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Although the effects of cold stratification on the release of physiological dormancy in seeds have been studied extensively, knowledge of the role of soil moisture content on seed dormancy release during cold stratification is limited. Our study determined seed dormancy characteristics and the effect of soil moisture content on seed dormancy breakage during cold stratification in the five common weed species Amaranthus retroflexus, Chenopodium album, Chenopodium hybridum, Plantago lanceolata and Setaria glauca. Seeds of all five species were dormant at the time of harvest and their germination response to light and temperature varied. Soil moisture content had a significant effect on seed dormancy release of all species except P. lanceolata. Germination percentage of A. retroflexus, C. album, C. hybridum increased and then decreased as soil moisture content increased, regardless of germination test temperature. The optimal soil moisture content and seed moisture content for dormancy breakage of A. retroflexus, C. album, C. hybridum were 8%, 12%, 8% and 22.0%, 37.7%, 25.7% respectively. Dry storage (after‐ripening) significantly increased germination of S. glauca. Moreover, increasing soil moisture content first slowed and then increased dormancy breakage in S. glauca. These results suggest that data on soil moisture content should be incorporated into models that predict weed seed dormancy breakage and timing of seedling emergence as well as those for weed management.  相似文献   

收集并整理2014~2016年从黄埔和南沙口岸进境美国高粱中截获的杂草种子,对截获频次进行统计,并对截获频次较高的9种检疫性杂草、14种非检疫性杂草进行萌发试验,结果表明,供试杂草种子几乎均能萌发,且萌发率较高,如长芒苋和裂叶牵牛萌发率达58%以上、糙果苋19.17%、假高粱和豚草的萌发率也达到7.50%和5.00%。因此要重视美国高粱中携带的杂草种子检疫以及杂草监测工作,防止这些杂草种子的定殖传播。  相似文献   

本文利用60Co-γ射线对芜菁、猪殃殃和反枝苋3种杂草种子进行了50~1000Gy的辐照处理,研究了不同剂量对3种杂草种子萌发的影响,结果表明,发芽7d后,1kGy以下剂量的辐照对3种杂草种子的发芽具有一定的抑制作用,抑制效果因杂草种类的不同而有差异。  相似文献   

Herbicides applied alone have failed to reduce weed populations in agricultural ecosystems. The use of this management strategy has followed other problems such as damage to ecosystems and organisms that live in it. Herbicide resistance in weeds has also occurred more quickly based on the application of herbicides. Today, most scientists are looking for new integrated weed management programs in agricultural ecosystems. Biological control is one of the most effective ways of weed management. In this way, living organisms are used to reduce and control weed species in arable lands. Weed seed predators, including predispersal and postdispersal predators as biological control agents, can be primary factors of weed seed mortality in agricultural ecosystems. This review has discussed factors influencing seed predator populations, activity, and granivory. Knowledge of the interrelations between factors and seed predators can contribute to designing future strategies that augment weed seed predator activity and enhance weed seed consumption as a component of an integrated weed management system.  相似文献   

J W Piltz  R A Stanton  H Wu 《Weed Research》2017,57(6):382-389
The germinability and viability of mature seeds of five grass (Hordeum spp., Bromus diandrus, Vulpia spp., Avena fatua and Lolium rigidum) and seven broad‐leaved weed species (Echium spp., Physalis hederifolia, Solanum elaeagnifolium, Raphanus raphanistrum, Marrubium vulgare and Malva parviflora) that were either untreated, ensiled for a minimum of three months, underwent 48 h in sacco digestion in steers or ensiled prior to digestion were tested for germinability and viability. Ensiling and digestion both reduced seed viability, although the extent varied with species. The effect of ensiling was generally greater compared with digestion and differed between years for some species. Ensiling or ensiling plus digestion rendered all seeds of Hordeum spp., B. diandrus, Vulpia spp., A. fatua, Echium spp., P. hederifolia (in one year only), S. elaeagnifolium, R. raphanistrum and M. vulgare non‐viable; ensiling and ensiling plus digestion reduced viability of L. rigidum by 74.4% and 92.7% respectively. Viability of M. parviflora displayed the greatest tolerance to damage, with seed viability reduced on average by 31.4%, 27.6% and 27.4% for ensiling, digestion and ensiling plus digestion treatments respectively. These results indicate that ensiling can provide an effective non‐chemical weed management option, as a component of an integrated weed management package, for certain weed species responsible for significant crop and pasture production losses in Australian and world temperate and Mediterranean agricultural systems.  相似文献   

