the colony than other habitats, a result that was consistent among individuals and seasons. The cinereous vulture thus depends for its conservation not only on the protection of breeding areas, as has been so far considered, but also on the maintenance of well-conserved dehesas close to the colonies. Preserving the cinereous vultures could contribute to the economic sustainability of dehesas by attracting PAC funds for their traditional low-intensity exploitation. Although other species may also benefit from this study since cinereous vulture could be a “flagship” for the large-scale conservation of Mediterranean oak woodlands and associated biodiversity, more fine local management guidelines should be performed on the basis of studies on more sensitive species.  相似文献   

We compared the behaviour of wild and captive-bred butterfly splitfins (Ameca splendens), an endangered freshwater fish, to investigate whether captive breeding results in the behavioural divergence of wild and captive individuals. In a first experiment, we examined whether the captive environment allows for the similar expression of behaviours observed in wild fish. The foraging, courtship and aggressive behaviour of fish in their natural habitat (in Mexico) was compared with that of their counterparts that have been bred at London Zoo, UK, for 40 years. These in situ observations revealed that wild fish were preoccupied with searching for food whereas captive fish engaged more in aggressive interactions. In a subsequent laboratory experiment we compared the behaviour of wild-caught and captive-bred fish under standard conditions in two novel habitats: structured (enriched) and unstructured (bare) aquaria. Overall, captive-bred butterfly splitfins displayed higher levels of aggression than wild-caught fish. The relationship between aggression and habitat structure was influenced by density; captive-bred males were more aggressive when observed in structured habitats than unstructured ones, but only when they were stocked at a high density. We also found an effect of tank structure on foraging behaviour, with individuals spending more time foraging in unstructured tanks than structured tanks. There was no effect of captive breeding or habitat structure on courtship behaviour.Our findings suggest that captive environments can promote the development of aggressive behaviour which may affect the suitability of captive-bred fishes for reintroduction into the wild.  相似文献   

The little tern (Sterna albifrons) is a species of shorebird that nests in colonies on sandy beaches and riverbanks with little vegetation cover. In Japan, the natural breeding habitats of the terns have decreased drastically, and the species is listed under the category “vulnerable” in the Red List of the Government of Japan. To reduce the effects of habitat loss on the terns, conservationists are attempting to create and manage artificial colony sites in highly developed landscapes, such as reclaimed lands located in Tokyo Bay, central Japan. We present the factors that contribute to breeding success for this species and the habitat characteristics related to nest-site selection in the artificial colony sites along Tokyo Bay. Our data show that around 3 ha of a building rooftop without vegetation cover could sustain more than 2000 little tern nests. We found a strong positive relationship between colony size and hatching success, observing that a colony size of more than 100 lowered predation rates of eggs. On sites built upon white crushed-concrete, nest densities were high and predation rates of eggs were low. We also found that feeding rates were affected by foraging habitats, of which the best types were the shoreline of sandy beaches and mud flats. The 40 km dispersal range of the breeding terns, inferred from distribution data, should be considered when establishing a network of the multiple colony sites.  相似文献   

The Hutton's shearwater Puffinus huttoni is an endangered species of burrowing petrel, that is threatened at its two remaining breeding colonies by the activity of introduced stoats Mustela erminea. Predation of eggs, chicks and adult shearwaters was studied over 10 consecutive breeding seasons (1989/1990-1998/1999) and resident stoats were radio-tracked in two seasons. Stoats were estimated to be killing on average 0.25% of breeding adults and 12% of chicks in each season. Population modeling of Hutton's shearwaters indicated that the estimated impact of this predation was a reduction in the potential yearly population growth rate of 0.86±0.22%. The overall average growth rate derived from the population model of 0.44%, suggests that the population is not in immediate risk of decline and controlling stoats within the colony need not be a priority for management.  相似文献   

The Balearic shearwater Puffinus mauretanicus is one of the most critically endangered seabirds in the world. The species is endemic to the Balearic archipelago, and conservation concerns are the low number of breeding pairs, the low adult survival, and the possible hybridization with a sibling species, the morphologically smaller Yelkouan shearwater (P. yelkouan). We sampled almost the entire breeding range of the species and analyzed the genetic variation at two mitochondrial DNA regions. No genetic evidence of population decline was found. Despite the observed philopatry, we detected a weak population structure mainly due to connectivity among colonies higher than expected, but also to a Pleistocene demographic expansion. Some colonies showed a high imbalance between immigration and emigration rates, suggesting spatial heterogeneity in patch quality. Genetic evidence of maternal introgression from the sibling species was reinforced, but almost only in a peripheral colony and not followed, at least to date, by the spread of the introgressed mtDNA lineages. Morphometric differences were not correlated with mtDNA haplotypes and introgression is probably due to a secondary contact between the two species several generations ago. Overall, results suggested that the very recent demographic decline in this critically endangered species has not yet decreased its genetic variability, and connectivity found among most colonies should help to reduce species extinction risk. Spreading of introgression should be monitored, but the species is not jeopardized at the moment by genetic factors and the major conservation actions should concentrate at enhancing adult survival.  相似文献   

