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In this work the aim was to determine how carbon sequestration in the growing stock of trees in Finland is dependent on the forest management and increased production potential due to climate change. This was analysed for the period 2003–2053 using forest inventory data and the forestry model MELA. Four combinations of two climate change and two management scenarios were studied: current (CU) and gradually warming (CC) climate and forest management strategies corresponding to different rates of utilisation of the cutting potential, namely maximum sustainable removal (Sust) or maximum net present value (NPV) of wood production (Max). In this analysis of Finland, the initial amount of carbon in the growing stock was 765 Mt (2,802 Tg CO2). At the end of the simulation, the carbon in the growing stock of trees in Finland had increased to 894 Mt (3,275 Tg CO2) under CUSust, 906 Mt (3,321 Tg CO2) under CUMax, 1,060 Mt (3,885 Tg CO2) under CCSust and 1,026 Mt (3,758 Tg CO2) under CCMax. The results show that future development of carbon in the growing stock is not only dependent on climate change scenarios but also on forest management. For example, maximising the NPV of wood production without sustainability constraints results, over the short term, in a large amount of wood obtained in regeneration cuttings and a consequent decrease in the amount of carbon in growing stock. Over the longer term, this decrease in the carbon of growing stock in regenerated forests is compensated by the subsequent increase in fast-growing young forests. By comparison, no drastic short-term decrease in carbon stock was found in the Sust scenarios; only minor decreases were observed.  相似文献   

Wood products are considered to contribute to the mitigation of carbon dioxide emissions. A critical gap in the life cycle of wood products is to transfer the raw timber from the forest to the processing wood industry and, thus, the primary wood products. Therefore, often rough estimates are used for this step to obtain total forestry carbon balances. The objectives of this study were (1) to examine the fate of timber harvested in Thuringian state forests (central Germany), representing a large, intensively managed forested region, and (2) to quantify carbon stocks and the lifetime of primary wood products made from this timber. The analyses were based on the amount and assortments of actually sold timber, and production parameters of the companies that bought and processed this timber. In addition, for coniferous stands of a selected Thuringian forest district, we calculated potential effects of management, as expressed by different thinning regimes on wood products and their lifetimes. Total annual timber sale of soft- and hardwoods from Thuringian state forests (195,000 ha) increased from about 136,893 t C (~0.7 t C ha−1 year−1) in 1996 to 280,194 t C (~1.4 t C ha−1 year−1) in 2005. About 47% of annual total timber harvest went into short-lived wood products with a mean residence time (MRT) < 25 years. Thirty-one per cent of the total harvest went into wood products with an MRT of 25–43 years, and only 22% was used as construction wood and glued wood, products with the longest MRT (50 years). The average MRT of carbon in harvested wood products was 20 years. Thinning from above throughout the rotation of spruce forests would lead to an average MRT in harvested wood products of about 23 years, thinning from below of about 18 years. A comparison of our calculations with estimates that resulted from the products module of the CO2FIX model (Nabuurs et al. 2001) demonstrates the influence of regional differences in forest management and wood processing industry on the lifetime of harvested wood products. To our knowledge, the present study provides for the first time real carbon inputs of a defined forest management unit to the wood product sector by linking data on raw timber production, timber sales and wood processing. With this new approach and using this data, it should be possible to substantially improve the net-carbon balance of the entire forestry sector.  相似文献   

Forest soils and carbon sequestration   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
R. Lal   《Forest Ecology and Management》2005,220(1-3):242-258
Soils in equilibrium with a natural forest ecosystem have high carbon (C) density. The ratio of soil:vegetation C density increases with latitude. Land use change, particularly conversion to agricultural ecosystems, depletes the soil C stock. Thus, degraded agricultural soils have lower soil organic carbon (SOC) stock than their potential capacity. Consequently, afforestation of agricultural soils and management of forest plantations can enhance SOC stock through C sequestration. The rate of SOC sequestration, and the magnitude and quality of soil C stock depend on the complex interaction between climate, soils, tree species and management, and chemical composition of the litter as determined by the dominant tree species. Increasing production of forest biomass per se may not necessarily increase the SOC stocks. Fire, natural or managed, is an important perturbation that can affect soil C stock for a long period after the event. The soil C stock can be greatly enhanced by a careful site preparation, adequate soil drainage, growing species with a high NPP, applying N and micronutrients (Fe) as fertilizers or biosolids, and conserving soil and water resources. Climate change may also stimulate forest growth by enhancing availability of mineral N and through the CO2 fertilization effect, which may partly compensate release of soil C in response to warming. There are significant advances in measurement of soil C stock and fluxes, and scaling of C stock from pedon/plot scale to regional and national scales. Soil C sequestration in boreal and temperate forests may be an important strategy to ameliorate changes in atmospheric chemistry.  相似文献   

