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The influence of temperature on germination of Quercus ilex acorns in Phytophthora infested soils was quantified for the first time. Radicle damage and mortality of Q. ilex seeds germinating at 17, 20, 23 and 26°C in Phytophthora cinnamomi, P. gonapodyides, P. quercina and P. psychrophila infested soils were assessed and related to in vitro mycelium growth of the same isolates of the pathogens. The optimum growth temperatures of isolates of P. cinnamomi, P. gonapodyides, P. quercina and P. psychrophila were 20–23, 23–26, 20–23 and 20°C, respectively. At 17 and 20°C, all four Phytophthora species caused 100% acorn mortality, whereas at 26°C, acorn mortality was 100, 10, 25 and 0% in P. cinnamomi, P. gonapodyides, P. quercina and P. psychrophila infested soils, respectively. At 23°C, P. cinnamomi and P. gonapodyides reduced acorn radicle length more than P. quercina and P. psychrophila, whereas at 26°C, only P. cinnamomi caused further reduction in radicle length. The higher susceptibility of germinating acorns in comparison to seedlings reported in the literature indicates age‐related susceptibility of Q. ilex to Phytophthora. The seedling/pathogen growth ratio was inversely related to the reduction in radicle length at different temperatures ( = 0.84, p < 0.0001), suggesting that rapid germination may allow seedlings to escape from infection. Increasing temperatures had different effects on damage to acorns depending on the pathogen present in the soil, indicating that Phytophthora species × temperature interactions determined Q. ilex germination. The effects of temperature on the impacts of Phytophthora species based on climate change predictions for Mediterranean countries are discussed.  相似文献   

In Sweden, invasive Phytophthora pathogens have been recognized as a growing threat to urban and production forests, calling for an urgent update of regeneration strategies for infested areas. Stem inoculation tests were performed to test the relative susceptibility of common conifer and broadleaved tree species Pinus sylvestris, Picea abies, Larix x eurolepis, Betula pendula, Quercus robur, Fagus sylvatica, Populus trichocarpa and Tilia cordata to the root pathogens Phytophthora cactorum, P. cambivora and P. plurivora commonly isolated from Swedish soils. Results indicate that all the species tested were susceptible and formed lesions following stem inoculation with all three Phytophthora species, but to varying degrees. Of particular interest are the high levels of susceptibility in P. trichocarpa to all three Phytophthora species compared to other tested tree species.  相似文献   

Phytophthora is considered as an important pathogen on walnut, and severe losses are reported in European as well as in American walnut stands. Though several Phytophthora spp. are known to attack walnut, P. cinnamomi is considered the most virulent and widespread in southern Europe. Up to now, no walnut species or hybrid is known to have a high resistance level towards P. cinnamomi. Efforts are addressed in finding rootstock material graft compatible with English walnut and resistant/tolerant to P. cinnamomi. The extension of P. cinnamomi lesions on five Juglans species was studied to find out sources of resistance/tolerance to this pathogen. Walnut species clustered into two main groups, J. hindsii, J. nigra, and J. mandshurica were the less susceptible to the colonization of P. cinnamomi, while J. regia and J. sieboldiana were the most susceptible. On this account, J. mandshurica represents the best alternative as rootstock because its employment overcomes the risk of the occurrence of black line disease, it has good level of resistance to Agrobacterium temefaciens and Brenneria nigrifluens, and it is tolerant to Xanthomonas arboricola pv. juglandis. J. mandshurica is also compatible in cross‐pollinations with J. regia and J. nigra. Differences in virulence of P. cinnamomi isolates was assessed and a marked interaction between species and isolate emerged. Treatment with fosetyl‐Al by dipping was mainly efficient in reducing the length P. cinnamomi lesions, and an interaction between species and treatment was evident with the highest efficacy on J. regia and J. sieboldiana.  相似文献   

