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Abstract –  Major migration barriers have been identified as an important factor in the drastic reduction of freshwater eel stocks at the catchment scale. In this study, we developed a way to assist decision making in the management of migration barriers so as to increase eel presence throughout the Loire catchment (France). Models were developed according to eel size-class and various different management strategies to improve accessibility, taking into account: (i) all the migration barriers from the tidal limit to different upstream limits (downstream–upstream strategy), (ii) all the migration barriers with a given degree of passability (migration barrier passability class strategy), (iii) all the migration barriers in a given sub-catchment area (sub-catchment strategy) and (iv) all the migration barriers in the entire Loire catchment (global strategy). Eel were actually found to occur in the Loire at about 50% of the sites sampled. The improvement of habitat accessibility by removing all obstacles to colonisation or installing fish passes, for example (global strategy), would lead to eels being found throughout the whole river. If this management strategy is impossible because the high cost, two others, also producing significant eel continental colonisation must be implemented. Either all barriers from the tidal limit with medium passability and/or migration barriers in the sub-catchment area which is closest to the sea and least accessible must be managed. In both cases, the area significantly exploited by eels and the probability that this species will be present will be doubled. However, these results can only be counted on if the fluvial recruitment increases significantly.  相似文献   

The upstream migration of European eels, Anguilla anguilla (L.), was studied during 1991–1993 in the Rivers Severn and Avon using traps mounted on weir or sluice barriers. Only pigmented elvers and juvenile eels were trapped at the tidal limits, catches being equivalent to about 0.8% of the commercial glass eel catch in the lower estuary. First catches were made as temperatures rose above 10–11 °C. Pigmentation-stage analyses and body size data indicated that estuarine migration was slow and that natural mortality was probably very high. Relatively more eels were trapped in the Severn compared with the Avon, but in both rivers the number of immigrants decreased rapidly upstream of the tidal limits, whilst the average size and age increased. The number and severity of weir and sluice barriers to be surmounted exerted a greater effect than distance alone. Recapture rates of marked eels were low (1–2%), implying variable migratory tendencies and/or high mortality. Mean migration rate in the non-tidal rivers was 0.64 ± 0.6 km day–1 and some eels were not recaptured until one or two years after release. Speed of migration increased with temperatures above 15–16 °C. Relationships between migration dynamics, barriers and the scarcity of upriver stocks of eels and distorted population structures in the two rivers are discussed. Recommendations are made for the provision of passes and/or stocking to enhance migration and recruitment.  相似文献   

Abstract  Lough Neagh produces over 500 t of grown eel annually and employs 300 people fishing yellow and silver eel. Glass eel are transported upstream and stocked into the Lough. Since glass eel returns crashed in the 1980s, additional glass eel seed has been purchased from other fisheries. The fishery now faces ecological, social and economic pressures. Prices for the product have fallen; recruitment to the fishery has declined, and seed has decreased in availability and increased in price. Fishers are less inclined to take up the hard work required to make a living fishing eel and the fisher population is ageing. The European Commission has recognised the decline of eel and proposed emergency measures, which may further affect the viability of the fishery. The sustainability of the fishery is examined, based on the relationship between glass eel input and grown eel outputs over a period of 45 years, set against increasing environmental, socio-economic, and natural resource pressures. Spawning escapement of silver eel is estimated by mark–recapture experiments.  相似文献   

Data from the historical River Ems glass eel fisheries in the 20th Century have been used for the ICES recruitment series. Commercial catches ceased from 1980 and dropped to zero; thus, eel recruitment data are since lacking. The present study assessed the actual eel recruitment to the River Ems with regard to the local tidal conditions. Standardised measurements were performed on relative glass eel occurrence at the tidal weir from 2014 and quantitative sampling at the next weir upstream from 2013. Eel migration at the tidal weir was dominated by glass eels and increased 2–3 month earlier than at the upstream weir, where migration was dominated by pigmented eels. In 2016, glass eels were marked at the tidal weir and pigmented elvers were sampled at the upstream weir. The 2016 eel recruitment was estimated at about 1% of the mean historical recruitment. Eel recruitment at the two weirs was not directly linked. Many eels seem not to pass the upstream weir. Further investigations are needed to reveal whether the results represent a regular pattern. In the long run, the perpetuation of the recruitment series is also foreseen.  相似文献   