We present a new approach to maximize carbon (C) storage in both forest and wood products using optimization within a forest management model (Remsoft Spatial Planning System). This method was used to evaluate four alternative objective functions, to maximize: (a) volume harvested, (b) wood product C storage, (c) forest C storage, and (d) C storage in the forest and products, over 300 years for a 30,000 ha hypothetical forest in New Brunswick, Canada. Effects of three initial forest age-structures and a range of product substitution rates were tested. Results showed that in many cases, C storage in product pools (especially in landfills) plus on-site forest C was equivalent to forest C storage resulting from reduced harvest. In other words, accounting for only forest, and not products and landfill C, underestimates true forest contributions to C sequestration, and may result in spurious C maximization strategies. The scenario to maximize harvest resulted in mean harvest for years 1–200 of 3.16 m3 ha−1 yr−1 and total C sequestration of 0.126 t ha−1 yr−1, versus 0.98 m3 ha−1 yr−1 and 0.228 t ha−1 yr−1 for a scenario to maximize forest C. When maximizing total (forest + products) C, mean harvest and total C storage for years 1–200 was 173% and 5% higher, respectively, than when maximizing forest C; and 218% and 6% higher, respectively, when maximizing substitution benefits (0.25 t of avoided C emissions per m3 of lumber used) in addition to total C. Initial forest age-structure affected harvest in years 1–50 < 34% among the four alternative management objective scenarios, and resulted in mean C sequestration rates of 0.31, 0.10, and −0.14 t ha−1 yr−1 when maximizing total C storage for young, even-aged, and old forests, respectively. Our results reinforce the importance of including products in forest-sector C budgets, and demonstrate how including product C in management can maximize forest contributions toward reduced atmospheric CO2 at operational scales.  相似文献   

Longer forest rotation ages can potentially increase accumulation of carbon in harvested wood products due to a larger proportion of sawlogs that can be used for manufacturing durable wood products such as lumber and plywood. This study quantified amounts of carbon accumulated in wood products harvested from loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) stands grown in Mississippi by extending rotation ages traditionally used to manage these stands for timber. The financial viability of this approach was examined based on carbon payments received by landowners for sequestering carbon in standing trees and harvested wood products. Results indicated a potential to increase carbon accumulated in wood products by 16.11 metric tons (t) of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) per hectare (ha) for a rotation increase of 5 years and 67.07 tCO2e/ha for a rotation increase of 65 years. Carbon prices of $50/tCO2e and $110/tCO2e would be required to provide a sufficient incentive to forest landowners to extend rotations by 5 and 10 years, respectively. With 2.8 million ha of loblolly pine stands in Mississippi, this translates to a possible increase in wood products carbon of 45 million tCO2e and 80 million tCO2e for harvest ages increased by 5 and 10 years, respectively. Higher carbon prices lengthened rotation ages modestly due to low present values of carbon accumulated with long rotations.  相似文献   

When included as part of a larger greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction program, forest offsets may provide low-cost opportunities for GHG mitigation. One barrier to including forest offsets in climate policy is the risk of reversal, the intentional or unintentional release of carbon back to the atmosphere due to storms, fire, pests, land use decisions, and many other factors. To address this shortcoming, a variety of different strategies have emerged to minimize either the risk or the financial and environmental implications of reversal. These strategies range from management decisions made at the individual stand level to buffers and set-asides that function across entire trading programs. For such strategies to work, the actual risk and magnitude of potential reversals need to be clearly understood. In this paper we examine three factors that are likely to influence reversal risk: natural disturbances (such as storms, fire, and insect outbreaks), climate change, and landowner behavior. Although increases in atmospheric CO2 and to a lesser extent warming will likely bring benefits to some forest ecosystems, temperature stress may result in others. Furthermore, optimism based on experimental results of physiology and growth must be tempered with knowledge that future large-scale disturbances and extreme weather events are also likely to increase. At the individual project level, management strategies such as manipulation of forest structure, age, and composition can be used to influence carbon sequestration and reversal risk. Because some management strategies have the potential to maximize risk or carbon objectives at the expense of the other, policymakers should ensure that forest offset policies and programs do not provide the singular incentive to maximize carbon storage. Given the scale and magnitude of potential disturbance events in the future, however, management decisions at the individual project level may be insufficient to adequately address reversal risk; other, non-silvicultural strategies and policy mechanisms may be necessary. We conclude with a brief review of policy mechanisms that have been developed or proposed to help manage or mitigate reversal risk at both individual project and policy-wide scales.  相似文献   

