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The aim of this study was to assess the effect of different slash management practices on understory biodiversity and biomass in Eucalyptus globulus coppices in Central Portugal. The experiment consisted of four treatments: (a) removal of slash (R), (b) broadcast over the soil (S), (c) as in S but concentrating woody residues between tree rows (W) and (d) incorporation of slash into soil by harrowing (I). Understory vegetation was surveyed during 1–6, 9, and 10 years, the proportion of soil cover by plant species estimated, and diversity and equitability indexes determined. Above ground understory biomass was sampled in years 2–6, 9, and 10. The highest number of species in most years occurred in plots where slash was removed. Differences between treatments in the proportion of plant soil cover were never significant, whereas differences in diversity index were only occasionally significant and apparently related to the number of species. Thus, differences in the equitability index were not significant. Understory biomass did not decrease during the rotation period, and was usually highest in R and I, and lowest in S, but not significantly different. At the end of the rotation period, understory biodiversity indices and biomass were apparently independent of slash treatment.  相似文献   

The genus Mycosphaerella Johanson contains many pathogens capable of causing a severe impact on the growth of susceptible eucalypt species. The lack of knowledge about which species are present in Tasmania and their potential risk to the plantation industry prompted this study into the Mycosphaerella species occurring on Eucalyptus globulus and Eucalyptus nitens plantations in Tasmania. A total of 36 plantation and five road verge sites of E. globulus and E. nitens were sampled. Five Mycosphaerella species and three species from associated anamorph genera were isolated and identified in Tasmania; Mycosphaerella nubilosa, Mycosphaerella cryptica, Mycosphaerella tasmaniensis, Mycosphaerella grandis, Mycosphaerella vespa, Coniothyrium ovatum, Sonderhenia eucalypticola and Sonderhenia eucalyptorum. The most frequently isolated species with the highest incidence and severity of infection were M. cryptica and M. nubilosa. These two species appear to have the greatest potential to damage juvenile eucalypt plantations in Tasmania. A link between Mycosphaerella vespa and Coniothyrium ovatum is described for the first time.  相似文献   

Pearson M 《Tree physiology》1995,15(3):207-210
To study the effects of a low concentration of ozone on growth and gas exchange in Eucalyptus globulus Labill. seedlings, ozone was applied for 37 days at a concentration of 50 ppb for 7 h daily under conditions of low light (250 micro mol m(-2) s(-1) (PAR)) and controlled temperature (20 degrees C). The seedlings exhibited extreme sensitivity to ozone. The ozone treatment reduced total plant biomass but had no effect on the partitioning of assimilate. Photosynthesis, stomatal conductance and internal CO(2) concentration were all reduced by ozone. The decline in photosynthesis was partly the result of direct effects of ozone on the stomata.  相似文献   

The Eucalyptus pathogen Quambalaria eucalypti has been reported from several subtropical and tropical countries of the Southern Hemisphere. During the course of a nationwide monitoring programme aimed at the detection of pathogens in commercial eucalypt plantations in Portugal, Q. eucalypti was found affecting Eucalyptus globulus. The identity of the pathogen was confirmed by sequence analyses of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the rDNA operon, as well as morphological characteristics. Quambalaria eucalypti is widespread throughout the eucalypt‐producing areas of Portugal. Pathogenicity studies revealed that different host genotypes showed various degrees of susceptibility to the pathogen. To our knowledge, this is the first report of Q. eucalypti on Eucalyptus spp. in Portugal and in the Northern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