Lake Manapouri (South Island, New Zealand) maintains the country’s largest hydroelectric scheme (700 MW). During their seaward migration, silver eel Anguilla dieffenbachii Gray in this lake are attracted to the power station intake, as well as the natural outlet. To understand the behaviour of such eels, 210 female eels were tagged with acoustic transmitters between 2005 and 2010. Swimming speeds of tagged eels averaged 2.0 km/hr, and swimming depths were deeper during daytime than at night. Silver eels from sites upstream of Lake Manapouri tended to spend more time exploring Lake Manapouri than locally caught eels, and a higher proportion entered the power station intake. Almost 20% of tagged eels did not leave the lake during the year they were tagged. Eels typically showed extensive and complex patterns of movement before emigrating, including multiple passes across the power station intake or the natural outlet.  相似文献   

A glass eel fishery exists downstream of the Arzal estuarine dam in the Vilaine (Brittany, France). Catch statistics were collected between 1996 and 2000, and processed using a subsampling technique which allowed data from a reliable subsample to be extrapolated to the whole fishery. During the same period, glass eel migration into fresh water was monitored using a glass eel trap located on the dam – the upstream limit of the fishery. The analysis of glass eel biology and exploitation shows that the glass eel fishery is very intensive and that there was more or less no escapement during the fishing seasons studied. The proportion of the stock successfully migrating towards fresh water, as compared with the total catch is estimated to range between 0.3 and 3.9%. In such a fishery, the fishing effort affects the abundance. Consequently, the total catch has to be used instead of catch‐per‐unit‐effort to estimate abundance.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Changes in the numbers and size-class structure of European silver eels, Anguilla anguilla , in the River Frémur (France) were examined over a 9-year period after installation of downstream eel passes. The number of silver eels migrating downstream peaked in 1999, then decreased strongly and steadily after 2000, reaching relatively low levels. At the same time, a gradual shift in the silver eel sex ratio from a dominance of males (size from 270 to 442 mm, age from 3 to 6 years) to females (size from 366 to 1112 mm, age from 4 to 9 years) was recorded. Possible explanations for the escapement patterns observed are environmental sex determination and the installation of eel passes on the main hydraulic engineering structures in 1992 and 1996.  相似文献   

The population dynamics and exploitation of the yellow eel (Anguilla anguilla (L.)) stock on the Swedish west coast were studied. In contrast to a generally observed reduction in the recruitment of glass eels in Europe, including in Swedish waters, there was no indication of a decline in the total eel fishery yields along the Swedish west coast. Long-term records of daily catches as well as by test fishing results also shown that this stability in eel fishery yields has not been maintained by an increase in fishery effort, as the catch-per-unit-efforts in the past 20 years have been more or less unchanged. These findings implied that the number of recruits to the fishery has been rather stable, possibly indicating that density-dependent factors at the elver and yellow eel stages may moderate variations in glass eel recruitment. Total instantaneous rate of mortality was estimated from records on eel length distribution in the professional fyke-net fishery. The estimated total mortality rate in an isolated archipelago population on the west coast was chosen as an approximation of the instantaneous rate of natural mortality and net emigration in the west coast eel stock. The differences between these two estimates could, thus be regarded as the mortality that occurred due to fishing. It was found that the eel fishery was very intense and most fish were caught in small sizes, resulting in a low escapement rate of maturing fish.  相似文献   

European eel, Anguilla anguilla (L.), migrating to sea encounter many man-made structures that can hamper and delay migration or induce mortality. Three pumping stations in Friesland, the Netherlands, were covered with acoustic receivers. Ninety-three silver eels tagged with acoustic transmitters were released in the polders upstream of the stations and 89% were detected passing a pumping station. The majority of silver eels passed the stations within a day after arriving at the station. Four silver eels stayed for longer than 2 weeks before passage, and 18 were detected at the receiver downstream the pumping station for more than one day, with detections up to several weeks. These detections probably indicated a dead eel, but could also indicate a live eel remaining at the site. Most of the silver eels passed the pumping stations within a day after release, so fish-friendly pumps will benefit the migrating population most. In the Netherlands, there are several thousand pumping stations. Installing fish passages near these stations is not feasible due to high costs. Prioritising all these sites in relation to the degree of blockage, mortality rates and its relative importance for migratory fish, can maximise the effectiveness of measures and mitigation taken.  相似文献   

The catadromous life cycle of the European eel encompasses a spawning migration to the Sargasso Sea. Prior to their migration, eels develop a silver coloration being referred to as “silver eels.” Due to the dramatic European eel recruitment decline, it is crucial to quantify silver eel escapement to evaluate the success of measures taken under Eel Management Plans (Regulation EC (1100/2007)). Thus, the percentage of silver eels escaping from the River Mondego (Portugal) was estimated during two consecutive spawning seasons (2014–2016) and their migratory behaviour was studied. Thirty-six male silver eels were tagged with acoustic transmitters and their downstream migration was tracked using automatic receivers deployed at four locations along the river course, from the first impassable obstacle up to the river mouth (67 km). Among the tagged eels, 15 (42%) escaped to the sea. In both years, individuals displayed faster migration speed in the downstream reaches of the river. BRT (“Boosted Regression Trees”) models were used to explain downstream migration and escapement of silver eels. The analyses revealed that the downstream migration is triggered by several environmental variables with water conductivity as the most influential predictor. Escapement of eels from the estuary occurred a few hours after their arrival and was primarily explained by the offshore wind intensity, which promotes a current in the coast that may favour their transport to the open sea. These findings contribute to a better understanding of silver eel migration in southern latitudes and highlight and reinforce the need to monitor spawner escapement.  相似文献   

