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Both triceps tendons and the medial collateral ligaments of both stifles of 10 freshly euthanized dogs were sharply transected. One tendon and one ligament of each dog were sutured with a three loop pulley pattern, and the opposite tendons and ligaments were sutured with a locking loop pattern. The tendons and ligaments were harvested with their muscular and bony attachments. The anastomoses were slowly tested in tension until failure occurred. The amount of tensile load required to produce failure of the anastomosis, the amount of distraction of the sutured ends prior to failure, and the modes of failure were recorded. In both tendons and ligaments, the three loop pulley pattern provided significantly greater tensile strength (p < 0.01) and allowed significantly less distraction between the sutured ends (p < 0.01) than the locking loop pattern. In tendons, disruption of the suture material was the most common mode of failure with both patterns. In ligaments, both patterns failed most commonly by pulling free from the tissue.  相似文献   

Two suture techniques for tracheal anastomosis after large-segment tracheal resection were compared. Eight cartilages were resected from the trachea of each of 12 dogs; anastomoses with 4-0 polydioxanone suture were created using a simple continuous suture technique in six dogs and a simple interrupted suture technique in six dogs. Surgical time was shorter but apposition of tracheal segments at the time of surgery was less precise with the simple continuous suture technique. The dogs were evaluated for 150 days after surgery. Clinical abnormalities after tracheal resection and anastomosis were not observed. Percent dorsoventral luminal stenosis was calculated by measuring the tracheal lumen diameter on lateral cervical radiographs. Percent luminal stenosis was calculated planimetrically using a computerized digitizing tablet. Anastomotic stenosis was mild in all dogs; however, the mean percent luminal stenosis determined planimetrically was significantly greater for dogs that had the simple continuous suture technique. Planimetric measurements of cross-sectional area made before and after formalin fixation were not significantly different. Radiographic determination of percent dorsoventral luminal stenosis was a poor predictor of diminution of cross-sectional area determined planimetrically.  相似文献   

Thirty-six superficial digital flexor tendons from nine fresh equine cadavers were transected and sutured with size 2 monofilament nylon. Nine tendons were repaired with each of four suture patterns: single-locking loop, double-locking loop, triple-locking loop, or three-loop pulley. The times required for application, tensile strengths, resistance to distraction (gap), and modes of failure were analyzed. The mean times required were: single-locking loop, 3 mins, 15 secs; double-locking loop, 4 mins, 15 secs; triple-locking loop, 10 mins, 50 secs; and three-loop pulley, 4 mins. The double-locking loop, triple-locking loop, and three-loop pulley suture patterns were stronger than the single-locking loop. The triple-locking loop and three-loop pulley patterns were close in strength and only the triple-locking loop was stronger than the double-locking loop. The three-loop pulley had the greatest resistance to gap formation and its mode of failure was different from the others. The three-locking loop suture patterns failed by suture breakage but the three-loop pulley failed first by suture pull-out and then by suture breakage.  相似文献   