  • ? Eight-year old trees from two Eucalyptus globulus Labill. clones planted across three different sites in Tasmania, Australia, were sampled for wood and kraft pulp/handsheet properties.
  • ? Site had a significant effect on all measured properties. Compared with the poor site (Parkham) the wood from the good site (West Ridgley) had on average 11 % lower wood density. The poor site had also greater microfibril angles, shorter fibres at lower pulp yields.
  • ? The handsheets produced with pulp from the poor site resulted in comparatively higher bulkiness, lower burst, lower tear and tensile indices, lower zero span tensile strength, but higher opacity, higher light scattering and higher surface roughness. Significant height effects were found with all wood properties, and also with tear index, zero span tensile strength and opacity.
  • ? Discriminant analysis showed that for 76 out of 100 handsheets the raw material source, i.e. growth site, could be predicted correctly using a set of handsheet properties with tear index and bulk index being most prominent.
  • ? This is unique evidence that site conditions are strongly reflected in handsheet properties produced from Eucalyptus pulp.
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    Three operational-sized watersheds in poorly-drained pine flatwoods forests on sandy soils of the Lower Coastal Plain in north Florida were isolated and continuously monitored for more than 3 years. Recording flumes assessed quantity of runoff water. After 1 year of calibration monitoring, two of the watersheds were harvested, site-prepared, and planted under distinct harvest and regeneration practices.Minimum practices, imposed on one watershed, consisted of manual shortwood harvest of pinelands, roller drum chopping of harvest residues and residual understory, bedding, and planting. Maximum practices, imposed on another, consisted of tree length logging of pinelands with heavy equipment, extraction of lightwood stumps, burning and windrowing of logging residue and residual understory, harrowing, bedding, and planting.Both systems increased water yields. Following minimum practices, yield increased intermittently depending on weather. Following maximum practices the increase in water yield was quicker, larger, and more persistent over various seasons and weather conditions. In both cases water yields returned to preharvest levels or less within the year following planting.  相似文献   

    Mixtures of Eucalyptus globulus Labill. and Acacia mearnsii de Wildeman are twice as productive as E. globulus monocultures growing on the same site in East Gippsland, Victoria, Australia, possibly because of increased nitrogen (N) availability owing to N(2) fixation by A. mearnsii. To investigate whether N(2) fixation by A. mearnsii could account for the mixed-species growth responses, we assessed N(2) fixation by the accretion method and the (15)N natural abundance method. Nitrogen gained by E. globulus and A. mearnsii mixtures and monocultures was calculated by the accretion method with plant and soil samples collected 10 years after plantation establishment. Nitrogen in biomass and soil confirmed that A. mearnsii influenced N dynamics. Assuming that the differences in soil, forest floor litter and biomass N of plots containing A. mearnsii compared with E. globulus monocultures were due to N(2) fixation, the 10-year annual mean rates of N(2) fixation were 38 and 86 kg ha(-1) year(-1) in 1:1 mixtures and A. mearnsii monocultures, respectively. Nitrogen fixation by A. mearnsii could not be quantified on the basis of the natural abundance of (15)N because such factors as mycorrhization type and fractionation of N isotopes during N cycling within the plant confounded the effect of the N source on the N isotopic signature of plants. This study shows that A. mearnsii fixed significant quantities of N(2) when mixed with E. globulus. A decline in delta(15)N values of E. globulus and A. mearnsii with time, from 2 to 10 years, is further evidence that N(2) was fixed and cycled through the stands. The increased aboveground biomass production of E. globulus trees in mixtures when compared with monocultures can be attributed to increases in N availability.  相似文献   

    Plant responses to defoliation are complex. We established a field experiment in a nine-month-old Eucalyptus globulus Labill. plantation to examine the effects of pattern (upper crown versus lower crown removal), frequency (single, double or triple defoliation within a 12-month period) and severity (25 versus 38% of leaf area removed) of defoliation and the effect of soil nitrogen (N) on photosynthetic processes and stem growth. The photosynthetic responses observed following defoliation could be attributed to changes in source:sink ratios. Light-saturated CO(2) uptake (A(max)) increased with increasing severity and frequency of defoliation irrespective of defoliation pattern. Seedlings defoliated in autumn did not exhibit increases in A(max) until the following spring, whereas there was no such delay in photosynthetic responses associated with spring defoliation. Application of N before defoliation allowed trees to compensate for the effect of defoliation on stem diameter growth, which could not be explained simply in terms of increases in A(max). The observed increases in stem diameter increment following N fertilization of defoliated trees suggested increases in leaf area development, and there were changes in the leaf area:leaf dry mass ratio that may have increased light absorption by the crown. Nitrogen fertilization also increased partitioning of dry mass to branches at the expense of main stems, suggesting that N supply was important in rebuilding crowns following a defoliation event.  相似文献   

