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Soil-plant transfer models are needed to predict levels of mercury (Hg) in vegetables when evaluating food chain risks of Hg contamination in agricultural soils.

Materials and methods

A total of 21 soils covering a wide range of soil properties were spiked with HgCl2 to investigate the transfer characteristics of Hg from soil to carrot in a greenhouse experiment. The major controlling factors and prediction models were identified and developed using path analysis and stepwise multiple linear regression analysis.

Results and discussion

Carrot Hg concentration was positively correlated with soil total Hg concentration (R 2?=?0.54, P?<?0.001), and the log-transformation greatly improved the correlation (R 2?=?0.76, P?<?0.001). Acidic soil exhibited the highest bioconcentration factor (BCF) (ratio of Hg concentration in carrot to that in soil), while calcareous soil showed the lowest BCF among the 21 soil types. The significant direct effects of soil total Hg (Hgsoil), pH, and free Al oxide (AlOX) on the carrot Hg concentration (Hgcarrot) as revealed by path analysis were consistent with the result from stepwise multiple linear regression that yielded a three-term regression model: log [Hgcarrot]?=?0.52log [Hgsoil]???0.06pH???0.64log [AlOX]???1.05 (R 2?=?0.81, P?<?0.001).


Soil Hg concentration, pH, and AlOX content were the three most important variables associated with carrot Hg concentration. The extended Freundlich-type function could well describe Hg transfer from soil to carrot.  相似文献   

西红柿铜毒害的土壤主控因子和预测模型研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过有代表性的16种中国土壤的外源铜的西红柿毒害试验,发现淋洗(使用模拟的人工雨水滤洗定量的土壤样品)可以显著提高有机碳和盐分含量较高的土壤的毒性阈值。土壤pH是影响西红柿铜毒性阈值最重要的因子。基于土壤pH和有机碳含量的两因子回归方程能够很好地预测淋洗和非淋洗土壤上铜对西红柿生物量50%抑制的毒性阈值(EC50),且相关性均达到了80%以上。当考虑到黏粒含量或阳离子交换量对EC50的影响时,对于非淋洗和淋洗土壤来说,回归方程的决定系数R2分别提高到了0.862和0.891。本试验结果证明了利用土壤性状(土壤pH,有机碳含量以及黏粒含量或阳离子交换量)可以较好地预测土壤中外源铜对西红柿生长的毒性阈值。  相似文献   

This study has been carried out on three pairs of clayey-silt slopes, which are examples of typical badlands near Aliano (Southern Italy). These show features of erosion which are common to SE-exposed clayey-silt rocks outcropping in the same area. After mineralogical, geochemical and grain size analyses these slopes were compared with the SE-exposed adjacent ones, having however a different erosive action, and a partially-vegetated covering was found.  相似文献   

The micromorphology of two late Pleistocene paleosols in the Paris Basin, St. Pierre-les-Elbeuf and Bois du Moulin were studied in order to characterize their pedogenicand sedimentary processes and to reconstruct and interpret the pedosedimentary history and climate of each profile. The micromorphological observations of greatest interpretive value were the types of clayey and silty textural accumulations (argillans and siltans), pedality and porosity; of lesser value were papules, bioactivity and concretions.During the last interglacial period on both profiles developed a sol brun lessivé, comparable to those developed during the Holocene. With the onset of cold conditions of the last Glaciation, the two differentiate pedologically and sedimentologically. At Elbeuf, in the Seine Valley, we observe colluviation of silts and the development of grey forest soils with strong textural degradation under cold and moderately dry local conditions. At Moulin, on the plateau the grey forest phase is very weak and probably brief and is followed by a marked phase of churning and eluviation of silt; conditions were wetter than in the valley, such that the upland position protected the profile from colluvial truncation.The advantages of micromorphology in interpreting pedo-sedimentary sequences is discussed.  相似文献   

