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Apples are an important source of flavonoids in the human diet. The effect of processing apples into juice on polyphenolic antioxidant content and activity is described. Raw juice obtained from Jonagold apples by pulping and straight pressing or after pulp enzyming had an antioxidant activity that was only 10 and 3%, respectively, of the activity of the fresh apples. The levels of flavonoids and chlorogenic acid in the juice were reduced to between 50% (chlorogenic acid) and 3% (catechins). Most of the antioxidants were retained in the pomace rather than being transferred into the juice. Apparently, most of the antioxidant compounds are absorbed to the solid matter of the pomace. In apple juice, 45% of the total measured antioxidant activity could be ascribed to the analyzed antioxidants. For three apple cultivars tested (Elstar, Golden Delicious, and Jonagold), the processing methods had similar effects. The results indicate that processing can have a major impact on the bioactivity of products.  相似文献   

Kinetic data are reported describing the stability of various classes of polyphenolic antioxidants in an apple juice enriched in these compounds as a function of storage temperature and oxygen concentration. The most thermally sensitive compounds were the various quercetin glycosides and epicatechin, whereas phloridzin and chlorogenic acid were more stable. The quercetin glycosides showed differences in their stability: quercetin galactoside approximately quercetin rhamnoside > quercetin glucoside/rutinoside > quercetin arabinoside. The effect of the presence of oxygen on the degradation rates was clear for only quercetin and to a lesser extent for epicatechin. Accelerated shelf-life testing of enriched apple juice during 4 days at 80 degrees C showed decreases in the antioxidant activity of 20-40%. The parameters obtained were used to predict the stability at different storage conditions. Calculations showed that polyphenolic antioxidants and antioxidant activity of enriched apple juice will be quite stable at ambient or refrigerated storage conditions up to half a year.  相似文献   

Consumers' increasing interest in the relationship between diet and health is a sign for food producers to pay more attention to potential health-protecting compounds in new product development and food processing. From a production chain perspective the choice of the raw material that is used is important for the health-protecting potential of the end product. Four apple cultivars (Jonagold, Golden Delicious, Cox's Orange, and Elstar), which can be used as fresh apples or in processed apple products, were compared with regard to flavonol, catechins, phloridzin, and chlorogenic acid concentrations and antioxidant activity. Jonagold apples possessed the highest flavonoid concentration and the highest antioxidant activity. To study seasonal differences, apples from three different harvest years were analyzed, but in three cultivars no effect on flavonoid concentration and antioxidant activity was observed. Long-term storage, both at refrigerator temperature and under controlled atmosphere conditions, was found not to influence flavonoid concentration or antioxidant activity.  相似文献   

The effects of enzymatic mash treatments on yield, turbidity, color, and polyphenolic content of cloudy apple juice were studied. Using HPLC-ESI-MS, cryptochlorogenic acid was identified in cv. Brettacher cloudy apple juice for the first time. Commercial pectolytic enzyme preparations with different levels of secondary protease activity were tested under both oxidative and nonoxidative conditions. Without the addition of ascorbic acid, oxidation substantially decreased chlorogenic acid, epicatechin, and procyanidin B2 contents due to enzymatic browning. The content of chlorogenic acid as the major polyphenolic compound was also influenced by the composition of pectolytic enzyme preparations because the presence of secondary protease activity resulted in a rise of chlorogenic acid. The latter effect was probably due to the inhibited protein-polyphenol interactions, which prevented binding of polyphenolic compounds to the matrix, thus increasing their antioxidative potential. The results obtained clearly demonstrate the advantage of the nonoxidative mash maceration for the production of cloud-stable apple juice with a high polyphenolic content, particularly in a premature processing campaign.  相似文献   

苹果汁冷冻浓缩工艺的研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
应用渐进冷冻浓缩原理对苹果汁冷冻浓缩特性进行研究,试验证明渐进浓缩苹果汁浓缩效果良好。影响冷冻浓缩的主要因素是搅拌速度。搅拌速度1200 r/min时浓缩效果最佳,溶质损失最少。冷冻浓缩对苹果汁中酸度和维生素C含量无影响,是提高浓缩品质量的较佳方法。浓缩产品感官质量均匀一致,保持了果汁的原有风味。  相似文献   

