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Fragments of buried Late Pleistocene (30000-year-old) and Early Holocene (10000-year-old) paleosols contained viable complexes of microscopic fungi. The mycobiota of these paleosols represents a pool of fungal spores that is lower in number and species diversity as compared to that in the recent humus horizons and higher than that in the inclosing layers. The central part of the paleosol profiles is greatly enriched in microscopic fungi. In the intact humus horizons of the Late Holocene (1000–1200 years) paleosols, actively functioning fungal complexes are present. These horizons are characterized by their higher level of CO2 emission. The buried horizons, as compared to the recent mineral ones, contain a greater fungal biomass (by several times) and have a higher species diversity of microscopic fungi (including fungi that are not isolated from the recent horizons). Nonsporulating forms are also present there as sterile mycelium. The seasonal dynamics of the species composition and biomass of the fungal complexes were more prominent and differed from those inherent to the surface soil horizons. In the buried humus horizons, the dynamics of the fungal biomass were mainly due to the changes in the content of spores. The data on the composition of the fungal complexes in the buried soils confirm (due to the presence of stenotopic species) the results of paleobotanic analyses of the past phytocenoses or do not contradict them.  相似文献   

The Late Holocene stage of forest pedogenesis has been studied on the interfluves along river valleys in the forest-steppe zone of the Central Russian Upland. The development of gray forest soils from the former chernozems as a result of the Late Holocene advance of forest vegetation over steppes is discussed. It is argued that the climatic conditions of the Subatlantic period were unstable, so that multiple alternation of forest and steppe vegetation communities took place. This specified a complex character of soil evolution upon contrasting substitution of forest pedogenesis for steppe pedogenesis. On the interfluves near the natural drainage network (balkas, ravines, and steep slopes of river valleys), the climate-driven dynamics of forest and steppe vegetation with corresponding changes in the character of pedogenesis could take place during the entire Holocene, which is reflected in a lower thickness of humus profiles and deeper leaching of carbonates from chernozems of the Early Iron Age in comparison with their analogues formed under steppe cenoses in central parts of the interfluves. Two variants of the evolution of gray forest soils can be suggested: the pulsating evolution typical of balkas and interfluves near river valleys and the continuous progressive evolution typical of automorphic (plakor) positions in central parts of the interfluves.  相似文献   

High rates of pedogenesis on unconsolidated volcanic materials imply the accelerated generation of the soil memory. The purpose of this research was to extract the high resolution (centennial scale) paleopedological records from the Late Holocene paleosols of the El Chichón volcano formed during the last 2000 years. We studied buried monogenetic Andosols on the dated tephras and a pedocomplex formed from a set of thin ash layers deposited on older Acrisol derived from shales. Particle size distribution, DCB-extractable Fe, oxalate-extractable Fe, Al and Si, sand and clay mineralogy, organic carbon content and stable C isotope composition in humus were evaluated and interpreted as the elements of the soil memory. However, some differences were found in properties of two buried soils, especially in the kind of A horizons. We attribute such differences of individual Andosols to be caused by ancient human impact because it has been demonstrated that humid conditions persisted during the last 1300 years. Thus the drought that was supposed to provoke the collapse of the Maya civilization at the end of I millennium A.D., should have been a short-term event, below the resolution of this paleopedological record. The Andic Acrisol pedocomplex demonstrated the domination of the humid tropical climate over longer time intervals (probably major part of the Holocene) with possible minor dry episodes.  相似文献   

Eurasian Soil Science - The results of studying stable carbon isotopes of the organic matter of Late Pleistocene and Holocene soils of the Baikal region are presented. The δ13С values in...  相似文献   

The physical and physicochemical properties and morphogenetic characteristics of the buried soddy gleyic and gleyed paleosols developed from the glaciolacustrine loamy sediments on the southern coast of the Finnish Gulf in the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene (12–9 ka, calibrated) are considered. It is shown that the morphology and properties of these paleosols sharply differ from those of the enclosing gravelly sands deposited in the ancient basins. The latter substrates serve as the major type of soil-forming materials for the modern surface soils. The studied paleosols fill wedge-shaped structures dissecting the gravelly sediments. Their profiles are well preserved, though their normal horizontal orientation is disturbed; large soil blocks were displaced into the open wedges. The presence of these soils attests to the fact that the initial soil cover in the studied region was formed in the Late Glacial epoch soon after the retreat of the glacial sheet. The good degree of preservation of the paleopedogenic information recorded in the profiles of these paleosols is of great value for the paleoenvironmental reconstructions.  相似文献   

