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In this study, we used Parthenium hysterophorus and one of its biological control agents, the winter rust (Puccinia abrupta var. partheniicola) as a model system to investigate how the weed may respond to infection under a climate change scenario involving an elevated atmospheric CO2 (550 μmol mol?1) concentration. Under such a scenario, P. hysterophorus plants grew significantly taller (52%) and produced more biomass (55%) than under the ambient atmospheric CO2 concentration (380 μmol mol?1). Following winter rust infection, biomass production was reduced by 17% under the ambient and by 30% under the elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration. The production of branches and leaf area was significantly increased by 62% and 120%, under the elevated as compared with ambient CO2 concentration, but unaffected by rust infection under either condition. The photosynthesis and water use efficiency (WUE) of P. hysterophorus plants were increased by 94% and 400%, under the elevated as compared with the ambient atmospheric CO2 concentration. However, in the rust‐infected plants, the photosynthesis and WUE decreased by 18% and 28%, respectively, under the elevated CO2 and were unaffected by the ambient atmospheric CO2 concentration. The results suggest that although P. hysterophorus will benefit from a future climate involving an elevation of the atmospheric CO2 concentration, it is also likely that the winter rust will perform more effectively as a biological control agent under these same conditions.  相似文献   

The soilborne fungi Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Rhizoctonia solani and the oomycete Pythium ultimum are among the most destructive pathogens for lettuce production. The application of the biocontrol agent Paenibacillus alvei K165 to the transplant soil plug of lettuce resulted in reduced S. sclerotiorum, R. solani and P. ultimum foliar symptoms and incidence compared to untreated controls, despite the suppressive effect of the pathogens on the rhizosphere population of K165. In vitro, K165 inhibited the growth of S. sclerotiorum and R. solani but not P. ultimum. Furthermore, the expression of the pathogenesis‐related (PR) gene PR1, a marker gene of salicylic acid (SA)‐dependent plant defence, and of the Lipoxygenase (LOX) and Ethylene response factor 1 (ERF1) genes, markers of ethylene/jasmonate (ET/JA)‐dependent plant defence was recorded. K165‐treated plants challenged with P. ultimum showed up‐regulation of PR1, whereas challenge with R. solani resulted in up‐regulation of LOX and ERF1, and challenge with S. sclerotiorum resulted in up‐regulation of PR1, LOX and ERF1. This suggests that K165 triggers the SA‐ and the ET/JA‐mediated induced systemic resistance against P. ultimum and R. solani, respectively, while the simultaneous activation of the SA and ET/JA signalling pathways is proposed for S. sclerotiorum.  相似文献   

Lettuce corky root (CR) is caused by bacteria in the genera Rhizorhapis, Sphingobium, Sphingopyxis and Rhizorhabdus of the family Sphingomonadaceae. Members of this family are common rhizosphere bacteria, some pathogenic to lettuce. Sixty‐eight non‐pathogenic isolates of bacteria obtained from lettuce roots were tested for control of CR caused by Rhizorhapis suberifaciens CA1T and FL1, and Sphingobium mellinum WI4T. In two initial screenings, 10 isolates significantly reduced CR induced by one or more pathogenic strains on lettuce seedlings in vermiculite, while seven non‐pathogenic isolates provided significant CR control in natural or sterilized field soil. Rhizorhapis suberifaciens FL11 was effective at controlling all pathogenic strains, but most effective against R. suberifaciens CA1T. The other selected isolates controlled only pathogenic strains belonging to their own genus. In a greenhouse experiment, a soil drench with selected biocontrol agents (R. suberifaciens FL11, Sphingomonas sp. NY3 and S. mellinum CA16) controlled CR better than seed treatments or application of alginate pellets. In microplots infested with R. suberifaciens CA1T, seed treatment with R. suberifaciens FL11 provided complete control and a soil drench with FL11 significantly reduced the disease. Pathogenicity tests with FL11 on 23 plant species in 10 families resulted in slight yellowing on roots of lettuce and close relatives; similar yellowing appeared on some roots of non‐inoculated lettuce plants. This research showed that biocontrol agents can be genus‐specific. Only one isolate, FL11, provided more general control of various pathogenic strains causing CR even in field soil in pots and microplots.  相似文献   

