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番茄黄化曲叶病毒(tomato yellow leaf curl virus, TYLCV)是一种由烟粉虱传播的单链环状DNA病毒, 在田间可与多种病毒发生复合侵染, 如番茄褪绿病毒(tomato chlorosis virus, ToCV)等?本文对比了TYLCV单独侵染和TYLCV与ToCV复合侵染对烟粉虱获取和传播TYLCV的影响?结果表明, 与取食TYLCV单独侵染的番茄相比, 取食复合侵染番茄的烟粉虱对TYLCV的传毒率显著提高, 且番茄植株和烟粉虱体内TYLCV的病毒积累量也显著提高?试验结果说明复合侵染会提高烟粉虱的传毒率, 促进TYLCV的发生与流行?  相似文献   

The begomovirus Tomato severe rugose virus (ToSRV) and the crinivirus Tomato chlorosis virus (ToCV), in single and co-infections, are very common in tomato crops in Brazil. Both viruses are transmitted by the whitefly Bemisia tabaciMEAM1 (biotype B). The objective of this study was to analyse the interaction between ToSRV and ToCV in tomato plants of cultivars Santa Clara and Kada. Plants at 15, 30 and 45 days after emergence were inoculated with 30 viruliferous B. tabaci per plant. The following treatments were compared: plants inoculated with ToSRV, ToCV, ToSRV + ToCV, and healthy (control). The interaction between these viruses was analysed by measuring the virus titre by qPCR and the fresh and dry weights of the aerial parts of the tomato plants. Based on two independent assays, no significant effects for co-infection of ToSRV and ToCV on virus titres and plant development were observed compared to single infections. The dry weight of tomato plants of both cultivars infected with ToSRV, ToCV, or co-infected did not differ significantly. However, the dry weight of Santa Clara tomato plants infected with ToSRV, ToCV and ToSRV + ToCV showed mean reductions of 21.5%, 25.5% and 32%, respectively, compared to healthy plants, and mean reductions for Kada were 31.7%, 37.5% and 38%, respectively.  相似文献   

Tomato leaf curl Bangalore virus (ToLCBaV), a monopartite begomovirus transmitted by the whitefly Bemisia tabaci, has become a major constraint in tomato production in the Indian subcontinent. Earlier breeding efforts in India led to the adoption of tomato cultivars carrying the resistance gene Ty-2. However, it has been observed recently that such cultivars/hybrids are susceptible to begomoviruses. This requires the identification of additional or new sources of resistance against ToLCBaV. The present study was undertaken to assess the effectiveness of several Ty genes in providing resistance against infection by ToLCBaV. The kinetics of virus multiplication in different Ty resistance gene stocks of tomato were estimated and compared using quantitative PCR data. Accumulation of viral genomic units and symptom severity were lower in tomato lines carrying Ty-3 and Ty-2 + Ty-3 compared with those carrying Ty-2 alone. All tested lines carrying Ty-2 showed typical tomato leaf curl disease symptoms. Tomato lines carrying Ty-2 + ty-5 and ty-5 + Ty-6 combinations had a significantly higher disease severity index and viral genomic units compared to those carrying Ty-3 and Ty-2 + Ty-3 at 30 days postinoculation. The accumulation level of ToLCBaV genomic units serves as a good indicator for resistance selection along with other parameters of disease. We present here a comprehensive overview of the effectiveness of Ty-2, Ty-3, and ty-5 alone as well as the combinations Ty-2 + Ty-3 and Ty-2 + ty-5 against ToLCBaV.  相似文献   

研究烟粉虱传播番茄褪绿病毒Tomato chlorosis virus (ToCV)的发生规律,建立其预测预报模型,能够指导田间早期有效防治.本研究于2014年-2018年每年采集山东寿光蔬菜基地大棚番茄和杂草的植株叶片,并收集植株上携带的所有烟粉虱,以健康番茄、杂草叶片和室内饲养的健康烟粉虱为阴性对照;实验室ToCV...  相似文献   

