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Changes in biomass and soil carbon with nitrogen fertilization were simulated for a 25-year loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) plantation and for three consecutive 7-year short-rotation cottonwood (Populus deltoides) stands. Simulations were conducted for 17 locations in the southeastern United States with mean annual temperatures ranging from 13.1 to 19.4 °C. The LINKAGES stand growth model, modified to include the “RothC” soil C and soil N model, simulated tree growth and soil C status. Nitrogen fertilization significantly increased cumulative cottonwood aboveground biomass in the three rotations from a site average of 106 to 272 Mg/ha in 21 years. The equivalent site averages for loblolly pine showed a significant increase from 176 and 184 Mg/ha in 25 years with fertilization. Location results, compared on the annual sum of daily mean air temperatures above 5.5 °C (growing-degree-days), showed contrasts. Loblolly pine biomass increased whereas cottonwood decreased with increasing growing-degree-days, particularly in cottonwood stands receiving N fertilization. The increment of biomass due to N addition per unit of control biomass (relative response) declined in both plantations with increase in growing-degree-days. Average soil C in loblolly pine stands increased from 24.3 to 40.4 Mg/ha in 25 years and in cottonwood soil C decreased from 14.7 to 13.7 Mg/ha after three 7-year rotations. Soil C did not decrease with increasing growing-degree-days in either plantation type suggesting that global warming may not initially affect soil C. Nitrogen fertilizer increased soil C slightly in cottonwood plantations and had no significant effect on the soil C of loblolly stands.  相似文献   

Foliage dynamics research is helpful for better understanding the process of forest production and improving silvicultural practice. However, the difficulty of measuring foliage amount has slowed down the research progress. Since leaf area of an individual tree can be reliably predicted from its diameter, growth and yield models that provide detailed information for each diameter class can be used to benefit foliage dynamics research. Simulation results from a growth and yield system for unthinned loblolly pine plantations indicated that foliage area increased with stand age, peaked between ages 36 and 51, and decreased after that. Volume growth increased with leaf area for young stands and decreased for older stands, whereas foliage efficiency consistently decreased with age. Better sites supported higher levels of leaf area index, volume growth, and foliage efficiency. Higher planting densities led to higher maximum leaf area indices and shorter time to reach that level. Initial density had no effect on foliage efficiency through time.  相似文献   

Five stocking levels of 2,471, 1,483, 741, 494, and 247 trees/ha (TPH) were established to study competition among young loblolly pine (Pinus taeda). Growth comparisons were made between pairs of adjacent densities, which had measurement trees of similar characteristics but had differing stocking densities. Measurable competition, inferred by reduction in diameter increment, began shortly after age 6 at 2,471 TPH, at approximately age 7 at 1,483 TPH, age 8 at 741 TPH, and age 9 at 494 TPH. By age 21, total merchantable volume was the same for all density levels, (209 m3/ha) but sawtimber volume was inversely related to density level. Competitive growth pressures exerted by the higher stand densities through age 21 affected crop tree growth between ages 21 and 31. Although densities were thinned at ages 21 and 26, crop tree growth on the 2,471, 1,483, and 741 TPH densities was less than the 494 and 247 TPH densities.  相似文献   


Pinus plantations have increased in Brazil, and native forest areas have been converted for timber production. The clearing and the long-term loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) land-use effects on soil carbon and nitrogen stocks were evaluated in a natural broadleaved forest and in loblolly pine sites cultivated for 29, 35, 38 and 49 years, as well the soil contribution as ecosystem carbon pool. According to the exponential-decay model fitted to changes in carbon stock, the initial soil carbon stock of 200 Mg ha?1 to a depth of 100 cm in the natural forest decreased by 36% over 49 years of pine cultivation (around 72.4 Mg ha?1 of C). Around two-thirds of this decrease occurred in the top 30 cm of the soil and intensively in the first 12 years of cultivation, but slowly faded as carbon stock tended to reach a new steady state after approximately 49 years of cultivation. The soil nitrogen stock in the natural forest was 14.2 Mg ha?1 to a depth of 100 cm and decreased by 36% over the 49 years. This decrease was linear according to the fitted model, especially in the top 30 cm where nitrogen decline was 83% and was proportionally more intense than the carbon decline. Despite the soil carbon decrease, soil remained the largest carbon reservoir in the ecosystem for the growing rotation time of loblolly pine in this region.