We examined whether N-fertilization and soil origin of Douglas-fir [Psuedotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco] stands in western Washington state could affect C sequestration in both the tree biomass and in soils, as well as the flux of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) through the soil profile. This study utilized four forest sites that were initially established between 1972 and 1980 as part of Regional Forest Nutrition Research Project (RFNRP). Two of the soils were derived from coarse-textured glacial outwash and two from finer-textured volcanic-source material, primarily tephra, both common soil types for forestry in the region. Between 1972 and 1996 fertilized sites received either three or four additions of 224 kg N ha−1 as urea (672–896 kg N ha−1 total). Due to enhanced tree growth, the N-fertilized sites (161 Mg C ha−1) had an average of 20% more C in the tree biomass compared to unfertilized sites (135 Mg C ha−1). Overall, N-fertilized soils (260 Mg C ha−1) had 48% more soil C compared to unfertilized soils (175 Mg C ha−1). The finer-textured volcanic-origin soils (348 Mg C ha−1) had 299% more C than glacial outwash soils (87.2 Mg C ha−1), independent of N-fertilization. Soil-solution DOC collected by lysimeters also appeared to be higher in N-fertilized, upper soil horizons compared to unfertilized controls but it was unclear what fraction of the difference was lost from decomposition or contributed to deep-profile soil C by leaching and adsorption. When soil, understory vegetation and live-tree C compartments are pooled and compared by treatment, N-fertilized plots had an average of 110 Mg C ha−1 more than unfertilized controls. These results indicate these sites generally responded to N-fertilization with increased C sequestration, but differences in stand and soil response to N-fertilization might be partially explained by soil origin and texture.  相似文献   

We examined the carbon stock and rate of carbon sequestration in a tropical deciduous forest dominated by Dipterocarpus tuberculatus in Manipur,North East India.Estimation of aboveground biomass was determined by harvest method and multiplied with density of tree species.The aboveground biomass was between18.27–21.922 t ha-1and the carbon stock ranged from9.13 to 10.96 t C ha-1across forest stands.Aboveground biomass and carbon stock increased with the increase in tree girth.The rate of carbon sequestration varied from1.4722 to 4.64136 t ha-1year-1among the dominant tree species in forest stands in tropical deciduous forest area.The rate of carbon sequestration depends on species composition,the density of large trees in different girth classes,and anthropogenic disturbances in the present forest ecosystem.Further work is required to identify tree species having the highest potential to sequester CO2 from the atmosphere,which could lead to recommendations for tree plantations in a degraded ecosystem.  相似文献   

Through carbon offset programs, forest owners can be offered financial incentives to enhance the uptake and storage of carbon on their lands. The amount of carbon that can be claimed by an individual landowner will ultimately depend on multiple factors, including the productivity of the forest, the management history of the stand, and the program in which the landowner is participating. This project presents a modeling framework for forest carbon accounting which is driven by forest yield curves and carbon pool partitioning. Within this model the amount of creditable carbon generated from adjusting the rotation age of multiple forest stands can be estimated for 46 distinct North American forest types. The model also provides a comparison of total creditable carbon generated under three carbon accounting methodologies: the Department of Energy 1605b Registry, the Chicago Climate Exchange, and the Voluntary Carbon Standard. In our evaluation of a 5-year rotation extension across 102 unique modeling scenarios, we find large differences among the carbon accounting schemes. This has implications for both forest landowners and policymakers alike. In particular, methodologies to account for such issues as leakage, permanence, additionality, and baseline establishment, while potentially increasing the overall legitimacy of any forest carbon offset program, can reduce creditable carbon to the forest owner (by up to 70%). Regardless of the protocol used, we also note strong regional differences, with Pacific Northwest forests of fir, spruce, hemlock, alder and maple being the most effective at sequestering carbon on a per area basis.  相似文献   

