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为进一步研究烟草黑胫病对烟叶品质的影响,在相同的田间条件下,以烤烟‘红花大金元’(以下简称‘红大’)、‘K326’和‘云烟85’品种为材料,比较了不同烤烟品种的生理指标、黑胫病发病率和相关化学成分之间的关系。结果表明,‘红大’品种的黑胫病发病率、病情指数最高,‘K326’次之,‘云烟85’最低;‘云烟85’的POD、PPO、CAT抗性酶活性和总酚、类黄酮含量接种时最高,且增加量最大,‘K326’次之,‘红大’最小;PPO、CAT、POD活性和类黄酮、总酚含量呈负相关关系,与蛋白质、可溶性糖含量呈正相关关系。 相似文献
为了使保障性住房用地的空间布局更加科学合理,中低收入群体的住房需求能够得到充分保障。通过对河北省11 个地级市独立性保障房用地现状进行调查,选取距市中心距离和基准地价水平两个因素,并分别以相对距离指数和相对级别指数建立各市可比基础,运用AHP模型,设定3 级评价尺度,对各市保障性住房的区位优劣度进行定量评价。结果表明河北省各市保障房建设情况总体较为均衡,张家口、唐山、石家庄在保障房选址上较其他城市更为合理,并深入分析现阶段保障房用地分布相对理想的原因,建议从立法规范、居住模式、转变观念、丰富房源等角度进行优化。 相似文献
华西箭竹作为九寨沟自然保护区大熊猫的主食竹之一,在20世纪80年代大面积开花死亡后的恢复一直不是很理想,这直接对大熊猫的生存和繁衍产生了威胁。对于华西箭竹空间分布格局的研究,能够丰富对大熊猫主食竹的了解,探讨其分布情况与环境的关系,可以为大熊猫栖息地的保护工作提供参考和理论依据。结果显示:研究地的华西箭竹空间分布格局全为聚集分布,其分布格局的聚集强度与林冠郁闭度有较弱的负相关,而未发现与其他各环境因子表现出明显的相关性。 相似文献
1993年在黑龙江省大庆市红旗林场对柳蛎蚧种群的空间分布型进行了研究,采用了频次比较χ^2检验的方法和若干处聚集度指标的方法测定柳蛎蚧种群的空间分布型。研究结果:柳蛎蚧种群基本上符合二项分布和Neyman分布;根据聚集度指标的测定,柳蛎蚧种群符合聚集分布。 相似文献
为了进一步提高对芋疫病预测预报,科学指导生产上的防治,应用最小二乘法、频次分布、聚集度指标、m*-m回归分析和Taylor幂法则等对病株的空间分布型进行了分析。结果表明:当田间芋疫病病株率在0.427~0.513时,病株田间分布属聚集分布;当田间芋疫病病株率在0.720~0.820时,病株田间分布属均匀分布。此外其病株空间分布的基本成分是个体群,病株个体间相互吸引,病株在大田中存在明显的发病中心,且病株个体的空间格局随着病株密度的提高越趋均匀分。在此基础上,提出了Iwao最适理论抽样模型N=232.3783/m-87.9438,并建立序贯抽样模型T0(N)=0.3689N±1.7177$\sqrt{N}$,即:调查株数N时,若累计病株率超过上界可定为防治对象田,若累计病株率未达到下界时,可定为不防治田,若累计病株率在上下界之间,则应继续调查,直到最大样本数m0=0.3689时,也即病株率15%,所需抽样数542株止。 相似文献
本文应用聚集指标研究了稻蓟马(Williams)在稻田的空间分布型。结果表明,稻蓟马在稻田的空间分布型呈聚集分布,并且聚集是由于环境作用引起的,即与当时水稻的生育期有关。根据空间分布信息,确定最适理论抽样数,并应用 E.Kuno(1969)和 Iwao 的序贯抽样技术,给出稻蓟马种群的序贯抽样图及序贯抽样表。稻蓟马(Williams)在我国南方稻区发生较重。近年来,稻蓟马的为害在省内局部地区有逐年上升的趋势。有关稻蓟马种群空间分布型的研究国内未见报道,仅个别单位作了稻蓟马卷叶株空间格研局的究。为了更好地进行稻蓟马种群动态的分析,作好田间抽样,提高测报和防治技术,作者对不同水稻品种上,稻蓟马种群的空间分布进行了研究,并应用分布型特征参数,建立了理论抽样单元数公式和资料代换公式。同时,还作了稻蓟马种群数量的序贯抽样图和序贯抽样表。 相似文献
研究结果表明:(1)病害烂铃在棉株上的水平、垂直和外扩三方向上的分布模型均呈y=axb(b<0),以棉株基部1~3台果枝和2.6个圆锥体围层上的烂铃为主,分别占烂铃总数的89.22%和97.84%。(2)棉铃虫蛀害烂铃在棉株上的水平方向分布模型:3~10台呆枝上呈y=ax2+bx+c(a<0),另2~3果节上虫蛀烂铃最多;11~18台果枝上为y=axb(b<0),第1~2果节上虫蛀烂铃最多。垂直方向分布模型为y=ax2+bx+c(a<0),第11台果枝上虫蛀烂铃最多;虫蛀烂铃以11~15台果枝上的另1~2天节上分布为核心,占虫蛀烂铃总数的54.76%。(3)上述结果对指导棉花烂铃防治具有重要的科学意义。 相似文献
高温热害是影响广西葡萄生产重要的农业气象灾害,分析广西葡萄热害发生频率以及空间分布,可为优化广西葡萄产业布局,趋利避害提供科学的决策依据。利用广西91个国家级气象观测站1961—2016年的气象资料,根据葡萄热害等级指标,计算出广西葡萄开花坐果期(4—5月)和成熟采收期(7—8月)高温热害发生频率,基于SURFER技术绘制出广西葡萄高温热害发生频率的空间分布特征图。表明成熟采摘期高温成为制约广西葡萄生产的主要气象因子,根据葡萄高温热害空间分布图,划分出广西无高温热害区、轻度高温热害区、中度高温热害区、重度高温热害区以及严重度高温热害区。成熟采摘期高温成为制约广西葡萄生产的主要气象因子,广西大部分地区集中在重度热害区和严重度热害区,加强对葡萄高温的防御,能够提升葡萄果实的品质。 相似文献
为加速张家界市脱贫攻坚进程及其他旅游地区旅游扶贫提供重要依据。以该区2016 年初贫困村数据为基础,运用GIS 空间分析方法中的叠加分析、缓冲分析和密度分析3 种方法,通过探索张家界市武陵源区贫困村空间分布规律,对该区31 个贫困村空间分布规律进行研究。结果表明:景区和乡(镇)政府辐射作用明显,贫困村的数量呈现出随着景区和乡(镇)政府距离的递减而向外递增的态势;贫困村呈现沿进入景区主要交通干线分布,但主要交通干线对扶贫的作用微弱;贫困村在经济薄弱的地方呈现集聚特征,而在经济较好的地区集聚特征不明显。因此加强景区的带动和辐射作用是核心,提升基础设施建设是关键,强化政府机构扶贫职能是保障,为新形势下其他地区旅游精准扶贫提供重要的理论参考。 相似文献