Bufflelgrass (Pennisetum ciliare syn. Cenchrus ciliaris) is an African grass that has been widely introduced in subtropical arid regions of the world to improve rangelands for cattle production. However, it can have a negative effect on the diversity of native plant communities. Buffelgrass was introduced to Sonora, Mexico in the 1970s as a means to bolster the cattle industry. “Desmonte,” the process by which native desert vegetation is removed in preparation for buffelgrass seeding, alters the land surface such that buffelgrass plots are easily detectable from aerial and Landsat satellite images. We estimated the extent of conversion to buffelgrass in a 1,850,000 ha area centered on Hermosillo, from MSS and TM images from 1973, 1983, 1990 and 2000. We then compared the relative above-ground productivity of buffelgrass to native vegetation using Normalized Difference Vegetation Index values (NDVI) from Landsat and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) satellite sensor systems. Buffelgrass pastures have increased from just 7700 ha in 1973 to over 140,000 ha in 2000. Buffelgrass pastures now cover 8% of the land surface in the study area. Buffelgrass pastures have lower net primary productivity, estimated by MODIS NDVI values, than unconverted desert land. The desmonte process removes trees and shrubs, while the buffelgrass plantings are often sparse, leading to an apparent net loss in net primary production from land conversion. We recommend that the desmonte process be discontinued until its efficacy and safety for native ecosystems can be established, and that a comprehensive plan for preserving biodiversity while accomodating economic development be established for this region of the Sonoran Desert in Mexico.  相似文献   

We evaluated the contents of organic carbon (Corg) of Ap horizons from 11 North German study areas along a Southeast to Northwest precipitation gradient with respect to their general levels and as related to C : N ratio, soil texture (clay content), bulk soil density, climate, and historical land‐use since 1780. The focus was on sandy soils, with the largest group of samples originating from 308 km2 of the Fuhrberg catchment north of Hannover/Lower Saxony. Data from loess areas were used for comparisons. Major aims were (1) to quantify current Corg stocks, (2) to provide data on site‐specific, steady‐state Corg levels in old arable soils, and (3) to identify the main controls of Corg levels in the studied sands. The mean Corg content in sandy, well‐drained, old Ap horizons (uplands, > 200 years under cultivation, near steady‐state) increased with precipitation from < 8 g kg—1 in the dry eastern parts of the study area (530 mm year—1, 8.3°C) to 25 g kg—1 in the moist Northwest (825 mm year—1, 8.4°C). The Corg levels in lowlands which have been drained for more than 40 years were approximately 3 g kg—1 higher than those of uplands under a similar climate. The factor clay content had no predictive value because low contents were associated with high Corg levels. Large proportions of refractory organic matter in sands resulting from specific features of historical land‐use and soil development (calluna heathland, heath plaggen fertilization, podzolization) appeared to be the most probable reason for such high Corg levels. However, the high Corg levels of these old arable sites were still exceeded by those of younger arable areas formerly under continuos grassland. A chrono‐sequence suggested that a period of about 100 years is necessary until a new steady‐state Corg level is established after conversion of grassland into arable land. Elevated Corg levels in current Ap horizons were also found for former woodland and heathland soils. The main conclusion is that sands can contain a lot of stable organic matter, sometimes more than finer textured soils.  相似文献   

Loess proportions in slope deposits have rarely been quantified, due to the lack of quantification methods. In this study, we used laser granulometry to analyze grain‐size distributions in slope deposits of a Buntsandstein landscape in central Germany. The consistent loess contents obtained from two independent models corroborate the validity of the calculated loess proportions and the applicability of the new R package EMMAgeo. Yet, some limitations in transferability need to be considered.  相似文献   

In recent time, phytoliths (silicon deposition between plant cells) have been recognized as an important nutrient source for crops. The work presented here aims at highlighting the potential of phytolith‐occluded K pool in ferns. Dicranopteris linearis (D. linearis ) is a common fern in the humid subtropical and tropical regions. Burning of the fern D. linearis is, in slash‐and‐burn regions, a common practice to prepare the soil before planting. We characterised the phytolith‐rich ash derived from the fern D. linearis and phytolith‐associated potassium (K) (phytK), using X‐ray tomographic microscopy in combination with kinetic batch experiments. D. linearis contains up to 3.9 g K/kg d.wt, including K subcompartmented in phytoliths. X‐ray tomographic microscopy visualized an interembedding structure between organic matter and silica, particularly in leaves. Corelease of K and Si observed in the batch experiments confirmed that the dissolution of ash phytoliths is one of major factors controlling K release. Under heat treatment, a part of the K is made available, while the remainder entrapped into phytoliths (ca. 2.0–3.3%) is unavailable until the phytoliths are dissolved. By enhanced removal of organic phases, or forming more stable silica phases, heat treatment changes dissolution properties of the phytoliths, affecting K release for crops and soils. The maximum releases of soluble K and Si were observed for the phytoliths treated at 500–800 °C. For quantitative approaches for the K provision of plants from the soil phytK pool in soils, factors regulating phytolith dissolution rate have to be considered.  相似文献   

