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The agricultural landscape in Eastern Canada has drastically changed in the last decades. Whilst certain forest communities are disappearing, post-agricultural forests are emerging from old fields colonized by fast-growing tree species.  相似文献   

The herbaceous understory forms the richest stratum in temperate broadleaved forests in terms of plant diversity. Understanding the process of understory succession is thus of critical importance for the development of management guidelines for biodiversity restoration in post-agricultural plantation forests.We studied effects of stand age, forest fragmentation, and soil and canopy conditions on species richness and abundance of four species groups in the understory of post-arable oak plantations in southern Sweden: herbaceous forest specialists, habitat generalists and open-land species, and woody species.The group of forest specialists may approach the richness of continuously forested sites after 60-80 years in non-fragmented plantations, but many forest species were sensitive to habitat fragmentation. Open-land species richness decreased during succession, while the richness of woody species and of generalists remained stable, and was not affected by fragmentation. Abundance of generalists gradually decreased in non-fragmented plantations, probably due to competition from colonizing forest specialists. Soil pH in post-arable stands remained consistently higher than in continuously forested stands, which maintained differences in species composition. The development of a shrub layer seemed to imply a competitive advantage for forest specialists compared to generalist species.For successful recovery of a rich understory, we suggest that post-arable plantations should be established on loamy soils of intermediate to high pH proximate to older forest with source populations, and that a continuous overstory canopy cover of 70-80% is maintained by regular light thinnings and promotion of a shrub layer.  相似文献   

The expansion of spruce-dominated forestry in Southern Sweden during the twentieth century has led to a considerable amount of oak (Quercus robur L.) woodlands being converted into stands dominated by planted spruce. The thinning of spruces around oak trees is currently done in Sweden to improve local diversity of insects, oak growing conditions and eventually decrease their mortality. To evaluate the effect of these treatments, we dendrochronologically studied growth of old (100–200 years old) oaks subjected to thinning of different intensity at nine locations in southern Sweden, and compared them to oaks located in nearby pastures. The overall pattern suggests that commonly adopted thinning intensities do not significantly affect oak growth. Oak growth was positively related to oak age and negatively to the amount of dead oak crown. Analyses of correlations between oak growth and summer drought conditions, as reflected by location-specific chronologies of the Monthly Drought Code (MDC), indicated that older trees exhibited generally negative correlations, whereas the correlation remained generally positive for the younger trees, both inside and outside forest stands. We propose that removal of spruces should be primarily done around older and healthier-looking trees.  相似文献   

Dey  Daniel C.  Parker  William C. 《New Forests》1997,14(2):145-156
The value of initial stem diameter near the root collar, shoot length and number of first-order lateral roots (FOLR) as morphological indicators of stock quality and field performance was examined for bareroot (1+0, undercut) red oak (Quercus rubra L.) underplanted in a shelterwood in central Ontario. These three attributes were measured on more than 400 seedlings prior to planting, and their relationship with height and basal diameter growth two years after planting was determined using correlation and regression analysis. Initial diameter, shoot length and number of FOLR were positively and significantly correlated with second-year height and diameter. These relationships were strongest for diameter, but this variable explained less than 25% of the total variation in growth. Of the three indicators, diameter was also the best predictor of several physical characteristics of root systems two years after planting. Initial diameter was significantly correlated with root volume, root area and lateral root, taproot and total root dry mass. Weaker relationships existed between initial shoot length and number of FOLR and second-year root system features. Stem diameter two years after planting was more strongly related to root volume, area and dry mass than was initial diameter, the probable result of adjustment in root-shoot balance of planting stock to the shelterwood environment.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIoNMongoIianoak(QItcI.cIISn1ongolica)extcnsi\'cl)'dlstributcsinDaxing-anli11g-Xiaoxing-anllng,Wandasl1an-Zl1angguangcail-ing.andl11oUI1tai11ousrcgiol1sofSl1a11jial1gPlainonhorizonIalscalca11d35I)-6()l)111abo`.cscalcvcIonaItitudcscalc.Itisoncof111ainaccol11pan}4ngtrccsPCcicsintl1czo11alforcsttypesinHcilonaiia11gProtincc.Thcstandsdominatcdb}'MongolianoakoccuP}'tIlcIarg-cstarcaintl1enaturaIsccondary'forcstrcgionsthatoriginalcdaftcrtl1cdcstructionof\'irgil1forcsts.Mongolia…  相似文献   


