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The effect of sewage sludge application, as a source of phosphorus, on dinitrogen symbiotic fixation in soybean was evaluated. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse and included eight different treatments: (1) no fertilization, (2) complete fertilization, (3) inoculation with rhizobia plus phosphate fertilization (IS+P), (4) inoculation with rhizobia without phosphate fertilization (IS-P), (5) inoculation plus dose 1 of sewage sludge (IS+SS1), (6) inoculation plus dose 2 of sewage sludge (IS+SS2), (7) without inoculation plus dose 1 of sewage sludge, and (8) without inoculation plus dose 2 of sewage sludge. The two rates of sewage amendment corresponded to 11.2 t ha-1 and 22.4 t ha-1 and were calculated on the basis of the sewage phosphorus content and the amount of phosphorus recommended for soybean fertilization. Results were evaluated 49 and 63 days after plant emergence. Nodule number and weight decreased as follows: IS+P>IS+SS1, IS+SS2>IS-P. No nodules were formed without inoculation. The acetylene reduction activity was highest for the IS+P treatment 49 days after plant emergence. At the 63-day harvest that parameter was similar among IS+P, IS+SS1 and IS+SS2 treatments. The total amounts of nitrogen in shoots were similar for IS+P, IS+SS1 and IS+SS2 treatments at the first harvest but by 63 days after plant emergence, total amounts of nitrogen in above-ground parts (shoot and pods) were higher in IS+P and IS+SS2. This was due to higher pod dry weights. This study demonstrated that soybean growth can be improved by sewage sludge at a low application rate without the necessity of additional phosphorus fertilization.  相似文献   


Biochar has attained significant attention as a beneficial soil amendment amongst growers and researchers. However, the impact of particle size of biochar is yet to be investigated. Here in the present study, we studied three particle sizes (<2?mm, 2–5?mm, and >5?mm) of biochar and two rhizobia strains (Rhizobium leguminoserum (RL) and Rhizogold (RG)) for their effect on the uptake and efficiency of nitrogen (N) in lentils. The two years experiment followed a randomized complete block design with split plot arrangement replicated three times. The data revealed that grain N, straw N, N uptake, N recovery efficiency (NRE), and N agronomic efficiency (NAE) were maximum with biochar smallest size (<2?mm). However, the N physiological efficiency, number of branches and plant height decreased with reduced particle size. Furthermore, the smallest particle size showed more number of pod plant?1. Biofertilizer strain (RL and RG) significantly increased the straw N but not the grain N. Both strains showed increased NRE and NAE, however, the RL demonstrated 7% more grain N than the RG. Both strains (RL and RG) demonstrated 16% and 20% increase in number of branches plant?1, 62% and 48% in plant height and 2% and 5% in root length, respectively. The RL strain improved the number of branches plant?1 at the lowest (<2?mm) and medium size (2–5?mm) particles size but both RL and RG strains demonstrated increased plant height under the maximum particle size. These results indicated that a mere increase in surface area with decreasing biochar particle size may not serve for enhancing biofertilizer strains performance since reducing particle size may immobilize the starter N applied. However, reducing particle size effect on N cycling into soil plant system was favorable.  相似文献   

We investigated both the current status of N2 fixation in western Washington forests, and the potential effects of acid rain on this vital process. Even the low concentrations of SO2 presently found in the Northwest are thought to have an adverse effect on N2 fixation by limiting the distribution of the epiphytic N2-fixing lichen, Lobaria pulmonaria, which is found mainly in deciduous forests. A close relative, L. oregana, was found to be the major N2 fixer in old-growth coniferous forests. It fixes less N2 following exposure to H2SO4 of pH 4 or less. A more serious threat to N2 fixation than acid rain is the practice of deliberately suppressing red alder to keep it from competing with Douglas fir. Also, L. oregana is a late successional species and does not develop in forests where short cutting cycles are practiced.  相似文献   

