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富民 《植物检疫》1993,7(5):358-359
下列杂草禁止进口。任何货物,如发现带有下列杂草,都将被扣留,直到通过剔除或其他处理,使检疫官确信检疫风险已被消除为止。 1 带有刺果的蒺藜草属Cenchrus的所有植物 2 如下所列的各种植物  相似文献   

杂草籽实的鉴定方法探讨关书琴,沈建成,印丽萍,徐国强(上海动植物检疫局200032)近年来,随着我国对外贸易的发展,进出口货物的数量、种类也在增加,其中常夹杂杂草籽实,如烟草、羊毛、蔬菜种子,均发现其中混杂有杂草籽实,并且有些是我国对外检疫危险性杂草...  相似文献   

植物化感作用在农田杂草防除中的应用   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
杂草是农业生产中的重要问题之一,给农业生产造成巨大损失,长期使用除草剂不仅污染环境,而且杂草易产生抗药性。植物化感作用作为一种天然的生态机制,为防治杂草提供了一种有效的方法。本文就化感作用的基本定义、向自然界的释放途径、利用化感作用控制杂草的方法和植物化感作用在杂草防除中的应用前景进行了论述。  相似文献   

豫北地区杂草植物病原菌资源调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
豫北地区杂草植物病原菌资源调查张希福(河南职业技术师范学院植保系,新乡453003)INVESTIGATIONONTHEWEEDPATHOGENSFLORAINNORTHERNHENANZHANGXi-fu(Dept.ofPlantProtectio...  相似文献   

李一农  陈雪娇 《植物检疫》1997,11(6):350-351
进境亚麻种子携带的杂草籽实李一农陈雪娇宋典武胡献星(皇岗动植物检疫局深圳518045)亚麻LinumusitatisimumL.种子富含油脂,可榨油供药用,作润滑剂;或作玩具填充料。近年来,深圳某塑料玩具加工厂每年从加拿大、美国、英国3个国家进口亚麻...  相似文献   

生物防治—杂草综合治理的重要内容   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
丁建清 《杂草学报》1995,9(1):60-64

植物组织培养技术在杂草鉴定中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
章毓英  李扬汉 《植物检疫》1992,6(5):339-340
随着植物组织培养技术的普及和提高,其应用范围越来越广。近年来,我们曾利用组织培养技术对菟丝子,无根藤等寄生杂草在无寄主存在时,用种子培养成无菌苗,为诱导花芽分化,鉴定菟丝子和研究寄生植物的吸器发育等提供了实验材料。下面主要介绍杂草种子的离体培养和菟丝子的茎尖培养与花芽的诱发。  相似文献   

作物化感品种对农田杂草的调控   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
农田施用大量除草剂不仅引起环境和生态问题,而且导致除草剂抗性杂草不断发生。因此,需要建立生态安全的杂草管理策略以改变杂草控制对除草剂依赖的现状。利用作物化感品种调控农田杂草是极具开发潜力的杂草控制策略,这些作物化感品种自身能够产生和释放化感物质调控杂草,从而减少对人工除草剂的依赖。鉴于此,近10余年来,以作物化感品种为中心的农田杂草控制策略一直得到广泛的关注和研发。本文综述了作物化感品种调控农田杂草和相应抑草机制的最新进展,尤其是可商业化种植的作物化感新品种选育及其在除草剂减量控制杂草的实践。在此基础上,阐释了作物化感品种间亲属合作行为以及基于化感物质的新型除草剂研发对解决农田杂草难题的机遇和挑战。  相似文献   

植物间的他感作用与杂草防除   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
申继忠 《植物保护》1992,18(3):41-43

本文摘译自《Weed-Crop Ecology》(North Scituate,Massachusetts:Breton Publishers)一书。较早而系统地介绍了植物的化感作用,以充分发挥其对杂草综合治理方面的应用价值。  相似文献   

