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在早期断奶仔猪日粮中添加酸化剂 ,可使仔猪胃内容物pH值保持相对平衡 ,对改善消化道酶活性 ,提高饲料中营养物质消化吸收等均有作用。1 材料和方法选择 3 4日龄断奶长大二元杂交仔猪 72头 ,按性别、体重相近原则随机分为 3个处理 ,每个处理 2 4头 ,各设 3个重复。经检验 ,各组体重差异不显著 (P >0 0 5 )。各处理基础日粮一致 ,第 1组添加得卡肥 0 2 % ,第 2组添加双乙酸钠 0 5 % ,第 3组为对照组不加酸化剂 ,以等量玉米代替。试验猪日喂 4次 ,干粉料自由采食 ,自由饮水。试验开始和结束时早饲前空腹称重 ,试验期 15d。记录仔猪增重、…  相似文献   

为研究硝呋烯腙在断奶仔猪日粮中的应用效果,试验选取来源体重接近的杜×长×大三元杂交仔猪120头(52±2日龄、体重(13.5±0.12)kg),随机分配5个日粮处理组(每组设3个重复,每个重复8头仔猪)。5个日粮处理组为金霉素组、卡巴多组、泰乐菌素组、硝呋烯腙组及空白对照组,其中前4个试验日粮是在空白对照日粮的基础上分别添加100mg/kg金霉素、55mg/kg卡巴多、20mg/kg泰乐菌素、20mg/kg硝呋烯腙配制而成。试验全期为28d,猪只自由采食与饮水。试验结果表明试验0~12d,添加硝呋烯腙、金霉素、卡巴多、泰乐菌素的几组间采食量(ADFI)、日增重(ADG)、料重比(F/G)差异不显著,但与空白组比较差异显著(P<0.05),从全期看,硝呋烯腙组与金霉素组、卡巴多组及空白组的F/G差异显著(P<0.05),但与泰乐菌素组比较差异不显著。试验全期各组的ADFI及ADG差异不显著。硝呋烯腙组与泰乐菌素组猪只腹泻率差异不显著,但两组腹泻率均显著低于金霉素组、卡巴多组及空白组(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

本试验研究了炎热夏季高档断奶仔猪料对早期奶断(21天)仔猪生产性能的影响。结果表明:试验组比对照组在日增重、饲料转化率方面都有不同程度的提高,腹泻率和死亡率都有不同程度的降低,其中日增重、饲料转化率达差异显著水平(P<0.05)、腹泻率和死亡率差异极显著(P<0.01),极大地减少了早期断奶仔猪的综合应激。  相似文献   

为了降低断奶仔猪腹泻率,提高断奶仔猪生产性能,从而提高养猪经济效益。试验选择21日龄断奶仔猪104头,随机分成4组,分别为对照组、试验Ⅰ组、试验Ⅱ组和试验Ⅲ组。在试验期内分别在日粮中添加0、0.5%、1.0%和1.5%中草药添加剂,研究中草药对断奶仔猪生产性能及腹泻的影响。结果表明:添加1.0%中草药添加剂对断奶仔猪的采食量、日增重、饲料转化率及腹泻率的影响显著高于对照组、试验Ⅰ组和试验Ⅲ组。说明在日粮中添加适量中草药可以提高断奶仔猪生产性能和降低断奶仔猪腹泻率。  相似文献   

中药饲料添加剂对断奶仔猪生长性能的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
选用4 8头2 5日龄杜-长-大杂交断奶仔猪,按性别和体重随机分为三组。在基础日粮相同的条件下,其中两组分别添加抗生素、复方中药饲料添加剂,对照组饲喂基础日粮。断奶后饲养2 8天观察仔猪采食量、日增重、腹泻率等。结果:抗生素组和中药组仔猪日增量分别比对照组提高14 .14 % (P<0 .0 5 )、30 .5 7% (P<0 .0 1) ,而且中药组比抗生素组提高了14 .39% (P<0 .0 5 ) ;它料转化率则分别提高12 .5 %和19.71% ;抗生素组仔猪腹泻率比对照组降低4 2 .31% ,中药组则降低6 9.2 3%。试验说明该中药饲料添加剂能明显提高仔猪生产性能。  相似文献   

断奶是仔猪的最大应激之一。仔猪在断奶初期,尚未适应新环境,往往采食量少,腹泻率高,生产性能较低。为减少这一时期仔猪的应激,研究人员尝试过许多不同的方法来促进仔猪采食干饲料,刺激仔猪消化能力的形成。目的是将仔猪断奶后的腹泻,死亡等问题的发生降到最低限度。下面这篇文章将具体介绍,通过添加液体饲料可改善早期断奶仔猪的生产性能,缓和因断奶而出现的应激。  相似文献   

