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A proteinaceous pectin methylesterase inhibitor (PMEI) was isolated from kiwi fruit (Actinidia chinensiscv. Hayward) and purified by affinity chromatography on a cyanogen bromide (CNBr) Sepharose 4B-orange PME column. The optimal pH of banana PME activity was 7.0, whereas that for carrot and strawberry PME activity was 9.0. The optimal pH for the binding between kiwi fruit PMEI and these PMEs was 7.0. The kiwi fruit PMEI has a different affinity for PME depending on the plant source. The inhibition kinetics of kiwi fruit PMEI to banana and strawberry PME followed a noncompetitive type, whereas that to carrot PME followed a competitive type. The kiwi fruit PMEI was mixed with banana, carrot, and strawberry PME to obtain PMEI-PME complexes, which were then subjected to thermal (40-80 degrees C, atmospheric pressure) or high-pressure (10 degrees C, 100-600 MPa) treatment. Experimental data showed that the PMEI-PME complexes were easily dissociated by both thermal and high-pressure treatments.  相似文献   

Methyl ester distribution in pectin homogalacturonan has a major influence on functionality. Enzymatic engineering of the pectin nanostructure for tailoring functionality can expand the role of pectin as a food-formulating agent and the use of in situ modification in prepared foods. We report on the mode of action of a unique citrus thermally tolerant pectin methylesterase (TT-PME) and the nanostructural modifications that it produces. The enzyme was used to produce a controlled demethylesterification series from a model homogalacturonan. Oligogalacturonides released from the resulting demethylesterified blocks introduced by TT-PME using a limited endopolygalacturonase digestion were separated and quantified by high-pressure anion-exchange chromatography (HPAEC) coupled to an evaporative light-scattering detector (ELSD). The results were consistent with the predictions of a numerical simulation, which assumed a multiple-attack mechanism and a degree of processivity ~10, at both pH 4.5 and 7.5. The average demethylesterified block size (0.6-2.8 nm) and number of average-sized blocks per molecule (0.8-1.9) differed, depending upon pH of the enzyme treatment. The mode of action of this enzyme and consequent nanostructural modifications of pectin differ from a previously characterized citrus salt-independent pectin methylesterase (SI-PME).  相似文献   

The enzyme pectin methylesterase (PME) is present in acerola fruit and was partially purified by gel filtration on Sephadex G-100. The results of gel filtration showed different PME isoforms. The total PME (precipitated by 70% salt saturation) and one of these isoforms (fraction from Sephadex G-100 elution) that showed a molecular mass of 15.5 +/- 1.0 kDa were studied. The optimum pH values of both forms were 9.0. The total and the partially purified PME showed that PME specific activity increases with temperature. The total acerola PME retained 13.5% of its specific activity after 90 min of incubation at 98 degrees C. The partially purified acerola (PME isoform) showed 125.5% of its specific activity after 90 min of incubation at 98 degrees C. The K(m) values of the total PME and the partially purified PME isoform were 0.081 and 0.12 mg/mL, respectively. The V(max) values of the total PME and the partially purified PME were 2.92 and 6.21 micromol/min/mL/mg of protein, respectively.  相似文献   

Pectin methylesterase (PME) from carrots (Daucus carrota L.) was extracted and purified by affinity chromatography on a CNBr-Sepharose 4B-PME inhibitor column. A single protein and PME activity peak was obtained. A biochemical characterization in terms of molar mass (MM), isoelectric points (pI), and kinetic parameters of carrot PME was performed. In a second step, the thermal and high-pressure stability of the enzyme was studied. Isothermal and combined isothermal-isobaric inactivation of purified carrot PME could be described by a fractional-conversion model.  相似文献   

