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Abstract –  In this study we examine trends in body condition of three Cichla species native to the Cinaruco River, Venezuela. Specifically, we characterise the potential subsidy provided by migratory Semaprochilodus kneri to Cichla by comparing condition among species, hydrologic seasons and different size-classes (based on the ability to consume S. kneri assuming gape-limitation). All three species had lowest body condition during the rising-water season (following the reproduction period). Only Cichla temensis had greater body condition during the falling-water season than low-water season. During the falling-water season, C. temensis >300 mm SL had significantly greater condition than smaller conspecifics. Annual migration of S. kneri into the river during the falling-water season provides a resource subsidy to large C. temensis . Transfer of whitewater production into nutrient-poor rivers by migratory fishes appears to be a general phenomenon in the major Neotropical river basins and may partially account for high standing stocks of large piscivores in these unproductive ecosystems.  相似文献   

Abstract Release strategies of hatchery‐reared Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., smolts were compared by studying survival and migration of smolts (n = 99) and their predators (Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua L., n = 8; and saithe, Pollachius virens (L.), n = 2) during the first 37 km of the marine migration using acoustic telemetry. Survivorship was higher in smolts released at the river mouth (30%) compared with smolts released in the river (12%). This was likely due to mortality or reduced migratory behaviour in fresh water. The marine mortality was 37% during the first 2 km after leaving the river (at least 25% mortality because of predation from marine fishes), and total marine mortality over 37 km was 68%. Detection‐depth data were useful for evaluating whether the tagged smolts were alive or predated; mortality during the first 2 km of outward migration would have been underestimated at 26% instead of 37% without the analysis of depth detection. Transmitters from consumed post‐smolts remained in predators for up to 47 days (average 29 days).  相似文献   

Northern pike (Esox lucius) are opportunistic predators that can switch to alternative prey species after preferred prey have declined. This trophic adaptability allows invasive pike to have negative effects on aquatic food webs. In Southcentral Alaska, invasive pike are a substantial concern because they have spread to important spawning and rearing habitat for salmonids and are hypothesised to be responsible for recent salmonid declines. We described the relative importance of salmonids and other prey species to pike diets in the Deshka River and Alexander Creek in Southcentral Alaska. Salmonids were once abundant in both rivers, but they are now rare in Alexander Creek. In the Deshka River, we found that juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and coho salmon (O. kisutch) dominated pike diets and that small pike consumed more of these salmonids than large pike. In Alexander Creek, pike diets reflected the distribution of spawning salmonids, which decrease with distance upstream. Although salmonids dominated pike diets in the lowest reach of the stream, Arctic lamprey (Lampetra camtschatica) and slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus) dominated pike diets in the middle and upper reaches. In both rivers, pike density did not influence diet and pike consumed smaller prey items than predicted by their gape‐width. Our data suggest that (1) juvenile salmonids are a dominant prey item for pike, (2) small pike are the primary consumers of juvenile salmonids and (3) pike consume other native fish species when juvenile salmonids are less abundant. Implications of this trophic adaptability are that invasive pike can continue to increase while driving multiple species to low abundance.  相似文献   

Climate change can promote disease emergence if shifting conditions favour infection of native fauna by introduced parasites and pathogens. In Hawai'i, climate warming is predicted to reduce net precipitation and surface flow in streams, which in turn could increase parasitism of native stream fishes by non‐native parasites. In this study, we utilised a natural precipitation gradient across the Hamakua coast on the island of Hawai'i to assess the relationship between precipitation and infection of Awaous stamineus, a native amphidromous goby, by the introduced nematode Camallanus cotti. We found that the abundance, intensity and prevalence of C. cotti in A. stamineus increased with declining rainfall. Our results also show that parasitism tracks precipitation patterns across the archipelago and that parasitism increases even with moderate decreases in rainfall. As the Hamakua coast precipitation gradient represents a proxy for predicted climate‐driven reductions in precipitation, these findings suggest that infection of native Hawaiian fishes by introduced parasites will increase if climate conditions change as expected. Our findings also suggest that parasitism may be exacerbated by other factors that reduce surface flow, including water extraction for agricultural and urban uses. If so, then adaptive management of minimum flow standards in Hawai'i and elsewhere could improve the well‐being of at‐risk native fishes by alleviating parasitism under current and future climate conditions.  相似文献   