Abstract Immigration of catadromous anguillid eels into fresh water can be impeded by barriers such as barrages, weirs and dams. The uses of passes and trap-and-transport systems to enhance recruitment are reviewed. Pre-construction studies of the needs for passes and traps are discussed in relation to key biological and hydraulic management criteria. Recommendations for pass and trap designs and placement are made in the context of site-specific biotic and abiotic factors. Reference is made to experience gained from eel passes and trapping systems in use throughout the world, and to experimental and pre-and post-construction monitoring studies. Practical recommendations are made for the design and use of eel passes and traps for monitoring studies and for trap-and-transport stocking.  相似文献   

Abstract– The size, density and production rate of eel were determined at 16 contrasting sites of 4 streams along the course of a Cantabrian river over the years 1990–1993. In addition, the diel cycles of feeding activity were determined monthly in another tributary over the year 1991–1992. Eels in the Esva were small, short-lived and mostly males (>99%). The seasonal patterns of eel density, feeding activity and condition were tightly fitted with each other, size-independent and regulated mainly by water temperature. Mean eel size increased with distance from the river mouth, but at each site, it remained similar between seasons and years. In contrast, density decreased upstream and showed marked seasonal and annual fluctuations. For all the sites, the number of eels increased in spring and summer and peaked by late autumn, coincident with higher water temperature and lower discharge. Mortality and migration rates were correlated with eel numbers for each stream, suggesting a densitydependent regulation. Production rates were correlated with distance from the river mouth, which explained only 10.2% of the variation, but they were also correlated with the initial and mean numbers, suggesting that site-specific factors acting upon density also influence production. Average production for the first year was 158.6 kgha–1. year–1 (range 56.5–378.0) but decreased to 104.2 and 89.7 in the next 2 years. The reduction in the numbers of eels rather than the later reduction in mean size was responsible for this decrease. Monthly water temperature, distance from the river mouth and the initial number and size of eels for each site explain most of the variation observed in the population parameters along the course of the Esva River.  相似文献   

Abstract –  European eel Anguilla anguilla is in strong decline. We assessed the relative impact of fisheries and hydropower during the downstream migration of silver eel in the River Meuse in the Netherlands using radio-telemetry. For this, 16 fixed detection stations (Nedap Trail-System®) were used, each covering the entire river width, including all outlets to sea, and two covering the entrances of the two hydropower stations present. In September 2002, 150 silver eels were surgically implanted with Nedap-transponders and released at the catch site. Of these, 121 started to migrate downstream of which 37% successfully reached the North Sea. Hydropower mortality was at least 9% and assessed to be 16–26%. Fisheries mortality was at least 16% (reported recaptures) and estimated to be 22–26%. A clear difference was found in passage behaviour at hydropower stations, where 40% showed recurrence, in contrast to the river stations where this hardly occurred, indicating a hesitation to pass the turbines. Also a difference was found in diurnal pattern; 63% of the eels that passed through the turbines did so during the first 5 h of the night, whereas for the stations on free-flowing sections this was only 35%.  相似文献   

The prevalence and abundance (density 100 m?2) of European eel (Anguilla anguilla) were studied by means of electrofishing in 13 acidified rivers in Norway that had been limed to restore acceptable water quality for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Status of Atlantic salmon in these rivers varied prior to liming, from being entirely lost in six highly acidified rivers and in different stages of decline in seven less acidified rivers. Four of the rivers are heavily affected by hydropower development. The abundance and prevalence of European eel increased significantly during the study period. The best model for predicting eel abundance was that with four explanatory variables: time after liming, time after liming squared, status of salmon stocks and hydropower regulation. The eel density was expected to increase by a factor of almost 5 after 10 years of liming. The model also predicts that a river with a formerly reduced Atlantic salmon stock has a 2.8 times higher density of eel than rivers with formerly lost salmon stocks. Before liming, European eel were on average recorded at 15 and 41% of the sampling stations in rivers with formerly lost and reduced Atlantic salmon populations, respectively, increasing to 49 and 68% in individual rivers, respectively, after 10 years of liming. The recovery of European eel in these formerly acidified rivers by means of liming took place during the same period as their abundance declined in other parts of their distribution area in Norway and elsewhere in Europe.  相似文献   