To improve understanding of over-winter weed seed predation in arable fields, we used data from winter exclosure trials to determine the amount of predation and the influence of crop habitats on predation of Abutilon theophrasti and Setaria faberi seed in 2-year (maize/soyabean) and 4-year (maize/soyabean/small grain+lucerne/lucerne) crop rotation systems between 2005 and 2008. Crop habitat influenced seed predation, and had similar impacts on the two weed species. Mean A. theophrasti predation ranged from 31% in the 2-year soyabean habitat to 99% in the 4-year lucerne habitat. Mean S. faberi predation ranged from 31% in the 2-year soyabean habitat to 97% in the 4-year lucerne habitat. Results suggest that a combination or interaction of cover and substrate may have affected crop habitat preference by seed predators. Future research should further examine the influence of physical habitat on seed predation to determine characteristics of cropping systems that encourage predation, particularly during over-winter periods, so as to routinely incorporate seed predators into long-term weed management strategies.  相似文献   

Rosa multiflora Thunb. (Rosaceae), an invasive plant that currently infests millions of hectares in the eastern half of the USA, was planted initially in the 1940s as a “living fence”, cover for game animals and for erosion control. The larvae of Megastigmus aculeatus var. nigroflavus Hoffmeyer (Hymenoptera: Torymidae) feed on the developing R. multiflora seeds and have the potential to reduce the seed output of R. multiflora. Rosehips were collected from 49 sites across eastern and southern Iowa, USA, to determine the presence and distribution of M. aculeatus, the larvae of which were found in 266 of the 979 (27%) rosehips that were dissected and at 31 of the 49 sites (63%) that were sampled. The levels of M. aculeatus infestation over 2–3 years were determined at three selected sites and it was documented that more seeds were aborted than were viable or contained wasp larvae. A negative relationship was observed between the numbers of both the aborted and the viable seeds and the probability of a rosehip being attacked by M. aculeatus, indicating that M. aculeatus females are not preferentially selecting rosehips with higher numbers of viable or aborted seeds for oviposition. There is a significant reduction in both the viable seeds and the aborted seeds in hips that have been attacked by M. aculeatus. Detailed knowledge of R. multiflora demography is necessary to determine the level of seed predation that is required to reduce the recruitment of new individuals into the population.  相似文献   

Seed predation by natural predators can contribute to the regulation of the weed seedbank, hence has been acknowledged as a promising way to significantly reduce the use of chemicals and mechanical weeding to manage arable weeds. However, the complex aspects that determine seed species preference are not yet fully understood, especially, the relationship between weed seed traits and the feeding behaviour of seed predator species. In this study, we examine predation on 42 weed species by four ground beetle species as a function of two major seed traits: seed mass and seed lipid content. We used an _original experimental design to create a statistically independent trait value distribution for evaluating the separate and interactive effects of these two traits. Our results show that all the ground beetles species consumed weed seeds, but at different rates. The smallest weed seeds with high lipid content were among the most consumed. While seed mass might be limiting for ground beetles, due to ease of handling or the thickness of the seed coat, they may preferentially consume seeds rich in lipids to increase energy uptake. To our knowledge, this study is the first to reveal that two major seed traits drive seed predation by ground beetles.  相似文献   

We assessed the seed production and shedding pattern of 10 common weed species in two oat fields in Denmark. The aim was to evaluate the possibility of harvesting retained seeds on weeds at crop harvest by a combine harvester based on estimation of weed seed retention. Before flowering, ten plants of each weed species were selected and surrounded by a seed trap comprising of a porous net. When the plants started shedding seeds, the seeds were collected from the traps and counted weekly until oat harvest. Just before oat harvest, the retained seeds on the plants were counted and the ratio of harvestable seeds and shed seeds during the growing season was determined. The seed production and shedding patterns varied between the 2 years. Across both years, Anagallis arvensis L., Capsella bursa-pastoris L. Medik, Chenopodium album L., Geranium molle L., Persicaria maculosa Gray, Polygonum aviculare L., Silene noctiflora L., Sonchus arvensis L., Veronica persica Poir. and Viola arvensis Murray retained on average 61.6%, 52.7%, 67.2%, 58.4%, 32.05%, 59.5%, 95.7%, 23.5%, 51.7% and 33.9%, respectively, of their produced seeds at crop harvest. Silene noctiflora was classified as a good target for harvest weed seed control; C. bursa-pastoris, Calbum, Gmolle, Pmaculosa, Sarvensis and Varvensis were classified as intermediate targets; and Aarvensis, Paviculare and Vpersica were classified as poor targets.  相似文献   