Our experience in developing models to predict the potential impacts of oil spills on colonially breeding marine birds has revealed some major gaps in the information available on these systems. We consider the availability of data for a variety of parameters of seabird biology that are required in modelling efforts, and assign provisional priorities to our information needs. In order to develop means of predicting the impacts of oil spills on seabirds, we suggest that colony- or site-specific information on the timing of reproduction and colony occupancy, chick growth rates and body weights, several metabolic parameters, flight speed, and food load size is of relatively low overall priority. Intermediate priority is assigned to the collection of specific data on the dynamics of oil spills, the age and breeding structure of the populations, reproductive success, foraging activity budgets and flight paths, flight costs, and the response of growing chicks to food deprivation. We suggest that studies of seabird biology should give highest priority to obtaining information on population sizes, the probability of adult death upon encountering a spill, age-specific fecundity and survivorship, the time required in foraging trips, the lag time in the response of birds to an oil spill, foraging rate as a function of resource density, and changes in the availability of resources to the birds as a consequence of oil spills.  相似文献   

The passenger pigeon Ectopistes migratorius became extinct in 1914, largely as the result of intensive hunting by man. However, the final stages of its decline seem to have been too rapid to be accounted for entirely by human activity. It is suggested that social factors, namely colony size and reproductive success, were related in such a way that, though the species was apparently still quite common, its breeding rate was insufficient to offset mortality. A model relating colony size to breeding rate is put forward and its relevance to the conservation of living socially breeding species is discussed.  相似文献   

A survey was made of the declining butterfly, Plebejus argus L., in North West Britain in 1983. Twenty-six colonies were found on limestone grassland, many of them large. Twenty colonies were found on heathland, but most were relatively small. One large colony that inhabits mossland was rediscovered. P. argus occupies early succesional habitat at low altitude, predominantly on sheltered southerly facing slopes. Through biotope loss and fragmentation and declining traditional management, suitable habitat is created only sporadically in modern Britain. Some of these habitats (especially on heathland) are short lived. Thus, many colonies are transient. As P. argus forms closed colonies and rarely flies far, the decline appears to be a compound effect of reduced amounts of suitable habitat and inability to colonise them: the distances are often too great. Active conservation is required to check the decline of P. argus, especially habitat management and also introduction to suitable habitat now beyond the dispersal range of P. argus. Recommendations are made.  相似文献   

短小芽孢杆菌E601传代和中子辐照后的菌落形态变化   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
为研究短小芽孢杆菌E601不同形态菌落分布情况及中子辐照对其影响,对短小芽孢杆菌不同形态菌落进行了反复传代,并采用CFBR-Ⅱ快中子脉冲反应堆分别对不透明菌落进行了低、中、高剂量的一次中子辐照和二次中子辐照,发现:(1)在正常传代条件下,E601短小芽孢杆菌有半透明型和不透明型菌落存在;(2)经反复传代,半透明菌落可产生各占一半的半透明型与不透明型两种菌落形态,而不透明菌落基本不产生半透明菌落;(3)中子辐照对菌落分布影响较大,随着一次中子辐照剂量的升高,半透明菌落所占的比例逐渐增加;当中子二次辐照剂量最高时,半透明菌落所占比例最大。因此认为E601短小芽孢杆菌之所以能产生两种不同形态菌落,主要是由半透明菌落的不稳定性决定的。在中子辐照中,半透明菌落型菌株耐辐照能力高于不透明型菌落菌株。  相似文献   

American white pelicans (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos) are colonial-nesting birds and their breeding sites are concentrated in a few small areas, making this species especially vulnerable to factors that can influence productivity, such as disease, disturbance, predation, weather events and loss of nesting habitat. Nearly half of the American white pelican population breeds at four colonies in the northern plains: Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in North Dakota, Bitter Lake (Waubay NWR) in South Dakota, Medicine Lake NWR in Montana, and Marsh Lake in Minnesota. Thus, sustained productivity at these colonies is crucial to the health of the entire species. During the latter half of the 2002 and 2003 breeding seasons, unusually high mortality of pelican chicks was observed at these colonies. West Nile virus (WNv) was identified as one source of these losses. In 2004–2007 we monitored three major colonies in the northern plains to assess mortality of chicks during the late breeding season. We documented severe weather events, disturbance, and WNv as factors contributing to chick mortality. Before WNv arrived in the region in 2002, chick mortality after mid-July was 4%, and then jumped to as high as 44% in the years since WNv arrived. WNv kills older chicks that are no longer vulnerable to other common mortality factors (e.g., severe weather, gull predation) and typically would have survived to fledge; thus WNv appears to be an additive mortality factor. Persistence of lower productivity at American white pelican colonies in the northern plains might reduce the adult breeding population of this species in the region.  相似文献   

