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Winter mustard (Brassica juncea L.) is not a common crop in the Southeastern United States. With increased interest in biodiesel production, there has been corresponding interest in mustard in this region. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of N fertilization (0, 50, 100, 150 kg N ha−1) on productivity, oil content, and oil composition of winter mustard ‘Pacific Gold’ grown at three locations in Mississippi (Stoneville, and two locations at Verona, namely Verona silt loam (Verona-SL) and Verona clay (Verona-C)). Nitrogen did not affect oil content (percent oil). Seed and oil yields (kg ha−1) increased with N application relative to the unfertilized control. At the Verona-C location, the concentration of oleic acid was higher in the 50 kg N ha−1 treatment. At Stoneville, linolenic acid concentration was higher in the 150 kg N ha−1 and lower in the 100 kg/N ha−1 treatment, while it was not different in the other treatments. Overall, the yield of the fatty acids (FA) palmitic, palmitoleic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, linolenic, arachidic, eicosanoic, behenic, erucic, lignoceric, and nervonic acid increased with higher N rates (100 or 150 kg N/h). The highest yield of FA in the two Verona locations were achieved in the 100 kg N ha−1, while greatest yield of FA at Stoneville was achieved in the highest N rate (150 kg N ha−1). Means of mustard oil yields in our study in the higher fertility treatment ranged from 737 to 1094 kg ha−1. This study demonstrated winter mustard production in Mississippi and possibly other areas in the Southeastern United States can be successful and could provide seed and oil yields comparable to yields from other production areas.  相似文献   

The influence of different nitrate concentrations in combination with three cultivation temperatures on the total fatty acids (TFA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) content of Nannochloropsis salina was investigated. This was done by virtue of turbidostatic controlled cultures. This control mode enables the cultivation of microalgae under defined conditions and, therefore, the influence of single parameters on the fatty acid synthesis of Nannochloropsis salina can be investigated. Generally, growth rates decreased under low nitrate concentrations. This effect was reinforced when cells were exposed to lower temperatures (from 26 °C down to 17 °C). Considering the cellular TFA concentration, nitrate provoked an increase of TFA under nitrate limitation up to 70% of the biological dry mass (BDM). In contrast to this finding, the EPA content decreased under low nitrate concentrations. Nevertheless, both TFA and EPA contents increased under a low culture temperature (17 °C) compared to moderate temperatures of 21 °C and 26 °C. In terms of biotechnological production, the growth rate has to be taken into account. Therefore, for both TFA and EPA production, a temperature of 17 °C and a nitrate concentration of 1800 μmol L−1 afforded the highest productivities. Temperatures of 21 °C and 26 °C in combination with 1800 μmol L−1 nitrate showed slightly lower TFA and EPA productivities.  相似文献   

The uniqueness of purslane (Portulaca spp.) asthe richest vegetable source of omega-3 (-3)fatty acids is well documented. However, purslane hasnot been domesticated or fully evaluated for itsnutritive value. The objective of this study was todetermine the influence of planting date on chemicalcomposition of purslane accessions. Eight accessionsfrom different geographical locations were planted 12days apart, and whole plants harvested at full bloom. Chemical analysis (DM basis) of leaves showedsignificant differences among varieties for all thecharacteristics measured. Accession by planting dateinteraction influenced (p < 0.05) levels of crudeprotein, total lipids, and carbohydrate contents. Wild Greek accession had the highest, while aBeltsville (Maryland) wild type had the lowest crudeprotein content (27.1 vs 20.5%) at the secondplanting date. Crude protein, lipid and ash levelswere most influenced (p < 0.05) by planting date. Total lipids varied from 4.0–5.8% and 3.7–5.1% forthe first and second planting dates, respectively. Selected fatty acid content indicated significantly(p < 0.05) higher levels of 18: 26, and18: 33 in the Dutch Garden accession comparedwith other varieties. The Egyptian wild accession hadthe lowest level of 18: 33. The ratio of 3 to 6 acids, which ranged from 5.5 to22.3 indicated a highnutritive value of purslane compared to other oilcrops such as soybeans and perrilla. The high levelsof protein in purslane compete with those of othercommercially important vegetable crops. The studyshows that, in spite of its genetic diversity, purslaneremains one of the most abundant terrestrial vegetablesources of Omega-3 fatty acids and other essentialnutrients potentially beneficial for humans as well asanimals.  相似文献   