番茄褪绿病毒tomato chlorosis virus (ToCV)是我国蔬菜生产的重要新发病毒,其寄主范围逐年扩大。2019年10月项目组在山东寿光西葫芦温室调查时发现部分叶片呈现黄化、脉间褪绿,类似于ToCV侵染症状,并伴有烟粉虱发生。利用特异性引物检测发现,扩增的目的片段与GenBank中登录的侵染番茄的ToCV基因序列(登录号:KC887998.1)同源性高达99.58%,充分说明西葫芦植株已被ToCV侵染。通过对病毒病发生规律和烟粉虱虫口数量调查发现,西葫芦定植后1个月表现侵染症状的植株为2.0%,定植后2个月达到4.2%,定植后4个月后高达68.2%,病毒发生呈指数增长,而烟粉虱虫口数量却维持较低密度。从济南和德州采集的西葫芦疑似病叶和烟粉虱中也检出ToCV病毒,说明该病毒可能已经在山东省设施西葫芦主要种植区普遍发生,并经烟粉虱广泛传播,需引起高度重视。  相似文献   

DNA of tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV), a geminivirus transmitted by the whitefly Bemisia tabaci, was amplified from squashes of infected tomato plants and of viruliferous vectors using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Samples of infected tissues as small as 1 mm2 were squashed onto a nylon membrane. A 1 × 2 mm strip containing the squash was introduced into a 25 µl PCR reaction mix. The reaction products were subjected to gel electrophoresis, blotted and hybridized with a radiolabeled virus-specific DNA probe. TYLCV DNA was amplified from squashes of leaves, roots, and stem of infected tomato and from individual viruliferous whiteflies. The same squash could be used several times to amplify different virus DNA fragments with various sets of primers. Thus plant and insect squashes can be used as templates for the amplification of geminiviral DNA with no need to prepare tissue extracts or purify nucleic acids. The squash-PCR procedure was applied to study whitefly transmission of TYLCV. Tomato plants were inoculated by placing a single viruliferous insect in the center of a young leaflet. In some plants TYLCV DNA was detected at the site of inoculation as early as 5 min after the beginning of the access feeding and in all plants after 30 min. The squash-PCR procedure also was applied to the study of TYLCV acquisition by the insect vector. TYLCV DNA was detected in the head of whiteflies as early as 5 min after the beginning of the access feeding on infected tomato plants. Viral DNA was detected in the thorax after 10 min and in the abdomen after 25 min.  相似文献   

烟粉虱的耐寒能力与自然越冬北界分析*   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
室内耐寒性测定结果表明,烟粉虱成虫在4 ℃和0 ℃暴露时的致死中时分别为13.86 h和12.07 h,在-2 ℃和-8 ℃分别为4.74 h和1.7 h,它们之间有明显差异。2009年2月14-22日野外调查显示,仙桃市、南昌市、金华市在露地和大棚均发现烟粉虱以伪蛹和卵在杂草上存在,九江市只在大棚发现烟粉虱;而孝感市大棚与露地均没有发现烟粉虱。根据已经调查到的越冬地点及其所在地的温度,给出了全国烟粉虱自然条件下可能的越冬北界模型图。首次探讨了烟粉虱在我国的自然越冬北界分布线为浙江省金华市,江西省南昌市,湖北省仙桃市,四川省和云南省。  相似文献   

新疆两种粉虱的酯酶和过氧化物酶同工酶的比较研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用电泳分析方法 ,对乌鲁木齐地区所发生的温室白粉虱和烟粉虱进行了酯酶同工酶、过氧化物同工酶的比较研究。结果表明 :两种粉虱的酶谱有明显的种间差异。温室白粉虱的酯酶酶谱可分 2组区带 ;过氧化物酶酶谱可分 5组区带。烟粉虱的酯酶酶谱可分 5组区带 ;过氧化物酶酶谱可分 4组区带  相似文献   

