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RATIONALE FOR STUDY: At Texas A&M University, introductory-level surgical lecture and laboratory notes were converted to a CD-ROM format that included illustrative photographs as well as instructional videos demonstrating the basic surgical skills that all students were required to master. The CD-ROM was distributed to all students in place of traditional paper notes in the second-year surgical class in the professional veterinary curriculum. The study reported here was designed to evaluate the educational benefits of the use of the CD-ROM in place of traditional paper notes by examining the attitudes and practices of students before and after exposure to the CD-ROM format. METHODOLOGY: An anonymous survey was distributed to students in the second-year introductory surgery course on the first day of class and again on the last day of class. Responses to questions were tabulated, response frequencies determined, and Chi-square analysis performed to determine differences between initial and final responses. RESULTS: On the final survey, 89 per cent of students responded that the instructional videos definitely helped them prepare for the laboratory, and 77 per cent responded that they were more likely to practice techniques learned from the CD-ROM videos than those learned from traditional study materials. The majority of students believed that the CD-ROM improved both the course (60 per cent) and their learning experience (62 per cent) as compared to traditional paper notes. CONCLUSIONS: Including instructional videos on the CD-ROM enhanced the educational experience of the students by promoting preparedness for laboratories and promoting practice of techniques learned from the videos outside of the laboratory.  相似文献   

The paper discusses animal genetic resources in the context of the Nagoya Protocol, providing an overview of the distinctive features and practices in this sector of genetic resources. It presents how animal genetic resources are utilized, who are the users and providers, and what are the trends in gene flow of these resources. The paper reflects on current access measures and arrangements for local breeds and for international commercial breeds. Key benefits arising from the international exchange of animal genetic resources for research and livestock production and current developments in the sector supporting the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol are presented. References to the scope and application of EU ABS legislation are also made. The paper underlines the importance of continuous undisturbed access to animal genetic resources for research and breeding to facilitate further development within the global livestock sector.  相似文献   

The ubiquity of the Internet has made disseminating information across geographical boundaries a relatively easy task. Apart from text-based materials, the Internet provides an easy means to transmit images, sound, video, and other multimedia content to a global audience, making it an ideal medium for establishing distance learning programs. Two Internet-based distance learning courses were developed to teach animal physiology to veterinary technicians in the School of Veterinary Medicine at Purdue University. These distance learning course sites are designed to take advantage of multimedia technology to enhance students' learning experiences. Multimedia has been used in education to make the learning process more engaging and interactive. The two course sites have a number of multimedia features that complement the textual subject matter. This article describes the features of the course Web sites and summarizes our experiences in designing and conducting Web-based physiology courses to distance learners. In addition, we describe the characteristics of our distance learning students.  相似文献   

A course called Health Management 1 was created as part of a new DVM curriculum at the Ontario Veterinary College. This full year course was designed to introduce students to basic concepts of health management, integrating the disciplines of epidemiology, ethology, and public health in the context of selected animal industries. The course was comprised of 60 lecture hours and four two-hour laboratories. A common definition of health management, incorporating five principles, was used throughout the course, in order to reinforce the concepts and to maintain continuity between lecture blocks. Unlike in the years prior to the introduction of the new curriculum, epidemiology was presented as a tool of health management rather than as a separate discipline. To supplement the lecture and laboratory material, a Web-based resource was created and the students were required to review the appropriate section prior to each lecture block. Small quizzes, consisting of 10 questions each within WebCT, were used to stimulate self-directed learning. Overall, the course was well received by the students. The Web resources combined with the WebCT quizzes proved to be an effective method of stimulating students to prepare for lecture.  相似文献   

The goal of this project was to identify the current level at which internationalization has been adopted as a theme in the North American animal science curriculum and to identify its value and the barriers to its implementation. We surveyed animal, dairy, and poultry science departments across Canada and the United States. One hundred twenty-four surveys were mailed and 60% were returned. Associations between aspects of internationalization and student outcomes (admission to veterinary and graduate schools and starting salaries) were examined. Although administrators strongly believed internationalization had value, implementation was limited. The most common practices included international content in core animal science classes, advising, international internships, and participation of faculty in international scholarly activities. Few departments have incorporated internationalization into their mission statements or developed a specific international-themed class, scholarships devoted to international activities, or roles for international students. Few departments reported participation of students in international programs. Barriers included finances and limited commitment from higher administration. Student outcomes were positively associated with faculty size, percentage of international faculty, the ratio of international students to the total student population, international content in core animal science classes, a specific international-themed class, availability of international internships, and exchange of class material internationally via the Internet. Departments that did not offer international opportunities had a negative association (r = -0.79) with starting salary, but these relationships may not be causal. Alternatively, progressive departments may attract and retain exceptional students. The analysis indicated an awareness of the value of international programs, positive impacts in student outcomes, and financial barriers to implementation.  相似文献   

web数据挖掘,是数据挖掘技术与Web的结合,是在Web环境下通过更高层次的数据分析从Web文档和相关数据中发现、提取有用的信息,促进信息有效利用。文描述了Web数据挖掘在新疆畜牧生产数据库中的应用和在新疆畜牧科技信息资源库用户分析中的应用。  相似文献   