Columnaris disease, caused by the bacterium Flavobacterium columnare, is currently the most frequently reported bacterial disease affecting farm‐raised channel catfish in the USA. Common treatments against the disease include the use of medicated feed that has led to emergent antibiotic resistant strains of F. columnare. Nigella sativa (Black cumin) is a medicinal herb commonly used by many cultures as a natural remedy for numerous disorders. Recently, we have discovered the antibacterial activity of N. sativa and its oil extract against F. columnare. In this study, we showed N. sativa oil (NSO) strongly inhibited the growth of all of the strains of F. columnare tested and yielded significantly larger zones of inhibition than those produced by oxytetracyclin. We tested the protective effect against columnaris disease in vivo by incorporating NSO (5%) or N. sativa seeds (NSS) (5%) into fish feeds. Fishes (Ictalurus punctatus and Danio rerio) fed amended diets displayed significantly lower mortality than those fed control diets. Per cent mortalities in control groups ranged from 77% to 44% and from 70% to 18% in zebrafish and channel catfish, respectively. A dose study using different NSS concentrations showed that 5% NSS offered the most protection against columnaris disease in channel catfish.  相似文献   

Cleaning symbiosis has been documented extensively in the marine environment over the past 50 years. We estimate global cleaner diversity comprises 208 fish species from 106 genera representing 36 families and 51 shrimp species from 11 genera representing six families. Cleaning symbiosis as originally defined is amended to highlight communication between client and cleaner as the catalyst for cooperation and to separate cleaning symbiosis from incidental cleaning, which is a separate mutualism preceded by no communication. Moreover, we propose the term ‘dedicated’ to replace ‘obligate’ to describe a committed cleaning lifestyle. Marine cleaner fishes have dominated the cleaning symbiosis literature, with comparatively little focus given to shrimp. The engagement of shrimp in cleaning activities has been considered contentious because there is little empirical evidence. Plasticity exists in the use of ‘cleaner shrimp’ in the current literature, with the potential to cause significant confusion. Indeed, this term has been used incorrectly for the shrimp Infraorder Stenopodidea, involving three families, Stenopodidae, Palaemonidae and Hippolytidae, and to represent all members of Lysmata and Stenopus. Caution is expressed in the use of grey literature and anecdotal observations to generate data on cleaning interactions, due to the presence of species complexes. Interest in cleaning organisms as biological controls in aquaculture is increasing due to their value as an alternative to various chemical ectoparasite controls. Reports of the importance of cleaner organisms in maintaining a healthy reef ecosystem has also been increasing and we review the current biological knowledge on cleaner organisms, highlighting areas that are understudied.  相似文献   

Quantifying fish movements in river networks helps identify critical habitat needs and how they change with environmental conditions. Some of the challenges in tracking fish movements can be overcome with the use of passive integrated transponder (PIT) tagging and antennas. We used PIT technology to test predictions of movement behaviour for four fish species at a mainstem–tributary confluence zone in an arid‐land river system. Specifically, we focused on the McElmo Creek tributary confluence with the San Juan River in south‐western Utah, USA. We quantified variation in species occurrences at this confluence zone from May 2012 to December 2015 relative to temporal and environmental conditions. We considered occurrences among species relative to tagging origins (tributary versus mainstem), season and time of day. Generally, fishes tagged in the focal tributary were more likely to be detected compared to fish tagged in the mainstem river or other tributaries. Additionally, adults were most likely to be detected across multiple years compared to subadults. Based on a Random Forests model, the best performing environmental variables for predicting seasonal detections included mainstem discharge during run‐off season (razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus), tributary discharge during monsoon season (Colorado pikeminnow Ptychocheilus lucius) and mainstem water temperature (flannelmouth sucker Catostomus latipinnis and channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus). The variable responses by endemic and introduced fishes indicate tributary habitats provide several key functions within a fish community including spawning, rearing, foraging and refuge.  相似文献   