Classification models for Penicillium expansum spoilage of apples and prediction models for patulin concentration in apples usable for apple juice production were made on the basis of electronic nose (e-nose) analysis correlated to HPLC quantification of patulin. A total of 15 Golden Delicious and 4 Jonagold apples were surface sterilized and divided into three groups per variety. The Golden Delicious group consisted of five apples each. Group 1 was untreated control, group 2 was surface inoculated with P. expansum, and group 3 was inoculated in the core with P. expansum. The apples were incubated at 25 degrees C for 10 days. E-nose analysis was performed daily. At day 10 the Golden Delicious apples were individually processed for apple juice production. During apple juice production the mash and juice were analyzed by e-nose, and samples were taken for patulin analysis by HPLC. The volatile metabolite profile was obtained by collection of volatile metabolites, on tubes containing Tenax TA, overnight between the 9th and 10th days of incubation and subsequent analysis of the collected compounds by GC-MS. Prediction models using partial least-squares, with high correlation, for prediction of patulin concentration in shredded apples as well as apple juice were successfully created. It was also shown that it is possible to classify P. expansum spoilage in apples correctly on the basis of soft independent modeling of class analogy classification of e-nose analysis data. To the authors' knowledge this is the first report of a regression model between e-nose data and mycotoxin content in which actual concentrations are reported. This implies that it is possible to predict mycotoxin production and concentration by e-nose analysis.  相似文献   

为了提高榨前破碎对细胞的破坏程度及细胞液的游离率以利于水果出汁,试验中采用高速钝击对苹果进行了榨前破碎.试验结果发现,高速钝击可造成苹果果实细胞的广泛破坏,破碎后果肉细胞残片仍呈团絮状.钝击破碎后苹果细胞液游离率可达到67%~69%,较目前采用的剪切破碎的细胞液游离率提高近20个百分点、出汁率提高15个百分点;具有相同出汁率时钝击破碎压榨工艺较剪切破碎压榨耗时减少近50%.高速钝击较目前广泛采用的剪切破碎等方法对降低压榨力、提高出汁率等方面有明显的改善.  相似文献   

A simple HPLC method for the determination of adulteration in apple juice was developed. The method is based on the detection of D-malate, derived from racemic malic acid, which is added as an acidulant. A variable-wavelength optical rotation detector was used to determine the enantiomeric excess (ee). Using anion-exchange chromatography with a phosphate buffer eluent and UV (210 nm) detection, the limit of detection for L-malate was 2 microg. With an injection of 13.4 microg of malate, the standard deviation of the ee calibration curve was 2.5%. Several apple juice samples were analyzed according to the proposed procedure, and the results agreed with those obtained using enzymatic kits for food analysis.  相似文献   

Patulin is a mycotoxin produced by certain fungi, such as those found commonly on apples. The patulin content of apple juice is a regulatory concern because patulin is a suspected carcinogen and mutagen. A simple model of the apple juice concentration process was carried out to examine the possible contamination of patulin in apple aroma, a distillate produced commercially in the concentration of apple juice. The results show no evidence for patulin volatility, and document a reduction in patulin content by at least a factor of 250 in the apple distillate obtained from apple juice. Furthermore, a survey of several commercial apple aroma samples found no evidence of patulin content.  相似文献   

Occurrence of patulin in apple juice   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

As recently shown, a cloudy apple juice (CloA) was effective to modulate colon cancer associated parameters in rats treated with 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH). To identify the bioactive substance classes in CloA, we fractionated CloA to yield a total polyphenol (PF) and a cloud (CF) fraction consisting of proteins, fatty acids, polyphenols, and cell wall polysaccharides. Rats received water (control (Cont)) or CloA, PF, and CF separate or combined (PF-CF) ad libitum for 7 weeks starting one week before the first DMH-injection. As determined by comet assay, the DMH-induced genotoxicity in colonocytes of controls (Cont/DMH: 7.7 +/- 0.5%) was significantly reduced by CloA (3.3 +/- 0.3%) but not by any of the fractions. The crypt cell proliferation induced by DMH (Cont/NaCl: 7.5 +/- 0.6%; Cont/DMH: 14.9 +/- 0.8%) was significantly decreased by CloA (9.4 +/- 0.4%), PF (12.4 +/- 0.7%), CF (11.6 +/- 0.4%), and PF-CF (12.4 +/- 0.6%). Although not statistically significant, CloA tended to reduce the number of large aberrant crypt foci (ACF) (Cont/DMH: 19.0 +/- 3.7; CloA/DMH: 12.3 +/- 1.9), while none of the fractions affected ACFs. Neither CloA nor the fractions changed mRNAs of colonic cyclooxygenases (COX-1, COX-2), glutathione-associated enzymes (GST-M2, gamma-GCS, GST-P), the splenocyte CD4/CD8 ratio, natural killer cell activity, and plasma antioxidant status. These results demonstrate that CloA had a higher cancer-preventive potential than the fractions and further, besides PF, identified CF as an additional bioactive fraction of CloA.  相似文献   