The ecological importance of riparian forests is well known. However, these forest habitats have been disturbed by human activities over the past century as a result of the introduction of flow regulations. Mortality of the riparian alder population caused by Phytophthora has become an important issue in Europe in the past two decades. The main objective of this study was to examine the pathogenicity of the Phytophthora alni complex (P. xalni, P. uniformis and P. xmultiformis) and P. plurivora in Alnus glutinosa seedlings. Phytophthora alni complex has traditionally been identified as the main causal agent of alder decline; however, in this study, P. plurivora was found to cause as much damage in inoculated seedlings as P. alni complex. In fact, Spanish isolates of P. xalni caused mortality rates of ca. 30%, whereas P. plurivora killed ca. 50% of seedlings. Likewise, there were no differences between P. xalni ‐ and P. plurivora‐inoculated seedlings in either the length of lesion or biomass allocation. The pathogenicity of the species within P. alni complex did not differ significantly. The findings confirm that P. plurivora, which is one of the most common species of Phytophthora found in European nurseries, is highly pathogenic to alder seedlings. Urgent implementation of measures to prevent the risk of spread of the pathogen from nurseries to natural ecosystems is required. Further studies are required to clarify the role that P. plurivora is playing in alder decline both individually and in combination with P. alni complex.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of oak seedlings (Quercus palustris, Quercus robur, Quercus rubra) and chestnut seedlings (Castanea sativa) to Phytophthora cinnamomi was tested. The dynamics of infection was examined in plant material raised in a rhizotron. In the oak species, primary root tissues were susceptible whereas secondary cortical tissues showed some resistance to P. cinnamomi. Secondary cortical tissues of the tap root in C. sativa were susceptible. Inoculations with P. cinnamomi were performed both in situ and on excised roots of mature Q. rubra. In both cases, the resistance of Q. rubra roots and shoots was negatively correlated with diameter at the inoculation point. Small roots (l–5-cm diameter) were resistant, whereas collar and trunk were susceptible. In contrast to oak, small excised roots of mature C. sativa (0.7–2-cm diameter) were susceptible to P. cinnamomi. This may explain why P. cinnamomi does not induce a decline of the attacked oaks, but rather a trunk canker.  相似文献   

Corymbia calophylla (marri), a keystone tree species in the global biodiversity hot spot of southwestern Australia, is suffering decline and mortality associated with a canker disease caused by the endemic fungus Quambalaria coyrecup. Phytophthora species are frequently isolated from the rhizosphere of C. calophylla, and a hypothesis is that Phytophthora root infection is predisposing C. calophylla to this endemic canker pathogen. Field surveys were conducted in both anthropogenically disturbed and undisturbed C. calophylla stands, from where a total of 100 rhizosphere soil samples, from both healthy and cankered trees, were collected. Phytophthora species were isolated from 26% of the samples collected, with Phytophthora incidence significantly higher on disturbed stands than in natural forests (73% and 27%, respectively). Five Phytophthora species were recovered, including P. cinnamomi, P. elongata, P. multivora, P. pseudocryptogea and P. versiformis. Under‐bark inoculations with the Phytophthora isolates caused significant lesion lengths in excised C. calophylla stems. Corymbia calophylla response to pot infestation trials in the glasshouse varied between Phytophthora species and isolates, with isolates of P. cinnamomi and P. multivora causing a significant reduction in seedling root volume and often leading to seedling death. This study demonstrates that root disease caused by Phytophthora species, especially P. cinnamomi and P. multivora, has the ability to adversely affect C. calophylla health. This study leads the way to do a dual inoculation trial with the canker pathogen Q. coyrecup, and different Phytophthora species to investigate if Phytophthora root infection predisposes C. calophylla to this canker disease.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural observations showed that the European race of Gremmeniella abietina var. abietina can secrete several cell wall–degrading enzymes that help the invasion of Pinus banksiana and P. contorta shoot tip tissues. Alterations in the content or distribution of cellulose were obvious, indicating that colonization might be achieved primarily through the action of glucanases. Polygalacturonases seemed more abundant in the cortex and the phloem of the stem, suggesting they are among the first enzymes secreted by the pathogen during infection. Production of laccases and peroxidases was also revealed but always close to fungal cells or in areas where host wall degradation was obvious. In places where there was an accumulation of phenolic compounds in the infected zones of the shoot, particularly in or near the transition zone, immunolocalization of both enzymes was limited or absent. Laccases and polygalacturonases were regularly detected over the extracellular sheath of G. abietina, and this indicates that the sheath could play a significant role during host wall degradation. Finally, examination of G. abietina wall constituents, such as chitin and β‐1,3‐glucans, suggests that the composition of the pathogen wall changes during the infection process. This change may be associated with the secretion of fungal enzymes but could also be linked to host reactions altering the integrity of pathogen cell walls.  相似文献   

A new evolutionary lineage of the destructive introduced tree pathogen Phytophthora ramorum, EU2 lineage, was recently discovered attacking larch and other hosts in Northern Ireland and south west Scotland, UK. Sixteen ‘medium × agar concentration × incubation temperature’ stress environments were tested to find a rapid and repeatable method to discriminate the known EU2 lineage from the EU1, NA1 and NA2 lineages in culture, in particular from the EU1 already prevalent across the UK; and to investigate whether EU2 might be adaptively different. At 25°C 1 on both Carrot agar and V8 juice agar, the mean radial growth rates of all four lineages were significantly different, with NA2 > EU2 > EU1 > NA1. At this temperature, EU2 colonies were not only phenotypically distinct from EU1 and all other lineages but on average grew three times as fast as EU1. This indicates that EU2 is adaptively different from EU1. Twelve days growth in the environment ‘V8A/2% agar/25°C 1 gave excellent discrimination of all four lineages in three repeat experiments, including clear discrimination of EU2 from EU1. Each lineage exhibited a distinctive colony pattern. The utility of this test environment was examined further by screening fresh UK isolates of unknown lineage from new larch outbreak sites alongside standard isolates. The lineage assignments predicted were corroborated by gene sequencing and RFLP profiling. These results also revealed that the EU2 lineage was present at several new larch sites in south west Scotland, whereas isolates from geographically adjacent areas such as the Isle of Mull, north west Scotland, the Isle of Man and north west England were all of EU1 lineage.  相似文献   