The pharyngeal jaw apparatus is a key innovation hypothesised to increase foraging efficiency and facilitate utilisation of novel resources among teleost fishes. Here, we tested whether dietary characteristics could predict pharyngeal jaw morphology among eight species of Neotropical Crenicichla. Additionally, we tested the hypothesis that pharyngeal jaws may impose a functional constraint on piscivory via pharyngeal gape. We quantified the shape of the lower pharyngeal jaw (LPJ) using linear and geometric morphometrics and quantified diet using the relative volumetric proportions of prey items. We used principal component analysis to describe major axes of variation in LPJ shape and dietary patterns. The major axis of dietary variation significantly predicted LPJ morphology, which was driven by a significant relationship between LPJ shape and rates of piscivory. We also found that rates of piscivory predicted size‐corrected LPJ depth. Size‐corrected pharyngeal gape also significantly predicted rates of piscivory such that pharyngeal jaws may constrain piscivory by limiting pharyngeal gape. Strong form‐to‐function linkage between pharyngeal morphology and trophic patterns suggests an adaptive quality of the pharyngeal apparatus but may also impose functional constraints when consumers must switch prey or when prey availability is temporally or spatially unpredictable.  相似文献   

We conducted underwater surveys using SCUBA gear to examine habitat and microhabitat competition between the Ponto‐Caspian racer goby Babka gymnotrachelus and native European bullhead Cottus gobio to assess the potential for competitive displacement of the native species by the invading species. In summer, 88 surveys were made in a tributary of the River Vistula within defined benthic areas across the entire width of the river bed. The occurrence of fish by total length class (small: <6 cm; large: >6 cm) and environmental conditions (depth, water velocity, substratum type, plant cover, shelter type) was recorded. We found a substantial separation between the species and size classes in relation to substratum, shelter type and water velocity. European bullheads were limited to lotic areas with stony bottoms, whereas racer gobies also occupied lentic areas over sand or mud. European bullheads usually took refuge under stones in contrast to a wider range of shelters used by racer goby, including tree roots and rubbish. In general, the breadth of habitat used by the racer goby was wider than that of the European bullhead, although habitat overlap between the species was not statistically significant except for the type of shelter occupied by small fish, selecting smaller stones. An inverse relationship was observed between small European bullheads and all racer gobies in areas where they co‐occurred, suggesting that invader may be having an adverse effect on the distribution and habitat use of small native bullheads, particularly in areas of moderate water velocities over small stones and gravel.  相似文献   

Annual fishes, which inhabit temporary pools with extremely limited habitat complexity and niche availability, display remarkable sexual dimorphism, rapid growth, and enormous investment into reproduction, all traits associated with high energy requirement. This study tests three hypotheses for two syntopic annual fishes (Austrolebias minuano and Cynopoecilus fulgens) found in six wetlands of southern Brazil: (i) considerable morphological differences result in low dietary overlap, (ii) sexual dimorphism in both species leads to intraspecific diet segregation, and (iii) dietary richness increases during ontogenetic development, and is narrower in C. fulgens than A. minuano due to morphological limitations imposed by reduced size. The diet of 82 A. minuano and 211 C. fulgens individuals was analyzed over two annual cycles. The morphology was characterized by 26 measurements covering the entire body of both species. There was no evidence of morphological specialization related to food competition and the diet of A. minuano and C. fulgens showed high overlap. High food availability, high predator abundance, and high connectivity of adjacent wetlands are likely the main mechanisms allowing coexistence of both species. Within species, sexual dimorphism did not result in a decrease in dietary overlap, which reinforces the idea that morphological differences between the sexes did not evolve as a mechanism to decrease food competition. Large A. minuano did not have a more diverse diet than the smaller C. fulgens; however, increase in body size allowed both species to ingest larger prey. Morphological variability in both species was mainly related to ontogenetic development and reproduction.  相似文献   

A tropicalization phenomenon of ichthyofauna has been described in the last decades in Galicia (north‐eastern Atlantic), with increasing reports of tropical and subtropical fishes appearing northward this distribution range. A search for parasites was carried out in the digestive tract of two specimens first captured in Galician waters: the prickly puffer Ephippion guttifer (Tetraodontidae) and the African stripped grunt Parapristipoma octolineatum (Haemulidae). Examination of E. guttifer showed high intensity of nematodes, from three different genera: Cucullanus (Cucullanidae), Hysterothylacium (Raphidascaridae) and Anisakis (Anisakidae), with demonstrated pathogenicity to humans. Molecular identification allowed the identification of Anisakis pegreffii, already described in the area, and first reports for European waters of Cucullanus dodsworthi, Hysterothylacium reliquens and a new Hysterothylacium sp. P. octolineatum showed a far lower level of parasitization, with two Hysterothylacium larvae, genetically identified as Hysterothylacium deardorffoverstreetorum, also its first report in the eastern Atlantic. Thus, possible ecological impact of the occurrence of two non‐native individual fishes in a new area could be remarkably higher if we see this issue through the lens of the parasitological perspective, as far as only two individual fish can harbour more of one hundred nematode parasites belonging to different species, most of them also new species for that area.  相似文献   