    Teratosphaeria gauchensis and T. zuluensis both cause a stem canker of eucalypts that leads to serious damage in various parts of the world. Until recently, this disease was unknown in Portugal. Nevertheless, severe damage to Eucalyptus globulus has been observed in Portugal since 2006 when symptoms appeared as necrotic spots on young green stems and leaves, twig lesions, and dark oval‐shaped lesions on stems and trunks. The isolates from affected E. globulus tree plantations were identified using sequence data of the ITS1‐5.8S‐ITS2 and EF‐1α clusters, together with morphological characteristics. Based on these results, the causal organism was identified as T. gauchensis, which represents the first report of this pathogen from Portugal.  相似文献   

  • ? The effects of clearcutting and of different slash management procedures on N mineralization were assessed in a Eucalyptus globulus Labill. stand in Galicia (N W Spain). Treatments were no clearcutting (control), clearcutting combined with scattering, scattering + fertilization, windrowing, and two types of slash burning with two levels of severity: broadcast burning and windrow burning. Changes in mineral N were monitored in the soil during the 18 months following the treatments. Eleven years later, the treatment effects were again evaluated during a twelve month period to assess long-term effects.
  • ? During the first study period, slash burning led to a marked increase in the contents of N-NH 4 + , N-NO 3 ? and N-mineralization in topsoil layers (0–10 cm). In contrast, clearcutting followed by either scattering or windrowing of residues had no effect on mineral N in the top soil or in situ mineralization, relative to the control. Ammonium was the predominant form of mineral N. No residual effects of the treatments were detected eleven years later.
  • ? Fire severity, in relation to slash burn type, had significant negative effects on post-burn N mineralization and nitrification in the first period studied, but no long-term residual effects were observed. Some practical consequences for sustainable management of such stands are suggested.
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    James SA  Bell DT 《Tree physiology》2000,20(15):1007-1018
    Light availability strongly affects leaf structure of the distinctive ontogenetic leaf forms of Eucalyptus globulus Labill. ssp. globulus. Late-maturing plants from St. Marys, Tasmania and early maturing plants from Wilsons Promontory, Victoria (hereafter referred to as Wilsons Prom.) were grown for 9 months in 100, 50 or 10% sunlight. Growth, biomass and leaf area were significantly reduced when plants were grown in 10% sunlight. Provenance differences were minimal despite retention of the juvenile leaf form by the Tasmanian plants throughout the study. The time taken for initiation of vegetative phase change by the Wilsons Prom. saplings increased with decreasing light availability, but the nodal position of change on the main stem remained the same. Both juvenile and adult leaves remained horizontal in low light conditions, but became vertical with high irradiance. Leaf dimensions changed with ontogenetic development, but were unaffected by light availability. Juvenile leaves retained a dorsiventral anatomy and adult Wilsons Prom. leaves retained an isobilateral structure despite a tenfold difference in light availability. Stomatal density and distribution showed ontogenetic and treatment differences. At all irradiances, juvenile leaves produced the smallest stomata and adult leaves the largest stomata. Amphistomy decreased with decreasing irradiance. Detrended, correspondence analysis ordination highlighted the structural changes influenced by ontogenetic development and light availability. Adult leaves had characteristics similar to the xeromorphic, sun-leaf type found in arid, high-light conditions. Although juvenile leaves had characteristics typical of mesomorphic leaves, several structural features suggest that these leaves are more sun-adapted than adult leaves.  相似文献   