The Interaction between the effects of nitrate (NO3) and sodium chloride (NaCl) concentration on growth) water relations, nitrogen (N) contents and N fixation were investigated in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L. cv. Magali). The plants were grown hydroponically in a growth chamber, in the presence or absence of 3 mM potassium nitrate (KNO3) and exposed to various concentrations of NaCl. Increased salinity resulted in a significant decrease in shoot and root biomass, relative water content and water potential. Shoot growth was more inhibited by NaCl than root biomass. The plants grown in the presence of NO3 were slightly less affected by NaCl than the plants dependent on N fixation for their N nutrition. Nitrogenase activity measured by acetylene reduction activity was substantially inhibited by NaCl, and this inhibition was significantly correlated to the inhibition of shoot growth and total N contents. The comparison of the curves of ARA response to oxygen (O2) partial pressure showed that the salt‐induced inhibition of nitrogenase activity was associated with a significant increase in the critical O2 pressure of the nodules exposed to NaCl. This result shows that NaCl decreases the nodule permeability to O2 diffusion in undeterminate nodule of alfalfa, like previously shown with determinate nodules of soybean.  相似文献   

Short- and long-term experiments were conducted in the rice fields of Valencia, Spain, to determine the ecological significance of ammonium on nitrogen fixation. A significant inhibition of nitrogenase activity by ammonium, at concentrations higher than 0.5mM, was observed after 8h of incubation in short-term experiments done with a bloom of the N2-fixing cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. In a second set of short-term experiments for in situ assays of nitrogenase activity in the field, a significant correlation between nitrogenase activity and the number of N2-fixing cyanobacteria in soil was found. No significant inhibition of nitrogenase activity by ammonium at concentrations up to 2mM was observed in these assays after 24h of incubation. This lack of inhibition was probably due to the rapid decrease in ammonium content in the flood water. Only 5% of the ammonium initially added remained in the water 24h later. In the long-term experiments, nitrogenase activity was assayed in plots fertilized with 0, 70 and 140kgNha–1, over the cultivation cycle, for 5 years. A partial inhibition of nitrogenase activity by deep-placed N fertilizers was observed. Differences were only significant in 2 years. Mean results from 5 years only showed significant differences between plots fertilized with 0 and 140kgNha–1. The partial inhibition of nitrogenase activity by ammonium increased over the cultivation cycle. Inhibition was only significant in September, at the end of the cultivation cycle. Received: 28 January 1996  相似文献   

Over half of the 21 Mha of soybean planted in Brazil is now transgenic glyphosate-resistant (GMRR). A field experiment was carried out to investigate whether the application of glyphosate or imazethapyr to the GMRR variety reduced the input of N2 fixation (BNF). No effects on yield, total N accumulation, nodulation and BNF (δ15N) could be assigned to the genetic modification of the plant. Imazethapyr reduced soybean yield but had no significant effect on BNF. Even though yields were not affected by glyphosate, the significant reduction of nodule mass and BNF to the GMRR suggests that the use of this herbicide could lead to an increased dependence on soil N and consequently an eventual decrease of SOM reserves.  相似文献   