Sunflower has potential in Mediterranean farming systems because of the modest auxiliary input requirement, appreciable productivity and quality of raw material. These aspects are affected by the interactions among genetic, environmental and agronomic factors, which have not been fully explored. Therefore, the effects of four water regimes as proportion of crop evapotranspiration (0%, 33%, 67%, 100%) on grain yield and its components, oil yield and grain lipid constituents, i.e. fatty acids (FAs), unsaponifiable matter (UM), phytosterol (Phy), policosanol (PC) and tocopherol (Toc) fractions of a standard and an oleic sunflower hybrids were assessed in a 2-year field experiment. The relationships between crop productive traits and oil quality features were also analysed.  相似文献   

The fatty acid (FA) concentration of herbage and lipid metabolism in silage, mainly oxidation and lipolysis, of different species (perennial ryegrass, red clover and white clover) and three cultivars of white and red clover at three cutting dates in the growing season (April, July and October) were studied. FA concentration and composition was strongly affected by species and cutting date. Perennial ryegrass had lower concentrations of C16:1, C18:0, C18:1 and C18:2 than red and white clover. Within red and white clover, the effect of cultivar was small. Oxidation of C18:3 during wilting was different between species and cutting date despite similar wilting conditions. Lipolysis in silage was also influenced by cutting date, species and to some extent by cultivar. Furthermore, in some cuts silages of red and white clover displayed a lower lipolysis than silage of perennial ryegrass. On average, over the three cutting dates proportionately 0·903, 0·864 and 0·857 of the membrane lipids in perennial ryegrass, red clover and white clover were hydrolysed during ensiling. In red clover this could be due to the lipid-protecting properties of polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity. This was not observed in perennial ryegrass or white clover. Nevertheless, differences in lipolysis in silage between cultivars of red clover were not correlated with PPO activity.  相似文献   

以云南Arabica咖啡(Coffea arabica)、兴隆Robusta咖啡(Coffea robusta Linden)和越南Robusta咖啡为原料,采用正己烷萃取其咖啡油脂肪酸,通过GC/MS分析生咖啡及不同焙炒度咖啡的脂肪酸组成。结果表明:云南Arabica咖啡总脂肪含量高于兴隆Robusta咖啡和越南Robusta咖啡总脂肪含量;咖啡油脂肪酸含量从高到低的3种脂肪酸依次为亚油酸(约40%)>棕榈酸(约30%)>油酸(约20%);焙炒程度对咖啡油脂肪酸组成没有显著影响。此外,3种咖啡中均含有少量的亚麻酸、花生酸和山嵛酸。  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of species, cutting date and cutting interval on the concentration of fatty acids in temperate grasses. The first experiment compared eight species, harvested in late autumn and summer. Levels of individual fatty acids were distinctive for some species, with low levels of C18:1 in Dactylis glomerata L. and high levels of C18:2 in Phleum pratense L. Differences in individual fatty acids could not be used to differentiate fescues and ryegrasses. However, fatty acid profiles could be used to differentiate species when material was managed similarly (i.e. at the same cut). There were large species × cut interaction effects, showing that management factors will be as important as plant breeding in manipulating fatty acid levels. Cultivars belonging to one Lolium perenne L. gene pool were identified as having significantly higher α-linolenic acid and total fatty acids in late-season (November) material.
The second experiment compared three ryegrass species over a growing season, with three or five cuts. All species had high concentrations of fatty acids and a high proportion of α-linolenic acid during vegetative growth (late April). Fatty acid levels declined markedly in all species after this date, recovering by autumn. Kunth Lolium multiflorum Lam. and Lolium  ×  boucheanum had higher levels of total fatty acids and α-linolenic acid in the early and late season when compared with perennial ryegrass. Fatty acid levels (particularly C18:2 and C18:3) declined when the regrowth interval was extended from 20 to 38 d.
These studies demonstrate opportunities to change the composition of ruminant products through breeding and management of grasses for altered levels of fatty acids.  相似文献   

