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Forest certification programmes promote sustainable management of the world's forests. Certification can be given to a forest management system that fulfils certain environmental, social and economic criteria.  相似文献   

Major changes in Mediterranean forests have occurred in recent decades, mainly as a result of the abandonment of traditional activities and population decline in rural areas. In this study, we analyzed the short-term (11-year) evolution of forests in the region of Catalonia (NE Spain) and the role of management, by comparing seven biodiversity indicators estimated from 7,664 plots from the Second and Third Spanish National Forest Inventory. We evaluated the changes in unmanaged and managed stands with different silvicultural treatments, and considered the effect of stand density and land ownership on these dynamics. We found a general naturalization and maturation of forests and an increase in all of the biodiversity indicators investigated during the study period, with the increments being greater in unmanaged than in managed plots. Some types of silvicultural treatments, such as selection cutting or thinning, were shown to be compatible with an increase in the analyzed indicators, and thus were more adequate for a multifunctional management that considers forest production together with the maintenance or improvement of the diversity of forest communities. The increases in shrub species richness and in the number of large-diameter trees after silvicultural treatments were more prominent in dense stands. Private lands presented greater short-term increases than public forests in all biodiversity indicators, except for large-diameter trees. From these results, we concluded that the application of silvicultural treatments can be a key tool to shape and maintain diverse and healthy forest structures in the context of socioeconomic and environmental changes in the Mediterranean region, which may induce potentially excessive densification and homogenization of some forest stands and landscapes.  相似文献   

New Forests - Cut stumps are the legacy of forest harvesting and allow for the estimation of carbon loss from the ecosystem. The objective of this study was to estimate aboveground carbon storage...  相似文献   

New Forests - For millennia, natural disturbance regimes, including anthropogenic fire and hunting practices, have led to forest regeneration patterns that created a diversity of forest lands...  相似文献   

New Forests - Planted forests contribute to maximizing timber production but their role as valuable habitat for diversity is of increasing concern, particularly in tropical montane cloud forest...  相似文献   

The aim was to study the potential for using natural regeneration as a basis for transformation of simply structured conifer plantations into mixed Mediterranean forests. We studied the variation along a rainfall gradient, in the natural regeneration of tree species in the understory of planted 40- to 50-year-old Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) forests. The study was conducted within the Mediterranean zone of Israel, which extends from the semiarid northern Negev desert (rainfall ca. 300 mm yr−1) in the south to the humid Upper Galilee in the north (ca 900 mm yr−1). Cover and height, density, and species composition of regenerating trees were measured on south- and north-facing slopes in forest sites of comparable silvicultural history (site preparation methodology, planting density and thinning regime) distributed along the rainfall gradient. Altogether, 12 species of regenerating native broadleaved trees were found in the understory of the various forest sites. Surface cover, density and species richness increased linearly along the entire rainfall gradient, on both north- and south-facing slopes, ranging from zero in the driest forest sites up to 85% cover, 7980 trees ha−1 and 4.5 species per 200 m2, respectively, in the most humid ones. Species composition of regenerating trees was also related to rainfall amount, through changes in the relative importance of species along the rainfall gradient. The effect of topographic aspect on tree regeneration was inconsistent, i.e., the interaction Rainfall × Aspect was significant. Nevertheless, the general trend showed better regeneration on north-facing slopes. Most of the regenerating trees in the understory were small, i.e., less than 100 cm in height, with no clear effect of rainfall amount and topographic aspect on the relative abundance of height classes. Regeneration by Aleppo pine was highly variable among and within the different forest sites and ranged from 0 to 1565 trees ha−1, with no clear relationships with rainfall amount and topographic aspect. In light of our results we propose that the future structure of forests should vary with respect to annual rainfall amount within possible silvicultural scenarios.  相似文献   