A catchment‐scale salmon, Salmo salar L., habitat enhancement scheme was developed for the River Main (Northern Ireland) with reference to baseline habitat and electric fishing surveys. In total, 19 separate sites were enhanced using flow deflectors or random boulder addition. Habitat suitability for juvenile salmon increased at enhanced sites following the scheme, and significant changes in underlying physical habitat characteristics (particle size, depth and flow) were detected after the installation of flow deflectors. The overall index of salmon fry recruitment, monitored across the catchment, showed no change between pre‐ and post‐enhancement periods. The mean biomass of salmon evident at individual enhancement sites (5.1 g m?2) was significantly higher than the mean biomass at control sites (1.2 g m?2). Increased densities of >0+ juvenile salmon were associated with enhanced sites relative to controls. Marking studies indicated the potential for long‐range dispersal of juvenile salmon between 0+ (summer) and 1+ (summer) age classes. The potential of the scheme to enhance the local salmon stock was discussed.  相似文献   

Few studies have been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of nature‐like fishways, particularly in low gradient warmwater streams with diverse fish communities. We evaluated a nature‐like fishway that was installed to facilitate upstream passage at a low head dam on Indian Creek near Spencerville, Ontario, Canada. A passive integrated transponder (PIT) array was used to quantify attraction and passage efficiency for 391 PIT tagged warmwater fish, represented by seven species. Attraction efficiency for the three most common species, common shiner (Luxilus cornutus), creek chub (Semotilus atromaculatus) and white sucker (Catostomus commersonii), was 63.3%, 83.7% and 65.6%, respectively, and passage efficiencies were 5.1%, 38.4% and 25%, respectively. Creek chub were able to locate the fishway in less time than white sucker and common shiner; however, took longer to successfully pass. Manipulation of creek chub release locations was used to separate issues of attraction and passage and revealed that passage efficiency was highest (76.2%) for those released within the fishway and intermediate for those released at the entrance (42.1%). This multispecies fishway improved stream connectivity, but additional work is needed to fine tune its configuration. Similar projects that engage stakeholders in nature‐like fishway construction are a promising approach for the thousands of small dams that occur on low gradient streams around the globe, but those studies should incorporate a biological evaluation to ensure that attraction and passage efficiency are optimised.  相似文献   

Terrestrial invertebrates falling from the riparian canopy are a major energy source for fishes in headwater streams. Because quantity and quality of such allochthonous resources can vary depending on riparian conditions, conversion of riparian forests to conifer plantations may affect stream productivity. We compared falling and drifting invertebrate abundances and the diet of masu salmon (Oncorhynchus masou) among stream reaches bordered by deciduous broadleaved forests, conifer plantations (Cryptomeria japonica), and clear‐cut sites in southwestern Japan. We also examined whether among‐reach variation in salmon abundance was related to the riparian vegetation types. The results indicated that, on an annual basis, falling inputs of terrestrial invertebrates at the broadleaved reaches were 2–4 times higher than those at the plantation and clear‐cut reaches. In nonwinter seasons, terrestrial invertebrates made up 40–60% and 30–90% of drift and masu salmon diets, respectively, and drifting invertebrate abundance was higher in the broadleaved reaches than in the plantation reaches. Furthermore, a multivariate analysis of salmon abundance showed that variation in salmon biomass was explained primarily by riparian vegetation type, with broadleaved and clear‐cut reaches having higher biomass than the plantation reaches. These results indicate that terrestrial invertebrates are an important resource for masu salmon, and suggest that streams bordered by conifer plantations receive lower terrestrial prey inputs, which results in lower salmon abundance. In regions where natural forests have been extensively converted to conifer plantations, forest management that allows and facilitates recovery of natural riparian stands is important.  相似文献   

The current status of the farming of Macrobrachium species in China is presented, including the scale of production and with an emphasis on its farming technology. The problems faced and research needed for the further development of freshwater prawn farming of China is also reviewed. Finally, this paper discusses the prospects and future expansion in this sector of national aquaculture.  相似文献   

