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Careful postoperative management is crucial for the success of any orthopedic surgical repair. The special needs of the exotic animal must be met during the immediate postoperative period and during hospitalization. Many exotic animals require a quiet, stress-free environment and careful attention to housing parameters, such as perching, temperature, and visual security. To provide adequate pain relief in these patients, analgesia should be given before, during, and after surgery. The drugs most often used for pain relief are NSAIDs and opioid analgesics. After surgery, monitor the healing process carefully with regular examinations and radiographs while remaining vigilant for potential problems such as osteomyelitis or nonunion. Physical therapy prevents the development of fracture disease, which includes joint or ligament contracture and bone or muscle mass loss. Because physical therapy affords the patient full use of the affected limb, it is considered a helpful practice in all patients. Physical therapy, however, is critical for free-ranging exotic animals that will be released back into the wild, such as birds of prey.  相似文献   

王玉田 《科学养鸽》2008,(3):100-103
夏季高温、高温、易变的气候极易引发信鸽的应激反应,而夏季赛事较多,信鸽机体消耗大,也容易造成信鸽生理功能紊乱,所以在此环境中信鸽很多功能都会发生变化。一旦这些功能,特别是体温调节、水盐代谢、  相似文献   

Effective use of cardiovascular drugs in the management of circulatory shock requires knowledge of the pathophysiologic changes occurring in the different types and stages of shock and an understanding of the specific hemodynamic actions of drugs used to correct shock. Objectives of therapy are to: (1) restore circulating blood volume, (2) ensure of increase perfusion of critical organs by selectively reducing arteriolar resistance, (3) augment cardiac output, and (4) increase perfusion pressure. If blood volume is not restored, drugs may be ineffective and can even induce deleterious effects. If reflex sympathetic discharge has induced generalized vasoconstriction, it is irrational to expect beneficial results from administration of exogenous vasconstrictor agents. Instead, selective vasodilatation of vascular beds in critical tissues (eg, myocardium, intestines, and kidneys) accompanied by increased perfusion pressure and cardiac output can prove useful. Large doses of adrenocorticosteroids are used commonly in the therapy of different shock conditions, based primary on empiric tests of efficacy. Although such steroids may not influence the course of shock by direct cardiovascular effects, beneficial actions may result from mechanisms such as protection of cell membrane integrity and stabilization of lysosomes.  相似文献   

Horses with large colon volvulus (LCV) often require intensive postoperative medical management. Although early referral and surgical intervention are critical for minimal postoperative complications and a successful outcome, this is often not possible for many reasons. Endotoxemia, extensive mucosal damage with subsequent severe hypoproteinemia, and focal ischemic necrosis are the major causes of postoperative morbidity and mortality.Although fluid therapy, flunixin meglumine, and antimicrobials are still the mainstay of perioperative management, synthetic colloids are being used to maintain plasma oncotic pressure, hyperimmune antiendotoxic plasma and polymixin B are being used for management of endotoxemia, and lidocaine and constant rate infusion of butorphanol can be used for postoperative analgesia. The use of heparin, dimethyl sulfoxide, and corticosteroids for management of LCV are still controversial. Future studies are required to investigate nutritional improvement and methods to manage cases after surgery to prevent recurrence.  相似文献   

罗红柏 《蚕学通讯》2006,26(1):30-31
我市近年来由于“蚕茧大战”及多渠道收茧的影响,茧价失控,蚕茧质量逐步下降到了低谷,突出表现为“三低一短”,即上车率、茧层率、解舒率低,茧丝短,综合表现为出丝率低。有资料显示,我市蚕茧解舒平均水平比历史最好时已下降10%。因此,切实保护蚕茧解舒,努力提高蚕茧质量,已势急  相似文献   

Good biopsy protocol depends on excellent interaction with diagnostic pathologists. This article reviews the essentials of diagnostic appraisal, specimen preparation, biopsy interpretation, proper reporting, and implementation of biopsy results in case management. The emphasis is on biopsy of malignancy.  相似文献   