复合有机酸化剂对断奶仔猪生长性能的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对断奶仔猪饲料中添加复合有机酸化剂的试验研究,得出添加复合有机酸能够减轻仔猪断奶应激,日增重提高8.9%,饲料转化效率提高4.9%,断奶后仔猪腹泻率减低13.8%,有效地缓解了断奶的应激反应。  相似文献   

用32头28日龄左右断奶的杜×长.大三元杂交仔猪,根据体重、窝别、性别分为2组进行了在深圳正天康地311乳猪全价颗粒料添加湖南省粮油科学研究所研究的断奶仔猪专用添加剂的应用试验。结果表明,饲喂添加有断奶仔猪专用添加剂的仔猪增重提高64.1%,饲料利用率提高29.8%,腹泻率降低94.6%。  相似文献   

目前,在养猪生产中为了最大限度地提高母猪的繁殖力和利用强度,对仔猪普遍实行早期断奶,断奶日龄由过去的60日龄提前到25~35日龄。但仔猪早期断奶后往往会出现消化不良、饲料利用率低、生长迟缓、抗病力差等现象,其最直接  相似文献   

谷氨酰胺是一种具有特殊营养作用的条件性必需氨基酸,在促进早期断奶仔猪受损肠道的修复及维持正常的局部免疫功能中发挥着重要作用,是解决仔猪早期断奶后生长缓慢,降低腹泻率的重要手段。  相似文献   

<正>Holm(1988)和Poulsen(1989)研究发现早期断奶仔猪日粮中添加高剂量的氧化锌可以显著降低仔猪腹泻,后来一系列的研究证明高剂量氧化锌对断奶仔猪生长有促进作用(Muirhead等,1992;Hahn等,1993;Corlson等,1999;Hill等,2000),  相似文献   

The ability of feed related measures to prevent or reduce post weaning diarrhoea (PWD) was examined in a split litter study including 30 pigs from 6 litters allotted into 5 groups. Four groups were exposed to 3 pathogenic strains of E. coli via the environment at weaning. Three of them were given zinc oxide, lactose+fibres or non-pathogenic strains of E. coil as probiotics. The challenged and the unchallenged control groups were given a standard creep feed. Diarrhoea was observed in all challenged groups but not among uninfected animals, and the incidence of diarrhoea was lower in the group given nonpathogenic E. coli compared to all other challenged groups. The severity of PWD also differed between litters. When corrected for mortality due to PWD, a decreased incidence of diarrhoea was also seen in the groups given zinc oxide or lactose+fibres. The dominating serotype of E. coil within faecal samples varied from day to day, also among diarrhoeic pigs, indicating that diarrhoea was not induced by one single serotype alone. The diversity of the faecal coliform populations decreased in all piglets during the first week post weaning, coinciding with an increased similarity between these populations among pigs in the challenged groups. This indicated an influence of the challenge strains, which ceased during the second week. The group given lactose+fibres was least affected with respect to these parameters. In conclusion feed related measures may alleviate symptoms of PWD.  相似文献   

Feed intake was investigated in early weaned pigs housed in two environments. In the first experiment, pigs in an unfamiliar environment (removed from the sow and placed in nursery pens) were offered a dry diet either ad libitum or at different meal intervals (2, 4 and 6 h). Regardless of meal interval (ad libitum or hourly intervals), early weaned (21 d) pigs failed to consume sufficient feed for maintenance during the first 3 d postweaning. Pigs provided feed ad libitum consumed more (P less than .001) feed (142 vs 84 g/d) and gained more (P less than .05) weight (57 vs 3 g/d) than meal-fed pigs over the 7-d period. Pigs fed at 2-h intervals consumed more (P less than .001) feed than pigs fed at 4-h or 6-h intervals. Compared with preweaning levels (307 mu eq/liter), plasma free fatty acid (FFA) levels increased approximately fourfold by d 1 postweaning (1,372 mu eq/liter), then decreased through d 7 to levels below preweaning (142 mu eq/liter). The FFA levels were not affected (P greater than .1) by meal interval. In a second experiment, feed intake was investigated in weaned pigs that were allowed to consume food by a familiar method and in a familiar environment (suckling the sow). When allowed to nurse following a 24-h weaning period, weaned pigs consumed (24.3 +/- 2.8 g/suckling) the same amount (P greater than .1) as non-weaned littermates (28.7 +/- 1.8 g/suckling).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