The role of European forests and forest management in the carbon balance has received much attention in research recently. This was particularly motivated by the recognition of forest management as one possible measure countries may adopt in the framework of the Kyoto Protocol to reduce the concentration of greenhouse gases in the earth’s atmosphere. The main method to assess carbon budget in forests is based on traditional forest inventories. This method requires the conversion of measured stem volume to carbon pools. This conversion has been identified as a large source of uncertainty in past assessments. Over the last 5 years, intensive research efforts have resulted in significant advances in the reliability of forest inventory based carbon budgets. In parallel, the impact of forest management on the carbon balance of forest ecosystems has been investigated and the carbon mitigation potential of these activities has been analysed. This paper reviews the progress that was made in these two fields of research with a particular focus on European forests.
Marcus LindnerEmail:

Projected changes in forest carbon stocks and carbon balance differ according to the choice of estimation methods and the carbon pools considered. Here, we compared three carbon assessment methods for optimizing timber production and carbon sequestration in six example Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands in Finland. The forest carbon stock was assessed, with three methods: stem carbon, biomass expansion factors (BEFs), and a process-based model. Given a carbon price of 40 € t−1 (equivalent to 10.9 € t−1 CO2) and a 3% discount rate, the highest average carbon stock and mean annual increment (MAI) were obtained with the BEF method. Increasing the carbon price from 0 to 200 € t−1 resulted in longer optimal rotations and higher MAI, and increased the average carbon stock, especially when carbon was assessed by the BEF method. Comparison of these carbon assessment methods, using economic sensitivity analyses, indicated that optimal thinning regimes and average carbon stocks are strongly dependent on the assessment method. The process-based method led to less frequent thinnings and shorter rotations than the BEF method, due to different predictions of biomass production. As a cost-effective option, optimal thinning regimes play a very important role in timber production and carbon sequestration.  相似文献   

The valuation of forest stands is traditionally based on a profit calculus involving revenue from wood sales and associated costs. Currently, the role of carbon management in forests is actively discussed. In a stochastic setting we extend the analysis of the optimal rotation period by considering uncertain revenue streams from carbon trading. We develop a real options model given uncertainties in future wood and CO2 price behaviour. A detailed sensitivity analysis of the numerical results for both cases – with and without carbon sequestration – is provided. We find that optimal rotation periods vary considerably with (i) the type of price process, (ii) the way how carbon income is defined, and (iii) the selection of discount rates.  相似文献   

The carbon sequestration potential in living biomass and soil organic matter under the Grain for Green Program (GGP) in Yunnan Province, one of the most important target provinces of the GGP in China, was estimated in this paper using empirical curves and factors. The area of tree species planted during 2000–2007 was collected, and four scenarios for the annual area of GGP-stands to be planted during 2008–2010 and harvest options were schemed. Empirical growth curves for different tree species were developed based on data about the growth of existing plantation in Yunnan Province from National Forestry Inventory, and were used for the estimation of the carbon stocks in the tree biomass pools by incorporating with basic wood density, biomass expansion factors and carbon fraction. Empirical factors were introduced to estimate the stock change in soil organic carbon (SOC) under the GGP. The results show that the carbon stock in the GGP-stands in Yunnan Province will increase by 12.474–12.608 TgC, 33.016–35.161 TgC, 38.119–47.100 TgC, 43.057–53.626 TgC and 49.918–56.621 by the year 2010, 2020, 2030, 2040 and 2050, respectively. The annual carbon stock change in the GGP-stands will peak at 2.342–2.536 TgC per year in 2013, followed by a gradual decrease. The estimated potential carbon sequestration by GGP-stands amounts to 10.82–12.27% of the carbon stocks of forest ecosystems in Yunnan province in the 1990s.  相似文献   

Changes in the Earth's atmosphere are expected to influence the growth, and therefore, carbon accumulation of European forests. We identify three major changes: (1) a rise in carbon dioxide concentration, (2) climate change, resulting in higher temperatures and changes in precipitation and (3) a decrease in nitrogen deposition. We adjusted and applied the hydrological model Watbal, the soil model SMART2 and the vegetation model SUMO2 to asses the effect of expected changes in the period 1990 up to 2070 on the carbon accumulation in trees and soils of 166 European forest plots. The models were parameterized using measured soil and vegetation parameters and site-specific changes in temperature, precipitation and nitrogen deposition. The carbon dioxide concentration was assumed to rise uniformly across Europe. The results were compared to a reference scenario consisting of a constant CO2 concentration and deposition scenario. The temperature and precipitation scenario was a repetition of the period between 1960 and 1990. All scenarios were compared to the reference scenario for biomass growth and carbon sequestration for both the soil and the trees.  相似文献   