Huang Kefu 《保鲜与加工》2013,(Z2):60-63
In recent years, economic has developed with the high-speed in China, which leads advance of urbanization rapidly. Development of economic expands the gap between the rich and the poor, leads to house prices rise rapidly. The housing problem is tricky for low-income people. Resolving the housing problem has become one of the hot topics in China. It is so difficult to buy a house with high rent and high price of house, and this is the common difficulties for urban low-income people. The current public housing construction has been launched in most cities, but the public housing system in Shanxi province, construction, management and future problems that exist in the operation process is worth thinking about. For public housing development status quo carries on the analysis of current, the study of public housing security system is of help, through the analysis of the problem can solve the problems existing in the public housing, to consummates our country housing guarantee system. 相似文献
基于ARMA模型的河北省农村金融融量问题研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
为了改善河北省农村经济发展的金融环境,促进河北省农村经济的进一步发展,对河北省农村金融融量问题进行了较深入地研究。首先,利用戈德史密斯理论测算了河北省农村金融的理论融量和实际融量,得出河北省农村存在巨大的金融缺口;其次,利用计量经济学方法中的ARMA模型对金融缺口的变化趋势进行预测,得出河北省农村金融缺口存在不断扩大的趋势。在此基础上,深入分析了河北省农村金融缺口形成的经济与体制根源,进而提出优化农村金融供给机制、消除金融缺口、完善河北省农村金融环境的对策建议。 相似文献
分析了新疆15 个行政区2000、2005、2009 年的人口数量的空间和时间变化趋势以及分布特征,研究了人口变化的驱动因子。并运用GIS 软件生成2009 年新疆人口密度图。结果表明:新疆人口数量处于不断增长的趋势,呈现出大城市集聚效应明显增加,区域人口密度差异大,人口空间分布不均衡的分布特点。并指出新疆人口在时间、空间上的分布特征是与地理自然环境状况、经济发展水平状况以及国家政策等是相关的,其中经济水平在各种因素中起主导作用。 相似文献
Ye Xiaosu Yan Zhe San Xueqin 《保鲜与加工》1998,(4):35
China has a large population of 1.2 billion.To solve the housing problem of middle_low income families and realize a condition,under which people can live in peace and work contentedly,a policy housing financial system(PHFS)with Chinese characteristics must be established.PHFS is a special financial area.The combination of financial relationships,forms and methods related to the purchase,construction or rehabilitation of housing for middle_low income families,is the core of policy housing financial system.It has real meaning for studying theory and practice of PHFS,its role in development of housing industry,and promoting economic growth of the country,civilization and progress of the society. 相似文献