Nitrogen-fixation was measured in illuminated laboratory incubations of soils containing different concentrations of Zn, Cu, Ni and Cd. The soils were taken from field experiments that had received either farmyard manure (low-metal soils) between 1942–67 or metal-contaminated sewage-sludge (high-metal soils) between 1942–61 so that the last metal inputs from sewage-sludge were more than 20 years ago.Colonies of blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) and other microorganisms developed rapidly on the surface of low-metal soil and after a 14 day lag there was a rapid increase in rate of C2H2-reduction, indicative of N2-fixation. C2H2-reduction reached a maximum rate after about 28 days then slowly declined. In contrast, colonisation of the surface of high-metal soil was very much poorer. C2H2-reduction only commenced after 50 days, reaching only about a third of the rate in the low-metal soil by 118 days, when the experiment ended.In another experiment the low-metal soil fixed about 10 times as much 15N-labelled N2 as the high-metal soil. The ratio C2H2 reduced-to-N2 fixed was 5.Measurements of total C2H2-reduction were made during a 60 day incubation on soils sampled on a transect from the middle of a low-metal farmyard manure (FYM) plot to the middle of a high-metal sludge plot. There was a negative correlation (r = −0.78) between total C2H2-reduction and increasing distance along the transect, corresponding to increasing soil concentrations of Zn, Cu, Ni and Cd with increasing distance. Total C2H2-reduction was decreased by 50% at about 50 μg EDTA-extractable Zn, 20 μg Cu, 2.5 μg Ni and 3 μg total Cd g−1 soil. Because the amounts of metals in the soils were closely correlated with each other there was a similar relationship with Zinc Equivalent. At half the current permitted U.K. metal loading based on Zinc Equivalent, C2H2-reduction was also decreased by about 50%.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) is a major nutrient factor influencing nitrogen (N) accumulation and partitioning of photosynthates in plants, especially the symbiotic N2‐fixation in legumes. This study was conducted to investigate how P application (0, 20, 40, and 60 kg P2O5/ha) affects symbiotic N2‐fixation of three cultivars (C 235, Pusa 408, and Pusa 417) of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Application of P in general significantly increased leaf area, shoot dry weight, and the rate of acetylene (C2H2) reduction. Phosphorus concentration of shoots and roots, soluble sugar content of nodules, and shoot N accumulation were also significantly increased, especially by P at the 40 kg P2O5/ha rate. The P concentration in nodules was, however, not affected by different levels of P. The Pusa 417 cultivar responded better than the others to the P treatments. Phosphorus‐deficient plants accumulated sugar in their leaves. The interaction effect was found significant on leaf area, shoot dry weight, nodule number, and shoot N accumulation. Pusa 417 gave greatest response to 40 kg P2O5/ha but Pusa 408 and C 235 interacted best with the 20 kg P2O5/ha rate only. The increased nodulation and symbiotic N2‐fixation on P application seem to be the result of morphologically advanced shoots which are making more photosynthates for transport to nodules and not the direct effect of P on the nodules.  相似文献   

The influence of six pesticides, applied singly or in combination, on 15N2 incorporation and C2H2 reduction in a submerged paddy soil was studied under laboratory conditions. While the application of diazinon had no marked effect, benomyl, carbofuran, parathion, nitrofen and γ-HCH, at concentrations close to recommended field application rates (5μg ?1) significantly stimulated N2 fixation. Synergistic stimulatory effects of the pesticides on N2 fixation were evident particularly in combinations of carbofuran with benomyl, nitrofen and γ-HCH. On the contrary, diazinon slightly retarded the stimulatory effect of benomyl and carbofuran. Results indicated that the differential effects of pesticides on N2 fixation could be attributed partly to fluctuations in the population of certain groups of N2 fixers in submerged soil.  相似文献   

The effect of 50, 100, 150, and 400 μg sodium pentachlorophenate (Na-PCP) per gram soil was studied in nonsterile soil incubated under aerobic and anaerobic conditions, and in sterilized soil inoculated withAzotobacter sp. isolated from the soil. N2 fixation was determined by acetylene reduction. Pentachlorophenate at a concentration of 50 μg g?1 had an inhibitory effect in nonsterile soil incubated aerobically while strong inhibition of dinitrogen fixation in nonsterile soil occurred in the presence of 100 μg g?1 and above. The EC50 values for the inhibition of nitrogenase activity in nonsterile soil incubated aerobically and anaerobically and in sterilized soil inoculated withAzotobacter sp. suspensions were 49.8±1.4 μg Na-PCP g?1, 186.8±2.8 μg Na-PCP g?1, and 660.8±29.3 μg Na-PCP g?1, respectively.  相似文献   

