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M.J. Wilson 《Geoderma》1976,15(4):289-304
The mineralogy of some soils developed on tills derived from basalt and andesite of Lower Old Red Sandstone age has been investigated by X-ray diffraction and optical and scanning electron microscopy. All particle-size fractions as well as some unweathered Lower Old Red Sandstone lavas are rich in layer silicate minerals. The lavas contain abundant saponite of hydrothermal or late-stage deuteric origin. This mineral occurs in rõck fragments which are found in the coarse sand and as aggregated grains in the fine sand and silt and is responsible for the high cation-exchange capacity of these fractions. As well as saponite, the clays contain kaolinite, illite and a variety of dioctahedral interstratified minerals. Scanning electron microscope observations show that plagioclase felspar grains in the fine sand fraction commonly bear regularly shaped etch pits which seem to indicate weathering by solution. The exchangeable calcium and magnesium in the soils derive mainly from decomposition of plagioclase felspar and saponite, respectively, the increasing magnesium content down the profile reflecting the higher content of saponite in the lower horizons. In all probability the exchangeable potassium which is concentrated in the clay fraction is preferentially sorbed at exchange sites on particle edges and is not associated with any particular clay mineral. Clay-mineral aggregates in lava-derived soils may be common, but they can originate in three different ways, viz,, pedogenic cementation, weathering of primary minerals, and inheritance from parent rock.  相似文献   

G.J. Ross  C. Wang  A.I. Ozkan  H.W. Rees 《Geoderma》1982,27(3):255-267
A study was made of the weathering of trioctahedral, iron-rich chlorite and dioctahedral mica in a Spodosol (Haplorthod) developed on till derived from chlorite-mica schist.Chlorite in the clay of the B and C horizons has weathered to small amounts of regularly interstratified chlorite-vermiculite, vermiculite and goethite. Chlorite vermiculitization is associated with a loss of iron and aluminum and appears to result in a change toward dioctahedral structure. Chlorite and its trioctahedral vermiculitic products are absent from the clay, silt and sand of the Ae horizon which is probably due to decomposition by organic acids.Mica in this soil weathers and expands to dioctahedral, regularly interstratified mica-ermiculite and discrete vermiculite products that increase in abundance towards the profile surface and are dominant in the clay of the Ae horizon. Amounts of mica-derived vermiculite products decrease with increase in particle size and are practically absent in the sand of the Ae horizon.Comparing mineral weathering in this Spodosol with that in other soils, developed on similar greenschist material but in warmer climates or during longer times, shows that amounts of chlorite-derived vermiculite in the subsoils of the latter soils are much larger, decrease towards the profile surface, and increase with larger particle size. The evidence indicates that weathering of chlorite to vermiculite and accumulation of the vermiculite products are optimal in non-eluvial, moderate weathering conditions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to: (1) characterize the clay mineralogy of soils in and adjacent to Kärkevagge, a recently deglaciated valley in Arctic Sweden, (2) document chemical weathering in a periglacial environment and (3) use the mineralogy to help explain landscape evolution. Soil samples were analyzed from 11 sites that differ in elevation, parent material, drainage, slope and vegetation. Parent materials include residuum, alluvium, colluvium and glaciofluvial material derived from garnet–mica–schist, plus, in one locality, a till of granitic origin. X-ray diffraction (XRD) was used to characterize the clay-size fraction (<2 μm). Muscovite, chlorite and mixed-layered (ML) minerals are the predominant soil minerals identified. ML minerals indicate chemical weathering and also act as tracers used to identify source areas of soil parent materials. High concentrations of ML minerals in the soils on the alpine ridges flanking Kärkevagge indicate in situ chemical weathering. At lower elevations within the valley, their distribution indicates that the ridges contributed sediments early on in the evolution of the landscape, but more recently the source has shifted towards ML-poor supply areas from lower elevations. Soil chemistry also supports this model; the alpine soils are base-poor while the valley soils are base-rich. The higher abundance of ML minerals in the alpine zone indicates either a long period of weathering or a greater period of development. The latter explanation supports the hypothesis that the ridge crests were covered by cold-based ice during the last glaciation; remnants of which still survive at the highest elevations. Cold-based ice preserved a pre-weathered landscape that was the primary source of the ML minerals in the soils in the valley.  相似文献   

