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为了研究二月兰、黑麦草、毛叶苕子3种绿肥在果园条件下的翻压腐解特性及养分释放特征,采用尼龙网袋法在苹果园进行了110天的田间腐解试验。结果表明:绿肥作为有机肥源翻压后累积腐解率能达到69.10%~76.06%,腐解过程中呈现前21天腐解较快、后期腐解缓慢并逐渐趋于平稳的趋势。碳、氮、磷、钾均在翻压后的前21天大量释放,整体养分释放率表现为钾>碳>氮>磷,试验结束时(翻压110天),碳、氮、磷、钾的累积释放率分别为76.81%~82.04%、81.06%~84.97%、72.96%~76.81%、95.39%~97.65%。与禾本科绿肥黑麦草相比,豆科绿肥毛叶苕子和十字花科绿肥二月兰具有较低的初始C/N,更易于腐解,较适宜于华北平原果园种植。  相似文献   

利用尼龙网袋,研究了油菜、毛叶苕子、冬牧70黑麦翻压于棉花田间15 ~ 20 cm土层,腐解及养分释放规律.研究表明,绿肥翻压43 d内干物重显著降低,前3d腐解速度最快,后降低趋势变缓.翻压43 d时油菜、毛叶苕子、冬牧70黑麦腐解率达到81.7%,77.5%,62.2%;翻压113 d时腐解率分别达到89.6%,8...  相似文献   

春小麦复播绿肥对连作棉田土壤肥力的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在连作棉田上进行春小麦复播绿肥(草木樨、油菜、油葵、大豆)试验,研究各种绿肥生物量,养分含量及其绿肥翻压后对棉田土壤有机质,速效养分的影响。研究结果表明:四种绿肥中草木樨的生物量最高;四种绿肥翻压后对土壤有机质和速效养分含量均有一定的影响,其中草木樨、大豆翻压后土壤有机质分别提高了8.58%,1.01%;四种绿肥翻压后土壤速效氮提高了0.30%-5.96%,除大豆外,其它三个处理的土壤速效钾含量平均是对照的1.08倍;研究发现油菜、油葵的富钾作用较为突出。四个处理中春小麦复播草木樨是相对较好的一组轮作作物。  相似文献   

为明确不同还田方式下白三叶腐解特征和养分释放规律以及对茶叶产量和品质的影响,寻求绿肥最佳的还田方式,为白三叶在茶园的合理利用提供技术依据。采用尼龙网袋法,在茶园模拟白三叶在翻压(T1)、割覆(T2)和自然枯死(T3)3种还田方式下的腐解特征和氮、磷、钾、碳等养分释放规律,并同时进行小区试验分析茶园间作白三叶3种不同还田方式对茶叶产量和品质的影响。结果表明,茶园间作白三叶3种还田方式下在160 d后的累积腐解率为73.4%~89.8%,快慢表现为T1> T2> T3,其中T1和T2处理呈现先快后慢的特点,T1处理:0~10 d为快速期,10~160 d为缓慢期,T2处理:0~20 d为快速期,20~160 d为缓慢期,而T3处理腐解时间滞后,从第40天开始腐解,后期保持较快的腐解速率;养分释放率和释放量表现为T1>T2、T3,氮、磷、钾、碳4种养分释放都较彻底,其中钾释放最彻底,氮、磷次之,碳最少,在160 d后钾、氮、磷、碳的累积释放率分别为95.1%~99.7%,75.3%~95.6%,86.4%~93.9%,69.5%~91.6%;白三叶还田后能提高夏秋茶产量,夏...  相似文献   

春玉米田翻压绿肥腐解及养分释放特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用尼龙网袋埋田法,研究越冬绿肥二月兰在春玉米田土壤腐解特征及养分释放规律,为华北地区春玉米减肥增效技术研究提供理论依据。结果表明,二月兰还田0~10d腐解速率最高,达1.21g/d,阶段内累积腐解率为28.94%;11~45d进入缓慢腐解期,腐解速率为0.44g/d,阶段累积腐解率占比37.45%;46~123d腐解速率稳定在0.03g/d,至玉米收获时累积腐解率达71.26%。二月兰腐解期内养分累积释放率表现为钾>碳>磷>氮,分别达94.90%、76.46%、56.35%和53.83%,且钾、碳和氮均在还田0~45d累积释放量最高,而磷在还田0~3d出现“增高富集”后快速释放。据测算,二月兰腐解期内氮、磷、钾释放量分别为26.82、4.04和35.88kg/hm2。因此,华北地区绿肥二月兰还田可适当替代化学肥料,依据养分释放规律,春玉米前期应重氮磷、轻钾,后期补氮钾。  相似文献   

