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Mast cell tumors in the dog.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The most common skin tumor in dogs is the mast cell tumor (MCT), with an incidence of close to 20% in the canine population. MCTs range from relatively benign to extremely aggressive, leading to metastasis and eventual death from systemic disease. Although surgical removal with or without radiation therapy may cure most patients with low-grade MCTs, there are no effective treatments for dogs with aggressive high-grade MCTs. This article reviews the current understanding of MCT biology with regard to diagnosis, staging, identification of prognostic indicators, and appropriate treatment planning.  相似文献   

Pruritic open skin lesions (5 mm diameter) on the thorax, neck, or head of 3 ferrets were diagnosed as mast cell tumors. Diagnosis of the tumors was based on histologic examination of biopsy specimens. Histologic diagnosis was necessary because the lesions had been treated as mycotic or bacterial ulcers and did not respond to conventional treatment. Excised mast cell tumors did not recur, and malignant behavior of the tumors was not observed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe postnatal changes in the populations of bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) of dogs. ANIMALS: 110 Beagles ranging from neonatal to adult dogs. PROCEDURE: Contents of the stomach and proximal and distal portions of the colon and contents and mucosa of the mid region of the small intestine were collected from puppies at 1 day after birth and subsequent suckling; puppies at 21, 42, and 63 days after birth; and adult female dogs (ie, dams of the puppies) for enumeration of bacterial populations. RESULTS: The entire GIT was colonized at day 1 by all groups of bacteria studied; aerotolerant forms were dominant. During subsequent postnatal development, there were changes in the relative proportions of the various groups of bacteria with anaerobic groups increasing in absolute and relative numbers. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Establishment of bacterial populations in the GIT of dogs is a gradual process that begins immediately after birth. Age-related changes in the relative proportions of bacterial groups coincided with changes in diet and physiologic processes of the host and can influence nutritional state and disease resistance of developing dogs. Differences among regions of the GIT suggest that fecal samples may have limited use for understanding the populations of bacteria and the age and diet-related changes in various regions of the GIT.  相似文献   

Distilled water was studied as an hypoosmotic oncolysis agent to prevent mast cell tumour (MCT) recurrence following surgical excision. The results from 118 MCTS excised in 74 dogs were: surgery alone, a recurrence rate of 52·6 per cent (10/19); and surgery followed by distilled water injections into the wound, a 26·2 per cent (26/99) recurrence rate. All of 10 small MCTS (0·03 to 0·25 cm3) injected with distilled water in situ with no surgery, regressed. The present data suggest that distilled water should be considered as an adjunct to surgery for canine MCTS.  相似文献   

Diseases that are associated with infections or allergic reactions in the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts are major causes of morbidity in both cats and dogs. Future strategies for the control of these conditions require a greater understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the induction and regulation of responses at the mucosal surfaces. Historically, the majority of the fundamental studies have been carried out in rodents or with tissues obtained from man, but the expanding range of reagents available for the study of farm and companion animals provides opportunities for study in a wider range of animals including cats and dogs. To date, these studies have tended to be focussed on characterising the cellular distributions in healthy animals and in groups of cats and dogs identified as having an increased risk of mucosal disturbance. Where species comparisons of mucosal immune systems have been made, the results have tended to be divided between monogastric and ruminant animals. It is then not surprising that the mucosal immune systems of both cats and dogs bear greatest similarity to that documented for man and pigs. For example, IgA is the dominant immunoglobulin in mucosal secretions of cats and dogs and oral tolerance can be induced following the introduction of novel antigens into the diet. Also like several other species, cats become transiently hypersensitive to the newly introduced dietary antigen prior to the establishment of tolerance. In contrast, there are a number of potentially important differences. In particular, there are significant differences between cats and dogs in the expression MHC class II molecules on gut epithelial cells. Similarly, it has been reported that cats have elevated numbers of intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) and that a proportion of these express surface IgM. It remains to be determined if these differences reflect the way in which the animals are maintained and if they may have greater biological significance.  相似文献   