The kaolins collected from a profile of weathered granite at Yichun County, Jiangxi Province have been subjected to particle size fractionation by the conventional sedimentation method and examined by XRD, SEM and TEM. All of them exhibit a mixture phase of poorly crystallized kaolinites and halloysites (0.7 nm) occurring as the main clay minerals. Electron micrographs reveal that plate kaolinites are the principal constitution in the coarse fraction, and more tubular and curled halloysite (0.7 nm) in the fine fraction. Both of them show normal probability curves in particle size distributions. The ratios of kaolinite and halloysite (0.7 nm) in different size fractions are examined by X-ray diffraction with a series of X-ray patterns characterized by three main peaks at d(001), d(002) and d(020),varying in intensity. Therefore, an index Qhm expressed as (Id(001) + Id(002))/(2×Id(002)), is designed to indicate relative ratios of the two clay minerals in a number of mixture phases. Because kaolinite and halloysite (0.7 nm) commonly occurred, respectively, in low and medium leaching microenvironment, the index Qhm, can be used to indicate weathering and pedogenic conditions of a weathering crust.  相似文献   

Surface and buried Andosols and buried Luvisols of the Nevado de Toluca Late Quaternary tephra-paleosol sequence (Central Mexico) were studied to show whether these soils present an evolutionary sequence and to determine the pedogenic mechanisms and environmental factors involved in the evolutionary process. Micromorphological observations and mineralogical composition of fine sand and clay fractions were used to detect type and succession of soil-forming process. Some of the buried Andosols, defined as “intergrade” Andosols, have a predominantly blocky structure, humus-depleted areas, redoximorphic features and thin clay coatings in Ah horizons. Clay fractions of buried Andosols contain halloysite besides amorphous components, whereas in modern Andosols, allophane is dominant. Luvisols have micro-areas with granular structure and abundant phytoliths in the groundmass of Bt horizons assumed to be the relict Andosol features. Luvisol clay fractions are dominated by halloysite and kaolinite. Primary minerals show micromorphological weathering features in all studied soils being stronger in Luvisols; however, even in Luvisols, sand fractions consist mostly of unstable volcanic silicates. We hypothesise that the studied profiles form an evolutionary sequence: Andosols–“intergrade” Andosols–Luvisols; the soil transformation is supposed to be linked to progressive crystallisation of 1:1 clay minerals. Comparing the Nevado de Toluca paleosol properties with the existing data on volcanic soil climo- and chronesequences and assessing the regional paleopedological and lacustrine records of Quaternary paleoclimates, we concluded that wet/dry climatic oscillations took place during the formation of the studied paleosols. Rapid crystallisation of 1:1 minerals occurred during dry phases, which speeded up the Andosol to Luvisol transformation and made it independent from the primary mineral weathering status. The Andosol to Luvisol transformation accelerated by climatic fluctuations is thought to be a common soil evolutionary pathway in the subtropical and tropical regions of recent volcanism, which suffered contrasting precipitation oscillations in the Quaternary.  相似文献   

Coarse-over-fine vertical texture contrasts (VTC) are common in soils and weathering profiles in a variety of environmental settings, including many where inheritance or surficial processes alone cannot account for them. A multiple causality model is presented here which shows that texture contrasts can form in response to a combination of ubiquitous phenomena. There are six key elements: downward translocation by water, erosional winnowing, soil mixing by bioturbation, the tendency for surface clay additions to be mobilized while subsurface clays are more likely to remain in place, and biological facilitation of moisture flux. No element alone is sufficient to create a VTC, but not all are necessary in any given regolith. The model is illustrated by application to case studies in the Ouachita Mountains, Arkansas; ridgetops in eastern Kentucky; the lower coastal plain of North Carolina; and the upper coastal plain of east Texas. The implications for interpretation of soils, paleosols, and weathering profiles is that the presence of a textural contrast, by itself, does not connote any particular set of geogenic or pedogenic processs or controls. Texture contrasts may be geogenic, pedogenic, or both. Given the widespread occurrence of the mechanisms of the multiple causality model, vertical texture contrasts are inevitable.  相似文献   