Forest management can have large impacts on the production and yield of coarse woody debris (CWD) in terrestrial ecosystems, yet few modeling tools exist to inform such efforts. The goal here was to develop a set of prediction equations for use in conjunction with loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) modeling and inventory systems to estimate CWD yields at scales ranging from individual trees to whole plantations. Permanent field plots from a 21-year study of thinning effects on plantation growth and yield across the commercial range of the species in the southern United States were surveyed to obtain sample data on CWD volume, density, and mass. Measured CWD properties were combined with inventory records of tree mortality over the study duration to characterize CWD production, decay and yield in a series of prediction equations. The resulting equations predict CWD attributes of dead trees including dry weight (kg) and fraction of standing versus downed woody material based on the time since death (years), tree diameter at breast height (cm) and height (m) at time of death and geographic coordinates of latitude and longitude. A stand-level equation predicts total CWD yield (Mg ha−1) for thinned or unthinned stands based on plantation age, stem density (trees ha−1), and the average height of dominant and codominant trees (m). Piece-level equations predict dry density (kg m−3) or nitrogen concentration (%) of CWD pieces based on their position (standing or down), ordinal decay classes, and latitude. The tree and stand-level prediction equations are designed for use in GIS or growth and yield modeling systems. The piece-level equations are designed to be used in inventory applications that survey CWD. The equations should facilitate the accurate and facile determination of mass, carbon, and nitrogen contents of CWD in planted loblolly pine forests of the southern United States.  相似文献   

The development through time of relative spacing was modeled for loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) plantations across the Lower Coastal Plain (LCP) and Piedmont and Upper Coastal Plain (PUCP) regions of the southern United States, using data from two culture/density studies. The lower asymptotic limit of relative spacing decreases exponentially with increasing planting density in both the LCP and PUCP regions. It is also correlated with site index in the LCP region, but not in the PUCP region. In the PUCP region, loblolly pine plantations with the intensive management regime approach a higher value of minimum relative spacing than those with the operational management regime. In the LCP region, however, for a given planting density and site index loblolly pine plantations approach the same limit of relative spacing, regardless of management regime. Site index, planting density, and management intensity also affected other model parameters. How the resulting relative spacing models are used to determine thinning schedules and indirectly derive the survival patterns over time for young loblolly pine plantations were explored and outlined.  相似文献   

The expansion of fast-growing tree plantations is a worldwide process,with consequences on soil fertility and soil carbon storage.Disparate results were found on the effects of afforestation with Eucalyptus on soil carbon and other nutrient contents.These discrepancies are usually caused by differences in climate,land use history,soil texture as well as by management related factors such as plantation age,number of rotations,method of establishment(plantation or coppice),harvest residue management and soil preparation.We studied the effect of plantation age,number of rotations,and method of establishment on soils and plant nutrient concentrations in Eucalyptus grandis plantations in NE Argentina on different textured soils.We also determined if yields changed with nutrient variations in soils,and compared soils under plantations to soils under grasslands they replaced.Thirty-one E.grandis stands of different ages,number of rotations and method of establishment were evaluated as well as eight grassland sites.Levels of carbon,nitrogen,phosphorus,potassium,calcium and magnesium were determined for soils and plants.Soil carbon and nitrogen decreased over the number of rotations and were more pronounced in soils with 50-60%sand than soils with>75%sand.Coppice stands showed higher soil carbon and nitrogen levels than plantations,suggesting a negative effect of site preparation before planting on soil nutrient conservation,especially in fine-textured soils.Foliar nutrient concentrations did not follow the trends observed for soil nutrients nor did they reflect nutrient limitations.There was no evidence of decreased yields over successive rotations.Soil carbon and nitrogen contents decrease when grasslands are replaced by E.grandis plantations,and therefore a yield limitation may occur in a medium to long-term frame,especially in stands re-established for short-rotation management.Harvest residue management and site preparation must be specifically designed for improving soil nutrient management.  相似文献   

We examined tree growth and dynamics of organic matter and soil nutrient pools annually for 7 years under contrasting harvest residue management treatments in south-western Australia. Two second rotation Eucalyptus globulus sites were established on soils of contrasting fertility and productivity. Harvest residues were either (i) burnt, (ii) removed, (iii) retained, or (iv) retained at double the normal quantity. More than 31 and 51 Mg ha−1 of harvest residues resulted from harvesting of 8-year-old first rotation stands at a low fertility Grey Sand site, and a higher fertility Red Earth site, respectively. Harvest residue retention increased tree growth at the lower fertility Grey Sand site, but had no effect on plantation productivity at the Red Earth site up to 7 years. Burning resulted in a direct loss of most of the organic material, and up to 200, and 350 kg ha−1 of N at the Grey Sand and Red Earth sites, respectively. Significant quantities of organic material in harvest residues (>50 Mg ha−1 C in the double residues treatment at the Red Earth site) had a limited effect on soil C pools during the 7 years of this study. Retention of residues limited immediate losses of nutrients, and resulted in higher quantities of soil exchangeable K, Ca and Mg during the 7 years after establishment. However, the content of soil exchangeable cations, especially K, decreased during the first 4 years of establishment in all treatments, including those where residues were retained. After 4 years, cation quantities in soil started to increase again, probably due to the decomposition of leaves and twigs from litterfall.  相似文献   