Determining weathering rates of soils in China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
As an important parameter for critical load calculation and soil acidification simulation, weathering rates of soils in China were studied using different methods of calculation. The approaches used were the mass balance approach, the soil mineralogical classification, the total analysis correlation, the PROFILE model, the MAGIC model and a simulated leaching experiment. Since chemical weathering of secondary minerals usually plays a much more important role in neutralizing the long-term acidification of soils in China than that of parent material, soil mineralogy rather than parent rock/material type, which is regarded as the most suitable factor representing weathering rates in Europe, should be adopted as the basis for soil classification. The weathering rate assigned to each soil should also be corrected when the effect of temperature is considered. Due to the variation in experimental conditions, the weathering rates of soils from laboratory experiment may be difficult to compare with field determined rates, and should be adjusted by pH and percolation rate. The comparison of various methods in this study shows that the weathering rates of soils estimated by the PROFILE model coincide well with those from other independent methods such as the dynamic modeling by MAGIC and the modified leaching experiment. The weathering rates were very low (usually lower than 1.0 kEq·ha−1·year−1) for Allites (including Latosol, Lateritic Red Earth, Red Earth, Yellow Earth and Yellow-Brown Earth) in south China and Silalsols (consisting of Dark Brown Forest Soil, Black Soil and Podzolic Soil) in northeast China, and very high for Alpine Soils, Desert Soils and Pedocals in west China. The content of weatherable minerals in soil is the most important factor in determining the spatial distribution of weathering rate in China, while the difference in temperature may be the reason why the weathering rate of soil in northeast China was lower than that in southeast China.  相似文献   

As a consequence of global warming, additional areas will become ice-free and subject to weathering and soil formation. The most evident soil changes in the Alps will occur in proglacial areas where young soils will continuously develop due to glacier retreat. Little is known about the initial stages of weathering and soil formation, i.e. during the first decades of soil genesis. In this study, we investigated clay minerals formation during a time span 0-150 years in the proglacial area of Morteratsch (Swiss Alps). The soils developed on granitic till and were Lithic Leptosols.Mineralogical measurements of the clay (< 2 μm) and fine silt fraction (2-32 μm) were carried out using XRD (X-ray Diffraction) and DRIFT (Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform). Fast formation and transformation mechanisms were measured in the clay fraction. The decreasing proportion of trioctahedral phases with time confirmed active chemical weathering. Since the start of soil formation, smectite was actively formed. Some smectite (low charge) and vermiculite (high charge) was however already present in the parent material. Main source of smectite formation was biotite, hornblende and probably plagioclase. Furthermore, irregularly and regularly interstratified clay minerals (mica-HIV or mica-vermiculite) were formed immediately after the start of moraine exposure to weathering. In addition, hydroxy-interlayered smectite (HIS) as a transitory weathering product from mica to smectite was detected. Furthermore, since the start of soil evolution, kaolinite was progressively formed. In the silt fraction, only little changes could be detected; i.e. some formation of an interstratified mica-HIV or mica-vermiculite phase.The detected clay mineral formation and transformation mechanisms within this short time span confirmed the high reactivity of freshly exposed sediments, even in a cryic environment.  相似文献   