The direction and stages of pedogenesis, rate and scales of changeability, and type of evolution of chernozems in the steppes of the Lower Don are ascertained by studying the archaeological monuments of the Bronze Age, Early Iron Age, and Middle Ages. It is shown that the soil formation process was characterized by cyclicity, and evolutional soil transformations took place at the level of subtype. The paper ascertains the polygenetic character of modern chernozems, whose evolution during the second half of the Holocene was predominantly low-contrast, inheriting, and transforming. The processes forming the humus, salt, gypsum, and carbonate profiles, as well as the processes of solonetzization-desolonetzization, were the most dynamic. The fundamental differences in the genesis of different parts of the humus profile are revealed. The role of climatically pulsing solonetzicity in forming the specific Azov chernozems is for the first time ascertained.  相似文献   

A combination of the pH-dependent leaching test CEN/TS 14429 and geochemical modelling (LeachXS©-ORCHESTRA) was used to evaluate the partitioning of major, minor and trace elements in relation to their phosphorus retention capability, the release of non-nutrient constituents, their reduction of soil acidity and their organic matter retention. One Australian soil sample and two different soil amendments (Red Lime and Alkaloam) were studied. The pH-dependent leaching test showed that the acid neutralization capacity and the phosphorus retention of the soil were improved, respectively, by a factor of two to five and by a factor of two to ten after addition of these amendments. The amendments improved retention of dissolved organic matter (by a factor of 3–10) and did not increase leachability of undesired contaminants. The partitioning as obtained from modelling between free and dissolved organic-carbon-bound metals provides insight into the potential for uptake (bioavailability). This partitioning is very pH-dependent and therefore testing and associated chemical speciation modelling provide valuable information for judging traditional soil improvers and soil amendments, including the waste-derived soil amendments Alkaloam and Red Lime.  相似文献   

针对黑土区坡面尺度上土壤水分在土地利用结构(从坡顶到坡脚,即沿着坡长方向,不同土地利用类型的排列方式)、土地利用类型(农地和林地)及地形要素的协同作用下的空间分异规律及影响机制尚不清楚的现状,以黑龙江省黑土区的农林混合利用典型坡面(克山县)为研究对象,应用植被数量生态学中的冗余分析方法(RDA)分析0~20、20~40、40~60 cm土壤水分剖面变异特征、不同土地利用结构下(农地-农地-农地-农地-农地,农地-农地-林地-林地-农地,农地-农地-林地-林地-林地,林地-林地-农地-林地-农地)坡面土壤水分异质性及其与环境因子的定量关系。结果表明:研究区坡面土壤含水率介于5.77%~45.57%,农地土壤含水率显著高于林地(P0.05),纵向上不同土地利用类型层间土壤含水率差异均不显著;土壤水分呈中等变异,纵向上农地各土层的变异系数(35.9%~39.6%)均高于林地(30.0%~36.5%),农林混合利用加强了土壤水分的空间变异程度;4种土地利用结构下,坡面土壤水分沿坡长方向呈不同的变化趋势,与土地利用镶嵌分布规律有关;冗余分析结果显示土地利用类型是影响黑土区坡面土壤水分异质性的主控因素,坡度次之,坡位和海拔高度对坡面土壤水分异质性也有影响。对于黑龙江黑土区坡面,需要结合土地利用结构配置等土地管理措施与不同的农业措施来防止坡面土壤侵蚀、提高东北区土壤肥力,实现经济效益、生态效益的协调统一。  相似文献   

The forests of the German Solling area are heavily impacted by acidic deposition. Analysis of soil solutions derived from suction lysimeters in the field reveal strong vertical gradients of Al-activity in the soil solution and increasing activity with soil depth. Temporal pattern of Al- activity in soil solutions under field conditions cannot easily be predicted by equilibrium models using Al(OH)3 dissolution. Percolating disturbed soil samples under laboratory conditions with artificial acid soil solutions undersaturated to Al(OH)3 solids resulted in high rates of Al release in the 30–40 cm layer and revealed Al(OH)3 as a possible Al-activity controlling solid. The laboratory findings are not in coincidence with field observations. This discrepancy with respect to the regulation of Al activity in the 30–40 cm layer is attributed to the effect of soil structure and the interaction of macropores and micropores under field conditions. Al activity of the soil solution in the 0–10 cm layer seems to be regulated by exchange reactions with organic substances.  相似文献   