芋艿田常见杂草有近30种,其中以禾本科、蓼科、苋科和玄参科杂草为主,在不同时间段杂草优势种类和数量有所不同,并且不同生境的芋艿田杂草种类也有所不同。  相似文献   

Agricultural weeds descended from domesticated ancestors, directly from crops (endoferality) and/or from crop–wild hybridization (exoferality), may have evolutionary advantages by rapidly acquiring traits pre-adapted to agricultural habitats. Understanding the role of crops on the origin and evolution of agricultural weeds is essential to develop more effective weed management programs, minimize crop losses due to weeds, and accurately assess the risks of cultivated genes escaping. In this review, we first describe relevant traits of weediness: shattering, seed dormancy, branching, early flowering and rapid growth, and their role in the feralization process. Furthermore, we discuss how the design of “super-crops” can affect weed evolution. We then searched for literature documenting cases of agricultural weeds descended from well-domesticated crops, and describe six case studies of feral weeds evolved from major crops: maize, radish, rapeseed, rice, sorghum, and sunflower. Further studies on the origin and evolution of feral weeds can improve our understanding of the physiological and genetic mechanisms underpinning the adaptation to agricultural habitats and may help to develop more effective weed-control practices and breeding better crops. © 2022 Society of Chemical Industry.  相似文献   

European weeds and other alien species in the Subantarctic   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The species of European weeds which occur as persistent aliens on the subantarctic islands are listed. Their persistence and degree of success in establishment of populations is examined and probable means of introduction suggested for certain species. Poa annua, Cerastium holosteoides and Stellaria media appear to be the most widespread species while Poa annua is undoubtedly the most successful species. Grazing effects can materially influence the spread of introduced species, reindeer on South Georgia having brought about the establishment of pure Poa annua swards. Viable seeds of some species have been found to persist for several years, only germinating under unusual weather conditions. It is concluded that whilst Man's activities have not so far damaged irreparably the floras of any of the islands there is considerable cause for concern for the future. Les mauvaises herbes européennes et autres espéces étrangéres dans la zone subantarctique. On a dressé la liste des espèces européennes de mauvaises herbes qui apparaissent comme des adventices persistantes dans les îles de la zone subantarctique. Leur persistance et Ie degré de réussite dans l'établissement de population est examiné et il est suggéré quelques moyens probables d'intro-duction pour certaines espéces. Poa annua, Cerastium holosteoides et Stellaria media apparaissent comme les espéces les plus répandues, cependant que Poa annua est indubitable-ment I'espéce qui a le mieux réussi. Les effets du pâturage peuvent matériellement influencer la dispersion des espéces introduites, les rennes en Georgie du Sud ayant contribué a l'etablissement de pelouses monospé cifiques de Poa annua. Il a été constaté que des semences viables de certaines espéces peuvent persister pendant plusieurs années, ne germant que dans des conditions climatiques inhabituelles. Il en est conclu que si les activités de l'homme n'ont pas encore endommagd de façon irréparable les flores d'aucune des îles, il y a cependant de graves raisons d'inquiétude pour le futur. Europäische Unkräuter tmd andere fremdiändische Arten in der Sub-Antarklis Die europäischen Unkrautarten die sich auf den subantarktischen Inseln eingebürgert haben, sind zusammen-gestellt. Ihr Ausdauern und ihr Vermögen Poputationen zu bilden wird untersucht und mögliche Wege der Einbüirgerung werden für einige Arten dargelegt. Poa annua, Cerastium holosteoides und Stellaria media scheinen die am weitesten verbreiteten Arten zu sein, während Poa annua zweifelsohne die erfolgreichste Art ist. Durch Abweiden kann die Aus-breitung der eingeführten Arten wesentlich beeinflusst werden; so entstanden auf Süd-Georgien durch Rentiere reine Poa annud-Rasen. Es wurde gefunden, dass die Samen einiger Arten mehrere Jahre lebensfähig bleiben und nur onter ungewöhnlichen Witterungsbedingungen keimen. Es wird gefolgert, dass die Tätigkeit des Menschen bisher auf keiner der Inseln zu irreparablen Schaden der Floren gefuhrt hat, die weitere Entwicklung gibt jedoch Anlass zur Sorge.  相似文献   