We aimed to elucidate environmental and silvicultural factors that determine the extent of fire-free natural regeneration in east Mediterranean Pinus halepensis forests. The specific aims were to study the potential and identify bottlenecks for natural regeneration and examine the effects of overstory thinning and site preparation treatments. We integrated four experiments conducted in diverse ecoregions in Israel ranging from semiarid to subhumid. Seedling emergence and survival were traced for 2–4 years in Mishmar Ha’Emek Forest (MHF) with annual rainfall of 604 mm; Shaharia Forest (SF)—435 mm; and Yatir Forest (YF)—280 mm. Effects of thinning treatments: clearcut, 100 tree, 200 tree ha?1 and control—310 tree ha?1, were examined in MHF. Effects of site preparation treatments: soil scarification and herb clipping were examined in SF. Density of emerged seedlings varied among ecoregions and was linked to average annual rainfall. Within ecoregions, emerged seedling density was higher on north-facing slopes than on south-facing slopes and was strongly related to stand characteristics (e.g., stem basal area) and seed rain. Seedling survival rate of about 20 % was recorded in MHF while no seedling survival was observed in YF and SF during the study years. Thinning treatments reduced seed rain and emerging seedling density, but increased seedling survival and growth. Recruitment 4 years after thinning was highest in the 100 tree ha?1 treatment and lowest in the control. In SF, seedling survival was limited mainly by herbaceous vegetation and was improved by soil scarification and herb clipping. Silvicultural implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Hardwick  Kate  Healey  John R.  Elliott  Stephen  Blakesley  David 《New Forests》2004,27(3):285-302
Accelerated natural regeneration (ANR) is a relatively cheap method of reforestation, which encourages natural establishment of indigenous trees and shrubs. It requires a low input of labour, but a high input of ecological information. In this paper, the knowledge required to predict and manipulate the natural regeneration of seasonal tropical forest is reviewed and areas in need of further research are identified. Regeneration will be influenced by five groups of potentially limiting factors; site resources (soil and microclimate); competition with weeds; site disturbance; occurrence of established woody plants or their propagules; seed dispersal by wild animals and birds. This paper considers each of these, their interactions with seasons, and each other. Collation of existing information on these topics, combined with the suggested further research, should facilitate the creation of tools that will enable practitioners to judge the regeneration potential of sites and to select the most appropriate ANR techniques.  相似文献   

Among four conifer and four hardwood stands in central Nova Scotia, Canada, average potential whole-tree (above-ground) harvest removals of biomass, N, P, K, Ca, and Mg were 136 000, 310, 38, 144, 360, and 39 kg/ha, respectively. These represented average increases over bole-only harvesting of 50% for biomass, 170% for N, 200% for P, 160% for K, 100% for Ca, and 120% for Mg. Thus, a moderate increase in potential biomass yield via the whole-tree harvest, was obtained at the expense of much larger increases in removals of major nutrients. On average, the whole-tree contents of biomass and nutrients were smaller than quantities present in the forest floor plus mineral soil. For biomass, the whole-tree averaged 35% the organic matter (d.w.) of the forest floor plus mineral soil, 6% of total nitrogen, 4% of total phosphorus, 1% of total potassium, 29% of total calcium, and 0.5% of total magnesium. Within this data set, only the calcium comparisons indicated a short-term cause for concern with respect to impoverishment of site nutrient capital by whole-tree harvesting.Bivariate statistical analyses of data for 12 stands and 20 variables revealed that: (i) soil organic matter and nutrient quantities were only occasionally significantly intercorrelated; (ii) quantities of biomass and nutrients in the whole-tree compartment were strongly inter-correlated with each other, but were independent of site class; and (iii) only soil K and Mg were significantly (P<0.05) but weakly (r2=−0.35) correlated with site class. Factor analysis of the same data set revealed that four multivariate factors accounted for 93% of total variance: (i) factor 1 (45% of total variance) loaded heavily on tree variables; (ii) factor 2 (an additional 18% of total variance) loaded heavily on bole and soil variables; (iii) factor 3 (an additional 16%) loaded heavily on soil variables; and (iv) factor 4 (an additional 14%) loaded heavily on soil variables, especially Ca, Mg, and K, and site class.It seems unlikely that one or several whole-tree harvests of these natural stands, if done on rotations of >ca. 50 years, would result in important depletions of site nutrient capital. However, calcium removals as a percentage of total site capital were large. This may be a cause for concern, and warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