Freshwater growth of juvenile sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) depends upon the quality and quantity of prey and interactions with potential competitors in the foraging environment. To a large extent, knowledge about the ecology of lake‐rearing juvenile sockeye salmon has emerged from studies of commercially important runs returning to deep nursery lakes, yet information from shallow nursery lakes (mean depth ≤ 10 m) is limited. We examined seasonal and ontogenetic variation in diets of juvenile sockeye salmon (N = 219, 30–85 mm) and an abundant potential competitor, threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus; N = 198, 42–67 mm), to understand their foraging ecology and potential trophic interactions in a shallow Alaska lake. This study revealed that adult insects made up 74% of all sockeye salmon diets by weight and were present in 98% of all stomachs in Afognak Lake during the summer of 2013. Diets varied temporally for all fishes, but small sockeye salmon (<60 mm) showed a distinct shift in consumption from zooplankton in early summer to adult insects in late summer. We found significant differences in diet composition between sockeye salmon and threespine stickleback and the origin of their prey indicated that they also separated their use of habitat on a fine scale; however, the two species showed overlap in size selectivity of zooplankton prey. Considering that aquatic insects can be a primary resource for juvenile sockeye salmon in Afognak Lake, we encourage the development of nursery lake carrying capacity models that include aquatic insects as a prey source for sockeye salmon.  相似文献   

The impacts of introduced northern pike (Esox lucius) on salmonid populations have attracted much attention because salmonids are popular subsistence, sport and commercial fish. Concern over the predatory effects of introduced pike on salmonids is especially high in Southcentral Alaska, where pike were illegally introduced to the Susitna River basin in the 1950s. We used pike abundance, growth, and diet estimates and bioenergetics models to characterise the realised and potential consumptive impacts that introduced pike (age 2 and older) have on salmonids in Alexander Creek, a tributary to the Susitna River. We found that juvenile salmonids were the dominant prey item in pike diets and that pike could consume up to 1.10 metric tons (realised consumption) and 1.66 metric tons (potential consumption) of juvenile salmonids in a summer. Age 3–4 pike had the highest per capita consumption of juvenile salmonids, and age 2 and age 3–4 pike had the highest overall consumption of juvenile salmonid biomass. Using historical data on Chinook salmon and pike potential consumption of juvenile salmonids, we found that pike consumption of juvenile salmonids may lead to collapsed salmon stocks in Alexander Creek. Taken together, our results indicate that pike consume a substantial biomass of juvenile salmonids in Alexander Creek and that coexistence of pike and salmon is unlikely without management actions to reduce or eliminate introduced pike.  相似文献   

Megalocytiviruses cause high mortality diseases that have seriously impacted aquaculture, with the most frequent outbreaks occurring in East and South‐East Asia. The international trade of juvenile fish for food and ornamental aquaculture has aided the spread of these viruses, which have spread to Europe and Australia and other regions. Australian freshwater fishes were examined for susceptibility to infection with the exotic megalocytivirus, dwarf gourami iridovirus (DGIV), which belongs to a group with the type species, Infectious spleen and kidney necrosis virus (ISKNV). Fish were held at 23 ± 1 °C and challenged by intraperitoneal (IP) injection or by cohabitation with Murray cod, Maccullochella peelii (Mitchell) infected with DGIV. A species was deemed to be susceptible to DGIV based on evidence of viral replication, as determined by qPCR, and megalocytic inclusion bodies observed histologically. Horizontal transmission occurred between infected Murray cod and golden perch, Macquaria ambigua (Richardson), Macquarie perch, Macquaria australasica (Cuvier) and Murray cod. This indicated that DGIV shed from infected fish held at 23 °C can survive in fresh water and subsequently infect these naïve fish. Further, DGIV administered IP was highly pathogenic to golden perch, Macquarie perch and Murray cod. Compared to these species, the susceptibility of southern pygmy perch, Nannoperca australis (Gunther) was lower. Freshwater catfish (dewfish), Tandanus tandanus (Mitchell), were not susceptible under the experimental conditions based on the absence of clinical disease, mortality and virus replication. This study showed the potential risks associated with naïve and DGIV‐infected fish sharing a common water source.  相似文献   

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