The effect of three pesticides, benomyl, carbofuran and gamm-BHC at 5 parts 106, rates equivalent to recommended field levels, on the heterotrophic N2 fixation in five air-dried, cellulose-amended, submerged tropical soils was invevstigated employing 15N tracer technique under laboratory conditions. Addition of benomyl, a carbamate fungicide, to alluvial, laterite and two acid sulphate soils resulted in significant increases in N2 fixation, while carbofuran, a methylcarbamate insecticide, exerted a stimulatory effect on N2 fixation in alluvial, alterite and acid saline soils. Gamma-BHC, a chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticide, stimulated N2 fixation in alluvial and acid sulphate pokkali solis, while considerable inhibition of N2 fixation was evident inother soils. Results showed differential responses of specific groups of N2-fixing organisms to the pesticides depending ont he soil type.  相似文献   

The effect of increasing amounts of nitrogen (nitrate or urea) on the nitrogen fixing capacity (acetylene reduction assay = ARA), growth (fresh and dry weight) and the number of stem- and root-nodules of the tropical legume Aeschynomene afraspera was studied in hydroponic cultures (in growth cabinet) as well as in pot experiments (field conditions). The experiments were carried out at Dakar in the rainy season of 1985. Plants were grown in the presence of 6 nitrate concentrations (0,3,6,9,12 and 15 mM N/l) in hydroponic solution and with 4 urea concentrations (0,50,100 and 200 kg N/ha) in pots. In both types of experiments, root nodulation and ARA were strongly inhibited by increasing amounts of mineral nitrogen. Stem nodulation and potential nitrogen fixation of stems, however, remained unaffected. Lower amounts of mineral nitrogen even enhanced growth as well as nitrogen fixation. The possible future of this remarkable plant as green manure or fodder in low input countries of the tropics is discussed.  相似文献   

Insect honeydew stimulation of soil non-symbiotic nitrogen fixation was investigated. Microcosm experiments showed that single sugar solutions added to soils at rates approximating honeydew deposition increased N2 fixation rates. The common honeydew sugar, melezitose, did not stimulate N2 fixation to a greater extent than any other honeydew sugar tested.  相似文献   


The specific mechanism by which nitrogen application affects nodulation and nitrogen fixation in legume crops remains uncertain. To further study the effects of nitrogen application on soybean nodulation and nitrogen accumulation, three consecutive tests were performed during the VC-V4, V4-R1 (10 days), and R1-R2 (10 days) growth periods of soybean. In a dual-root soybean system, seedlings on one side were watered with a nutrient solution containing NH4+ or NO3? as the N source (N+ side), and those on the other side were watered with a nitrogen-free nutrient solution (N- side). During the VC-R2 period, on the N+ side, high nitrogen treatment inhibited nodule growth and nitrogenase activity (EC, and the inhibition was significantly increased with increasing high nitrogen supply time (10 days, 20 days). When the high nitrogen treatment time reached 20 days, the specific nitrogenase activity (C2H4 μmol?1 g?1 nodule dry mass h?1) was similar to that in the low nitrogen treatment, indicating that the nitrogen fixation capacity per gram of dry mass nodules was almost the same. Therefore, it is assumed that long-term high nitrogen treatment mainly reduces nitrogen fixation by reducing the nodule number. The effect of nitrogen concentration on the roots on the N+ side was greater than that on the N- side. Taken together, these results indicate that nitrogen application affects a contact-dependent local inhibition of root nodule growth, nitrogenase activity, and nitrogen accumulation. The whole plant systematically regulates specific nitrogenase activity, and high nitrogen inhibition is recoverable.  相似文献   

Acetyle reduction and 15N studies showed that the addition of sulfate to flooded soil with rice straw enhanced N2 fixation. The extent of the enhancement was dependent on the sulfate concentration. Sulfate also increased the population of SO42? reducing bacteria and was completely reduced to sulfide by those microorganisms. Purified cultures of soil isolates were capable of C2H2 reduction. Based on this evidence, SO42? reducing bacteria were considered responsible for the increase in N2 fixation but only 1–2 mg N2 were fixed g1? SO42? reduced. We conclude that the contribution of SO42? reducing bacteria to the total N2 fixation in flooded soil is unimportant.  相似文献   