We quantified the effects of nutrient and water availability on monthly whole-tree carbohydrate budgets and determined allocation patterns of storage carbohydrates in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) to test site resource impacts on internal carbon (C) storage. A factorial combination of two nutrient and two irrigation treatments were imposed on a 7-year-old loblolly pine stand in the Sandhills of North Carolina. Monthly collections of foliage, branch, stem, bark, and root tissues were made and total non-structural carbohydrate analyses were performed on samples collected in years 3 and 4 after treatment initiation. Seasonal fluxes of carbohydrates reflected the hypothesized use and storage patterns. Starch concentrations peaked in the spring in all tissues measured; however, minimum concentrations in aboveground tissue occurred in late winter while minimum concentrations in below ground tissue occurred in late fall. Increased nutrient availability generally decreased starch concentrations in current year tissue, while increasing starch in 1-year-old woody tissue. Irrigation treatments did not significantly impact carbohydrate flux. The greatest capacity for starch storage was in below ground tissue, accounting for as much as 400 kg C/ha per year, and more than 65% of the total stored starch C pool. The absolute amount of C stored as starch was significantly increased with increased nutrient availability, however, its relative contribution to the total annual C budget was not changed.  相似文献   

A system for examining the effects of hardwood density and cover of herbaceous components on mean size in newly established loblolly pine plantations was developed using a site preparation study located in the piedmont province of Georgia (USA). Multispecies density models were derived to predict the sum of crown heights for eight important hardwood species using both the current or age 1 number of rootstocks and herbaceous vegetation to account for intra- and interspecific effects. The predicted sums of crown heights for the woody species were then used as predictors of mean height, diameter, and volume for loblolly pine. A seemingly unrelated regression procedure was used to compensate for correlations in error components within each system of equations that result from using predicted crown heights as regressor variables. The effects of varying sweetgum density and andropogon cover on the inter-related components of the systems based on current and age 1 competition were examined for mean height and mean diameter of the planted loblolly pines. The cumulative impacts of associated vegetation on loblolly pine growth and the relative sensitivity of height and diameter to competing vegetation were demonstrated.  相似文献   

Loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) seedlings were grown from seed in a greenhouse on A1 horizon soil collected from field plots that have been burned each winter or maintained in an unburned condition for 33 years. Soils from burned and unburned plots were treated with phosphorus (P), P and calcium (Ca), or left untreated. After 32 weeks, height, biomass, and nitrogen (N) and P uptake were greater on soil from burned versus unburned plots, although application of P masked these effects. Addition of P increased plant biomass, seedling height, and uptake of N and P, but depressed levels of soil NH4N. These results suggest that long-term prescribed burning may have a positive effect on nutrient availability that will benefit seedlings of the next stand.  相似文献   

We evaluated two biomass harvest methods, (1) Whole Tree Thinning (WTT; third-row thinning), and (2) Whole Tree Thinning with Fuelchips (WTTF; third-row thinning plus remove all accessible hardwood stems >2.5 cm diameter at breast height and understory shrubs in thinned area of stand) in a 21-year-old loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) plantation in northwest Florida for their harvesting yields and productivities, costs, and effects on groundcover. Both WTT and WTTF produced similar quantities of roundwood (~70 Mg ha?1) and chips (8.43–13.12 Mg ha?1) without significantly added operational time (15.77–28.12 Mg h?1). On-board costs of chip production (US$6.93 to 10.60 Mg?1) and total cost of roundwood and chip production (~22.5 US$ Mg?1) of the two harvest methods also did not differ significantly. Following either WTT or WTTF, overall percent groundcover recovered within 6 months. While shrub and grass cover were similar, forb cover in WTT increased significantly following six months of harvests. Importantly, the study suggests that biomass removal is an attractive option that could be integrated with traditional silvicultural thinning methods to manage vegetation and alleviate hazardous fuel and wildfire conditions, leading to improved forest health.  相似文献   