Effect of temperature and humidity on the longevity of Orobanche seeds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Kebreab  & Murdoch 《Weed Research》1999,39(3):199-211
The effects of moisture and temperature on seed longevity were studied over periods of up to 426 days in three species of Orobanche . Saturated salt solutions were used to achieve equilibrium relative humidities (e.r.h.) between 11% and 85% at temperatures of 20–60 °C. The viability equation describing loss of viability in these conditions applied to the three species such that the lower the temperature and lower the equilibrium relative humidity the greater the longevity. The initial viability differed between species with the seed lot of Orobanche crenata having the lowest viability. However, the relative effect of temperature on longevity and the relative sensitivity of seed longevity to changes in equilibrium relative humidity were the same in all species. Longevity, estimated by the standard deviation of the seed survival curves was greater in Orobanche aegyptiaca and O. crenata than in Orobanche minor , being for example about 100, 103 and 49 days, respectively, at 40 °C, 50% e.r.h. Accurate prediction of longevity is necessary to understand and quantify the population dynamics of weeds and will help the farmer to optimize control measures such as solarization. Taken in conjunction with published data on loss of viability of imbibed seeds, the annual loss of viability on a typical Eritrean farm is predicted to be about 38%.  相似文献   

R H LI    & S QIANG 《Weed Research》2009,49(4):417-427
The diversity and composition of floating weed seed communities were surveyed in 27 sites across the main rice-growing regions in China with the aim of better understanding weed seed dispersal via irrigation water. Seed of 74 species, belonging to 20 families, were identified from floating matter on the water surface in lowland rice fields. Thirty-five species from three families: Poaceae (15), Asteraceae (11), and Polygonaceae (9), accounted for 47% of all species identified. Species with seed maturing in the summer accounted for 64% of the weed seed and their mean relative abundance was 0.74. Species richness, Shannon–Wiener index and Pielou evenness index were significantly different among the floating weed seed communities. The diversity of weed seed communities in the Yangtze river valley was higher than that in other sites, and some sites were dominated by only a few weed species, such as Beckmannia syzigachne , Alopecurus aequalis , A. japonicus , and Polypogon fugax. At all sites, the dominant weed seeds reflected the dominant weed species in the previous crop. The 27 sample sites of weed seed communities can be clustered into two groups on the basis of previous crop, either lowland rice or sites with previous crops of winter fallow, winter wheat or oilseed rape. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) revealed that irrigation frequency, previous crop, and latitude, but not soil type or longitude, significantly affected species composition. The numbers of floating weed seed species were high in lowland rice fields; composition was affected by previous crops and irrigation frequency. Filtering irrigation water and collecting and removing floating weed seeds from the water surface could be integrated into weed management practices to control weeds in lowland rice fields.  相似文献   

The ecological consequences of seed size variation have been studied extensively in plants. Curiously, little attention has been paid to the qualitative and quantitative variation of the seed‐stored molecules and on their ecological significance. Here, we analysed the oil content and oil composition of ca. 200 weed seed species from agricultural fields in France based on single seed accessions, concentrating on interspecies differences and ignoring within‐species variation. The relationships between seed weight, oil %, fatty acids (FAs) and the energetic value of the seed and its antioxidant properties were also investigated. The antioxidant activity could contribute to protect the oily seed reserves from alteration over time. Among the species analysed, we found a considerable quantitative (oil%) and qualitative variation of FAs stored in the seeds. Such variation was largely related to the plant family of the different species, but intrafamily variation was also found. Heavier seeds contained less oil on a per gram basis than lighter seeds, suggesting a trade‐off between seed weight and oil ratio in the seed and that oil storage strategy depends on seed size. Moreover, oily seeds contained more polyunsaturated FAs. However, contrary to our hypothesis, we did not found a higher antioxidant capability in oily seed extracts than in non‐oily seeds, nor to the quantitative or to the qualitative variation of FAs in the seeds. Considering the role of these important trait variations on weed ecological strategies, such as germination period, seed predation rate and competition–colonisation trade‐off, could improve the sustainable management of weed communities.  相似文献   

The role of arable weed seeds for agroecosystem functioning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A literature study was conducted to gather knowledge on the impact of weed seeds on agroecosystem functioning other than effects related to the production of weed seedlings and plants. The results of the review suggested that a larger and more diverse weed seedbank can contribute to the biodiversity of various groups of macrofauna and microbiota, with a positive or negative impact on the agroecosystem. However, relationships between weed seed availability and functional biodiversity in the field have generally not been established, with the exception of case studies of seeds sustaining populations of granivorous farmland birds or acting as reservoirs and vectors of plant pathogens. To value the contribution of different weed seeds to sustaining populations of functional biota, more detailed information on their relationships with seeds is essential. Hypotheses and related questions that can be used to explore the impact of weed seeds on functional biodiversity have been identified. The identification of weed seed species that are a key to sustaining functional biota may lead to a weed management strategy aiming to minimise the damage of weeds to crops while taking the alternative ecological roles of weed seeds into account.  相似文献   

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