D. Righi  F. De Connick 《Geoderma》1977,19(4):339-359
Soils of the nearly level “Landes du Médoc” in southwestern France have a pattern of alternating bodies of hydromorphic podzols (Haplaquods) and low humic hydromorphic soils (Psammaquents). The soils are formed in a sedimentary mantle of coarse, quartzose sands with a slight microrelief consisting of low, elongated ridges and shallow, intervening troughs. The water table is at shallow depths throughout the plain, even at the surface in places. The podzols on the crests of the low ridges have distinct A2 and cemented B2 h horizons. Podzols persist down the sides of ridges but going downslope first lose the A2 horizon and then the cementation of the Bh horizon. Soils in the shallow troughs have A1 and Cg horizons without B horizons.The fine silt (2–20 μm) and clay (0–2 μm) fractions of the parent sand contain primary trioctahedral chlorite, mica, feldspars, and quartz, with the last mineral predominant. During soil development, the first three minerals undergo weathering at different rates and to different extents. Chlorite is most strongly weathered, followed in order by plagioclases and K-minerals. In the fine silt fraction, weathering seems to occur mostly by fragmentation of particles. In the clay fraction, the phyllosilicates successively form irregularly interstratified minerals with contractible but not expandable vermiculitic layers, interstratified minerals with contractible and expandable smectitic layers, and finally smectites.The extent to which the silicate minerals are weathered becomes progressively greater from the low humic hydromorphic soils to the podzols with friable Bh horizons to the podzols with cemented Bh horizons. Smectite is present only in the A2 horizons of these last podzols.The aluminum release by weathering of silicate minerals is translocated in part in the form of organo-metal complexes into the Bh horizons of the podzols. Greatest concentrations of Al are associated with coatings of monomorphic organic matter on mineral grains in the cemented Bh horizons, in which some Al has also crystallized into gibbsite. That mineral was not detected in friable B horizons of podzols nor in the low humic hydromorphic soil. Contrary to expectations, the mobile Al did not enter interlayer spaces of expanding 2:1 clay minerals.  相似文献   

Properties and mineralogy of fine fractions separated from agrochernozems forming a three-component noncontrasting soil combination in the Kamennaya Steppe have been characterized. The soil cover consists of zooturbated (Haplic Chernozems (Clayic, Aric, Pachic, Calcaric)), migrational-mycelial (Haplic Chernozems (Clayic, Aric, Pachic)), and clay-illuvial (Luvic Chernozems (Clayic, Aric, Pachic)) agrochernozems. All the soils are deeply quasi-gleyed because of periodical groundwater rise. The mineralogy of the fraction <1μm includes irregular mica–smectite interstratifications, di- and trioctahedral hydromicas, imperfect kaolinite, and magnesium–iron chlorite. The profile distribution of these minerals slightly varies depending on the subtype of spot-forming soils. A uniform distribution of clay minerals is observed in zooturbated agrochernozem; a poorly manifested eluvial–illuvial distribution of the smectite phase is observed in the clay-illuvial agrochernozem. The fractions of fine (1–5 μm) and medium (5–10 μm) silt consist of quartz, micas, potassium feldspars, plagioclases, kaolinite, and chlorite. There is no dominant mineral, because the share of each mineral is lower than 35–45%. The silt fractions differ in the quartz-to-mica ratio. The medium silt fraction contains more quartz, and the fine silt fraction contains more micas.  相似文献   

K.S. Loi  R. Protz  G.J. Gross 《Geoderma》1982,27(4):327-334
The clay mineralogy of eight selected soil profiles developed on acid igneous, pyroclastic and sedimentary rocks was investigated. The effects on the clay mineralogy of the parent-rock mineralogy and physical conditions within each soil profile were evaluated.The results indicate that the mineralogies of the parent rocks control the type of clay minerals formed in Sarawak. In the soils derived from pyroclastic and coarse-grained acid igneous rocks without muscovite, the clay-mineral suites consist almost exclusively of kaolinite and gibbsite with small amounts of goethite. In contrast, in the soils developed from fine-grained acid igneous and sedimentary rocks with muscovite, the clays contain relatively large amounts of interstratified mica-vermiculite and chlorite-vermiculite in addition to gibbsite and/or kaolinite. The presence of gibbsite in these soils depends on the presence of plagioclase feldspar in the parent rock.  相似文献   