Kiwellin, an allergenic protein formerly isolated from green kiwi fruit, has been identified as the most abundant component of the gold kiwi species. A protein named KiTH, showing a 20 kDa band on reducing SDS-PAGE and 100% identity with the C-terminal region of kiwellin, has been identified in the extract of the ripe green species. In vitro treatment of purified kiwellin with the protease actinidin from green kiwi fruit originated KiTH and kissper, a recently described pore-forming peptide. Primary structure analysis and experimental evidence suggest that kiwellin is a modular protein with two domains. It may undergo in vivo proteolytic processing by actinidin, thus producing KiTH and kissper. When probed with sera recognizing kiwellin from green kiwi fruit, KiTH showed IgE binding, with reactivity levels sometimes different from those of kiwellin. The IgE-binding capacity of kiwellin from gold kiwi fruit appears to be similar to that of the green species.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to purify and characterize the lipoxygenase (LOX) from banana leaf (Giant Cavendishii, AAA), an unutilized bioresource. LOX was extracted, isolated, and purified 327-fold using 25-50% saturation of ammonium sulfate fractionation, hydroxyapatite column separation, and gel filtration on Superdex 200. The molecular mass of the purified LOX was 85 kDa, K(m) was 0.15 mM, and V(max) was 2.4 microM/min.mg using linoleic acid as substrate. Triton X-100 was required in the extraction medium; otherwise, no LOX activity was detected. LOX activity increased with the concentration of Triton X-100 with an optimum at 0.1%. The optimal pH of the purified LOX from banana leaf was 6.2, and optimal temperature was 40 degrees C. The LOX showed the highest reactivity toward 18:2 followed by 18:3 and 20:4. A very low reaction rate was observed toward 20:5 and 22:6. On the basis of retention time in normal phase HPLC, the products of 18:2 or 18:3 catalyzed by purified LOX were hydroperoxyoctadecadienoic acid or hydroperoxyoctadecatrienoic acid. It seems that 9-LOX is the predominant enzyme in banana leaf. Banada leaf dried at 110 degrees C for 2 h developed algal aroma. Banana leaf extract stored at 10 degrees C for 12 h formed an oolong tea-like flavor. Banana leaf extract reacted with 18:2 or soybean oil pretreated with bacterial lipase produced green and melon-like aroma, whereas the same reaction with 18:3 produced a sweet, fruity, cucumber-like flavor note.  相似文献   

Fruits of Gardenia jasminoides contain geniposide which can be transformed to blue pigments by a simple modification. Colorless geniposide obtained from gardenia fruits by charcoal and silica gel column chromatographies was hydrolyzed with beta-glucosidase to yield genipin. The resulting genipin was transformed to blue pigments by reaction with amino acids (glycine, lysine, or phenylalanine). The stability of the blue pigments against heat, light, and pH was studied to examine the blue dye for possible use as a value-added food colorant. Thermal degradation reactions at temperatures of 60-90 degrees C were carried out at different pH levels within the range 5.0-9.0 (pH 5.0, acetate buffer; pH 7.0, phosphate buffer; and pH 9.0, CHES buffer). The blue pigments remained stable after 10 h at temperatures of 60-90 degrees C, and in some cases, more new pigments formed. The pigments were more stable at alkaline pH than neutral and acidic pH. Similarly, the pigments were stable under light irradiance of 5000-20 000 lux. In this case, pH effect was not significant.  相似文献   

The thermally tolerant pectin methylesterase (TT-PME) was isolated as a monocomponent enzyme from sweet orange fruit (Citrus sinensis var. Valencia). It was also isolated from flower and vegetative tissue. The apparent molecular weight of fruit TT-PME was 40800 by SDS-PAGE and the isoelectric point estimated as pI 9.31 by IEF-PAGE. MALDI-TOF MS identified no tryptic-peptide ions from TT-PME characteristic of previously described citrus PMEs. TT-PME did not absolutely require supplemented salt for activity, but salt activation and pH-dependent activity patterns were intermediate to those of thermolabile PMEs. Treatment of non-calcium-sensitive pectin with TT-PME (reducing the degree of methylesterification by 6%) increased the calcium-sensitive pectin ratio from 0.01 to 0.90, indicating a blockwise mode of action. TT-PME produced a significantly lower end-point degree of methylesterification at pH 7.5 than at pH 4.5. Extensive de-esterification with TT-PME did not reduce the pectin molecular weight or z-average radius of gyration, as determined by HPSEC.  相似文献   