鸡场应建在地形开阔,地势平垣.冬季背风向阳,夏季不窝风的稍有坡度(1%~3%)的地方,鸡舍的走向以座北朝南为宜.屋顶选用隔热性能好的材料(如加气混凝土、泡沫混凝土、石棉水泥隔热板、木纤维板、建筑用毛毡等材料),并将其涂成白色或浅色.也可将屋顶修建成隔热性能良好的多层屋顶。炎热地区采用上层导热性好的材料,  相似文献   

Aprotinin, a proteinase inhibitor, was evaluated as a pharmacologic aid in dogs subjected to lethal hemorrhagic shock. Survival time, hemodynamic changes, and plasma enzyme analysis were measured as criteria for drug effects. Mixed-breed dogs (n = 14) were divided into 2 groups of 7 each: nontreated dogs in shock (group 1) and aprotinin-treated dogs in shock (group 2). One of 7 dogs in group 1 and 2 of 7 dogs in group 2 survived. Survival time, for the remaining dogs in group 1 (190 min, n = 6) and group 2 (188 min, n = 5) were not significantly different. There was no significant difference in mean arterial pressure, mean pulmonary arterial pressure, cardiac output, or left ventricle systolic pressure associated with aprotinin treatment at any time after hemorrhagic shock. There was no significant difference in plasma lactic acid, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, creatine phosphokinase, alpha-amylase, and beta-glucuronidase associated with treatment at any time; however, there were significant (P less than 0.05) increases with time. The gastrointestinal tract was the site of most obvious lesions found at necropsy. Lesions varied considerably in extent and severity without apparent correlation to the treatment regimen. These experiments did not show beneficial effects of aprotinin in dogs subjected to hemorrhagic shock, but neither did they completely rule out some valuable actions that may have been obscured by the type of model used.  相似文献   

The initial management and stabilization of the emergency surgical patient is challenging. A consistent systematic evaluation of the four major body systems, determination of the underlying cause, and aggressive stabilization before surgery can optimize the outcome.  相似文献   

Chemotherapy is an important and effective modality of modern cancer treatment. Practitioners are encouraged to become familiar with this branch of medicine because it can be employed in the local practice setting. In the process of providing service for clientele and care for their pets, practicing clinicians will inevitably be confronted with involvement in some aspect of a chemotherapeutic protocol initiated by a veterinary oncologist. With an understanding of the principles of chemotherapy, the toxicities inherent in the use of these compounds, and the judicious handling of these agents, veterinarians will be able to provide a better standard of care for the animals presented to them.  相似文献   

Anesthetic management of the head trauma patient   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Objective: To describe the optimal anesthetic management of patients with brain injury, with emphasis on the support of oxygen delivery to the brain, and the effects of anesthetic agents on cerebral perfusion. Data sources: Clinical and experimental studies from both the human and veterinary neuroanesthesia literature. Summary: The management of patients following primary traumatic brain injury (TBI) significantly impacts outcome. Outcome can be improved by strategies that improve oxygen delivery to the brain and prevent cerebral ischemia. Anesthetic agents have widely variable effects on the blood supply to the brain and, therefore, choice of anesthetic agent can influence neurological outcome. Although in the past, anesthetic agents have been selected for their neuroprotective properties, it is increasingly being recognized that the support of cerebral perfusion during anesthesia contributes more significantly to a positive outcome for these patients. Support of cardiorespiratory function is, therefore, highly important when anesthetizing patients with TBI. Conclusion: Choice of anesthetic agent is determined by the extent of brain injury and intracranial pressure (ICP) elevation. Factors that should be considered when anesthetizing head trauma patients include the effects of anesthetic agents on the cardiac and respiratory systems, their effects on cerebral blood flow (CBF), ICP, and possible neuroprotective benefits offered by certain agents.  相似文献   

Recurrent airway obstruction is a condition that affects some older horses maintained in confinement. Clinical signs range from exercise intolerance with occasional cough to dyspnea at rest. Bronchoalveolar lavage cytology is characterized by neutrophilic leukocytosis (15%-85%) and is recommended for making the diagnosis in horses with mild to moderate disease. Environmental management combined with periodic bronchodilator and antiinflammatory corticosteroid therapy yields the best prognosis for disease remission.  相似文献   

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