The effects of varying forest floor and slash retention at time of regeneration were evaluated 10 years after the establishment of a loblolly pine plantation near Millport, Alabama. Treatments included removing, leaving unaltered, or doubling the forest floor and slash material. Forest floor and litterfall mass and nutrient concentrations, available soil N, foliar nutrient concentrations and stand yield were all impacted by the treatments. Forest floor mass and nutrient contents in the doubled treatment were significantly greater than the other two treatments. The doubled treatment accumulated 25, 45 and 350% more forest floor mass and 56, 56, and 310% more N than the control treatment in the Oi, Oe, and Oa layers, respectively. The other nutrients followed similar patterns. Potentially mineralized NO3-N in the mineral soil was also significantly higher in the doubled treatment. The positive effect of doubling the forest floor on soil N availability was reflected in greater foliage production, 30% more litterfall and 25% more stand yield for this treatment. This study shows that increasing the forest floor retention has resulted in increased nutrient availability and improved tree growth.  相似文献   

This study describes the impact of young high-density plantations of two native leguminous (Albizia procera and A. lebbeck) and one non-leguminous timber tree (Tectona grandis) species on the soil redevelopment process during the early phase of mine restoration in a dry tropical environment. There was a general improvement in soil properties due to establishment of plantations. Highest soil organic C values were found in A. lebbeck plantations and lowest in T. grandis plantations. Both A. lebbeck and A. procera substantially increased levels of nitrogen in soil. However, A. procera, with slow decomposing litter, was not as effective in raising N levels in the soil as A. lebbeck, indicating that all N fixers may not be equally efficient in raising soil N levels. Soil microbial biomass and N mineralization rates were always higher in plantations of N-fixer species. A continued increase with age in microbial C:total C ratio indicates these plantations have yet to reach steady state.  相似文献   

A thinning levels study was initiated in a 9-year-old loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) plantation containing 26.6 m2 ha−1 basal area during the spring of 1984 in southeastern Oklahoma. Thinning treatments consisted of (1) three control plots (BA100), (2) three plots thinned to approximately 50% of the original basal area (BA50) and (3) three plots that were thinned to 25% of the original basal area (BA25). In 1987 the BA50 and BA25 plots were both rethinned to a basal area of 12 m2 ha−1. No other thinnings were done through age 24.The control plots have attained a basal area of 45.3 m2 ha−1 and basal area is now starting to decline. The BA25 and BA50 plots have basal areas between 34 and 35 m2 ha−1. Mortality has averaged about 90 trees ha−1 per year from age 10 to age 24 on the control plot, declining from 2078 trees ha−1 at age 10 to 827 trees ha−1 at age 24. Mortality losses in the BA25 and BA50 plots have been only 3.2–7.7 trees ha−1 per year over the entire study period. Cumulative stem biomass lost to mortality was 10.5, 16.0 and 61 Mg ha−1, respectively, for the BA25, BA50 and BA100 treatments. Cumulative standing live biomass at age 24 in the BA100 treatment is 132 Mg ha−1. Cumulative standing live biomass in the BA25 and BA50 treatments at age 24 is 86 and 79%, respectively, of that observed in the BA100 treatment. These results suggest wide ranges of residual stand densities left after an early thinning will produce a high percentage of the potential total maximum standing stem biomass. Diameter distributions at age 24 show only 33% of the trees in the BA100 treatments have the dimensions to be sawtimber (≥30 cm) but 92 and 95% of the trees in the BA25 and BA50, respectively, are sawtimber dimension or larger. Mean annual stem biomass production (MAI) of the BA100 treatment is 7.5 Mg ha−1 per year at age 24. MAI of the thinned treatments is about 5.1 Mg ha−1 per year and is converging to that of the BA100 treatment. The basis for this convergence is not that the live trees in the BA100 treatment are producing live biomass less rapidly than the thinned plots, but that mortality losses in the BA100 plot are much higher. Current annual stemwood production in all treatments is often limited by the severe summer droughts that occur in this region. The wide variations in weather experienced at this site also result in variations in earlywood:latewood ratio and ring specific gravity.  相似文献   



To sustainably manage loblolly pine plantations for bioenergy and carbon sequestration, accurate information is required on the relationships between management regimes and energy, carbon, and nutrient export.


The effects of cultural intensity and planting density were investigated with respect to energy, carbon, and essential nutrients in aboveground biomass of mid-rotation loblolly pine plantations, and the effects of harvesting scenarios on export of nutrients were tested.


Destructive biomass sampling of a 12 years-old loblolly pine culture/density experiment, and analysis of variance were used to assess the effects of cultural intensity (operational vs. intensive) and six planting densities ranging from 741 to 4,448 trees ha?1. Two harvesting scenarios (stem-only vs. whole-tree harvesting) were assessed in terms of energy, carbon, and nutrient export.