Objective— To assess the antimicrobial elution characteristics, toxicity, and antimicrobial activity of amikacin‐impregnated ferric‐hyaluronate implants (AI‐FeHAI) for amikacin delivery to the tarsocrural joint of horses. Study Design— Experimental study. Sample Population— AI‐FeHAI implants, equine cartilage, and synovium, and horses (n=6). Methods— In vitro study: Five AI‐FeHAI were placed in saline solution with daily replacement until implant degradation. Eluent was tested for amikacin concentration and bioactivity. Synovial and cartilage explants were incubated in the presence or absence of AI‐FeHAI for 72 hours and subsequently assessed for morphology, viability, and composition. Synovial explants were incubated with Staphylococcus aureus in the presence or absence of AI‐FeHAI. Spent medium was cultured daily and explants were assessed for morphology and viability after 96 hours. In vivo study: AI‐FeHAI were placed in 6 tarsocrural joints. Standard cytologic analysis and amikacin concentration (SFAC) were determined in synovia obtained regularly for 28 days thereafter. Similar analyses were conducted after a single intra‐articular injection of amikacin 6 months later. Results— In vitro study: Amikacin concentrations exceeded 16 μg/mL and inhibited S. aureus growth for 8 days. AI‐FeHAI had no effect on cartilage explants. AI‐FeHAI eliminated bacteria from synovial explants. In vitro study: After AI‐FeHAI placement, SFAC was highest (140.78+63.81 μg/mL) at first sampling time. By 24 hours SFAC was <16 μg/mL. After intra‐articular injection, SFAC was the highest (377.91 ± 40.15 μg/mL) at first sampling time. By 48 hours SFAC was <16 μg/mL. Conclusions— A single intra‐articular amikacin injection demonstrated superior pharmacokinetics than AI‐FeHAI prepared as described. Clinical Relevance— AI‐FeHAI cannot be recommended for clinical use.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the effects of epidermal growth factor (EGF) or insulin-like growth factor (IGF) on tenoblast migration on absorbable suture material using an in vitro model. STUDY DESIGN: An in vitro evaluation of tenoblast migration. ANIMAL OR SAMPLE POPULATION: Segments of the long digital flexor tendon were obtained from Cobb chickens (9-11 weeks old) immediately after the birds were euthanatized. METHODS: Tissue culture explants of tendons containing absorbable suture material were treated with either EGF or IGF. Tenoblast migration was assessed daily using an inverted microscope equipped with bright field and phase optics. Tenoblast migration was assessed according to the following criteria: time of first cell appearance, percent of explant interfaces producing cells, migration distance, and terminal migration index at 120 and 168 hours. RESULTS: EGF had a stimulatory effect on tenoblast migration for cells originating from the endotenon interfaces. No significant effect was noted on migration distance for cells originating from epitenon interfaces. A stimulatory effect on the percentage of interfaces producing cells and a significant decrease in time of first cell appearance were also observed after EGF treatment. IGF-stimulated cell migration distance for epitenon interfaces but this stimulatory effect did not occur at a higher concentration. IGF was inhibitory to percent of epitenon and endotenon interfaces producing cells but decreased time of first cell appearance at low concentration. CONCLUSIONS: Using an in vitro model, EGF had a stimulatory effect on tenoblast migration. IGF was stimulatory at low concentration levels but inhibitory at a higher concentration. Increased migration distance was observed for endotenon interfaces after EGF treatment and for epitenon interfaces after IGF treatment. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: EGF or IGF might enhance tendon repair if they could be delivered to the repair site. Incorporation of EGF or IGF into suture material would allow slow release and prolonged exposure of migrating tenoblasts to growth factors.  相似文献   

The loss of breaking strength and elasticity of five absorbable suture materials (polydioxanone [PDS-II], polyglycolic acid [PGA], polyglactin 910 [PG-910], polyglyconate [GTMC], and chromic gut) after in vitro incubation in sterile, Escherichia coli- and Proteus mirab/tfs-inoculated canine urine was studied. Biomechanical testing, in a controlled environment, was performed during the 28-day study period. Polydioxanone and chromic gut retained greater than 90% of their original strengths after 28 days of incubation in sterile urine and 87% of original strengths in E. co//-inoculated urine. Polyglyconate retained 24% and 18% of original strength, respectively, after incubation in sterile and E. co/i-inoculated urine for 28 days. Polyglycolic acid and PG-910 retained less than 30% of original strength in sterile urine and only 7% in E. co/i-inoculated urine after 21 days of incubation. In P. m/rabi/is-inoculated urine, loss of tensile strength and elongation was significant for all suture materials. Polyglycolic acid and PG-910 lost all strength after 24 hours of incubation. Polydioxanone lost all strength after 7 days of incubation, whereas GTMC retained 19% at day 7. Chromic gut retained 78% at day 7 and 16% after 21 days of incubation, however, the absence of normal phagocytic destruction of chromic gut in this in vitro study may have artificially elevated these values. In sterile urine with chemically modified pH, loss of strength and elongation was greater in alkaline urine than in neutral or acidic urine for all types of suture materials.  相似文献   