The predatory capacity of the nematophagous fungus Pochonia chlamydosporia (isolate VC4) after passage through the gastrointestinal tract of dogs was assessed in vivo against Toxocara canis eggs. Twelve dogs previously wormed were divided into two groups of six animals and caged. The treatments consisted of a fungus-treated group (VC4) and a control group without fungus. Each dog of the fungus-treated group received a single 4 g dose of mycelial mass of P. chlamydosporia (VC4). Fecal samples from animals of both groups (treated and control) were collected at five different times (6, 12, 24, 36, and 48 h) after fungal administration, and placed in Petri dishes. Each Petri dish of both groups for each studied time interval received approximately 1000 T. canis eggs. Thirty days after the fecal samples were collected, approximately one hundred eggs were removed from each Petri dish of each studied time interval and evaluated by light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Microscopy examination of plates inoculated with the fungus showed that the isolate VC4 was able to destroy the T. canis eggs with destruction percentages of 28.6% (6 h), 29.1% (12 h), 32.0% (24 h), 31.7% (36 h), and 37.2% (48 h). These results suggest that P. chlamydosporia can be used as a tool for the biological control of T. canis eggs in feces of contaminated dogs.  相似文献   

Wooden skewer foreign bodies were found in eight dogs. Five presented for evaluation of draining sinuses and two for inflammatory disease referrable to the thorax, abdomen or pelvic region. In an additional case, pneumothorax resulted from perforation of the stomach and diaphragm. Ingestion was considered the most likely mode of access of the foreign body in all cases. Although the wooden foreign bodies were seen radiographically in only two dogs, identification of soft tissue or bony changes, or the results of contrast sinography assisted diagnosis. Surgical retrieval led to resolution of signs in all cases.  相似文献   

The case histories of 8 dogs with spinal pain and neurologic deficits associated with vertebral plasma cell tumor are reviewed. Four dogs had solitary plasmacytoma, 3 had multiple myeloma, and 1 dog had 2 vertebral lesions with no evidence of disseminated disease. Four dogs were treated: 2 with multiple myeloma received chemotherapy only and survived 17 and 26 months, respectively. Two dogs with solitary plasmacytomas of the spine had chemotherapy and radiotherapy: the 1st survived 4 months and was euthanized after developing radiation myelopathy; the 2nd survived 65 months before developing multiple myeloma. The diagnosis of solitary plasmacytoma of the spine versus multiple myeloma is discussed.  相似文献   

It has been suggested but not proven that hypersensitivity type I reactions are involved in the pathogenesis of canine inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The main effector cells in type I hypersensitivity reactions are mast cells (MCs). Canine MCs, as human MCs, can be subdivided into three subtypes according to their content of mast cell-specific proteases: tryptase (MCT), chymase (MCC), or tryptase and chymase bearing MCs (MCTC). In this study, numbers and subsets of mast cells were investigated in biopsies from the gastrointestinal tract of dogs with histopathologically confirmed lymphocytic-plasmacytic enteritis (LPE) (n = 4), lymphocytic-plasmacytic colitis (LPC) (n = 1) and eosinophilic gastroenterocolitis (EGE) (n = 11). Paraffin sections of formalin-fixed samples from the stomach, small intestine (duodenum, jejunum, ileum) and colon were stained by using a metachromatic staining method (kresylecht-violet; KEV) and a combined enzyme histochemical and immunohistochemical technique for chymase and tryptase. Additionally, immunohistochemistry with antibodies against T cells (CD3), macrophages (myeloid/histiocyte antigen) and IgA, IgG and IgM bearing cells was conducted. Quantitative evaluation of mast cells and semiquantitative scoring of immunohistochemically stained cells were performed. Between the two histopathologically defined groups clear differences concerning mast cell numbers were detected. In most affected intestinal tissue locations of dogs with LPE/LPC a decrease in metachromatically (kresylecht-violet) stained granule-containing MCs and immunohistochemically stained MCT,C,TC was found. This reduction could be due to mast cell degranulation, a T helper cell 1 dominated reaction pattern or a “thinning out” due to increasing T cells, IgA and IgG bearing cells. Dogs with EGE displayed higher variability in mast cell numbers but most of the affected large and small intestinal locations had increased numbers of MCs. In these cases, T cells, IgA bearing cells and macrophages also increased. Increased numbers of MCs and eosinophils seen in the intestinal mucosa of dogs with EGE could indicate the presence of a type I hypersensitivity reaction (T helper cell 2 pattern) in response to dietary antigens. Changes in cell numbers occurred also in unaffected locations of dogs with LPE/LPC and EGE which showed reduced MCT,C,TC, increased KEV positive cells and partially increased leucocytes and macrophages.  相似文献   