湿加松采穗圃的营建与管理技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在2 a多试验研究的基础上,总结了湿加松采穗圃的营建与管理技术,关键在于采穗母株的修剪与肥水管理.技术要点包括苗期管理,高强度和有规律修剪,"矮干平台式"株型培育,肥水管理等.  相似文献   

沙地彰武松与樟子松苗木抗旱生理特性比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过盆栽控水试验,对4年生彰武松、樟子松苗木在不同水分梯度下形态指标和叶片内丙二醛(MDA)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、叶绿素(Chl)、脯氨酸(Pro)含量和叶片含水率(LWC)5项抗旱生理指标进行测定.结果表明:彰武松总干质量、根于质量、茎干质量和根茎比等4个指标都显著高于樟子松,而单片针叶面积显著小于樟子松,针叶厚度略大.在不同水分梯度下,彰武松的MDA含量都小于樟子松,CAT活性、Pro含量都高于樟子松.轻度干旱区[(40%田间持水量(FMC)]樟子松叶片中MDA,CAT和Pro含量较对照区(100%FMC)均呈现上升趋势,在中度干旱区(30%FMC)这3个指标继续明显升高,在重度干旱区(20%FMC)它们达到最大值;而轻度干旱区中彰武松叶片的这3个生理指标反而低于对照区,在中度干旱区它们才开始增大,尤其是CAT含量较对照区显著增加,这些指标也在重度干旱区中达到了最大值.这表明彰武松幼苗在更低的土壤含水率下才表现出胁迫伤害,并且在开始受到胁迫伤害时就迅速提高保护酶(CAT)活性,增加渗透调节物质含量(Pro),实现对干旱胁迫较强的忍耐性和较好的适应性.在不同水分梯度下,彰武松Chl含量和LWC均大于樟子松,这2个指标在同一树种中的变化趋势也相同,大小排序均为:对照区>轻度干旱区>中度干旱区>重度干旱区.  相似文献   

对秃叶黄皮树和黄檗种子进行了种子形态、种皮透水性、发芽率等方面的比较研究。结果表明:种皮对秃叶黄皮树和黄檗种子的透水性有较大影响,前者透水性较后者好;秃叶黄皮树种子的田间发芽率为68.7%,极显著高于黄檗的36.3%;秃叶黄皮树种子和黄檗种子具有休眠特性,且秃叶黄皮树种子的休眠较黄檗浅,经过低温层积后两种种子的萌发率都有所提高。  相似文献   

A set of quantitative hierarchical real‐time PCR assays was developed for the detection of Heterobasidion irregulare, H. occidentale, H. annosum sensu stricto and of the entire Heterobasidion annosum complex. These assays enable specific and accurate detection and quantification of the target species from DNA extracted on airborne collected spores. Heterobasidion‐specific TaqMan? real‐time PCR detection assays were designed to function under homogeneous conditions so that they may be used in 96‐ or 384‐well plate format arrays for high‐throughput testing of large numbers of samples against multiple targets. Assays were validated for (i) specificity, (ii) sensitivity and (iii) repeatability. All assays were highly specific when evaluated against a panel of pure cultures of target and phylogenetically closely related species. Sensitivity, evaluated by assessing the limit of detection (with a threshold of 95% of positive samples), was found to be between one and a hundred ITS gene region copies or one conidia count equivalent. Precision or repeatability of each assay revealed a mean coefficient of variation of 5.9%. These molecular tools are now available for rapid and reliable monitoring of one of the most significant pathogen species complex of temperate northern coniferous forest around the world.  相似文献   

Diplodia pinea, an opportunistic and latent pathogen, can significantly affect Pinus productivity worldwide. Despite being studied in South Africa for almost 100 years, the source of D. pinea inoculum responsible for seedling infection is unknown. The aim of this study was to determine the role of seed in vertical transmission of D. pinea and to investigate sources of inoculum leading to horizontal transmission to pine seedlings. Surface‐disinfected seeds were inoculated with spore and mycelium suspensions of D. pinea to determine its effect on germination. In addition, isolation of the fungus was performed from surface‐disinfected seeds, asymptomatic seedlings collected from nurseries, plantations where pines naturally regenerate and recently established fields, to assess transmission and incidence of endophytic D. pinea infections. Inoculation of seeds with D. pinea spore suspensions affected speed and rate of germination. The fungus was isolated from surface‐disinfected seeds in only a few instances (2–3%) and was not found in healthy seedlings collected from greenhouses and nurseries, suggesting that vertical transmission of the fungus does not occur or is rare. In contrast, D. pinea was isolated from 40% of seedlings obtained from the understory of mature P. patula trees showing that horizontal transmission from mature to young trees sustains the D. pinea inoculum in South African pine plantations.  相似文献   