Palm press fibre (PPF) was obtained from two sources, a small-scale oil palm processing unit and a large-scale factory processing unit, and its chemical composition was determined. In vitro digestibility techniques were used to assess the feeding value of untreated, defatted and sodium hydroxide-treated PPF. For the NaOH treatment, 0.5 g oven-dried PPF was treated for 24 h with 5% NaOH in three ways: treated and not washed (NaNW); treated and washed (NaW); and treated after milling (NAD).The results indicate that, on a dry matter basis, PPF is low in nitrogen (12–13 g/kg), moisture (37–90 g/kg) and ash (53–62 g/kg), but high in ether extract (269–355 g/kg), neutral detergent fibre (532–768 g/kg), acid detergent fibre (375–548 g/kg) and lignin (219 g/kg). The in vitro dry matter digestibility values were low for the samples from both sources, but the large-scale factory-processed PPF had higher in vitro dry matter digestibility (0.215 vs 0.166) and in vitro organic matter digestibility (0.196 vs 0.145). Defatting the PPF and treating it with 5% NaOH solution significantly (p<0.01) improved both the dry matter and organic matter digestibility. Washing the NaOH-treated PPF resulted in a higher digestibility of dry matter as against NaNW or NAD. These results suggest that defatting and treatment with 5% NaOH would improve the feeding value of PPF.  相似文献   

土霉素是四环素类广谱抗生素,对革兰氏阳性菌、革兰氏阴性菌、支原体、衣原体、立克次氏体等引起的感染有疗效,也可用于治疗梨形虫病、附红细胞体病等。由于其抗菌谱广,在畜牧业上得到广泛应用[1]。大量流行病学调查资料显示,由于抗菌药  相似文献   

用体外产气法评价精粗饲料的组合效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以3头安装有永久性瘤胃瘘管的荷斯坦奶牛作为供体动物,利用体外产气法,通过产气量、干物质(DM)、有机物(OM)和中性洗涤纤维(NDF)的降解率、挥发性脂肪酸(VFA)产量这五个指标的测定,评价精粗比(玉米:稻草)为0∶100、20∶80、30∶70、50∶50、100∶0的五种饲料组合的营养价值及组合效应。结果表明,随着体外培养时间的延长,各精粗比日粮体外累积产气量及DM、OM、NDF降解率、TVFA产量均呈上升趋势;随着精料水平的提高,累积产气量不断升高,DM和OM的降解率均呈上升趋势,NDF降解率下降,乙酸含量减少,丙酸含量增加。精粗比为30:70的混合日粮多项组合效应值最高,组合效应最好。  相似文献   

用体外产气法评价精粗饲料的组合效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以3头安装有永久性瘤胃瘘管的荷斯坦奶牛作为供体动物,利用体外产气法,通过产气量、干物质(DM)、有机物(OM)和中性洗涤纤维(NDF)的降解率、挥发性脂肪酸(VFA)产量这五个指标的测定,评价精粗比(玉米:稻草)为0:100、20:80、30:70、50:50、100:0的五种饲料组合的营养价值及组合效应.结果表明,随着体外培养时间的延长,各精粗比日粮体外累积产气量及DM、OM、NDF降解率、TVFA产量均呈上升趋势;随着精料水平的提高,累积产气量不断升高,DM和OM的降解率均呈上升趋势,NDF降解率下降,乙酸含量减少,丙酸含量增加.精粗比为30:70的混合日粮多项组合效应值最高,组合效应最好.  相似文献   