The physical and physicochemical properties and morphogenetic characteristics of the buried soddy gleyic and gleyed paleosols developed from the glaciolacustrine loamy sediments on the southern coast of the Finnish Gulf in the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene (12–9 ka, calibrated) are considered. It is shown that the morphology and properties of these paleosols sharply differ from those of the enclosing gravelly sands deposited in the ancient basins. The latter substrates serve as the major type of soil-forming materials for the modern surface soils. The studied paleosols fill wedge-shaped structures dissecting the gravelly sediments. Their profiles are well preserved, though their normal horizontal orientation is disturbed; large soil blocks were displaced into the open wedges. The presence of these soils attests to the fact that the initial soil cover in the studied region was formed in the Late Glacial epoch soon after the retreat of the glacial sheet. The good degree of preservation of the paleopedogenic information recorded in the profiles of these paleosols is of great value for the paleoenvironmental reconstructions.  相似文献   

The roots of soil micromorphology in Russia are inseparably connected with mineralogical studies. The development of soil micromorphology as a specific field of soil science was greatly affected by the works of W. Kubiena and R. Brewer. In the 1970s, centers for micromorphological studies appeared in many research and educational organizations. They gathered a wealth of information on the micromorphology of different soil types in the Soviet Union. The major tendencies in the development of soil micromorphology and its practical applications are considered: from the general problems of the genesis of modern soils and paleosols and methodological grounds of soil micromorphology to the diagnostics of anthropogenic changes of soils on the basis of data on their microfabric with quantitative assessments of soil morphology at different levels (from the macrolevel to the micro- and submicrolevels). Data on the contribution of Russian micro- morphologists to the study of certain soils and on the major scientific events and organizational efforts in this field are also considered.  相似文献   

Typic Eutrochrepts (from “Flysch”), Typic Udifluvents (from alluvial deposits), Dystric Eutrochrepts and Plinthic Paleudults on old alluvial deposits and terraces were characterized. All soils investigated fall in the suitability class S2 or S3 for grape cultivation. Imperfect drainage and acidic reaction are most prominent soil limitations. Fertilization with organic matter, N and some microelements such as Zn, as well as drainage improvement, are the suggestions proposed in order to increase the soil fertility and the wine production.  相似文献   

The soils on the flysch area of Western Liguria (Italy) are described for the first time. Soils have developed in the alpine variant of the Mediterranean morphoclimatic system. The study area includes the higher part of the Arroscia and Tanarello catchment basins (province of Imperia). It is subdivided into three fundamental geological units which comprise part of the limestones of the outer margin in the paleoeuropean domain (Jurassic-Eocene) and part of the turbiditic sediments in the paleogeographic oceanic domain (Upper Cretaceous-Eocene). Twentythree profiles were described within morphological and vegetational units according to the different geolithological substrata. Lithology of the parent material, vegetation and morphology appear to be the main soil forming factors. The soils are shallow and can be severely limited in fertility. They are classified as Rendolls, Udorthents, Eutrochrepts, Haplumbrepts and Hapludalfs according to the U.S.D.A. Soil Taxonomy.  相似文献   