It is not known if the response of the oil fatty acid composition to temperature is similar among sunflower hybrids, especially among traditional hybrids. The objective of this work was to asses the genetic variability of the response of the oil fatty acid composition to temperature during the period 100–300 °C day after flowering among sunflower hybrids. Seven traditional hybrids and a high oleic hybrid were grown in several locations of Argentina. With the same hybrids two experiments were carried out in growth chambers where the plants were exposed to different day–night temperatures during grain filling. From these field and growth chamber experiments wide ranges of variation of temperature and oil fatty acid compositions for each hybrid were obtained. The concentration of oleic acid in sunflower oil showed a sigmoidal response to minimum night temperature from 100 to 300 °C day after flowering, increasing almost lineally within a given range of temperature. Outside this range, the concentration of this fatty acid remained merely constant. The same mathematical expressions characterized the response of oleic acid concentration to temperature in both, traditional and high oleic hybrids. The same expression also described the response of other fatty acids to temperature in all the hybrids. Differences between hybrids were observed for the minimum and maximum concentration of oleic acid and also for the maximum slope and range of the response. Since the sum of oleic + linoleic acids increased with temperature, increasing temperature reduced the concentration of saturated fatty acids and behenic acid. Genetic variability in the response of these fatty acids to temperature was observed. The results presented here show that it is possible to obtain sunflower oils of very different qualities combining the genetic variability in the response of the fatty acid composition to temperature and the climatic diversity under which sunflower is cultivated.  相似文献   

The fatty acid composition and total lipids of various forage crops at different cutting dates and seasons, which are used in forage grazing beef production in Argentina, were determined. Three experiments were carried out at the Agricultural Experimental Station of INTA, Anguil, La Pampa, Argentina Samples of alfalfa from three different cultivars with different dormancy groups (G4‐5, G6‐7 and G8‐9) and samples of ryegrasses Bill, Florida and Queue, wheats Charrua and Guapo, and triticale Don Santiago cultivars were taken at different cutting dates and analysed for total lipids and fatty acid composition. Significant differences on the fatty acid composition, the ratios 18:3n‐3/18:2n‐6 and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) due to cultivar, cutting date and season were found. Taking into account the importance of 18:2n‐6 and 18:3n‐3 fatty acids as substrates for the conjugated isomers of 18:2n‐6 (CLA) and n‐3 PUFA concentrations in beef, the fatty acid composition of forages needs to be considered in forage grazing beef production systems. Data variation in both total lipids and individual fatty acid proportions in forages should be taken into account to establish the potential to cultivate crops for a higher content of n‐3 PUFA and hence the opportunity to deliver more n‐3 PUFA and CLA into beef.  相似文献   

Species of Schizochytrium are well known for their remarkable ability to produce lipids intracellularly. However, during their lipid accumulation, reactive oxygen species (ROS) are generated inevitably as byproducts, which if in excess results in lipid peroxidation. To alleviate such ROS-induced damage, seven different natural antioxidants (ascorbic acid, α-tocopherol, tea extract, melatonin, mannitol, sesamol, and butylated hydroxytoluene) were evaluated for their effects on the lipid accumulation in Schizochytrium sp. PKU#Mn4 using a fractional factorial design. Among the tested antioxidants, mannitol showed the best increment (44.98%) in total fatty acids concentration. However, the interaction effects of mannitol (1 g/L) and ascorbic acid (1 g/L) resulted in 2.26 ± 0.27 g/L and 1.45 ± 0.04 g/L of saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids (SFA and PUFA), respectively, in batch fermentation. These concentrations were further increased to 7.68 ± 0.37 g/L (SFA) and 5.86 ± 0.03 g/L (PUFA) through fed-batch fermentation. Notably, the interaction effects yielded 103.7% and 49.6% increment in SFA and PUFA concentrations in batch fermentation. The possible mechanisms underlining those increments were an increased maximum growth rate of strain PKU#Mn4, alleviated ROS level, and the differential expression of lipid biosynthetic genes andupregulated catalase gene. This study provides an applicable strategy for improving the accumulation of SFA and PUFA in thraustochytrids by exogenous antioxidants and the underlying mechanisms.  相似文献   