In porcine oocytes, the function of the zona pellucida (ZP) with regard to sperm penetration or prevention of polyspermy is not well understood. In the present study, we investigated the effects of the ZP on sperm penetration during in vitro fertilization (IVF). We collected in vitro-matured oocytes with a first polar body (ZP+ oocytes). Some of them were freed from the ZP (ZP− oocytes) by two treatments (pronase and mechanical pipetting), and the effects of these treatments on sperm penetration parameters (sperm penetration rate and numbers of penetrated sperm per oocyte) were evaluated. There was no evident difference in the parameters between the two groups. Secondly, we compared the sperm penetration parameters of ZP+ and ZP− oocytes using frozen-thawed epididymal spermatozoa from four boars. Sperm penetration into ZP+ oocytes was found to be accelerated relative to ZP− oocytes. Thirdly, we evaluated the sperm penetration of ZP+ and ZP− oocytes at 1−10 h after IVF (3 h gamete co-incubation). The proportions of oocytes penetrated by sperm increased significantly with time in both groups; however, the number of penetrated sperm per oocyte did not increase in ZP− oocytes. Finally, we performed IVF using ZP− oocytes divided into control (3 h) and prolonged gamete co-incubation (5 h) groups. Greater numbers of sperm penetrated in the 5 h group than in the control group. These results suggest that the ZP and oolemma are not competent factors for prevention of polyspermy in our present porcine IVF system. However, it appears that ZP removal is one of the possibilities for reducing polyspermic penetration in vitro in pigs.  相似文献   

Objective— To compare mechanical stability between a novel polypropylene mesh repair (Mesh), a modified 3-loop pulley suture (Suture), and a combination of the techniques (Suture+Mesh) for the repair of distal canine Achilles' tendon ruptures.
Study Design— In vitro mechanical evaluation.
Sample Population— Cadaveric canine Achilles' tendon/calcaneus units (n=34).
Methods— Constructs were loaded under tension to failure in a materials testing machine with synchronized kinematic analysis. Ultimate load to failure, global construct stiffness, and force required to reach 1 and 3 mm gap formation was recorded.
Results— Ultimate load to failure was greatest for the Suture+Mesh group and lowest for the Suture group. The Suture+Mesh technique afforded a significantly greater global stiffness than the Suture or Mesh treatments. Force to generate 1 and 3 mm gap formation was greatest with the Suture group.
Conclusions— The Suture+Mesh group had the highest ultimate load to failure and afforded the greatest global stiffness though it had no added benefit to resist local gap formation at the repair.
Clinical Relevance— Achilles' ruptures repaired with suture can be augmented with mesh to increase the ultimate load to failure, but as currently tested, there was a decrease in resistance to gap formation At this time we cannot recommend Mesh or the Suture+Mesh techniques without further testing.  相似文献   

Dorsal cystotomies were performed in 60 healthy dogs. Twenty bladders were closed with a single-layer interrupted appositional suture pattern, 20 with a two-layer interrupted appositional suture pattern, and 20 with a two-layer continuous inverting suture pattern. Four dogs from each group were euthanatized at hours 0, 3, 12, 18, and 24. Mechanical strength of the cystotomy closures was evaluated by calculating the circular bursting wall tension. The single-layer interrupted appositional suture pattern was as strong as both two-layer suture patterns at hours 3, 12, 18, and 24. The two-layer interrupted appositional suture pattern was as strong as the two-layer continuous inverting suture pattern during the first 24 hours.  相似文献   

不同来源肽消失规律的体外法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用体外瘤胃微生物批次培养研究了大豆肽、玉米肽和瘤胃液肽的消失规律。结果表明:随着培养时间的推移,三种肽的消失量与消失率均显著增加(P<0 01,P<0 05),而消失速率却显著降低(P<0 01);当培养液中肽含量增加时,三种肽的消失量随之增加(P<0 01,P<0 05),消失速率也显著提高(P<0 01,P<0 05),而消失率却显著下降(P<0 05)。对于不同肽源来说,瘤胃液肽的消失量和消失率以及消失速率显著高于大豆肽(P<0 05)和玉米肽(P<0 01);大豆肽的消失量和消失率以及消失速率显著高于玉米肽(P<0 05),并且在培养中后期彼此差异逐渐变小(P>0 05)。肽的来源和结构不同,其消失规律也有异。  相似文献   