The natural environment in Nicaragua has been damaged by rural development policies geared for the export of cash crops, by uneven land distribution and the near absence of concerns about the environmental effects of the prevailing model of development. The demands made by market forces for the export of primary materials have been reasons for land degradation in the big farms, and the need to survive a poverty stricken existence has forced the peasantry to damage the marginal and fragile land they worked. Successive governments did not address these underlying causes of environmental degradation, and even the opportunities afforded by the environment programme that resulted from the 1979 Sandinista revolution, did not result in significant environmental improvements. The paper briefly considers the constraints faced by the Sandinista administration and how the farmer‐to‐farmer programme (Campesino‐a‐Campesino) was brought about as a result of the impacts of the Sandinista era. The substantive part of the paper considers PCAC's significance as an agroecological programme and its advantages and limitations for improving peasants' livelihoods via dissemination of land‐protective measures. The viability of the programme is assessed by field work carried out examining in detail the case of three communities, and the paper concludes that the gains made in environmental protection and conservation are in jeopardy without structural policy changes. The paper proposes that for the programme to improve its potential, adequate political will, power and organization are necessary to facilitate greater access to secure land tenure among the peasantry. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Purpose: Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] has been cultivated for centuries as a staple food crop for millions of people in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. In Ethiopia a total of 4.34 million tons of sorghum is being produced per annum, predominantly in the arid and semi-arid areas. However, the yield and quality of sorghum is affected by a wide array of production constraints, notably severe and recurrent drought stress. The aim of this study were to determine the impact of drought on sorghum production and productivity over time and space, and to identify farmers’ trait preferences, production constraints and coping strategies when dealing with drought in north eastern Ethiopia.

Materials and methods: Participatory rural appraisal (PRA) was employed in three administrative zones of north eastern Ethiopia. One Woreda from each Zone and two Kebeles from each Woreda were selected on the basis of sorghum area coverage, production, consumption and prior information on the intensity, duration and spatial coverage of drought. In each kebele, 30 respondents were selected for interview and 12 key informants were selected for group discussions and transect walk personal observations. Data collected from 180 respondents was subjected to statistical analysis and the information gathered from 72 key informants through focus group discussions and transect walk observations were used in discussing the results.

Results and discussion: The present study found that productivity of sorghum was challenged by recurrent droughts, Striga infestation, insects, birds, diseases, a lack of varieties with farmers-preferred traits and high yield potential, limited policy support, a lack of improved seed system, poor sorghum production practices and application of crop input and poor soil fertility, in a decreasing order of importance. Among the listed sorghum production constraints, severe drought in the post-flowering stage was identified by most interviewed farmers as the leading constraint across the three study zones. Focus group discussions and transect walk observations held in each Kebele revealed that farmers’ had lost numerous valuable local landrace varieties due to extreme drought conditions over the years. A significant number of interviewed farmers preferred to grow high grain and biomass yielder medium-maturing sorghum varieties which can be sown at the normal planting time but which would escape post-flowering drought.

Conclusion: Overall, sorghum breeding programme should be directed at developing farmers’ ideal sorghum varieties with high grain and biomass yield, adequate level of drought and Striga tolerance. In addition, development of farmer preferred medium-maturing sorghum varieties suitable for April planting should be strengthen to boost its productivity and to increase varietal adoption rate in the area.  相似文献   

River Luni is the only well-integrated river system in the Thar Desert of India. This river catastrophically flooded due to unusually heavy rainfall in the catchment area during July 1979. In order to establish whether floods of this magnitude have occurred in the recent geological past, sedimentary records of palaeofloods occurring in the Sindari Gorge, in the lower Luni Basin were investigated. The principal slackwater flood deposits were observed in a back-flooded tributary near Bhuka. Analysis of the slackwater flood deposits preserved in the back-flooded tributary and their luminescence dating suggests that the Luni River has experienced at least 17 extreme floods during the past millennium. Evidence from the Bhuka site also suggests that no floods comparable in magnitude to the July 1979 megaflood have occurred during this period. This observation is in conformity with the palaeoflood record of central India. Comparison of the long-term monsoon rainfall series for the Luni Basin and the Indian region reveals a clear link between the two, and indicates that the clustering of large floods in the last few decades and during the Medieval warming period is a regional phenomenon associated with wetter conditions. This correlates with a regionally extended episode of landscape stability denoted by stabilization of dunes in this region.  相似文献   

Deforestation, agricultural land uses and urbanization have altered stream channels and floodplains in many regions of the world, yet occurrences of post‐settlement alluvium (PSA) and benchmark pre‐settlement horizons (Palaeosols) are unreported in many tropical and subtropical developing countries. Twentieth century land uses, motivated strongly by state subsidies in the cases of coffee and cotton cultivation and soy – wheat double cropping, caused soil erosion and the corresponding formation of PSA and stream‐channel changes in small catchments of the Western Plateau of São Paulo State, Brazil. Analysis of land‐use changes suggests necessary alteration of regional environmental management for restoration planning, water quality monitoring and control of gully erosion. Narratives of regional environmental change should address the impacts of agropastoral land uses on soil and water resources, rather than concentrating on deforestation and forest land cover. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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