    Cork oak “Montados” are a particular Mediterranean ecosystem, which can be found in Southern Portugal. Portuguese “Montados” are man-made ecosystems, mainly used for cork production and cattle farming, that support a high biological diversity. Current sustainable management techniques imply a shrub clearing with heavy machinery, which can be highly disruptive for soil biota. In order to evaluate the effects of understory vegetation management on soil epigeic macrofauna, five zones were defined along a chronosequence of shrub clearing: a non-disturbed zone (zone 5) and zones where understory vegetation was cut at 4–5 years (zone 4), at 3–4 years (zone 3), at 2 years (zone 2) and at 1 year (zone 1). A sixth zone (zone 6) was selected in a pasture, where cattle are occasionally present. Soil fauna was sampled using “pitfall” traps and sampling took place in autumn 2003. A total of 2,677 individuals, separated into 152 species and morphospecies, were caught in the traps. With the exception of zone 6, that presented a lower number of species, all the other zones from the chronosequence presented, in most cases, a similar number of taxa, species diversity (Shannon) and species richness (Margalef). Multivariate analysis separated recently disturbed zones (plus zone 6) from those intervened at longer time; groups like Formicidae, Scydmaenidae, most families from Araneae and insect larvae appeared closely associated to zones 3–5 (with a higher shrub cover and thick litter layers), whereas, other Hymenoptera, Gastropda and most Coleoptera families, appeared associated to recently disturbed zones (zones 1 and 2) and to zone 6, characterized by a lower shrub cover and a lower accumulation of litter. This separation indicates that effects of the intervention can endure for 2 or 3 years. After that time, the normal natural regeneration of the understory vegetation seems to support the restoration of the macrofauna community, thus indicating that the sustainable management strategy adopted, i.e., making a shrub cut every 5–6 years, seems not induce a significant effect on local species richness of soil epigeic macrofauna.  相似文献   

    The effects of five different site management treatments on the productivity of a six-year-old and secondrotation Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook.) plantations planted after harvesting a 29-year-old and first-rotation Chinese fir plantation in Xiayang State Forest Farm, Nanping, Fujian Province, were studied. Results showed that the Chinese fir grew best on plots treated with the double slash treatment (BL3), followed by the whole tree harvest (BL1) and the slash burning treatment (SB), and poorest on treatment BL2 (normal slash retention) and BL0 (removal of all organic matter aboveground). The site index of the second rotation Chinese fir plantations in BL3 and BL0 treatments increased by 0.56 and 0.27, respectively, compared with the first rotation, and decreased in the rest of the three treatments. Compared with the first rotation, the site index of the second rotation treated with BL1, SB and BL2 treatments decreased by 0.39, 0.45 and 0.63, respectively. Differences among the treatments were not statistically significant. __________ Translated from Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 2006, 42(11): 47–51 [译自: 林业科学]  相似文献   

    以北京山区25块油松人工林样地为研究对象,调查了40年生油松人工林在不同林分密度和立地条件下的生长状况,建立了林分密度与平均胸径、平均树高、平均冠幅和单木材积之间的回归方程,相关指数都在0.9以上;以样地平均优势木的解析材料确定40年生优势木树高,按单项立地因子实际分布区间分组,进行方差分析、差异显著性检验、多重比较。结果表明:随着林分密度的增大,平均胸径、平均树高、平均冠幅、单木材积逐渐减小;北京山区40年生油松人工林密度应控制在1 500株/hm2以下;明确了北京山区油松人工林生长与立地因子的关系,初步确定了油松人工林适宜的立地条件为:低山、阴坡、有效土层厚度(A+B层)45cm以上。  相似文献   

    The effects of site conditions and cultivation on the growth of sawtooth oak (Quercus acutissima Carr.) plantations were evaluated at the Hongyashan forest farm, in Chuzhou City, Anhui Province, China. The results indicate that the position on the slope, the amount of gravel and the thickness of the soil were important factors in the growth of the sawtooth oak. Lower slope positions with small amounts of gravel and a thick soil were better for the growth of this species than middle slope positions with more gravel and a thin soil. Given the site conditions of the hilly and mountainous areas in Chuzhou City, the mixed Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata Hook.) and sawtooth oak forests did not improve forest productivity compared with pure sawtooth oak forests. Both urea and compound fertilizers promoted the growth of sawtooth oak, as did site preparation and intercropping. Two years after planting, the height growth of ordinary seedlings with a starting height of 0.6 m was higher than that of supper seedlings with a starting height of 1.0 m. Compared with planting, the early growth of the coppices was faster, but the later growth of the coppices was slower. __________ Translated from Journal of Fujian College of Forestry, 2008, 28(2): 130–135 [译自: 福建林学院学报]  相似文献   