Allergy Testing for Skin Disease in the Cat In Vivo vs In Vitro Tests   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract— The results of in vitro and in vivo tests for 36 cats with signs suggestive of allergic skin disease were compared. The cats were presented to the dermatology section of the Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Bristol, with a variety of skin conditions. Intradermal skin testing with flea extract alone (six cats) or combined with a panel of 40 inhalant altergens (30 cats) was employed. Serum samples were tested with a commercial IgE ELISA against flea extract and 36 inhalant allergens. A diagnosis of flea bite hypersensitivity was made in 18 cats, atopic disease in nine cats and food hypersensitivity in one cat. Intradermal skin testing gave a positive predictive value in over 85 per cent of flea allergic cases and 100 per cent of atopic cases; the IgE ELISA test demonstrated relatively low predictive values for flea allergy and atopic disease and was not considered to be a useful diagnostic test. Résumé— Les résultats de tests in vitro et in vivo faits chez 36 chats ayant des symptômes évocateurs d'une dermite allergique ont été comparés. Des tests cutanés à la seule puce (six chats) ou combinés avec un panel de pneumallergènes (30 chats) ont été utilisés. Les sérums ont été testés avec un kit commercial de dosages d'IgE spécifiques de la puce et de 36 pneumallergènes par technique EIA. Un diagnostic de dermite par hyperseensibilité aux piqùres de puce a été fait chez 18 chats, une atopie chez neuf et une hypersensibilité d'origine alimentaire chez un. Les tests cutanés avaient une valeur prédictive de 85% pour les allergies à la puce et 100% pour les cas d'atopie; les tests IgE EIA avaient une valeur prédictive assez faible et n'ont pas été considérés comme étant un test utilisable en diagnostic. Resumen En este artículo se comparan los resultados de pruebas in vivo e in vitro efectuadas en 36 gatos con cuadro clínico indicativo de alergias cutáneas. Éstos animales fueron presentados en la sección de Dermatología del departamento de medicina de la Universidad de Bristol con una variedad de condiciones cutäneas. En las pruebas de invecciones intradérmicas se utilizaron alergenos de extracto de pulga solos o combinados con un panel de 40 alergenos inhalatorios (30 gatos). También se llevaron a cabo pruebas de suero con el test comercial de IgE ELISA para el extracho de pulga y 36 de los alergenos inhalatorios. En 18 de los gatos se diagnostico hipersensitividad a las pulgas, en nueve atopía y solo uno hipersensitividad a los alimentos. Las pruebas intradérmicas produjeron una predictividad positiva en 85% de los casos de alergia a las pulgas y 100% de los casos de atopía. Sin embargo el test ELISA de IgE produjo una baja predictividad relativa en los casos de hipersensitividad a las pulgas y casos de atopía y no se consideró como un test de gran utilidad diagnóstica.  相似文献   

Sperm reservoirs in South American Camelids would be crucial for successful fertilization. Since ovulation occurs approximately 36 h after mating, the maintenance of the sperm viability in the oviduct waiting for the ovum is a critical reproductive event. Our study aimed at determining whether the isthmus or the utero tubal junction (UTJ) could function as a sperm reservoir in llama by means of in vivo and in vitro experiments. For the in vivo experiments, the oviducts of adult females with a dominant follicle bigger than 7 mm were examined for the presence of sperm at 6, 18, 24, 28 and 35 h after mating. The results using scanning and transmission electron microscopy showed ultrastructural differences between isthmus and UTJ with respect to (1) predominance of secretory cells in the UTJ and ciliated cells in the isthmus epithelium and (2) cytoplasmic bulbous projection of the secretory cells in the UTJ. Sperm adhered by a mucus‐like substance were seen only in the UTJ at 6, 18, 24 and 28 h post‐mating. Lack of sperm adhered to oviductal mucosa was observed around ovulation (35 h). In vitro experiments demonstrated higher ability of UTJ epithelial cell explants with respect to isthmus explants to bind sperm in a co‐cultured system. The anatomical features and the presence of a sperm bonding agent in the UTJ together with the in vitro differential binding of sperm to UTJ explants strongly suggest that both may be feasible mechanisms that facilitate sperm storage in this oviductal region in llama.  相似文献   

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