Temperate forests are an important carbon sink, yet there is debate regarding the net effect of forest management practices on carbon storage. Few studies have investigated the effects of different silvicultural systems on forest carbon stocks, and the relative strength of in situ forest carbon versus wood products pools remains in question. Our research describes (1) the impact of harvesting frequency and proportion of post-harvest structural retention on carbon storage in northern hardwood-conifer forests, and (2) tests the significance of including harvested wood products in carbon accounting at the stand scale. We stratified Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) plots to control for environmental, forest structural and compositional variables, resulting in 32 FIA plots distributed throughout the northeastern U.S. We used the USDA Forest Service's Forest Vegetation Simulator to project stand development over a 160 year period under nine different forest management scenarios. Simulated treatments represented a gradient of increasing structural retention and decreasing harvesting frequencies, including a “no harvest” scenario. The simulations incorporated carbon flux between aboveground forest biomass (dead and live pools) and harvested wood products. Mean carbon storage over the simulation period was calculated for each silvicultural scenario. We investigated tradeoffs among scenarios using a factorial treatment design and two-way ANOVA. Mean carbon sequestration was significantly (α = 0.05) greater for “no management” compared to any of the active management scenarios. Of the harvest treatments, those favoring high levels of structural retention and decreased harvesting frequency stored the greatest amounts of carbon. Classification and regression tree analysis showed that management scenario was the strongest predictor of total carbon storage, though site-specific variables were important secondary predictors. In order to isolate the effect of in situ forest carbon storage and harvested wood products, we did not include the emissions benefits associated with substituting wood fiber for other construction materials or energy sources. Modeling results from this study show that harvesting frequency and structural retention significantly affect mean carbon storage. Our results illustrate the importance of both post-harvest forest structure and harvesting frequency in carbon storage, and are valuable to land owners interested in managing forests for carbon sequestration.  相似文献   

Height growth of 19 Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and Norway spruce (Picea abies) stands in Germany, Austria and Finland, for which long-term records of foliar nutrient levels were available, was assessed retrospectively by stem analyses and compared with data from regionally applied yield tables as references. Gridded historical time series of monthly temperature and precipitation were used to characterise the meteorologic conditions at the sampling sites. Climate parameters were tested against height growth in period 1950–2000, and needle N content was tested against height growth for the periods where N measurements were available by means of graphical comparison, as well as simple and multiple regression analyses with the aim to get evidence for causes of possible growth acceleration. Trends of referenced height increment of six out of nine Scots pine stands in Germany were positive during the observation period, and improved N nutrition appeared to be the most important driving factor for this growth acceleration. The variation of precipitation—exhibiting no consistent and uniform long-term temporal trend during the observation period—in contrast seems to be mainly responsible for the interannual fluctuation of height growth. We were not able to detect any general statistical influence of temperature parameters on height growth, although they generally increased. The referenced height growth of three Finnish pine stands slightly decreased during the observation period and there was no indication of a significant improvement of their N supply. Among four Norway spruce stands investigated in Germany and Austria, referenced height increment also increased in three cases; there was again some evidence that improved N nutrition was the stimulating factor. At three study sites in Finland, however, referenced height growth of this species decreased at least from 1985 onwards, whereas mostly no significant trends in N nutrition or precipitation were identified. These differences observed between species and regions are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Thinning is an important strategy for carbon sequestration in forest management. Linear programming (LP) and goal programming (GP) can only set fixed parameters for the left hand side constraints, which are incapable of simulating different thinning intensities at thinned stands to map an appropriate thinning schedule for optimum carbon sequestration efficiently. However, multi-segment goal programming (MSGP) with the flexibility to set multi-level parameters can be applied by forest managers to quickly choose an appropriate level from different thinning intensities.The purpose of this study was to combine MSGP with LP to efficiently adopt thinned area and thinning intensity together as decision variables. In a demonstrated case, an appropriate thinning schedule for three age-classes was chosen from 768 combinations of thinning intensity in just one step. Each age-class was allocated well such as practicing medium thinning intensity on young age-class and strong thinning intensity on the old age-class. Totally 1379643.03 tons of carbon sequestration was obtained after two planning horizons, which was 34.75% higher than no thinning. Besides, a stable supply of wood form thinning is made for carbon sequestration in each period and the stocking of each age-class is also improved.  相似文献   