Current biological control strategies involve the use of exotic or native biocontrol agents, proven to be host-specific and lethal. This is a successful field of endeavor, attractive lo a large cadre of entomologists and a few plant pathologists. The main limitation is that each weed species must be attacked by a separate host-specific agent and these organisms are not always lethal. Only by using a radical paradigm shift can we reach a new strategy of biocontrol. In this strategy, lethal, broad host-range pathogens are genetically modified to permit their safe release. Either they are rendered host-specific or they are given a chemical dependency that prevents their spread or long-term survival. This genetic-manipulative approach offers numerous and diverse scenarios for biocontrol. Host-specific promoters or toxins, host-dependency by multiple auxotrophy, or mutants dependent on specific environmental conditions are all approaches that lend themselves to genetic modification. Such self-delimiting pathogens may have the advantage of repeated marketability, environmental safely and multiple target weeds.  相似文献   

几种阔叶杂草对小麦产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
麦田杂草不仅消耗土壤中的水分、养分,浪费光热资源,而且影响小麦产量。它们既是一个复杂的群体,又是形态特征各异的个体。其对小麦产量的影响因密度、种类、种群结构而异。所以,开展杂草对小麦影响的研究,是提高麦田化学除草技术的重要组成部分。为此,笔者于2001~2003年结合生产实际,开展了有关项目的调查研究。1麦田杂草数量对小麦产量的影响由于不同年份杂草的种群结构不同,所以此项调查不分杂草种类,是同一田块各种杂草在不同密度下对小麦产量的影响。调查选择地力均匀、小麦基本苗均匀、杂草数量大的田块,人为划分为无草、60株/m2(相…  相似文献   

青海铝业厂区共有杂草40种,隶属16科,其中禾本科和菊科杂草以及萹蓄、藜、田旋花、草木犀等杂草为优势种,具有较强的抗污染特性。本文提出了在污染区进行绿化时存在的问题及解决方法。  相似文献   

This study assessed the cultural and weed management factors influencing the weed communities of Hungarian rice fields. Hungary is situated at the northern limit of rice production with a history of about 300 years of rice culture. We surveyed the weed flora and 25 background variables in 100 active rice fields. Using a minimal adequate model containing 11 terms, 48.5% of the total variation in weed species data could be explained. The net effects of nine variables on species composition were significant. Crop cover was found to be the most important explanatory variable, which was followed by the herbicides penoxsulam and azimsulfuron, tillage depth, phosphorous and potassium fertilisers, years after last rotation, water depth in May, sowing type, pendimethalin and water conductivity. Filamentous algae, as the most abundant group of weeds, were positively associated with deep tillage, deep water and surface sowing. Echinochloa crus‐galli, one of the most troublesome grass weeds, was associated with low rice cover, shallow water and later years after crop rotation, while weedy rice favoured high crop cover, deep water and soil sowing. These findings can be used to design improved weed management strategies. The occurrence of red list species and charophytes in diverse micro‐mosaic patterns deserves attention from a conservation perspective, as well. The maintenance of these unique charophyte communities can be facilitated by shallow tillage without soil inversion.  相似文献   

河南省南阳市草坪主要杂草种类与防除   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2002~2004年采用目测法对南阳市区及辖区7个县市的1.2万m2草坪杂草种类及分布进行调查并统计。结果表明,主要杂草有22科49种,其中单子叶杂草2科11种,双子叶杂草20科38种,危害较重的有香附子、狗牙根、马唐、狗尾草、牛筋草、艾蒿等。根据杂草分布情况,提出对该地区草坪杂草进行综合防除措施。  相似文献   

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