Thirty two soil samples from China were analyzed for exchangeable K before and after drying. Most soil samples were higher in exchangeable K after air-drying and ovendrying (60°C) than when wet. Soil clay minerals, especially clay-size mica, affected K released in air-dry and oven-dry samples. According to composition of clay minerals of air-dried samples, five classes were recognized. Soil samples with high mica and montmorillonite have the highest exchangeable K. Samples that contained higher kaolinite than mica had lower exchangeable K. Samples with higher kaolinite than quartz and mica had still lower exchangeable K. Samples of sandy soils contained very low exchangeable K. When quartz was the main mineral, the samples that had kaolinite and gibbsite as the main clay minerals had very low exchangeable K. The degree of weathering (weathering mean) bore an inverse relationship to the amount of K released on drying in air or at 60°C. Udults and Udalfs (Red Earths) of southeastern China, because of their high K release on being dried, are inferred to have received fine mica from the Western Desert dust rainout, reported to Liu et al. (1981).  相似文献   

欧锦琼  黄伟濠  卢瑛  李博  阳洋  唐贤  贾重建  秦海龙 《土壤》2020,52(6):1290-1297
黏粒矿物影响着土壤理化性质,可指示成土因素特征和土壤发生发育过程/强度,也是中国土壤系统分类的基层单元土族矿物学类型划分的重要依据。本研究选择了广西不同纬度和成土母质的18个代表性水耕人为土的剖面,应用X射线衍射(XRD)方法分析了其典型水耕氧化还原层(Br层)的黏粒矿物组成及其空间分布特征,并确定了其中“黏质”剖面的土族控制层段矿物学类型。结果表明:(1)供试土壤的黏粒矿物主要包括高岭石、伊利石、三水铝石、1.42 nm过渡矿物、蒙脱石和蛭石等,依次分别出现在100%、88.9%、72.2%、61.1%、44.4%和38.9%的剖面中。(2)黏粒矿物组成在纬度空间分布上具有明显规律性特征。随着纬度降低,土壤黏粒中的高岭石增加,伊利石、蒙脱石、1.42nm过渡矿物逐渐减少;纬度>23°N区域内,成土母质对黏粒矿物组成影响明显。(3)纬度23°N是黏粒矿物组成和土族矿物学类型分界线,<23°N区域,黏粒矿物均以高岭石为主,是“黏质”剖面的土族控制层段的主要矿物学类型;>23°N区域,黏粒矿物组成以高岭石、蒙脱石、伊利石或1.42 nm过渡矿物为主,因成土母质不同而异,“黏质”剖面的土族控制层段矿物学类型包括高岭石混合型、混合型和伊利石型。  相似文献   

Mineralogical composition of silt and clay fractions (<1.1–5 and 5–10 µm) in heavy loamy agrogrey soils (Luvic Retic Phaeozems) considerably changes both in the vertical (along the soil profile) and horizontal (along soil microcatenas) directions. The eluvial–illuvial distribution pattern of the clay fraction in the podzolized agrogrey soils with the second humus horizon is replaced by the homogeneous distribution in the agrogrey soils with residual carbonates. The distribution of silt fractions in the soil profiles is relatively homogeneous. The clay (<1 µm) fraction of the parent material is represented by the poorly ordered micasmectite interstratifications minerals, the proportion between which changes in the soil profiles in dependence on the particular pedogenetic processes. Hydromicas represent the second important component of the clay fraction. They consist of di- and trioctahedral varieties, the proportion between which changes in the soil profiles. Kaolinite and iron–magnesium chlorite are present in smaller amounts. The second humus horizon is characterized by the lowest content of mica-smectite interstratifications minerals with the high content of smectitic layers and by the lowest content of the clay fraction. Silt fractions are composed of quartz, micas, potassium feldspars, and plagioclases.  相似文献   

Soils of the humid tropics are poor in available potassium due to intensive weathering and leaching of nutrients. A study was conducted to investigate the mineralogy and potassium supplying capacity of a forest soil developed on a weathered schist regolith. The quantity–intensity (Q/I) approach was used in thisstudy. The schist regolith showed deep weathering and intense leaching throughout the profile, resulting in low cation exchange capacity (CEC) and available K in soil and saprolite layers. The mineralogy of the regolith was dominanted by kaolinite, gibbsite and goethite. Feldspar, mica and mica–smectite minerals were observed in the lower saprolite layers. The Q/I parameters showed that the soils and saprolites were low in K supply power. This observation was attributed to weathering and intense leaching. The free energy values of K replacement (ΔG r°) also suggest that soils and saprolites of the schist regolith were deficient in K. The Q/I parameters significantly correlated with organic carbon and clay content, CEC, pH and exchangeable K.  相似文献   