Fusarium species can cause damping‐off and root rot of young conifer seedlings, resulting in severe crop and economic losses in forest nurseries. Disease control within tree nurseries is difficult because of the inability to characterize and quantify Fusarium spp. populations with regard to disease potential because of high variability in isolate virulence. Fusarium isolates were collected from healthy and diseased seedlings of Douglas‐fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and western white pine (Pinus monticola) from a nursery in Idaho, USA. Molecular markers such as DNA sequences (mitochondrial small subunit and nuclear translation elongation factor 1‐alpha) and amplified fragment length polymorphism were used to identify isolates as either F. oxysporum or F. commune. In addition, diagnostic primers were developed to detect and distinguish F. commune from F. oxysporum. In vitro and greenhouse virulence tests were completed on Douglas‐fir germinants and seedlings. For Douglas‐fir germinants and seedlings, F. oxysporum isolates generally caused less severe symptoms, whereas most Fcommune isolates caused mortality through damping‐off. This is the first report of direct evidence that F. commune can cause damping‐off disease on Douglas‐fir seedlings under greenhouse conditions.  相似文献   

Laurel wilt is a devastating invasive disease of members of the Lauraceae plant family. It is caused by the fungus Raffaelea lauricola, which is a nutritional symbiont of its ambrosia beetle vector, Xyleborus glabratus. In the United States, six Raffaelea spp., in addition to R. lauricola, have been recovered from mycangia of X. glabratus. We compared the response of two laurel wilt suspects, swamp bay (Persea palustris) and redbay (Persea borbonia), to five of these species, another undescribed Raffaelea sp., and R. lauricola. Six weeks after inoculation, only R. lauricola caused significantly greater symptoms than water inoculations. The fungi varied in their ability to move systemically and be recovered from the host at the end of the experiment. Stem hydraulic conductivity was decreased by R. lauricola, but none of the other taxa. Although the roles these fungi play in the life cycle of X. glabratus are not known, they do not appear to be pathogens on these host tree species.  相似文献   

Plants utilize two general strategies to cope with pathogen attack. They either limit or resist the pathogen (termed ‘resistance’) or they cope with the disease by surviving and growing (termed ‘tolerance’). Both strategies tend to increase plant fitness; however, there are possible costs, trade‐offs and interactions associated with each strategy. This study focused on five half‐sib interior Douglas‐fir families [Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca (Beissn.) Franco] that were putatively classified as either resistant or susceptible to Armillaria ostoyae in a previous greenhouse study of seedling families challenged with A. ostoyae. We compared their survival rates in the greenhouse study with results of juvenile trees from the same five families that were artificially inoculated in field conditions. Both resistance and tolerance appeared to be operating in the field test trees, and a possible trade‐off between resistance and tolerance was detected. Significant differences were detected among the five families for stem radial growth following infection at the tree root collar. Compared with the putatively susceptible families, resistant families had smaller lesions and lower proportional root collar girdling. Tolerant families generally had larger lesions but demonstrated better growth when diseased than resistant families. One tolerant family that was a good survivor in the greenhouse survival study presented vertically shaped lesions that were large in area but had greatly reduced proportional root collar girdling. While a second family showed tolerant traits in the field study, its poor survival in the greenhouse study agreed with the large horizontally spreading lesions associated with high root collar girdling in the field study trees. Survival rankings of the five families in the greenhouse study mostly agreed with results from the field study based on the proportion of collar girdling among families. These host responses are discussed with respect to stability, quantity and quality of stands and products.  相似文献   

The pine wood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, causes severe damage to pines in Eastern Asia. Bursaphelenchus mucronatus and B. doui resemble closely B. xylophilus morphologically, moreover they were found frequently in this area recently. It is necessary to identify the three species precisely and rapidly. In this study, we report the results of a multiplex one‐step polymerase chain reaction (PCR) utilizing five primers to identify and discriminate the three Bursaphelenchus species simultaneously. The multiplex one‐step PCR yielded one fragment of about 1000 bp for all Bursaphelenchus populations tested. Futhermore, B. xylophilus, B. mucronatus and B. doui produced another fragment of about 100, 350 and 600 bp respectively. This approach is simple and reliable to simultaneously identify the above three species within the xylophilus group usually encountered together in a nematode assay.  相似文献   

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