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Review on Agroforestry Systems in China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
INTRODUCTIONChina is the most populated country in the world. Thepopulation of the mainland amounts to 1.3 billion in2004. The land area is approximately 9.6 million km2,of which the proportion of arable land is low. Thiscovers about 10% of the total land area; on the average,there is around 0.09 ha of tilled land per capita.Furthermore, the arable land is unevenly distributed inthe country. Forests cover 13.92% of the whole landarea, 134 million ha or 0.095 ha per capita (Xu Xingquanet …  相似文献   

SeniorAgroforestrySpecialistsForumHeldinBeijing¥//AforumforsenioragroforestryspecialistswasheldinBeijingfromMarch29-31,1994.T...  相似文献   

The developing countries of the Pacific Region consist of 27 countries and territories with a total nd area of 542 000 km2 and over 5 million inhabitants. Though highly variable in physical characteristics and land-use pattern, these countries, in general, give a higher priority for production of export crops over other agricultural crops, so that they are net importers of food. Natural forests of the region are luxuriant and floristically rich, but the level of their commercial exploitation is low. Swidden cultivation is the mainstay of subsistence livelihood, but with the increase in population, the system is now causing severe environmental and land-use problems.The major agroforestry systems and practices in the region include various forms of combination of tree crops such as coffee, coconut and cacao with nitrogen fixing trees such as Casuarina, Gliricidia and Leucaena, and food crops (mostly tubers) such as cassava, taro, sweet potato and yams. Additionally, some improvements to swidden (shifting) cultivation are also being tried in several places, the most common being the u use of Casuarina oligodon before abandoning the swidden as in PNG highlands, and intercropping food crops in tree crop stands.Land tenure system in most of the countries is the traditional clan of extended family control over land. This can have either positive or negative influence on the adoption of agroforestry practices depending on the extent and duration of tenancy tenure enjoyed by the assignees of land.Several governments of the region are now promoting the agroforestry approach. In hilly areas with poor access, farmers are forced to produce most of their basic necessities locally. On the other hand, the lack of roads and communication facilities can pose a problem in marketing any surplus products they have.The immediate opportunity in agroforestry in the region lies in making better use of the unexplored potential of a large number of locally available trees and agricultural crops. Intercropping in tree crop stands and the taungya system seem to propromising m methods for the Pacific region.Researh Fellow, July–September, 1984  相似文献   

王凯 《林业科技情报》2009,41(2):81-81,85
通过作者多年在水池设计中所遇到一些常见问题,从结构专业的角度出发,分析探讨了地下水位的确定、伸缩缝的设置、后浇带的做法及设计与施工配合等问题。  相似文献   

编制森林经营方案所需要的基础资料和数据,主要来自面上的小班调查。而过去的小班调查由于着眼于以查清、查准森林资源为目的,其成果难以满足营林规划设计的需要。为使编制的森林经营方案能反映林区客观的自然、经济规律,符合林业搞活、开放政策,提高林业集约经营水平,开展多种经营和全面发展的需要,以及成果能切实应用于生产实际,对森林经理工作中营林工作提几点看法,供有关方面参考。1关于营林工作的任务、时间、重点和深度营林工作的主要任务是保护和合理开发、利用好现有森林资源,同时还要不断扩大资源和提高林木生长量,以实…  相似文献   

<正> 在我国科技文献中,Pinus pinea的中译名有意大利五针松、意大利松、石松等。虽译名不同,但都将其形态描述为针叶五针一束。笔者曾在该树种的主要产地之一意大利学习、考察,所到之处,意方科技人员均介绍该树种为针叶二针一束,与我国专业文献的记载是矛盾的。为此,我们曾亲自请教了意大利著名植物学家,佛罗伦萨大学农林植物系教授R. Gellini先生,他曾著《森林植物学》(Botanica Forestale)。Gellini  相似文献   

在一九七三年十月召开的十四省、市、区油橄榄经验交流会议期间,各地代表们反映,目前我国引进的油橄榄品种译名比较混乱,给生产和科研工作带来了一定困难.经研究提出今后译名的原则和引入我国的各品种统一译名,并报请农林部林业局同意,于一九七三年十一月二十五日函发各省、市、区油橄榄引种场所,要求今后使用品种名称时,均以此为准.兹将油橄榄品种中文译名的原则、已引进品种的统一译名表和新品种的命名方法转载如下:  相似文献   

在企业技改中引进数控机床是现代科技发展的需要,是提高企业竞争力和生产效率的需要,因此,作者对如何实施引进数控机床提出了几点看法,可供参考.  相似文献   

热压机是人造板生产中的关键性设备,不仅能决定生产线生产率,而且也影响产品质量。现就人造板热压机设计中的几个问题,谈谈个人看法。一、框架式热压机的机架  相似文献   

平原绿化是一项宏大的生物工程,是改善农业生产条件的基础建设。建立持久、高效、稳定的防护林体系,实现其生态效益与经济效益的有机结合,是平原绿化一项长期的发展任务。为此,本文就当前平原绿化发展中的一些问题,谈点粗浅的看法。一、完善林网,治理死角,查漏补缺。我省94个平原、半平原县已全部绿化“达标”,农田林网的建设任务已基本完成,要想再上新台阶,就是不断地完善与提高,从调整林种,树种结构入手,实行乔、灌、草、药等立体配置。但当前要紧的任务是治理死角,查漏补缺。据统计,全省农田林网完成面积只有适宜面积的84.9%,如一个县有上百万亩耕地,就有十几万亩的空档任务没有完成。这些地方往往是绿化的死角,工作难度大,要下大气力,集中人力、物力在短时间内完成补  相似文献   