陈杰  龚子同 《土壤》2004,36(5):457-462
南极海洋气候区岩石风化和土壤形成过程中有明显的原生矿物蚀变作用和自生矿物成矿作用。本文以粗骨寒冻灰化土和石灰性扰动冻土两种有代表性的土壤类型为例,阐述了本区土壤矿物学特征。指出铝氧化物、绿泥石、碳酸盐是本区玄武岩类风化物质上发育土壤中的主要自生矿物类型,蒙脱石、特别是绿泥-蒙脱石混层矿物是南极海洋气候区土壤粘粒部分的特征矿物。不同土壤由于成土环境、成土过程、成土历史的差异,其土壤物质的矿物学组成、含量、形态、分布具有明显不同。土壤发生性铁氧化物与成土作用和土壤过程密切相关,其矿物类型、含量、形态特征、分布模式在不同的土壤中明显不同,是表征土壤发育程度与剖面形态表达的有效指标。  相似文献   

To investigate the weathering rates of different soil parent materials which occur in Scotland, a study has been undertaken in which detailed soil mineralogy has been used to calculate base cation release. To calculate base cation release, this data, and supplementary soil chemistry and physical attribute data, have provided the input to the PROFILE model. The model is a multi-layer, steady state, deterministic model in which the soil is represented by a series of mixed tank reactors, each of which has the mineralogical, physical and chemical attributes measured for individual soil horizons. The major parent materials from which Scottish soils have developed are glacial till, derived from acid to basic igneous rocks, schist and other metamorphic types, Lower Palaeozoic greywackes and shales, Old Red Sandstone sediments, Carboniferous sediments and Permo-Trias sediments. For each of the parent materials, three soil profiles were analysed and used with the PROFILE model. The base cation release rates, calculated for these parent materials in the top 50cm of the soil profile, varies between 0.2 and 3.2 keq/ha/yr, although, for a given parent material, the range was usually quite small. In general, these results compare very favourably with those suggested for the calculation of critical loads using an empirical approach proposed at Skokloster. In comparison with current rates of deposition, this suggests many of these soils are being acidified and that for many soil-plant combinations, the critical load may be exceeded.  相似文献   

The mineralogy of five soils situated on a south-west to north-east transect of Guanxi Province, south-east China was determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), differential thermal analysis (DTA) and chemical composition. One soil had formed on granite under tropical conditions, the others on sedimentary rocks under subtropical conditions. In all soils, kaolinite dominates the clay fractions, and is accompanied by vermiculite or chloritized vermiculite. In the saprolites of the granite-derived and sandstone-derived soils, the kaolinite has a morphology close to that of hydrated halloysite. The formamide and hydrazine/water tests suggested the presence of both poorly-crystalline (dehydrated halloysite) and well-ordered kaolinite. Gibbsite was identified in the saprolites of the granite-derived and sandstone-derived soils but not in the soils themselves. Gibbsite was also identified in the lowermost horizon of a soil derived from Pleistocene sediments. The upper horizon clay of a Rendzina soil formed on Permian limestone contains much more gibbsite and is much more weathered than the corresponding lower horizon clay. Only in the more humid, southernmost soil can the mineral composition be explained by present-day climatic conditions. In the soils from drier areas, the clay mineral composition reflects weathering that had taken place under moister, paleoclimatic conditions. Some of these paleoclimatic conditions had been conducive to lateritic weathering, as is indicated by the presence of goethite-containing pisolitic nodules in one of the soils and in its parent material. Two of the soils appear to be polymorphic, with one part of the soil having weathered more strongly than the other part.  相似文献   