Forest transformation from coniferous monocultures to mixed stands is being promoted worldwide, including the introduction of fast-growing broadleaved tree species within native stands. Here, we studied how enrichment of temperate European Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) forest by North-American northern red oak Quercus rubra impacted macronutrient concentrations in two long-lived and dominant components of the forest understory: bilberry Vaccinium myrtillus and lingonberry V. vitis-idaea. Study sites were located in forest complexes (central Poland) which occupy continuously reforested lands (hereafter ancient forests) as well as post-agricultural lands (recent forests), all suitable for mesic pine forests. Samples of bilberry and lingonberry leaves, stems, and fruits were collected in pine stands and in adjacent Scots pine-red oak stands, in both ancient and recent forests. Concentrations of macronutrients (C, N, P, K, Ca, S, and Mg) in aboveground biomass components were analysed using standardized chemical procedures. The study revealed intra- and interspecific (bilberry vs. lingonberry) differences in concentrations of all nutrients in leaves, stems, and fruits, except for invariable C concentrations. Macronutrient accumulations in plants were decreased by land-use discontinuity and favoured by enrichment of tree stands by Q. rubra. The estimated macronutrient pools were much higher for V. myrtillus than V. vitis-idaea in all forest types studied. They were lower in forests enriched with Q. rubra, both ancient (up to 25.5% for bilberry and 99.9% for lingonberry) and recent (46.9% and 99.9%, respectively), as well as in recent pine forest (46.6% and 81.1%, respectively) than in ancient pine forest. Higher K and S pools (39.3% and 6.5%, respectively) noted for bilberry in an ancient forest with Q. rubra were exceptions. Despite more effective accumulations of elements at the species level, macronutrient pools of Vaccinium myrtillus and V. vitis-idaea decreased significantly in the presence of introduced Q. rubra due to negative impacts of this broadleaved tree on bilberry and lingonberry cover and biomass. Therefore, the limitation of alien Q. rubra planting in sites of mesic pine forest with the abundant occurrence of V. myrtillus and/or V. vitis-idaea is recommended.

Graphic abstract

Specific chloroplast proteins, gas exchange and dry matter production in oak (Quercus robur L.) seedlings and clonal cherry (Prunus avium L. x pseudocerasus Lind.) plants were measured during 19 months of growth in climate-controlled greenhouses at ambient (350 vpm) or elevated (700 vpm) CO(2). In both species, the elevated CO(2) treatment increased the PPFD saturated-rate of photosynthesis and dry matter production. After two months at elevated CO(2), Prunus plants showed significant increases in leaf (55%) and stem (61%) dry mass but not in root dry mass. However, this initial stimulation was not sustained: treatment differences in net assimilation rate (A) and plant dry mass were less after 10 months of growth than after 2 months of growth, suggesting acclimation of A to elevated CO(2) in Prunus. In contrast, after 10 months of growth at elevated CO(2), leaf dry mass of Quercus increased (130%) along with shoot (356%) and root (219%) dry mass, and A was also twice that of plants grown and measured at ambient CO(2). The amounts of Rubisco and the thylakoid-bound protein cytochrome f were higher in Quercus plants grown for 19 months in elevated CO(2) than in control plants, whereas in Prunus there was less Rubisco in plants grown for 19 months in elevated CO(2) than in control plants. Exposure to elevated CO(2) for 10 months resulted in increased mean leaf area in both species and increased abaxial stomatal density in Quercus. There was no change in leaf epidermal cell size in either species in response to the elevated CO(2) treatment. The lack of acclimation of photosynthesis in oak grown at elevated CO(2) is discussed in relation to the production and allocation of dry matter. We propose that differences in carbohydrate utilization underlie the differing long-term CO(2) responses of the two species.  相似文献   