The area occupied by colonies of the black-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus; BTPD henceforth) in northwestern Mexico was dramatically reduced between 1988 and 2005. We conducted a quantitative assessment of the distributional changes of these BTPD colonies during the periods 1988–2000 and 2000–2005 focusing on the potential roles of plant biomass, landscape configuration, habitat loss, and habitat suitability. We used remote sensing and GIS tools to characterize habitat and landscape conditions at areas of extinction and persistence at the beginning of each period. Based on this information, we contrasted areas of extinction and persistence within single BTPD colonies, and used logistic regression to model extinction of entire colonies. The greatest levels of reduction, fragmentation and extinction of colonies occurred between 1988 and 2000. The trend of reduction continued between 2000 and 2005 because the largest colony became smaller and fragmented, driving the area down, however, the rest of the towns showed a marginal increase. During the first period, extinction of entire colonies was higher in smaller colonies occupying low-biomass areas. Both extinction models and raw data indicate that colony area lost to agriculture and urbanization was relatively low for both periods. Because the period exhibiting the highest colony area loss coincided with a severe period of drought (1994–1995), we hypothesized that an unusually high food shortage could be the driving force behind this generalized reduction in colonies. Our results suggest that BTPD populations are sensitive to size and isolation effects mainly in the context of severe drought. Because changes in precipitation have profound impacts on plant productivity and composition in arid ecosystems, BTPD populations at the southernmost edge of their geographic range are especially vulnerable to drought and desertification processes, and therefore to climate disruption.  相似文献   

基于高光谱技术的菌落图像分割与计数   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
在平板菌落计数过程中,菌落与背景区域类似的颜色会干扰菌落的准确计数。为了准确测定细菌数,该研究利用高光谱图像技术捕捉成分差异引起的菌落与背景区域光谱特征,并结合化学计量学方法对平板的菌落进行分割并实现计数。采集枯草芽孢杆菌菌落平板的高光谱图像,提取菌落、背景区域的高光谱信息;利用遗传算法结合最小二乘支持向量机建立菌落区域/背景区域判别模型;随后,将菌落平板高光谱图像中每一个像素点对应的光谱信息代入判别模型以判断属于菌落的区域,模型的识别率为97.22%;最后,利用特征波段下的高光谱图像实现菌落的分割及计数,计数平均相对误差值为4.2 %,用时约为10 min。相比较于计算机视觉计数法,菌落计数法的平均相对误差降低了49.4%,结果表明建立的方法有望成为一类新的准确平板菌落计数方法。  相似文献   

Although most Manx shearwaters (Puffinus puffinus) in the UK are protected within Special Protection Areas (SPAs) at their breeding colonies, such site-based protection does not currently extend into the marine environment. Manx shearwaters form rafts (dense flocks of birds) on the sea adjacent to their breeding colony from late afternoon onwards, before coming ashore after nightfall. The ecological and protection requirements of Manx shearwaters in the UK would be more completely addressed if existing SPA boundaries were extended into adjacent marine areas to include those used for rafting behaviour. However the spatial extent of rafts has never been assessed accurately. Because rafting behaviour continues after nightfall, radio-telemetry was used to investigate rafting distributions of Manx shearwaters around the three largest UK colonies: Skomer (south-west Wales), Bardsey (north-west Wales) and Rum (north-west Scotland). Totals of 30, 28 and 30 birds were radio-tagged, with 174, 264 and 385 rafting locations estimated for Skomer, Rum and Bardsey, respectively. Kernel contour analysis was used to describe the ‘rafting range’ around each colony. The maximum extent of the 95% kernel contours was used to determine the area which would encompass most rafting birds. The maximum extents of rafting ranges were 4, 6 and 9 km, respectively for Skomer, Rum and Bardsey. We believe this is the first successful illustration of how radio-telemetry data can potentially be used to define protected areas for birds in the marine environment.  相似文献   

Populations of oriental white-backed vultures (Gyps bengalensis) in south Asia have declined over 95% since the mid-1990s due to feeding on livestock carcasses that had been treated with diclofenac, an anti-inflammatory pharmaceutical that is fatal to Gyps vultures. To prevent extinction, captive breeding efforts have been initiated; however, given the overall decline, it is not known to what extent levels of genetic diversity currently exist in the remaining populations. Here we document temporal genetic diversity levels during the 2000-2006 interval for the last remaining breeding colony of oriental white-backed vultures in Pakistan, and show with simulations that a much larger captive population size is required than currently maintained to prevent further loss of genetic diversity. Before this species is extinct in the wild, it is crucial that additional individuals are included in the captive population.  相似文献   

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