A marine-derived strain of Clonostachys rosea isolated from sediments of the river Loire estuary (France) was investigated for its high lipid production. The fungal strain was grown on six different culture media to explore lipid production changes. An original branched conjugated fatty acid, mainly present in triglycerides and mostly produced when grown on DCA (23% of total fatty acid composition). It was identified as 4-Me-6E,8E-hexadecadienoic on the basis of spectroscopic analyses. This fatty acid reduced viability of MCF-7 breast cancer cells in a dose dependent manner (up to 63%) at physiological free fatty acid human plasma concentration (100 μM). Reduction of gene expression of two lipogenic enzymes, the acetyl CoA carboxylase (ACC) and the fatty acid synthase (FAS) was evaluated to explore the mechanisms of action of 4-Me-6E,8E-16:2 acid. At 50 μM, 50% and 35% of mRNA gene expression inhibition were observed for ACC and FAS, respectively.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of cultivar and season on the fatty acid (FA) composition of the lipids of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). Eight diploid cultivars were cut at the same target yield of approximately 2000 kg dry matter ha?1 between mid‐June and mid‐September. Two cultivars (Barlet and Magella) were harvested during four 2‐week periods and six cultivars (AberGold, Respect, Agri, Herbie, Barezane and Barnhem; cultivars 1–6) during three periods. The concentrations of individual FA were determined by gas chromatography. Barlet had higher concentrations of linolenic acid (C18:3) than Magella, but lower concentrations of linoleic acid (C18:2). Cultivars 1–6 were more variable in their leaf blade and stem proportions than Barlet and Magella. Despite this, there was no difference between cultivars 1–6 in the FA composition of the herbage. On average 0·74 of the FA consisted of C18:3. Higher concentrations of total FA were found in mid‐summer than in early summer. This was related to a high leaf blade proportion in the herbage, indicating that the proportion of leaf and stem of the herbage probably had more effect on lipid concentrations than the season per se in this period. However, in late August and mid‐September, the total FA concentration declined whereas the leaf blade proportion increased. Therefore, in this period environmental factors appeared to have a modifying effect. As consistent differences in the concentration of C18:3 were found among cultivars Barlet and Magella throughout the season, these studies demonstrate opportunities to change the composition of ruminant products through the choice of cultivars of perennial ryegrass.  相似文献   

Northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) oil, which is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, was recovered from the cooking water of shrimp processing facilities. The oil contains significant amounts of omega-3 fatty acids in triglyceride form, along with substantial long-chain monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs). It also features natural isomeric forms of astaxanthin, a nutritional carotenoid, which gives the oil a brilliant red color. As part of our efforts in developing value added products from waste streams of the seafood processing industry, we present in this paper a comprehensive characterization of the triacylglycerols (TAGs) and astaxanthin esters that predominate in the shrimp oil by using HPLC-HRMS and MS/MS, as well as 13C-NMR. This approach, in combination with FAME analysis, offers direct characterization of fatty acid molecules in their intact forms, including the distribution of regioisomers in TAGs. The information is important for the standardization and quality control, as well as for differentiation of composition features of shrimp oil, which could be sold as an ingredient in health supplements and functional foods.  相似文献   

Seeds of sixty four genotypes ofBrassica campestris L. (Toria) were analyzed for oil content and fatty acid composition. Oil content varied from 38.9% to 44.6%. Major fatty acids viz. oleic, linoleic, linolenic, eicosenoic and erucic acids exhibited ranges from 10.1% to 17.3%, 5.9% to 14.5%, 5.2% to 15.0%, 7.7% to 13.7% and 39.6% to 59.9%, respectively. Compared to the standard cultivar ITSA, four genotypes contained 5 to 8% lower content of erucic acid; and six genotypes contained significantly higher content of linoleic acid. Oil was positively correlated with erucic acid. The observed inverse relationship between linoleic and erucic acid contents might be utilized in breeding nutritionally better Toria cultivars with both high linoleic and low erucic acid contents.  相似文献   

Utilization of long‐chain fatty acids (LCFA) as diet composition markers, combined or not with alkanes, was evaluated in a study performed with sheep, goats and cattle fed on two different diets composed of herbaceous species and heather. Proportions of plant species were estimated from LCFA concentrations in plant species and faeces, using least‐square procedures, and were compared with those obtained using alkanes or LCFA + alkane. The impact of grouping plant species with similar LCFA + alkane profiles and the application of different levels of feeding selectivity within the dietary group on the accuracy of estimates were also assessed. Results showed that LCFA faecal recoveries were incomplete and tended to increase with carbon‐chain length in a curvilinear fashion in both diets and all animal species. Furthermore, differences between ruminant species and diets in the LCFA faecal recovery were observed. Combination of alkanes and LCFA provided the most accurate estimates of diet composition, while estimates based on LCFA alone were better than those using alkanes alone. Accuracy of these estimates differed among animal species but was not influenced by diet composition. Grouping plant species with similar LCFA + alkane profiles reduced the accuracy of estimates with a clear underestimation of the dietary group.  相似文献   

Long chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC n-3 PUFAs) are recommended for management of patients with wide-ranging chronic diseases, including coronary heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, dementia, and depression. Increased consumption of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is recommended by many health authorities to prevent (up to 0.5 g/day) or treat chronic disease (1.0 g/day for coronary heart disease; 1.2–4 g/day for elevated triglyceride levels). Recommendations for dietary intake of LC n-3 PUFAs are often provided for α-linolenic acid, and for the combination of EPA and DHA. However, many studies have also reported differential effects of EPA, DHA and their metabolites in the clinic and at the laboratory bench. The aim of this article is to review studies that have identified divergent responses to EPA and DHA, and to explore reasons for these differences. In particular, we review potential contributing factors such as differential membrane incorporation, modulation of gene expression, activation of signaling pathways and metabolite formation. We suggest that there may be future opportunity to refine recommendations for intake of individual LC n-3 PUFAs.  相似文献   