The fungal pathogen Microdochium majus, causing snow mould, seedling blight and foot rot, results in severe yield losses in small grain cereals. There are few options to control this pathogen in organic production. In this study, aqueous extracts or botanical powders prepared from chamomile, meadowsweet, thyme and Chinese galls were tested in vitro against M. majus conidia germination and mycelial growth, respectively. Subsequently, three botanicals were chosen, applied as powders with different seed coating adhesives, and tested for their effect on the incidence of M. majus from naturally infected wheat seed lots and on seedling emergence from soil under controlled environmental conditions. Furthermore, seed treatments with warm water, a bacterial product or one chosen botanical were tested in a growth chamber and in a field experiment over three consecutive years. Of the botanicals tested, Chinese galls showed the highest efficacy in controlling M. majus, reducing conidia germination and mycelial growth by up to 97 and 100%, respectively, and reducing the incidence from infested seeds by up to 59%. In two growth chamber experiments, total seedling emergence increased by up to 30 and 59% compared with the control treatments following an application with Chinese galls. Under field conditions, yield increase through Chinese galls, the bacterial product and the warm water treatment was 19, 10 and 37% compared with the untreated control, respectively. This study demonstrates the potential of Chinese galls to control M. majus in wheat. Options for improved formulations or combinations of heat‐based treatments with Chinese galls are discussed.  相似文献   

To increase digestibility for ruminant livestock and for lignocellulosic ethanol conversion efficiency in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), brown midrib (bmr) lines carrying bmr6 or bmr12 and the double mutant (bmr6 bmr12) in two backgrounds (RTx430 and Wheatland) were developed, resulting in lines with significantly reduced lignin, as compared with the near‐isogenic wildtype. Under greenhouse conditions, these lines had previously demonstrated no increased susceptibility, and some lines were more resistant to the highly virulent stalk rot pathogen, Fusarium thapsinum, compared to the wildtype. Fusarium stalk rot of sorghum is a destructive disease that under high temperatures or drought conditions may lead to lodging. To determine if greenhouse observations could be extended to field environments, bmr and near‐isogenic wildtype lines were inoculated with F. thapsinum at field locations, Mead (irrigated) and Havelock (dryland) in Nebraska, USA. Analysis of mean lesion lengths showed those of most bmr lines were statistically similar to the wildtype. Across both genetic backgrounds, bmr6 and bmr6 bmr12 double mutant plants grown at Mead had significantly smaller mean lesion lengths than the corresponding wildtype ( 0.05). To assess responses of the two genetic backgrounds to controlled (greenhouse) water stress, wildtype RTx430 and Wheatland plants were inoculated with F. thapsinum under well‐watered and water stress conditions. Mean lesion lengths resulting on water deficit plants were significantly larger than those on well‐watered plants (= 0.01). These results indicate that this bioassay can be used to screen sorghum lines in the greenhouse for increased resistance or tolerance to both drought and fusarium stalk rot.  相似文献   

Candidatus Phytoplasma prunorum’ is the causal agent of the European stone fruit yellows (ESFY) disease. This phytoplasma affects wild and cultivated species of Prunus to different degrees, depending on their susceptibility. ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma prunorum’ is present in the four regions of Spain surveyed in this study (Aragon, Catalonia, Extremadura and Valencia) with a variable incidence. Results showed that ‘Ca. Phytoplasma prunorum’ was detected in all of the cultivated Prunus species studied, except P. avium and P. dulcis, and was widespread in Spain. The most affected species was P. salicina, with symptoms including early bud break and blooming, leaf curling and yellowing, collapse, and a major decrease in production. In some plots in the Baix Llobregat area of Barcelona province (Catalonia), the incidence of ESFY on P. salicina was as high as 80%. The insect vector, Cacopsylla pruni, was present in all four of the regions studied, with the highest captures in yellow sticky traps in Catalonia on P. mahaleb and in Extremadura in peach orchards. In Baix Llobregat, large populations of C. pruni were present on infected P. mahaleb bushes, and with high infection rates. This was a key factor in the local pathogenic cycle that caused a major ESFY outbreak in the nearby P. salicina orchards. In the Ebro valley (Lleida and Aragon) and Valencia, the surveys showed very low incidences of the disease and low C. pruni populations.  相似文献   