Recognizing the crucial role of veterinarians in mitigating antimicrobial resistance (AMR), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has funded the development of a suite of educational materials to promote the responsible veterinary medical use of antimicrobials. An open-access, Web-based multimedia curriculum regarding antimicrobial resistance in veterinary practice was thus created. The antimicrobial-resistance learning site (AMRLS) for veterinary medical students was completed and made available for use in January 2011 (http://amrls.cvm.msu.edu/). Designed for integration into existing veterinary medical courses, the AMRLS is also a resource for continuing education for practicing veterinarians, animal scientists, and food-animal industry specialists. This Web site emphasizes the mechanisms by which AMR emerges and spreads, the significant role of veterinarians in mitigating AMR, and the need to preserve the efficacy of antibiotics for future generations.  相似文献   

应用Web技术、JAVA语言和数据库技术在国际互联网上构建草原资源信息共享平台,解决草地资源及其生态环境的多元信息在国际互联网上集成应用和共享技术,为政府和业界提供一个草地资源多元信息查询的基础科学数据平台和数据分析、研究平台。通过搜集前人研究所取得的基础空间数据和属性数据,从当前卫星遥感影像提取动态信息,应用GIS原理和JAVA语言,集成多元图层及属性数据,开发专用的软件,在Internet上建立草地资源信息共享平台,来构建草原生态系统的虚拟多维空间,从而实现空间—属性双向复合查询,适时更换图件等主要功能。经查阅大量资料表明,应用现代地理信息系统技术、数据库技术、网络技术、软件技术和遥感技术以及系统开发语言(JAVA语言)来构建草原生态系统的虚拟多维空间的方案切实可行,能够为业界提供一个方便、快捷的信息查询和空间分析共享平台,对实现我国数字草原具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Research opportunities in the field of animal genetic resources   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Animal genetic resources are those animal species that are used, or may be used, for the production of food and agriculture, and the populations within each of them. The working unit of a database for farm animal genetic resources is the breed, a term taken in its widest possible sense to mean a population within the species, possessing a number of particular traits that permit the grouping of these animals under a common label and are associated to geographical areas and human groups. Research opportunities cover a wide range of thematic areas. The biggest gap in knowledge is animal breeding for local populations in harsh environments. There is also a lack of research in functional genetics and genomics of adaptation and disease resistance traits. By comparison, breed characterization, in particular molecular characterization, has been a more popular research subject. The same can be said for conservation, although some fundamental questions on genetic diversity and risk of its loss are still unanswered. Research is required to understand the socio-economic, infrastructural, technical and formal constraints that limit the operation of sustainable conservation programs in less developed countries. Information systems on animal genetic resources need input from research and data capture networks, in order to achieve a reasonable degree of completeness. Economic analysis and issues related to gene flow and access and benefit sharing should also profit from more research.  相似文献   

因特网中预防兽医学资源及其开发利用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Intemet中预防兽医学资源包括虚拟图书馆和信息资源中心、虚拟兽医院和虚拟实验室、学术研究机构、学术组织和团体、学术期刊和电子出版物、学术论坛及网络教育等类型,本文给出了许多精选的网络资源地址,并讨论了有关开发利用的一些问题。  相似文献   

In recent years, the Internet has become an effective and accessible delivery mechanism for distance education. In 2003, 81% of all institutions of higher education offered at least one fully online or hybrid course. By 2005, the proportion of institutions that listed online education as important to their long-term goals had increased by 8%. This growth in available online courses and their increased convenience and flexibility have stimulated dramatic increases in enrollment in online programs, including the Veterinary Technology Distance Learning Program (VT-DLP) at Purdue University. Regardless of the obvious benefits, distance learning (DL) can be frustrating for the learners if course developers are unable to merge their knowledge about the learners, the process of instructional design, and the appropriate uses of technology and interactivity options into effective course designs. This article describes strategies that we have used to increase students' learning of physiology content in an online environment. While some of these are similar, if not identical, to strategies that might be used in a face-to-face (f2f) environment (e.g., case studies, videos, concept maps), additional strategies (e.g., animations, virtual microscopy) are needed to replace or supplement what might normally occur in a f2f course. We describe how we have addressed students' need for instructional interaction, specifically in the context of two foundational physiology courses that occur early in the VT-DLP. Although the teaching and learning strategies we have used have led to increasingly high levels of interaction, there is an ongoing need to evaluate these strategies to determine their impact on students' learning of physiology content, their development of problem-solving skills, and their retention of information.  相似文献   