为明确绿肥配施腐解菌剂在红壤旱地中的腐解及养分释放规律,更好地利用其营养,在田间条件下,设置对照(CK)、腐解菌剂(DM)、腐解菌剂+炭基有机肥(BM)和腐解菌剂+固氮菌(NM)4个处理,采用尼龙网袋法模拟研究圆叶决明在橘园红壤中的腐解及养分释放动态特征,并测定其养分残留率.结果 表明,夏季绿肥圆叶决明中有机物腐解和养...  相似文献   

绿肥翻压还土的生态效应及其对土壤主要物理性状的影响   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
针对湘西旱地干旱贫瘠的特点,采用田间小区试验,以不同绿肥为试验作物,对湘西旱地植烟土壤种植绿肥翻压还土的生态效应及土壤主要物理性状的影响进行研究。结果表明,旱地土壤填闲种植绿肥翻压还土,可以促进大气—作物—土壤生态系统的物质和能量循环,固定大气中的碳和氮,活化和富集土壤养分,增加土壤有机碳和养分物质的投入,提高土壤养分有效性。增加土壤有机质,提高幅度为3.2%~9.5%。降低土壤容重;pH最高降低0.23个单位。而土壤的孔隙度、阳离子交换量和持水能力等都有较大幅度提高,最大提高幅度分别为6.4%、21.6%和3.4%。绿肥翻压还土具有良好的培肥改土和生态效应,改善土壤的物理性状。  相似文献   

1.适时翻压 绿肥过早翻压产量低,植株幼嫩压青后分解过快,肥效短;翻压过迟,植株老化,养分多转移到种子中去,茎叶养分含量低,且在土壤中不易分解,肥效降低。绿肥植株适宜的翻压时间,豆科为始蕾期,禾本科在抽穗初期,十字花科在初荚期。间种绿肥作物的翻压时间,应与后茬作物间隔15~40天,以免绿肥分解产生的有毒物质影响后茬作物。套种绿肥要及时翻埋,以免影响主作物生长。  相似文献   

研究品种与播种方式对冬绿肥地上生物量、养分蓄积量、土壤养分和后茬花生产量及品质的影响,为华北冬闲田推广种植冬绿肥提供科学依据。采用裂区设计,以二月兰、黑麦草、小黑麦3个冬绿肥品种为主处理,撒播和条播2种播种方式为副处理开展田间试验。结果表明,从绿肥品种来看,黑麦草地上生物量和养分蓄积量均极显著高于二月兰和小黑麦;翻压后,小黑麦后茬土壤碱解氮含量极显著低于黑麦草和二月兰,黑麦草后茬土壤有机质含量显著高于小黑麦,二月兰后茬土壤有效磷含量显著高于黑麦草;小黑麦后茬花生荚果产量显著低于黑麦草和二月兰。黑麦草后茬花生籽粒蛋白质、脂肪含量最高,分别为23.13%,52.72%。从播种方式来看,条播绿肥地上生物量及养分蓄积量均高于撒播。条播小黑麦地上生物量、氮蓄积量显著高于撒播,磷及钾蓄积量极显著高于撒播。条播黑麦地上生物量、氮磷钾养分蓄积量均极显著高于撒播。翻压后,条播二月兰、黑麦草后茬土壤碱解氮、有效磷含量显著高于撒播。综合分析,华北花生冬闲田以开沟条播种植二月兰、黑麦草为宜。  相似文献   

为研究绿肥(豌豆)翻压后合理施用肥料问题,采用田间小区试验,在翻压绿肥的基础上通过减少基肥用量和控释肥代替部分基肥,研究其对烟叶产量、产值和土壤肥力的影响。结果表明,绿肥翻压可以提高低有机质土壤(有机质含量<10 g/kg)的有机质含量,对其他土壤化学性质无显著影响;绿肥翻压后将基肥减少15%和30%对烟叶产量、产值无显著影响,对烟叶化学成分无明显影响。在减少15%基肥后,将剩余基肥的50%以控释肥代替,可以显著提高烟叶产量和产值,提高烟叶钾含量和钾/氯比,改善烟叶品质。  相似文献   

Long term incubation studies to determine the nitrogen (N) mineralization rates and kinetics in soils freshly amended with some commonly used green manures such as Sesbania rostrata. Gliricidia maculata. Leucaena leucocephala and Azolla pinnata are scarce. A long term aerobic study was, therefore, conducted by incubating soils freshly amended with the above-mentioned green manures in PVC columns at 35 ± 1 C and with 0.01 Mpa moisture content. The soils were then leached at periodic intervals for up to 36 weeks.
The N-mineralization rates were greatest during the first week and decreased with time in all soils. The green manure amended soils leached 247 mg kg−1 more NO3+ NO2– N than the unamended control. In general, the total N mineralized (mean 61%) was almost twice that of net N mineralized (mean 30%) in the amended soils. The percent N mineralized (total and net), however, varied with the nature of green manure incorporated into the soil. It was greatest in the soil amended with sesbania and lowest in the soil amended with azolla. The kinetic parameters derived using the double exponential model indicated that green manure amended soils possessed significantly higher N-mineralization potentials and rate constants compared to the unamended control. The kinetic parameters also varied with the nature of green manure incorporated into the soil. Among the various parameters lignin content, lignin to N ratio and lignin + polyphenol to N ratio of the green manures were the key factors governing the rate of decomposition and subsequent N mineralization from the amended soils.  相似文献   