目前犬瘟热发病表现腹泻症状的病犬占很高的比例,而犬瘟热疾病表现消化道症状的病理机制尚未完全阐明。5-羟色胺(5-HT)是消化系统内重要的神经递质和调节物,而且90%以上分布于肠道,在腹泻性的疾病中可能起着巨大作用。为探讨犬瘟热病犬胃肠道5-HT细胞的变化及其在病理中的作用,取5只消化道型犬瘟热病犬胃肠组织,常规切片,SP免疫组织化学技术对病犬胃肠道内5-HT胺细胞进行定位,观察其形态特征与分布密度。结果显示,胃肠道内5-HT胺细胞呈现明显多形性,大小不均一。胃部的5-HT胺细胞主要集中在胃腺上皮细胞之间;肠道内的5-HT胺细胞主要分布于肠上皮基底部、肠道黏膜上皮细胞之间。在消化道型犬瘟热病犬胃肠道中5-HT胺细胞数量明显增多,在胃中5-HT胺细胞的密度在胃幽门处显著高于胃部其他部位,在肠道内结肠处的分布数量显著低于其他肠段,在整个胃肠道内呈不规则波浪形分布,并且5-HT胺细胞密度与腹泻程度明显相关。试验结果提示5-HT胺细胞可能参与犬瘟热发病过程,其增高是由于犬瘟热病毒或者继发感染的其他病原菌破坏消化道的正常组织结构刺激胃肠道内的5-HT胺细胞代偿性增加。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine results of cytologic examination of fine-needle aspirates and impression smears of gastrointestinal tract tumors in dogs and cats. DESIGN: Retrospective case series. ANIMALS: 38 dogs and 44 cats with histologically confirmed gastrointestinal tract tumors. PROCEDURES: Results of cytologic examination of fine-needle aspirates (n = 67) or impression smears (31) were compared with the histologic diagnosis, and extent of agreement was classified as complete, partial, none, or undetermined. RESULTS: For 48 of the 67 (72%) fine-needle aspirates, there was complete or partial agreement between the cytologic and histologic diagnoses. For 12 (18%) aspirates, the extent of agreement could not be determined because the cytologic specimen was considered unsatisfactory. For 29 of the 31 (94%) impression smears, there was complete agreement between the cytologic and histologic diagnoses, and for 2 (6%), there was partial agreement. None of the impression smears were considered unsatisfactory. Proportion of samples with complete agreement and proportion of samples with complete or partial agreement were significantly higher for impression smears than for fine-needle aspirates. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that there was moderate agreement between results of cytologic examination of fine-needle aspirates from dogs and cats with gastrointestinal tract neoplasia and the definitive histologic diagnosis. The agreement between results of cytologic examination of impression smears and the histologic diagnosis appeared to be higher.  相似文献   

Flunixin meglumine has been reported to induce gastrointestinal lesions in dogs when administered at therapeutic dosages. We administered flunixin meglumine to dogs daily for 10 days to assess the effect of this drug on the gastrointestinal tract. We also evaluated the possibility of corticosteroid potentiation of gastrointestinal toxicosis by concurrent administration of prednisone to 1 group of dogs. Dogs were monitored for gastrointestinal toxicosis by means of serial endoscopic evaluation, measurement of fecal occult blood, PCV, and total solid concentration, and by physical examination. There were 3 treatment groups of 5 dogs each. Group-1 dogs were given 2.2 mg of flunixin meglumine/kg daily, in 2 divided doses IM; group-2 dogs were given 4.4 mg of flunixin meglumine/kg daily, in 2 divided doses IM; and group-3 dogs were given 2.2 mg of flunixin meglumine/kg daily, in 2 divided doses IM plus 1.1 mg of prednisone/kg/d orally, in 2 divided doses. A fourth group of 5 dogs served as a control group. Endoscopically visible gastric mucosal lesions developed in all treated dogs within 4 days of initiating treatment. Lesions first developed in the gastric pylorus and antrum and lesions at these sites were more severe than those observed elsewhere. Dogs treated with flunixin meglumine plus prednisone developed the earliest and most severe lesions; lesion scores in group-2 dogs were higher than those in group-1 dogs. All dogs treated had occult blood in their feces by day 5 and its presence appeared to correlate more closely with endoscopic findings than did physical examination findings or changes in values for PCV or total solids.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