In the Euro-Mediterranean region, mechanical fuel reduction is increasingly used in response to the mounting occurrence of catastrophic wildfires, yet their long-term ecological effects are poorly understood. Although Mediterranean vegetation is resilient to a range of disturbances, it is possible that widespread fuel management at short intervals may threaten forest structural complexity and the persistence of some plant species and functional types, with overall negative consequences for biodiversity. We used a chronosequence approach to infer woody vegetation changes in the first 70 years after understory clearing in upland cork oak (Quercus suber) forests, and to assess how these are affected by treatment frequency. Across the chronosequence there was a shift between plant communities with contrasting composition, structure and functional organization. Understory cover increased quickly after disturbance and a community dominated by pioneer seeder and dry-fruited shrubs (Cistus ladanifer, C. populifolius, Genista triacanthos, and Lavandula stoechas) developed during about 15 years, but this was slowly replaced by a community dominated by resprouters and fleshy-fruited species (Arbutus unedo, Erica arborea) >40 years after disturbance. During the first 15 years there were rapid increases in woody species richness, vertical structural diversity, cover by Q. suber juveniles and saplings, and shrub cover at <1.5 m strata, which levelled off or slightly declined thereafter. In contrast, tree species richness, tree density and density of arboreal A. unedo and E. arborea, vertical structural evenness, and cover at >1.5 m strata increased slowly for >50 years. Treatment frequency showed strongly negative relationships with species richness, structural diversity and evenness, and horizontal and vertical understory cover, particularly that of slowly recovering species. These findings suggest that fuel reduction programs involving widespread and recurrent understory clearing may lead to the elimination at the landscape scale of stands with complex multi-layered understory occupied by large resprouters and fleshy-fruited species, which take a long time to recover after disturbance. Fuel management programs thus need to balance the dual goals of fire hazard reduction and biodiversity conservation, recognizing the value of stands untreated for >50 years to retain ecological heterogeneity in Mediterranean forest landscapes.  相似文献   

In this study, we explore the determinants of forest enterprises’ timber storage accumulation after severe storm events. The explanatory power of variables reflecting economic, institutional and tree species-related factors is tested via econometric analyses. Timber storage accumulation is assessed conducting a weighted multiple linear regression analysis. In addition, the moderating effect of timber price alterations on timber storage accumulation is tested employing timber price alterations as a moderator variable in a hierarchical regression analysis. The results show a linear positive relation between forest enterprises’ damaged and stored timber quantities. It was found that coniferous timber was stored to a greater extent than non-coniferous timber which can be explained by higher storm damage as well as better suitability for multiyear storage. State forestry stored the highest shares of damaged timber, followed by municipal and private forest enterprises, which can be explained as a countervailing measure. A further central finding of our study is that the timber price drops after storm events act as a moderator variable on the relation between damaged and stored timber quantities. Hence, empirical timber price reactions help to improve estimation accuracy regarding the shares of damaged timber which are stored. Derived from our results, we find timber storage accumulation to be a common practice by forest companies to mitigate revenue losses caused by extreme storm events. As coefficients vary strongly among the analyzed variables’ categories, we consider case-specific storage accumulation estimations to be crucial for improving the accuracy of national wood and timber accounting, but also for a full view on storm-related economic damage in the forest sector. In addition, it is likely that capturing the proportions of timber storage in forests will gain relevance in the future, since forest damage from natural disturbances is expected to increase as a consequence of climate change.  相似文献   