长期稻-稻-绿肥轮作对水稻产量及土壤肥力的影响   总被引:51,自引:0,他引:51  
为探讨湘南红壤稻田多熟制增产潜力,不断提高经济效益和土壤肥力,促进农业可持续发展,从1982年开始,对红壤稻田布置了冬种紫云英(T1)、油菜(T2)、黑麦草(T3)翻压还田对水稻产量和土壤肥力影响的长期轮作制度定位试验。30年的研究结果表明:(1)与冬闲(T4)处理相比,绿肥还田能促进水稻增产,其平均增产效果和年均增产率为:T1> T2> T3,且其增产稳定性较好;(2)与T4处理相比,绿肥还田能显著增加土壤有机质含量,其中T1处理下活性有机质含量显著高于其他处理,且在有机质中所占比例最大;(3)与T4处理相比,绿肥还田能提高土壤全氮、碱解氮含量,加速土壤矿化,促进水稻对磷素和钾素吸收,其中,T1处理下土壤全氮、碱解氮含量显著高于其他处理,T2和T3处理显著高于T4处理,T1处理比T2和T3处理更能促进土壤磷素释放与吸收,致使T1处理土壤全磷累积相对缓慢,也更需要补充外界钾素;(4) 稻-稻-紫云英轮作是一种较好的轮作模式。  相似文献   

Four types of cattle manure were prepared by mixing faeces with different ratios of urine + straw, one manure being faeces without straw and urine. Following 3 to 6 months of storage, the manures were applied in spring or autumn to a sandy loam and a coarse sand in amounts corresponding to 120 kg N ha−1. Spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) undersown with perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) were used as test crops. Barley was harvested at maturity and the wintering ryegrass was cut three times in the second year. Additional mineral N in the form of 15N-labelled mineral fertilizer (50 kg N ha−1) was added to all barley plots at planting in spring. Non-manured plots receiving only the 15N-labelled mineral fertilizer were included. Faeces without urine + straw contained more NH4-N than the other manures and spring incorporation of this manure gave the highest dry matter yield and N uptake of the barley. When faeces without urine + straw was applied in autumn, the yield and N uptake were increased only on the sandy loam. On the coarse sand, the NH4-N was probably leached as NO3-N during the winter. The three manures with urine + straw did not affect barley grain yield or total N uptake. Thus these manures did not mineralize nor immobilize measurable quantities of N in the first growth period. On the sandy loam, the patterns of N uptake in ryegrass indicated an increased availability of manure N during the second growth period. The availability of N from the 15NH415NO3 was similar in all plots when manures were applied in spring. Less 15N was taken up by the spring barley when manure was added in autumn compared with crops given 15NH415NO3 only. Thus short-term effects of N in cattle faeces stored with or without straw + urine are low. For soils low in mineral N such manures may potentially reduce crop N uptake.  相似文献   

不同种类有机肥对盆栽葡萄的生物学效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨不同种类的有机肥对葡萄的生物学影响,利用盆栽方式研究了4种有机肥对赤霞珠葡萄生长量和根际微生物的作用。结果表明,施用有机肥明显提高根际土壤的放线菌和细菌含量,但对真菌含量增加不明显。施有机肥明显促进了新根的发生和生长,与对照相比各种肥料均显著增加了植株生物量及各器官的生长量。其中绿源有机肥成百倍增加了根际放线菌和细菌的数量,显著增加了新根数量,促进了枝干增粗,极显著增加了1、2年生枝条和褐色根的可溶性糖含量和淀粉含量;施用羊粪的效果次之;施用鸡粪显著促进植株生长,不利于可溶性糖和淀粉含量的积累,同时增加了土壤真菌数量;施用牛粪对微生物影响很小,但能促进生长。总体上看绿源肥效果最佳。  相似文献   