The concentrations of energy, carbon, and nutrients varied significantly among stem wood, bark, branch, and foliage components. Cultural intensity and planting density did not significantly affect these concentrations. Differences in energy, carbon and nutrient contents among treatments were mainly mediated by changes in total biomass. Nutrient contents were affected by either cultural intensity or planting density, or both. Stem-only harvesting removed 71–79 % of aboveground energy and carbon, 29–45 % of N, 28–44 % of P, 44–57 % of K, 51–65 % of Ca, and 50–61 % of Mg.


Stem-only harvesting would be preferred to whole-tree harvesting, from a site nutrient conservation perspective.  相似文献   

The growth, aboveground biomass production and nutrient accumulation in black alder (Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn.), silver birch (Betula pendula Roth.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) plantations during 7 years after planting were investigated on reclaimed oil shale mining areas in Northeast Estonia with the aim to assess the suitability of the studied species for the reclamation of post-mining areas. The present study revealed changes in soil properties with increasing stand age. Soil pH and P concentration decreased and soil N concentration increased with stand age. The largest height and diameter of trees, aboveground biomass and current annual production occurred in the black alder stands. In the 7-year-old stands the aboveground biomass of black alder (2100 trees ha−1) was 2563 kg ha−1, in silver birch (1017 trees ha−1) and Scots pine (3042 trees ha−1) stands respective figures were 161 and 1899 kg ha−1. The largest amounts of N, P, K accumulated in the aboveground part were in black alder stands. In the 7th year, the amount of N accumulated in the aboveground biomass of black alder stand was 36.1 kg ha−1, the amounts of P and K were 3.0 and 8.8 kg ha−1, respectively. The larger amounts of nutrients in black alder plantations are related to the larger biomass of stands. The studied species used N and P with different efficiency for the production of a unit of biomass. Black alder and silver birch needed more N and P for biomass production, and Scots pine used nutrients most efficiently. The present study showed that during 7 years after planting, the survival and productivity of black alder were high. Therefore black alder is a promising tree species for the reclamation of oil shale post-mining areas.  相似文献   

A factorial combination of four treatments (control (CW), optimal growing season water availability (IW), optimum nutrient availability (FW), and combined optimum water and nutrient availability (FIW)) in four replications were initiated in an 8-year-old Pinus taeda stand growing on a droughty, nutrient-poor, sandy site in Scotland County, NC and maintained for 9 years. Results for the first 4 years after treatment initiation at this study were first reported by Albaugh et al. [For. Sci. 44 (1998) 317]. The site is primarily nutrient limited and all measured stand parameters (height, basal area, leaf area index, live crown length, stem mass accumulation, current annual stem mass increment) were increased with fertilization throughout the study period. Irrigation effects were also positive for these parameters but the increases were much smaller than those found with fertilization. For example, 9 years after treatment initiation, standing stem mass was increased 100 and 25% by fertilization and irrigation, respectively, while current annual increment of stem biomass production was increased 119 and 23% by fertilization and irrigation, respectively. Interestingly, stem density (stems ha−1) was not significantly affected by treatment in any year of the study. Growth efficiency (stem mass increment per unit leaf area index) was 1.9 Mg ha−1 per year per LAI for CW and influenced by treatment with IW, FW, and FIW achieving growth efficiencies of 2.4, 2.7 and 2.9 Mg ha−1 per year per LAI, respectively. Growth efficiency appeared to be relatively stable in the last 4 years of the study. Ring specific gravity was measured in the third, fourth, and fifth years after treatment initiation. An average reduction in ring specific gravity of 7.5% was observed with fertilization while irrigation had little effect on specific gravity in any year measured. The continuation of high growth rates with no observable growth decline in the treated stands throughout the 9-year study may be a function of the age of the stands when treatments were initiated (8 years), the very poor initial nutrient and moisture availability, and/or the application of an ongoing optimum nutrient regime at the site. The fertilized plots are now at or near an age and a size when a commercial harvest would be feasible. For the stand conditions at this site, then, the optimum nutrient availability plots have achieved high productivity throughout the economic life of the stand without measurable declines in stand productivity.  相似文献   

IntroductionPoplarshavemanycharacteristicsSuitableforplantationcultureascomparedtootherforestspecies,suchasfastgroWth,adaptabifitytodifferentenvironmentalconditionsandtodifferentsilviculturalsystems,whichenabletheproductionoflargequantitiesofwoodinshortperiodsoftime.Poplarscanbeusedfordifferentformsofprocessingintimberindustry,aswellasinpulpandpaperindustryandasasourceofenergy(Gambles&Zsuffa1984,Moran&Nautryal1985,Fangetal1993).Sincesomepoplarcloneswereintroducedinthe1970"s,poplarshavebeent…  相似文献   

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