Two models for calculating the forest water balance were applied to different development stages of managed and non-managed forests in the Dinaric Karst for two hydrologically contrasting growing seasons. A simple model WATBAL, which calculates water balance on a monthly basis, and the BROOK90 model, which calculates water balance on daily basis, were used. Differences between calculated drainage fluxes between the models were less pronounced in the drier growing season and were lower in the forest stands compared to forest gaps. Average calculated drainage fluxes of the two growing seasons were highest in the gaps and lowest in the stand in the virgin forest remnant, followed by the mature stand in the managed forest. According to model fitting, testing the calibration robustness and sensitivity analysis the BROOK90 model was considered best at simulating the water balance of the various research sites. The difference in model behaviour is considered to be mainly the result of the difference in model time step and the inclusion of macropore flow in BROOK90. The greater complexity of the BROOK90 model meant it could be parameterized to describe more fully the complexity of the horizontal and vertical structure of forest stand and soil properties. A disadvantage of the BROOK90 model is the greater need of input data. WATBAL, however, was useful for obtaining rougher estimates of the water balance components and can be applied to areas where there is less data available. Choice of model is therefore determined by data availability.  相似文献   

Dewar RC 《Tree physiology》1991,8(3):239-258
The carbon balance between managed forests and the atmosphere depends critically on the frequency and intensity of harvesting, and the lifetime of harvested products. To assess more quantitatively the nature of this dependence, a theoretical analysis, previously applied to carbon storage in trees and wood products only, is extended here to include the carbon in forest floor detritus and soil. A dimensionless combination of the parameters of the model, alpha, with critical value alpha(c), is identified such that for alpha < alpha(c), the conversion of old-growth forest to managed forest releases carbon to the atmosphere in the long term. Parameter alpha is given by the combination f(t)D/T(*), where f(t) is the fraction of old-growth forest carbon stored in trees, D is the residence time of harvested biomass (wood products and slash debris) within the system, and T(*) is the rotation period for maximum sustained yield (maximum mean annual increment). The critical value alpha(c), typically in the range 0.5-0.7, is derived for a variety of forest types. Parameter alpha determines the degree to which the carbon accumulated in harvested biomass offsets the loss of carbon in trees due to felling and in soils due to reduced litter input. When alpha > alpha(c), long-term carbon storage is optimized by harvesting for maximum sustained yield.  相似文献   


Climate change has led to a focus on forest management techniques to increase carbon (C) sequestration as a mitigation measure. Fertilisation and increased removal of biomass have been proposed. But these and other forest practices may have undesirable effects on surface water quality. In naturally acid-sensitive areas such as much of Fennoscandia a concern is acidification due to acid deposition in combination with forest practices that increase the removal of base cations and leaching of nitrate (NO3). Here we apply the biogeochemical model MAGIC to the coniferous-forested catchment at Birkenes, southernmost Norway, to simulate the effects of forest fertilisation and harvest on soil and streamwater. The model was calibrated to the 40-year data for water quality, soil and vegetation and then used to simulate fertilisation and clearcutting of the mature forest by either conventional stem-only harvest (SOH) or whole-tree harvest (WTH). The 5 – 10-year pulse of NO3 following clearcut was larger with SOH than WTH. WTH causes larger acidification of surface water relative to SOH, due to greater depletion of base cations, N and C from the soil. The use of forestry as a climate mitigation measure should take into consideration the potential effects on soil and surface water quality.  相似文献   