As part of a strategic move by the University of Sydney toward increased flexibility in learning, the Faculty of Veterinary Science undertook a number of developments involving Web-based teaching and assessment. OLIVER underpins them by providing a rich, durable repository for learning objects. To integrate Web-based learning, case studies, and didactic presentations for veterinary and animal science students, we established an online library of images and other learning objects for use by academics in the Faculties of Veterinary Science and Agriculture. The objectives of OLIVER were to maximize the use of the faculty's teaching resources by providing a stable archiving facility for graphic images and other multimedia learning objects that allows flexible and precise searching, integrating indexing standards, thesauri, pull-down lists of preferred terms, and linking of objects within cases. OLIVER offers a portable and expandable Web-based shell that facilitates ongoing storage of learning objects in a range of media. Learning objects can be downloaded in common, standardized formats so that they can be easily imported for use in a range of applications, including Microsoft PowerPoint, WebCT, and Microsoft Word. OLIVER now contains more than 9,000 images relating to many facets of veterinary science; these are annotated and supported by search engines that allow rapid access to both images and relevant information. The Web site is easily updated and adapted as required.  相似文献   

An online professional network for veterinarians, veterinary students, veterinary educationalists, and ICT (Information and Communication Technology) educationalists is being developed under the EU (European Union) Lifelong Learning Programme. The network uses Web 2.0, a term used to describe the new, more interactive version of the Internet, and includes tools such as wikis, blogs, and discussion boards. Focus groups conducted with qualified and student veterinarians within the project's five founding countries (The Netherlands, Germany, United Kingdom, Hungary, Romania) demonstrated that online professional communities can be valuable for accessing information and establishing contacts. Online networks have the potential to overcome common challenges to face-to-face communities-such as distance, cost, and timing-but they have their own drawbacks, such as security and professionalism issues. The Network Of Veterinary ICt in Education (NOVICE) was developed using Elgg, an open-source, free social networking platform, after several software options had been considered. NOVICE aims to promote the understanding of Web 2.0, confidence to use social software tools, and participation in an online community. Therefore, the Web site contains help sections, Frequently Asked Questions, and access to support from ICT experts. Five months after the network's launch (and just over one year into the project) 515 members from 28 countries had registered. Further research will include analysis of a core group's activities, which will inform ongoing support for and development of informal, lifelong learning in a veterinary context.  相似文献   

An interactive electronic atlas has been developed with the purpose of providing a scaleable overview of spatial and temporal variation in animal production and health-related information for decision and policy makers in national and international institutions. The information contained in the atlas is currently managed and presented using the Key Indicators Mapping System (KIMS), and will also be integrated using the Key Indicators Database System (KIDS). Both systems were developed by the World Agricultural Information Centre of the FAO (FAO-WAICENT), the former as a stand-alone application and the latter for access via the Internet. Components of the atlas include vector maps, livestock disease and production databases, rules for country-level disease risk classification and 'disease cards' containing basic background information on diseases included in the atlas. The disease data is currently based primarily on Office International des Epizooties (OIE) disease reports, and the livestock production data on the FAO-WAICENT database. The atlas is highly interactive and allows visual presentation of information using maps, tables and charts. It also contains links to relevant resource information on the Internet. Diseases covered in the animal health layer include most OIE List A diseases and a subset of OIE List B diseases. Extensive analyses have been conducted to develop a set of qualitative and semi-quantitative criteria that allow improved disease status classifications based on 5-years cumulative OIE disease reports, and official disease control declarations. Classification rules were determined depending on the epidemiological features of each disease and considering spatial heterogeneity of disease presence in local regions.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Computer-aided instruction (CAI) was developed to teach veterinary students how to make blood smears. This instruction was intended to replace the traditional instructional method in order to promote efficient use of faculty resources while maintaining learning outcomes and student satisfaction. OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of a computer-aided blood smear tutorial on 1) instructor's teaching time, 2) students' ability to make blood smears, and 3) students' ability to recognize smear quality. METHODS: Three laboratory sessions for senior veterinary students were taught using traditional methods (control group) and 4 sessions were taught using the CAI tutorial (experimental group). Students in the control group received a short demonstration and lecture by the instructor at the beginning of the laboratory and then practiced making blood smears. Students in the experimental group received their instruction through the self-paced, multimedia tutorial on a laptop computer and then practiced making blood smears. Data was collected from observation, interview, survey questionnaires, and smear evaluation by students and experts using a scoring rubric. RESULTS: Students using the CAI made better smears and were better able to recognize smear quality. The average time the instructor spent in the room was not significantly different between groups, but the quality of the instructor time was improved with the experimental instruction. CONCLUSIONS: The tutorial implementation effectively provided students and instructors with a teaching and learning experience superior to the traditional method of instruction. Using CAI is a viable method of teaching students to make blood smears.  相似文献   