Peach orchards in the northeast of Spain were severely affected in 2012 by a previously unreported disease in this area. The symptoms included early reddening, leaf curling, decline, abnormal fruits, and in some cases death of the peach trees. All the infected peach samples were positive for ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma pyri’, but none were infected by the ‘Ca. Phytoplasma prunorum’. In this work, potential vectors able to transmit ‘Ca. Phytoplasma pyri’ from pear to peach and between peach trees were studied and their infective potential was analysed at different times of the year. Transmission trials of the phytoplasma with potential vectors to an artificial feeding medium for insects and to healthy peach trees were conducted. Additionally, isolated phytoplasmas were genetically characterized to determine which isolates were able to infect peach trees. Results showed that the only insect species captured inside peach plots that was a carrier of the ‘Ca. Phytoplasma pyri’ phytoplasma was Cacopsylla pyri. Other insect species captured and known to be phytoplasma transmitters were present in very low numbers, and were not infected with ‘Ca. Phytoplasma pyri’ phytoplasma. A total of 1928 individuals of C. pyri were captured in the peach orchards, of which around 49% were phytoplasma carriers. All the peach trees exposed to C. pyri in 2014, and 65% in 2015, were infected by ‘Ca. Phytoplasma pyri’ 1 year after exposure, showing that this species is able to transmit the phytoplasma to peach. Molecular characterization showed that some genotypes are preferentially determined in peach.  相似文献   

Seasonality plays an important role in the dynamics of infectious disease. For vector‐borne pathogens, the effects of seasonality may be manifested in the variability in vector abundance, vector infectiousness, and host‐infection dynamics over the year. The relative importance of multiple sources of seasonality on the spread of a plant pathogen, Xylella fastidiosa, into vineyards was explored. Observed seasonal population densities of the primary leafhopper vector, Graphocephala atropunctata, from 8 years of surveys in northern California were incorporated into a model of primary spread to estimate the risk of pathogen infection under different scenarios regarding seasonality in vector natural infectivity (i.e. constant or increasing over the season) and grapevine recovery from infection (i.e. none or seasonal recovery). The extent to which local climatic conditions affect risk estimates via differences in vector abundance was investigated. Seasonal natural infectivity, seasonal recovery, and especially the combination, reduced (up to 8‐fold on average) within‐season and cumulative yearly estimates of pathogen spread. Estimated risk of infection also differed greatly among years due to large differences in vector abundance, with wet and moderate winter and spring conditions favouring higher G. atropunctata abundance. Seasonal variation of the pathogen–vector interaction may play an important role in the dynamics of disease in vineyards, reducing the potential prevalence from what it could be in their absence. Moreover, climate, by affecting sharpshooter leafhopper abundance or activity, may influence Pierce’s disease dynamics.  相似文献   

Cassava brown streak disease (CBSD) caused by Cassava brown streak virus (CBSV) and Ugandan cassava brown streak virus (UCBSV) is causing severe losses in cassava production in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. Two real‐time RT‐PCR assays based on TaqMan chemistry capable of detecting and distinguishing these two viruses are described. These assays were used to screen 493 cassava samples collected from western and coastal Kenya, the main cassava regions of Uganda and inland Tanzania. Both viruses were found in all three countries and across regions therein. Association of CBSD leaf symptom status with CBSV and UCBSV assay results was weak, confirming the need for a diagnostic assay. For leaf samples that were observed with CBSD‐like leaf symptoms but shown as CBSV and UCBSV negative by the RT‐PCR assay, deep sequencing using a Roche 454 GS‐FLX was used to provide additional evidence for the absence of the viruses. The probability of the CBSD associated diagnostics detecting a single CBSV or UCBSV positive sample amongst other non‐CBSD samples was modelled. The results of this study are discussed in the context of the application of diagnostics of CBSD‐associated viruses under the Great Lakes Cassava Initiative and the need to minimize the risk of further spread of the viruses with cassava multiplication material. It is shown that high throughput testing undertaken at Fera of 300 cassava leaves taken from fields for seed multiplication, when analysed in pools of 10, has given a 95% probability of detecting 1% infected plants in the field.  相似文献   