Characterization of haze-active proteins in apple juice   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The nature of the haze-active protein (HAP) in apple juice was investigated. Heat treatment removed protein indiscriminately while polyvinylpolypyrrolidone (PVPP) treatment was fairly specific for proteins of 15 and 28 kDa. Presumably, the PVPP bound to polyphenols, which in turn were complexed with protein. Three candidate apple HAPs were isolated. Two were extracted from juice with acetone and fractionated by hydrophobic interaction chromatography and solid phase extraction with C18 (HAP I) or SAX (HAP II) material. Hydroxyproline-rich protein was extracted from apple tissue (HAP III). The order of haze formation with tannic acid was gliadin > HAP III > HAP II > HAP I > bovine serum albumin, which shows increasing haze formation with increasing proline content. The sizes of HAP I, II, and III were 28, 15, and 12 kDa; the first two corresponded to the sizes of proteins removed by PVPP treatment and are involved in juice haze formation.  相似文献   

Apple juice from eight different varieties of apples was heated at high-temperature (60-90 degrees C) and short-time (20-100 s) (HTST) combinations. To determine the effect of heating conditions on enzymatic browning and cloud stability in apple juices, the activity of polyphenol oxidase and pectinesterase was analyzed and correlated with the thermal treatment conditions and the quality of the juice. Additional investigations included the measurement of pH value, soluble solid content, titratable acidity, color, and turbidity after 3 and 6 months. The results showed that HTST treatment at 80 degrees C already inactivated polyphenol oxidase, whereas pectinesterase activity was reduced to half and could even at 90 degrees C not be inactivated completely. In fact, highest residual pectinesterase activity was found at 60 degrees C. Heating at 70 degrees C caused stable pectinesterase activity and even a slight increase for 50 and 100 s heating times. Turbidity and lightness increased after HTST treatment. In particular, differences in cloud stability between the varieties were measured. HTST parameters did not correlate with the residual cloud stability after 6 months. The sensory evaluation revealed that only a few combinations were distinguishable. The best stability of cloud and color in relation to heat impact was achieved by HTST treatment between 70 degrees C/100 s and 80 degrees C/20 s.  相似文献   

The effect of dietary fiber in the form of apple cell walls and pectin extracts on natural antioxidants was examined. Cell walls (CW), isolated from apples ( Malus domestica Borkh. cv. "Pacific Rose"), were incubated with ascorbic acid (AA) or quercetin in N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine- N'-2-ethanesulfonic acid (HEPES) buffer (pH 6.5) at 37 degrees C for 2 h. The resulting supernatants were characterized by a ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) assay and cyclic voltammetry (CV). The experiments were repeated with pectin isolated from the apple cell walls and commercial pectins and showed that polysaccharide preparations stabilized AA effectively but offered little protection against quercetin oxidation. The water-soluble components from cell walls appeared to be responsible for the observed effects of cell-wall polysaccharide preparations on antioxidant activity.  相似文献   

Growth behavior of off-flavor-forming microorganisms in apple juice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris and Streptomyces griseus griseus are two bacteria species that are frequently found in apple juice as spoilage bacteria. They both show thermoacidophilic behavior, adapting to the low pH of the juices and being able to survive high temperatures. They are able to regerminate in the shelf-stable product and spoil the juice by the formation of off-flavor compounds (i.e., guaiacol and 2,6-dibromophenol as metabolites of A. acidoterrestris and 2-isopropyl-3-methoxypyrazine, 2-methylisoborneol, 2-isobutyl-3-methoxypyrazine, and geosmin as important metabolites of S. griseus). In this study the growth behavior of the strains and the impact on apple juice were investigated under different conditions (i.e., temperature, oxygen supply, and mutual influence of the strains). The off-flavor formation was monitored by GC-MS after headspace SPME and subsequent calculation of the odor activity values. The results showed that S. griseus grows and consequently spoils the product even at 4 degrees C, whereas A. acidoterrestris needs at least room temperature to show significant growth. Limited oxygen supply did not significantly reduce off-flavor formation for any of the strains. The simultaneous presence of the strains in the juice reduced the growth of both species; nevertheless, off-flavor was detected.  相似文献   