    Uniform nursery stocks of Eucalyptus tereticornis were used to establish an experiment factorially combining site preparation (three levels—bedding; disking; neither bedding nor disking), initial nitrogen applications (two levels—75 g ammonium sulphate per plant; 0 g ammonium sulphate per plant) and initial phosphorus applications (150 g triple super phosphate per plant; 0 g triple super phosphate per plant).Monitoring was carried out for 2 years by which time trees were up to 3.2 m tall and 5.0 cm in diameter at the root collar. Survival at 2 years was significantly higher among plants that had received nitrogen (65%) than those which had not (53%) and among plants on disked or bedded sites (62%) than those on unworked soil (53%). Monthly height increment was briefly, but significantly, increased in plants supplied with additional nitrogen and further enhanced if there was also additional phosphorus. Monthly diameter increment was, over most of the 1st year, significantly greater on sites prepared by bedding; significant increases also resulted, though for more restricted periods, from site preparation by disking and from provision of additional nitrogen. At the end of 1 year significantly higher concentrations of foliar potassium, suggesting enhanced drought hardiness, were detected for plants on bedded or disked ground. The concentration in these was 1%; on unworked ground the corresponding value was 0.8%. Combining bedding or disking with an initial application of nitrogen offset this effect.The short period over which growth benefits from the site preparation and nitrogen application treatments is noted but it is stressed that initial growth encouragement is desirable with Eucalyptus and that overall benefits, as an improved survial, may be long term. The value of phosphorus applications under the prevailing conditions is considered unproven.  相似文献   

    Eucalyptus globulus is the most important forest species in Uruguay, with more than 250,000 ha of commercial plantations. Despite its high susceptibility to diseases, production losses caused by foliar diseases have not been properly quantified in this country. This study analyzes the effects of foliar damage on growth and survival using data from a progeny test of E. globulus naturally infected by Teratosphaeria leaf disease and eucalypt rust (Puccinia psidii). The severity of leaf spots and defoliation were quantified 8 months after planting and tree growth and mortality were evaluated 2, 4 and 6 years later. The trial had a high incidence of foliar damage, with a mean leaf spot severity of 28.7% and a mean defoliation of 37%. The greatest impact of foliar damage, both on growth rate and mortality, occurred in the first 2 years after damage was assessed. During this period, leaf spot severity less than 40% and defoliation below 50% did not affect growth, while survival was affected when leaf damage was 70% or greater. By the sixth year both stem growth and survival were affected by severe foliar damage (spotting or defoliation of 80% or more), with a loss of up to 25% in diameter and an accumulated mortality over 70%. It has been established for the first time that under the intensive Uruguayan productive conditions, E. globulus trees can tolerate a relatively high degree of leaf spotting or defoliation but severe foliar damage in the first months can cause considerable production losses, putting at risk the economical viability of this species.  相似文献   

    蓝桉工业用材林的施肥效应及地力变化研究在云南保山和富民红壤地区进行,历经8年,结果表明施肥对蓝桉人工林有明显的增产效果,并且经济效益显著.P肥是蓝桉增产的主要因素,施用P肥的处理生长量明显高于其他处理;有机肥对蓝桉生长有一定的促进作用;N肥对蓝桉高生长的促进作用与K肥相近,对径生长的促进作用略低于K肥;在有效K含量较高的地区,可以不施用K肥.在云南红壤地区培育蓝桉短周期工业原料林,可根据林地土壤情况将施肥量控制为基肥施普钙或者钙镁磷肥400~500g*株-1;追肥施尿素50~100g*株-1、硫酸钾0~100g*株-1,分两年平均施入.据监测,施肥可以有效地阻止土壤养分含量迅速下降.  相似文献   

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