The occurrence of whitefly transmitted geminiviruses in Australia was studied using a mixed DNA probe capable of detecting a range of distinct geminiviruses. The only geminivirus species detected was Tomato leaf curl virus (TLCV), which is spread across a vast geographical region of far-northern coastal Australia, an area inhabited by the Australasian-Oceania biotype of Bemisia tabaci . The newly introduced silverleaf whitefly, B. tabaci biotype B, forms high population densities in the eastern coastal region of Queensland and is currently located approximately 150 km from the nearest known TLCV-infected area. The viral host range appeared to be narrow and of 58 species of crop plants and weeds inoculated using the B biotype, only 11 became infected with the virus, including five that did not show foliar symptoms. A DNA fragment of 694 nt, including the complete C4 open reading frame (ORF), the overlapping N-terminal part of the C1 ORF and the viral iterons involved in replication, was amplified from 11 TLCV field isolates and sequenced. Sequence analysis revealed an overall sequence variation of up to 14% in this region, as well as the presence of distinct viral iterons.  相似文献   

The tomato chlorosis virus (ToCV), transmitted by whitefly species of the genera Bemisia and Trialeurodes in a semipersistent manner, causes significant losses in solanaceous crops including tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) and sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum). Worldwide reports of natural and experimental infection of sweet pepper plants with ToCV are contradictory, raising the question of whether the critical factor determining infection is related to the susceptibility of sweet pepper cultivars or the genetics of virus isolates. In this work, ToCV isolates obtained from different hosts and geographical origins were biologically and molecularly analysed, transmitted by B. tabaci MEAM1 and MED, and the reaction of different sweet pepper cultivars was evaluated under different environmental conditions. Brazilian ToCV isolates from tomato, potato (S. tuberosum), S. americanum, and Physalis angulata did not infect plants of five sweet pepper cultivars when transmitted by B. tabaci MEAM1. Temperatures did not affect the sweet pepper susceptibility to tomato-ToCV isolates from São Paulo, Brazil, and Florida, USA. However, sweet pepper-ToCV isolates from Spain and São Paulo, Brazil, were transmitted efficiently to sweet pepper plants by B. tabaci MEAM1 and MED. Although the results indicated that ToCV isolates from naturally infected sweet pepper plants seem to be better adapted to plants of C. annuum, phylogenetic analyses based on the complete nucleotide sequences of RNA1 and RNA2 as well as the p22 gene did not reveal significant nucleotide differences among them. Additional studies are needed to identify intrinsic characteristics of ToCV isolates that favour infection of sweet pepper plants.  相似文献   

为了明确早春茬番茄定植时间与番茄黄化曲叶病毒病发生的关系,采取小区对比试验对不同定植时间下番茄上烟粉虱种群消长动态、番茄黄化曲叶病毒病发病株率、发病程度及番茄产量和经济效益等进行了系统调查。结果表明:番茄田烟粉虱种群消长动态在年度间基本相同,4月上旬始见,5月中旬达到高峰,烟粉虱发生后15 d左右出现番茄黄化曲叶病毒病症状。4月上旬以前定植番茄黄化曲叶病毒病发生较轻,单位面积产量和经济效益较高,4月上旬以后定植发病较重,产量和经济效益较低。定植时间(X_1)与番茄黄化曲叶病毒发病株率(Y_1)及病情指数(Y_2)均呈显著正相关,其相关关系为Y_1=1.470 4X_1+7.947 2,Y_2=0.876 7X_1-6.441 7。生产实践中采取双膜或三膜覆盖栽培等措施适当提早定植,避免番茄感病期与烟粉虱发生高峰期相遇,在不使用任何防治措施下,可有效预防番茄黄化曲叶病毒病暴发成灾。  相似文献   

番茄地烟粉虱空间格局参数特征及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
2006年通过对春季番茄烟粉虱不同发生密度地块调查,取得了11组样本资料,应用聚集度指标法I、wao法和Taylor法等对其空间分布型进行测定检验,结果表明烟粉虱成虫在番茄上呈聚集分布,其聚集度是随着种群密度升高而增加。其聚集原因经Blackith种群聚集均数测定,当m<2.9638时,其聚集是由于某些环境如气候、栽培条件、植株生育状况等所引起的;当m≥2.9638时,其聚集是由害虫本身的聚集行为与环境条件综合影响所致。比较几种抽样方式以五点式为最佳,并提出了最佳理论抽样数和最佳序贯抽样模型:N=1.962/D2[1.007 9/m+0.0633],Tn=1.0079/[D20-0.0633/n]。  相似文献   