Genesis and micromorphology of loess-derived soils from central Kansas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
H. Gunal  M.D. Ransom 《CATENA》2006,65(3):222-236
The genesis and micromorphology of three Harney soils from different precipitation regions (from 540 mm to 715 mm) (fine, smectitic, mesic Typic Argiustolls) in the Smoky Hills of central Kansas were investigated. The objectives were to (1) examine the morphological, chemical, physical and mineralogical characteristics of Harney soils formed in loess; (2) determine the clay mineral distribution with depth and the origin of the clay minerals present; and (3) investigate the relationship between the clay mineralogy and other soil properties such as soil plasmic fabric, COLE values and fine clay/total clay ratios. Mineralogical and micromorphological techniques were used to evaluate the characteristics of the loess-derived soils. The first pedon was formed in 88 cm of Bignell loess over Peoria loess and the other two pedons were formed from Peoria loess. The chemical properties were similar for the pedons studied. Differences were observed in physical properties, especially in particle size distribution, oven-dry bulk density and coefficient of linear extensibility values. Although the soils were mapped in the same soil series, the geomorphic positions of the pedons and the nature of the parent material affected the characteristics of the soils. Smectite was the predominant clay mineral, especially in the fine clay fraction, regardless of the location in the precipitation gradient. The dominance of smectite increased in the C-horizons. This implies a detrital source of smectite in the B-horizons formed in both Bignell and Peoria loess units. The presence of randomly interstratified mica-smectite and the micromorphological observations of weathering biotite indicate that weathering also plays an important role in the mineralogy of Harney soils. The high content of clay mica in the surface horizons was caused by dust fall in the study area. Thick and continuous argillans were observed when FC/TC and COLE values were low and crystalline smectite was present. In the lower part of the soil profiles, the plasmic fabric was mostly ma-skelsepic (granostriated b-fabric) and smectite was more crystalline as indicated by sharper X-ray diffraction peaks.  相似文献   

海拔与岩性变异对石灰岩发育土壤黏土矿物组成的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用X射线衍射法研究了中亚热带区海拔、岩性变异对石灰岩发育土壤黏土矿物组成的影响。结果表明:在海拔约2 000 m的重庆金佛山山顶区,灰黑色钙质页岩石灰岩发育的黑色石灰土,矿物组成复杂,除伊利石为主外,还有少量蛭石、绿泥石、高岭石和蒙脱石,有一定量的母质残留矿物(滑石和滑间皂石);由砂页岩和灰岩互层母质发育的山地黄棕壤,以蛭石为主,伊利石和高岭石其次,有三水铝石和弱结晶针铁矿。在金佛山中下部(600~1 200 m),石灰岩发育的黄色石灰土以蛭石或伊利石为主,有一定量的高岭石,普遍出现针铁矿。湖南怀化盆地海拔200多米,纯灰岩发育的红色石灰土为伊利石、蛭石和高岭石(含埃洛石)组合型,有结晶好的针铁矿和少量赤铁矿。海拔显著影响高岭石含量、针铁矿结晶度,海拔降低时高岭石含量增加,针铁矿结晶度提高。在金佛山山顶区,石灰岩母质岩性和微地形变异对土壤成土过程和黏土矿物组成影响显著。  相似文献   

A Fragipan (Bx) is a soil horizon hard when dry and brittle when moist, that undergoes slaking upon water immersion, forming a barrier to roots and limiting land use. Brittleness and slaking depend on soil porosity and particle arrangement, but still no agreement exists on the inorganic components responsible for such arrangement. We hypothesized that the same kind of particle arrangement may originate from different soil components, ultimately depending on the lithology of parent material, and evaluated the soil and clay characteristics that best differentiate Bx from B horizons. Thirty-six samples were taken from Typic Fragiudalfs developed on the two sides of an alluvial fan characterized by different amounts of ultramafic materials. Discriminant Analysis evidenced that pedogenic Fe oxides were fundamental in discriminating Bx from B horizons on pure ultramafic parent material, while clay mineralogy was more important in soils with less ultramafic materials. In the first case, the association between clay minerals and self-assembling oxides systems may lead to brittleness, while in the second case the higher abundance of kaolinite may contribute to weak associations between pH-dependent sites and negatively charged surfaces. The only common feature to fragipans on both river sides was a higher degree of weathering.  相似文献   