Various triterpenoid glycosides were extracted from whole unripe tomato fruits ( Lycopersicon esculentum cv. Cedrico), using aqueous 70% (v/v) ethanol to study their surfactant properties. Cation-exchange chromatography using a Source 15S column and subsequent semipreparative HPLC using an XTerra RP18 were employed to purify individual triterpenoid glycosides from the extract. The structure of the purified compounds was established by mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The furostanol glycoside tomatoside A (749 mg/kg of DW) and the glycoalkaloids alpha-tomatine (196 mg/kg of DW) and esculeoside A (427 mg/kg of DW) were the major triterpenoid glycosides present. Furthermore, minor amounts of a new dehydrofurostanol glycoside, dehydrotomatoside, were found. The critical micelle concentrations of the major triterpenoid glycosides, alpha-tomatine, tomatoside A, and esculeoside A, were determined as 0.099, 0.144, and 0.412 g/L, respectively. The results show that tomatoside A, and not the more well-known alpha-tomatine, is the predominant triterpenoidal surfactant in unripe tomato fruits.  相似文献   

For the first time, a cytosolic carotenoid cleavage enzyme isolated from quince (Cydonia oblonga) fruit is described. The enzyme was partially purified by using centrifugation, acetone precipitation, ultrafiltration (300 kD, 50 kD), isoelectric focusing (pH 3-10), and sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (7.5%). In this way, an enzymatically active protein fraction was obtained that contained three similar proteins, all exhibiting molecular weights in the range of 20 kD. Using beta-carotene as substrate, the enzyme activity was detected spectrophotometrically at a wavelength of 505 nm. The time constant of the reaction was 8.2 min, the Michaelis constant (K(m)) was 11.0 micromol x L(-1), and the maximum velocity (v(max)) was 0.083 micromol x L(-1) x min(-1) x mg(protein)(-1). The optimum temperature was above 50 degrees C.  相似文献   

Aspergillus nidulans WG312 strain secreted lipase activity when cultured in liquid media with olive oil as carbon source. Highest lipase productivity was found when the mycelium was grown at 30 degrees C in a rich medium. The new enzyme was purified to homogeneity from the extracellular culture of A. nidulans by phenyl-Sepharose chromatography and affinity binding on linolenic acid-agarose. The lipase was monomeric with an apparent M(r) of 29 kDa and a pI of 4.85 and showed no glycosylation. Kinetic of enzyme activity versus substrate concentration showed a typical lipase behavior, with K(M) and K(cat) values of 0.28 mM and 494 s(-)(1) and 0.30 mM and 320 s(-)(1) for the isotropic solution and for the turbid emulsion, respectively. All glycerides assayed were hydrolyzed efficiently by the enzyme, but this showed preference toward esters of short- and middle-chain fatty acids. The optimum temperature and pH for the lipolytic activity were 40 degrees C and 6.5, with high activity in the range 0-20 degrees C and reduced thermal stability.  相似文献   