A substantial portion of the carbon (C) fixed by the trees is allocated belowground to ectomycorrhizal (EM) symbionts, but this fraction usually declines after fertilization. The aim of the present study was to estimate the effect of optimal fertilization (including all the necessary nutrients) on the growth of EM fungi in young Norway spruce forests over a three year period. In addition, the amount of carbon sequestered by EM mycelia was estimated using a method based on the difference in δ13C between C3 and C4 plants. Sand-filled ingrowth mesh bags were used to estimate EM growth, and similar bags amended with compost made from maize leaves (a C4 plant) were used to estimate C sequestration. Fertilizers had been applied either every year or every second year since 2002 and the estimates of EM growth started in 2007. The application of fertilizer reduced EM growth to between 0% and 40% of the growth in the control plots at one site (Ebbegärde), while no significant effect was found at the other three sites studied. The effect of the fertilizer was similar in sand-filled and maize-compost-amended mesh bags, but the total production of EM fungi was 3-4 times higher in maize-compost-amended mesh bags. The fertilizer tended to reduce EM growth more when applied every year than when applied every second year. The amount of C sequestered in maize-compost-amended mesh bags collected from unfertilized treatments was estimated to be between 0.2 and 0.7 mg C g sand−1 at Ebbegärde and between 0.2 and 0.5 mg C g sand−1 at Grängshammar. This corresponds to between 300 and 1100 kg C per ha, assuming a similar production in the soil as in the mesh bags. Fertilization at the Ebbegärde site reduced carbon sequestration, which confirmed the results based on estimates of fungal growth (ergosterol levels). A correlation was found between fungal biomass and δ13C in mesh bags amended with maize compost. Based on this, it was estimated that a fungal production of 1 μg ergosterol corresponded to 0.33 mg of sequestered carbon. In conclusion, the effect of the fertilizer on EM growth seemed to be dependent on the effect of the fertilizer on tree growth. Thus, at Ebbegärde, were tree growth was less stimulated by the fertilizer, EM growth was reduced upon fertilization. At other sites, where tree growth was more stimulated, the fertilizer did not influence EM growth. The large amounts of carbon sequestered during the experiment may be a result of fungal residues remaining in the soil after the death of the hyphae.  相似文献   

The establishment of biomass plantations with short-rotation forestry principles is one of the after-use options for cutaway peatlands. We studied biomass production and carbon sequestration in the above- and below-ground biomass of 25 naturally afforested, 10–30 years old downy birch (Betula pubescens Ehrh.) stands located in peat cutaway areas in Finland. Self-thinning reduced the stand density from 122,000 trees ha?1 (stand age of 10 years) to 10,000 trees ha?1 (25–30 years), while the leafless above-ground biomass increased from 17?Mg ha?1 up to 79–116?Mg ha?1. The total leafless biomass (including stumps and roots) varied from 46 to 151?Mg ha?1. The mean annual increment (MAI) of the above-ground biomass increased up to the stand age of 15 years, after which the MAI was on the average 3.2?Mg ha?1a?1. With below-ground biomass, the MAI of the stands older than 15 years was 4.7?Mg ha?1. The organic matter accumulated in the O-layer on the top of the residual peat increased linearly with the stand age, reaching 29.3?Mg ha?1 in the oldest stand. The O-layer contributed significantly to the C sink, and the afforestation with downy birch converted most of sites into C sinks.  相似文献   


In the arid, low biomass producing areas of Ethiopia, Acacia woodlands suffered a severe degradation due to exploitation for various uses, and conversion to grazing and cultivated lands. However, little is known on the impact of agricultural land uses on soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN) stocks, and other soil quality indicators. This study was planned to evaluate SOC and TN stock changes under parkland agroforestry (PAF), managed pastureland (MPL), and treeless cropland (TLCL) regimes by considering the remnant protected woodland (PWL) as a reference. We found that SOC and TN stocks were significantly higher in PWL and MPL areas. Conversion of Acacia woodlands to MPL, PAF, and TLCL resulted in the loss of SOC stock by 23, 50, and 56%, respectively. Higher SOC and TN stocks were found under PWL (144.3 Mg ha?1) and MPL (108.2 Mg ha?1). Significant changes in available phosphorous (P), exchangeable cations, and cation exchangeable capacity were observed following the woodland conversion to different land use types. Available P was the highest in MPL compared with the other land use regimes. Within the study area, the MPL land use type was the best land management option for protecting SOC and TN soil stocks.  相似文献   

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