An increasing number of laboratory tests are available for diagnosis of gastrointestinal tract diseases in dogs and cats. Use of these tests can lead to more accurate and rapid diagnoses. This review discusses laboratory tests, both new and old, and the role they currently play in the evaluation of animals presented with gastrointestinal problems. A minimum database helps assess the severity of the disorder, detect extra-gastrointestinal causes of problems and assists in formulating diagnostic and therapeutic plans.

Faecal examination remains one of the most important diagnostic procedures in the investigation of gastrointestinal problems. Zinc sulphate faecal flotation is an excellent routine screening technique for helminth and protozoal infections, including giardiasis. Rectal cytology can assist in the diagnosis of large bowel disorders. Interpretation of faecal immunodiagnostic tests is hampered by insufficient knowledge of test sensitivities and specificities. Routine faecal cultures are not warranted and faecal occult blood tests are rarely indicated.

Serum tests for gastric inflammation are now under development. The serum trypsin-like immunoreactivity test remains the gold standard technique for the diagnosis of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. Breath hydrogen tests can be helpful in assessing the functional relevance of mild abnormalities in small-bowel biopsy specimens. Subnormal concentrations of serum cobalamin appear to be more specific indicators of gastrointestinal disease in cats than in dogs. Tests for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth remain controversial and assessment of gastrointestinal permeability has yet to prove its value in the diagnostic assessment of companion animals with gastrointestinal problems. Faecal alpha1-protease inhibitor (α1-PI) shows promise for the diagnosis of protein-losing enteropathy.  相似文献   

Few reports have investigated prognosis of canine gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) cases treated by surgical resection alone. In the present study, we investigated the overall survival (OS) and prognostic factors for dogs with GIST treated by surgical complete resection alone. Fifty-three dogs were included, and the median OS was 18 months. Multivariate analysis showed that primary tumors in small intestine (P=0.04) is significantly associated with shorter OS, and median OS of the cases with cecum lesion and those with small intestine lesion was 22 and 6 months, respectively. The present study suggested primary tumor site was a novel prognostic factor for dogs with GIST treated by surgical complete resection alone.  相似文献   

An increasing number of laboratory tests are available for diagnosis of gastrointestinal tract diseases in dogs and cats. Use of these tests can lead to more accurate and rapid diagnoses. This review discusses laboratory tests, both new and old, and the role they currently play in the evaluation of animals presented with gastrointestinal problems. A minimum database helps assess the severity of the disorder, detect extra-gastrointestinal causes of problems and assists in formulating diagnostic and therapeutic plans. Faecal examination remains one of the most important diagnostic procedures in the investigation of gastrointestinal problems. Zinc sulphate faecal flotation is an excellent routine screening technique for helminth and protozoal infections, including giardiasis. Rectal cytology can assist in the diagnosis of large bowel disorders. Interpretation of faecal immunodiagnostic tests is hampered by insufficient knowledge of test sensitivities and specificities. Routine faecal cultures are not warranted and faecal occult blood tests are rarely indicated. Serum tests for gastric inflammation are now under development. The serum trypsin-like immunoreactivity test remains the gold standard technique for the diagnosis of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. Breath hydrogen tests can be helpful in assessing the functional relevance of mild abnormalities in small-bowel biopsy specimens. Subnormal concentrations of serum cobalamin appear to be more specific indicators of gastrointestinal disease in cats than in dogs. Tests for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth remain controversial and assessment of gastrointestinal permeability has yet to prove its value in the diagnostic assessment of companion animals with gastrointestinal problems. Faecal alpha1-protease inhibitor shows promise for the diagnosis of protein-losing enteropathy.  相似文献   

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