  • ? Forest certification sets requirements for minimizing the impacts of logging on the natural structure and floristic composition of forests.
  • ? We assessed the impact of certification by comparing the floristic composition of 52 taxa of trees and shrubs in the treefall gaps of certified, conventionally managed and protected forests in northern Honduras.
  • ? The highest abundance of light-benefiting taxa was found in certified forests, whereas conventionally managed forests were floristically more similar to natural forests. The environmental conditions measured in certified gaps were not favourable for a natural forest floristic composition.
  • ? Past logging may have altered the species composition in certified forests relatively more than in conventionally managed forests. This implies that the need for restoration operations should be considered in certification requirements, along with landscape-level planning to enhance post-logging recovery.
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    Fitzroya cupressoides (Cupressaceae) is an endemic and long-lived conifer of southern Chile and Argentina (40–43° S). This species has been subject to continuous exploitation since the 16th century, causing extensive population decline. Historically, the main labour force for the exploitation of F. cupressoides (alerce) was the indigenous Mapuche-Huilliche population, first under the command of the Spanish settlers and later, of non-indigenous Chileans. In coastal forests, timber of alerce has been harvested by Huilliche communities as well as by Chilean and international forestry companies. Records of the regeneration of this pioneer tree after exploitation in the Andean mountains have generally shown limited regeneration depending on the intensity of harvest. Because indigenous exploitation does not use machinery for timber harvesting, and is supposedly less utilitarian than commercial harvest, I propose that areas in the Coastal Range harvested by Huilliche communities should present higher regeneration of alerce than areas harvested by forestry companies. To test this hypothesis, I sampled 10 stands harvested and abandoned by forestry companies and 10 stands harvested by Huilliche communities in the coastal range of the Osorno Province (41° S, 400–800 m). In each stand, I estimated the density of regeneration (sapling stage), number of stumps, number of live adults, and the number of standing and fallen dead alerce. Each stand was characterized by elevation, forest-type, incidence of fire, and vegetation cover. Results showed that forests harvested by Huilliches had higher numbers of live, remnant adult trees with a dbh ≥ 60 cm than forests harvested by timber companies. The number of stumps with a dbh ≥60 cm was significantly higher in stands harvested by timber companies than in Huilliche stands. Despite large differences in sapling densities among stands, regeneration density of alerce was unrelated to the type of harvest used by indigenous people or forestry companies.  相似文献   

    红松在落叶松林下更新能够将其诱导形成红松针阔混交林。文章在落叶松林内阔叶树组成、红松更新情况、林下灌木和草本状况调查基础上,就如何将其诱导为红松混交林进行了论述,就相关问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

    通过对山东药乡林场不同坡向赤松、麻栎混交林天然下种更新比较分析,结果显示:处在半阳坡的松栎混交林天然下种更新质量高于阳坡。半阳坡赤松幼树年均高生长量与阳坡差异显著,麻栎年均高生长量差异极显著。说明半阳坡赤松、麻栎混交林天然下种更新具有良好效果。  相似文献   

    Tropical forests could satisfy multiple demands for goods and services both for present and future generations. Yet integrated approaches to natural forest management remain elusive across the tropics. In this paper we examine one combination of uses: selective harvesting of timber and non-timber forest product (NTFP) extraction. We analyze the current status of this combination and speculate on prospects and challenges regarding: (i) resource inventory, (ii) ecology and silviculture, (iii) conflict in the use of multipurpose tree species, (iv) wildlife conservation and use, (v) tenure, and (vi) product certification. Our conclusions remain preliminary due to the relative paucity of published studies and lessons learned on what has worked and what has not in the context of integrated management for timber and NTFPs. We propose at least three ways where further research is merited. One, in improving ‘opportunistic’ situations driven by selective timber harvesting that also enhance NTFP values. Two, to explicitly enhance both timber and NTFP values through targeted management interventions. Three, to explicitly assess biophysical, social, regulatory and institutional aspects so that combined benefits are maximized. Interventions for enhancing the compatibility of timber and NTFP extraction must be scaled in relation to the size of the area being managed, applied timber harvesting intensities, and the dynamics of multi-actor, forest partnerships (e.g., between the private sector and local communities). In addition, training and education issues may have to be re-crafted with multiple-use management approaches inserted into tropical forestry curricula.  相似文献   

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