Efficient management of whitefly-borne diseases remains a challenge due to the lack of a comprehensive understanding of their epidemiology, particularly of the diseases tomato golden mosaic and tomato yellowing. Here, by monitoring 16 plots in four commercial fields, the temporal and spatial distribution of these two diseases were studied in tomato fields in Brazil. In the experimental plots these diseases were caused by tomato severe rugose virus (ToSRV) and tomato chlorosis virus (ToCV), respectively. The incidence of each virus was similar in the plots within a field but varied greatly among fields. Plants with symptoms for both diseases were randomly distributed in three of four spatial analyses. The curves representing the progress of both diseases were similar and contained small fluctuations, indicating that the spread of both viruses was similar under field conditions. In transmission experiments of ToSRV and ToCV by Bemisia tabaci MEAM1 (former biotype B), these viruses had a similar transmission rate in single or mixed infections. It was then shown that primary and secondary spread of ToCV were not efficiently controlled by insecticide applications. Finally, in a typical monomolecular model of disease progress, simulation of the primary dissemination of ToSRV and ToCV showed that infected plants were predominantly randomly distributed. It is concluded that, although the manner of vector transmission differs between ToSRV (persistent) and ToCV (semipersistent), the main dispersal mechanisms are most probably similar for these two diseases: primary spread is the predominant mechanism, and epidemics of these diseases have been caused by several influxes of viruliferous whiteflies.  相似文献   

Bemisia tabaci is important in agriculture worldwide, mainly because it is a vector of numerous plant viruses, probably the most important of which are members of the genus Begomovirus. Dozens of begomoviruses have been reported to infect tomato plants in Brazil, although tomato severe rugose virus (ToSRV) predominates in tomato crops. ToSRV, found so far only in Brazil, is efficiently transmitted by B. tabaci MEAM1. However, no studies have assessed the occurrence of vertical and horizontal transmission of the virus in the insect, which may have epidemiological consequences affecting disease management. This study evaluated the possibility of transmission of ToSRV between whiteflies during copulation and transovarial transmission from viruliferous females of B. tabaci MEAM1 to their progeny. Transmission of ToSRV did not occur during mating between males and females of B. tabaci MEAM1. Aviruliferous males and females confined with viruliferous insects of the opposite sex were also unable to transmit the virus to tomato plants. ToSRV was detected, by PCR, in the ovaries of viruliferous females of B. tabaci MEAM1 but not in eggs, nymphs, or adults of the progeny of viruliferous females. Adult progeny of viruliferous females also did not transmit ToSRV to tomato plants. Together, the results indicate that vertical and horizontal transmission of ToSRV by B. tabaci MEAM1 is unlikely. Sustainable management of the tomato golden mosaic disease caused by ToSRV should continue to focus on using resistant varieties, managing sources of inoculum around tomato fields, and rational chemical control of the vector.  相似文献   

烟粉虱是一种世界性重大害虫,随着杀虫剂的抗药性问题以及在蔬菜上的残留问题日益严重,生物防治成为解决这一问题的重要措施。本文研究了释放巴氏新小绥螨对温室大棚番茄上自然发生的烟粉虱种群的控制作用。结果表明:释放巴氏新小绥螨,对温室大棚番茄上的烟粉虱的种群具有明显的压制作用;温室大棚番茄上烟粉虱种群,在释放捕食螨和常规对照处理间的总体动态趋势相同,烟粉虱的数量在番茄植株上的分布均为上部中部下部叶片,但常规对照处理的烟粉虱数量是释放捕食螨处理的2~3倍;在烟粉虱种群密度低时,释放巴氏新小绥螨的防治效果较好,达到90%以上,随着烟粉虱密度的增大,巴氏新小绥螨对烟粉虱的防治效果下降,但番茄拉秧时防效仍可达到55.70%。相比化学农药,释放巴氏新小绥螨的生物防治措施对治理烟粉虱更具有稳定性和长效性的优势。  相似文献   

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