水肥一体化技术对不同生态区果园苹果生产的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
为探究水肥一体化技术对陕西省不同生态区苹果生产的影响,分别选取渭北旱塬区和关中平原区典型‘红富士’苹果园,研究了相同肥料用量的NPK传统施肥[NPK(C)]、NPK水肥[NPK(F)]和肥料用量减半的NPK水肥[1/2NPK(F)]对苹果产量、品质、肥料利用效率、果实养分吸收和果园经济效益的影响。结果表明,因不同生态区环境条件和果园自身土壤和肥力等存在差异,水肥一体化技术对苹果生产的影响也不同。渭北旱塬区果园,与NPK(C)相比,NPK(F)处理苹果增产13.0%,果实硬度增加10.6%,糖酸比提高19.1%,化肥偏生产力(PFP)由18.2 kg·kg?1提高至36.3 kg·kg?1,果实N、P和K养分吸收量分别增加36.0%、75.3%和44.8%;1/2NPK(F)处理对苹果生产的影响基本不显著。关中平原区果园,与NPK(C)相比,1/2NPK(F)使苹果增产26.2%,糖酸比提高16.9%,PFP从27.2 kg·kg?1提高至68.7 kg·kg?1,果实N、P和K养分吸收量分别增加41.8%、98.9%和58.9%;然而,NPK(F)处理苹果仅增产14.1%,果实养分吸收无显著增加,品质亦无明显改善。经济收益方面,在相同肥料用量下,采用水肥一体化技术可使渭北旱塬区和关中平原区果园分别增收1.55万元·hm?2和3.65万元·hm?2;当肥料用量减半时,收益增加分别为0.21万元·hm?2和7.28万元·hm?2。总体而言,在陕西渭北旱塬区和关中平原区果园采用水肥一体化技术均能显著提高苹果产量和改善品质,但其效果存在明显差异,实践中需因地制宜,根据果园实际情况,采用适宜的水肥用量以求达到高产、高效和优质的目标。  相似文献   

浓缩苹果清汁生产中的色值控制措施研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了提高浓缩苹果清汁的初始色值和控制其在储藏过程中的下降速度,根据浓缩苹果清汁生产工艺,对5个苹果品种、5种酶制剂、3种活性炭、6种树脂和储藏温度5个色值关键控制点进行了在线研究.结果表明:选择黄元帅、鸡冠、威锦苹果为制汁原料,采用XXL果胶酶和AG300L淀粉酶对苹果汁进行酶解,选用CA-10S型活性炭吸附脱色,经超滤后再用LSA-900B和LSA0900C之比为1:1进行吸附脱色,最后采用4℃储藏的新工艺,此工艺生产的浓缩苹果清汁的初始色值达到98.8%,储藏6个月色值保持在95%以上,产品符合出口国标准要求.  相似文献   

A rapid method is described for the quantitative determination of patulin in apple juice. The mycotoxin is extracted from the sample with ethyl acetate and the extract is cleaned up by extraction with a sodium carbonate solution. Patulin is determined by reverse phase liquid chromatography using a muBondapak C18 column and a 254 nm ultraviolet detector. The lower detection limit in patulin standard solution is 0.32 ng and recovery is greater than 75%.  相似文献   

利用二氧化氯(ClO2)对水、苹果汁中和苹果表面的酿酒酵母1450(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)进行杀菌处理。结果表明:6、12 mg/L的ClO2处理15 min使水中酵母分别减少(5.81±0.12)和(6.20±0.05)lg cfu/mL;100 mg/L的ClO2对苹果汁中酵母的杀菌作用不明显,200 mg/L的ClO2处理1 h可将果汁中(3.79±0.04)lg cfu/mL的酵母完全杀死,使果汁中(6.48±0.03)lg cfu/mL的酵母减少(3.67±0.05)lg cfu/mL,300 mg/L的ClO2可将苹果汁中(6.52±0.06)lg cfu/mL的酵母完全杀死;10、20、30和40 mg/L的ClO2处理1 h使苹果表面接种量为(4.95±0.02)lg cfu/mL的酵母数分别减少(3.41±0.02)、(3.64±0.08)、(3.80±0.04)、(4.47±0.09)lg cfu/mL,50 mg/L的ClO2处理1 h,可将接种于苹果表面的酵母全部杀死,接种量进一步增加,ClO2对苹果表面酵母的杀灭效果将会减弱;ClO2处理对苹果汁的理化指标影响较小。  相似文献   

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