Gross anatomy is time consuming to teach and to learn. Because the process of dissection takes up so much student time, assistance in the form of an in-lab instructional DVD program might improve student performance. The DVD could be viewed with a portable device by individual dissection groups at their tables. Groups could dissect at their own pace, with access to step-by-step demonstrations and answers to frequently asked anatomical questions. We created an instructional DVD program demonstrating dissection of the canine ventral neck and thoracic limb. The effect on student exam scores of using the DVD versus not using it was measured in a controlled, two-sample study using incoming first-year veterinary students as volunteers. Volunteers were told the study was of two different dissection methods; the DVD was not specifically mentioned until after the students were separated into two groups (Blue/DVD group and Orange/No DVD group), and then only to volunteers in the Blue group. Except for the DVD, the two groups had the same resources. The difference in scores on an exam given after a single dissection period did not differ sufficiently to conclude that DVD use raised the mean score; however, 73% of the DVD group scored 60% or higher, while only 38% of the No DVD group scored 60% or higher. The difference in mean scores overall was 2.3 points out of a possible 49, suggesting that the DVD helped students, especially those with lower scores, to earn two to three more points than they would have otherwise.  相似文献   

<正> 前言泥炭沼泽学是一门新兴的边缘科学,在我国发展和形成的历史不长。60年代东北师范大学地理系和中国科学院长春地理研究所先后建立了泥炭沼泽研究室,积极开展了对我国泥炭沼泽的考察与基础理论的研究。中国科学院南水北调考察队的泥炭沼泽专业组,在东北师范大学地理系柴  相似文献   

Access to the Internet continues to grow in rural areas, ensuring ranchers will have increasing opportunities to use the Web to find information about management practices that may provide them ecological and financial benefits. Although past studies have examined the role of the Internet in informing daily decision making by agricultural producers, no studies have focused specifically on the use of the Internet by ranchers in the western United States. This study uses a mixed-methods approach (a survey and semistructured interviews) to assess the extent and patterns of ranchers’ Internet use in Colorado and Wyoming, identify barriers to greater use, and establish a typology of Web use behavior by ranchers. Our findings indicate that Internet use is widespread and that age, education, and risk tolerance predict the extent to which a rancher will rely on the Internet for day-to-day ranch management. A cluster analysis delineated four distinct types of Web usage among ranchers: uninfluenced, focused on sales and herd management, moderately influenced, and an Internet-reliant type. Outreach personnel can use this classification to determine the potential utility of digital outreach tools for their programming on the basis of their target audience and outreach topics.  相似文献   

何丽  刘丑生  韩旭 《中国畜牧兽医》2013,40(10):188-192
作者介绍了国际畜禽遗传资源保存的研究现状与趋势,分析了细菌人工染色体(bacterial artificial chromosome,BAC)文库的发展和应用状况,阐述了BAC文库应用于畜禽遗传资源保存的特有优势,提出了建立BAC文库将成为畜禽遗传资源保存的一种重要补充形式,有利于提升畜禽遗传资源保存的安全性和长久性,也为今后进一步研究畜禽品种的特定性状提供了无可替代的材料,对实现全方位保存畜禽遗传资源具有重要的实用价值和推动作用。  相似文献   

When confronted with a novel familial disorder, veterinarians should consult McKusick's catalogue of inherited disorders in humans, called Mendelian Inheritance in Man (MIM), or its online version (OMIM), to see whether a similar disorder has been reported in humans. They should also consult the other readily available sources of comparative information on mice and domesticated species. Increasingly, such consultations can be conducted on the Internet via the World Wide Web. If it is thought that an animal disorder is homologous with a human disorder, publications describing the animal disorder should include the MIM number(s) for that disorder. Future research can then test the hypothesis of homology, until a consensus is reached.  相似文献   

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