Potato mop‐top virus (PMTV) causes necrotic flecks inside and on tubers in temperate countries. In South America, these symptoms have not been observed, although the presence of the virus has been confirmed in the Andes and in Central America. To characterize PMTV isolates from the Andes, soil samples were taken from the main potato‐producing regions in Colombia and virus was recovered by planting Nicotiana benthamiana as bait plants. The complete genomes of five isolates were sequenced and three of the isolates were inoculated to four different indicator plants. Based on sequence comparisons, three types of RNA‐CP (RNA2) and RNA‐TGB (RNA3) were found. The isolates from the centre of the country (CO3 and CO4) were similar to isolates from Europe. The genomes of CO1, CO2 and CO5 differ from other PMTV isolates, placing them in a separate clade in phylogenetic trees. The three Colombian isolates (CO1, CO2 and CO5) only induced slightly different symptoms in the indicator plants. However, the isolate from the northwest of the country (CO1) induced stronger symptoms in N. benthamiana including severe stunting. A correlation between the genotype of the isolates and the symptoms they induced on indicator plants was not found.  相似文献   

A canopy height‐to‐row spacing ratio (CHRSR) of 1.0 is expected to be a simple and practical onsite index for soybean growers to determine when further weed control is no longer necessary. This is decided when relative photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) reaches 50% under the soybean canopy. To evaluate the validity of this index, a 2‐year field experiment was conducted to compare days after sowing (DAS) to reach a relative PPFD of 50% (defined as PPFD50) and DAS to reach a CHRSR of 1.0 (defined as CHRSR1.0) in 190 accessions with different canopy architectures from a soybean core collection. A total of 104 accessions, for which final relative PPFD reached <10% in 2014, were examined for the differences between CHRSR1.0 and PPFD50. The mean and median values of the difference in 2014 were 0.02 and 2.2, respectively. Similarly, the mean and median values in 2015 were 2.8 and 2.6, respectively. Thus, CHRSR1.0 tended to be achieved slightly later than PPFD50, so a consideration was made that there would be a negligible risk of failure if growers used CHRSR1.0 to determine the termination time for weed control in the most of accessions. Although there were some accessions with a standing type of morphological characteristics or with a smaller or narrower leaf, showing negative differences between CHRSR1.0 and PPFD50 larger than 1 week, a CHRSR of 1.0 could be used to estimate PPFD50 in most of accessions without risk of failure to control weeds.  相似文献   

Since 2007, serious damage to tomato from leaf mould caused by Passalora fulva has frequently been observed in commercial greenhouses in Gifu Prefecture, Japan. One of the factors relating to this damage was suspected to be a decrease in azoxystrobin sensitivity of the pathogen. Biological and molecular studies were conducted to characterize fungicide resistance. In in vitro sensitivity tests using mycelial homogenate placed on fungicide‐amended medium, the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of azoxystrobin for mycelial growth of the isolates divided into two ranges, 0.031–0.5 mg L?1 and 8–32 mg L?1. Isolates with MICs within the two ranges were considered as sensitive and resistant, respectively, to azoxystrobin because, in in vivo tests, the percentage protection conferred by this fungicide (100 mg a.i. L?1) against these isolates was 89.7–100% and 4.5–31.1%, respectively. Resistant isolates had a replacement of phenylalanine with leucine at codon 129 (F129L) in cytochrome b. Forty‐five percent of the 271 isolates collected from 63 tomato greenhouses from 2007 to 2008 were resistant to azoxystrobin. In many greenhouses where the isolation frequency of resistant isolates was 80% or more, azoxystrobin had been used twice per crop for approximately 6 years. In 2012, 27% of the 405 isolates collected were resistant to azoxystrobin, and there was a marked difference in the frequency of occurrence of resistant isolates in the field populations between the three locations sampled. The occurrence of azoxystrobin‐resistant P. fulva isolates (F129L mutants) inflicted considerable damage on greenhouse tomatoes.  相似文献   

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