Red oak (Quercus rubra), a mesic species, and chestnut oak (Quercus prinus), a xeric species, were grown in a greenhouse with and without fertilizer (F+ and F-, respectively) and subjected to a 10-week drydown (W-) or kept well watered (W+). In both species, fertilized seedlings exhibited greater reductions in mean net photosynthesis (A), leaf conductance (g(wv)), leaf water potential (Psi(leaf)) and water use efficiency (WUE) during the drydown than unfertilized seedlings. In the W- treatments, red oak showed greater reductions in A, g(wv) and Psi(leaf) than chestnut oak. Differential fertilization of the seedlings of both species had a greater effect on tissue water relations than differential watering. During the latter weeks of the drydown, there was no osmotic adjustment in red oak, but chestnut oak in the F+/W- treatment had significantly lower osmotic potentials at full and zero turgor than seedlings in any of the other treatments. The results indicate that high nutrient availability does not improve the drought tolerance of these two oak species.  相似文献   

This study explores the indirect relationship between forest structural measures and initial seedling survival and growth along a structural gradient between 64% to 92% canopy closure. The gradient was created by applying various levels of midstory removal to fifty 0.05 ha areas located within a mixed-hardwood riparian forest corridor. Twelve yellow-poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera L.) and cherrybark oak (Quercus pagoda Raf.) containerized seedling pairs were underplanted within each area. Canopy closure was estimated using hemispherical photography; height-to-canopy and basal area were recorded at each seedling pair. Survival, basal diameter, and height were monitored through two growing seasons. Species-specific mortality and height growth models were developed for one and two growing seasons following underplanting. The interaction of height-to-canopy and basal area along with canopy closure were found to be the most strongly related to mortality. Height to the forest canopy and initial seedling size explained the most variance in height increment. Although the height increment models possess limited predictive power (R2 range from 0.22 to 0.36), both mortality and growth analyses emphasize the importance of quantifying vertical canopy structure, along with the more commonly considered horizontal measures of forest structure (basal area and stem density), when evaluating seedling development beneath a forest canopy.  相似文献   

A survey on the occurrence of Phytophthora species in oak ecosystems in Austria was conducted from April to May 1999 and in June 2000. The investigations were carried out at 35 study sites distributed throughout the zone of oak forests in eastern Austria. Four oak species, including Quercus robur, Q. petraea, Q. cerris and Q. pubescens were considered in the survey. Rhizosphere soil samples were taken from sample trees, which consisted of healthy and declining trees as indicated by their crown transparency. Young oak leaflets were used as baits to recover Phytophthora species. The assemblage of Phytophthora spp. detected in Austrian oak forests consisted of five species, including Phytophthora quercina, P. citricola, P. gonapodyides, P. europaea and P. syringae. P. quercina and P. citricola were isolated from 11 and seven sites, respectively, and were thus the most common and most widely distributed species. The three other species were recovered only sporadically. P. citricola could be separated into two morphologically and genetically well‐characterized types (A and B). Phytophthora species, in particular the common P. quercina and P. citricola occurred on sites showing a wide variety of soil types, soil textures and moisture classes. There was mild evidence for connection between deteriorating crown status and the presence of Phytophthora spp. Furthermore, significant differences in contents of magnesium, as well as calcium, aluminium, nitrogen and carbon at different soil depths (0–10, 10–20 and 20–40 cm) were detected between Phytophthora‐infested and Phytophthora‐free sites. The results of the present study provide circumstantial evidence that Phytophthora species are involved in oak decline at certain sites in Austria.  相似文献   