有机微量元素对断奶仔猪生长发育和饲料利用率的影响   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
纪孙瑞 《中国饲料》2002,(21):10-10
以无机盐和氧化物形式提供给动物各种微量元素 ,不仅元素利用率低 ,而且还可能氧化破坏配合饲料和添加剂预混料中的其他活性营养物质。因此 ,人们开始对有机微量元素 (氨基酸螯合物 )进行了不断的探索。 1 977年Ashmead博士报道铁螯合物可以预防仔猪缺铁性贫血。 1 989年美国饲料监察局的官方出版物中 ,载入了多种金属元素氨基酸螯合物以及被称为“金属元素蛋白盐”的复合物。 1 994年东北农业大学许丽等报道 ,在围产期向母猪日粮中添加甘氨酸铁 ,仔猪生后不补铁可以达到预防和治疗仔猪贫血的目的。本试验以无机微量元素为对照组 ,研…  相似文献   

4种教槽料对断奶仔猪生长性能、腹泻和皮毛的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验选取160头体重7.02.4±0.505kg的健康断奶仔猪,随机分4个处理,每个处理4个重复,每个重复10头猪。分别饲喂粉料^组、扮料B组、颗粒料C组和粉料D组。结果表明:断奶后10d试验期内,扮料A组仔猪采食量和日增重均显著高于粉料B组和颗柱料C组(P〈0.05),与粉料D组差异不显著(P〉0.05);粉料B组和颗粒料C组采食量.日增重均差异显著(P〈0.05)。粉料A组仔猪料肉比与扮料B组和颗粒料C组差异均显著(P〈0.0,5),与粉料D组相比,粉料A组料肉比降低4.76%。腹泻率和腹泻指数粉料A组和粉料D组间差异不显著(P〉0.05),但与粉料B组和颗拉料C组间差异显著(P〈0.05)。除颗粒料C组皮毛指数与各组存在显著差异外(P〈0.05),各组间均差异不显著(P〉0.05)。以上结果表明,粉料A和粉料D提高断奶仔猪生产性能、降低仔猪腹泻率、生产效果最佳。  相似文献   

Six studies involving 700 pigs were conducted in five separate swine research facilities to evaluate weight gain and efficiency of feed utilization in pigs fed the antibiotic efrotomycin. Pigs averaging 8.4 kg at the beginning of the studies were fed fortified corn-soybean meal diets that contained efrotomycin at 0, 2, 4, 8 or 16 ppm for an average of 120 d to market weight, about 92.1 kg. Pigs fed efrotomycin gained 5.9 to 8.9% faster (P less than .01) and were 1.7 to 4.0% more efficient (P less than .01) than those fed control diets. The improvement in growth rate was linear from 2 through 16 ppm, while feed efficiency (gain/feed) plateaued at 4 ppm efrotomycin. Treatment X study interactions were not significant for average daily gain or feed efficiency, showing that the response to efrotomycin was similar in each study. These studies indicate that efrotomycin is effective in improving gain and efficiency of feed utilization in swine from weaning until market weight.  相似文献   

饲料中谷氨酰胺及丙氨酰谷氨酰胺的测定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高效液相色谱荧光检测法测定饲料中的谷氨酰胺和丙氨酰谷氨酰胺 ,采用Spherisorb ,C1 8色谱柱 ,OPA衍生 ,荧光检测器检测。实验证实 ,这是一种快速、简单、准确、灵敏度和精密度较好的测定方法 ,可用于饲料中游离谷氨酰胺和丙氨酰谷氨酰胺二肽的分析。  相似文献   

Practical evidence suggests possible beneficial effects with the combined use of prebiotics and probiotics which can improve production parameters. The objective of the study was to investigate the addition of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (SC) as prebiotic and the combination of Lactobacillus spp. (L), Bacillus spp. (B) as probiotics on productive parameters and economic feasibility. Four hundred male pigs, hybrids of commercial genetic lines (Pietrain), were used: T1 = control group, T2 = 4 kg/tonne SC, T3 = 0.8 kg/tonne feed L and B, T4 = 4 kg/tonne SC + 0.8 kg/tonne L and B. Productive parameters were recorded in the treatment groups for four periods. Then, the viscera of five pigs per treatment were collected after slaughter to evaluate the histological changes and cytokine concentrations in the ileum. The weight gains of groups at 70–100, 100–125 and 125–150 days in the T4 group showed statistically increases (p < .05). Feed intake had a significant difference (p < .05) in T3 versus T1. The feed‐conversion ratio improved for all periods in the T4 group (p < .05). The eosinophil, mononuclear infiltration and cytokines (tumor necrosis factor‐α and interleukin‐6) in the mucosa were lower for treatments with probiotics. In conclusion, there was an economic benefit when using both prebiotics and probiotics in the diet of pigs from weaning to finishing.  相似文献   

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