国家为了加强农业的基础建设,促进农林牧副渔全面发展,实现农业发展的新突破,从1988年起由国家立项包括新疆在内的19片农业综合开发区计划开始实施。各综合开发区通过水土田林路的综合开发治理以提高粮棉油等主要农产品的稳定增长,实现整个国民经济的持续稳定、协调发展。这是我国农业向深度和广度进军的一项重大决策。  相似文献   

近来从一些报纸和刊物上看到新疆林业生产形势发展很快,取得的新成绩鼓舞人心,相信随着党的各项林业法规、政策的进一步贯彻落实,形势会更好,特别是平原地区,以“三北”防护林体系工程为主体的林业生产形势会有新的突破。但是,从有些文章内容的提出和计算方法上,颇感还有待研  相似文献   

对我国林木种子生产中一些问题的看法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

本文着重从几个方面论述住宅建设今后的发展方向。使住宅总体规划合理,经济适用,住宅建设与环境协调,达到可持续发展原则的绿色住宅和生态住宅区。  相似文献   

1追肥“五看”一看土。视土壤缺什么肥,追什么肥。如石灰性或强酸性土壤,易缺磷肥,应适时补施;沙土地保肥力差,氮肥易流失,应多次少量施;粘土地保肥力强,要次少量多,配方追肥。一般中等肥力的土壤,氮、磷肥(按纯成分计)的最佳施用比例为2∶1;高肥力土壤,磷肥施量宜少。二看天。看气温较常年偏高时,早施氮肥;反之施磷、钾肥。雨后追肥,比雨前效果好。夏天多雨时,以速效氮肥为主,少量勤施。立秋后,苗木吸收钾肥,不受气温影响,要多施。三看树种。不同树种的苗木,所需养分也不同。一般针叶树苗木比阔叶树苗需氮肥多、需磷肥较少;豆科树苗大都有…  相似文献   

森林是提供建筑材料和工业原料的重要仓库,也是调节气候,水土保持,改良土壤,绿化祖国的无价宝.搞好林业建设,是林业职工的神圣职责,也是党和人民的希望.回顾过去我们林业职工,为国家建设和人民生活作了不少贡献,但与四化要求差距很远:一是受林彪、“四人帮”干扰破坏的影响;二是一些单位或部门领导,对如何管好林业企业,不懂管理知识所致.为了扭转破坏森林严重的状况,最近国家颁发了森林法,严格禁止乱砍乱伐,这是一方面,更重要的是各级领导要重视加强计划管理,计划部门在编制计划时,一定要根据需要和可能,全面考虑综合平衡,才能彻底解决问题.目前计划部门在作计划时,还是考虑需要的因素较多,为了满足需要,在计划上就层层加码,基层为完成上级下达的生产计划,只有加大采伐量,就无法考虑资源情况,不能按采伐规程作业,影响了平衡,破坏了资源,这  相似文献   

In July 1992 the Rondônia Agroforestry Pilot Project (RAPP) was launched in two agricultural municipalities (Nova União and Alto Paraiso) in the western Brazilian Amazon State of Rondônia. The purpose of the RAPP was to assess the conditions under which colonist farmers in the western Amazon would integrate agroforestry plantings into their small-scale farming systems and to assess the performance of those plantings over time. An experimental group consisting of 50 small-scale farmers was selected to participate. Plots were designed to accommodate between 3 and 25 different species, each producing one or more commodities with local market potential (hardwood, fruits, nuts, latexes, oils). Farmers planted seedlings typically on a 1-ha plot, located and designed by each farmer with the advice of a professional Brazilian extensionist. During the first phase of the project (1992–1998), the growth performance of the seedlings and changes in household characteristics were monitored on an annual basis. By 2002, 32 (64.0%) of the original 50 agroforest plots were found in place. This paper updates the research findings based on a 2002 follow-up visit to these 32 farms. In addition to growth performance, the authors’ found that 17.95% of the farms in the neighboring control group had planted trees and other agroforest crops between 1992 and 2002, compared to only 5.38% of farms outside the project area, suggesting spontaneous diffusion. The authors also found a potentially synergistic relationship between agroforestry and secondary forest regeneration with the use of satellite image analysis. The experience of the RAPP indicates that colonist farmers in Amazonia can be successful managers of agroforest plots with minimal external inputs over the long-term (10 years).  相似文献   

(一)自然资源调查当前,要按自然规律和经济规律办事的呼声越来越强烈,这是三十年来实践经验的总结。要认识自然规律,就要进行自然资源调查,摸清情况。1.统一标准:全国从一九七三年到七六年虽然已进行了森林资源清查,但项目单一,而且由于过去对自然资源调查各业分家,自行规定和掌握标准,难免造成同一地块成为多种  相似文献   

作者依据实践,对平原微立区高等级公路在纵断设计中运用规程条款进行了视线诱导,对行驶条件方面最小值及适用值进行了探讨。  相似文献   

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