Urbanization is accelerating across the globe, elevating the importance of studying urban ecology. Urban environments exhibit several factors affecting plant growth and function, including high temperatures (particularly at night), CO(2) concentrations and atmospheric nitrogen deposition. We investigated the effects of urban environments on growth in Quercus rubra L. seedlings. We grew seedlings from acorns for one season at four sites along an urban-rural transect from Central Park in New York City to the Catskill Mountains in upstate New York (difference in average maximum temperatures of 2.4 °C; difference in minimum temperatures of 4.6 °C). In addition, we grew Q. rubra seedlings in growth cabinets (GCs) mimicking the seasonal differential between the city and rural sites (based on a 5-year average). In the field experiment, we found an eightfold increase in biomass in urban-grown seedlings relative to those grown at rural sites. This difference was primarily related to changes in growth allocation. Urban-grown seedlings and seedlings grown at urban temperatures in the GCs exhibited a lower root: shoot ratio (urban ~0.8, rural/remote ~1.5), reducing below-ground carbon costs associated with construction and maintenance. These urban seedlings instead allocated more growth to leaves than did rural-grown seedlings, resulting in 10-fold greater photosynthetic area but no difference in photosynthetic capacity of foliage per unit area. Seedlings grown at urban temperatures in both the field and GC experiments had higher leaf nitrogen concentrations per unit area than those grown at cooler temperatures (increases of 23% in field, 32% in GC). Lastly, we measured threefold greater (13)C enrichment of respired CO(2) (relative to substrate) in urban-grown leaves than at other sites, which may suggest greater allocation of respiratory function to growth over maintenance. It also shows that lack of differences in total R flux in response to environmental conditions may mask dramatic shifts in respiratory functioning. Overall, our findings indicating greater seedling growth and establishment at a critical regeneration phase of forest development may have important implications for the ecology of urban forests as well as the predicted growth of the terrestrial biosphere in temperate regions in response to climate change.  相似文献   

Guo  Yanfei  Shelton  Michael  Lockhart  Brian R. 《New Forests》1998,15(1):69-76
Effects of flood duration (0, 10, 20, and 30 days) and season (winter and spring) on acorn germination were tested for two upland oaks [black and northern red oak (Quercus velutina Lam. and Q. rubra L.)] and two bottomland oaks [cherrybark and water oak (Q. pagoda Raf. and Q. nigra L.)]. Acorns were stratified for 30 days before flooding at a depth of 15 cm along the edge of a small pond. After flooding, acorns were sowed in sand-filled plastic cups and germinated for 40 days. Flood duration and season strongly affected radicle and epicotyl emergence of the upland oaks, but effects were generally limited to spring flooding. Embryo axes of the upland oak acorns were severely damaged with as little as 10 days of spring flooding. Almost no epicotyls developed, but radicles developed from the connective tissues between embryo axes and the cotyledons of many acorns. Spring flooding also significantly increased the percentage of decayed acorns for the upland oaks. In contrast, germination of the bottomland oaks was slightly improved by flooding during both seasons. Results demonstrated that the effects of flooding on the distribution of species within bottomlands can begin with seed storage and germination.  相似文献   

通过对景谷试验示范林场12年生的思茅松人工林开展不同间伐强度的试验,结果表明:(1)通过抚育间伐,能促进思茅松树高、胸径的生长,随着间伐强度的增加,林分平均胸径、平均树高也随之增大;(2)思茅松人工林中龄林采用30%的间伐强度,保留木为1428株/hm2较为适宜。  相似文献   

To determine a possible role of Fusarium eumartii in oak decline in different zones of Italy some requirements (temperature, substrates, pH) and some biological aspects (ability to produce phytotoxic metabolites, and pathogenicity) were studied in vitro and by inoculation tests on oak seedlings.  相似文献   

Litter decomposition was studied for 2 years in a mixed forest serving as a water protection area (Rhine-Neckar conurbation, SW Germany). Two experiments differing in initial dry weight equivalent in litterbags were set up: one to compare decomposition of European beech leaves (Fagus sylvatica) with common oak leaves (Quercus robur), and the other comparing decomposition of Scots pine needles (Pinus sylvestris) with black cherry leaves (Prunus serotina Ehrh.), respectively. Mass losses were greater for oak litter than for beech (75.0 versus 34.6%), and for cherry litter than for pine (94.6 versus 68.3%). In both experiments, a strong initial loss of soluble compounds occurred. The changes in litter N and P concentrations and the decrease in C-to-N ratio coincided with changes in residual mass. However, neither tannin and phenolic concentrations nor NMR could explain the pronounced variation in mass loss after 2 years. Differences in litter palatability and toughness, nutrient contents and other organic compounds may be responsible for the considerable differences in residual mass between litter types. The fast decay of black cherry leaves appears to play a major role in the present humus dynamics at the studied site. Since black cherry has a high N demand, which is mainly met by root uptake from the forest floor, this species is crucial for internal N cycling at this conurbation forest site. These effects together may significantly contribute to prevent nitrate leaching from the forest ecosystem which is subject to a continuous N deposition on an elevated level.  相似文献   

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