以小区试验的方法选择典型的南方稻田土壤为研究对象,通过绿肥压青分别配伍3种促腐剂石灰、碳铵、石灰氮在稻田土壤上的应用试验,探讨绿肥压青配伍不同促腐剂对稻田土壤肥力及其水稻产量的影响。结果表明:绿肥压青可有效增加土壤速效磷的含量,提高土壤有机质,调控土壤碱解氮含量,起到培肥地力的作用。绿肥压青配伍不同促腐剂还可促进有机质的分解,其中以绿肥压青+有机氮处理(T4)最佳。绿肥压青和绿肥压青配伍不同促腐剂对后茬水稻具有一定得增产作用。绿肥压青(T1)、绿肥压青+石灰处理(T2)、绿肥压青+碳铵处理(T3)、T4处理水稻产量较无绿肥压青(CK)处理分别增产22kg/667 m2、24.2 kg/667 m2、40.1 kg/667 m2、47.2kg/667 m2。  相似文献   

Effect of sterilized and unsterilized stable manure and compost on the efficiency of VA mycorrhiza
Under greenhouse conditions, it was examined how the three organic manures stable manure, compost out of stable manure and compost out of plant rests in comparison with the corresponding amounts in sterile and homogeneous form, influence the efficiency of VA mycorrhiza cultivated with Capsicum annuum. The manures had been added in 4 stages of concentration: 50, 100, 200 and 300 dt/ha.
In the unsterile treatment the generally positive efficiency of VA mycorrhiza on plant yield decreased with increased amounts of the organic manures. How fast this reduction took place, was dependent on the different kinds of manures. The effect of the inoculation were much better in the unsterile treatment, compared with the sterile one, when the offer of the possible nutrient sources by the manures were low and the relation of the nutrients in the soil solution were unfavorable. The activity of the soil microorganisms always have played a decisive role for this results.  相似文献   

Legumes used as green manure (GMN) may provide on‐farm sources of N for subsequent crops. In warm‐humid climates on sandy soils, however, there is a need to evaluate effects on growth and yield of subsequent crops when GMN substitutes for chemical N fertilizer. We collected time‐series data for 2 years to evaluate growth and ear yield response of sweet corn (Zea mays L. var. Rugosa) in annual rotation with GMN (summer, winter or summer plus winter GMN) and supplemented with 0, 67 or 133 kg chemical N ha−1. Control treatments receiving 0, 67, 133, 200 or 267 kg chemical N ha−1 were used for comparison. Rotation with summer plus winter GMN resulted in more growth and yield benefit for sweet corn than did the other GMN rotations. Compared with control treatments receiving the same chemical N rates, rotation with summer plus winter GMN increased sweet corn ear yield, leaf area index and total plant dry weight and N content by 15–30 %. Despite these benefits, use of high chemical N rate (267 kg chemical N ha−1) resulted in ear yields at least 20 % greater than sweet corn rotated with any GMN and fertilized with reduced N rates. Largest increases in sweet corn dry weight and N content occurred between 4 and 6 weeks after emergence in all treatments. After this period of rapid growth, sweet corn fertilized with 267 kg chemical N ha−1 showed higher N content than all other treatments. Prior to this period of rapid growth, multiple rainfall events in excess of 30 mm may have resulted in leaching of N from GMN residue. Considering the high rainfall levels, low water and N retention capability of sandy soils and rapid N release from GMN during decomposition, future research of GMN in this environment should evaluate options to better match GMN termination with time of greatest potential N uptake from a subsequent crop.  相似文献   

Organic farming has become increasingly important in recent decades as the consumer has grown its focus on the food and environmental benefits of the technique. However, when compared to conventional farming systems, organic farm system are known to yield less.Presented in this paper are the results from two organic cropping systems following six years of organic management. Fertilisation management differentiated the two systems; one was fertilised with green manure and commercial organic fertilisers, while the other was fertilised with dairy manure. A conventional cropping system, managed with mineral fertiliser as typical in the southern Piemonte region (Italy), served as the bussiness as usual crop management. The first hypothesis tested related to crop yield variation during the initial phase of organic management; we expected a sharp reduction in the early phase, then minor reductions later on. The second hypothesis tested related to soil fertility variation; we expected enhanced soil fertility under organic management.Overall, the organic system produced less, relative to the conventional system in interaction with year effect. Yield reduction seemed related to the lower soil nutrient availability of organic fertilisers that provided nutrients consequent to mineralisation. Therefore, summer crops are well-suited to manure-fertilised organic farms as mineralisation happens at higher temperatures, as opposed to winter wheat, which is largely reduced in such systems. Commercial organic fertilisers can, however, limit this effect through their high nutrient availability in the winter and early springAlso shown was that soil quality, defined as a general decrease in soil organic carbon (SOC) over time in the three analysed arable systems, can be mitigated by manure additions. Green manuring can maintain SOC and increase total N in soil, only if introduced for a sufficient number of years during crop rotation. Finally, soil fertility and Potential Mineralisable N in the different systems demonstrated that organic systems managed with commercial organic nitrogen fertilisers and green manure do not improve soil quality, compared to systems managed with mineral fertilisers.  相似文献   

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