Housing market is not similar to other markets, it is difficult for non-professional people to know the quality of the house in a short time. So the asymmetric information situation between the purchaser and the seller exists during the exchange process. The result is that bad quality houses wash out good ones. In this paper, a detailed analysis is given to the phenomenon and some ways are put forward to avoid the appearance of this problem. 相似文献
The combined housing mortgage loan is different from the pure housing accumulation fund loan and the commercial housing mortgage loan because of the special requests of applicant, gage, term of loan and rate. To study the combined housing mortgage loan, we established a theory model for it. Through this model, we can work out the term of loan, the repayment of capital and interest every year. Then we suggested the current mode of repayment be changed from average repayment to increased repayment by degrees according to the increase of family income. The term of loan can be lessened by this repayment mode. At last, we established a combined housing mortgage loan model containing savings contract loan. Through it, the model out the term of loan, the repayment of capital and interest every year can be worked out including the savings contract loan. 相似文献
Traditional model of distribution networks mostly research the response of input excitation, by describing elements and connections of elements for distribution networks. When the states of vertexes in distribution networks have changed, the connections of elements transformation. Owning to the mutual couplings and branches of distribution networks, it is hard to achieve the global optimization for load balancing, reconfiguration and restoration after fault by nomograph. A new model based on hierarchical model is presented. This model can be employed to identify the zone and branches efficiently and offer a cogent topological analysis method for the global optimization. The test result shows the effectiveness of the proposed method. 相似文献
The space of mountain center city has diversified characteristics, which has interactive relations with the city overall function. Based on analyzing the contradictions between the characteristics of central city and the form of mountainous city, following the mountainous central cities' characteristics of multi-group, multi-center, multi-dimensional and multi-level, the theoretical model which reflects mathematic and abstract relationship between the characteristics and the overall function of the mountainous central cities was constructed. On the basis of the mountainous cities' characteristics and the scientific planning, the model develops the mountainous cities space and macro-functions theory. 相似文献