Ephemeral gully erosion is an important process in the black soil region, Northeast China and can be responsible for severe damage to agricultural lands. However, little research on gully formation in this area has been published. The study described in this paper attempted to quantify soil losses, the spatial distribution and morphology of the gullies, and the factors that control their development. Ephemeral gullies were measured in spring and summer of 2005 in two small catchments. The critical periods for ephemeral gully formation were late spring and summer in the study area. Mean soil losses due to ephemeral gully erosion were 0.40 and 0.43 kg m−2 year−1 for only croplands despite low slope gradients, and this loss is above the tolerable erosion rates of 0.20 kg m−2 year−1. The erosion rates were greater in spring because the topsoil thawed before deeper layers, reducing infiltration into the soil, and the bare vegetation cover provided no barriers to surface flow. In contrast, summer erosion occurred primarily in response to intense rain events. Development of the gullies was promoted by freeze-thaw cycles in spring and was affected by the type of agricultural operations and crops in summer. A linear regression model for the prediction of ephemeral gully length at the catchment level was established using field data, and although it did not successfully predict the length of individual gullies, it explained 55% of the variation in ephemeral gully length.  相似文献   

The concentrations of 13 trace elements were determined in soils and Sangiovese grapes collected in vineyard zones of Tuscany (Italy). The purpose was to establish a correspondence among the chemical composition of grape, the geochemistry of vineyard soil and the geolithological features of cultivation zone, and determine the provenance of the grapes by means of their chemical fingerprints. Statistical analysis of Ba, Rb and Sr concentrations distinguished three classes of grapes according to the geochemical and geopedological characteristics of the soils. Grapes with the highest Sr levels grew on high‐Sr soils derived from calcareous, calcareous‐marly and marly‐clayey rocks, whereas the most elevated Rb concentrations characterized the berries cultivated on soils formed from clayey‐marly and sandy‐marly lithologies. Grapes with the highest Ba concentrations grew on soil derived from arenaceous rocks and carbonate lithologies of evaporitic origin. These findings suggested that Ba, Rb and Sr could be used as fingerprints for the chemical traceability of Sangiovese grapes.  相似文献   

A fine resolution study on fossil ostracods in late glacial sediments from Lago di Albano was performed within the framework of the European project PALICLAS. Four cores from two coring sites were analysed. At Site 1, located at 70 m depth, cores PALB94 1E and PALB94 1C were collected, while cores PALB94 6A and PALB94 6B were collected at Site 6 at 30 m depth. The autoecology of the ostracod species, cluster analysis, PCA and CA ordination numerical analyses were performed in order to identify changes in environmental conditions within the sedimentary record. Three assemblages were recognized: (a) dominated byC. neglecta representing sublittoral environments, (b) dominated byC. neglecta accompanied byPotamocypris spp. related to spring influx and (c) dominated byCyclocypris sp. associated with littoral and relatively warmer conditions. A reconstruction of lake water level, oxygen concentration near the bottom and lake productivity , based on ostracod autoecology and supported by fossil pigment data, was accomplished. Sharp fluctuations in water level and productivity seem to indicate climatic oscillations between ca 30 to ca 17 kyr BP.  相似文献   

The epiphytic lichen Parmelia caperata was used systematically to biomonitor trace elements in the Travale-Radicondoli geothermal field (central Italy). The results showed a very low occurrence of potentially toxic heavy metals such as Cd, Hg and Pb, and relatively high values for As, B, Mo and elements associated with soil dust (Al, Co, Cr, Fe, Mn and Ni). Boron was the principal element of geothermal origin. Arsenic seems to originate both from power plants and adjacent thermal springs. It is concluded that trace element pollution in the area is low.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a study focused on the metal (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Sb, U and Zn) distribution in soils and uptake and accumulation by earthworms Nicodrilus caliginosus (Savigny) from urban, peri-urban, green-urban and non-urban zones of Siena municipality (central Italy). The main goal was to define the influence of soil properties and metal soil contents on the uptake of these contaminants by earthworms. Data indicated that Cd, Cu, Pb, Sb and Zn soil contents increased in the following order: non-urban < green-urban < peri-urban < urban soils, suggesting that vehicular traffic affects the distribution of these metals. Pb and Sb were the main soil contaminants and their highest enrichments were found in urban sites where stop-and-go traffic occurs. Concentrations of these traffic-related metals in earthworms showed a distribution pattern similar to that in soil, suggesting that soil contamination influenced the uptake of Cd, Cu, Pb, Sb and Zn by N. caliginosus. There were significant positive correlations between Cd, Pb and Sb earthworm concentrations and their soil contents. The lack of correlation for Cu and Zn could be due to the physiological regulation of these elements by earthworms. Statistical analysis pointed out that the uptake and accumulation of Cd, Cu, Pb, Sb and Zn by earthworms were affected by some soil physicochemical properties such as the organic carbon and carbonate contents that are able to rule the bioavailability of metals in soils.  相似文献   