Plant‐growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR), in conjuction with efficient Rhizobium, can affect the growth and nitrogen fixation in pigeonpea by inducing the occupancy of introduced Rhizobium in the nodules of the legume. This study assessed the effect of different plant‐growth promoting rhizobacteria (Azotobacter chroococcum , Azospirillum brasilense, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Pseudomonas putida and Bacillus cereus) on pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L) Milsp.) cv. P‐921 inoculated with Rhizobium sp. (AR‐2–2 k). A glasshouse experiment was carried out with a sandy‐loam soil in which the seeds were treated with Rhizobium alone or in combination with several PGPR isolates. It was monitored on the basis of nodulation, N2 fixation, shoot biomass, total N content in shoot and legume grain yield. The competitive ability of the introduced Rhizobium strain was assessed by calculating nodule occupancy. The PGPR isolates used did not antagonize the introduced Rhizobium strain and the dual inoculation with either Pseudomonas putida, P. fluorescens or Bacillus cereus resulted in a significant increase in plant growth, nodulation and enzyme activity over Rhizobium‐inoculated and uninoculated control plants. The nodule occupancy of the introduced Rhizobium strain increased from 50% (with Rhizobium alone) to 85% in the presence of Pseudomonas putida. This study enabled us to select an ideal combination of efficient Rhizobium strain and PGPR for pigeonpea grown in the semiarid tropics.  相似文献   


The rapidly growing, woody perennial legume, Leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit), is adaptable to a wide range of neotropical soil conditions. Effective Rhizobium inoculation and endophyte mycorrhizal colonization are essential for high levels of production and symbiotic N2 fixation. The objective of this study was to determine growth, nodulation, nitrogenase activity and nodule composition of inoculated Leucaena as affected by mycorrhizal colonization and factorial soil fertility treatments of a Typic Eutrustox. Highly significant increases in top growth, nodule fresh wt. and nitrogenase activity resulted with Glomus fasciculatum colonization, soil K and linear increases with low‐soluble P fertilization to 300 mg P kg‐1 soil. Highly significant interactions for increased nodulation and nitrogenase activity resulted with K × mycorrhiza. Interactions of all three factors P, K and mycorrhiza were highly significant for nodule fresh wt. However, responses comparing inoculation with G. fasciculatum and with combined G. fasciculatum, G. microcarpus and G. clavium were not significant. Highly significant increases with applied K levels to 300 mg K kg‐1 soil resulted with top and root growth, nodulation and nitrogenase when applied with soluble P at 100 mg kg‐1 soil and 500 mg Ca kg‐1 soil. Significant and highly significant interactions of P, Ca and K level resulted for all parameters. Plant nutrient element composition of nodules increased with the fertilization treatments for P, Ca and increased K levels. A highly significant inverse relation was apparent with decreased Na resulting with increased K levels. Half or more of total nodule K, P and Mg but less than 20% of Ca and Na were within the nodule cytosol. Sodium, Mg, P, and Ca decreased in the cytosol fraction with increased K content.  相似文献   

Abstract. Nitrogen-fixing micro-organisms contain the metalloenzyme nitrogenase, which can be separated into two proteins with molecular weights of approximately 58000 and 220000. Molybdenum held with iron and sulphide atoms in the cofactor (FeMoco) cluster of the larger protein is probably responsible for binding and reduction of dinitrogen (N2). X-ray absorption spectroscopy indicates that the moybdenum is surrounded by three oxygen (or nitrogen) atoms, three irons and three sulphurs. Synthetic clusters with similar X-ray absorption structures to FeMoco do not, however, interact with dinitrogen. Many metal compounds, such as those with tertiary phosphines as co-ligands, can bind dinitrogen, and some containing molybdenum can also reduce it in acidic solution to produce ammonia via several intermediate compounds. These may be developed for production of ammonia fertilizer.  相似文献   

异株克生来源的生理活性物质对植株—固氮菌这一宏微观共生体间的相互作用、共生或联合固氮关系的形成、发展及有效性起着重要的作用 ,及其生产实践意义  相似文献   

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