The maltooligosyltrehalose trehalohydrolase (MTHase) mainly cleaves the alpha-1,4-glucosidic linkage next to the alpha-1,1-linked terminal disaccharide of maltooligosyltrehalose to produce trehalose and the maltooligosaccharide with lower molecular mass. In this study, the treZ gene encoding MTHase was PCR-cloned from Sulfolobus solfataricus ATCC 35092 and then expressed in Escherichia coli. A high yield of the active wild-type MTHase, 13300 units/g of wet cells, was obtained in the absence of IPTG induction. Wild-type MTHase was purified sequentially using heat treatment, nucleic acid precipitation, and ion-exchange chromatography. The purified wild-type MTHase showed an apparent optimal pH of 5 and an optimal temperature at 85 degrees C. The enzyme was stable at pH values ranging from 3.5 to 11, and the activity was fully retained after a 2-h incubation at 45-85 degrees C. The k(cat) values of the enzyme for hydrolysis of maltooligosyltrehaloses with degree of polymerization (DP) 4-7 were 193, 1030, 1190, and 1230 s(-1), respectively, whereas the k(cat) values for glucose formation during hydrolysis of DP 4-7 maltooligosaccharides were 5.49, 17.7, 18.2, and 6.01 s(-1), respectively. The K(M) values of the enzyme for hydrolysis of DP 4-7 maltooligosyltrehaloses and those for maltooligosaccharides are similar at the same corresponding DPs. These results suggest that this MTHase could be used to produce trehalose at high temperatures.  相似文献   

The main polyphenols were isolated from the leaves of six selected persimmon cultivars. Seven compounds were obtained by reverse-phase HPLC, and their structures were elucidated by multiple NMR measurements. These compounds are hyperoside, isoquercitrin, trifolin, astragalin, chrysontemin, quercetin-3-O-(2'-O-galloyl-β-D-glucopyranoside) (QOG), and kaempferol-3-O-(2'-O-galloyl-β-D-glucopyranoside) (KOG). Their inhibitory activity was tested against tyrosinase for the oxidation of L-DOPA, and only chrysontemin showed inhibitory activity. To investigate the differences of their inhibitory effects, the tyrosinase inhibitory activities of their aglycons, cyanidin, quercetin, and kaempferol, were also tested. As a result, it was confirmed that the most influential moiety for tyrosinase inhibition was the 3',4'-dihydroxy groups of the catechol moiety. Moreover, the tyrosinase inhibitory activity of chrysontemin, which was identified in persimmon leaves for the first time, is supported by a simulated model of chrysontemin docking into mushroom tyrosinase.  相似文献   

A total of 12 fatty acid esters of Z- and E-p-coumaryl alcohol were isolated from cv. Annurca apple fruit and characterized. This apple variety is widely cultivated in the south of Italy, and the fruits typically undergoe a reddening treatment after harvest. Structures of the p-coumaryl esters were elucidated by GC-MS and (1)H and (13)C NMR after purification of individual compounds by HPLC. It was found that the esters are localized in the fruit peel. During reddening of the fruit, there was a substantial increase in the amount of esters and particularly in molecular species with unsaturated fatty acids. The individual compounds were tested for antioxidant activity, and over half were shown to be at least as effective as alpha-tocopherol.  相似文献   

寿光大棚菜地土壤呼吸强度、酶活性、pH与EC的变化研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
为防治土壤退化、促进农业可持续发展提供科学依据,以寿光地区露地土壤作对照,研究了连作1、5、8和12年大棚蔬菜(番茄)土壤有关生物学指标的变化。结果表明,土壤呼吸强度和脱氢酶活性棚内高于棚外,并随连作年限延长开始增强而后减弱,由于管理差异,12年棚龄土壤又回升。随着连作年限延长,土壤脲酶活性逐渐减弱,而过氧化氢酶活性逐渐增强;土壤呼吸强度和酶活性都由表层向底层逐渐减弱。土壤pH随连作年限增加逐渐下降,而EC逐渐增加,至12年棚龄时,与对照比0—20 cm土层pH下降了1.06单位,其他层次变化不显著。试验还表明,该地区表层土壤pH变化于6.45~7.51,EC 0.5 mS/cm,能较好地满足作物生长需要,同时,EC是影响土壤pH及酶活性变化的重要因素。土壤EC及过氧化氢酶活性可作为反映大棚菜地土壤质量变化的参考指标。  相似文献   

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