The possibility of using potato vines as a source of protein and silage for animal feed is encouraging. The potential of this approach is partially dependent on the development of cultivars that have large vines and at the same time produce good tuber yields. Twelve cultivars, including three commercial varieties, one advanced breeding selection, and eight experimental tetraploids (hybrids between cultivars and Phureja-haploid Tuberosum clones with parallel spindles) were grown at the Hancock Experimental Station. The vines and tubers from four blocks were harvested every 15 days from 75–135 days after planting. Clones that were relatively late maturing were most suitable for vine harvesting. The total yield of vines plus tubers was highest at 105 and 120 days. Russet Burbank yielded 218 cwt of vines and 465 cwt of tubers at 120 days; similar values for the best experimental tetraploid were 450 cwt and 784 cwt at 120 days; thus, the best cultivar produced 123,400 1b of plant material in 120 days. While processing procedures and palatability of the vine products remain undefined, the existence of clones producing high vine and tuber yields has been demonstrated.  相似文献   

Physicochemical properties of green tea seed oil including cold test,color,flash point,gravity,refraction index,moisture content,acid value,iodine value,unsaponifiable matter and saponification value were investigated.Fatty acid composition and catechin content of the oil was determined by GC and HPLC analysis.The oil is stable at low temperature.High flash point (267.8 ± 5.1 ℃) showed the high thermal stability of green tea seed oil as well,which support for suitability to use as cooking oil.Specific gravity and refraction index of green tea seed oil was found as 0.913 and 1.4679,respectively.Color of the oil was measured as 99.7 ±0.2 for lightness,1.9 ± 0.1 for greenness and 6.6 ± 0.1 for yellowness.Acid value (KOH mg/ml),iodine value,unsaponifiable matter (%) and saponification value of green tea seed oil were 0.21,104.1,0.11 and 215,respectively.Fatty acids compositions of green tea seed oil was found to be dominated by oleic acid (81.3%) and presence of minor amount of linoleic acid (4.8%),palmitic acid (4.6%),palmitoleic acid (3.3%),linolenic acid (3.2%) and stearic acid (1.0%).The presence of antioxidative compounds such as (-)-epicatechingallate (207.2 ±0.2 g/g) and (-)-epigallocatechin gallate (99.5 ±0.6 g/g) in the oil could enhance its shelf life during storage.  相似文献   

Biodiesel is a biodegradable, renewable, non-toxic and environmentally friendly alternative fuel. The cost of raw materials comprises 60-88% of the production cost in commercial biodiesel (fatty acid methyl esters, FAMEs) production. Therefore, the use of low-cost raw material as a substrate and an in situ process for biodiesel production are being preferred. In this case, rice bran, which contains 13.5% oil, was an interesting substrate. In situ esterification of high-acidity rice bran with methanol and sulfuric acid catalyst was investigated. The individual and interaction effects of methanol to rice bran ratio, sulfuric acid catalyst concentration and reaction time on purity and recovery of biodiesel were discussed. Our results suggest that under the following operation conditions: methanol to rice bran ratio of 5 mL/g, sulfuric acid concentration in methanol of 1.5 vol.%, and reaction time of 60 min, an in situ esterification operated on rice bran could yield FAMEs with a high purity and recovery. By applying an in situ esterification with n-hexane/water extractions, Indonesia will be succesfull in obtaining biodiesel from rice bran up to 96,000 ton per year.  相似文献   

Bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L. var. grossum Sendt.) production is often constrained by prevailing sub-optimal temperature conditions. The treatments that enhance earliness and extend availability period may substantially increase value of the crop. This two-year study (2010–11 and 2011–12) was conducted to investigate the comparative effect of two growing environments (open field vs. polyhouse), three planting dates (15 October, 30 October, and 15 November), and four mulch treatments (black polythene, clear polythene, paddy straw, and no-mulch) on growth and yield of bell pepper. The highest fruit number, fruit weight, early yield, marketable yield, and total yield were obtained when the crop was planted in the polyhouse on 30 October under black polythene mulch. Thus, the use of polyhouse and black plastic mulch, when combined with appropriate planting date, improves early and total yields of bell pepper in areas where the production is constrained by sub-optimal temperature conditions.  相似文献   

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