Rock weathering has long been a subject of study for geologists, mineralogists, chemists and soil scientists since the dawn of this century. In methods for investigating rock weathering, three aspects seem to be present. The one is a chemical aspect in which weathering process is considered by comparing chemical composition of fresh parent rock with that of the weathered rock, the difference being attributed to gains or losses of chemica,l elements with respect to a supposed immobile element, usually aluminum. This aspect can elucidate the chemical behaviour of rock, that is, of material as an assemblage of constituent minerals in the environment of weathering. Among many such studies mentioned. PoLYNov's “Cycle of Weathering” (6) is one of the most comprehensive and fruitful acheivements. The second aspect is a mineralogical one, in which interests are directed toward skeletal minerals surviving against severe attacks of weathering. It is commonly observed that some of the original constituent minerals still remain in weathered material after others have been extinguished. The former minerals are more stable than the latter. On the basis of these observations, the sequence of resistantiability or stability to weathering can be determined for many rock forming minerals. GOLDICH's study of rock-weathering (3) is a representative one in this aspect. The third aspect is concerned with clay mineralogy. Primary rock-forming minerals are weathered into very finegrained materials most of which had been believed amorphous until techniques now used in clay mineralogical reserch proved their crystalline state. Besides primary skeletal minerals, weathered materials are now known to consist mainly of both amorphous and crystalline secondary minerals, mostly appearing in minus two micron fraction and being objects of interest in clay mineralogy. Any study of rock weathering hitherto performed stood more or less on the three aspects above mentioned but, all the abovementioned seem to fall into the common tendency of dealing with materials as bulk mass. That is, they were concerned much more with fresh rock versus its weathered end products as a whole rather than with the process or mechanism by which fresh rock changed into weathered material. Thus, in the temperate to subtropical humid region, it is known that, for example, kaolinite minerals, gibbsite, and some of 2: 1 type clay minerals are found in weathered materials of rocks and further that Na, K. Mg. Ca, and Si are leached away, while H, Al, and Fe are concentrated in the weathered products, but it is scarcely understood from what constituent minerals of the parent fresh rock any of the clay minerals now present in the weathered material were derived. Though, a mineralogical or chemical tracing of the courses of decomposing minerals from their initial phases to subsequent modified phases was already pioneered by STEPHEN (8). such a trend is believed, by the author, to be a fourth aspect necessary for further thorough understanding of rock weathering. This way of study may also serve in bridging between experimental data on chemical reactions of specific minerals with reagent solutions on the one hand and observations of mineralogical interrelation of parent minerals to resultant weathering products on the other hand. Granitic rock offers a suitable situation for this fourth aspect because of the ease in picking up mineral grains at various weathering stages due to the coarseness of its constituent minerals and also to its unique mode of physical disintegration.  相似文献   

Per Nørnberg 《Geoderma》1980,24(1):25-43
This paper deals with possible mineralogical changes from one particle size fraction to another and from one horizon to another in a Typic Haplorthod. X-ray diffraction and chemical analysis were the main methods used. The investigation indicates that a large part of the fine material in the soil is developed during weathering in situ. Less resistant minerals seem to be protected by being parts of rock fragments in coarser fractions, but once freed from that protection they quickly undergo fragmentation into finer particles. Most of the sand and silt fractions are quartz. The K-feldspar content ranges between about 10 and 20%, the Na-feldspar content from about 15 to 30% and the Ca-feldspar content is very small. The clay minerals are mostly kaolinite and mica and in the A2 horizon, expandable 2:1 minerals containing both smectite and vermiculite layers. The B horizon contains 14 A minerals that resemble interstratified vermiculite—chlorite. In the C horizon both vermiculite—chlorite and clorite occur.  相似文献   

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