Mantles of silt- and sand-size particles, paleosols and fluvial deposits preserve valuable information on Holocene environmental change. These archives were used to reconstruct the landscape history in the upper Orkhon Valley close to the former capitals of the Uighurs (Kharbalgasin Tuur) and the Mongolian Empire (Karakorum) near the recent town of Kharkhorin, Central Mongolia. A holistic approach involving the use of high spatial resolution geomorphological mapping, sedimentological and geochemical analysis, palynology, and geochronology shows several phases of landscape activity and stability in the region. This includes phases of fluvial erosion, aeolian sedimentation, and soil formation. By using luminescence and radiocarbon dating, phases of landscape change, indicated by soil formation, occurred mainly at around 6.5–6 ka. Pollen data and a weakly humic horizon at around 1.0 ka probably indicate enhanced moisture supply in the region and a reduction of human activity between the time of the reigns of the Uighurs (8th–9th century AD) and the Mongols (1220–1388 AD). Since 3 ka, especially within the last two millennia of Historical Time (300 B.C.–present), a more intensified human occupation in the Upper Orkhon Valley occurred in this region. This included a more densely grazing of cattle to supply the growing population demands of the Uighurs and Mongols. This overgrazing caused an increase in erosion and the formation and deepening of fluvial gullies, together with soil deflation and subsequent deposition of aeolian sediments. Human activity, in addition to climate, has been dominant in driving landscape evolution of this region since the late Holocene.  相似文献   

Nie  Xiuqing  Peng  Yunfeng  Li  Fan  Yang  Lucun  Xiong  Feng  Li  Changbin  Zhou  Guoying 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2019,19(1):322-331

Although large amounts of soil organic carbon (SOC) stored in the shrublands, information about SOC storage was little on the Tibetan Plateau. This study aims to evaluate the spatial patterns and storage of SOC in the shrublands and the relationships of climatic variables and soil pH on the Tibetan Plateau.

Materials and methods

We used 177 profiles of soil samples obtained from 59 shrubland sites on the northeast Tibetan Plateau from 2011 to 2013. Ordinary least squares regressions, curve estimation, and multiple linear regressions were used to evaluate controlling factors on SOC stock. Kriging interpolation was used to upscale sit-level measurements to the whole study area.

Results and discussion

We found that SOC storage in the northeast Tibetan shrublands was 1.36 Pg C in the top 1 m with an average SOC stock of 12.38 kg m?2. SOC stock decreased from east to west and south to north but generally increased significantly with the mean annual temperature (MAT) and the mean annual precipitation (MAP), and tended to decrease with soil pH. Although similar relationships were also observed in alpine shrublands, the trends among SOC stock, MAP, and MAT were not observed in desert shrublands. Our results indicate that a reduction in soil pH accelerates the C sequestration potential. Furthermore, global warming contributed to C sequestration in alpine shrublands, specifically, SOC stock increased 8.44 kg m?2 with an increased unit of MAT in alpine shrublands just considering temperature effects. Meanwhile, the C sequestration was different among different regions due to the uneven increases in precipitation. However, in desert shrublands, MAP and MAT did not significantly affect SOC stock.


The results indicate that though a reduction in soil pH could contribute to C sequestration, MAT and MAP have different effects on SOC stock in different Tibetan Plateau shrublands. Increased MAT and MAP were 0.05 °C and 1.67 mm every year on the Tibetan Plateau, which will increase C sequestration in alpine shrublands, but might have limited impacts on desert shrublands, which help us comprehend soil C cycling in the global climate change scenario.


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