The effects of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), substance P (SP), 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), neurotensin (NT) and met-enkephalin (mEnk) on the smooth muscles of the teleost swimbladder were studied in two teleost species, the Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and the eel (Anguilla anguilla). The study was made on isolated strip preparations of the muscularis mucosae, using putative transmitters corresponding to the immunoreactive materials that have previously been localized by immunohistochemical methods in nerves or endocrine/paracrine cells of the teleost swimbladder and/or the gastrointestinal canal. VIP was relaxatory on both cod and eel swimbladder smooth muscle, SP and 5-HT were constrictory in both species, and mEnk was excitatory on the eel swimbladder smooth muscle. Clear effects of these agents were usually seen at a concentration ofca. 10 nM in cumulative concentration/effect experiments. NT had no effect in either species. In the eel, the effects on the pneumatic duct were generally greater than on the swimbladder proper. The study indicates that the 5-HT and peptides previously observed by immunohistochemistry have physiological functions in the swimbladder.  相似文献   

European eel decline is now widely observed and involves a large number of factors such as overfishing, pollution, habitat loss, dam construction, river obstruction, parasitism and environmental changes. In the present study, we analyzed the influence of environmental conditions in the Sargasso Sea and Atlantic ocean circulation on European glass eel recruitment success. Over a recent 11‐yr period, we showed a strong positive correlation between an original index of glass eel recruitment and primary production (PP) in eel spawning area. Moreover, PP was negatively correlated with temperature in the Sargasso Sea. Therefore, we used sea temperature as an inverse proxy of marine production. A close negative relationship has been found over the last four decades between long‐term fluctuations in recruitment and in sea temperature. These findings were reinforced by the detection of a regime shift in sea temperature that preceded the start of the decline in glass eel recruitment in the early 1980s. By contrast, variations in integrative indices measuring ocean circulation, i.e. latitude and strength of the Gulf Stream, did not seem to explain variations in glass eel recruitment. Our results support the hypothesis of a strong bottom‐up control of leptocephali survival and growth by PP in the Sargasso Sea on short and long time scales. We argue that sea warming in the eel spawning area since the early 1980s has modified marine production and eventually affected the survival rate of European eels at early life stages.  相似文献   

Due to a recruitment decline of more than 90% in 30 years, the European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) has been classified by IUCN as critically endangered. Although the species has been studied intensively to obtain knowledge to improve management, studies about the resident yellow stage are relatively scarce. In this study, 52 large female yellow eels were tagged with acoustic transmitters in a Belgian polder system and tracked by a network of 23 automatic listening stations. We studied both circadian and seasonal movement patterns and the effect of environmental variables on these patterns. Large female yellow eels were most active at night in late summer and early autumn. A generalised linear mixed model showed that their movement is only slightly influenced by environmental variables. Moreover, as yellow eels show high site fidelity (i.e., the majority was detected only in the habitat type of their catch‐release location), they do not encounter many human‐induced connectivity problems in polder systems, which makes these systems highly suitable as eel growth habitat. These results can contribute to an effective eel management regarding habitat protection and restoration.  相似文献   

为证明日本鳗鲡(Anguilla japonica)生活史最后一步一产后鳗的命运,本研究模拟产后的日本鳗鲡继续在海水中养殖,观察其存活率及繁育情况.结果表明,产后鳗在海水中停食约18 d后,体能得到恢复,部分亲鱼开始出现摄食,1个月左右全部恢复摄食,经244 d养殖,雌、雄鳗体质量增加,存活率达94.6%.随后,给产后鳗注射外源性促性腺激素(鲤鱼脑垂体匀浆CPE和人绒毛膜促性腺激素HCG)后激发其退化的性腺(卵巢和精巢)重新发育(与当年银鳗作对照).通过性腺组织切片观察产后鳗和对照鳗性腺发育成熟的全过程及其差异,发现产后鳗起初性腺发育比当年银鳗差,但经多次注射激素后,产后鳗性腺成熟与当年银鳗同步,证明产后鳗生殖细胞对激素的敏感件高.应用17α,20β-双羟孕酮和促性腺激素释放激素类似物(GnRH-A3)使催熟的产后鳗和对照鳗均产卵和排精,并孵化出仔鱼,从而有力地证明,鳗鲡产后虽体质弱,但待体能恢复后能够继续生存和繁殖.本研究旨在探讨利用产后鳗作为今后鳗鲡人工繁殖亲鳗的可行性.  相似文献   

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